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Tasks such as envelope following, dynamics processing, and soft saturation often rely on low-pass filtering in which the cutoff frequency of the filter (which you can alternatively think of as its reaction speed) varies according to whether the input is rising, stable, or falling. For example, a VU meter design might call for an envelope follower whose output can rise quickly but then drops off more slowly. To make this we could use a low-pass filter to make a moving average of the instantaneous signal level, but the moving average should react faster on rising inputs than on falling ones.
The simplest type of digital low-pass filter can be understood as a moving average:
For our purposes we'll rewrite this equation as:
where the function
In words, this equation says, "increment your output by
Rationale. In general,
The following four examples are demonstrated in subpatches of the slop~ help file. (If your browser is set up to open ".pd" files using Pure Data then you can open it with this link; alternatively you can create a slop~ object in a patch and get help for it, or navigate to it using Pd's help browser.)
The output signal
A patch to do this is shown here:
A sample input and output are shown here:
The input is a square pulse of unit height lasting 0.7 msec, at a sample rate of 48000. The upward maximum slope is set to 9000. For the first 5 samples of the pulse, the upward increment is limited to 9000/48000 units. At the sixth sample of the pulse the input is within that limit of the previous output, and so the increment becomes exactly what is needed to make the output reach the input in value.
Note: slew limiting is useful for conditioning time-varting controls to avoid discontinuities. It's not so useful as a way to generate triangle waves from rectangular pulse trains, because the rising and falling edges are quantized to an integer sample number, making audible (and ugly) non-periodicities.
To make a peak meter, we need an estimate of how strongly a signal has peaked in the recent past. This can be done using slop~ as shown:
Here the abs~ object takes the input's absolute value (known in electronics as "rectification") and the slop~ object is set to have no linear region at all, but a rise region with an infinite (1e9) cutoff (so that it follows a rise in the input instantly), and a decay region with a controllable cutoff frequency that sets the speed of the decay. Here is the response to the same rectangular pulse input as the example above:
(In order to keep the same time scale, 100 samples, as above we have here set the decay speed to 1000 Hz, but for an envelope follower this will normally be between 0.1 and 5 Hz. Lower values will result in a less jittery output when an audio signal is input, but higher ones will cause the output to react faster to falling signal levels.) The result is in linear amplitude units, and can be converted to decibels for metering as shown in the help patch.
Audio engineers make frequent use of dynamics processors such as companders (compressors/expanders) and limiters. Companders are most often used to compress the dynamic range of an audio signal to make it less likely that the level falls outside a useful range, but are also sometimes configured to expand dynamic range below a chosen threshold, so that they act as noise gates. Limiters are often used with instruments such as percussion and guitars whose attacks can have much higher amplitude than the body of the note. To hear the body one turns the gain up, but then one has to limit the attack amplitude in order to avoid distortion.
There is no one standard design for a dynamics processor, and few makers of modern ones have divulged their secrets, which might take the form of nonlinear transfer functions, carefully tuned filter parameters, and perhaps many other possible fudge factors. There is also a whole industry in which software designers try to emulate analog hardware dynamics processors. There are also stereo compressors (for mastering CDs and LPs) and multi-band ones. Engineers frequently allow one signal to control the level of a different one, in a technique popularly known as "side chaining". If one is working from recorded tracks (as opposed to live sound), it's possible to look ahead in the recorded sound to reduce the distortion that inevitably occurs when a limiter is hit too hard. And so on.
Here we'll describe a fairly straightforward design based on the instant-attack envelope follower described in the previous example. (This is somewhat atypical; the implications of this approach are discussed a bit later.) Once the envelope is determined (and converted to decibels), a table lookup gives the desired dynamic, and the necessary gain is computed and applied. Thus:
Since the envelope follower has an unlimited rise speed, it will report rises in the signal amplitude without delay. Its output is thus always at least equal to the absolute value of the input. A dynamic curve is then used to compute the desired gain - this gain (in decibels) is equal to the difference between the curve value and the envelope follower output itself. When this gain is applied the resulting signal level is at most what is shown on the curve (equal to it when the signal and the envelope follower agree exactly).
In effect, rising edges of the input signal, when they push outside the currently measured envelope, will be soft-clipped according to the dynamic curve. When the signal drops in amplitude the envelope follower relaxes at a speed decided by the user, and this is heard as a gradual change in gain. (Specifically, a decrease in gain if we are compressing and/or limiting.)
Because the dynamic curve acts as a saturation curve when the signal level is rising, in a situation when we are using it as a limiter (so that the curve is flat at the right-hand end), it is often desirable to make the dynamic curve level off smoothly. In this patch there are three parameters to configure limiting: the limit itself, a boost in DB to apply before limiting, and a "knee" which is the interval, in decibels, over which the dynamic curve bends from the 45-degree angle at low levels to the flat region where we reach the limit.
in addition there is a compander function controlled by two other parameters, "thresh" (a threshold, in decibels, below which companding is to be done) and the percentage, normally between 0 and 200, by which the dynamic range should be altered below that threshold. The "speed" parameter is the speed, in tenths of a Hz., at which the envelope follower output decays.
By setting the linear cutoff frequency to zero and the linear region to an
interval of length