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Arthur Nishimoto edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Building omicron

Last revision: 24 February 2017

Operating system support

This is the current supported status of omicron:

  • Windows 10/8/7: VS2013 and VS2015 32bit builds and is regularly tested. VS2008 32bit deprecated and may not work. 64bit builds not tested regularly.
  • Linux: 64bit builds and is regularly tested (SUSE). 32bit should build but is tested less often (Ubuntu).
  • OSX, Intel: 64bit currently not supported (builds but fails to link), 32bit not supported

Building on Windows

This section explains how to build omicron on Windows. The basic procedure and requirements are similar for all supported operating systems, so you can use this as a general guideline.


  • An Git client.
  • Visual Studio 2013 (Visual C++ 2012 Express edition works too, Download it here)
  • CMake Download it here
  • if you use the Express Edition of Visual C++ and want to enable Optitrack camera support you will have to download the Windows SDK as well

Step 1: download the code

  • clone the repository: git clone

Step 2: running CMake

  • Run cmake-gui.
  • In the where is the source code field, specify the directory where you checked out the source code.
  • In the where to build the binaries field, specify a directory you will want your project files and binaries to be generated.
  • Hit Configure: The option table will look simlar to the following figure:

*^The Windows CMake GUI. Versions on other operating systems have a similar layout.^*

- Enable and disable desired options. For a guide on options go to the bottom of this page. **Note:** omicron should build just fine if you leave everything to their default values. - If you changed any options, hit **configure** again. You may have to repeat this process multiple times if new options appear. - Once you are done configuring all build options, hit **Generate**. If the process ends without errors, you will have Visual Studio solution files under your build directory.

SUGGESTION: Keep both directories under a single 'root' folder. For example you can have something like this

You should now be able to open the generated Visual Studio solution and build everything.

Building on Linux

The basic instructions are the same as for the Windows guide. Under linux, you will use make as your build system. To summarize, the process will be:

  • Download the code
  • create a build directory
  • get in the build directory and run cmake -i <path-to-source-dir> or run ccmake or cmake-gui. The commands will respectively run an interactive shell version of cmake, a curses based version, and a gui version similar to the windows one.
  • Follow the same steps as the one in windows to generate a makefile
  • run make
  • if the build succeeds, get in the bin directory and you should find your libraries and compiled demo applications.

CMake options

This section is a quick guide to some build options offered in cmake. See [Input service reference] (ServiceReference) for a description of each service.

  • OMICRON_USE_DIRECTINPUT: Enable to build DirectInput/XInput support for Microsoft Windows based controllers.
  • OMICRON_USE_KINECT_FOR_WINDOWS: Enable Kinect for Windows SDK v1.x or 2.0 support.
  • The Kinect for Windows SDK Redistributable must be installed is using a Kinect for Windows, otherwise the full SDK must be installed if using an XBox 360 Kinect.
  • Configuring with this enabled will add KINECT_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR with the default Kinect SDK location set to the cmake list.
  • OMICRON_USE_KINECT_FOR_WINDOWS_AUDIO: Enable Kinect for Windows audio and speech recognition support.
  • The Microsoft Speech Platform SDK Version 11 must be installed.
  • Configuring with this enabled will add MS_SPEECH_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR with it's default location set to the cmake list.
  • OMICRON_USE_NATURAL_POINT: Enable for NaturalPoint motion capture support.
  • OMICRON_USE_NETSERVICE: Enable for network input support.
  • OMICRON_USE_OPENNI: Enable for OpenNI support (OpenNI libraries must be installed on the system).
  • OMICRON_USE_OPTITRACK: Enable for OptiTrack camera support.
  • OMICRON_USE_PQLABS: Enable for PQLabs multi-touch support.
  • OMICRON_USE_SOUND: Enable for sound support.
  • OMICRON_USE_THINKGEAR: Enable for Thinkgear EEG headset support.
  • OMICRON_USE_VRPN: Enable for VRPN client support.
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