Stockpile - Tips and tricks
Power Button ⏻
⋅ Green = People can put this item here.
⋅ Red = People can't put this item here.
Export Button >
⋅ This sets the item to be sold to a trader if marked for export in the economy tab.
⋅ Traders will buy items up to their yearly limit.
Stockpile Button ><
⋅ Stockpile means hoarding
⋅ You don’t want anyone to take the item.
⋅ Stockpile and Export can't be active at the same time.
Trash Bin Button 🗑️
The bin button will immediately destroy all of one specific good from stockpile.
Storage Numbers & Tips ⋅ The number shows the maximum amount you want to store. ⋅ It also tells sellers how much to buy to fill up the storage. ⋅ Be careful! If the number is too high (like 4800), you might accidentally fill it up instantly with imported goods.
Important Notes
⋅ The top row allows you to modify all goods at once. This allows you to quickly set up a stockpile that has a very intended usage case.
⋅ Using the <
and >
buttons next to the number will either reduce or increase good limits by 100, and typing a number in will set every field to that value
⋅ People can still take items from a stockpile, even if the power icon is red.
⋅ Each tile on the grid can hold 400 of the same item.
⋅ You cannot mix different items on one tile.
⋅ If your storage is full but some tiles are partially filled, you might still get a "Storage Full" warning.
⋅ When you import items, it brings the total up to the set maximum. If you're already at that number, you won't import more even if there's extra space.