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treastrain edited this page May 16, 2021 · 9 revisions


An interface for interacting with a FeliCa™ tag.

public struct FeliCaTag 

FeliCa is a trademark of Sony Corporation.



os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
    public var currentSystemCode: Data 


os(iOS) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
    public var currentIDm: Data 



Sends the Polling command as defined by FeliCa card specification to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func polling(systemCode: Data, requestCode: FeliCaPollingRequestCode, timeSlot: FeliCaPollingTimeSlot, resultHandler: @escaping (Result<FeliCaPollingResponse, Error>) -> Void) 

System code must be one of the provided values in the "" in the Info.plist; NFCReaderErrorSecurityViolation will be returned when an invalid system code is used. Polling with wildcard value in the upper or lower byte is not supported.


  • systemCode: Designation of System Code. Wildcard value (0xFF) in the upper or the lower byte is not supported.
  • requestCode: Designation of Requset Data output.
  • timeSlot: Maximum number of slots possible to respond.
  • resultHandler: Returns FeliCaPollingResponse or a NFCErrorDomain error when the operation is completed. Valid requestData is return when requestCode is a non-zero parameter and feature is supported by the tag. The currentIDm property will be updated on each execution, except when an invalid systemCode is provided and the existing selected system will stay selected.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func polling(systemCode: Data, requestCode: FeliCaPollingRequestCode, timeSlot: FeliCaPollingTimeSlot, completionHandler: @escaping (Data, Data, Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Read Without Encryption command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func readWithoutEncryption(serviceCodeList: [Data], blockList: [Data], resultHandler: @escaping (Result<(FeliCaStatusFlag, [Data]), Error>) -> Void) 

Read Without Encrypton command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • serviceCodeList: Service Code list represented in an array of Data objects. Number of nodes specified should be between 1 to 16 inclusive. Each service code should be 2 bytes stored in Little Endian format.
  • blockList: Block List represent in an array of Data objects. 2-Byte or 3-Byte block list element is supported.
  • resultHandler: Completion handler called when the operation is completed. Valid read data blocks (block length of 16 bytes) are returned in an array of Data objects when Status Flag 1 equals zero.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func readWithoutEncryption(serviceCodeList: [Data], blockList: [Data], completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Int, [Data], Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Write Without Encryption command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func writeWithoutEncryption(serviceCodeList: [Data], blockList: [Data], blockData: [Data], resultHandler: @escaping (Result<FeliCaStatusFlag, Error>) -> Void) 

Write Without Encrypton command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • serviceCodeList: Service Code list represented in an array of Data objects. Number of nodes specified should be between 1 to 16 inclusive. Each service code should be 2 bytes stored in Little Endian format.
  • blockList: Block List represent in an array of Data objects. Total blockList items and blockData items should match. 2-Byte or 3-Byte block list element is supported.
  • blockData: Block data represent in an array of Data objects. Total blockList items and blockData items should match. Data block should be 16 bytes in length.
  • resultHandler: Returns NFCFeliCaStatusFlag or a NFCErrorDomain error when operation is completed.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func writeWithoutEncryption(serviceCodeList: [Data], blockList: [Data], blockData: [Data], completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Int, Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Request Response command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func requestResponse(resultHandler: @escaping (Result<Int, Error>) -> Void) 

Request Response command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • resultHandler: Returns the mode as Int or a NFCErrorDomain error when the operation is completed. Valid mode value ranges from 0 to 3 inclusively.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func requestResponse(completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Request Service command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func requestService(nodeCodeList: [Data], resultHandler: @escaping (Result<[Data], Error>) -> Void) 

Request Service command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • nodeCodeList: Node Code list represented in an array of Data objects. Number of nodes specified should be between 1 to 32 inclusive. Each node code should be 2 bytes stored in Little Endian format.
  • resultHandler: Completion handler called when the operation is completed. Node key version list is returned as an array of Data objects, and each data object is stored in Little Endian format per FeliCa specification.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func requestService(nodeCodeList: [Data], completionHandler: @escaping ([Data], Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Request Service V2 command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

@available(iOS 13.0, *) @available(watchOS, unavailable) @available(tvOS, unavailable) @available(macOS, unavailable) @available(macCatalyst, unavailable)
    public func requestServiceV2(nodeCodeList: [Data], resultHandler: @escaping (Result<FeliCaRequsetServiceV2Response, Error>) -> Void) 

Request Service V2 command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • nodeCodeList: Node Code list represent in an array of Data. Number of nodes specified should be between 1 to 32 inclusive. Each node code should be 2 bytes stored in Little Endian format.
  • resultHandler: Completion handler called when the operation is completed. encryptionIdentifier value shall be ignored if Status Flag 1 value indicates an error. nodeKeyVerionListAES and nodeKeyVersionListDES may be nil depending on the Status Flag 1 value and the Encryption Identifier value. The 2 bytes node key version (AES and DES) is in Little Endian format.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func requestServiceV2(nodeCodeList: [Data], completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Int, FeliCaEncryptionId, [Data], [Data], Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Request System Code command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

public func requestSystemCode(resultHandler: @escaping (Result<[Data], Error>) -> Void) 

Request System Code command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • resultHandler: Returns an array of system code as Data or a NFCErrorDomain error when the operation is completed. Each system code is 2 bytes stored in Little Endian format.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func requestSystemCode(completionHandler: @escaping ([Data], Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Request Specification Version command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

public func requestSpecificationVersion(resultHandler: @escaping (Result<FeliCaRequestSpecificationVersionResponse, Error>) -> Void) 

Request Specification Verison command defined by FeliCa card specification. This command supports response format version 00h. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • resultHandler: Returns NFCFeliCaRequestSpecificationVersionResponse or a NFCErrorDomain error when the operation is completed. basicVersion and optionVersion may be nil depending on the Status Flag 1 value and if the tag supports AES/DES.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func requestSpecificationVersion(completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Int, Data, Data, Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the Reset Mode command, as defined by the FeliCa card specification, to the tag.

public func resetMode(resultHandler: @escaping (Result<FeliCaStatusFlag, Error>) -> Void) 

Reset Mode command defined by FeliCa card specification. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details.


  • resultHandler: Returns NFCFeliCaStatusFlag or a NFCErrorDomain error when the operation is completed.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func resetMode(completionHandler: @escaping (Int, Int, Error?) -> Void) 


Sends the FeliCa command packet data to the tag.

public func sendFeliCaCommand(commandPacket: Data, resultHandler: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void) 

Transmission of FeliCa Command Packet Data at the applicaiton layer. Refer to the FeliCa specification for details. Manufacturer ID (IDm) of the currently selected system can be read from the currentIDm property.


  • commandPacket: Command packet send to the FeliCa card. Maximum packet length is 254. Data length (LEN) byte and CRC bytes are calculated and inserted automatically to the provided packet data frame.
  • resultHandler: Completion handler called when the operation is completed. A NFCErrorDomain error is returned when there is a communication issue with the tag.


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Use the one using resultHander.")
    public func sendFeliCaCommand(commandPacket: Data, completionHandler: @escaping (Data, Error?) -> Void) 
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