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Scott Kirkland edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

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New project setup

Detailing the steps to create a brand new .net6 react w/ typescript SPA, authenticated via CAS/OIDC.

We'd like to use the SpaProxy approach from the template, but with custom, simplified auth. And we'll start the CRA template from scratch, instead of what's defaulted, for simplicity and to get the most up-to-date code.

1. Create the project structure

From the root of your project:

dotnet new react -n Finjector.Web
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add Finjector.Web/Finjector.Web.csproj

2. Brand new CRA

The default template comes with old versions of react, router, and has plenty of stuff we don't want. So let's dump it and create our own.

rm -rf ClientApp

and then create a new typescript based client app:

npx create-react-app finjector-client --template typescript

and then rename the resulting directory to ClientApp just to make everything easy.

3. Proxying and HTTP

New we have a new CRA server that'll run on port 3000. We want (a) to have it run w/ a dev SSL cert, and most importantly (b) proxy non-client routes to our backend. To do this, we'll need to adjust a few ports and introduce back in a few *.js helper files we deleted previously.

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