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PROJECT Design Documentation

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Team Information

  • Team name: B
  • Team members
    • Maggie Lehman
    • Andrew Thompson
    • Trey Pachucki
    • Henry Kenna
    • Michael Tseng

Executive Summary

The project is webCheckers. This is a web based implementation of the classic american checkers game.


The purpose of this project is to provide a MVP for the Webcheckers company in order to prove that an online version of checkers is a viable product to create.

Glossary and Acronyms

Provide a table of terms and acronyms.

Term Definition
VO Value Object
MVP Minimum Viable Product


This section describes the features of the application.

The features of this product includes the ability to play a game of Checkers against an online opponent. This ranges from the beginning of the game until either one player wins or resigns. Players should be able to sign in and challenge another player to a game of checkers, unless one player is already in a game.

Definition of MVP

The Minimum Viable Product should be able to play an entire game of checkers using the American ruleset.

MVP Features

Login to the Online Game Start a game against a free opponent (not in game). Load into the game with the second player Be able to play a game according to American Rules Be able to resign and undo moves (before submission) Be able to move, jump (forced), and perform multiple jumps Have King pieces be able to be created Have pieces be able to be captured.

Roadmap of Enhancements

Provide a list of top-level features in the order you plan to consider them.

Application Domain

This section describes the application domain.

The WebCheckers Domain Model

This is the overall domain model for our Webcheckers implementation as it stands. The model heavily relies on the Board class to keep track of most of the important information. This is done since it is the one class that can almost always be accessed, as it's stored in the GameList, which is always accessible. For ease of digestion, lets further break this domain model down.

The Player Domain Model

This is the model for how the players exist within the implementation of WebCheckers. Each Player after creation is stored in the PlayerLobby, so that the players can be kept track of. In order to communicate with the Javascript, the players can also be stored in instances of PlayerServices. The reason behind this design is it allows classes to access the Player instances required (through PlayerLobby) and allows for the model to communicate with the Javascript (PlayerServices).

The Moves Domain Model

The next logical step from Players is what the players will be doing primarily, making moves. The Moves are created using instances of Position. This portion was required by the Javascript provided, as without doing it this way the Javascript won't work. We then have a Move Validator which takes in moves and determines if they are legal checkers moves. These moves can then be made on the users end and submitted if so desired in order to update the board on both players screens. The reason behind the making of a move validator was to help decrease the amount of logic and code within the board class, and to increase the cohesion of the classes.

The Board Domain Model

Moving on from the Moves model, next up is the Board Model. The board is primarily made up of Rows of Spaces. These spaces are used in order to keep track of all the Pieces on the board. These pieces could be moved around by Moves, the model of which was previously discussed. The reason behind this architecture was so that each class could focus primarily on one task, the Space focuses on the aspects of each individual space, the rows focuses keeping track of those spaces, and the Board keep tracks of the rows. Each class further breaks down the board class so that not all functionality would be taken care of by it.

The Visuals Domain Model

The visuals model is rather simple. The BoardView takes care of adjusting the board for visual purposes on each players screen. The reason behind this was to decrease the number of boards required (possibly needing 2, one for each player) and decreasing the number of possible points of failure and making the code easier to understand and maintain.

Architecture and Design

This section describes the application architecture.


The following Tiers/Layers model shows a high-level view of the webapp's architecture.

The Tiers & Layers of the Architecture

As a web application, the user interacts with the system using a browser. The client-side of the UI is composed of HTML pages with some minimal CSS for styling the page. There is also some JavaScript that has been provided to the team by the architect.

The server-side tiers include the UI Tier that is composed of UI Controllers and Views. Controllers are built using the Spark framework and View are built using the FreeMarker framework. The Application and Model tiers are built using plain-old Java objects (POJOs).

Details of the components within these tiers are supplied below.

Overview of User Interface

This section describes the web interface flow; this is how the user views and interacts with the WebCheckers application.

The WebCheckers Web Interface Statechart

The general path of the user is shown in this here statechart. The general path the user will follow is as follows, they first connect to the home page. From there, they go to the sign in page to sign in, which then enables them to see the other players and initiate a game. Once they go to initiate a game, both players get sent to a game page where they can play a game of checkers. From there the game state is decided by the javascript, though the page does check itself using a "checkturns" route in order to see when it's that players turn.

UI Tier

The UI tier consists almost entirely of routes that the game follows in order to function. This includes routes in order to sign in and other routes in order to have the game function. An example of how one these routes functions is as follows.

WebCheckers Typical Route

The Route gets called by the users browser first. Upon receipt the webserver sends the user to the proper route and has that file run. All the different board associations and game initializations are all from the specifics of the "/game" route being initiated.

The reason we use this architecture is because it allows us to customize each webpage with relative ease using different ".ftl" files and also allows us to update things on the backend (within the server) with relative ease.

The other UI Tier classes are BoardView, which simply adjusts the Board model so it properly fits which side the user is on, which is needed for the Game UI to properly render, and WebServer, which handles the rerouting of the server requests. It uses Spark architecture and Get/Post routes in order get the user to see what they need to see.

Application Tier

The Application tier takes care of required housekeeping things, mostly to help facilitate communication between the model and UI tiers. Things such as keeping track of the players (PlayerLobby), keeping track of the Games (GameList), and allow for communication of player data with the Javascript (PlayerServices). Overall we chose to include a PlayerLobby and a GameList in order to help facilitate communication between the different classes within the Model tier, the UI tier, and the Javascript that was provided.

Model Tier

The Model tier allows us to keep tabs on different objects and to represent all the information we need in smaller pieces. It allows us to increase cohesion of the individual classes by decreasing what each one does. For instance, we have separate classes to handle rows, spaces, and the pieces rather than making it all one super class. The domain model shown previously outlines this architecture pretty well, as it was the main architecture that was designed by us and was the least dictated by the confines of the project as it was given to us.

Design Improvements

In the future we would like to finish out the MVP and get everything tested and working. As of now, we don't have tests for all of our branches. In terms of design, we would like to try to decrease coupling as most UI routes rely on very specific classes. It would also be optimal to try to incorporate either an interface or abstract class for the different types of moves, as the classes tend to be similar.


There was testing performed on almost every section of the code so using junit and mock tests. In most cases we mocked the boared and the pieces to test the model classes. This allowed us to test the individual logic of the model classes. We also mocked calls in the UI. This allowed us to better check that all routes are correctly called and tested.

Acceptance Testing

Currently most of our stories in sprint 2 passed unit tests. This includes : player turns, sign out, resign, assign teams, king creation, forfeit, able to move pices, and jumps The stories backwards moves, and multiple jumps are done but still in the testing phase as they have not yet passed all of their unit test. Our route checking needs better checking. Our model has very good coverage, however our route testing is still lacking we will be working on this in sprint 3.

Unit Testing and Code Coverage

Our unit testing strategy is to have (for the most part) whoever wrote the code write up the unit tests, as they are most familiar with how the code functions. We test every function to ensure it works properly, followed by using a specialized tool in order to tell us our code coverage. Our goal at this point in time is to have as much code coverage as possible, with the minimum goal being 80%. The reason we chose this value was because it allows for some flexibility in what we test, but still requires us to test the bulk of our code. We currently have a code coverage of 100% based off of unit tests all running successfully with no failures or errors in tests.