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Part: Getting Started

Chapter: Welcome

Chapter: N3C Patients

The 1.5 million patients are collected from 60 US institutions

Section: Covid-Positive Patients

Section: Covid-Negative Patients

Chapter: For Individual Researchers

Section: User Registration

Section: Data Use Request

Subsection: Privacy Level

Level 0, 1, & 2 ...

Section: Domain Teams

Chapter: For Institutions

Subsection: Data Use Agreement

Part: Personnel

Each section in this chapter/part has two goals: (a) describe the roles needed for a typical N3C investigation and (b) help Site PIs understand and hire the appropriate skills and experience.

Each role is described how they fit into a project. Then an example description is provided that can be customized by an institution hiring for the position.

Chapter: Personnel Verticals

Section: Lead Investigator

Section: Subject Matter Expert

Section: Project Manager

Section: Statistician

Section: Administrator

Chapter: Expertise Levels

Section: Grad Students

Section: Site PI

Part: Data Structure

Chapter: OMOP

The OMOP Common Data Model is developed and maintained by OHDSI

Section: Need for a Common Data Model

Section: Upstream Sources

An EMR does not store data in an OMOP-compliant format. Transaction vs Warehouse architecture. Translated to OMOP from EMR or PCoreNet or...

Section: Common N3C-OMOP Gotchas

Chapter: Codesets

Chapter: N3C-Specific Tables

Chapter: Checklist for Analysis/Submission

Curated list of recommendations that should be considered before taking an analysis too seriously. Similar to R's Checklist for CRAN submissions. David Sahner suggested to organize it by OMOP domain (or maybe source table). Maybe there's a priority icon that identicates if this is potentially a huge problem if ignored (e.g., the hypothesis direction could be flipped) or a minor problem (e.g., the coefficients might be a little off).

Part: N3C Ecosystem

Chapter: Palantir Enclave

Section: Code Workbook

Section: Code Repository

Section: Fusion

Section: Other Enclave Applications

Quick overview of the less-important & less-frequent parts of the Enclave.

Chapter: Architecture

Section: Choosing the Right Tool for each part of the Project

As described in the N3C Ecosystem chapter, a single pipeline can easily integrate SQL, Python, and R code. This flexibility allows your team to mix and match the tools to best suit the team's needs and abilities.

We recommend that typical projects use SQL Transforms for the data manipulation and use Python or Spark Transforms for the analysis.

For the past 30 years, SQL has been the de facto language for large datasets like the N3C. It is well-suited for efficiently (a) selecting patients following exacting selection criteria, (b) joining a variety of predictor and outcome variables from multiple tables, and (c) producing a dataset better suited for analyses. Consequently it is a common ability for people in data science and IT.

To capitalize on the well-established SQL base, Spark and other data-centric applications expose a SQL-like API. Spark stores and manipulates data very differently than traditional relational database engines, however Hive and Spark SQL allow developers to transform data following familiar concepts and syntax.

Our rule of thumb is to transform it in SQL if SQL can comfortable transform it. Otherwise use R or Python to transform it.

When decided whether to

Section: Dataset Caching

Section: Dataset Visibility

Section: Template

Chapter: Study Design for Secondary Use of Electronic Health Data

Part: Enclave Transforms

Chapter: SQL Transforms

Chapter: Python Transforms

Chapter: R Transforms

{SQL|Python|R} has many books for all levels of experience. This chapter doesn't try to reproduce that body of work. We first introduce the basics of {SQL|Python|R} needed to complete a basic N3C example. We then emphasize the differences between using {SQL|Python|R} in Enclave vs in a more conventional environment. Finally we suggest sources to further your {SQL|Python|R} education.

Chapter: Spark Transforms

Compared to SQL, Python, and R,

Part: Analysis III

Chapter: Tool Grab Bag

Section: Site Selection

Section: Parallel Collaboration

Section: Incorporating External Datasets

The N3C patients are collected

Chapter: Reproducibility

Like most empirical investigations using patient data, tradeoffs must be considered tha balance the competing priorities of transparency of the researcher vs protection of the patient.

Section: Permission to Download

Chapter: Publication Process

Part: Style Guide

Using a consistent style across your projects can decrease the overhead as your data science team discusses options, decides on a good choice, and develops in compliant code. But like in most themes in this document, the cost is worth the effort. Unforced code errors are reduced when code is consistent, because mistake-prone styles are more apparent.

{Copied from}

Chapter: Naming

Chapter: Sandbox to Production Code

Part: Start-to-Finish Examples

Chapter: Investigation - Rural Health Disparities


  1. Primary Goals
  2. DUR
  3. Funding
  4. Personnel
  5. Coding
  6. Analysis
  7. Manuscript Development
  8. Biggest Challenges
  9. What we'd do differently if starting from scratch

{Should there be an example for a (a) domain team investivation vs (b) non domain team investigation?}

Chapter: Graduate School Summer Course - Simpson's Paradox

An N3C project has many appealing characteristics to instructors developing a two-month course: (a) the data are already collected, documented, and available, (b) the hardware requirements are negligible because the NIH Spark Cluster...

Chapter: Peter Robinson's ML Pipeline Group

{They already have existing examples that David Sahner thinks would be a great fit for the book.}