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new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/out/TristinXieResume.pdf b/out/TristinXieResume.pdf index 60a5c6f..602b4bb 100644 Binary files a/out/TristinXieResume.pdf and b/out/TristinXieResume.pdf differ diff --git a/out/TristinXieResume.synctex.gz b/out/TristinXieResume.synctex.gz index ab6420d..b0e7ba7 100644 Binary files a/out/TristinXieResume.synctex.gz and b/out/TristinXieResume.synctex.gz differ diff --git a/resume/education.tex b/resume/education.tex index eb55350..4e5b96f 100644 --- a/resume/education.tex +++ b/resume/education.tex @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ \cventry {Double Major: B.S. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics $\cdot$ Minor in Business} % Degree {University of California San Diego} % Institution - {GPA: 3.7 / 4.0} % GPA - {Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2023} % Date(s) + {CS GPA: 3.722 / 4.0} % GPA + {Sep. 2019 - Sep. 2023} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) bullet points - \item {\textbf{Provost Honors:} Honor given to students with high academic performance during the academic quarter} + % \item {\textbf{Provost Honors:} Honor given to students with high academic performance during the academic quarter} \item {\textbf{Tau Beta Pi:} Oldest engineering honor society with invitations only sent to the \textbf{top 1/8\textsuperscript{th} of the Junior class and top 1/5\textsuperscript{th} of the Senior class}} \item {\textbf{Relevant Coursework:} Advanced Data Structures $\cdot$ Design and Analysis of Algorithms $\cdot$ Systems Programming $\cdot$ Software Engineering $\cdot$ Machine Learning $\cdot$ Computer Vision $\cdot$ Operating Systems $\cdot$ Computer Architecture $\cdot$ Programming Languages $\cdot$ Recommender Systems $\cdot$ Deep Learning} \end{cvitems} diff --git a/resume/experience.tex b/resume/experience.tex index 34a194c..898271d 100644 --- a/resume/experience.tex +++ b/resume/experience.tex @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ % CONTENT %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{cventries} - \cventry + \cvtwoentry {Software Development Engineer Intern} % Job title {Amazon Web Services} % Organization {Seattle, WA} % Location @@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ \item {Created and modified \textbf{React} components styled with \textbf{Sass} and called my API using \textbf{Axios} for create, read, update, and delete functionalities} \end{cvitems} } - + {Software Development Engineer Intern} + {Jun. 2023 - Sep. 2023} + { + \begin{cvitems} + \item {Overhauled autocomplete from static frontend data updated a few times a year to dynamic backend data updated daily using \textbf{ElasticSearch}} + \end{cvitems} + } %--------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------- @@ -28,7 +34,7 @@ {Instructional Assistant} {UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering} % Organization {San Diego, CA} % Location - {Sep. 2021 - Present} + {Sep. 2021 - Mar. 2023} { \begin{cvitems} \item {Tested 6 programming assignments, 2 projects, and 20+ reading quizzes regarding advanced data structures such as \textbf{self-balancing binary search trees, tries, hash maps, bloom filters, and more}} @@ -45,17 +51,28 @@ \end{cvitems} } + \cventry + {Research Assistant} + {Advanced Robotics and Controls Lab (ARClab) at UCSD} + {San Diego, CA} + {Mar. 2023 - Present} + { + \begin{cvitems} + % \item {Refactored camera-to-robot pose estimation to a \textbf{Robot Operating System (ROS)} package} + \item {Experimented with \textbf{statistical filtering methods} such as z-score, modified z-score, and softmax confidence which reduced erradic predictions} + \end{cvitems} + } %--------------------------------------------------------- - \cventry - {Research Intern} % Job title - {BrilliantBiome} % Organization - {San Diego, CA} % Location - {Mar. 2021 - Present} % Date(s) - { - \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities - \item { Wrote a \textbf{Bash script and Jupyter notebook} that timed a bioinformatics package's (QIIME2) commands compared to its Python API on \textbf{Amazon Web Services Sagemaker Studio} which resulted in up to \textbf{7 times speedup} of certain computations} - \end{cvitems} - } + % \cventry + % {Research Intern} % Job title + % {BrilliantBiome} % Organization + % {San Diego, CA} % Location + % {Mar. 2021 - Present} % Date(s) + % { + % \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities + % \item { Wrote a \textbf{Bash script and Jupyter notebook} that timed a bioinformatics package's (QIIME2) commands compared to its Python API on \textbf{Amazon Web Services Sagemaker Studio} which resulted in up to \textbf{7 times speedup} of certain computations} + % \end{cvitems} + % } %--------------------------------------------------------- % \cventry diff --git a/resume/leadership.tex b/resume/leadership.tex index 62598ed..67c41de 100644 --- a/resume/leadership.tex +++ b/resume/leadership.tex @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ {Vice President Projects} {Association for Computing Machinery at UC San Diego} {San Diego, CA} -{May 2022 - Present} +{May 2022 - May 2023} { \begin{cvitems} \item Oversaw the processing of \textbf{250+ applicants} and hosted a project showcase event with \textbf{90+ attendance} for the quarterly ACM Projects program