+prepare("UPDATE tsw_details
+ SET prv = :prv
+ WHERE idd = :idd
+ ");
+ $stmt->bindValue(':idd', $prv_idd);
+ $stmt->bindValue(':prv', $prv);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ if($stmt){
Data entered
+ Article Made Private Successfully!
+" . $dbh->error;
+ }
+$dbh = null;
+ $update->execute(array($prv,$pub_idd));
+ if($update){
Data changed to PUBLIC
+ Information UPDATED to PUBLIC status Successfully!
+" . $dbh->error;
+ }
+$dbh = null;
+ $delete->execute(array($rmv_idd));
+ if($delete){
Deleted Entry
+ Information DELETED Successfully!
+" . $dbh->error;
+ }
+$dbh = null;
+prepare("UPDATE tsw_settings
+ SET paginate = :paginate
+ WHERE ids = :ids
+ ");
+ $stmt->bindValue(':paginate', $paginate);
+ $stmt->bindValue(':ids', $ids);
+ if ($stmt->execute())
+ {
+ // grab the new paginate value
+ $stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT paginate
+ FROM tsw_settings
+ WHERE ids = :idss
+ ");
+ $stmt->bindValue(':idss', $idss);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0){
+ $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ $paginate = $row['paginate'];
+ }
Data entered
+ Pagination Updated Successfully! Articles per page
Data entered
+ Pagination did not update - try again please.
+prepare("UPDATE tsw_settings
+ SET noreply = :noreply
+ WHERE ids = :ids
+ ");
+ $stmt->bindValue(':noreply', $noreply);
+ $stmt->bindValue(':ids', $ids);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ if($stmt){
Data entered
+ Responses Turned Off Successfully!
+" . $dbh->error;
+ }
+$dbh = null;
+prepare("UPDATE tsw_settings
+ SET sortby = :sortby
+ WHERE ids = :ids
+ ");
+ $stmt->bindValue(':sortby', $sortby);
+ $stmt->bindValue(':ids', $ids);
+ $stmt->execute();
+ if($stmt){
Data entered
+ Sort Order Changed Successfully!
+" . $dbh->error;
+ }
+$dbh = null;