Releases: uiwjs/uiw
Releases · uiwjs/uiw
- 🌟 feat(Radio): Value supports more types. e9a6de3
- 🌟 feat(Radio): Add Group Radio styles. 63f1cf6
- 🐞 fix(Radio): Fix onChange return value error. 1eca34c
- 🐞 fix(Icon): Modify the icon font file name. e3752a7
- 🐞 fix(Icon): Fix icon font error. 9ead09e
- 🐞 fix will receive value props. a4c5d0f
- 🐞 fix running test error. #64 23280ca
- 💄 chore: Update the dependencies uiw-iconfont. 9502a54
- 💄 chore: Update jest dependencies. ce31328
- 🎨 style(Input): Modify the Input disable style. d803f05
- 🎨 style(Input): Modify input style. 1206584
- 🌟 feat(Menu): Add inlineIndent props. e5438f0
- 🌟 feat(Table): Add showHeader props. e418569
- 🌟 feat(Modal):提交尺寸改变属性 : @Xing-He 3ab3384
- 🎨 style(Input): Modify Input styles. c541591
- 🎨 style(Input): Modify Input border styles. a8ddfbc
- 🎨 style(Form): Modify vertical layout styles. b3758c2
- 🎨 style(Alert): Modify description word break. 5491046
- 🐞 Fix(Select) fix multi-select box height issue. d1360fc
- 🐞 Fix(Form): Fix field props issues. cec9037
- 🐞 Fix button style issue in Safari. 45fdc7f
- 🐞 fix(Table): fix showHeader issue. 150eca2
- 💄 refactor(Breadcrumb): Optimization code. be2e6b6
- 💄 refactor(Tooltip): Increase judgment d7e27c8
- 💄 chore: Fix build command errors. a85adc9
- 💄 chore(Select): Optimize the filterable parameters. 3960937
- 💄 Add type props. bf1260b
- 💄 #64 Jest compatible with babel7. 03b145c
- 💄 Upgrade to Babel 7. c82e753
- 💄 Update Form document. e455ca2
- 💄 Update [email protected] f34886c
- 📖 doc(Form): Add expample. 0197332
- 📖 doc(Modal): Update document. 55ecd66
- 📖 doc: Update changelog v1.14.10 461e95c
- 🌟 feat(Modal): Add drag and drop. 1fdf1de
- 🌟 feat(Transition): Add animation. 70252b6
- 🌟 feat(Tabs): Add onTabAdd props. 0f5dbeb
- 🌟 feat(Tabs): Add tabBarExtra prameter. f24aa56
- 🌟 feat(Card): Add props bodyClassName. 86045a3
- 🐞 fix(Alert): Add PropTypes node. c461809
- 🐞 fix(Innput): Remove redundant apis. dc56538
- 🐞 fix(Tabs): Fix onTabAdd issue. 7cd7b8e
- 🎨 style(Collapse): Modify border radius. f4de3a6
- 🎨 style: Adjust icon alignment style. a88d4b4
- 🎨 style(Button): Modify small size button. a09bf83
- 🎨 style(Table): Modify table td style. 5ad7b91
- 🎨 styles(Button): Modify the spacing between button groups and buttons. f3f15fe
- 🎨 styles(Layout): Modify screen mini width styles. c330efe
- 🎨 style(Form): Modify column styles. a517133
- 🎨 style(Button): Modify the spacing between buttons. 76bb9f5
- 💄 chore(Icon): Update the size of all icon borders. 9705f5e
- 💄 Update [email protected] c9166ad
- 📖 doc(Input): Update document. c99c3af
- 📖 Add jest badge. 229786d
- 🌟 feat: Add release command. 20e7910
- 🌟 feat(Modal): The param title is an empty hidden title. 4adb6f6
- 🐞 fix(Timestamp): Receive props issue. f2fc5dc
- 🐞 fix(Timestamp): Receive props value issue. 80ca06c
- 🐞 fix(Timestamp): Receive props issue. 4636764
- 🐞 Fix(Modal): Fix scrolling issue. 6456f6b
- ⛑ test(Switch): Add test case. 5478618
- ⛑ test(Input & Timestamp): Update test case. 733d427
- ⛑ test(Input & Switch): Update test case. 04011ab
- ⛑ test(Switch): Update Test onChange event. a5e45bf
- ⛑ test(Switch): Update test case. 0b8b90a
- ⛑ test: Formatting code. 2a2d15b
- ⛑ test: Update jest config. 7ba8ba0
- ⛑ test: Update test command. 4a4e641
- ⛑ test: Update .travis.yml 5153661
- ⛑ test: Update travis config. 88f4521
- ⛑ test: Update travis config. 8526507
- ⛑ test: Update test command. 848b709
- ⛑ test(Input & Switch): Update test case. 763e2fb
- 💄 chore(Form): Parameter does not exist label does not show. e37a436
- 💄 chore: Update devDependencies. a17717a
- 💄 chore: Update development command. 6ee0fdf
- 💄 chore: Modify the URL display in the command line. 34487e7
- 💄 chore: Update dependencies [email protected] 3cbd8bc
- 💄 chore(Icon): Add example. f2c40e7
- 💄 chore(Tag): Modify spacing style. 89a9902
- 💄 chore: Update dependencies. 591818d
- 💄 chore(Modal): Add PropTypes prefixCls. 099233e
- 💄 chore: Fix start command error. 10813dc
- 💄 chore: Modify start command error. 37bbd02
- 💄 chore(Modal): Optimize animation display. e56ec78
- 💄 chore: Update start command. 7873744
- 🎨 style(Form): Modify line height. 42d3384
- 🎨 style(CopyToClipboard): Modify cursor style. e1342d0
- 🎨 style(Button): Modify Button disabled style. e905b2e
- 🎨 style(Button): Modify button line height style. 75475f4
- 🎨 style(Tag): Modify line height. 90642b5
- 📖 doc(Select): Add example. ee10c92
- 📖 doc: Update quick start document. 195887e
- 📖 doc: Update changelog 683115c
- 🎨 style(Button): Modify button line height style. 75475f4
- 🎨 style(Tag): Modify line height. 90642b5
- 🐞 Fix(Modal): Fix scrolling issue. 6456f6b
- 💄 chore: Fix start command error. 10813dc
- 💄 chore: Modify start command error. 37bbd02
- 💄 chore(Modal): Optimize animation display. e56ec78
- 💄 chore: Update start command. 7873744
- 📖 doc(Select): Add example. ee10c92
- 📖 doc: Update changelog 683115c
- 🌟 feat: Add release command. 20e7910
- 🌟 feat(Modal): The param title is an empty hidden title. 4adb6f6