diff --git a/pages/join.tsx b/pages/join.tsx
index 0f21932..90ccc23 100644
--- a/pages/join.tsx
+++ b/pages/join.tsx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export default function Join() {
Want to join UCLA's premier cybersecurity club?{" "}
All levels of experience welcome! Our{" "}
membership form is now open. Fill it out{" "}
{" "}
to officially join ACM Cyber! Join our{" "}
@@ -39,19 +39,21 @@ export default function Join() {
- Cyber Academy: Submit one writeup for a challenge
- you've solved by the end of the quarter.
+ Cyber Academy: Attend most Cyber Academy workshop
+ days and submit one writeup for a challenge you've solved in Cyber
+ Academy or PBR by the end of the quarter.
- Cyber Lab: Participate in a project with Cyber
- Lab. At the end of the quarter, create a blog post with your
+ Cyber Lab: Actively participate in a project with
+ Cyber Lab. At the end of the quarter, create a blog post with your
project group about your work and present your creation to the
- club!
+ club! club!
Psi Beta Rho: Submit one writeup for a challenge
- you've solved by the end of the quarter and attend at least one
- CTF on the weekend
+ you've solved or up-solved from a CTF PBR competed in by the end
+ of the quarter and attend at least two CTFs on the weekend
+ in-person.