I get a lot of 502 since yesterday #339
For some reason, when a user's downloads the watch history for a particular show, Trakt sends back a 502. Is it only me that has this issue or is it a general problem ? Edit: Checking the logs, I can see that different users with different devices have this problem. and it seems that they get 502 on different endpoints. some receive it on episode summary, some on watch progress, and some on the user's last activity endpoint |
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Yes, there seems to be an issue with a few endpoints. I am also receiving these errors. |
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Can confirm. Started 2022-04-13, affects various API calls, at least 1800 affected installations/users over the last two days. Not seeing it myself (Germany). So likely regional? |
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Same issue here in the uk |
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I've also been experiencing similar errors on my end since yesterday afternoon. On a related note, is there an uptime status page available? Such a page would be useful in situations like this. Thanks! |
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It looks like it is back up |
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https://twitter.com/traktapi/status/1514682311337394178 No more 502 reports since around 2022-04-14 6:00pm UTC in my case. |
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It was very stable yesterday evening (EST), but as of this morning the slowness seems to have returned, and I'm getting occasional 502's. |
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No more 502 reports since around 2022-04-14 6:00pm UTC in my case.