This program is using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm to build a Neural Network (NN) that could identify Optical Characters with 99% of accuracy. The Neural Network has three inner layers, which are the fully connected layer, the activation layer, and the loss layer. To show the accuracy of the NN, we create the Activation layer. To train the model, we use 60000 photos with their labels. 40000 photos are used in training the NN, 10000 photos are used in validating the NN, and 10000 photos are used in testing the NN.
At first, we try a single fully connected network and get 92.67% accuracy in 150 epochs with 0.0425 loss. In the third epoch, it achieves 60.20% accuracy. By adding one fully connected layer, the accuracy after 150 epochs is 97.6%. However, it takes 15 epochs for the neural network to get to 60% accuracy.
When we add the third layer, the final accuracy is 97.97 %, which does not improve much caused by gradient vanishing: when the input of the sigmoid layer is small enough or large enough, the output would have only subtle change than the output from a close input.
There are many solutions to this problem, like replacing the activation layer with functions like ReLu, LeakyRelu, elu. One other efficient way is to use the Cross-Entropy Loss function. The formula of this function would like is
The main reason why we use is its derivative is
which would become h (theta, x) after it times the derivative of the sigmoid function.
Besides adding more fully connected layers, we could adjust parameters in the NN to revise it. Some servals parameters could be revised in the neural network, which is the output of the fully connected layer, the learning rate, and the batch size. If the batch size is too large it would bring a negative effect while using ReLu as the activation layer. If the batch size is too small, the Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm would not work as intended and the calculation time would also increase. If the learning rate is too large, the neural network may miss the minimum point while gradients descend. However, if the learning rate is extremely small, it will take the neural network much more time to get to the lowest point.
To achieve 99% accuracy, we have three fully connected layers and two sigmoid layers in the neural network. The batch size is 1024, and we have 150 epochs. The learning rate is 3000. The output of the first fully connected layer and second fully connected layer is 42.
To implement machine learning, we use a typical model: the Neural network (NN). The basic linear model of NN is made by three main layers: which are the input layer (a1, a2, and a3 in the graph), the network layer (b1 and b2 in the graph), and the output layer (h1 and h2 in the layer).
To get b1 and b2, we need to multiply the weights to corresponding inputs and then add a bias to the result. In math, we could write the process to calculate b1 and b2 as matrix calculation:
Theoretically, if we could get perfect weight and bias then the b1 and b2 would have a perfect output. So, we could say that the process of achieving the best output is the process of founding the best bias and weight. Since we have the expected result b1 and b2, we can compare it to the result get from the neural network to get a loss, which is also known as the lost layer, and use the loss to revise our neural network. Due to our result being linear, we need to use an activation layer to make the result become a non-linear one.
All training photos and their labels are in "src". the is the training module, and the is converting photos into 289*1's list and packing them with their labels into .npy files.