From be2774cf44d1d600d1f9d422804498050d5cc381 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Blake Byrnes Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 17:22:24 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] chore: extract core browser engine from hero --- client/index.ts | 8 +- client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts | 6 +- client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts | 2 +- client/lib/CookieStorage.ts | 2 +- client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts | 14 +- client/lib/CoreTab.ts | 6 +- client/lib/DomExtender.ts | 6 +- client/lib/FileChooser.ts | 2 +- client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts | 6 +- client/lib/Hero.ts | 10 +- client/lib/Interactor.ts | 6 +- client/lib/Resource.ts | 33 +- client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts | 37 +- client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts | 66 +- client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts | 4 +- client/lib/Tab.ts | 19 +- client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts | 36 +- client/package.json | 1 + client/test/document.test.ts | 4 +- client/test/events.test.ts | 2 +- client/test/waitForResource.test.ts | 2 +- copyfiles.js | 2 +- core/apis/Session.resource.ts | 4 +- core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts | 12 +- {mitm/lib => core/dbs}/NetworkDb.ts | 23 +- core/env.ts | 17 + core/index.ts | 116 +- core/injected-scripts/DomAssertions.ts | 2 +- core/injected-scripts/Fetcher.ts | 19 +- core/injected-scripts/MouseEvents.ts | 96 - core/injected-scripts/NodeTracker.ts | 61 - core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts | 4 +- core/injected-scripts/global.d.ts | 1 + core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts | 2 +- core/injected-scripts/jsPath.ts | 581 - core/injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.ts | 53 +- core/interfaces/ISerializable.ts | 6 - core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts | 6 +- core/lib/CommandRecorder.ts | 5 +- core/lib/Commands.ts | 41 +- core/lib/CorePlugins.ts | 189 +- core/lib/DevtoolsPreferences.ts | 113 - core/lib/DomStateListener.ts | 19 +- core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts | 338 +- core/lib/FrameNavigations.ts | 441 - core/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver.ts | 305 - core/lib/GlobalPool.ts | 314 - core/lib/InjectedScriptError.ts | 17 - core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts | 33 +- core/lib/Interactor.ts | 432 - core/lib/JsPath.ts | 219 - core/lib/MouseListener.ts | 29 - core/lib/Resources.ts | 710 - core/lib/Session.ts | 247 +- core/lib/Tab.ts | 507 +- core/lib/UserProfile.ts | 8 +- core/lib/WebsocketMessages.ts | 94 - core/lib/rectUtils.ts | 112 - {mitm => core}/models/CertificatesTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts | 80 +- core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts | 4 +- core/models/FramesTable.ts | 6 - core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/ResourcesTable.ts | 70 +- core/models/SessionLogsTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/SessionTable.ts | 4 +- core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts | 8 +- core/models/TabsTable.ts | 9 +- core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts | 7 +- core/package.json | 11 +- core/test/DomEnv.test.ts | 2 +- core/test/GlobalPool.test.ts | 167 - core/test/apis.test.ts | 1 - core/test/basic.test.ts | 19 +- core/test/connection.test.ts | 14 +- core/test/domRecorder.test.ts | 23 +- core/test/events.test.ts | 2 +- core/test/html/grid/index.html | 59 - core/test/html/grid/style.css | 59 - core/test/interact.test.ts | 560 - core/test/mitm.test.ts | 327 - core/test/navigation.test.ts | 701 - core/test/rectUtils.test.ts | 132 - core/test/resources.test.ts | 4 +- core/test/sessionResume.test.ts | 12 +- core/test/user-profile.test.ts | 14 +- docs/main/Plugins/ | 17 +- docs/main/Plugins/ | 12 +- docs/main/Plugins/ | 2 +- examples/ | 2 +- examples/plugins-EchoClasses.ts | 2 +- examples/server.ts | 6 +- fullstack/index.ts | 6 +- fullstack/package.json | 6 +- fullstack/test/basic.test.ts | 4 +- fullstack/test/detection.test.ts | 24 +- fullstack/test/document.test.ts | 2 +- fullstack/test/emulate.test.ts | 6 +- fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts | 2 +- fullstack/test/flow.test.ts | 2 +- fullstack/test/interact.test.ts | 6 +- fullstack/test/resources.test.ts | 2 +- fullstack/test/tab.test.ts | 14 +- fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts | 6 +- interfaces/AllowedNames.ts | 12 - interfaces/IBrowserEngine.ts | 16 - interfaces/IBrowserEngineFetcher.ts | 10 - interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption.ts | 6 - interfaces/IClientPlugin.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts | 2 +- interfaces/IConnectionTransport.ts | 7 - interfaces/ICookie.ts | 12 - interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts | 157 +- interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts | 8 +- interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts | 4 +- interfaces/IDeviceProfile.ts | 8 - interfaces/IDevtoolsSession.ts | 52 - interfaces/IDnsSettings.ts | 6 - interfaces/IDomStorage.ts | 15 - interfaces/IElementRect.ts | 12 - interfaces/IExecJsPathResult.ts | 9 - interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt.ts | 7 - interfaces/IGeolocation.ts | 5 - interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings.ts | 6 - interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails.ts | 50 - interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent.ts | 6 - interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions.ts | 11 - interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper.ts | 23 - interfaces/IIndexedDB.ts | 22 - interfaces/IInteractions.ts | 90 - interfaces/IInteractionsHelper.ts | 58 - interfaces/IJsPathError.ts | 10 - interfaces/IJsPathResult.ts | 8 - interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS.ts | 269 - interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts.ts | 16 - interfaces/ILaunchOptions.ts | 7 - interfaces/ILaunchedProcess.ts | 6 - interfaces/IMouseResult.ts | 13 - interfaces/INavigation.ts | 43 - interfaces/INewDocumentInjectedScript.ts | 5 - interfaces/INodeVisibility.ts | 19 - interfaces/IPlugin.ts | 10 +- interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts | 22 +- interfaces/IPoint.ts | 4 - interfaces/IProxyConnectionOptions.ts | 4 - interfaces/IPuppetBrowser.ts | 20 - interfaces/IPuppetContext.ts | 57 - interfaces/IPuppetDialog.ts | 4 - interfaces/IPuppetDomStorageTracker.ts | 26 - interfaces/IPuppetFrame.ts | 73 - interfaces/IPuppetInput.ts | 25 - interfaces/IPuppetLaunchArgs.ts | 8 - interfaces/IPuppetLaunchError.ts | 3 - interfaces/IPuppetLauncher.ts | 11 - interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents.ts | 54 - interfaces/IPuppetPage.ts | 76 - interfaces/IPuppetWorker.ts | 19 - interfaces/IRect.ts | 6 - interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts | 2 +- interfaces/IResourceHeaders.ts | 3 - interfaces/IResourceMeta.ts | 17 - interfaces/IResourceRequest.ts | 10 - interfaces/IResourceResponse.ts | 16 - interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts | 2 +- interfaces/IResourceType.ts | 39 - interfaces/IScreenshotOptions.ts | 8 - interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts | 14 +- interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ITcpSettings.ts | 4 - interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ITlsSettings.ts | 4 - interfaces/IUserAgentOption.ts | 17 - interfaces/IUserProfile.ts | 6 +- interfaces/IViewport.ts | 10 - interfaces/IWebsocketMessage.ts | 2 + interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage.ts | 7 - interfaces/IWindowOffset.ts | 8 - interfaces/Location.ts | 36 - interfaces/OriginType.ts | 9 - interfaces/injectedSourceUrl.ts | 2 - interfaces/jsPathFnNames.ts | 15 - interfaces/package.json | 1 + jest.config.js | 2 +- jest.setup.js | 2 +- lerna.json | 3 - mitm-socket/.goreleaser.yml | 30 - mitm-socket/.npmignore | 2 - mitm-socket/go/clienthello_safari13.go | 83 - mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp.go | 33 - mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt.go | 13 - mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_unix.go | 15 - mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_windows.go | 13 - mitm-socket/go/connect.go | 167 - mitm-socket/go/dialer.go | 46 - mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_http.go | 100 - mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_socks5.go | 46 - mitm-socket/go/domain_ipc.go | 54 - mitm-socket/go/domain_socket.go | 24 - mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_piper.go | 142 - mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_windows.go | 25 - mitm-socket/go/emulate_tls.go | 81 - mitm-socket/go/generate_cert.go | 259 - mitm-socket/go/go.mod | 15 - mitm-socket/go/go.sum | 27 - mitm-socket/go/signals.go | 38 - mitm-socket/index.ts | 253 - mitm-socket/install.js | 204 - mitm-socket/lib/BaseIpcHandler.ts | 222 - mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator.ts | 103 - mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession.ts | 61 - mitm-socket/ | 6 - mitm-socket/package.dist.json | 5 - mitm-socket/package.json | 22 - mitm-socket/test/MitmSocket.test.ts | 248 - mitm-socket/test/proxy.test.ts | 205 - mitm/.npmignore | 1 - mitm/handlers/BaseHttpHandler.ts | 110 - mitm/handlers/CacheHandler.ts | 116 - mitm/handlers/HeadersHandler.ts | 349 - mitm/handlers/Http2PushPromiseHandler.ts | 199 - mitm/handlers/HttpRequestHandler.ts | 317 - mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler.ts | 150 - mitm/handlers/InterceptorHandler.ts | 44 - mitm/handlers/RequestSession.ts | 277 - mitm/index.ts | 3 - mitm/interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher.ts | 7 - mitm/interfaces/IHttpOrH2Response.ts | 4 - mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyOptions.ts | 3 - .../IMitmProxyToServerRequestOptions.ts | 5 - mitm/interfaces/IMitmRequestContext.ts | 20 - mitm/interfaces/ResourceState.ts | 25 - mitm/lib/Dns.ts | 141 - mitm/lib/DnsOverTlsSocket.ts | 205 - mitm/lib/Http2SessionBinding.ts | 92 - mitm/lib/HttpResponseCache.ts | 80 - mitm/lib/MitmProxy.ts | 563 - mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent.ts | 390 - mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext.ts | 283 - mitm/lib/SocketPool.ts | 156 - mitm/lib/Utils.ts | 21 - mitm/package.json | 26 - mitm/scripts/server.ts | 8 - mitm/test/MitmRequestAgent.test.ts | 282 - mitm/test/basic.test.ts | 403 - mitm/test/dns.test.ts | 181 - mitm/test/http2.test.ts | 276 - package.json | 15 +- plugin-utils/index.ts | 15 +- plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEmulator.ts | 63 - plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine.ts | 90 - plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts | 9 +- plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator.ts | 23 - plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts | 2 +- plugin-utils/lib/utils/filterPlugins.ts | 2 +- plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins.ts | 2 +- plugin-utils/package.json | 12 +- plugins/default-browser-emulator/.gitignore | 16 - plugins/default-browser-emulator/.nvmrc | 1 - plugins/default-browser-emulator/ | 20 - .../bin/updateBrowserEmulatordData.ts | 5 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-11/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-12/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-12/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-13/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-13/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-14/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-14/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-15/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-mac-os-10-15/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-15/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-15/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-15/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-15/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-11/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-11/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-11/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-11/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-11/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-11/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-12/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-12/codecs.json | 285 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-12/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-12/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-12/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-12/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-windows-10/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-windows-10/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1005 -- | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 999 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 999 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 999 -- .../as-windows-10/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-windows-10/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-windows-10/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-windows-10/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-windows-11/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-windows-11/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1005 -- | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 103 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 999 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 999 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 999 -- .../as-windows-11/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-windows-11/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-windows-11/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-windows-11/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-windows-7/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-windows-7/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 49 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 43 - ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 43 - .../as-windows-7/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-windows-7/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-windows-7/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-windows-7/window-navigator.json | 937 -- .../as-windows-8-1/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-windows-8-1/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 49 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 43 - ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 43 - .../as-windows-8-1/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-windows-8-1/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-windows-8-1/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-windows-8-1/window-navigator.json | 937 -- .../as-windows-8/clienthello.json | 156 - .../as-chrome-97-0/as-windows-8/codecs.json | 275 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 49 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 99 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 91 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 43 - ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 43 - .../as-windows-8/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-windows-8/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-windows-8/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-windows-8/window-navigator.json | 937 -- .../data/as-chrome-97-0/config.json | 4 - .../data/as-chrome-97-0/headers.json | 2642 --- .../as-chrome-97-0/window-base-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/clienthello.json | 150 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/codecs.json | 290 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-11/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-11/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-12/clienthello.json | 150 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/codecs.json | 290 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-12/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-12/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-13/clienthello.json | 150 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/codecs.json | 290 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-13/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-13/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-14/clienthello.json | 150 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/codecs.json | 290 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-linux.json | 1045 -- | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-11.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-mac-os-12.json | 43 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-10.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-11.json | 136 - .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-7.json | 1039 -- ...dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8-1.json | 1039 -- .../dom-polyfill-when-runtime-windows-8.json | 1039 -- .../as-mac-os-10-14/http2-session.json | 11 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-chrome.json | 283 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-framing.json | 8 - .../as-mac-os-10-14/window-navigator.json | 941 -- .../as-mac-os-10-15/clienthello.json | 150 - .../as-mac-os-10-15/codecs.json | 290 - 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delete mode 100644 plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/polyfills.test.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/publicIp.test.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/selectUserAgentOptions.test.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/userAgentStrings.test.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/utils.test.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/Bezier.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/ delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/curveLength.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/generateVector.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/index.ts delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/package.json delete mode 100644 plugins/default-human-emulator/test/emulator.test.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/index.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/interfaces/USKeyboardLayout.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/Browser.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/BrowserContext.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/Connection.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/ConsoleMessage.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/DevtoolsSession.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/DomStorageTracker.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/Frame.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/FramesManager.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/Keyboard.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/Mouse.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/NavigationLoader.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/NetworkManager.ts delete mode 100755 puppet-chrome/lib/Page.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/ProtocolError.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/lib/Worker.ts delete mode 100644 puppet-chrome/package.json delete mode 100644 puppet/index.ts delete mode 100755 puppet/lib/BrowserProcess.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/lib/PipeTransport.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/lib/PuppetLaunchError.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/package.json delete mode 100644 puppet/test/BrowserContext.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/BrowserProcess.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Frames.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Keyboard.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Mouse.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Page.navigate.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Page.popups.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Page.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/TestPage.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/Worker.test.ts delete mode 100644 puppet/test/_CustomBrowserEmulator.ts delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/beforeunload.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/drag-n-drop.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/empty.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/error.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/child-redirect.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/frame.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/frameset.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/lazy-frame.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/nested-frames.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/one-frame.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/redirect-my-parent.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/script.js delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/style.css delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/frames/two-frames.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/grid.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/input/keyboard.html delete mode 100644 puppet/test/assets/input/mouse-helper.js delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/input/scrollable.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/input/textarea.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/one-style.css delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/one-style.html delete mode 100644 puppet/test/assets/popup.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/self-request.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.js delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/style.css delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.js delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.js delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/shadow.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/tamperable.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.html delete mode 100755 puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.js delete mode 100644 puppet/test/load.test.ts delete mode 100755 puppet/test/server/cert.pem delete mode 100755 puppet/test/server/index.ts delete mode 100755 puppet/test/server/key.pem diff --git a/client/index.ts b/client/index.ts index d955af076..3198ee61a 100644 --- a/client/index.ts +++ b/client/index.ts @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import { INodeList, } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import { BlockedResourceType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITabOptions'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import IResourceType, { ResourceType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import { InteractionCommand, MouseButton } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import IResourceType, { ResourceType } from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; +import { InteractionCommand, MouseButton } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { Node, XPathResult } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/AwaitedDom'; -import { LoadStatus, LocationStatus, LocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LoadStatus, LocationStatus, LocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import IHeroCreateOptions from './interfaces/IHeroCreateOptions'; import IConnectionToCoreOptions from './interfaces/IConnectionToCoreOptions'; import { Hero, FrameEnvironment, Tab, Resource, WebsocketResource } from './lib/extendables'; diff --git a/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts b/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts index 1eb9a2cb0..43920fa42 100644 --- a/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts +++ b/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; import { IElementInteractVerification, IMousePositionXY, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +} from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { ISuperElement } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; export type IInteraction = ICommand | ICommandDetailed; diff --git a/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts b/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts index 7eb28c9ff..b3ed234e1 100644 --- a/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts +++ b/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; import Resource from '../lib/Resource'; export default interface IWaitForResourceFilter { diff --git a/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts b/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts index a9af7aba9..107d6dd75 100644 --- a/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts +++ b/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; -import { ICookie } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@bureau/interfaces/ICookie'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; export default class CookieStorage { diff --git a/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts b/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts index 640e15cff..3f147cfa6 100644 --- a/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -import { IInteractionGroups, isMousePositionXY } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { IInteractionGroups, isMousePositionXY } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import AwaitedPath, { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { ICookie } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@bureau/interfaces/ICookie'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@bureau/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; import { getComputedVisibilityFnName, isFocusedFnName, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; +} from '@bureau/interfaces/IJsPathFunctions'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import { INodeVisibility } from '@bureau/interfaces/INodeVisibility'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import { IElementIsolate, INodeIsolate } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; import { ISuperElement } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; diff --git a/client/lib/CoreTab.ts b/client/lib/CoreTab.ts index 06e81d23e..a82723dd3 100644 --- a/client/lib/CoreTab.ts +++ b/client/lib/CoreTab.ts @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import IConfigureSessionOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IConfigureSessionOptions'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@bureau/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@bureau/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; import CoreCommandQueue from './CoreCommandQueue'; import CoreEventHeap from './CoreEventHeap'; import IWaitForResourceFilter from '../interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter'; diff --git a/client/lib/DomExtender.ts b/client/lib/DomExtender.ts index 7e3e66d52..7ec891bf2 100644 --- a/client/lib/DomExtender.ts +++ b/client/lib/DomExtender.ts @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import HTMLCollection from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/HTMLCollection'; import HTMLElement from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/HTMLElement'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; -import { IElementInteractVerification } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { IElementInteractVerification } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import SuperNodeList from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperNodeList'; import SuperHTMLCollection from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperHTMLCollection'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import { ITypeInteraction } from '../interfaces/IInteractions'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import IAwaitedOptions from '../interfaces/IAwaitedOptions'; @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Interactor from './Interactor'; import XPathResult from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/XPathResult'; import { createSuperNode } from 'awaited-dom/impl/create'; import { getAwaitedPathAsMethodArg } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; -import { KeyboardShortcuts } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { KeyboardShortcuts } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; import { scriptInstance } from './internal'; const awaitedPathState = StateMachine< diff --git a/client/lib/FileChooser.ts b/client/lib/FileChooser.ts index 7bfa7c86f..6a9f8e4d5 100644 --- a/client/lib/FileChooser.ts +++ b/client/lib/FileChooser.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@bureau/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; import AwaitedPath, { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import { createHTMLInputElement } from 'awaited-dom/impl/create'; diff --git a/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts b/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts index b547cc6c8..711ed8916 100644 --- a/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { createSuperNodeList, } from 'awaited-dom/impl/create'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LocationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LocationStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import { IHTMLObjectElementIsolate, INodeIsolate, } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; +import { INodeVisibility } from '@bureau/interfaces/INodeVisibility'; import { INodePointer } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/AwaitedDom'; import IAwaitedOptions from '../interfaces/IAwaitedOptions'; import RequestGenerator, { getRequestIdOrUrl } from './Request'; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import { getAwaitedPathAsMethodArg } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import Tab, { getCoreTab } from './Tab'; import Resource, { createResource } from './Resource'; -import { IMousePositionXY } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { IMousePositionXY } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { InternalPropertiesSymbol } from './internal'; const awaitedPathState = StateMachine< diff --git a/client/lib/Hero.ts b/client/lib/Hero.ts index 2c2fc16eb..123208c40 100644 --- a/client/lib/Hero.ts +++ b/client/lib/Hero.ts @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstancePropertie import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import SuperDocument from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperDocument'; -import IDomStorage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStorage'; +import IDomStorage from '@bureau/interfaces/IDomStorage'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; import { ISuperElement, ISuperNode, ISuperNodeList } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; -import { ILocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { ILocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import { @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import { } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/CSSStyleDeclaration'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@bureau/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; +import { INodeVisibility } from '@bureau/interfaces/INodeVisibility'; import IClientPlugin, { IClientPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IClientPlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import { IElementInteractVerification, IMousePositionXY, isMousePositionXY, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +} from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import WebsocketResource from './WebsocketResource'; import IWaitForResourceFilter from '../interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter'; import Resource from './Resource'; diff --git a/client/lib/Interactor.ts b/client/lib/Interactor.ts index 2a3c8f5c7..7e98ea802 100644 --- a/client/lib/Interactor.ts +++ b/client/lib/Interactor.ts @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import { InteractionCommand as CoreCommand, isMousePositionXY, MouseButton, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +} from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import { ISuperElement, ISuperNode } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import IInteractions, { Command, ICommand, @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import IInteractions, { } from '../interfaces/IInteractions'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import { isAwaitedNode } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; -import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts'; const { getState } = StateMachine(); diff --git a/client/lib/Resource.ts b/client/lib/Resource.ts index c5e7a9a99..3d665d6dd 100644 --- a/client/lib/Resource.ts +++ b/client/lib/Resource.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import Timer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Timer'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; @@ -30,8 +30,13 @@ const propertyKeys: (keyof Resource)[] = [ export default class Resource { readonly #coreTabPromise: Promise; readonly #resourceMeta: IResourceMeta; - readonly request: ResourceRequest; - readonly response: ResourceResponse; + public readonly id: number; + public readonly url: string; + public readonly type: IResourceType; + public readonly documentUrl: string; + public readonly isRedirect?: boolean; + public readonly request: ResourceRequest; + public readonly response: ResourceResponse; get [InternalPropertiesSymbol](): { coreTabPromise: Promise; @@ -46,26 +51,14 @@ export default class Resource { constructor(coreTabPromise: Promise, resourceMeta: IResourceMeta) { this.#coreTabPromise = coreTabPromise; this.#resourceMeta = resourceMeta; + this.url = resourceMeta.url; + this.documentUrl = resourceMeta.documentUrl; + this.type = resourceMeta.type; + this.isRedirect = resourceMeta.isRedirect ?? false; this.request = createResourceRequest(coreTabPromise, resourceMeta); this.response = createResourceResponse(coreTabPromise, resourceMeta); } - public get url(): string { - return this.#resourceMeta.url; - } - - public get documentUrl(): string { - return this.#resourceMeta.documentUrl; - } - - public get type(): IResourceType { - return this.#resourceMeta.type; - } - - public get isRedirect(): boolean { - return this.#resourceMeta.isRedirect ?? false; - } - public get buffer(): Promise { return this.response.buffer; } diff --git a/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts b/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts index 9de560e94..24356e691 100644 --- a/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts +++ b/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import IResourceRequest from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceRequest'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpHeaders'; +import IResourceRequest from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceRequest'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceRequest)[] = [ 'headers', @@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceRequest)[] = [ ]; export default class ResourceRequest { + public readonly url: string; + public readonly timestamp: Date; + public readonly headers: IHttpHeaders; + public readonly trailers?: IHttpHeaders; + public readonly method: string; + #request: IResourceRequest; #resourceId?: number; #coreTab: Promise; @@ -22,23 +28,12 @@ export default class ResourceRequest { this.#resourceId = resourceId; this.#request = request; this.#coreTab = coreTab; - } - - public get headers(): IResourceHeaders { - return this.#request?.headers; - } - - public get url(): string { - return this.#request?.url; - } - - public get timestamp(): Date { - const timestamp = this.#request?.timestamp; - return timestamp ? new Date(timestamp) : null; - } - - public get method(): string { - return this.#request?.method; + if (request) { + this.headers = request.headers; + this.url = request.url; + this.timestamp = request.timestamp ? new Date(request.timestamp) : null; + this.method = request.method; + } } public get postData(): Promise { diff --git a/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts b/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts index 6500c7aba..9c688df45 100644 --- a/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts +++ b/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import IResourceResponse from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceResponse'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpHeaders'; +import IResourceResponse from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceResponse'; +import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceResponse)[] = [ 'headers', @@ -21,6 +21,17 @@ const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceResponse)[] = [ ]; export default class ResourceResponse { + public readonly url: string; + public readonly timestamp: Date; + public readonly headers: IHttpHeaders; + public readonly trailers?: IHttpHeaders; + public readonly browserServedFromCache?: IHttpResourceLoadDetails['browserServedFromCache']; + public readonly browserLoadFailure?: string; + public readonly browserLoadedTime?: Date; + public readonly remoteAddress: string; + public readonly statusCode: number; + public readonly statusMessage?: string; + #coreTab: Promise; #resourceId?: number; #response: IResourceResponse; @@ -29,39 +40,20 @@ export default class ResourceResponse { this.#coreTab = coreTab; this.#response = response; this.#resourceId = resourceId; - } - - public get browserServedFromCache(): null | IHttpResourceLoadDetails['browserServedFromCache'] { - return this.#response?.browserServedFromCache; - } - - public get browserLoadFailure(): string { - return this.#response?.browserLoadFailure; - } - - public get headers(): IResourceHeaders { - return this.#response?.headers; - } - - public get url(): string { - return this.#response?.url; - } - - public get timestamp(): Date { - const timestamp = this.#response?.timestamp; - return timestamp ? new Date(timestamp) : null; - } - - public get remoteAddress(): string { - return this.#response?.remoteAddress; - } - - public get statusCode(): number { - return this.#response?.statusCode; - } - - public get statusMessage(): string { - return this.#response?.statusMessage; + if (response) { + this.url = response.url; + this.timestamp = response.timestamp ? new Date(response.timestamp) : null; + this.headers = response.headers; + this.trailers = response.trailers; + this.browserServedFromCache = response.browserServedFromCache; + this.browserLoadedTime = response.browserLoadedTime + ? new Date(response.browserLoadedTime) + : null; + this.browserLoadFailure = response.browserLoadFailure; + this.statusCode = response.statusCode; + this.statusMessage = response.statusMessage; + this.remoteAddress = response.remoteAddress; + } } public get buffer(): Promise { diff --git a/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts b/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts index 5506e64c1..9fa944a89 100644 --- a/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts +++ b/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import AwaitedHandler, { NotImplementedError } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedHan import AwaitedPath, { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import Constructable from 'awaited-dom/base/Constructable'; import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@bureau/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@bureau/interfaces/IJsPathFunctions'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import NodeFactory from 'awaited-dom/base/NodeFactory'; import IAwaitedOptions from '../interfaces/IAwaitedOptions'; diff --git a/client/lib/Tab.ts b/client/lib/Tab.ts index ae010427e..039a4a093 100644 --- a/client/lib/Tab.ts +++ b/client/lib/Tab.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import SuperDocument from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperDocument'; import Storage from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Storage'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/CSSStyleDeclaration'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import { IHTMLObjectElementIsolate, INodeIsolate, } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@bureau/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; +import { INodeVisibility } from '@bureau/interfaces/INodeVisibility'; import IResourceFilterProperties from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; @@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ export default class Tab extends AwaitedEventTarget { #frameEnvironments: FrameEnvironment[]; #coreTabPromise: Promise; + get #coreTabOrReject(): Promise { + return this.#coreTabPromise.then(x => { + if (x instanceof Error) throw x; + return x; + }); + } + get [InternalPropertiesSymbol](): ISharedInternalProperties { return { coreTabPromise: this.#coreTabPromise, @@ -106,11 +113,11 @@ export default class Tab extends AwaitedEventTarget { } public get tabId(): Promise { - return this.#coreTabPromise.then(x => x.tabId); + return this.#coreTabOrReject.then(x => x.tabId); } public get lastCommandId(): Promise { - return this.#coreTabPromise.then(x => x.commandQueue.lastCommandId); + return this.#coreTabOrReject.then(x => x.commandQueue.lastCommandId); } public get url(): Promise { @@ -194,7 +201,7 @@ export default class Tab extends AwaitedEventTarget { } public async goto(href: string, options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise { - const coreTab = await this.#coreTabPromise; + const coreTab = await this.#coreTabOrReject; const resource = await coreTab.goto(href, options); return createResource(Promise.resolve(coreTab), resource); } diff --git a/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts b/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts index 990eb2943..5ee169172 100644 --- a/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts +++ b/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import IWebsocketMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketMessage'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; import ResourceRequest, { createResourceRequest } from './ResourceRequest'; import ResourceResponse, { createResourceResponse } from './ResourceResponse'; import AwaitedEventTarget from './AwaitedEventTarget'; import { InternalPropertiesSymbol } from './internal'; +import IWebsocketMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketMessage'; interface IEventType { message: (message: IWebsocketMessage) => void; @@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ const propertyKeys: (keyof WebsocketResource)[] = [ const subscribeErrorMessage = `Websocket responses do not have a body. To retrieve messages, subscribe to events: on('message', ...)`; export default class WebsocketResource extends AwaitedEventTarget { + public readonly url: string; + public readonly documentUrl: string; + public readonly type = 'Websocket' as IResourceType; + public readonly isRedirect: boolean; + public readonly request: ResourceRequest; + public readonly response: ResourceResponse; + #awaitedPath: AwaitedPath; readonly #coreTabPromise: Promise; readonly #resourceMeta: IResourceMeta; - readonly request: ResourceRequest; - readonly response: ResourceResponse; get [InternalPropertiesSymbol](): { coreTabPromise: Promise; @@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ export default class WebsocketResource extends AwaitedEventTarget { return { coreTabPromise: this.#coreTabPromise, resourceMeta: this.#resourceMeta, - } + }; } constructor(coreTabPromise: Promise, resourceMeta: IResourceMeta) { @@ -55,22 +60,9 @@ export default class WebsocketResource extends AwaitedEventTarget { this.#awaitedPath = new AwaitedPath(null, 'resources', String(; this.#coreTabPromise = coreTabPromise; this.#resourceMeta = resourceMeta; - } - - public get url(): string { - return this.#resourceMeta.url; - } - - public get documentUrl(): string { - return this.#resourceMeta.documentUrl; - } - - public get type(): IResourceType { - return 'Websocket'; - } - - public get isRedirect(): boolean { - return this.#resourceMeta.isRedirect ?? false; + this.url = resourceMeta.url; + this.documentUrl = resourceMeta.documentUrl; + this.isRedirect = resourceMeta.isRedirect ?? false; } public get messages(): Promise { diff --git a/client/package.json b/client/package.json index 64ab30f30..77fd20152 100644 --- a/client/package.json +++ b/client/package.json @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ "dependencies": { "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", + "@bureau/interfaces": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", "awaited-dom": "1.3.2", "nanoid": "^3.1.30", diff --git a/client/test/document.test.ts b/client/test/document.test.ts index e976fc197..eb76fa5a0 100644 --- a/client/test/document.test.ts +++ b/client/test/document.test.ts @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import '../lib/SetupAwaitedHandler'; import { getState as getElementState } from 'awaited-dom/base/official-klasses/Element'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@bureau/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@bureau/interfaces/IJsPathFunctions'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import ICoreResponsePayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreResponsePayload'; diff --git a/client/test/events.test.ts b/client/test/events.test.ts index 4bfd5a6b1..903e7c55f 100644 --- a/client/test/events.test.ts +++ b/client/test/events.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import Resource from '../lib/Resource'; import Hero from '../index'; diff --git a/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts b/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts index 73237f176..285b43741 100644 --- a/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts +++ b/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/index'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import ICoreResponsePayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreResponsePayload'; diff --git a/copyfiles.js b/copyfiles.js index ceb8e9525..5f1608ec5 100644 --- a/copyfiles.js +++ b/copyfiles.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const isStandardBuild = !copyToDir.includes('dist'); const workspaces = []; for (const packageGlob of pkg.workspaces.packages) { - if (packageGlob.startsWith('../')) continue; + if (packageGlob.startsWith('../') || packageGlob.includes('/build')) continue; let workspacePath = packageGlob; if (workspacePath.endsWith('/*')) { diff --git a/core/apis/Session.resource.ts b/core/apis/Session.resource.ts index 9ce09473b..058eb2831 100644 --- a/core/apis/Session.resource.ts +++ b/core/apis/Session.resource.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpHeaders'; import SessionDb from '../dbs/SessionDb'; import ICoreApi from '../interfaces/ICoreApi'; @@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ export interface ISessionResourceResult { export interface ISessionResourceDetails { body: Buffer; - headers: IResourceHeaders; + headers: IHttpHeaders; statusCode: number; } diff --git a/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts b/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts index a9c6a4a93..505fa3d6f 100644 --- a/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts +++ b/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts @@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ import ICoreConfigureOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions import ICoreEventPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreEventPayload'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import PuppetLaunchError from '@ulixee/hero-puppet/lib/PuppetLaunchError'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; import Tab from '../lib/Tab'; -import GlobalPool from '../lib/GlobalPool'; import Core from '../index'; import FrameEnvironment from '../lib/FrameEnvironment'; import CommandRunner, { ICommandableTarget } from '../lib/CommandRunner'; import RemoteEvents from '../lib/RemoteEvents'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import { isSemverSatisfied } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/VersionUtils'; +import BrowserLaunchError from 'secret-agent/errors/BrowserLaunchError'; + const version = require('../package.json'); const { log } = Log(module); @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export default class ConnectionToClient this.isClosing = false; await Core.start(options, false); return { - maxConcurrency: GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount, + maxConcurrency: Core.pool.maxConcurrentAgents, }; } @@ -272,7 +272,11 @@ export default class ConnectionToClient } private isLaunchError(error: Error): boolean { - return error instanceof PuppetLaunchError || === 'DependenciesMissingError'; + return ( + error instanceof BrowserLaunchError || + === 'BrowserLaunchError' || + === 'DependenciesMissingError' + ); } private serializeToMetadata(data: any): any { diff --git a/mitm/lib/NetworkDb.ts b/core/dbs/NetworkDb.ts similarity index 75% rename from mitm/lib/NetworkDb.ts rename to core/dbs/NetworkDb.ts index dd9234886..fb8a3a9d2 100644 --- a/mitm/lib/NetworkDb.ts +++ b/core/dbs/NetworkDb.ts @@ -3,18 +3,22 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase, Transaction } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import CertificatesTable from '../models/CertificatesTable'; +import * as fs from 'fs'; +import Core from '../index'; const { log } = Log(module); export default class NetworkDb { + private static hasInitialized = false; public readonly certificates: CertificatesTable; private db: SqliteDatabase; private readonly batchInsert: Transaction; private readonly saveInterval: NodeJS.Timeout; private readonly tables: SqliteTable[] = []; - constructor(baseDir: string) { - this.db = new Database(`${baseDir}/network.db`); + constructor() { + NetworkDb.createDir(); + this.db = new Database(NetworkDb.databasePath); this.certificates = new CertificatesTable(this.db); this.saveInterval = setInterval(this.flush.bind(this), 5e3).unref(); @@ -55,4 +59,19 @@ export default class NetworkDb { if (!this.db || this.db.readonly) return; this.batchInsert.immediate(); } + + public static createDir(): void { + if (!this.hasInitialized) { + fs.mkdirSync(this.databaseDir, { recursive: true }); + this.hasInitialized = true; + } + } + + public static get databaseDir(): string { + return Core.dataDir; + } + + public static get databasePath(): string { + return `${this.databaseDir}/network.db`; + } } diff --git a/core/env.ts b/core/env.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3ad73148 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/env.ts @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import * as Path from 'path'; +import * as Os from 'os'; + +export default { + disableMitm: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_MITM), + showChrome: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_SHOW_CHROME), + disableDevtools: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS), + noChromeSandbox: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX), + disableGpu: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_GPU), +}; + +export const dataDir = process.env.HERO_DATA_DIR || Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); // transferred to static variable below class definition + +function booleanOrUndefined(envValue): boolean | undefined { + if (envValue === undefined) return undefined; + return Boolean(JSON.parse(envValue ?? 'false')); +} diff --git a/core/index.ts b/core/index.ts index 785743a43..71a4de57d 100644 --- a/core/index.ts +++ b/core/index.ts @@ -1,34 +1,59 @@ -import * as Os from 'os'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; import * as Path from 'path'; import ICoreConfigureOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions'; -import { LocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import Log, { hasBeenLoggedSymbol } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - ICorePluginClass, - IHumanEmulatorClass, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; +import { ICorePluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; -import DefaultHumanEmulator from '@ulixee/default-human-emulator'; +import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator'; +import DefaultHumanEmulator from '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; import extractPlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins'; import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; import { IPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPlugin'; import ConnectionToClient from './connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from './lib/Session'; import Tab from './lib/Tab'; -import GlobalPool from './lib/GlobalPool'; import ShutdownHandler from '@ulixee/commons/lib/ShutdownHandler'; +import { IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHumanEmulator'; +import { IBrowserEmulatorClass } from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import { dataDir } from './env'; +import NetworkDb from './dbs/NetworkDb'; +import Pool from 'secret-agent/lib/Pool'; +import CorePlugins from './lib/CorePlugins'; +import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; +import SessionsDb from './dbs/SessionsDb'; +import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); -let dataDir = process.env.HERO_DATA_DIR || Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); // transferred to static variable below class definition -export { GlobalPool, Tab, Session, LocationTrigger }; +export { Tab, Session, LocationTrigger }; export default class Core { + public static get dataDir(): string { + return this._dataDir; + } + + public static set dataDir(dir: string) { + const absoluteDataDir = Path.isAbsolute(dir) ? dir : Path.join(process.cwd(), dir); + if (!Fs.existsSync(`${absoluteDataDir}`)) { + Fs.mkdirSync(`${absoluteDataDir}`, { recursive: true }); + } + this._dataDir = absoluteDataDir; + } + + public static events = new TypedEventEmitter< + Pick< + Pool['EventTypes'], + 'browser-has-no-open-windows' | 'browser-launched' | 'all-browsers-closed' + > & { + 'session-created': { session: Session }; + } + >(); + public static readonly connections: ConnectionToClient[] = []; + public static pluginMap: { humanEmulatorsById: { [id: string]: IHumanEmulatorClass }; browserEmulatorsById: { [id: string]: IBrowserEmulatorClass }; @@ -44,6 +69,7 @@ export default class Core { }; public static onShutdown: () => void; + public static pool: Pool; public static allowDynamicPluginLoading = true; public static isClosing: Promise; @@ -53,6 +79,9 @@ export default class Core { private static isStarting = false; private static autoShutdownTimer: NodeJS.Timer; private static didRegisterSignals = false; + private static _dataDir: string = dataDir; + private static networkDb: NetworkDb; + private static utilityBrowserContext: Promise; public static addConnection(): ConnectionToClient { const connection = new ConnectionToClient(); @@ -86,6 +115,20 @@ export default class Core { } } + public static getUtilityContext(): Promise { + if (this.utilityBrowserContext) return this.utilityBrowserContext; + + const corePlugins = new CorePlugins({}, log); + + this.utilityBrowserContext = this.pool + .getBrowser(corePlugins.browserEngine, corePlugins, { + showChrome: false, + }) + .then(browser => browser.newContext({ logger: log as IBoundLog, isIncognito: true })); + + return this.utilityBrowserContext; + } + public static async start( options: ICoreConfigureOptions = {}, isExplicitlyStarted = true, @@ -103,14 +146,25 @@ export default class Core { const { maxConcurrentClientCount } = options; - if (maxConcurrentClientCount !== undefined) - GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount = maxConcurrentClientCount; - if (options.dataDir !== undefined) { Core.dataDir = options.dataDir; } + this.networkDb = new NetworkDb(); + + this.pool = new Pool({ + certificateStore: this.networkDb.certificates, + dataDir: Core.dataDir, + logger: log.createChild(module), + maxConcurrentAgents: maxConcurrentClientCount, + }); + + this.pool.addEventEmitter(, [ + 'all-browsers-closed', + 'browser-has-no-open-windows', + 'browser-launched', + ]); - await GlobalPool.start(); + await this.pool.start();'Core started', { sessionId: null, @@ -128,12 +182,18 @@ export default class Core { this.isStarting = false; const logid ='Core.shutdown'); - const shutDownErrors: Error[] = []; + let shutDownErrors: (Error | null)[] = []; try { - await Promise.all( => x.disconnect())).catch(error => - shutDownErrors.push(error), - ); - await GlobalPool.close().catch(error => shutDownErrors.push(error)); + shutDownErrors = await Promise.all([ + => x.disconnect().catch(err => err)), + this.utilityBrowserContext?.then(x => x.close()).catch(err => err), + this.pool?.close().catch(err => err), + ]); + shutDownErrors = shutDownErrors.filter(Boolean); + + this.utilityBrowserContext = null; + this.networkDb?.close(); + SessionsDb.shutdown(); this.wasManuallyStarted = false; if (this.onShutdown) this.onShutdown(); @@ -188,18 +248,6 @@ export default class Core { ); } - public static get dataDir(): string { - return dataDir; - } - - public static set dataDir(dir: string) { - const absoluteDataDir = Path.isAbsolute(dir) ? dir : Path.join(process.cwd(), dir); - if (!Fs.existsSync(`${absoluteDataDir}`)) { - Fs.mkdirSync(`${absoluteDataDir}`, { recursive: true }); - } - dataDir = absoluteDataDir; - } - private static registerSignals(): void { if (this.didRegisterSignals) return; this.didRegisterSignals = true; @@ -216,5 +264,3 @@ export default class Core { } } } - -Core.dataDir = dataDir; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/DomAssertions.ts b/core/injected-scripts/DomAssertions.ts index 04dfa4add..a77de141e 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/DomAssertions.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/DomAssertions.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; +import type { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import IDomStateAssertionBatch, { IAssertionAndResult, } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStateAssertionBatch'; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/Fetcher.ts b/core/injected-scripts/Fetcher.ts index 9e79c2a45..308fd46ac 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/Fetcher.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/Fetcher.ts @@ -1,23 +1,30 @@ -declare let ObjectAtPath: any; +import INodePointer from '@bureau/interfaces/INodePointer'; class Fetcher { - public static createRequest(input: string | number, init?: RequestInit) { + public static createRequest(input: string | number, init?: RequestInit): INodePointer { let requestOrUrl = input as string | Request; if (typeof input === 'number') { requestOrUrl = NodeTracker.getWatchedNodeWithId(input) as any; } const request = new Request(requestOrUrl, init); - return ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(request); + const nodeId = NodeTracker.watchNode(request as any); + return { + id: nodeId, + type: 'Request', + }; } - public static async fetch(input: string | number, init?: RequestInit) { + public static async fetch(input: string | number, init?: RequestInit): Promise { let requestOrUrl = input as string | Request; if (typeof input === 'number') { requestOrUrl = NodeTracker.getWatchedNodeWithId(input) as any; } const response = await fetch(requestOrUrl, init); - - return ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(response); + const nodeId = NodeTracker.watchNode(response as any); + return { + id: nodeId, + type:, + }; } } diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/MouseEvents.ts b/core/injected-scripts/MouseEvents.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c892b0982..000000000 --- a/core/injected-scripts/MouseEvents.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -import IMouseResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseResult'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; - -class MouseEvents { - private static pendingEvent?: Promise; - private static pendingEventResolve?: (result: IMouseResult) => void; - private static targetNodeId: number; - private static containerOffset: { x: number; y: number } = { x: 0, y: 0 }; - - public static init() { - this.onMousedown = this.onMousedown.bind(this); - } - - public static listenFor( - nodeId: number, - containerOffset: { x: number; y: number }, - ): INodeVisibility { - if (this.targetNodeId) this.clearEvent(this.targetNodeId); - - const node = NodeTracker.getWatchedNodeWithId(nodeId); - if (!node) throw new Error('Node not found'); - - const visibility = this.getNodeVisibility(node); - - this.containerOffset = containerOffset; - this.targetNodeId = nodeId; - this.pendingEvent = new Promise(resolve => { - this.pendingEventResolve = resolve; - }); - - window.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMousedown, { - once: true, - capture: true, - }); - - return visibility; - } - - public static didTrigger(nodeId: number) { - try { - if (this.targetNodeId !== nodeId) { - throw new Error(`"mouseup" listener not found`); - } - - return this.pendingEvent; - } finally { - this.clearEvent(nodeId); - } - } - - private static onMousedown(event: MouseEvent) { - const node = NodeTracker.getWatchedNodeWithId(this.targetNodeId); - const targetNodeId = ? NodeTracker.watchNode( as Node) : undefined; - const relatedTargetNodeId = event.relatedTarget - ? NodeTracker.watchNode(event.relatedTarget as Node) - : undefined; - - const result: IMouseResult = { - pageX: this.containerOffset.x + event.pageX - window.scrollX, - pageY: this.containerOffset.y + event.pageY - window.scrollY, - targetNodeId, - relatedTargetNodeId, - didClickLocation: node.contains( as Node) || node ===, - }; - - if (!result.didClickLocation) { - event.cancelBubble = true; - event.preventDefault(); - // @ts-ignore - result.targetNodePreview = generateNodePreview(; - // @ts-ignore - result.expectedNodePreview = generateNodePreview(node); - result.expectedNodeVisibility = this.getNodeVisibility(node); - } - - this.pendingEventResolve(result); - return result.didClickLocation; - } - - private static getNodeVisibility(node: Node): INodeVisibility { - const objectAtPath = new ObjectAtPath(); - objectAtPath.objectAtPath = node; - return objectAtPath.getComputedVisibility(); - } - - private static clearEvent(nodeId: number) { - if (this.targetNodeId === nodeId) { - window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onMousedown); - this.pendingEvent = null; - this.pendingEventResolve = null; - this.targetNodeId = null; - } - } -} - -MouseEvents.init(); diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/NodeTracker.ts b/core/injected-scripts/NodeTracker.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5f591b207..000000000 --- a/core/injected-scripts/NodeTracker.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -function NodeTrackerStatics(staticClass: IStaticNodeTracker) {} - -@NodeTrackerStatics -class NodeTracker { - public static nodeIdSymbol = Symbol.for('heroNodeId'); - private static nextId = 1; - private static watchedNodesById = new Map(); - - public static has(node: Node): boolean { - return !!node[this.nodeIdSymbol]; - } - - public static getNodeId(node: Node): number { - if (!node) return undefined; - return node[this.nodeIdSymbol] ?? undefined; - } - - public static watchNode(node: Node): number { - let id = this.getNodeId(node); - if (!id) { - // extract so we detect any nodes that haven't been extracted yet. Ie, called from jsPath - if ('extractDomChanges' in window) { - window.extractDomChanges(); - } - if (!this.has(node) && 'trackElement' in window) { - window.trackElement(node as any); - } - id = this.track(node); - } - - this.watchedNodesById.set(id, node); - return id; - } - - public static track(node: Node): number { - if (!node) return; - if (node[this.nodeIdSymbol]) { - return node[this.nodeIdSymbol]; - } - const id = this.nextId; - this.nextId += 1; - node[this.nodeIdSymbol] = id; - return id; - } - - public static getWatchedNodeWithId(id: number, throwIfNotFound = true): Node | undefined { - if (this.watchedNodesById.has(id)) { - return this.watchedNodesById.get(id); - } - if (throwIfNotFound) throw new Error(`Node with id not found -> ${id}`); - } - - public static restore(id: number, node: Node): void { - node[this.nodeIdSymbol] = id; - this.watchedNodesById.set(id, node); - if (id > this.nextId) this.nextId = id + 1; - } -} - -// @ts-ignore -window.NodeTracker = NodeTracker; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts b/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts index 3aff44d22..0f2c02bd0 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -import { IDomStorageForOrigin, IStorageEntry } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStorage'; -import { IIndexedDB } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IIndexedDB'; +import type { IDomStorageForOrigin } from '@bureau/interfaces/IDomStorage'; +import type { IIndexedDB } from '@bureau/interfaces/IIndexedDB'; function dumpStorage(storage: Storage) { const store: [string, string][] = []; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/global.d.ts b/core/injected-scripts/global.d.ts index 2a467ae8c..fc913f184 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/global.d.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/global.d.ts @@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ interface IStaticNodeTracker { } declare let TypeSerializer: ITypeSerializer; +declare let NodeTracker: IStaticNodeTracker; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts b/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts index e162b0266..11b903f3d 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { IIndexedDB } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IIndexedDB'; +import type { IIndexedDB } from '@bureau/interfaces/IIndexedDB'; async function restoreIndexedDb(restoreDBs: IIndexedDB[]) { if (!restoreDBs || !restoreDBs.length) return; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/jsPath.ts b/core/injected-scripts/jsPath.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 44da22ee7..000000000 --- a/core/injected-scripts/jsPath.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,581 +0,0 @@ -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; -import type INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; -import IElementRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IElementRect'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import { IJsPathError } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IJsPathError'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; -import { IJsPath, IPathStep } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; - -const pointerFnName = '__getNodePointer__'; - -class JsPath { - public static async waitForScrollStop(timeoutMillis: number) { - const endTime = new Date().getTime() + (timeoutMillis ?? 50); - const scrollElement = document.scrollingElement ?? document.documentElement; - let left = 0; - let top = 0; - let consecutiveMatches = 0; - do { - await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame); - const prevLeft = left; - const prevTop = top; - left = scrollElement.scrollLeft; - top = scrollElement.scrollTop; - if (left === prevLeft && top === prevTop) { - consecutiveMatches += 1; - } else { - consecutiveMatches = 0; - } - if (consecutiveMatches >= 2) return [left, top]; - } while (new Date().getTime() < endTime); - - return [left, top]; - } - - public static getWindowOffset() { - const scrollElement = document.scrollingElement ?? document.documentElement; - return { - innerHeight, - innerWidth, - scrollY: scrollElement?.scrollTop ?? 0, - scrollX: scrollElement?.scrollLeft ?? 0, - scrollHeight: scrollElement?.scrollHeight ?? 0, - scrollWidth: scrollElement?.scrollWidth ?? 0, - }; - } - - public static simulateOptionClick(jsPath: IJsPath): IExecJsPathResult { - const objectAtPath = new ObjectAtPath(jsPath); - try { - const currentObject = objectAtPath.lookup().objectAtPath; - - if (!currentObject || !(currentObject instanceof HTMLOptionElement)) { - return objectAtPath.toReturnError(new Error('Option element not found')); - } - - const element = currentObject as HTMLOptionElement; - - let didClick = false; - const values = [element.value]; - if (element.parentNode instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { - const select = element.parentNode as HTMLSelectElement; - select.value = undefined; - const options = Array.from(select.options); - for (const option of options) { - option.selected = values.includes(option.value); - if (option.selected && !select.multiple) break; - } - - select.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input', { bubbles: true })); - select.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); - didClick = true; - } - - return { value: didClick }; - } catch (error) { - return objectAtPath.toReturnError(error); - } - } - - public static async exec( - jsPath: IJsPath, - containerOffset: IPoint, - ): Promise> { - const objectAtPath = new ObjectAtPath(jsPath, containerOffset); - try { - const result = >{ - value: await objectAtPath.lookup().objectAtPath, - }; - - if (objectAtPath.hasNodePointerLoad && !isPrimitive(result.value)) { - result.nodePointer = objectAtPath.extractNodePointer(); - } - - if (!result.nodePointer && objectAtPath.nodePath?.length) { - const nodePath = [...objectAtPath.nodePath].reverse(); - for (const node of nodePath) { - if (node instanceof HTMLElement) { - ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(node); - break; - } - } - } - - if ( - !objectAtPath.hasCustomMethodLookup && - (result.nodePointer?.iterableIsState || result.value instanceof Node) - ) { - result.value = undefined; - } - // serialize special types - else if (result.value && !isPrimitive(result.value) && !isPojo(result.value)) { - result.isValueSerialized = true; - result.value = TypeSerializer.replace(result.value); - } - return result; - } catch (error) { - return objectAtPath.toReturnError(error); - } - } - - public static async execJsPaths( - jsPaths: { jsPath: IJsPath; sourceIndex: number }[], - containerOffset: IPoint, - ): Promise<{ jsPath: IJsPath; result: IExecJsPathResult }[]> { - const resultMapByPathIndex: { [index: number]: IExecJsPathResult[] } = {}; - const results: { jsPath: IJsPath; result: IExecJsPathResult }[] = []; - - async function runFn(queryIndex: number, jsPath: IJsPath): Promise { - // copy into new array so original stays clean - const result = await JsPath.exec([...jsPath], containerOffset); - results.push({ jsPath, result }); - - (resultMapByPathIndex[queryIndex] ??= []).push(result); - } - - for (let i = 0; i < jsPaths.length; i += 1) { - const { jsPath, sourceIndex } = jsPaths[i]; - if (sourceIndex !== undefined) { - const parentResults = resultMapByPathIndex[sourceIndex]; - // if we couldn't get parent results, don't try to recurse - if (!parentResults) continue; - for (const parentResult of parentResults) { - if (parentResult.pathError || !parentResult.nodePointer) continue; - if (jsPath[0] === '.') { - const nestedJsPath = [, ...jsPath.slice(1)]; - await runFn(i, nestedJsPath); - } - if (jsPath[0] === '*.') { - if (parentResult.nodePointer.iterableIsState) { - for (const iterable of parentResult.nodePointer.iterableItems as INodePointer[]) { - const nestedJsPath = [, ...jsPath.slice(1)]; - await runFn(i, nestedJsPath); - } - } - } - } - } else { - await runFn(i, jsPath); - } - } - return results; - } -} - -// / Object At Path Class ////// - -let lastContainerOffset: { x: number; y: number }; - -class ObjectAtPath { - public objectAtPath: Node | any; - public nodePath: (Node | any)[]; - public hasNodePointerLoad: boolean; - public hasCustomMethodLookup = false; - - private _obstructedByElement: Element; - private lookupStep: IPathStep; - private lookupStepIndex = 0; - private nodePointer: INodePointer; - - public get closestElement(): Element { - if (!this.objectAtPath) return; - if (this.isTextNode) { - return this.objectAtPath.parentElement; - } - return this.objectAtPath as Element; - } - - public get boundingClientRect() { - return this.getElementRect(this.closestElement); - } - - public get obstructedByElement() { - if (this._obstructedByElement) return this._obstructedByElement; - const element = this.closestElement; - if (!element) return null; - const { x, y, width, height } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); - const centerX = round(x + width / 2); - const centerY = round(y + height / 2); - - this._obstructedByElement = document.elementFromPoint(centerX, centerY); - return this._obstructedByElement; - } - - public get obstructedByElementId() { - const element = this.obstructedByElement; - if (!element) return null; - return NodeTracker.watchNode(element); - } - - public get isObstructedByAnotherElement() { - const overlapping = this.obstructedByElement; - if (!overlapping) return false; - - // adjust coordinates to get more accurate results - const isContained = this.closestElement.contains(overlapping); - if (isContained) return false; - - // make sure overlapping element is visible - const style = getComputedStyle(overlapping); - if (style?.visibility === 'hidden' || style?.display === 'none' || style?.opacity === '0') { - return false; - } - - // if this is another element, needs to be taking up >= 50% of element - const overlappingBounds = overlapping.getBoundingClientRect(); - const thisRect = this.boundingClientRect; - const isOverHalfWidth = overlappingBounds.width >= thisRect.width / 2; - const isOverHalfHeight = overlappingBounds.height >= thisRect.height / 2; - return isOverHalfWidth && isOverHalfHeight; - } - - private get isTextNode() { - return this.objectAtPath?.nodeType === this.objectAtPath?.TEXT_NODE; - } - - constructor(readonly jsPath: IJsPath, readonly containerOffset: IPoint = lastContainerOffset) { - if (!jsPath?.length) return; - this.containerOffset = containerOffset; - lastContainerOffset = containerOffset; - - // @ts-ignore - start listening for events since we've just looked up something on this frame - if ('listenToInteractionEvents' in window) window.listenToInteractionEvents(); - - if ( - Array.isArray(jsPath[jsPath.length - 1]) && - jsPath[jsPath.length - 1][0] === pointerFnName - ) { - this.hasNodePointerLoad = true; - jsPath.pop(); - } - } - - public getComputedVisibility(): INodeVisibility { - this.hasNodePointerLoad = true; - this.nodePointer = ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(this.objectAtPath); - - const visibility: INodeVisibility = { - // put here first for display - isVisible: true, - isClickable: false, - nodeExists: !!this.objectAtPath, - }; - if (!visibility.nodeExists) { - visibility.isVisible = false; - visibility.isClickable = false; - return visibility; - } - - visibility.isConnected = this.objectAtPath?.isConnected === true; - const element = this.closestElement; - visibility.hasContainingElement = !!element; - - if (!visibility.hasContainingElement) { - visibility.isVisible = false; - visibility.isClickable = false; - return visibility; - } - - const style = getComputedStyle(element); - - visibility.hasCssVisibility = style?.visibility !== 'hidden'; - visibility.hasCssDisplay = style?.display !== 'none'; - visibility.hasCssOpacity = style?.opacity !== '0'; - visibility.isUnobstructedByOtherElements = !this.isObstructedByAnotherElement; - if (visibility.isUnobstructedByOtherElements === false) { - visibility.obstructedByElementId = this.obstructedByElementId; - visibility.obstructedByElementRect = this.getElementRect(this.obstructedByElement); - } - - const rect = this.boundingClientRect; - visibility.boundingClientRect = rect; - visibility.hasDimensions = !(rect.width === 0 && rect.height === 0); - visibility.isOnscreenVertical = - rect.y + rect.height > 0 && rect.y < window.innerHeight + this.containerOffset.y; - visibility.isOnscreenHorizontal = - rect.x + rect.width > 0 && rect.x < window.innerWidth + this.containerOffset.x; - - visibility.isVisible = - visibility.hasCssVisibility && - visibility.hasCssDisplay && - visibility.hasCssOpacity && - visibility.isConnected && - visibility.hasDimensions; - - visibility.isClickable = - visibility.isVisible && - visibility.isOnscreenVertical && - visibility.isOnscreenHorizontal && - visibility.isUnobstructedByOtherElements; - return visibility; - } - - public lookup() { - try { - // track object as we navigate so we can extract properties along the way - this.objectAtPath = window; - this.nodePath = [window]; - this.lookupStepIndex = 0; - if (this.jsPath[0] === 'window') { - this.jsPath.shift(); - this.lookupStepIndex = 1; - } - for (const step of this.jsPath) { - this.lookupStep = step; - if (Array.isArray(step)) { - const [methodName, ...args] = step; - // extract node ids as args - const finalArgs = => { - if (typeof x !== 'string') return x; - if (!x.startsWith('$$jsPath=')) return x; - const innerPath = JSON.parse(x.split('$$jsPath=').pop()); - const sub = new ObjectAtPath(innerPath, this.containerOffset).lookup(); - return sub.objectAtPath; - }); - // handlers for getComputedStyle/Visibility/getNodeId/getBoundingRect - if (methodName.startsWith('__') && methodName.endsWith('__')) { - this.hasCustomMethodLookup = true; - this.objectAtPath = this[`${methodName.replace(/__/g, '')}`](...finalArgs); - } else { - const methodProperty = propertyName(methodName); - this.objectAtPath = this.objectAtPath[methodProperty](...finalArgs); - } - } else if (typeof step === 'number') { - this.objectAtPath = NodeTracker.getWatchedNodeWithId(step); - } else if (typeof step === 'string') { - const prop = propertyName(step); - this.objectAtPath = this.objectAtPath[prop]; - } else { - throw new Error('unknown JsPathStep'); - } - this.nodePath.push(this.objectAtPath); - this.lookupStepIndex += 1; - } - } catch (err) { - // don't store the invalid path if we failed at a step - this.objectAtPath = null; - throw err; - } - - return this; - } - - public isFocused(): boolean { - return this.closestElement === document.activeElement; - } - - public toReturnError(error: Error): IExecJsPathResult { - const pathError = { - error: String(error), - pathState: { - step: this.lookupStep, - index: this.lookupStepIndex, - }, - }; - return { - value: null, - pathError, - }; - } - - public getElementRect(element: Element): IElementRect { - if (!element) { - return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, tag: 'node', scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0 }; - } - - const tag = element.tagName?.toLowerCase(); - - // if this is an option, get the rect of the select since option has no position - if (element instanceof HTMLOptionElement) { - let parent: HTMLElement = element; - while (parent && !(parent instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) { - parent = parent.parentElement; - } - element = parent; - } - - const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); - return { - y: rect.y + this.containerOffset.y, - x: rect.x + this.containerOffset.x, - height: rect.height, - width: rect.width, - scrollX: window.scrollX ?? document.documentElement?.scrollLeft, - scrollY: window.scrollY ?? document.documentElement?.scrollTop, - tag, - } as IElementRect; - } - - public extractNodePointer(): INodePointer { - return (this.nodePointer ??= ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(this.objectAtPath)); - } - - private getClientRect(includeVisibilityStatus = false): IElementRect { - this.hasNodePointerLoad = true; - this.nodePointer = ObjectAtPath.createNodePointer(this.objectAtPath); - const box = this.boundingClientRect; - box.nodeVisibility = includeVisibilityStatus ? this.getComputedVisibility() : undefined; - - return box; - } - - private getNodeId(): number { - return NodeTracker.watchNode(this.objectAtPath); - } - - private getComputedStyle(pseudoElement?: string): CSSStyleDeclaration { - return window.getComputedStyle(this.objectAtPath, pseudoElement); - } - - public static createNodePointer(objectAtPath: any, isNested = false): INodePointer { - if (!objectAtPath) return null; - - const nodeId = NodeTracker.watchNode(objectAtPath); - const state = { - id: nodeId, - type: objectAtPath.constructor?.name, - preview: generateNodePreview(objectAtPath), - } as INodePointer; - - const ids = objectAtPath instanceof HTMLElement ? [nodeId] : []; - - if (isIterableOrArray(objectAtPath)) { - state.iterableItems = Array.from(objectAtPath); - - if (state.iterableItems.length && isCustomType(state.iterableItems[0])) { - state.iterableIsState = true; - const items = state.iterableItems; - state.iterableItems = []; - for (const item of items) { - const nodePointer = this.createNodePointer(item, true); - state.iterableItems.push(nodePointer); - if (item instanceof HTMLElement) { - ids.push(; - } - } - } - } - - if (!isNested && 'replayInteractions' in window) { - window.replayInteractions({ frameIdPath: '', nodeIds: ids }); - } - - return state; - } -} - -function generateNodePreview(node: Node): string { - if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return `#text=${node.nodeValue || ''}`; - - if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { - let name = `${ || typeof node}`; - if ('length' in node) { - name += `(${(node as any).length})`; - } - return name; - } - const tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - const element = node as Element; - - let attrText = ''; - for (const attr of element.attributes) { - const { name, value } = attr; - if (name === 'style') continue; - attrText += ` ${name}`; - if (value) { - let valueText = value; - if (valueText.length > 50) { - valueText = `${value.substr(0, 49)}\u2026`; - } - attrText += `="${valueText}"`; - } - } - if (emptyElementTags.has(tag)) return `<${tag}${attrText}/>`; - - const children = element.childNodes; - let elementHasTextChildren = false; - if (children.length <= 5) { - elementHasTextChildren = true; - for (const child of children) { - if (child.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { - elementHasTextChildren = false; - break; - } - } - } - let textContent = ''; - if (elementHasTextChildren) { - textContent = element.textContent ?? ''; - if (textContent.length > 50) { - textContent = `${textContent.substring(0, 49)}\u2026`; - } - } else if (children.length) { - textContent = '\u2026'; - } - return `<${tag}${attrText}>${textContent}`; -} - -const emptyElementTags = new Set([ - 'area', - 'base', - 'br', - 'col', - 'command', - 'embed', - 'hr', - 'img', - 'input', - 'keygen', - 'link', - 'menuitem', - 'meta', - 'param', - 'source', - 'track', - 'wbr', -]); - -// / JS Path Helpers ////// -function isPrimitive(arg) { - const type = typeof arg; - return arg == null || (type !== 'object' && type !== 'function'); -} - -function isCustomType(object) { - return !( - object instanceof Date || - object instanceof ArrayBuffer || - object instanceof RegExp || - object instanceof Error || - object instanceof BigInt || - object instanceof String || - object instanceof Number || - object instanceof Boolean || - isPrimitive(object) - ); -} - -function isPojo(obj) { - if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') { - return false; - } - return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype; -} - -function propertyName(name: string): string | symbol { - if (name.startsWith('Symbol.for')) { - const symbolName = name.match(/Symbol\(([\w.]+)\)/)[1]; - return Symbol.for(symbolName); - } - return name; -} - -function isIterableOrArray(object) { - // don't iterate on strings - if (!object || typeof object === 'string' || object instanceof String) return false; - return !!object[Symbol.iterator] || Array.isArray(object); -} - -function round(num: number): number { - return Math.floor(100 * num) / 100; -} diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.ts b/core/injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.ts index f8ae7ef4b..df25c3331 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ // NOTE: do not use node dependencies -import { IDomChangeEvent, INodeData } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; -import { IMouseEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseEvent'; -import { IFocusEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFocusEvent'; -import { IScrollEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScrollEvent'; -import { ILoadEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ILoadEvent'; +import type { IDomChangeEvent, INodeData } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; +import type { IMouseEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseEvent'; +import type { IFocusEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFocusEvent'; +import type { IScrollEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScrollEvent'; +import type { ILoadEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ILoadEvent'; declare global { interface Window { @@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ declare global { listenToInteractionEvents(): void; trackElement(element: Element): void; doNotTrackElement(element: Element): void; + PaintEvents: { + onEventCallbackFn: ( + paintEvent: + | 'DOMContentLoaded' + | 'AllContentLoaded' + | 'LargestContentfulPaint' + | 'FirstContentfulPaint', + timestamp: number, + ) => void; + }; } } declare const runtimeFunction: string; @@ -202,9 +212,9 @@ class PageEventsRecorder { this.scrollEvents.push([scrollX, scrollY,]); } - public onLoadEvent(name: string) { + public onLoadEvent(name: string, timestamp: number) { this.start(); - this.loadEvents.push([name, window.self.location.href,]); + this.loadEvents.push([name, window.self.location.href, timestamp]); this.uploadChanges(); } @@ -673,34 +683,19 @@ const interval = setInterval(() => { } }, 500); -window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { - // force domContentLoaded to come first - recorder.onLoadEvent('DOMContentLoaded'); -}); - -window.addEventListener('load', () => recorder.onLoadEvent('load')); +window.PaintEvents.onEventCallbackFn = (paintEvent, timestamp) => { + if (paintEvent === 'FirstContentfulPaint') { + recorder.start(); + } else { + recorder.onLoadEvent(paintEvent, timestamp); + } +}; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { clearInterval(interval); recorder.disconnect(); }); -if (window.self.location?.href !== 'about:blank') { - const paintObserver = new PerformanceObserver(entryList => { - if (entryList.getEntriesByName('first-contentful-paint').length) { - recorder.start(); - paintObserver.disconnect(); - } - }); - paintObserver.observe({ type: 'paint', buffered: true }); - - const contentStableObserver = new PerformanceObserver(() => { - recorder.onLoadEvent('LargestContentfulPaint'); - contentStableObserver.disconnect(); - }); - contentStableObserver.observe({ type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true }); -} - // need duplicate since this is a variable - not just a type enum MouseEventType { MOVE = 0, diff --git a/core/interfaces/ISerializable.ts b/core/interfaces/ISerializable.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 27d1880a7..000000000 --- a/core/interfaces/ISerializable.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; - -export type Serializable = number | string | boolean | null | Serializable[] | IJSONObject | IPoint; -export interface IJSONObject { - [key: string]: Serializable; -} diff --git a/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts b/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts index 3f87fbaf2..7441146d0 100644 --- a/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts +++ b/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; -import { IInteractionGroup } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { getKeyboardKey } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; +import { IInteractionGroup } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { getKeyboardKey } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@bureau/interfaces/IJsPathFunctions'; import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; import ICommandTimelineOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandTimelineOffset'; import ICommandWithResult from '../interfaces/ICommandWithResult'; diff --git a/core/lib/CommandRecorder.ts b/core/lib/CommandRecorder.ts index bb8504820..6460fc8cb 100644 --- a/core/lib/CommandRecorder.ts +++ b/core/lib/CommandRecorder.ts @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ export default class CommandRecorder { !owner.shouldWaitForCommandLock || owner.shouldWaitForCommandLock(; if (shouldWait) await commands.waitForCommandLock(); + let tabId = this.tabId; const frameId = this.frameId; @@ -69,11 +70,9 @@ export default class CommandRecorder { args, ); + commands.willRunCommand(commandMeta); tab?.willRunCommand(commandMeta); - if (frame) { - frame.navigationsObserver.willRunCommand(commandMeta, commands.history); - } const id ='', commandMeta); let result: T; diff --git a/core/lib/Commands.ts b/core/lib/Commands.ts index b3752b01a..b2b0933c3 100644 --- a/core/lib/Commands.ts +++ b/core/lib/Commands.ts @@ -7,14 +7,19 @@ import { IRemoteEmitFn } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; - -export default class Commands extends TypedEventEmitter<{ - start: ICommandMeta; - finish: ICommandMeta; - pause: void; - resume: void; -}> { +import ICommandMarker from 'secret-agent/interfaces/ICommandMarker'; + +export default class Commands + extends TypedEventEmitter<{ + start: ICommandMeta; + finish: ICommandMeta; + pause: void; + resume: void; + }> + implements ICommandMarker +{ public readonly history: ICommandMeta[] = []; + public get last(): ICommandMeta | undefined { if (this.history.length === 0) return; return this.history[this.history.length - 1]; @@ -43,11 +48,18 @@ export default class Commands extends TypedEventEmitter<{ private listenersById = new Map(); private listenerIdCounter = 0; private commandLockPromise: Resolvable; + private defaultWaitForLocationCommandId = 0; constructor(readonly db: SessionDb) { super(); } + public getStartingCommandIdFor(marker: 'waitForLocation'): number { + if (marker === 'waitForLocation') { + return this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId; + } + } + public waitForCommandLock(): Promise { return this.commandLockPromise?.promise; } @@ -115,6 +127,21 @@ export default class Commands extends TypedEventEmitter<{ this.emit('start', commandMeta); } + public willRunCommand(newCommand: ICommandMeta): void { + // if this is a goto, set this to the "waitForLocation(change/reload)" command marker + if ( === 'goto') { + this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId =; + } + // find the last "waitFor" command that is not followed by another waitFor + const last = this.history[this.history.length - 2]; + if (last?.name.startsWith('waitFor') && last?.name !== 'waitForMillis') { + // handle cases like waitForLocation two times in a row + if (!'waitFor') || === 'waitForLocation') { + this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId =; + } + } + } + public onFinished(commandMeta: ICommandMeta, result: any, endNavigationId: number): void { commandMeta.endDate =; commandMeta.result = result; diff --git a/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts b/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts index 8c612b2cf..c6cb2e0a6 100644 --- a/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts +++ b/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts @@ -1,39 +1,42 @@ import { URL } from 'url'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import { IPuppetWorker } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetWorker'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import IDnsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDnsSettings'; -import ITcpSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITcpSettings'; -import ITlsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITlsSettings'; -import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import IInteractionsHelper from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; +import { IPage } from '@bureau/interfaces/IPage'; +import { IWorker } from '@bureau/interfaces/IWorker'; +import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; +import IDnsSettings from '@bureau/interfaces/IDnsSettings'; +import ITcpSettings from '@bureau/interfaces/ITcpSettings'; +import ITlsSettings from '@bureau/interfaces/ITlsSettings'; +import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; +import IInteractionsHelper from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; +import IPoint from '@bureau/interfaces/IPoint'; import ICorePlugin, { - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - IBrowserEmulatorConfig, ICorePluginClass, - IHumanEmulator, - IHumanEmulatorClass, IOnClientCommandMeta, - ISelectBrowserMeta, ISessionSummary, } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; +import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; -import IDevtoolsSession, { Protocol } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; +import { + IBrowserEmulator, + IBrowserEmulatorClass, + IBrowserEmulatorConfig, + ISelectBrowserMeta, +} from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import { IHumanEmulator, IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHumanEmulator'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@bureau/interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; +import IDevtoolsSession from '@bureau/interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; +import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; import Core from '../index'; -import IHttpSocketAgent from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; +import IHttpSocketAgent from '@bureau/interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent'; +import IBrowserContext from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserContext'; +import IBrowser from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowser'; +import IBrowserLaunchArgs from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserLaunchArgs'; -const DefaultBrowserEmulatorId = 'default-browser-emulator'; -const DefaultHumanEmulatorId = 'default-human-emulator'; +const DefaultBrowserEmulatorId = '@bureau/default-browser-emulator'; +const DefaultHumanEmulatorId = '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; interface IOptionsCreate { userAgentSelector?: string; @@ -56,6 +59,11 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { public browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; public browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator; public humanEmulator: IHumanEmulator; + + public get sessionSummary(): ISessionSummary { + return this.getSessionSummary(); + } + public readonly instances: ICorePlugin[] = []; public get corePlugins(): ICorePlugin[] { @@ -79,7 +87,12 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { getSessionSummary, } = options; - this.getSessionSummary = getSessionSummary ?? (() => null); + this.getSessionSummary = + getSessionSummary ?? + (() => ({ + id: null, + options: {}, + })); let BrowserEmulator = Core.pluginMap.browserEmulatorsById[browserEmulatorId]; if (!BrowserEmulator) { @@ -91,10 +104,6 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { if (!BrowserEmulator) throw new Error(`Browser emulator ${browserEmulatorId} was not found`); let HumanEmulator = Core.pluginMap.humanEmulatorsById[humanEmulatorId]; - // Backwards compatibility for 1.4.X > 1.5.0 - if (!HumanEmulator && humanEmulatorId === 'basic') { - HumanEmulator = Core.pluginMap.humanEmulatorsById[DefaultHumanEmulatorId]; - } if (!HumanEmulator) { HumanEmulator = requirePlugins( humanEmulatorId, @@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { userAgentOption, logger, corePlugins: this, + sessionSummary: this.sessionSummary, deviceProfile: options.deviceProfile, }; this.browserEngine = browserEngine; @@ -144,29 +154,19 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { // BROWSER EMULATORS public configure(options: IBrowserEmulatorConfig): void { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - this.instances.filter(p => p.configure).forEach(p => p.configure(options, sessionSummary)); + this.instances.filter(p => p.configure).forEach(p => p.configure(options)); } public onDnsConfiguration(settings: IDnsSettings): void { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onDnsConfiguration) - .forEach(p => p.onDnsConfiguration(settings, sessionSummary)); + this.instances.filter(p => p.onDnsConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onDnsConfiguration(settings)); } public onTcpConfiguration(settings: ITcpSettings): void { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onTcpConfiguration) - .forEach(p => p.onTcpConfiguration(settings, sessionSummary)); + this.instances.filter(p => p.onTcpConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onTcpConfiguration(settings)); } public onTlsConfiguration(settings: ITlsSettings): void { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onTlsConfiguration) - .forEach(p => p.onTlsConfiguration(settings, sessionSummary)); + this.instances.filter(p => p.onTlsConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onTlsConfiguration(settings)); } public async onHttpAgentInitialized(agent: IHttpSocketAgent): Promise { @@ -177,39 +177,23 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { ); } - public async onBrowserLaunchConfiguration(launchArguments: string[]): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); + public async onNewBrowser(browser: IBrowser, launchArgs: IBrowserLaunchArgs): Promise { await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onBrowserLaunchConfiguration) - .map(p => p.onBrowserLaunchConfiguration(launchArguments, sessionSummary)), + this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewBrowser).map(p => p.onNewBrowser(browser, launchArgs)), ); } - public async onNewPuppetPage(page: IPuppetPage): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onNewPuppetPage) - .map(p => p.onNewPuppetPage(page, sessionSummary)), - ); + public async onNewPage(page: IPage): Promise { + await Promise.all(this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewPage).map(p => p.onNewPage(page))); } - public async onNewPuppetWorker(worker: IPuppetWorker): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onNewPuppetWorker) - .map(p => p.onNewPuppetWorker(worker, sessionSummary)), - ); + public async onNewWorker(worker: IWorker): Promise { + await Promise.all(this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewWorker).map(p => p.onNewWorker(worker))); } - public async onNewPuppetContext(context: IPuppetContext): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); + public async onNewBrowserContext(context: IBrowserContext): Promise { await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onNewPuppetContext) - .map(p => p.onNewPuppetContext(context, sessionSummary)), + this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewBrowserContext).map(p => p.onNewBrowserContext(context)), ); } @@ -217,37 +201,29 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings, ): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); await Promise.all( this.instances .filter(p => p.onHttp2SessionConnect) - .map(p => p.onHttp2SessionConnect(resource, settings, sessionSummary)), + .map(p => p.onHttp2SessionConnect(resource, settings)), ); } public async beforeHttpRequest(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.beforeHttpRequest) - .map(p => p.beforeHttpRequest(resource, sessionSummary)), + this.instances.filter(p => p.beforeHttpRequest).map(p => p.beforeHttpRequest(resource)), ); } public async beforeHttpResponse(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.beforeHttpResponse) - .map(p => p.beforeHttpResponse(resource, sessionSummary)), + this.instances.filter(p => p.beforeHttpResponse).map(p => p.beforeHttpResponse(resource)), ); } public websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url: URL): void { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); this.instances .filter(p => p.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction) - .forEach(p => p.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url, sessionSummary)); + .forEach(p => p.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url)); } // HUMAN EMULATORS @@ -257,10 +233,9 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { runFn: (interaction: IInteractionStep) => Promise, helper: IInteractionsHelper, ): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); const plugin = this.instances.filter(p => p.playInteractions).pop(); if (plugin && plugin.playInteractions) { - await plugin.playInteractions(interactionGroups, runFn, helper, sessionSummary); + await plugin.playInteractions(interactionGroups, runFn, helper); } else { for (const interactionGroup of interactionGroups) { for (const interactionStep of interactionGroup) { @@ -270,11 +245,24 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { } } - public async getStartingMousePoint(helper: IInteractionsHelper): Promise { - const plugin = this.instances.filter(p => p.getStartingMousePoint).pop(); - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - if (plugin && plugin.getStartingMousePoint) { - return await plugin.getStartingMousePoint(helper, sessionSummary); + public async beforeEachInteractionStep( + step: IInteractionStep, + isMouseCommand: boolean, + ): Promise { + for (const plugin of this.instances) { + await plugin.beforeEachInteractionStep?.(step, isMouseCommand); + } + } + + public async afterInteractionGroups(): Promise { + for (const plugin of this.instances) { + await plugin.afterInteractionGroups?.(); + } + } + + public async adjustStartingMousePoint(point: IPoint, helper: IInteractionsHelper): Promise { + for (const plugin of this.instances) { + await plugin.adjustStartingMousePoint?.(point, helper); } } @@ -282,16 +270,15 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { public async onPluginCommand( toPluginId: string, - commandMeta: Pick, + commandMeta: Pick, args: any[], ): Promise { const plugin = this.instanceById[toPluginId]; if (plugin && plugin.onClientCommand) { return await plugin.onClientCommand( { - puppetPage: commandMeta.puppetPage, - puppetFrame: commandMeta.puppetFrame, - sessionSummary: this.getSessionSummary(), + page:, + frame: commandMeta.frame, }, ...args, ); @@ -302,32 +289,18 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { // MISCELLANEOUS public async onDevtoolsPanelAttached(devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); await Promise.all( this.instances .filter(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelAttached) - .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelAttached(devtoolsSession, sessionSummary)), + .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelAttached(devtoolsSession)), ); } public async onDevtoolsPanelDetached(devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); await Promise.all( this.instances .filter(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelDetached) - .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelDetached(devtoolsSession, sessionSummary)), - ); - } - - public async onServiceWorkerAttached( - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession, - event: Protocol.Target.AttachedToTargetEvent, - ): Promise { - const sessionSummary = this.getSessionSummary(); - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onServiceWorkerAttached) - .map(p => p.onServiceWorkerAttached(devtoolsSession, event, sessionSummary)), + .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelDetached(devtoolsSession)), ); } @@ -335,7 +308,9 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { public use(CorePlugin: ICorePluginClass): void { if (this.instanceById[]) return; - this.addPluginInstance(new CorePlugin(this.createOptions)); + this.addPluginInstance( + new CorePlugin({ ...this.createOptions, sessionSummary: this.sessionSummary }), + ); } private addPluginInstance(corePlugin: ICorePlugin): void { diff --git a/core/lib/DevtoolsPreferences.ts b/core/lib/DevtoolsPreferences.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0e81aa75b..000000000 --- a/core/lib/DevtoolsPreferences.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - * Modifications copyright (c) Data Liberation Foundation Inc. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ -import IDevtoolsSession, { Protocol } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; -import * as fs from 'fs'; -import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import BindingCalledEvent = Protocol.Runtime.BindingCalledEvent; - -const devtoolsPreferencesCallback = '_DevtoolsPreferencesCallback'; - -export default class DevtoolsPreferences { - private cachedPreferences: any; - constructor(readonly preferencesPath: string) { - bindFunctions(this); - } - - installOnConnect(session: IDevtoolsSession): Promise { - session.on('Runtime.bindingCalled', event => this.onPreferenceAction(session, event)); - - return Promise.all([ - session.send('Runtime.enable'), - session.send('Runtime.addBinding', { name: devtoolsPreferencesCallback }), - session.send('Page.enable'), - session.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', { - source: `(function devtoolsPreferencesInterceptor() { - const toIntercept = ['getPreferences', 'setPreference', 'removePreference', 'clearPreferences']; - - let inspector; - Object.defineProperty(window, 'InspectorFrontendHost', { - configurable: true, - enumerable: true, - get() { return inspector; }, - set(v) { - inspector = v; - // devtoolsHost is initiated when Inspector is created - window.DevToolsHost.sendMessageToEmbedder = new Proxy(window.DevToolsHost.sendMessageToEmbedder, { - apply(target, thisArg, args) { - const method = JSON.parse(args[0]).method; - if (toIntercept.includes(method)) { - return window.${devtoolsPreferencesCallback}(args[0]); - } - return Reflect.apply(...arguments); - } - }); - }, - }); -})()`, - }), - session.send('Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger'), - ]).catch(() => null); - } - - private async onPreferenceAction( - session: IDevtoolsSession, - event: BindingCalledEvent, - ): Promise { - if ( !== devtoolsPreferencesCallback) return; - - const { id, method, params } = JSON.parse(event.payload); - - this.load(); - - let result; - if (method === 'getPreferences') { - result = this.cachedPreferences; - } else { - if (method === 'setPreference') { - this.cachedPreferences[params[0]] = params[1]; - } else if (method === 'removePreference') { - delete this.cachedPreferences[params[0]]; - } else if (method === 'clearPreferences') { - this.cachedPreferences = {}; - } -; - } - - await session - .send('Runtime.evaluate', { - // built-in devtools function/api - expression: `window.DevToolsAPI.embedderMessageAck(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(result)})`, - contextId: event.executionContextId, - }) - .catch(() => null); - } - - private save(): void { - fs.writeFileSync(this.preferencesPath, JSON.stringify(this.cachedPreferences, null, 2), 'utf8'); - } - - private load(): any { - if (this.cachedPreferences === undefined) { - try { - const json = fs.readFileSync(this.preferencesPath, 'utf8'); - this.cachedPreferences = JSON.parse(json); - } catch (e) { - this.cachedPreferences = {}; - } - } - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/DomStateListener.ts b/core/lib/DomStateListener.ts index c5de79694..e2ec920cb 100644 --- a/core/lib/DomStateListener.ts +++ b/core/lib/DomStateListener.ts @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import Tab from './Tab'; import CommandRunner from './CommandRunner'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; +import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ export default class DomStateListener extends TypedEventEmitter private isCheckingState = false; private runAgainTime = 0; private watchedFrameIds = new Set(); + private events = new EventSubscriber(); constructor( public readonly jsPathId: string, @@ -83,8 +85,7 @@ export default class DomStateListener extends TypedEventEmitter const previousCommand = commands.history[commands.history.length - 2]; // go one ms after the previous command this.startTime = previousCommand ? previousCommand.runStartDate + 1 :; - - tab.once('close', this.stop); +, 'close', this.stop); this.bindFrameEvents(); this.checkInterval = setInterval(this.validateState, 2e3).unref(); } @@ -98,14 +99,7 @@ export default class DomStateListener extends TypedEventEmitter didMatch: result?.didMatch ?? false, error: result?.error, }); - -'close', this.stop); - for (const frameId of this.watchedFrameIds) { - const frame =; - if (!frame) continue; -'paint', this.validateState); -'status-change', this.validateState); - } +; } public async runBatchAssert(batchId: string): Promise { @@ -235,9 +229,8 @@ export default class DomStateListener extends TypedEventEmitter if (!this.watchedFrameIds.has( { this.watchedFrameIds.add(; - - frame.on('paint', this.validateState); - frame.navigations.on('status-change', this.validateState); +, 'paint', this.validateState); +, 'status-change', this.validateState); } } diff --git a/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts b/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts index 762a24ef5..f64564f2f 100644 --- a/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts @@ -1,58 +1,52 @@ import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import { ICookie } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICookie'; -import { IInteractionGroups } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { ICookie } from '@bureau/interfaces/ICookie'; +import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { URL } from 'url'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import Timer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Timer'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@bureau/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; -import { IPuppetFrame, IPuppetFrameEvents } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetFrame'; +import { IFrameEvents } from '@bureau/interfaces/IFrame'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; -import { getNodeIdFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; -import IJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IJsPathResult'; import * as Os from 'os'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import INavigation, { ContentPaint } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; +import INavigation from '@bureau/interfaces/INavigation'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import { DomActionType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; import IDomStateAssertionBatch from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStateAssertionBatch'; import ICollectedElement from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedElement'; -import TabNavigationObserver from './FrameNavigationsObserver'; import Session from './Session'; import Tab, { ITabEventParams } from './Tab'; -import Interactor from './Interactor'; import CommandRecorder from './CommandRecorder'; -import FrameNavigations from './FrameNavigations'; -import { Serializable } from '../interfaces/ISerializable'; -import InjectedScriptError from './InjectedScriptError'; -import { JsPath } from './JsPath'; +import { IFrameNavigationEvents } from '@bureau/interfaces/IFrameNavigations'; +import { ISerializable } from 'secret-agent/lib/JsPath'; +import Frame from 'secret-agent/lib/Frame'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; import { PageRecorderResultSet } from '../injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder'; import { ICommandableTarget } from './CommandRunner'; import { IRemoteEmitFn, IRemoteEventListener } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import { IInteractHooks } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHooks'; +import FrameNavigations from 'secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; const { log } = Log(module); export default class FrameEnvironment extends TypedEventEmitter<{ paint: void }> - implements ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener + implements ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener, IInteractHooks { public get session(): Session { return; } public get devtoolsFrameId(): string { - return; + return; } public get parentId(): number { @@ -60,53 +54,52 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment } public get parentFrame(): FrameEnvironment | null { - if (this.puppetFrame.parentId) { - return; + if (this.frame.parentId) { + return; } return null; } public get isAttached(): boolean { - return this.puppetFrame.isAttached; + return this.frame.isAttached; } public get securityOrigin(): string { - return this.puppetFrame.securityOrigin; + return this.frame.securityOrigin; } public get childFrameEnvironments(): FrameEnvironment[] { return [].filter( - x => x.puppetFrame.parentId === this.devtoolsFrameId && this.isAttached, + x => x.frame.parentId === this.devtoolsFrameId && this.isAttached, ); } public get isMainFrame(): boolean { - return !this.puppetFrame.parentId; + return !this.frame.parentId; } - public readonly navigationsObserver: TabNavigationObserver; - public readonly navigations: FrameNavigations; + public get navigations(): FrameNavigations { + return this.frame.navigations; + } + + public get id(): number { + return this.frame.frameId; + } - public readonly id: number; public readonly tab: Tab; - public readonly jsPath: JsPath; public readonly createdTime: Date; public readonly createdAtCommandId: number; - public puppetFrame: IPuppetFrame; + public frame: Frame; public isReady: Promise; public domNodeId: number; - public readonly interactor: Interactor; protected readonly logger: IBoundLog; private events = new EventSubscriber(); - private puppetNodeIdsByHeroNodeId: Record = {}; - private prefetchedJsPaths: IJsPathResult[]; private isClosing = false; - private waitTimeouts: { timeout: NodeJS.Timeout; reject: (reason?: any) => void }[] = []; private readonly commandRecorder: CommandRecorder; - private readonly cleanPaths: string[] = []; + private readonly filePathsToClean: string[] = []; private lastDomChangeDocumentNavigationId: number; private lastDomChangeTimestamp = 0; private isTrackingMouse = false; @@ -117,27 +110,20 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment return this.navigations.currentUrl; } - constructor(tab: Tab, frame: IPuppetFrame) { + constructor(tab: Tab, frame: Frame) { super(); - this.puppetFrame = frame; + this.frame = frame; = tab; this.createdTime = new Date(); - = this.session.db.frames.nextId; this.logger = log.createChild(module, { tabId:, sessionId:, frameId:, }); - this.jsPath = new JsPath(this); this.createdAtCommandId = this.session.commands.lastId; - this.navigations = new FrameNavigations( -, -, -, - tab.session.db.frameNavigations, - ); - this.navigationsObserver = new TabNavigationObserver(this.navigations); - this.interactor = new Interactor(this); + if (this.session.options.showChromeInteractions) { + frame.hook(this); + } // give tab time to setup process.nextTick(() => this.listen()); @@ -178,11 +164,9 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment const parentLogId = this.logger.stats('FrameEnvironment.Closing'); try { - const cancelMessage = 'Terminated command because session closing'; - Timer.expireAll(this.waitTimeouts, new CanceledPromiseError(cancelMessage)); - this.navigationsObserver.cancelWaiting(cancelMessage); + this.frame.close(); this.logger.stats('FrameEnvironment.Closed', { parentLogId }); - for (const path of this.cleanPaths) { + for (const path of this.filePathsToClean) { Fs.promises.unlink(path).catch(() => null); }; @@ -199,48 +183,46 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment hideMouse = false, hideHighlightedNodes = false, ): void { - if (!this.session.options.showChromeInteractions) return; if (this.isTrackingMouse === followMouseMoves) return; this.isTrackingMouse = followMouseMoves; - this.puppetFrame + this.frame .evaluate( `window.setInteractionDisplay(${followMouseMoves}, ${hideMouse}, ${hideHighlightedNodes})`, ) .catch(() => null); } - /////// COMMANDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + public afterInteractionGroups(): void { +; + } - public async interact(...interactionGroups: IInteractionGroups): Promise { - // only install interactor on the main frame - await this.interactor.initialize(this.isMainFrame); - const timeoutMs = 120e3; - const interactionResolvable = createPromise(timeoutMs); - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(timeoutMs); - this.waitTimeouts.push({ - timeout: interactionResolvable.timeout, - reject: interactionResolvable.reject, - }); + public async beforeEachInteractionStep( + interaction: IInteractionStep, + isMouseCommand: boolean, + ): Promise { + if ( { + throw new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling interaction - tab closing'); + } - const cancelForNavigation = new CanceledPromiseError('Frame navigated'); - const cancelOnNavigate = (): void => { - interactionResolvable.reject(cancelForNavigation); - }; - try { -, interactionResolvable); -, 'frame-navigated', cancelOnNavigate); - await interactionResolvable.promise; - } catch (error) { - if (error === cancelForNavigation) return; - if (error instanceof CanceledPromiseError && this.isClosing) return; - throw error; - } finally { -'frame-navigated', cancelOnNavigate); + await; + + if (isMouseCommand) { +; } } + /////// COMMANDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + public async interact(...interactionGroups: IInteractionGroups): Promise { + await this.frame.interact(...interactionGroups); + } + public async getJsValue(expression: string): Promise { - return await this.puppetFrame.evaluate(expression, false); + return await this.frame.evaluate(expression, false); + } + + public async execJsPath(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise> { + return await this.frame.jsPath.exec(jsPath); } public meta(): IFrameMeta { @@ -253,7 +235,7 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment timestamp: number, waitForElement = false, ): Promise { - const { nodePointer } = await this.jsPath.getNodePointer(jsPath); + const { nodePointer } = await this.frame.jsPath.getNodePointer(jsPath); await this.flushPageEventsRecorder(); const navigation = this.navigations.lastHttpNavigationRequest; const commandId = this.session.commands.lastId; @@ -264,7 +246,7 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment for (const item of nodePointer.iterableItems as INodePointer[]) { elements.push({ name, - nodePath: this.jsPath.getNodePath(item), + nodePath: this.frame.jsPath.getSourceJsPath(item), documentUrl: this.url, nodePointerId:, frameId:, @@ -281,7 +263,7 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment elements.push({ name, nodePointerId:, - nodePath: this.jsPath.getNodePath(nodePointer), + nodePath: this.frame.jsPath.getSourceJsPath(nodePointer), documentUrl: this.url, frameId:, tabId:, @@ -304,21 +286,13 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment return waitForElement ? await Promise.all(promises) : elements; } - public async execJsPath(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise> { - // if nothing loaded yet, return immediately - if (! return null; - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); - const containerOffset = await this.getContainerOffset(); - return await this.jsPath.exec(jsPath, containerOffset); - } - public async createRequest(input: string | number, init?: IRequestInit): Promise { if (! && !this.url) { throw new Error( 'You need to use a "goto" before attempting to fetch. The in-browser fetch needs an origin to function properly.', ); } - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); + await this.frame.waitForLoad(); return this.runIsolatedFn( `${InjectedScripts.Fetcher}.createRequest`, input, @@ -333,7 +307,7 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment 'You need to use a "goto" before attempting to fetch. The in-browser fetch needs an origin to function properly.', ); } - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); + await this.frame.waitForLoad(); return this.runIsolatedFn( `${InjectedScripts.Fetcher}.fetch`, input, @@ -342,12 +316,8 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment ); } - public getViewportSize(): Promise<{ innerWidth: number; innerHeight: number }> { - return this.jsPath.getWindowOffset(); - } - public getUrl(): Promise { - return Promise.resolve(this.navigations.currentUrl || this.puppetFrame.url); + return Promise.resolve(this.navigations.currentUrl || this.frame.url); } public isPaintingStable(): Promise { @@ -363,9 +333,9 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment } public async getCookies(): Promise { - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); + await this.frame.waitForLoad(); return await this.session.browserContext.getCookies( - new URL(this.puppetFrame.securityOrigin ?? this.puppetFrame.url), + new URL(this.frame.securityOrigin ?? this.frame.url), ); } @@ -374,7 +344,7 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment value: string, options?: ISetCookieOptions, ): Promise { - if (! && this.puppetFrame.url === 'about:blank') { + if (! && this.frame.url === 'about:blank') { throw new Error(`Chrome won't allow you to set cookies on a blank tab. Hero supports two options to set cookies: @@ -383,7 +353,7 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' `); } - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); + await this.frame.waitForLoad(); const url = this.navigations.currentUrl; await this.session.browserContext.addCookies([ { @@ -402,24 +372,22 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' name, value: '', expires: 0, - url: this.puppetFrame.url, + url: this.frame.url, }, ]); return true; } public async getChildFrameEnvironment(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise { - await this.waitForNavigationLoader(); - const nodeIdResult = await this.jsPath.exec([...jsPath, [getNodeIdFnName]], null); - if (!nodeIdResult.value) return null; - - const domId = nodeIdResult.value; + await this.frame.waitForLoad(); + const nodeId = await this.frame.jsPath.getNodePointerId(jsPath); + if (!nodeId) return null; for (const frame of this.childFrameEnvironments) { if (!frame.isAttached) continue; await frame.isReady; - if (frame.domNodeId === domId) { + if (frame.domNodeId === nodeId) { return frame.toJSON(); } } @@ -458,44 +426,35 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' public async runPluginCommand(toPluginId: string, args: any[]): Promise { const commandMeta = { - puppetPage:, - puppetFrame: this.puppetFrame, + page:, + frame: this.frame, }; return await this.session.plugins.onPluginCommand(toPluginId, commandMeta, args); } - public async waitForLoad(status: ILoadStatus, options?: IWaitForOptions): Promise { + public async waitForLoad( + status: ILoadStatus, + options: IWaitForOptions = {}, + ): Promise { await this.isReady; - return this.navigationsObserver.waitForLoad(status, options); + return this.frame.waitForLoad({ loadStatus: status, ...options }); } public async waitForLocation( trigger: ILocationTrigger, options?: IWaitForOptions, ): Promise { - const timer = new Timer(options?.timeoutMs ?? 60e3, this.waitTimeouts); - const navigation = await timer.waitForPromise( - this.navigationsObserver.waitForLocation(trigger, options), - `Timeout waiting for location ${trigger}`, - ); - - const resourceId = await timer.waitForPromise( - this.navigationsObserver.waitForNavigationResourceId(navigation), - `Timeout waiting for location ${trigger}`, - ); + const location = await this.frame.waitForLocation(trigger, options); + const resourceId = location.resourceId ?? (await location.resourceIdResolvable.promise); return this.session.resources.get(resourceId); } - public async waitForNavigationLoader(timeoutMs?: number): Promise { - await this.navigationsObserver.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.JavascriptReady, { timeoutMs }); - } - public async flushPageEventsRecorder(): Promise { try { // don't wait for env to be available - if (!this.puppetFrame.canEvaluate(true)) return false; + if (!this.frame.canEvaluate(true)) return false; - const results = await this.puppetFrame.evaluate( + const results = await this.frame.evaluate( `window.flushPageRecorder()`, true, ); @@ -525,14 +484,6 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' loadEvents, }); - for (const [event, url, timestamp] of loadEvents) { - const incomingStatus = domStateToLoadStatus[event]; - // only record the content paint - if (incomingStatus === ContentPaint) { - this.navigations.onLoadStatusChanged(incomingStatus, url, null, timestamp); - } - } - if (domChanges.length) { this.emit('paint'); } @@ -556,17 +507,11 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' if (action === DomActionType.newDocument || action === DomActionType.location) { const url = domChange[1].textContent; - documentNavigation = this.navigations.findHistory(x => x.finalUrl === url); + documentNavigation = this.navigations.findMostRecentHistory(x => x.finalUrl === url); if (documentNavigation) { - this.navigations.setPageReady(documentNavigation, timestamp); if (action === DomActionType.location && documentNavigation.initiatedTime < timestamp) { - documentNavigation.initiatedTime = timestamp; - // if we already have dom content loaded, update to the new timestamp - if (documentNavigation.statusChanges.has('DomContentLoaded')) { - documentNavigation.statusChanges.set('DomContentLoaded', timestamp); - documentNavigation.statusChanges.set('AllContentLoaded', timestamp); - } + this.frame.navigations.adjustInPageLocationChangeTime(documentNavigation, timestamp); } if ( action === DomActionType.newDocument && @@ -620,7 +565,7 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' return { id:, parentFrameId: this.parentId, - name:, + name:, tabId:, puppetId: this.devtoolsFrameId, url: this.navigations.currentUrl, @@ -630,7 +575,7 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' } as IFrameMeta; } - public runIsolatedFn(fnName: string, ...args: Serializable[]): Promise { + public runIsolatedFn(fnName: string, ...args: ISerializable[]): Promise { const callFn = `${fnName}(${args .map(x => { if (!x) return 'undefined'; @@ -640,46 +585,19 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' return this.runFn(fnName, callFn); } - public async getDomNodeId(puppetNodeId: string): Promise { - const nodeId = await this.puppetFrame.evaluateOnNode( - puppetNodeId, - 'NodeTracker.watchNode(this)', - ); - this.puppetNodeIdsByHeroNodeId[nodeId] = puppetNodeId; - return nodeId; - } - - public async getContainerOffset(): Promise { - if (!this.parentId) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; - const parentOffset = await this.parentFrame.getContainerOffset(); - const frameElementNodeId = await this.puppetFrame.getFrameElementNodeId(); - const thisOffset = await this.puppetFrame.evaluateOnNode( - frameElementNodeId, - `(() => { - const rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); - return { x:rect.x, y:rect.y }; - })()`, - ); - return { - x: thisOffset.x + parentOffset.x, - y: thisOffset.y + parentOffset.y, - }; - } - public async setFileInputFiles( jsPath: IJsPath, files: { name: string; data: Buffer }[], ): Promise { - const puppetNodeId = this.puppetNodeIdsByHeroNodeId[jsPath[0] as number]; - const tmpDir = await Fs.promises.mkdtemp(`${Os.tmpdir()}/sa-upload`); + const tmpDir = await Fs.promises.mkdtemp(`${Os.tmpdir()}/hero-upload`); const filepaths: string[] = []; for (const file of files) { const fileName = `${tmpDir}/${}`; filepaths.push(fileName); await Fs.promises.writeFile(fileName,; } - await this.puppetFrame.setFileInputFiles(puppetNodeId, filepaths); - this.cleanPaths.push(tmpDir); + await this.frame.setFileInputFiles(jsPath[0] as number, filepaths); + this.filePathsToClean.push(tmpDir); } public addRemoteEventListener( @@ -705,11 +623,11 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' } protected async runFn(fnName: string, serializedFn: string): Promise { - const result = await this.puppetFrame.evaluate(serializedFn, true); + const result = await this.frame.evaluate(serializedFn, true); if ((result as any)?.error) { this.logger.error(fnName, { result }); - throw new InjectedScriptError((result as any).error as string); + throw new Error((result as any).error as string); } else { return result as T; } @@ -718,9 +636,8 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' protected async install(): Promise { try { if (!this.isMainFrame) { - const frameElementNodeId = await this.puppetFrame.getFrameElementNodeId(); // retrieve the domNode containing this frame (note: valid id only in the containing frame) - this.domNodeId = await this.getDomNodeId(frameElementNodeId); + this.domNodeId = await this.frame.getFrameElementNodePointerId(); } } catch (error) { // This can happen if the node goes away. Still want to record frame @@ -733,60 +650,21 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' } private listen(): void { - const frame = this.puppetFrame; + const frame = this.frame;, 'frame-navigated', this.onFrameNavigated.bind(this), true); - - frame, - 'frame-requested-navigation', - this.onFrameRequestedNavigation.bind(this), - true, - ); -, 'frame-lifecycle', this.onFrameLifecycle.bind(this), true); - } - - private onFrameLifecycle(event: IPuppetFrameEvents['frame-lifecycle']): void { - const lowerEventName =; - let status: LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded | LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded; - - if (lowerEventName === 'load') status = LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded; - else if (lowerEventName === 'domcontentloaded') status = LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded; - - if (status) { - this.navigations.onLoadStatusChanged( - status, - event.loader.url ?? event.frame.url, -, - event.timestamp, - ); - } +, 'change', this.recordNavigationChange.bind(this)); } - private onFrameNavigated(event: IPuppetFrameEvents['frame-navigated']): void { - const { navigatedInDocument, frame } = event; - if (navigatedInDocument) { -'Page.navigatedWithinDocument', event); - // set load state back to all loaded - this.navigations.onNavigationRequested( - 'inPage', - frame.url, -, - event.loaderId, - ); - } else { + private onFrameNavigated(event: IFrameEvents['frame-navigated']): void { + const { navigatedInDocument } = event; + if (!navigatedInDocument) { this.installedDomAssertions.clear(); } - this.puppetFrame = frame; this.record(); } - // client-side frame navigations (form posts/gets, redirects/ page reloads) - private onFrameRequestedNavigation( - event: IPuppetFrameEvents['frame-requested-navigation'], - ): void { -'Page.frameRequestedNavigation', event); - // disposition options: currentTab, newTab, newWindow, download - const { url, reason } = event; - this.navigations.updateNavigationReason(url, reason); + private recordNavigationChange(event: IFrameNavigationEvents['change']): void { + this.session.db.frameNavigations.insert(event.navigation); } private record(): void { @@ -800,9 +678,3 @@ b) Use the UserProfile feature to set cookies for 1 or more domains before they' }); } } - -const domStateToLoadStatus = { - LargestContentfulPaint: ContentPaint, - DOMContentLoaded: LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded, - load: LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded, -}; diff --git a/core/lib/FrameNavigations.ts b/core/lib/FrameNavigations.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 82ba4d065..000000000 --- a/core/lib/FrameNavigations.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,441 +0,0 @@ -import INavigation, { - ContentPaint, - NavigationReason, - NavigationStatus, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { ILoadStatus, LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import FrameNavigationsTable from '../models/FrameNavigationsTable'; - -export interface IFrameNavigationEvents { - 'navigation-requested': INavigation; - 'status-change': { - id: number; - url: string; - statusChanges: Record; - newStatus: NavigationStatus; - }; -} - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class FrameNavigations extends TypedEventEmitter { - public get top(): INavigation { - return this.history.length > 0 ? this.history[this.history.length - 1] : null; - } - - // last navigation not loaded in-page - public lastHttpNavigationRequest: INavigation; - - public get currentUrl(): string { - const top =; - if (!top) return ''; - return top.finalUrl ?? top.requestedUrl; - } - - public history: INavigation[] = []; - public initiatedUserAction: { startCommandId: number; reason: NavigationReason }; - - public logger: IBoundLog; - - private readonly historyByLoaderId: { [loaderId: string]: INavigation } = {}; - private readonly historyById: Record = {}; - private nextNavigationReason: { url: string; reason: NavigationReason }; - - constructor( - readonly tabId: number, - readonly frameId: number, - readonly sessionId: string, - readonly model: FrameNavigationsTable, - ) { - super(); - this.setEventsToLog(['navigation-requested', 'status-change']); - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId: this.sessionId, - frameId, - }); - } - - public get(id: number): INavigation { - return this.historyById[id]; - } - - public didGotoUrl(url: string): boolean { - return this.history.some(x => x.requestedUrl === url && x.navigationReason === 'goto'); - } - - public hasLoadStatus(status: ILoadStatus): boolean { - if (! return false; - - const statuses =; - - if (statuses.has(status)) { - return true; - } - - if (status === LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded) { - return statuses.has(LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded) || statuses.has(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded); - } - - if (status === LoadStatus.PaintingStable) { - return this.getPaintStableStatus().isStable; - } - - return false; - } - - public getPaintStableStatus(): { isStable: boolean; timeUntilReadyMs?: number } { - const top =; - if (!top) return { isStable: false }; - - // need to wait for both load + painting stable, or wait 3 seconds after either one - const loadDate = top.statusChanges.get(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded); - const contentPaintedDate = top.statusChanges.get(ContentPaint); - - if (contentPaintedDate) return { isStable: true }; - if (!loadDate && !contentPaintedDate) return { isStable: false }; - - // NOTE: LargestContentfulPaint, which currently drives PaintingStable will NOT trigger if the page - // doesn't have any "contentful" items that are eligible (image, headers, divs, paragraphs that fill the page) - - // have contentPaintedDate date, but no load - const timeUntilReadyMs = - (contentPaintedDate ?? loadDate); - return { - isStable: timeUntilReadyMs >= 3e3, - timeUntilReadyMs: Math.min(3e3, 3e3 - timeUntilReadyMs), - }; - } - - public onNavigationRequested( - reason: NavigationReason, - url: string, - commandId: number, - loaderId: string, - browserRequestId?: string, - ): INavigation { - const nextTop = { - id: (this.model.idCounter += 1), - documentNavigationId: this.lastHttpNavigationRequest?.id, - tabId: this.tabId, - requestedUrl: url, - finalUrl: null, - frameId: this.frameId, - loaderId, - startCommandId: commandId, - navigationReason: reason, - initiatedTime:, - statusChanges: new Map(), - resourceIdResolvable: createPromise(), - browserRequestId, - }; - nextTop.resourceIdResolvable.promise - .then(this.resolveResourceId.bind(this, nextTop)) - .catch(() => null); - this.history.push(nextTop); - this.historyById[] = nextTop; - if (loaderId) this.historyByLoaderId[loaderId] = nextTop; - - this.checkStoredNavigationReason(nextTop, url); - if (this.initiatedUserAction) { - nextTop.navigationReason = this.initiatedUserAction.reason; - nextTop.startCommandId = this.initiatedUserAction.startCommandId; - this.initiatedUserAction = null; - } - - let shouldPublishLocationChange = false; - // if in-page, set the state to match current top - if (reason === 'inPage') { - if ( === url) return; - const lastHttpResponse = this.lastHttpNavigationRequest; - if (lastHttpResponse) { - for (const state of lastHttpResponse.statusChanges.keys()) { - if (isPageLoadedStatus(state)) { - nextTop.statusChanges.set(state,; - } - } - nextTop.resourceIdResolvable.resolve(lastHttpResponse.resourceIdResolvable.promise); - } else { - nextTop.statusChanges.set(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded, nextTop.initiatedTime); - nextTop.statusChanges.set(ContentPaint, nextTop.initiatedTime); - nextTop.resourceIdResolvable.resolve(-1); - } - shouldPublishLocationChange = true; - nextTop.finalUrl = url; - } else { - this.lastHttpNavigationRequest = nextTop; - } - - this.emit('navigation-requested', nextTop); - this.model.insert(nextTop); - if (shouldPublishLocationChange) { - this.emit('status-change', { - id:, - newStatus: ContentPaint, - url, - // @ts-ignore - statusChanges: Object.fromEntries(nextTop.statusChanges), - }); - } - return nextTop; - } - - public onHttpRequested( - url: string, - lastCommandId: number, - redirectedFromUrl: string, - browserRequestId: string, - loaderId: string, - ): void { - if (url === 'about:blank') return; - // if this is a redirect, capture in top - if (! return; - - let reason: NavigationReason; - if (redirectedFromUrl) { - const redirectedNavigation = this.recordRedirect(redirectedFromUrl, url, loaderId); - reason = redirectedNavigation?.navigationReason; - } - - const top =; - - const isHistoryNavigation = - top.navigationReason === 'goBack' || top.navigationReason === 'goForward'; - if (!top.requestedUrl && isHistoryNavigation) { - top.requestedUrl = url; - } else if ( - !top.requestedUrl && - top.navigationReason === 'newFrame' && - top.loaderId === loaderId - ) { - top.requestedUrl = url; - this.checkStoredNavigationReason(top, url); - } - // if we already have this status at top level, this is a new nav - else if ( - top.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpRequested) === true && - // add new entries for redirects - (!this.historyByLoaderId[loaderId] || redirectedFromUrl) - ) { - this.onNavigationRequested(reason, url, lastCommandId, loaderId, browserRequestId); - } - - this.changeNavigationStatus(LoadStatus.HttpRequested, loaderId); - } - - public setPageReady(navigation: INavigation, timestamp: number): void { - this.recordStatusChange(navigation, LoadStatus.JavascriptReady, timestamp); - } - - public onHttpResponded( - browserRequestId: string, - url: string, - loaderId: string, - responseTime: number, - ): void { - if (url === 'about:blank') return; - - const navigation = this.findMatchingNavigation(loaderId); - navigation.finalUrl = url; - - this.recordStatusChange(navigation, LoadStatus.HttpResponded, responseTime); - } - - public doesMatchPending( - browserRequestId: string, - requestedUrl: string, - finalUrl: string, - loaderId?: string, - ): boolean { - const top = this.lastHttpNavigationRequest; - if (!top || top.resourceIdResolvable.isResolved) return false; - if (loaderId && top.loaderId !== loaderId) return false; - if (browserRequestId && top.browserRequestId && browserRequestId !== top.browserRequestId) - return false; - - // hash won't be in the http request - const frameRequestedUrl = top.requestedUrl?.split('#')?.shift(); - - if ((top.finalUrl && finalUrl === top.finalUrl) || requestedUrl === frameRequestedUrl) { - return true; - } - return false; - } - - public onResourceLoaded(resourceId: number, statusCode: number, error?: Error): void { -'NavigationResource resolved', { - resourceId, - statusCode, - error, - currentUrl: this.currentUrl, - }); - const top = this.lastHttpNavigationRequest; - - if (!top || top.resourceIdResolvable.isResolved) return; - - // since we don't know if there are listeners yet, we need to just set the error on the return value - // otherwise, get unhandledrejections - if (error) top.navigationError = error; - - top.resourceIdResolvable.resolve(resourceId); - } - - public onLoadStatusChanged( - incomingStatus: - | LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded - | LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded - | LoadStatus.PaintingStable, - url: string, - loaderId: string, - statusChangeDate?: number, - ): void { - if (url === 'about:blank') return; - // if this is a painting stable, it won't come from a loader event for the page - if (!loaderId) { - loaderId = this.findHistory( - nav => - (nav.finalUrl === url || nav.requestedUrl === url) && - nav.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpResponded), - )?.loaderId; - } - this.changeNavigationStatus(incomingStatus, loaderId, statusChangeDate); - } - - public updateNavigationReason(url: string, reason: NavigationReason): void { - const top =; - if ( - top && - top.requestedUrl === url && - (top.navigationReason === null || top.navigationReason === 'newFrame') - ) { - top.navigationReason = reason; - this.model.insert(top); - } else { - this.nextNavigationReason = { url, reason }; - } - } - - public assignLoaderId(navigation: INavigation, loaderId: string): void { - if (!loaderId) return; - this.historyByLoaderId[loaderId] ??= navigation; - navigation.loaderId = loaderId; - this.model.insert(navigation); - } - - public getLastLoadedNavigation(): INavigation { - let navigation: INavigation; - let hasInPageNav = false; - for (let i = this.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { - navigation = this.history[i]; - if (navigation.navigationReason === 'inPage') { - hasInPageNav = true; - continue; - } - if (!navigation.finalUrl || !navigation.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpResponded)) continue; - - // if we have an in-page nav, return the first non "inPage" url. Otherwise, use if we loaded html - if (hasInPageNav || navigation.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded)) { - return navigation; - } - } - return; - } - - public findHistory(callback: (history: INavigation) => boolean): INavigation { - for (let i = this.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { - const navigation = this.history[i]; - if (callback(navigation)) return navigation; - } - } - - private checkStoredNavigationReason(navigation: INavigation, url: string): void { - if ( - this.nextNavigationReason && - this.nextNavigationReason.url === url && - (!navigation.navigationReason || navigation.navigationReason === 'newFrame') - ) { - navigation.navigationReason = this.nextNavigationReason.reason; - this.nextNavigationReason = null; - } - } - - private findMatchingNavigation(loaderId: string): INavigation { - return this.historyByLoaderId[loaderId] ??; - } - - private recordRedirect(requestedUrl: string, finalUrl: string, loaderId: string): INavigation { - const top =; - if (top.requestedUrl === requestedUrl && !top.finalUrl && !top.loaderId) { - top.loaderId = loaderId; - top.finalUrl = finalUrl; - this.recordStatusChange(top, LoadStatus.HttpRedirected); - return top; - } - - // find the right loader id - const navigation = this.findHistory( - x => - x.loaderId === loaderId && - !x.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpRedirected) && - x.requestedUrl === requestedUrl, - ); - if (navigation) { - navigation.finalUrl = finalUrl; - this.recordStatusChange(navigation, LoadStatus.HttpRedirected); - return navigation; - } - } - - private changeNavigationStatus( - newStatus: NavigationStatus, - loaderId?: string, - statusChangeDate?: number, - ): void { - const navigation = this.findMatchingNavigation(loaderId); - if (!navigation) return; - if (!navigation.loaderId && loaderId) { - navigation.loaderId = loaderId; - this.historyByLoaderId[loaderId] ??= navigation; - } - if (navigation.statusChanges.has(newStatus)) { - if (statusChangeDate && statusChangeDate < navigation.statusChanges.get(newStatus)) { - navigation.statusChanges.set(newStatus, statusChangeDate); - } - return; - } - - this.recordStatusChange(navigation, newStatus, statusChangeDate); - } - - private resolveResourceId(navigation: INavigation, resourceId: number): void { - navigation.resourceId = resourceId; - this.model.insert(navigation); - } - - private recordStatusChange( - navigation: INavigation, - newStatus: NavigationStatus, - statusChangeDate?: number, - ): void { - navigation.statusChanges.set(newStatus, statusChangeDate ??; - - this.emit('status-change', { - id:, - url: navigation.finalUrl ?? navigation.requestedUrl, - // @ts-ignore - Typescript refuses to recognize this function - statusChanges: Object.fromEntries(navigation.statusChanges), - newStatus, - }); - this.model.insert(navigation); - } -} - -function isPageLoadedStatus(status: NavigationStatus): boolean { - return ( - status === ContentPaint || - status === LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded || - status === LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded - ); -} diff --git a/core/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver.ts b/core/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0c42ba77c..000000000 --- a/core/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,305 +0,0 @@ -import { assert } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { - ILoadStatus, - ILocationTrigger, - LoadStatus, - LoadStatusPipeline, - LocationStatus, - LocationTrigger, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import INavigation, { - ContentPaint, - NavigationReason, - NavigationStatus, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; -import type ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; -import type IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; -import type IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import type { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import type FrameNavigations from './FrameNavigations'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; - -interface IStatusTrigger { - status: LocationStatus; - resolvable: IResolvablePromise; - startCommandId: number; - waitingForLoadTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; -} - -export default class FrameNavigationsObserver { - private readonly navigations: FrameNavigations; - - // this is the default "starting" point for a wait-for location change if a previous command id is not specified - private defaultWaitForLocationCommandId = 0; - - private resourceIdResolvable: IResolvablePromise; - private logger: IBoundLog; - private readonly statusTriggers: IStatusTrigger[] = []; - - constructor(navigations: FrameNavigations) { - this.navigations = navigations; - this.logger = navigations.logger.createChild(module); - navigations.on('status-change', this.onLoadStatusChange.bind(this)); - } - - // this function will find the "starting command" to look for waitForLocation(change/reload) - public willRunCommand(newCommand: ICommandMeta, previousCommands: ICommandMeta[]): void { - let last: ICommandMeta; - for (const command of previousCommands) { - // if this is a goto, set this to the "waitForLocation(change/reload)" command marker - if ( === 'goto') this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId =; - // find the last "waitFor" command that is not followed by another waitFor - if (last?.name.startsWith('waitFor') && !'waitFor')) { - this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId =; - } - last = command; - } - // handle cases like waitForLocation two times in a row - if ( - === 'waitForLocation' && - last && -'waitFor') && - !== 'waitForMillis' - ) { - this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId =; - } - } - - public waitForLocation( - status: ILocationTrigger, - options: IWaitForOptions = {}, - ): Promise { - assert(LocationTrigger[status], `Invalid location status: ${status}`); - - // determine if this location trigger has already been satisfied - const sinceCommandId = Number.isInteger(options.sinceCommandId) - ? options.sinceCommandId - : this.defaultWaitForLocationCommandId; - - const trigger = this.hasLocationTrigger(status, sinceCommandId); - if (trigger) return Promise.resolve(trigger); - // otherwise set pending - return this.createStatusTriggeredPromise(status, options.timeoutMs, sinceCommandId); - } - - public waitForLoad(status: ILoadStatus, options: IWaitForOptions = {}): Promise { - assert(LoadStatus[status], `Invalid load status: ${status}`); - - if (options.sinceCommandId) { - throw new Error('Not implemented'); - } - - const top =; - if (top && top.statusChanges.has(status)) return Promise.resolve(top); - - const promise = this.createStatusTriggeredPromise( - status, - options.timeoutMs, - options.sinceCommandId, - ); - - if (top) this.onLoadStatusChange(); - return promise; - } - - public async waitForNavigationResourceId(navigation?: INavigation): Promise { - const nav = navigation ??; - - this.resourceIdResolvable = nav?.resourceIdResolvable; - const resourceId = await this.resourceIdResolvable?.promise; - if (nav?.navigationError) { - throw nav.navigationError; - } - return resourceId; - } - - public cancelWaiting(cancelMessage: string): void { - const statusPromises: IResolvablePromise[] = []; - for (const status of this.statusTriggers) { - clearTimeout(status.waitingForLoadTimeout); - statusPromises.push(status.resolvable); - } - this.statusTriggers.length = 0; - - for (const promise of [this.resourceIdResolvable, ...statusPromises]) { - if (!promise || promise.isResolved) continue; - - const canceled = new CanceledPromiseError(cancelMessage); - canceled.stack += `\n${'------LOCATION'.padEnd(50, '-')}\n${promise.stack}`; - promise.reject(canceled); - } - } - - private onLoadStatusChange(): void { - for (const trigger of [...this.statusTriggers]) { - if (trigger.resolvable.isResolved) continue; - - if (trigger.status === LocationTrigger.change || trigger.status === LocationTrigger.reload) { - const resolver = this.hasLocationTrigger(trigger.status, trigger.startCommandId); - if (resolver) { - this.resolvePendingTrigger(trigger, trigger.status, resolver); - } - } else if (trigger.status === LoadStatus.PaintingStable) { - this.refreshPendingLoadTrigger(trigger); - } else { - const top =; - const resolution = this.getResolutionStatus(trigger); - if (resolution !== null) { - this.resolvePendingTrigger(trigger, resolution, top); - } - } - } - } - - private getResolutionStatus(trigger: IStatusTrigger): NavigationStatus { - const desiredPipeline = LoadStatusPipeline[trigger.status]; - - // otherwise just look for state changes > the trigger - const top =; - for (const statusChange of top.statusChanges.keys()) { - // don't resolve states for redirected - if (statusChange === LoadStatus.HttpRedirected) continue; - - let pipelineStatus: number = LoadStatusPipeline[statusChange]; - if (statusChange === LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded) { - pipelineStatus = LoadStatusPipeline.AllContentLoaded; - } - if (pipelineStatus >= desiredPipeline) { - return statusChange; - } - } - return null; - } - - private refreshPendingLoadTrigger(trigger: IStatusTrigger): void { - clearTimeout(trigger.waitingForLoadTimeout); - - const { isStable, timeUntilReadyMs } = this.navigations.getPaintStableStatus(); - - if (isStable) { - this.resolvePendingTrigger(trigger, 'PaintingStable + Load',; - return; - } - - if (timeUntilReadyMs === undefined) return; - - trigger.waitingForLoadTimeout = setTimeout(() => { - const top =; - const loadDate = top.statusChanges.get(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded); - const contentPaintDate = top.statusChanges.get(ContentPaint); - this.resolvePendingTrigger( - trigger, - `TimeElapsed. Loaded="${loadDate}", ContentPaint="${contentPaintDate}"`, - top, - ); - }, timeUntilReadyMs).unref(); - } - - private resolvePendingTrigger( - trigger: IStatusTrigger, - resolvedWithStatus: string, - navigation: INavigation, - ): void { - if (!trigger.resolvable.isResolved) { -`Resolving pending "${trigger.status}" with trigger`, { - resolvedWithStatus, - waitingForStatus: trigger.status, - url: navigation.finalUrl ?? navigation.requestedUrl, - }); - } - - clearTimeout(trigger.waitingForLoadTimeout); - trigger.resolvable.resolve(navigation); - const index = this.statusTriggers.indexOf(trigger); - if (index >= 0) this.statusTriggers.splice(index, 1); - } - - private hasLocationTrigger( - trigger: ILocationTrigger, - sinceCommandId: number, - ): INavigation | null { - let previousLoadedNavigation: INavigation; - for (const history of this.navigations.history) { - const isMatch = history.startCommandId >= sinceCommandId; - const hasResponse = - (history.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpResponded) || - history.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded) || - history.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded)) && - !history.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpRedirected); - - if (isMatch) { - let isTriggered = false; - if (trigger === LocationTrigger.reload) { - isTriggered = FrameNavigationsObserver.isNavigationReload(history.navigationReason); - if ( - !isTriggered && - !history.statusChanges.has(LoadStatus.HttpRedirected) && - previousLoadedNavigation && - previousLoadedNavigation.finalUrl === history.finalUrl - ) { - isTriggered = previousLoadedNavigation.loaderId !== history.loaderId; - } - } - - // if there was a previously loaded url, use this change - if ( - trigger === LocationTrigger.change && - previousLoadedNavigation && - previousLoadedNavigation.finalUrl !== history.finalUrl && - hasResponse - ) { - // Don't accept adding a slash as a page change - const isInPageUrlAdjust = - history.navigationReason === 'inPage' && - history.finalUrl.replace(previousLoadedNavigation.finalUrl, '').length <= 1; - - if (!isInPageUrlAdjust) isTriggered = true; - } - - if (isTriggered) { -`Resolving waitForLocation(${trigger}) with navigation history`, { - historyEntry: history, - status: trigger, - sinceCommandId, - }); - return history; - } - } - - if (hasResponse) { - previousLoadedNavigation = history; - } - } - return null; - } - - private createStatusTriggeredPromise( - status: LocationStatus, - timeoutMs: number, - startCommandId?: number, - ): Promise { - const existing = this.statusTriggers.find( - x => x.status === status && x.startCommandId === startCommandId, - ); - if (existing) { - return existing.resolvable.promise; - } - - const resolvable = new Resolvable( - timeoutMs ?? 60e3, - `Timeout waiting for navigation "${status}"`, - ); - this.statusTriggers.push({ - status, - startCommandId, - resolvable, - }); - - return resolvable.promise; - } - - private static isNavigationReload(reason: NavigationReason): boolean { - return reason === 'httpHeaderRefresh' || reason === 'metaTagRefresh' || reason === 'reload'; - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/GlobalPool.ts b/core/lib/GlobalPool.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3d9801e3d..000000000 --- a/core/lib/GlobalPool.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { MitmProxy } from '@ulixee/hero-mitm'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import Puppet from '@ulixee/hero-puppet'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import IPuppetLaunchArgs from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetLaunchArgs'; -import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import SessionsDb from '../dbs/SessionsDb'; -import Session from './Session'; -import DevtoolsPreferences from './DevtoolsPreferences'; -import Core from '../index'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; -import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; -import CorePlugins from './CorePlugins'; -import { ISessionSummary } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -export const disableMitm = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_MITM ?? 'false')); - -export default class GlobalPool { - public static maxConcurrentClientCount = 10; - public static get activeSessionCount(): number { - return this._activeSessionCount; - } - - public static get hasAvailability(): boolean { - return this.activeSessionCount < GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount; - } - - public static events = new TypedEventEmitter<{ - 'session-created': { session: Session }; - 'browser-launched': { puppet: Puppet }; - 'browser-has-no-open-windows': { puppet: Puppet }; - 'all-browsers-closed': void; - }>(); - - private static isClosing: Resolvable; - private static utilityBrowserContext: Promise; - private static defaultLaunchArgs: IPuppetLaunchArgs; - private static _activeSessionCount = 0; - private static puppets: Puppet[] = []; - private static mitmServer: MitmProxy; - private static mitmStartPromise: Promise; - private static waitingForAvailability: { - options: ISessionCreateOptions; - promise: IResolvablePromise; - }[] = []; - - public static getUtilityContext(): Promise { - if (this.utilityBrowserContext) return this.utilityBrowserContext; - - const corePlugins = new CorePlugins({}, log); - - this.utilityBrowserContext = this.getPuppet(corePlugins, corePlugins.browserEngine, null, { - showChrome: false, - enableMitm: false, - }).then(puppet => puppet.newContext(corePlugins, log, null, true)); - - return this.utilityBrowserContext; - } - - public static async start(): Promise { - if (this.isClosing) await this.isClosing; - this.isClosing = null; -'StartingGlobalPool', { - sessionId: null, - }); - await this.startMitm(); - } - - public static async createSession(options: ISessionCreateOptions): Promise { -'AcquiringChrome', { - sessionId: null, - activeSessionCount: this.activeSessionCount, - waitingForAvailability: this.waitingForAvailability.length, - maxConcurrentClientCount: this.maxConcurrentClientCount, - }); - - if (!this.hasAvailability) { - const resolvablePromise = createPromise(); - this.waitingForAvailability.push({ options, promise: resolvablePromise }); - return await resolvablePromise.promise; - } - return await this.createSessionNow(options); - } - - public static close(): Promise { - if (this.isClosing) return this.isClosing.promise; - this.isClosing = new Resolvable(); - try { - const logId = log.stats('GlobalPool.Closing', { - sessionId: null, - puppets: this.puppets.length, - waitingForAvailability: this.waitingForAvailability.length, - }); - for (const { promise } of this.waitingForAvailability) { - promise.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Puppet pool shutting down')); - } - this.waitingForAvailability.length = 0; - const closePromises: Promise[] = []; - - const browserContext = this.utilityBrowserContext; - this.utilityBrowserContext = null; - closePromises.push(browserContext?.then(x => x.close()).catch(err => err)); - - while (this.puppets.length) { - const puppetBrowser = this.puppets.shift(); - closePromises.push(puppetBrowser.close().catch(err => err)); - } - MitmProxy.close(); - if (this.mitmStartPromise) { - this.mitmStartPromise.then(x => x.close()).catch(() => null); - this.mitmStartPromise = null; - } - if (this.mitmServer) { - this.mitmServer.close(); - this.mitmServer = null; - } - SessionsDb.shutdown(); - return Promise.all(closePromises) - .then(() => { - log.stats('GlobalPool.Closed', { parentLogId: logId, sessionId: null }); - return null; - }) - .catch(error => { - log.error('Error in GlobalPoolShutdown', { parentLogId: logId, sessionId: null, error }); - }); - } finally { - this.isClosing.resolve(); - } - } - - public static async getPuppet( - plugins: ICorePlugins, - browserEngine: IBrowserEngine, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - launchArgs?: IPuppetLaunchArgs, - ): Promise { - const args = launchArgs ?? this.getPuppetLaunchArgs(); - const puppet = new Puppet(browserEngine, args); - await plugins.onBrowserLaunchConfiguration(browserEngine.launchArguments); - - const existing = this.puppets.find(x => - this.isSameEngine(puppet.browserEngine, x.browserEngine), - ); - if (existing) return Promise.resolve(existing); - - this.puppets.push(puppet); - puppet.once('close', this.onEngineClosed.bind(this, puppet)); - const browserDir = browserEngine.executablePath.split(browserEngine.fullVersion).shift(); - - const preferencesInterceptor = new DevtoolsPreferences( - `${browserDir}/devtoolsPreferences.json`, - ); - - await puppet.start(preferencesInterceptor.installOnConnect); -'browser-launched', { puppet }); - - return puppet; - } - - private static async startMitm(): Promise { - if (this.mitmServer || disableMitm === true) return; - if (this.mitmStartPromise) await this.mitmStartPromise; - else { - this.mitmStartPromise = MitmProxy.start(Core.dataDir); - this.mitmServer = await this.mitmStartPromise; - } - } - - private static async createSessionNow(options: ISessionCreateOptions): Promise { - await this.startMitm(); - - this._activeSessionCount += 1; - try { - const session = new Session(options); -'session-created', { session }); - - if (session.mode === 'browserless') return session; - - const puppet = await this.getPuppet( - session.plugins, - session.browserEngine, - session.getSummary(), - ); - - if (disableMitm !== true) { - await session.registerWithMitm(this.mitmServer, puppet.supportsBrowserContextProxy); - } - - const sessionId =; - const browserContext = await puppet.newContext( - session.plugins, - log.createChild(module, { - sessionId, - }), - session.getMitmProxy(), - session.useIncognitoContext(), - ); - await session.initialize(browserContext); - - session.on('all-tabs-closed', this.checkForInactiveBrowserEngine.bind(this, session)); - session.once( - 'closed', - ev => (ev.waitForPromise = this.closeBrowserContext(browserContext, sessionId)), - ); - session.once('closing', this.releaseConnection.bind(this)); - return session; - } catch (err) { - this._activeSessionCount -= 1; - throw err; - } - } - - private static async closeBrowserContext( - browserContext: IPuppetContext, - sessionId: string, - ): Promise { - try { - await browserContext.close(); - } catch (error) { - log.error('Session.CloseBrowserContextError', { error, sessionId }); - } - } - - private static async onEngineClosed(puppet: Puppet): Promise { - if (this.isClosing) return; - for (const session of Session.sessionsWithBrowserId(puppet.browserId)) { - await session.close(); - } -'PuppetEngine.closed', { - engine: puppet.browserEngine, - browserId: puppet.browserId, - sessionId: null, - }); - const idx = this.puppets.indexOf(puppet); - if (idx >= 0) this.puppets.splice(idx, 1); - if (this.puppets.length === 0) { -'all-browsers-closed'); - } - } - - private static checkForInactiveBrowserEngine(session: Session): void { - const browserId = session.browserContext.browserId; - const sessionsUsingEngine = Session.sessionsWithBrowserId(browserId); - const hasWindows = sessionsUsingEngine.some(x => x.tabsById.size > 0); - -'Session.allTabsClosed', { - sessionId:, - engineHasOtherOpenTabs: hasWindows, - }); - if (hasWindows) return; - - const puppet = this.puppets.find(x => - this.isSameEngine(session.browserEngine, x.browserEngine), - ); - - if (puppet) { -'browser-has-no-open-windows', { puppet }); - } - } - - private static releaseConnection(): void { - this._activeSessionCount -= 1; - - const wasTransferred = this.resolveWaitingConnection(); - if (!wasTransferred) { -'ReleasingChrome', { - sessionId: null, - activeSessionCount: this.activeSessionCount, - waitingForAvailability: this.waitingForAvailability.length, - }); - } - } - - private static resolveWaitingConnection(): boolean { - if (!this.waitingForAvailability.length) { - return false; - } - const { options, promise } = this.waitingForAvailability.shift(); - - this.createSessionNow(options) - .then(session => promise.resolve(session)) - .catch(error => promise.reject(error)); - -'TransferredChromeToWaitingAcquirer'); - return true; - } - - private static getPuppetLaunchArgs(): IPuppetLaunchArgs { - this.defaultLaunchArgs ??= { - showChrome: Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_SHOW_CHROME ?? 'false')), - disableDevtools: Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS ?? 'false')), - noChromeSandbox: Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX ?? 'false')), - disableGpu: Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_GPU ?? 'false')), - enableMitm: !disableMitm, - }; - return { - ...this.defaultLaunchArgs, - proxyPort: this.mitmServer?.port, - }; - } - - private static isSameEngine(engineA: IBrowserEngine, engineB: IBrowserEngine): boolean { - return ( - engineA.executablePath === engineB.executablePath && - engineA.launchArguments.toString() === engineB.launchArguments.toString() - ); - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/InjectedScriptError.ts b/core/lib/InjectedScriptError.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f87bf4f7c..000000000 --- a/core/lib/InjectedScriptError.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import { IPathStep } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; - -export default class InjectedScriptError extends Error { - private readonly pathState: { step: IPathStep; index: number }; - constructor(message: string, pathState?: { step: IPathStep; index: number }) { - super(message); - this.pathState = pathState; - = 'InjectedScriptError'; - } - - public toJSON(): object { - return { - message: this.message, - pathState: this.pathState, - }; - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts b/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts index 78089af64..488ae8da2 100644 --- a/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts +++ b/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts @@ -1,16 +1,13 @@ import * as fs from 'fs'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; +import { IPage } from '@bureau/interfaces/IPage'; import { stringifiedTypeSerializerClass } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; const pageScripts = { domStorage: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/domStorage.js`, 'utf8'), indexedDbRestore: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.js`, 'utf8'), interactReplayer: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/interactReplayer.js`, 'utf8'), - NodeTracker: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/NodeTracker.js`, 'utf8'), DomAssertions: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/DomAssertions.js`, 'utf8'), - jsPath: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/jsPath.js`, 'utf8'), Fetcher: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/Fetcher.js`, 'utf8'), - MouseEvents: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/MouseEvents.js`, 'utf8'), pageEventsRecorder: fs.readFileSync( `${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder.js`, 'utf8', @@ -20,16 +17,11 @@ const pageEventsCallbackName = '__heroPageListenerCallback'; export const heroIncludes = ` const exports = {}; // workaround for ts adding an exports variable -${stringifiedTypeSerializerClass}; -${pageScripts.NodeTracker}; -${pageScripts.jsPath}; ${pageScripts.Fetcher}; ${pageScripts.DomAssertions}; window.HERO = { - JsPath, - TypeSerializer, Fetcher, DomAssertions, }; @@ -37,14 +29,11 @@ window.HERO = { const injectedScript = `(function installInjectedScripts() { ${heroIncludes} -${pageScripts.MouseEvents}; (function installDomRecorder(runtimeFunction) { ${pageScripts.pageEventsRecorder} })('${pageEventsCallbackName}'); -window.HERO.MouseEvents = MouseEvents; - ${pageScripts.domStorage} })();`; @@ -69,30 +58,28 @@ const installedSymbol = Symbol('InjectedScripts.Installed'); export const CorePageInjectedScript = heroIncludes; export default class InjectedScripts { - public static JsPath = `HERO.JsPath`; public static Fetcher = `HERO.Fetcher`; public static PageEventsCallbackName = pageEventsCallbackName; - public static install(puppetPage: IPuppetPage, showInteractions = false): Promise { - if (puppetPage[installedSymbol]) return; - puppetPage[installedSymbol] = true; + public static install(page: IPage, showInteractions = false): Promise { + if (page[installedSymbol]) return; + page[installedSymbol] = true; return Promise.all([ - puppetPage.addPageCallback(pageEventsCallbackName, null, true), - puppetPage.addNewDocumentScript(injectedScript, true), - showInteractions ? puppetPage.addNewDocumentScript(showInteractionScript, true) : null, + page.addPageCallback(pageEventsCallbackName, null, true), + page.addNewDocumentScript(injectedScript, true), + showInteractions ? page.addNewDocumentScript(showInteractionScript, true) : null, ]); } - public static installInteractionScript(puppetPage: IPuppetPage, isolatedFromWebPage = true): Promise<{ identifier: string }> { - return puppetPage.addNewDocumentScript(showInteractionScript, isolatedFromWebPage); + public static installInteractionScript(page: IPage, isolatedFromWebPage = true): Promise<{ identifier: string }> { + return page.addNewDocumentScript(showInteractionScript, isolatedFromWebPage); } public static getIndexedDbStorageRestoreScript(): string { - return `(function restoreIndexedDB(dbs) { + return `(function restoreIndexedDB() { const exports = {}; // workaround for ts adding an exports variable ${stringifiedTypeSerializerClass}; - ${pageScripts.indexedDbRestore}; })();`; } diff --git a/core/lib/Interactor.ts b/core/lib/Interactor.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 43526f30c..000000000 --- a/core/lib/Interactor.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,432 +0,0 @@ -import { - IInteractionGroup, - IInteractionGroups, - IInteractionStep, - IMousePosition, - IMousePositionXY, - InteractionCommand, - isMousePositionXY, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { assert } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { - getKeyboardKey, - IKeyboardKey, - KeyboardKey, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import IInteractionsHelper, { - IRectLookup, - IViewportSize, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { INodePointer } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/AwaitedDom'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import IMouseResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseResult'; -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { IPuppetKeyboard, IPuppetMouse } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetInput'; -import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; -import IElementRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IElementRect'; -import { getClientRectFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; -import Tab from './Tab'; -import FrameEnvironment from './FrameEnvironment'; -import { JsPath } from './JsPath'; -import MouseListener from './MouseListener'; -import * as rectUtils from './rectUtils'; -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; -import IWindowOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWindowOffset'; -import IRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IRect'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -const commandsNeedingScroll = new Set([ -, - InteractionCommand.doubleclick, - InteractionCommand.move, -]); - -const mouseCommands = new Set( - [ - InteractionCommand.move, -, - InteractionCommand.doubleclick, -, - InteractionCommand.clickUp, - InteractionCommand.clickDown, - ].map(String), -); - -export default class Interactor implements IInteractionsHelper { - public get mousePosition(): IPoint { - return { ...this.mouse.position }; - } - - public get scrollOffset(): Promise { - return this.getWindowOffset().then(offset => { - return { - x: offset.scrollX, - y: offset.scrollY, - width: offset.scrollWidth, - height: offset.scrollHeight, - }; - }); - } - - public get doesBrowserAnimateScrolling(): boolean { - return; - } - - public logger: IBoundLog; - - public viewportSize: IViewportSize; - - // Publish rect utils - public isPointWithinRect = rectUtils.isPointWithinRect; - public createPointInRect = rectUtils.createPointInRect; - public createScrollPointForRect = rectUtils.createScrollPointForRect; - public isRectInViewport = rectUtils.isRectInViewport; - - private preInteractionPaintStableStatus: { isStable: boolean; timeUntilReadyMs?: number }; - - private isReady: Promise; - - private readonly frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment; - - private get tab(): Tab { - return; - } - - private get jsPath(): JsPath { - return this.frameEnvironment.jsPath; - } - - private get mouse(): IPuppetMouse { - return; - } - - private get keyboard(): IPuppetKeyboard { - return; - } - - private get plugins(): ICorePlugins { - return; - } - - constructor(frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment) { - this.frameEnvironment = frameEnvironment; - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId:, - frameId:, - }); - } - - public async initialize(isMainFrame: boolean): Promise { - this.isReady ??= this.initializeViewport(isMainFrame); - return await this.isReady; - } - - public play(interactions: IInteractionGroups, resolvablePromise: IResolvablePromise): void { - this.preInteractionPaintStableStatus = this.frameEnvironment.navigations.getPaintStableStatus(); - - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return - this.injectScrollToPositions(interactions) - .then(finalInteractions => - this.plugins.playInteractions( - finalInteractions, - this.playInteraction.bind(this, resolvablePromise), - this, - ), - ) - .then(resolvablePromise.resolve) - .catch(resolvablePromise.reject) - .finally(() => this.frameEnvironment.setInteractionDisplay(false)); - } - - public async reloadJsPath(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise { - const containerOffset = await this.frameEnvironment.getContainerOffset(); - const result = await this.jsPath.reloadJsPath(jsPath, containerOffset); - return result.nodePointer; - } - - public async lookupBoundingRect( - mousePosition: IMousePosition, - options?: { - relativeToScrollOffset?: IPoint; - includeNodeVisibility?: boolean; - useLastKnownPosition?: boolean; - }, - ): Promise { - if (mousePosition === null) { - throw new Error('Null mouse position provided to hero.interact'); - } - - if (isMousePositionXY(mousePosition)) { - let [x, y] = mousePosition as IMousePositionXY; - x = Math.round(x); - y = Math.round(y); - if (options?.relativeToScrollOffset) { - const currentScrollOffset = await this.scrollOffset; - const { relativeToScrollOffset } = options; - y = y + relativeToScrollOffset.y - currentScrollOffset.y; - x = x + relativeToScrollOffset.x - currentScrollOffset.x; - } - - return { - x, - y, - width: 1, - height: 1, - }; - } - - if ( - options?.useLastKnownPosition && - typeof mousePosition[0] === 'number' && - mousePosition.length === 1 - ) { - const nodeId = mousePosition[0] as number; - const lastKnownPosition = this.jsPath.getLastClientRect(nodeId); - if (lastKnownPosition) { - const currentScroll = await this.scrollOffset; - return { - x: lastKnownPosition.x + lastKnownPosition.scrollX - currentScroll.x, - y: lastKnownPosition.y + lastKnownPosition.scrollY - currentScroll.y, - height: lastKnownPosition.height, - width: lastKnownPosition.width, - elementTag: lastKnownPosition.tag, - nodeId, - }; - } - } - - const containerOffset = await this.frameEnvironment.getContainerOffset(); - const rectResult = await this.jsPath.exec( - [...mousePosition, [getClientRectFnName, options?.includeNodeVisibility]], - containerOffset, - ); - const rect = rectResult.value; - const nodePointer = rectResult.nodePointer as INodePointer; - - return { - x: rect.x, - y: rect.y, - height: rect.height, - width: rect.width, - elementTag: rect.tag, - nodeId: nodePointer?.id, - nodeVisibility: rect.nodeVisibility, - }; - } - - public async createMousedownTrigger(nodeId: number): Promise<{ - nodeVisibility: INodeVisibility; - didTrigger: () => Promise; - }> { - assert(nodeId, 'nodeId should not be null'); - const mouseListener = new MouseListener(this.frameEnvironment, nodeId); - const nodeVisibility = await mouseListener.register(); - - let mouseResult: IMouseResult; - - return { - nodeVisibility, - didTrigger: async () => { - if (mouseResult) return mouseResult; - - mouseResult = await mouseListener.didTriggerMouseEvent(); - mouseResult.didStartInteractWithPaintingStable = - this.preInteractionPaintStableStatus?.isStable === true; - return mouseResult; - }, - }; - } - - private async playInteraction( - resolvable: IResolvablePromise, - interaction: IInteractionStep, - ): Promise { - if (resolvable.isResolved) return; - if ( { - throw new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling interaction - tab closing'); - } - - await; - - if (mouseCommands.has(interaction.command)) { - this.frameEnvironment.setInteractionDisplay(true); - } - - switch (interaction.command) { - case InteractionCommand.move: { - const [x, y] = await this.getMousePositionXY(interaction); - await this.mouse.move(x, y); - break; - } - case InteractionCommand.scroll: { - const startScroll = await this.scrollOffset; - const [x, y] = await this.getMousePositionXY(interaction, false); - const maxX = startScroll.width - this.viewportSize.width; - const maxY = startScroll.height - this.viewportSize.height; - - const deltaX = Math.min(x, maxX) - startScroll.x; - const deltaY = Math.min(y, maxY) - startScroll.y; - if (deltaY !== 0 || deltaX !== 0) { - await this.mouse.wheel({ deltaX, deltaY }); - // need to check for offset since wheel event doesn't wait for scroll - await this.jsPath.waitForScrollStop(); - } - break; - } - - case - case InteractionCommand.clickUp: - case InteractionCommand.clickDown: - case InteractionCommand.doubleclick: { - const { delayMillis, mouseButton, command, mouseResultVerifier } = interaction; - - if (command === && interaction.simulateOptionClickOnNodeId) { - await this.jsPath.simulateOptionClick([interaction.simulateOptionClickOnNodeId]); - break; - } - - const [x, y] = await this.getMousePositionXY(interaction); - await this.mouse.move(x, y); - - const button = mouseButton || 'left'; - const clickCount = command === InteractionCommand.doubleclick ? 2 : 1; - - if (command !== InteractionCommand.clickUp) { - await this.mouse.down({ button, clickCount }); - } - if (delayMillis) { - await waitFor(delayMillis, resolvable); - } - - // don't click up if verification failed - if (mouseResultVerifier) { - const result = await mouseResultVerifier(); - if (!result.didClickLocation) break; - } - - if (command !== InteractionCommand.clickDown) { - await this.mouse.up({ button, clickCount }); - } - - break; - } - - case InteractionCommand.type: { - let counter = 0; - for (const keyboardCommand of interaction.keyboardCommands) { - const delay = interaction.keyboardDelayBetween; - const keyupDelay = interaction.keyboardKeyupDelay; - if (counter > 0 && delay) { - await waitFor(delay, resolvable); - } - - if ('keyCode' in keyboardCommand) { - const key = getKeyboardKey(keyboardCommand.keyCode); - await, keyupDelay); - } else if ('up' in keyboardCommand) { - const key = getKeyboardKey(keyboardCommand.up); - await this.keyboard.up(key); - } else if ('down' in keyboardCommand) { - const key = getKeyboardKey(keyboardCommand.down); - await this.keyboard.down(key); - } else if ('shortcut' in keyboardCommand) { - await this.keyboard.command(keyboardCommand.shortcut); - } else if ('string' in keyboardCommand) { - const text = keyboardCommand.string; - for (const char of text) { - if (char in KeyboardKey) { - await as IKeyboardKey, keyupDelay); - } else { - await this.keyboard.sendCharacter(char); - } - if (delay) await waitFor(delay, resolvable); - } - } - counter += 1; - } - break; - } - - case InteractionCommand.waitForMillis: { - await waitFor(interaction.delayMillis, resolvable); - break; - } - } - } - - private async getWindowOffset(): Promise { - const windowOffset = await this.jsPath.getWindowOffset(); - this.viewportSize = { width: windowOffset.innerWidth, height: windowOffset.innerHeight }; - return windowOffset; - } - - private async initializeViewport(isMainFrame: boolean): Promise { - await this.getWindowOffset(); - if (isMainFrame) { - const startingMousePosition = await this.plugins.getStartingMousePoint(this); - this.mouse.position = startingMousePosition || this.mouse.position; - } - } - - private async getMousePositionXY( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - constrainToViewport = true, - ): Promise<[x: number, y: number]> { - const mousePosition = interactionStep.mousePosition; - const rect = await this.lookupBoundingRect(mousePosition, { - relativeToScrollOffset: interactionStep.relativeToScrollOffset, - useLastKnownPosition: interactionStep.verification === 'none', - }); - - if (isMousePositionXY(mousePosition)) { - return [rect.x, rect.y]; - } else { - const point = await rectUtils.createPointInRect(rect, { - paddingPercent: { height: 10, width: 10 }, - constrainToViewport: constrainToViewport ? this.viewportSize : undefined, - }); - return [point.x, point.y]; - } - } - - private async injectScrollToPositions( - interactions: IInteractionGroups, - ): Promise { - const finalInteractions: IInteractionGroups = []; - let relativeToScrollOffset: IPoint; - for (const group of interactions) { - const groupCommands: IInteractionGroup = []; - finalInteractions.push(groupCommands); - for (const step of group) { - if (commandsNeedingScroll.has(InteractionCommand[step.command]) && step.mousePosition) { - if (isMousePositionXY(step.mousePosition)) { - relativeToScrollOffset ??= await this.scrollOffset; - } - groupCommands.push({ - command: InteractionCommand.scroll, - mousePosition: step.mousePosition, - verification: step.verification, - relativeToScrollOffset, - }); - step.relativeToScrollOffset = relativeToScrollOffset; - } - groupCommands.push(step); - } - } - return finalInteractions; - } -} - -async function waitFor(millis: number, resolvable: IResolvablePromise): Promise { - if (millis === undefined || millis === null) return; - - await Promise.race([ - resolvable.promise, - new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis).unref()), - ]); -} diff --git a/core/lib/JsPath.ts b/core/lib/JsPath.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 11e97af33..000000000 --- a/core/lib/JsPath.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; -import IWindowOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWindowOffset'; -import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; -import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import FrameEnvironment from './FrameEnvironment'; -import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; -import { Serializable } from '../interfaces/ISerializable'; -import InjectedScriptError from './InjectedScriptError'; -import { - getClientRectFnName, - getComputedVisibilityFnName, - getNodePointerFnName, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; -import IElementRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IElementRect'; -import { isMousePositionXY } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -interface IJsPathSource { - parentNodeId?: number; - isFromIterable: boolean; - jsPath: IJsPath; -} - -export class JsPath { - private readonly frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment; - private readonly logger: IBoundLog; - private readonly clientRectByNodePointerId = new Map(); - private readonly nodeIdRedirectToNewNodeId: { [nodeId: number]: number } = {}; - - private nodeIdToJsPathSource = new Map(); - - constructor(frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment) { - this.frameEnvironment = frameEnvironment; - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId:, - frameId:, - }); - } - - public getLastClientRect(nodeId: number): IElementRect { - return this.clientRectByNodePointerId.get(nodeId); - } - - public exec(jsPath: IJsPath, containerOffset: IPoint): Promise> { - return this.runJsPath(`exec`, jsPath, containerOffset); - } - - public async reloadJsPath( - jsPath: IJsPath, - containerOffset: IPoint, - ): Promise> { - if (typeof jsPath[0] === 'number' && !isMousePositionXY(jsPath.slice(0, 2))) { - const paths = this.getJsPathHistoryForNode(jsPath[0]); - for (const path of paths) { - const result = await this.getNodePointer(path.jsPath, containerOffset); - const nodeId = result.nodePointer?.id; - if (nodeId && nodeId !== path.nodeId) { -'JsPath.nodeRedirectFound', { - sourceNodeId: path.nodeId, - newNodeId: nodeId, - jsPath: path.jsPath, - }); - this.nodeIdRedirectToNewNodeId[path.nodeId] = nodeId; - } - } - } - - return this.getNodePointer(jsPath, containerOffset); - } - - public getNodePointer( - jsPath: IJsPath, - containerOffset: IPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }, - ): Promise> { - const fnCall = this.getJsPathMethod(jsPath); - if (fnCall !== getClientRectFnName && fnCall !== getNodePointerFnName) { - jsPath = [...jsPath, [getNodePointerFnName]]; - } - return this.runJsPath(`exec`, jsPath, containerOffset); - } - - public replaceRedirectedJsPathNodePointer(jsPath: IJsPath): void { - if (typeof jsPath[0] === 'number') { - let id = jsPath[0]; - while (id) { - const nextId = this.nodeIdRedirectToNewNodeId[id]; - if (nextId === undefined || nextId === id) break; - id = nextId; - } - jsPath[0] = id; - } - } - - public simulateOptionClick(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise> { - return this.runJsPath(`simulateOptionClick`, jsPath); - } - - public getWindowOffset(): Promise { - return this.frameEnvironment.runIsolatedFn(`${InjectedScripts.JsPath}.getWindowOffset`); - } - - public waitForScrollStop(timeoutMillis = 2e3): Promise<[scrollX: number, scrollY: number]> { - return this.frameEnvironment.runIsolatedFn( - `${InjectedScripts.JsPath}.waitForScrollStop`, - timeoutMillis, - ); - } - - public getNodePath(nodePointer: INodePointer): IJsPath { - const path: IJsPath = []; - const history = this.getJsPathHistoryForNode(; - for (const entry of history) { - const jsPath = entry.jsPath; - if (typeof jsPath[0] === 'number') { - path.push(...jsPath.slice(1)) - } else { - path.push(...jsPath); - } - } - return path; - } - - private async runJsPath( - fnName: string, - jsPath: IJsPath, - ...args: Serializable[] - ): Promise> { - this.replaceRedirectedJsPathNodePointer(jsPath); - const result = await this.frameEnvironment.runIsolatedFn>( - `${InjectedScripts.JsPath}.${fnName}`, - jsPath, - ...args, - ); - if (result.pathError) { - throw new InjectedScriptError(result.pathError.error, result.pathError.pathState); - } else if (result?.isValueSerialized === true) { - result.isValueSerialized = undefined; - result.value = TypeSerializer.revive(result.value, 'BROWSER'); - } - - if (fnName === 'exec' || fnName === 'waitForElement') { - this.recordExecResult(jsPath, result); - } - return result; - } - - private getJsPathHistoryForNode(nodeId: number): { - nodeId: number; - jsPath: IJsPath; - }[] { - const paths: { - nodeId: number; - jsPath: IJsPath; - }[] = []; - - let sourcePath: IJsPathSource; - while ((sourcePath = this.nodeIdToJsPathSource.get(nodeId))) { - paths.unshift({ nodeId, jsPath: sourcePath.jsPath }); - nodeId = sourcePath.parentNodeId; - if (!nodeId) break; - } - return paths; - } - - private recordExecResult(jsPath: IJsPath, result: IExecJsPathResult): void { - if (!result.nodePointer) return; - - // try to record last known position - const method = this.getJsPathMethod(jsPath); - const { id, iterableItems, iterableIsState } = result.nodePointer; - const parentNodeId = typeof jsPath[0] === 'number' ? jsPath[0] : undefined; - - if (method === getClientRectFnName) { - this.clientRectByNodePointerId.set(, result.value); - } else if (method === getComputedVisibilityFnName) { - const clientRect = (result.value as INodeVisibility).boundingClientRect; - this.clientRectByNodePointerId.set(, clientRect); - } - - const cleanJsPath = [...jsPath]; - if (method && method.startsWith('__')) cleanJsPath.pop(); - - const queryIndex = this.nodeIdToJsPathSource.get(id); - if (!queryIndex) { - this.nodeIdToJsPathSource.set(id, { - isFromIterable: false, - parentNodeId, - jsPath: cleanJsPath, - }); - } - if (iterableIsState) { - for (let i = 0; i < iterableItems.length; i += 1) { - const nodePointer = iterableItems[i] as INodePointer; - if (this.nodeIdToJsPathSource.has( continue; - this.nodeIdToJsPathSource.set(, { - isFromIterable: true, - jsPath: [...cleanJsPath, String(i)], - parentNodeId, - }); - } - } - } - - private getJsPathMethod(jsPath: IJsPath): string { - const last = jsPath[jsPath.length - 1]; - return Array.isArray(last) ? last[0] : ''; - } -} - -export interface IJsPathHistory { - jsPath: IJsPath; - sourceIndex?: number; -} diff --git a/core/lib/MouseListener.ts b/core/lib/MouseListener.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8fcc85f05..000000000 --- a/core/lib/MouseListener.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -import IMouseResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseResult'; -import FrameEnvironment from './FrameEnvironment'; -import { INodeVisibility } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INodeVisibility'; - -export default class MouseListener { - private readonly frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment; - private readonly nodeId: number; - - constructor(frameEnvironment: FrameEnvironment, nodeId: number) { - this.frameEnvironment = frameEnvironment; - this.nodeId = nodeId; - } - - public async register(): Promise { - const containerOffset = await this.frameEnvironment.getContainerOffset(); - return this.frameEnvironment.runIsolatedFn( - 'HERO.MouseEvents.listenFor', - this.nodeId, - containerOffset, - ); - } - - public async didTriggerMouseEvent(): Promise { - return await this.frameEnvironment.runIsolatedFn( - 'HERO.MouseEvents.didTrigger', - this.nodeId, - ); - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/Resources.ts b/core/lib/Resources.ts deleted file mode 100644 index df0c1aa3e..000000000 --- a/core/lib/Resources.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,710 +0,0 @@ -import { - IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent, - IRequestSessionRequestEvent, - IRequestSessionResponseEvent, -} from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import MitmRequestContext from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import { IPuppetResourceRequest } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents'; -import ResourcesTable from '../models/ResourcesTable'; -import Session from './Session'; -import { ICookie } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICookie'; -import { Cookie } from 'tough-cookie'; -import StorageChangesTable, { IStorageChangesEntry } from '../models/StorageChangesTable'; -import { IPuppetPageEvents } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import HeadersHandler from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import Tab from './Tab'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class Resources { - public readonly browserRequestIdToResources = new Map(); - - public readonly resourcesById = new Map(); - public readonly cookiesByDomain = new Map>(); - - private readonly browserRequestIdToTabId = new Map(); - private readonly mitmErrorsByUrl = new Map< - string, - { - resourceId: number; - event: IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent; - }[] - >(); - - private readonly mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest: IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest[] = []; - private readonly logger: IBoundLog; - private readonly model: ResourcesTable; - private readonly cookiesModel: StorageChangesTable; - - constructor(private session: Session) { - this.model = session.db.resources; - this.cookiesModel = session.db.storageChanges; - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId:, - }); - } - - public getForTab(tabId: number): IResourceMeta[] { - const resources: IResourceMeta[] = []; - for (const resource of this.resourcesById.values()) { - if (resource.tabId === tabId) resources.push(resource); - } - return resources; - } - - public get(id: number): IResourceMeta { - return this.resourcesById.get(id); - } - - public recordSeen(resource: IResourceMeta, atCommandId: number): void { - resource.seenAtCommandId = atCommandId; - this.get( = atCommandId; - } - - public registerWebsocketHeaders( - tabId: number, - event: IPuppetPageEvents['websocket-handshake'], - ): void { - this.browserRequestIdToTabId.set(event.browserRequestId, tabId); - this.session.mitmRequestSession?.registerWebsocketHeaders(tabId, event); - } - - public cleanup(): void { - this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.length = 0; - this.mitmErrorsByUrl.clear(); - this.resourcesById.clear(); - this.cookiesByDomain.clear(); - this.browserRequestIdToResources.clear(); - this.session = null; - } - - public cancelPending(): void { - for (const pending of this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest) { - if (pending.browserRequestedPromise.isResolved) continue; - pending.browserRequestedPromise.reject( - new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling: Mitm Request Session Closing'), - ); - } - this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.length = 0; - } - - /////// BROWSER REQUEST ID MAPPING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - public getBrowserRequestTabId(browserRequestId: string): number { - return this.browserRequestIdToTabId.get(browserRequestId); - } - - public getBrowserRequestLatestResource(browserRequestId: string): IResourceMeta { - const resources = this.browserRequestIdToResources.get(browserRequestId); - if (!resources?.length) { - return; - } - - return resources[resources.length - 1]; - } - - public trackBrowserRequestToResourceId(browserRequestId: string, resource: IResourceMeta): void { - if (!browserRequestId) return; - // NOTE: browserRequestId can be shared amongst redirects - let resources = this.browserRequestIdToResources.get(browserRequestId); - if (!resources) { - resources = this.browserRequestIdToResources.set(browserRequestId, []).get(browserRequestId); - } - const replaceIdx = resources.findIndex(x => ===; - if (replaceIdx !== -1) resources[replaceIdx] = resource; - else resources.push(resource); - } - - public async createNewResourceIfUnseen( - tabId: number, - frameId: number, - resourceRequest: IPuppetResourceRequest, - getBody: () => Promise, - ): Promise { - if (this.browserRequestIdToResources.has(resourceRequest.browserRequestId)) return; - - const ctx = MitmRequestContext.createFromPuppetResourceRequest(resourceRequest); - const resourceDetails = MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(ctx); - resourceDetails.frameId = frameId; - if (!resourceRequest.browserServedFromCache) { - resourceDetails.body = await getBody(); - if (resourceDetails.body) { - delete resourceDetails.response.headers['content-encoding']; - delete resourceDetails.response.headers['Content-Encoding']; - } - } - return this.record(tabId, resourceDetails, true); - } - - /////// BROWSER REQUESTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - public onBrowserWillRequest( - tabId: number, - frameId: number, - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest, - ): IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest { - this.browserRequestIdToTabId.set(resource.browserRequestId, tabId); - let pendingRequest = this.findMatchingRequest(resource); - - if ( - pendingRequest && - pendingRequest.browserRequestedPromise.isResolved && - pendingRequest.browserRequestId - ) { - // figure out how long ago this request was - const requestTimeDiff = Math.abs(resource.requestTime - pendingRequest.requestTime); - if (requestTimeDiff > 5e3) pendingRequest = null; - } - - if (!pendingRequest) { - if (!resource.url) return; - pendingRequest = this.createPendingResource(resource); - } - - this.updatePendingResource(resource, pendingRequest, tabId, frameId); - - return pendingRequest; - } - - public onBrowserDidRequest( - tabId: number, - frameId: number, - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest, - ): void { - this.browserRequestIdToTabId.set(resource.browserRequestId, tabId); - - const pendingRequest = this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.find( - x => x.browserRequestId === resource.browserRequestId, - ); - if (pendingRequest) { - Object.assign(pendingRequest, getHeaderDetails(resource)); - } - - const mitmResourceNeedsResolve = this.findMatchingRequest(resource, 'hasMitmResourceId'); - if (mitmResourceNeedsResolve && !mitmResourceNeedsResolve.browserRequestedPromise.isResolved) { - this.updatePendingResource(resource, mitmResourceNeedsResolve, tabId, frameId); - } - } - - public onBrowserResourceLoaded(tabId: number, resource: IPuppetResourceRequest): boolean { - const knownResource = this.getBrowserRequestLatestResource(resource.browserRequestId); - if (knownResource) { - if (!knownResource.response) { - const ctx = MitmRequestContext.createFromPuppetResourceRequest(resource); - const resourceDetails = MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(ctx); - knownResource.response = resourceDetails.response; - } - knownResource.response.browserLoadedTime = resource.browserLoadedTime; - this.model.updateReceivedTime(, resource.browserLoadedTime); - return true; - } - - return this.matchesMitmError( - tabId, - resource.url.href, - resource.method, - resource.browserRequestId, - resource.requestTime, - ); - } - - public onBrowserRequestFailed( - tabId: number, - frameId: number, - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest, - loadError: Error, - ): IResourceMeta { - this.browserRequestIdToTabId.set(resource.browserRequestId, tabId); - - const pendingRequest = - this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.find( - x => x.browserRequestId === resource.browserRequestId, - ) ?? this.findMatchingRequest(resource, 'hasMitmResourceId'); - - let resourceId: number; - if (pendingRequest) { - this.updatePendingResource(resource, pendingRequest, tabId, frameId); - resourceId = pendingRequest.mitmResourceId; - if (resourceId) setTimeout(() => this.requestIsResolved(resourceId), 500).unref(); - } - resourceId ??= this.getBrowserRequestLatestResource(resource.browserRequestId)?.id; - - // this function will resolve any pending resourceId for a navigation - return this.recordFailed( - tabId, - MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource({ id: resourceId, ...resource } as any), - loadError, - ); - } - - /////// MITM REQUESTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - public onMitmRequest(request: IRequestSessionRequestEvent): void { -'MitmRequest', { - url: request.url.href, - method: request.request.method, - id:, - }); - // don't know the tab id at this point - this.record(null, request, false); - } - - public resolveBrowserRequest(mitmResource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void { - const pendingBrowserRequest = this.findMatchingRequest(mitmResource, 'noMitmResourceId'); - if (pendingBrowserRequest && !pendingBrowserRequest.browserRequestedPromise.isResolved) { - pendingBrowserRequest.browserRequestedPromise.resolve(); - } - } - - public determineResourceType(mitmResource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void { - const pendingBrowserRequest = - this.findMatchingRequest(mitmResource, 'noMitmResourceId') ?? - // if no request from browser (and unmatched), queue a new one - this.createPendingResource(mitmResource); - - pendingBrowserRequest.mitmResourceId =; - pendingBrowserRequest.isHttp2Push = mitmResource.isHttp2Push; - - // NOTE: shared workers do not auto-register with chrome as of chrome 83, so we won't get a matching browserRequest - if ( - HeadersHandler.isWorkerDest(mitmResource, 'shared', 'service') || - mitmResource.resourceType === 'Websocket' - ) { - pendingBrowserRequest.browserRequestedPromise.resolve(null); - } - - mitmResource.browserHasRequested = pendingBrowserRequest.browserRequestedPromise.promise - .then(() => { - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return - if (!pendingBrowserRequest?.browserRequestId) return; - mitmResource.resourceType = pendingBrowserRequest.resourceType; - mitmResource.browserRequestId = pendingBrowserRequest.browserRequestId; - mitmResource.hasUserGesture = pendingBrowserRequest.hasUserGesture; - mitmResource.documentUrl = pendingBrowserRequest.documentUrl; - mitmResource.browserFrameId = pendingBrowserRequest.frameId; - }) - .catch(() => null); - } - - public onMitmRequestError( - tabId: number, - event: IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent, - error: Error, - ): IResourceMeta { - const request = event.request; - const resource = this.resourceEventToMeta(tabId, request); - this.model.insert(tabId, resource, null, request.postData, request, error); - - if (!this.resourcesById.has( { - this.resourcesById.set(, resource); - } - - const url = resource.request?.url; - if (!request.browserRequestId && url) { - const existing = this.mitmErrorsByUrl.get(url) ?? []; - existing.push({ - resourceId:, - event, - }); - this.mitmErrorsByUrl.set(url, existing); - } - return resource; - } - - public onMitmResponse(response: IRequestSessionResponseEvent, defaultTab: Tab): IResourceMeta { - const tabId = this.getBrowserRequestTabId(response.browserRequestId); - const resource = this.record(tabId ?? defaultTab?.id, response, true); - this.requestIsResolved(; - return resource; - } - - private requestIsResolved(resourceId: number): void { - const matchIdx = this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.findIndex( - x => x.mitmResourceId === resourceId, - ); - if (matchIdx >= 0) this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.splice(matchIdx, 1); - } - - /////// STORAGE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - private record( - tabId: number, - resourceEvent: IRequestSessionResponseEvent | IRequestSessionRequestEvent, - isResponse: boolean, - ): IResourceMeta { - const resource = this.resourceEventToMeta(tabId, resourceEvent); - const resourceResponseEvent = resourceEvent as IRequestSessionResponseEvent; - - this.model.insert( - tabId, - resource, - resourceResponseEvent.postData, - resourceResponseEvent.body, - resourceEvent, - ); - - if (isResponse) { - this.resourcesById.set(, resource); - - const responseEvent = resourceEvent as IRequestSessionResponseEvent; - this.recordCookies(tabId, responseEvent); - } - return resource; - } - - private recordFailed( - tabId: number, - resourceFailedEvent: IRequestSessionResponseEvent, - error: Error, - ): IResourceMeta { - const resourceId =; - if (!resourceId) { - this.logger.warn('Session.FailedResourceWithoutId', { - resourceFailedEvent, - error, - }); - return; - } - - try { - const convertedMeta = this.resourceEventToMeta(tabId, resourceFailedEvent); - const resource = this.resourcesById.get(resourceId); - - if (!resource) { - this.resourcesById.set(, convertedMeta); - this.model.insert( - tabId, - convertedMeta, - resourceFailedEvent.postData, - null, - resourceFailedEvent, - error, - ); - return convertedMeta; - } - - // if we already have this resource, we need to merge - const existingDbRecord = this.model.get(resourceId); - - existingDbRecord.type ??= convertedMeta.type; - resource.type ??= convertedMeta.type; - existingDbRecord.devtoolsRequestId ??= resourceFailedEvent.browserRequestId; - existingDbRecord.browserBlockedReason = resourceFailedEvent.browserBlockedReason; - existingDbRecord.browserCanceled = resourceFailedEvent.browserCanceled; - existingDbRecord.redirectedToUrl ??= resourceFailedEvent.redirectedToUrl; - existingDbRecord.statusCode ??= convertedMeta.response.statusCode; - existingDbRecord.statusMessage ??= convertedMeta.response.statusMessage; - existingDbRecord.browserLoadFailure = convertedMeta.response.browserLoadFailure; - existingDbRecord.browserLoadedTimestamp ??= convertedMeta.response.timestamp; - existingDbRecord.frameId ??= convertedMeta.frameId; - - if (!resource.response) { - resource.response = convertedMeta.response ?? ({} as any); - } - - if (convertedMeta.response.headers) { - const responseHeaders = JSON.stringify(convertedMeta.response.headers); - if (responseHeaders.length > existingDbRecord.responseHeaders?.length) { - existingDbRecord.responseHeaders = responseHeaders; - resource.response.headers = convertedMeta.response.headers; - } - } - if (resourceFailedEvent.responseOriginalHeaders) { - const responseHeaders = JSON.stringify(resourceFailedEvent.responseOriginalHeaders); - if (responseHeaders.length > existingDbRecord.responseOriginalHeaders?.length) { - existingDbRecord.responseOriginalHeaders = responseHeaders; - } - } - if (error) { - existingDbRecord.httpError = ResourcesTable.getErrorString(error); - } - - resource.response.browserLoadFailure = convertedMeta.response?.browserLoadFailure; - -; - return resource; - } catch (saveError) { - this.logger.warn('Resources.captureResourceFailed::ErrorSaving', { - error: saveError, - resourceFailedEvent, - }); - } - } - - /////// MITM <-> BROWSER MATCHING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - private updatePendingResource( - httpResourceLoad: IPuppetResourceRequest, - browserRequest: IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest, - tabId: number, - frameId: number, - ): void { - browserRequest.tabId ??= tabId; - browserRequest.frameId ??= frameId; - browserRequest.browserLoadedTime ??= httpResourceLoad.browserLoadedTime; - browserRequest.browserRequestId = httpResourceLoad.browserRequestId; - browserRequest.documentUrl = httpResourceLoad.documentUrl; - browserRequest.resourceType = httpResourceLoad.resourceType; - browserRequest.hasUserGesture = httpResourceLoad.hasUserGesture; - browserRequest.browserRequestedPromise.resolve(); - } - - private createPendingResource( - request: Pick, - ): IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest { - const resource: IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest = { - url: request.url.href, - method: request.method, - requestTime: request.requestTime, - browserRequestedPromise: new Resolvable( - 5e3, - `BrowserRequestMatcher.ResourceNotResolved: ${request.method}: ${request.url}`, - ), - ...getHeaderDetails(request), - } as IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest; - this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.push(resource); - return resource; - } - - private findMatchingRequest( - resourceToMatch: IPuppetResourceRequest, - filter?: 'noMitmResourceId' | 'hasMitmResourceId', - ): IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest | null { - const { method } = resourceToMatch; - const url = resourceToMatch.url?.href; - if (!url) return; - let matches = this.mitmRequestsPendingBrowserRequest.filter(x => { - return x.url === url && x.method === method; - }); - - if (resourceToMatch.browserRequestId) { - matches = matches.filter(x => { - if (x.browserRequestId) return x.browserRequestId === resourceToMatch.browserRequestId; - return true; - }); - } - - if (filter === 'noMitmResourceId') { - matches = matches.filter(x => !x.mitmResourceId); - } - if (filter === 'hasMitmResourceId') { - matches = matches.filter(x => !!x.mitmResourceId); - } - - // if http2 push, we don't know what referer/origin headers the browser will use - // NOTE: we do this because it aligns the browserRequestId. We don't need header info - const h2Push = matches.find(x => x.isHttp2Push); - if (h2Push) return h2Push; - if (resourceToMatch.isHttp2Push && matches.length) return matches[0]; - - if (method === 'OPTIONS') { - const origin = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(resourceToMatch, 'origin'); - return matches.find(x => x.origin === origin); - } - - // if we have sec-fetch-dest headers, make sure they match - const secDest = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(resourceToMatch, 'sec-fetch-dest'); - if (secDest) { - matches = matches.filter(x => x.secFetchDest === secDest); - } - // if we have sec-fetch-dest headers, make sure they match - const secSite = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(resourceToMatch, 'sec-fetch-site'); - if (secSite) { - matches = matches.filter(x => x.secFetchSite === secSite); - } - - if (matches.length === 1) return matches[0]; - // otherwise, use referer - const referer = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(resourceToMatch, 'referer'); - return matches.find(x => x.referer === referer); - } - - private recordCookies(tabId: number, responseEvent: IRequestSessionResponseEvent): void { - const { response } = responseEvent; - if (!response?.headers) return; - - let setCookie = response.headers['set-cookie'] ?? response.headers['Set-Cookie']; - if (!setCookie) return; - - if (!Array.isArray(setCookie)) setCookie = [setCookie]; - const defaultDomain =; - for (const cookieHeader of setCookie) { - const cookie = Cookie.parse(cookieHeader, { loose: true }); - let domain = cookie.domain || defaultDomain; - // restore stripped leading . - if (cookie.domain && cookieHeader.toLowerCase().includes(`domain=.${domain}`)) { - domain = `.${domain}`; - } - if (!this.cookiesByDomain.has(domain)) this.cookiesByDomain.set(domain, {}); - const domainCookies = this.cookiesByDomain.get(domain); - let action: IStorageChangesEntry['action'] = 'add'; - const existing = domainCookies[cookie.key]; - if (existing) { - if (cookie.expires && cookie.expires < new Date()) { - action = 'remove'; - } else { - action = 'update'; - } - } - - let finalCookie: ICookie; - if (action === 'remove') { - delete domainCookies[cookie.key]; - } else { - finalCookie = { - name: cookie.key, - sameSite: cookie.sameSite as any, - url: responseEvent.url.href, - domain, - path: cookie.path, - httpOnly: cookie.httpOnly, - value: cookie.value, - secure:, - expires: cookie.expires instanceof Date ? cookie.expires.toISOString() : undefined, - }; - - if (areCookiesEqual(existing, finalCookie)) continue; - - domainCookies[] = finalCookie; - } - this.cookiesModel.insert(tabId, responseEvent.frameId, { - type: 'cookie' as any, - action, - securityOrigin: responseEvent.url.origin, - key: cookie.key, - value: finalCookie?.value, - meta: finalCookie, - timestamp: response.browserLoadedTime ?? response.timestamp, - }); - } - } - - private matchesMitmError( - tabId: number, - url: string, - method: string, - browserRequestId: string, - requestTime: number, - ): boolean { - // first check if this is a mitm error - const errorsMatchingUrl = this.mitmErrorsByUrl.get(url); - if (!errorsMatchingUrl) return false; - - // if this resource error-ed out, - for (const entry of errorsMatchingUrl) { - const { event, resourceId } = entry; - const request = event?.request?.request; - const isMatch = request?.method === method && Math.abs(request.timestamp - requestTime) < 500; - if (!isMatch) continue; - - const idx = errorsMatchingUrl.indexOf(entry); - errorsMatchingUrl.splice(idx, 1); - - const resource = this.resourcesById.get(resourceId); - if (resource) { - resource.tabId = tabId; - this.trackBrowserRequestToResourceId(browserRequestId, resource); - this.model.updateResource(resourceId, { browserRequestId, tabId }); - } - return true; - } - return false; - } - - private resourceEventToMeta( - tabId: number, - resourceEvent: IRequestSessionResponseEvent | IRequestSessionRequestEvent, - ): IResourceMeta { - const { request, response, resourceType, browserRequestId, frameId, redirectedToUrl } = - resourceEvent as IRequestSessionResponseEvent; - - const resource = { - id:, - tabId, - frameId, - url: request.url, - receivedAtCommandId: this.session?.commands?.lastId, - type: resourceType, - isRedirect: !!redirectedToUrl, - documentUrl: resourceEvent.documentUrl, - request: { - ...request, - }, - } as IResourceMeta; - - if (response?.statusCode || response?.browserServedFromCache || response?.browserLoadFailure) { - resource.response = response; - if (response.url) resource.url = response.url; - else resource.response.url = request.url; - } - - this.trackBrowserRequestToResourceId(browserRequestId, resource); - - return resource; - } - - public static translateResourceError(resource: IPuppetResourceRequest): Error { - if (resource.browserLoadFailure) { - return new Error(resource.browserLoadFailure); - } - if (resource.browserBlockedReason) { - return new Error(`Resource blocked: "${resource.browserBlockedReason}"`); - } - if (resource.browserCanceled) { - return new Error('Load canceled'); - } - return new Error('Resource failed to load, but the reason was not provided by devtools.'); - } -} - -function getHeaderDetails(httpResourceLoad: Pick): { - origin: string; - referer: string; - secFetchDest: string; - secFetchSite: string; -} { - const origin = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(httpResourceLoad, 'origin'); - const referer = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(httpResourceLoad, 'referer'); - const secFetchDest = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(httpResourceLoad, 'sec-fetch-dest'); - const secFetchSite = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(httpResourceLoad, 'sec-fetch-site'); - return { origin, referer, secFetchDest, secFetchSite }; -} - -interface IMitmRequestPendingBrowserRequest { - url: string; - method: string; - origin: string; - secFetchSite: string; - secFetchDest: string; - referer: string; - requestTime: number; - browserRequestedPromise: Resolvable; - tabId?: number; - frameId?: number; - mitmResourceId?: number; - browserLoadedTime?: number; - browserRequestId?: string; - resourceType?: IResourceType; - documentUrl?: string; - hasUserGesture?: boolean; - isHttp2Push?: boolean; -} - -function areCookiesEqual(a: ICookie, b: ICookie): boolean { - if ((a && !b) || (b && !a)) return false; - if ( !== return false; - if (a.value !== b.value) return false; - if (a.expires !== b.expires) return false; - if (a.path !== b.path) return false; - if ( !== return false; - if (a.sameParty !== b.sameParty) return false; - if (a.httpOnly !== b.httpOnly) return false; - return true; -} diff --git a/core/lib/Session.ts b/core/lib/Session.ts index 50b6c6f57..4b5890472 100644 --- a/core/lib/Session.ts +++ b/core/lib/Session.ts @@ -1,30 +1,20 @@ import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import Log, { ILogEntry, LogEvents, loggerSessionIdNames } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import RequestSession, { - IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent, - IRequestSessionRequestEvent, - IRequestSessionResponseEvent, IResourceStateChangeEvent, ISocketEvent, -} from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; -import IPuppetContext, { - IPuppetContextEvents, - IPuppetPageOptions, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; +} from '@secret-agent/mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { MitmProxy } from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/index'; -import IViewport from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IViewport'; +import IViewport from '@bureau/interfaces/IViewport'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import IGeolocation from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IGeolocation'; +import IGeolocation from '@bureau/interfaces/IGeolocation'; import { ISessionSummary } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; import ICollectedElement from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedElement'; -import GlobalPool from './GlobalPool'; import Tab from './Tab'; import UserProfile from './UserProfile'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; @@ -33,15 +23,20 @@ import CorePlugins from './CorePlugins'; import Core from '../index'; import SessionDb from '../dbs/SessionDb'; import { ICommandableTarget } from './CommandRunner'; -import Resources from './Resources'; import Commands from './Commands'; -import WebsocketMessages from './WebsocketMessages'; import SessionsDb from '../dbs/SessionsDb'; import { IRemoteEmitFn, IRemoteEventListener } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; import { IOutputChangeRecord } from '../models/OutputTable'; import ICollectedSnippet from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedSnippet'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; import ICollectedResource from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedResource'; +import Agent from 'secret-agent/lib/Agent'; +import Resources from 'secret-agent/lib/Resources'; +import WebsocketMessages from 'secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import DevtoolsSessionLogger from 'secret-agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; +import Page from 'secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import env from '../env'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -62,6 +57,10 @@ export default class Session }> implements ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener { + public static events = new TypedEventEmitter<{ + new: { session: Session }; + }>(); + private static readonly byId: { [id: string]: Session } = {}; public readonly id: string; @@ -98,12 +97,22 @@ export default class Session public readonly createdTime: number; - public readonly mitmRequestSession: RequestSession; - public browserContext?: IPuppetContext; - public resources: Resources; + public bypassResourceRegistrationForHost: URL; + + public get mitmRequestSession(): RequestSession { + return this.agent.mitmRequestSession; + } + + public browserContext?: BrowserContext; public commands: Commands; - public websocketMessages: WebsocketMessages; public readonly db: SessionDb; + public get resources(): Resources { + return this.browserContext.resources; + } + + public get websocketMessages(): WebsocketMessages { + return this.browserContext.websocketMessages; + } public tabsById = new Map(); @@ -161,12 +170,12 @@ export default class Session } public awaitedEventEmitter = new TypedEventEmitter<{ close: void }>(); + public agent: Agent; protected readonly logger: IBoundLog; private hasLoadedUserProfile = false; private commandRecorder: CommandRecorder; - private isolatedMitmProxy?: MitmProxy; private _isClosing = false; private isResettingState = false; private readonly logSubscriptionId: number; @@ -213,16 +222,6 @@ export default class Session SessionsDb.find().recordSession(this); - this.resources = new Resources(this); - this.mitmRequestSession = new RequestSession( -, - this.plugins, - this.options.upstreamProxyUrl, - this.resources, - ); - this.mitmRequestSession.respondWithHttpErrorStacks = - this.mode === 'development' && this.options.showChromeInteractions === true; - this.websocketMessages = new WebsocketMessages(this.db); this.commands = new Commands(this.db); this.commandRecorder = new CommandRecorder(this, this, null, null, [ this.collectSnippet, @@ -367,48 +366,37 @@ export default class Session return db.collectedElements.getByName(name); } - public getMitmProxy(): { address: string; password?: string } { - return { - address: this.isolatedMitmProxy ? `localhost:${this.isolatedMitmProxy.port}` : null, - password: this.isolatedMitmProxy ? null :, - }; - } - - public useIncognitoContext(): boolean { - return this.options.showChromeAlive !== true; - } - - public async registerWithMitm( - sharedMitmProxy: MitmProxy, - doesPuppetSupportBrowserContextProxy: boolean, - ): Promise { - let mitmProxy = sharedMitmProxy; - if (doesPuppetSupportBrowserContextProxy && this.useIncognitoContext()) { - this.isolatedMitmProxy = await MitmProxy.start(Core.dataDir); - mitmProxy = this.isolatedMitmProxy; - } - - mitmProxy.registerSession(this.mitmRequestSession, !!this.isolatedMitmProxy); - } - - public async initialize(context: IPuppetContext): Promise { - this.browserContext = context; - as any, 'devtools-message', this.onDevtoolsMessage.bind(this)); + public async initialize(agent: Agent): Promise { + this.browserContext = agent.browserContext; + this.agent = agent; + + agent.browserContext.devtoolsSessionLogger, + 'devtools-message', + this.onDevtoolsMessage.bind(this), + ); if (this.userProfile) { await UserProfile.installCookies(this); } - context.defaultPageInitializationFn = page => + this.browserContext.defaultPageInitializationFn = page => InjectedScripts.install(page, this.options.showChromeInteractions); - const requestSession = this.mitmRequestSession; -, 'request', this.onMitmRequest.bind(this)); -, 'response', this.onMitmResponse.bind(this)); -, 'http-error', this.onMitmError.bind(this)); + const requestSession = agent.mitmRequestSession; + requestSession.bypassResourceRegistrationForHost = this.bypassResourceRegistrationForHost;, 'resource-state', this.onResourceStates.bind(this));, 'socket-close', this.onSocketClose.bind(this));, 'socket-connect', this.onSocketConnect.bind(this)); - await this.plugins.onHttpAgentInitialized(requestSession.requestAgent); + + const resources = this.browserContext.resources; +, 'change', this.onResource.bind(this)); +, 'cookie-change', this.onCookieChange.bind(this)); +, 'merge', this.onResourceNeedsMerge.bind(this)); +, 'browser-loaded', this.onBrowserLoadedResource.bind(this)); +, 'browser-requested', this.onBrowserRequestedResource.bind(this)); + + agent.mitmRequestSession.respondWithHttpErrorStacks = + this.mode === 'development' && this.options.showChromeInteractions === true; + if (this.options.upstreamProxyIpMask) { this.db.session.updateConfiguration(this.meta); } @@ -420,7 +408,7 @@ export default class Session public async createTab(): Promise { if (this.mode === 'browserless') return null; - const page = await this.newPage({ groupName: 'session' }); + const page = await this.browserContext.newPage({ groupName: 'session' }); // if first tab, install session storage if (!this.hasLoadedUserProfile && this.userProfile?.storage) { @@ -433,6 +421,7 @@ export default class Session this.recordTab(tab); this.registerTab(tab); await tab.isReady; + if (first) this.db.session.updateConfiguration(this.meta); return tab; } @@ -459,9 +448,9 @@ export default class Session for (const tab of this.tabsById.values()) { const clearPromises: Promise[] = []; for (const frame of tab.frameEnvironmentsById.values()) { - const origin = frame.puppetFrame.securityOrigin; + const origin = frame.frame.securityOrigin; if (!securityOrigins.has(origin)) { - const promise = tab.puppetPage.devtoolsSession + const promise = .send('Storage.clearDataForOrigin', { origin, storageTypes: 'all', @@ -497,17 +486,6 @@ export default class Session } } - public closeMitm(): void { - try { - this.mitmRequestSession.close(); - if (this.isolatedMitmProxy) this.isolatedMitmProxy.close(); - } catch (error) { - log.error('Session.CloseMitmError', { error, sessionId: }); - } - this.websocketMessages.cleanup(); - this.resources.cleanup(); - } - public async close(force = false): Promise<{ didKeepAlive: boolean; message?: string }> { // if this session is set to keep alive and core isn't closing if ( @@ -531,7 +509,7 @@ export default class Session }); await this.closeTabs(); - this.closeMitm(); + await this.agent.close(); log.stats('Session.Closed', { sessionId:, @@ -639,46 +617,56 @@ export default class Session return sessionId ?? nanoid(); } - private onDevtoolsMessage(event: IPuppetContextEvents['devtools-message']): void { - this.db.devtoolsMessages.insert(event); + private onResource(event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['change']): void { + this.db.resources.insert( + event.tabId, + event.resource, + event.postData, + event.body, + event.requestProcessingDetails, + event.error, + ); + if (event.type === 'mitm-response') { + this.tabsById.get(event.tabId)?.emit('resource', event.resource); + } } - private onMitmRequest(event: IRequestSessionRequestEvent): void { - this.resources.onMitmRequest(event); + private onCookieChange(event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['cookie-change']): void { + this.db.storageChanges.insert(event.tabId, event.frameId, { + type: 'cookie' as any, + action: event.action as any, + securityOrigin: event.url.origin, + key: event.cookie?.name, + value: event.cookie?.value, + meta: event.cookie, + timestamp: event.timestamp, + }); } - private onMitmResponse(event: IRequestSessionResponseEvent): void { - const defaultTab = this.getLastActiveTab(); - const resource = this.resources.onMitmResponse(event, defaultTab); - const tab = this.tabsById.get(resource.tabId) ?? defaultTab; - if (!event.wasIntercepted) { - tab?.emit('resource', resource); - } - tab?.checkForResolvedNavigation(event.browserRequestId, resource); + private onResourceNeedsMerge(event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['merge']): void { + this.db.resources.mergeWithExisting( + event.resourceId, + event.existingResource, + event.newResourceDetails, + event.requestProcessingDetails, + event.error, + ); } - private onMitmError(event: IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent): void { - const { browserRequestId, request, resourceType, response } = event.request; - let tabId = this.resources.getBrowserRequestTabId(browserRequestId); - const url = request?.url; - const isDocument = resourceType === 'Document'; - if (isDocument && !tabId) { - for (const tab of this.tabsById.values()) { - const isMatch = tab.frameWithPendingNavigation(browserRequestId, url, response?.url); - if (isMatch) { - tabId =; - break; - } - } - } + private onBrowserLoadedResource( + event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['browser-loaded'], + ): void { + this.db.resources.updateReceivedTime(event.resourceId, event.browserLoadedTime); + } - // record errors - const resource = this.resources.onMitmRequestError(tabId, event, event.error); + private onBrowserRequestedResource( + event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['browser-requested'], + ): void { + this.db.resources.updateBrowserRequestId(event.resourceId, event); + } - if (tabId && isDocument) { - const tab = this.tabsById.get(tabId); - tab?.checkForResolvedNavigation(browserRequestId, resource, event.error); - } + private onDevtoolsMessage(event: DevtoolsSessionLogger['EventTypes']['devtools-message']): void { + this.db.devtoolsMessages.insert(event); } private onResourceStates(event: IResourceStateChangeEvent): void { @@ -695,13 +683,10 @@ export default class Session private async onNewTab( parentTab: Tab, - page: IPuppetPage, + page: Page, openParams: { url: string; windowName: string } | null, ): Promise { - const tab = Tab.create(this, page, parentTab?.id, { - ...openParams, - loaderId: page.mainFrame.isDefaultUrl ? null :, - }); + const tab = Tab.create(this, page, parentTab?.id, openParams); this.recordTab(tab,; this.registerTab(tab); @@ -720,16 +705,11 @@ export default class Session this.emit('all-tabs-closed'); } }); - tab.puppetPage.popupInitializeFn = this.onNewTab.bind(this, tab); + = this.onNewTab.bind(this, tab); this.emit('tab-created', { tab }); return tab; } - private async newPage(options?: IPuppetPageOptions): Promise { - if (this._isClosing) throw new Error('Cannot create tab, shutting down'); - return await this.browserContext.newPage(options); - } - private recordLog(entry: ILogEntry): void { if (entry.sessionId === || !entry.sessionId) { if (entry.action === 'Window.runCommand') = { id: }; @@ -741,8 +721,8 @@ export default class Session private recordTab(tab: Tab, parentTabId?: number): void { this.db.tabs.insert(, -, -, +, +, this.viewport, parentTabId, ); @@ -827,7 +807,24 @@ ${data}`, } if (!session) { - session = await GlobalPool.createSession(options); + session = new Session(options); +'new', { session }); + + if (session.mode !== 'browserless') { + await Core.start({}, false); + const agent = await Core.pool.createAgent({ + ...env, + ...session.options, + id:, + browserEngine: session.browserEngine, + logger: session.logger, + hooks: session.plugins, + upstreamProxyUrl: session.options.upstreamProxyUrl, + commandMarker: session.commands, + disableIncognito: session.options.showChromeAlive === true, + }); + await session.initialize(agent); + } } tab ??= await session.createTab(); diff --git a/core/lib/Tab.ts b/core/lib/Tab.ts index a8b2c2d78..4b57a028a 100644 --- a/core/lib/Tab.ts +++ b/core/lib/Tab.ts @@ -1,48 +1,40 @@ import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import { IBlockedResourceType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITabOptions'; -import * as Url from 'url'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import Timer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Timer'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; -import { IPuppetPage, IPuppetPageEvents } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; +import { IPageEvents } from '@bureau/interfaces/IPage'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import IWebsocketResourceMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@bureau/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions'; import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { IInteractionGroups, InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { IInteractionGroups } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@bureau/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; -import IPuppetDialog from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetDialog'; -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IDialog from '@bureau/interfaces/IDialog'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@bureau/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt'; import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import INavigation from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; -import injectedSourceUrl from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/injectedSourceUrl'; +import INavigation from '@bureau/interfaces/INavigation'; import IResourceFilterProperties from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties'; import IDomStateListenArgs from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStateListenArgs'; -import FrameNavigations from './FrameNavigations'; import CommandRecorder from './CommandRecorder'; import FrameEnvironment from './FrameEnvironment'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; import Session from './Session'; -import FrameNavigationsObserver from './FrameNavigationsObserver'; import { IDomChangeRecord } from '../models/DomChangesTable'; import { ICommandableTarget } from './CommandRunner'; -import Resources from './Resources'; import DomStateListener from './DomStateListener'; import ICollectedElement from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedElement'; import ScreenshotsTable from '../models/ScreenshotsTable'; import { IStorageChangesEntry } from '../models/StorageChangesTable'; import { IRemoteEmitFn, IRemoteEventListener } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; -import GlobalPool, { disableMitm } from './GlobalPool'; -import IWebsocketMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketMessage'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; import MirrorPage from '@ulixee/hero-timetravel/lib/MirrorPage'; import MirrorNetwork from '@ulixee/hero-timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork'; @@ -52,6 +44,13 @@ import { IFocusRecord } from '../models/FocusEventsTable'; import IResourceSummary from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceSummary'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import ICollectedResource from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedResource'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import Core from '../index'; +import FrameNavigations from 'secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; +import FrameNavigationsObserver from 'secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver'; +import Page from 'secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import { IWebsocketMessage } from 'secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; +import { injectedSourceUrl } from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator/lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -59,12 +58,15 @@ export default class Tab extends TypedEventEmitter implements ISessionMeta, ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener { - public readonly id: number; + public get id(): number { + return; + } + public readonly parentTabId?: number; public readonly session: Session; public readonly frameEnvironmentsById = new Map(); - public readonly frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId = new Map(); - public puppetPage: IPuppetPage; + public readonly frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId = new Map(); + public page: Page; public isClosing = false; public isReady: Promise; public readonly mirrorPage: MirrorPage; @@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ export default class Tab private readonly createdAtCommandId: number; private waitTimeouts: { timeout: NodeJS.Timeout; reject: (reason?: any) => void }[] = []; private lastFileChooserEvent: { - event: IPuppetPageEvents['filechooser']; + event: IPageEvents['filechooser']; atCommandId: number; }; @@ -87,19 +89,12 @@ export default class Tab [domStateJsPathId: string]: DomStateListener; } = {}; - private onFrameCreatedResourceEventsByFrameId: { - [frameId: string]: { - type: keyof IPuppetPageEvents; - event: IPuppetPageEvents[keyof IPuppetPageEvents]; - }[]; - } = {}; - public get navigations(): FrameNavigations { return this.mainFrameEnvironment.navigations; } public get navigationsObserver(): FrameNavigationsObserver { - return this.mainFrameEnvironment.navigationsObserver; + return this.mainFrameEnvironment.frame.navigationsObserver; } public get url(): string { @@ -124,40 +119,25 @@ export default class Tab } public get mainFrameEnvironment(): FrameEnvironment { - return this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(; + return this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.get(; } - private constructor( - session: Session, - puppetPage: IPuppetPage, - parentTabId?: number, - windowOpenParams?: { url: string; windowName: string; loaderId: string }, - ) { + private constructor(session: Session, page: Page, parentTabId?: number) { super(); + this.session = session; + = page; + this.parentTabId = parentTabId; + this.createdAtCommandId = session.commands.lastId; this.setEventsToLog(['child-tab-created', 'close', 'dialog', 'websocket-message']); - = session.db.tabs.nextId; this.logger = log.createChild(module, { tabId:, sessionId:, }); - this.session = session; - this.parentTabId = parentTabId; - this.createdAtCommandId = session.commands.lastId; - this.puppetPage = puppetPage; - for (const puppetFrame of puppetPage.frames) { - const frame = new FrameEnvironment(this, puppetFrame); - this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.set(frame.devtoolsFrameId, frame); - this.frameEnvironmentsById.set(, frame); - } - - if (windowOpenParams) { - this.navigations.onNavigationRequested( - 'newFrame', - windowOpenParams.url, - this.lastCommandId, - windowOpenParams.loaderId, - ); + for (const frame of page.frames) { + const frameEnvironment = new FrameEnvironment(this, frame); + this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.set(frameEnvironment.devtoolsFrameId, frameEnvironment); + this.frameEnvironmentsById.set(, frameEnvironment); } this.mirrorNetwork = new MirrorNetwork({ @@ -218,36 +198,6 @@ export default class Tab ); } - public checkForResolvedNavigation( - browserRequestId: string, - resource: IResourceMeta, - error?: Error, - ): boolean { - if (resource.type !== 'Document') return; - - const frame = this.frameWithPendingNavigation( - browserRequestId, - resource.request?.url, - resource.response?.url, - ); - if (frame && !resource.isRedirect) { - frame.navigations.onResourceLoaded(, resource.response?.statusCode, error); - return true; - } - return false; - } - - public frameWithPendingNavigation( - browserRequestId: string, - requestedUrl: string, - finalUrl: string, - ): FrameEnvironment | null { - for (const frame of this.frameEnvironmentsById.values()) { - const isMatch = frame.navigations.doesMatchPending(browserRequestId, requestedUrl, finalUrl); - if (isMatch) return frame; - } - } - public async setBlockedResourceTypes( blockedResourceTypes: IBlockedResourceType[], blockedUrls?: string[], @@ -282,7 +232,7 @@ export default class Tab enableJs = false; } } - await this.puppetPage.setJavaScriptEnabled(enableJs); + await; interceptor.urls = blockedUrls; } @@ -303,7 +253,7 @@ export default class Tab } try { - await this.puppetPage.domStorageTracker.finalFlush(5e3); + await; } catch (error) { if (!error.message.includes('Target closed') && !(error instanceof CanceledPromiseError)) { errors.push(error); @@ -324,9 +274,9 @@ export default class Tab } try { -'close', this.close); +'close', this.close); // run this one individually - await this.puppetPage.close(); + await; } catch (error) { if (!error.message.includes('Target closed') && !(error instanceof CanceledPromiseError)) { errors.push(error); @@ -352,7 +302,7 @@ export default class Tab }, }); try { - await this.puppetPage.navigate(origin); + await; } finally { // restore originals mitmSession.interceptorHandlers = originalBlocker; @@ -478,11 +428,11 @@ export default class Tab return this.mainFrameEnvironment.waitForLoad(status, options); } - public waitForLocation( + public async waitForLocation( trigger: ILocationTrigger, options?: IWaitForOptions, ): Promise { - return this.mainFrameEnvironment.waitForLocation(trigger, options); + return await this.mainFrameEnvironment.waitForLocation(trigger, options); } /////// COMMANDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -494,71 +444,23 @@ export default class Tab } public async goto(url: string, options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise { - const formattedUrl = Url.format(new Url.URL(url), { unicode: true }); - - const navigation = this.navigations.onNavigationRequested( - 'goto', - formattedUrl, - this.lastCommandId, - null, - ); - - const timeoutMessage = `Timeout waiting for "tab.goto(${url})"`; - - const timer = new Timer(options?.timeoutMs ?? 30e3, this.waitTimeouts); - const loader = await timer.waitForPromise( - this.puppetPage.navigate(formattedUrl), - timeoutMessage, - ); - this.navigations.assignLoaderId(navigation, loader.loaderId); - - const resource = await timer.waitForPromise( - this.navigationsObserver.waitForNavigationResourceId(), - timeoutMessage, - ); - return this.session.resources.get(resource); + return await, options); } public async goBack(options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise { - this.navigations.initiatedUserAction = { reason: 'goBack', startCommandId: this.lastCommandId }; - await this.puppetPage.goBack(); - await this.navigationsObserver.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.PaintingStable, options); - return this.url; + return await; } public async goForward(options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise { - this.navigations.initiatedUserAction = { - reason: 'goForward', - startCommandId: this.lastCommandId, - }; - await this.puppetPage.goForward(); - await this.navigationsObserver.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.PaintingStable, options); - return this.url; + return await; } public async reload(options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise { - this.navigations.initiatedUserAction = { reason: 'reload', startCommandId: this.lastCommandId }; - - const timer = new Timer(options?.timeoutMs ?? 30e3, this.waitTimeouts); - const timeoutMessage = `Timeout waiting for "tab.reload()"`; - - const loaderId =; - await timer.waitForPromise(this.puppetPage.reload(), timeoutMessage); - if ( === loaderId) { - await timer.waitForPromise( - this.puppetPage.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-navigated', null, options?.timeoutMs), - timeoutMessage, - ); - } - const resource = await timer.waitForPromise( - this.navigationsObserver.waitForNavigationResourceId(), - timeoutMessage, - ); - return this.session.resources.get(resource); + return await; } public async focus(): Promise { - await this.puppetPage.bringToFront(); + await; } public pendingCollects(): Promise { @@ -616,7 +518,7 @@ export default class Tab const paintIndex = this.mirrorPage.getPaintIndex(collectedElement.domChangesTimestamp); try { await - await GlobalPool.getUtilityContext(), + await Core.getUtilityContext(), this.sessionId, this.session.viewport, ); @@ -641,17 +543,11 @@ export default class Tab public takeScreenshot(options: IScreenshotOptions = {}): Promise { if (options.rectangle) options.rectangle.scale ??= 1; - return this.puppetPage.screenshot(options); + return; } public async dismissDialog(accept: boolean, promptText?: string): Promise { - const resolvable = createPromise(); - - [[{ command: InteractionCommand.willDismissDialog }]], - resolvable, - ); - await resolvable.promise; - return this.puppetPage.dismissDialog(accept, promptText); + return await, promptText); } public async waitForNewTab(options: IWaitForOptions = {}): Promise { @@ -661,6 +557,8 @@ export default class Tab : this.lastCommandId - 1; let newTab: Tab; const startTime = new Date(); + let timeoutMs = options?.timeoutMs ?? 30e3; + if (startCommandId >= 0) { for (const tab of this.session.tabsById.values()) { if (tab.parentTabId === && tab.createdAtCommandId >= startCommandId) { @@ -669,17 +567,21 @@ export default class Tab } } } - if (!newTab) newTab = await this.waitOn('child-tab-created', undefined, options?.timeoutMs); + + if (!newTab) newTab = await this.waitOn('child-tab-created', undefined, timeoutMs); // wait for a real url to be requested if (newTab.url === 'about:blank' || !newTab.url) { - let timeoutMs = options?.timeoutMs ?? 10e3; const millis = - startTime.getTime(); timeoutMs -= millis; await newTab.navigations.waitOn('navigation-requested', null, timeoutMs).catch(() => null); } - await newTab.navigationsObserver.waitForNavigationResourceId(); + const timeoutMsElapsed = - startTime.getTime(); + timeoutMs -= timeoutMsElapsed; + await newTab.mainFrameEnvironment.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.JavascriptReady, { + timeoutMs, + }); return newTab; } @@ -742,7 +644,7 @@ export default class Tab startCommandId = this.session.commands.history[this.session.commands.length - 2]?.id; } - let event: IPuppetPageEvents['filechooser']; + let event: IPageEvents['filechooser']; if (this.lastFileChooserEvent) { const { atCommandId } = this.lastFileChooserEvent; if (atCommandId >= startCommandId) { @@ -751,16 +653,10 @@ export default class Tab } if (!event) { - event = await this.puppetPage.waitOn('filechooser', null, options?.timeoutMs ?? 30e3); + event = await'filechooser', null, options?.timeoutMs ?? 30e3); } - const frameEnvironment = this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(event.frameId); - const nodeId = await frameEnvironment.getDomNodeId(event.objectId); - return { - jsPath: [nodeId], - frameId:, - selectMultiple: event.selectMultiple, - }; + return event.prompt; } public waitForMillis(millis: number): Promise { @@ -769,8 +665,8 @@ export default class Tab public async runPluginCommand(toPluginId: string, args: any[]): Promise { const commandMeta = { - puppetPage: this.puppetPage, - puppetFrame: this.mainFrameEnvironment?.puppetFrame, + page:, + frame: this.mainFrameEnvironment?.frame, }; return await this.session.plugins.onPluginCommand(toPluginId, commandMeta, args); } @@ -916,7 +812,7 @@ export default class Tab } private listen(): void { - const page = this.puppetPage; + const page =;, 'resource', this.onResource.bind(this)); this.close = this.close.bind(this); @@ -930,33 +826,19 @@ export default class Tab, 'filechooser', this.onFileChooser.bind(this));, 'screenshot', this.onScreenshot.bind(this)); - // resource requested should registered before navigations so we can grab nav on new tab anchor clicks - page, - 'resource-will-be-requested', + page.browserContext.resources, + 'browser-will-request', this.onResourceWillBeRequested.bind(this), - true, ); -, 'resource-was-requested', this.onResourceWasRequested.bind(this), true); -, 'resource-loaded', this.onResourceLoaded.bind(this), true); -, 'resource-failed', this.onResourceFailed.bind(this), true); -, 'navigation-response', this.onNavigationResourceResponse.bind(this), true);, 'dom-storage-updated', this.onStorageUpdated.bind(this), true); - - // websockets - - page, - 'websocket-handshake', - this.session.resources.registerWebsocketHeaders.bind(this.session.resources,, - ); -, 'websocket-frame', this.onWebsocketFrame.bind(this)); } - private onPageCallback(event: IPuppetPageEvents['page-callback-triggered']): void { + private onPageCallback(event: IPageEvents['page-callback-triggered']): void { if ( === InjectedScripts.PageEventsCallbackName) { const { frameId, payload } = event; - if (!frameId || !this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.has(frameId)) { + if (!frameId || !this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.has(frameId)) { log.warn('DomRecorder.bindingCalledBeforeExecutionTracked', { sessionId: this.sessionId, payload, @@ -964,7 +846,7 @@ export default class Tab return; } - this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(frameId).onPageRecorderEvents(JSON.parse(payload)); + this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.get(frameId).onPageRecorderEvents(JSON.parse(payload)); } } @@ -977,12 +859,15 @@ export default class Tab ): boolean { if (resourceMeta.tabId !== return false; if (!resourceMeta.seenAtCommandId) { + resourceMeta.seenAtCommandId = this.lastCommandId; + const existing = this.session.resources.get(; // need to set directly since passed in object is a copy - this.session.resources.recordSeen(resourceMeta, this.lastCommandId); + if (existing) existing.seenAtCommandId = this.lastCommandId; } - if (sinceCommandId && resourceMeta.seenAtCommandId <= sinceCommandId) return false; + if (sinceCommandId && resourceMeta.seenAtCommandId < sinceCommandId) return false; if (filter.type && resourceMeta.type !== filter.type) return false; if (filter.url && !resourceMeta.url.match(filter.url)) return false; + if (!filter.httpRequest) return true; const { method, statusCode } = filter.httpRequest; @@ -993,182 +878,29 @@ export default class Tab return true; } - private onResourceWillBeRequested(event: IPuppetPageEvents['resource-will-be-requested']): void { - const { session, lastCommandId } = this; - const { resource, isDocumentNavigation, frameId, redirectedFromUrl } = event; - const url = resource.url.href; - - const frame = frameId - ? this.getFrameForEventOrQueueForReady('resource-will-be-requested', event) - : this.mainFrameEnvironment; - - if (!frame) return; - - const navigations = frame.navigations; - - if (isDocumentNavigation && ! { - navigations.onNavigationRequested( - 'newFrame', - url, - lastCommandId, - resource.browserRequestId, - event.loaderId, - ); - } - resource.hasUserGesture ||= navigations.didGotoUrl(url); - - const pendingRequest = session.resources.onBrowserWillRequest(,, resource); - - if (isDocumentNavigation && !event.resource.browserCanceled) { - navigations.onHttpRequested( - url, - lastCommandId, - redirectedFromUrl, - resource.browserRequestId, - event.loaderId, - ); - } - if (this.mirrorNetwork) { - this.mirrorNetwork.addRequestedResource({ - id: pendingRequest.mitmResourceId, - frameId: pendingRequest.frameId, - tabId: pendingRequest.tabId, - url: pendingRequest.url, - method: pendingRequest.method, - type: pendingRequest.resourceType, - statusCode: resource.status, - redirectedToUrl: resource.redirectedToUrl, - timestamp: pendingRequest.requestTime, - hasResponse: false, - contentType: '', - }); - } - } - - private onResourceWasRequested(event: IPuppetPageEvents['resource-was-requested']): void { - this.session.resources.onBrowserDidRequest( -, - this.translatePuppetFrameId(event.frameId), - event.resource, - ); - } - - private onResourceLoaded(event: IPuppetPageEvents['resource-loaded']): void { - const { resource, frameId, loaderId } = event; - - const frame = frameId - ? this.getFrameForEventOrQueueForReady('resource-loaded', event as any) - : this.mainFrameEnvironment; - this.session.resources.onBrowserDidRequest(, frame?.id, resource); - - // if we didn't get a frame, don't keep going - if (!frame) return; - - const isPending = frame.navigations.doesMatchPending( - resource.browserRequestId, - resource.url?.href, - resource.responseUrl, - event.loaderId, - ); - if (isPending) { - if (resource.browserServedFromCache) { - frame.navigations.onHttpResponded( - resource.browserRequestId, - resource.responseUrl ?? resource.url?.href, - loaderId, - resource.browserLoadedTime, - ); - } - const existingResource = this.session.resources.getBrowserRequestLatestResource( - resource.browserRequestId, - ); - if (existingResource) { - frame.navigations.onResourceLoaded(, resource.status); - } - } - - const isKnownResource = this.session.resources.onBrowserResourceLoaded(, resource); - - if ( - !isKnownResource && - (resource.browserServedFromCache || resource.url?.protocol === 'blob:' || disableMitm) - ) { - this.session.resources - .createNewResourceIfUnseen(,, resource, event.body) - .then(meta => meta && this.checkForResolvedNavigation(resource.browserRequestId, meta)) - .catch(() => null); - } - } - - private onResourceFailed(event: IPuppetPageEvents['resource-failed']): void { - const { resource } = event; - const loadError = Resources.translateResourceError(resource); - - const frame = this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(resource.frameId); - - const resourceMeta = this.session.resources.onBrowserRequestFailed( -, - frame?.id, - resource, - loadError, - ); - - if (resourceMeta) { - const browserRequestId = resource.browserRequestId; - this.checkForResolvedNavigation(browserRequestId, resourceMeta, loadError); - } - } - - private onNavigationResourceResponse(event: IPuppetPageEvents['navigation-response']): void { - const frame = event.frameId - ? this.getFrameForEventOrQueueForReady('navigation-response', event) - : this.mainFrameEnvironment; - - if (!frame) { - return; - } - - frame.navigations.onHttpResponded( - event.browserRequestId, - event.url, - event.loaderId, - event.timestamp, - ); - this.session.mitmRequestSession.recordDocumentUserActivity(event.url); - } - - private onWebsocketFrame(event: IPuppetPageEvents['websocket-frame']): void { - const resourceId = this.session.resources.getBrowserRequestLatestResource( - event.browserRequestId, - )?.id; - this.session.websocketMessages.record({ - resourceId, - message: event.message, - isFromServer: event.isFromServer, - lastCommandId: this.lastCommandId, - timestamp: event.timestamp, + private onResourceWillBeRequested( + event: BrowserContext['resources']['EventTypes']['browser-will-request'], + ): void { + if (!this.mirrorNetwork) return; + + const { resource, mitmMatch } = event; + + this.mirrorNetwork.addRequestedResource({ + id: mitmMatch.mitmResourceId, + frameId: mitmMatch.frameId, + tabId: mitmMatch.tabId, + url: mitmMatch.url, + method: mitmMatch.method, + type: mitmMatch.resourceType, + statusCode: resource.status, + redirectedToUrl: resource.redirectedToUrl, + timestamp: mitmMatch.requestTime, + hasResponse: false, + contentType: '', }); } - private onFrameCreated(event: IPuppetPageEvents['frame-created']): void { - if (this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.has( return; - const frame = new FrameEnvironment(this, event.frame); - this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.set(frame.devtoolsFrameId, frame); - this.frameEnvironmentsById.set(, frame); - const resourceEvents = this.onFrameCreatedResourceEventsByFrameId[frame.devtoolsFrameId]; - if (resourceEvents) { - for (const { event: resourceEvent, type } of resourceEvents) { - if (type === 'resource-will-be-requested') - this.onResourceWillBeRequested(resourceEvent as any); - else if (type === 'navigation-response') - this.onNavigationResourceResponse(resourceEvent as any); - else if (type === 'resource-loaded') this.onResourceLoaded(resourceEvent as any); - } - } - delete this.onFrameCreatedResourceEventsByFrameId[frame.devtoolsFrameId]; - } - - private onScreenshot(event: IPuppetPageEvents['screenshot']): void { + private onScreenshot(event: IPageEvents['screenshot']): void { if ( !this.session.db.screenshots.includeWhiteScreens && ScreenshotsTable.isBlankImage(event.imageBase64) @@ -1183,31 +915,24 @@ export default class Tab }); } - private onStorageUpdated(event: IPuppetPageEvents['dom-storage-updated']): void { + private onStorageUpdated(event: Page['EventTypes']['dom-storage-updated']): void { this.session.db.storageChanges.insert(, null, event); } - private getFrameForEventOrQueueForReady( - type: keyof IPuppetPageEvents, - event: IPuppetPageEvents[keyof IPuppetPageEvents] & { frameId: string }, - ): FrameEnvironment { - const frame = this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(event.frameId); - if (event.frameId && !frame) { - this.onFrameCreatedResourceEventsByFrameId[event.frameId] ??= []; - const events = this.onFrameCreatedResourceEventsByFrameId[event.frameId]; - if (!events.some(x => x.event === event)) { - events.push({ event, type }); - } - } - return frame; + private onFrameCreated(event: IPageEvents['frame-created']): void { + if (this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.has( return; + const pageFrame =; + const frame = new FrameEnvironment(this, pageFrame); + this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.set(frame.devtoolsFrameId, frame); + this.frameEnvironmentsById.set(, frame); } /////// LOGGING EVENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - private onPageError(event: IPuppetPageEvents['page-error']): void { + private onPageError(event: IPageEvents['page-error']): void { const { error, frameId } = event;'Window.pageError', { error, frameId }); - const translatedFrameId = this.translatePuppetFrameId(frameId); + const translatedFrameId = this.translateDevtoolsFrameId(frameId); this.session.db.pageLogs.insert(, translatedFrameId, @@ -1217,9 +942,9 @@ export default class Tab ); } - private onConsole(event: IPuppetPageEvents['console']): void { + private onConsole(event: IPageEvents['console']): void { const { frameId, type, message, location } = event; - const translatedFrameId = this.translatePuppetFrameId(frameId); + const translatedFrameId = this.translateDevtoolsFrameId(frameId); let level = 'info'; if (message.startsWith('ERROR:') && message.includes(injectedSourceUrl)) { @@ -1236,7 +961,7 @@ export default class Tab ); } - private onTargetCrashed(event: IPuppetPageEvents['crashed']): void { + private onTargetCrashed(event: IPageEvents['crashed']): void { const error = event.error; const errorLevel = event.fatal ? 'error' : 'info'; @@ -1250,17 +975,17 @@ export default class Tab ); } - private translatePuppetFrameId(puppetFrameId: string): number { - return this.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(puppetFrameId)?.id ?? this.mainFrameId; + private translateDevtoolsFrameId(devtoolsFrameId: string): number { + return this.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.get(devtoolsFrameId)?.id ?? this.mainFrameId; } /////// DIALOGS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - private onDialogOpening(event: IPuppetPageEvents['dialog-opening']): void { + private onDialogOpening(event: IPageEvents['dialog-opening']): void { this.emit('dialog', event.dialog); } - private onFileChooser(event: IPuppetPageEvents['filechooser']): void { + private onFileChooser(event: IPageEvents['filechooser']): void { this.lastFileChooserEvent = { event, atCommandId: this.lastCommandId }; } @@ -1268,13 +993,13 @@ export default class Tab public static create( session: Session, - puppetPage: IPuppetPage, + page: Page, parentTabId?: number, - openParams?: { url: string; windowName: string; loaderId: string }, + openParams?: { url: string; windowName: string }, ): Tab { - const tab = new Tab(session, puppetPage, parentTabId, openParams); + const tab = new Tab(session, page, parentTabId);'Tab.created', { - parentTab: parentTabId, + parentTabId, openParams, }); return tab; @@ -1284,7 +1009,7 @@ export default class Tab export interface ITabEventParams { 'child-tab-created': Tab; close: null; - dialog: IPuppetDialog; + dialog: IDialog; 'page-events': { frame: FrameEnvironment; records: { @@ -1297,7 +1022,7 @@ export interface ITabEventParams { 'wait-for-domstate': { listener: DomStateListener }; 'resource-requested': IResourceMeta; resource: IResourceMeta; - 'websocket-message': IWebsocketResourceMessage; + 'websocket-message': IWebsocketMessage; } export function stringToRegex(str: string): RegExp { diff --git a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts index 75ee375bb..d65c9c9bc 100644 --- a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts +++ b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; -import IDomStorage, { IDomStorageForOrigin } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStorage'; +import IDomStorage, { IDomStorageForOrigin } from '@bureau/interfaces/IDomStorage'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; +import { IPage } from '@bureau/interfaces/IPage'; import { assert } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import Session from './Session'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default class UserProfile { const exportedStorage: IDomStorage = { ...(session.options.userProfile?.storage ?? {}) }; for (const tab of session.tabsById.values()) { - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; for (const { origin, @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export default class UserProfile { return this; } - public static async installStorage(session: Session, page: IPuppetPage): Promise { + public static async installStorage(session: Session, page: IPage): Promise { const { userProfile } = session; const domStorage: IDomStorage = {}; const origins: string[] = []; diff --git a/core/lib/WebsocketMessages.ts b/core/lib/WebsocketMessages.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 476034717..000000000 --- a/core/lib/WebsocketMessages.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -import IWebsocketResourceMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage'; -import IWebsocketMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketMessage'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import SessionDb from '../dbs/SessionDb'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class WebsocketMessages { - private readonly websocketMessages: IWebsocketResourceMessage[] = []; - private websocketListeners: { - [resourceId: string]: ((msg: IWebsocketResourceMessage) => any)[]; - } = {}; - - private websocketMessageIdCounter = 0; - private logger: IBoundLog; - - constructor(readonly db: SessionDb) { - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId: db.sessionId, - }); - } - - public cleanup(): void { - this.websocketListeners = {}; - this.websocketMessages.length = 0; - } - - public getMessages(resourceId: number): IWebsocketMessage[] { - const messages: IWebsocketMessage[] = []; - for (const message of this.websocketMessages) { - if (message.resourceId === resourceId) { - messages.push(message); - } - } - return messages; - } - - public listen(resourceId: number, listenerFn: (message: IWebsocketMessage) => any): void { - if (!this.websocketListeners[resourceId]) { - this.websocketListeners[resourceId] = []; - } - this.websocketListeners[resourceId].push(listenerFn); - // push all existing - for (const message of this.websocketMessages) { - if (message.resourceId === resourceId) { - listenerFn(message); - } - } - } - - public unlisten(resourceId: number, listenerFn: (message: IWebsocketMessage) => any): void { - const listeners = this.websocketListeners[resourceId]; - if (!listeners) return; - const idx = listeners.indexOf(listenerFn); - if (idx >= 0) listeners.splice(idx, 1); - } - - public record(event: { - resourceId: number; - isFromServer: boolean; - message: string | Buffer; - lastCommandId: number; - timestamp: number; - }): IWebsocketResourceMessage | undefined { - if (!event.resourceId) { - this.logger.error(`CaptureWebsocketMessageError.UnregisteredResource`, { - event, - }); - return; - } - - const { resourceId, isFromServer, message, timestamp } = event; - - const resourceMessage = { - resourceId, - message, - messageId: (this.websocketMessageIdCounter += 1), - source: isFromServer ? 'server' : 'client', - timestamp, - } as IWebsocketResourceMessage; - - this.websocketMessages.push(resourceMessage); - this.db.websocketMessages.insert(event.lastCommandId, resourceMessage); - - const listeners = this.websocketListeners[resourceMessage.resourceId]; - if (listeners) { - for (const listener of listeners) { - listener(resourceMessage); - } - } - return resourceMessage; - } -} diff --git a/core/lib/rectUtils.ts b/core/lib/rectUtils.ts deleted file mode 100644 index eeaf3526a..000000000 --- a/core/lib/rectUtils.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -import IRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IRect'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import { IViewportSize } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; - -export function isPointWithinRect(point: IPoint, rect: IRect): boolean { - if (point.x < rect.x || point.x > rect.x + rect.width) return false; - if (point.y < rect.y || point.y > rect.y + rect.height) return false; - - return true; -} - -export function isRectInViewport( - rect: IRect, - viewport: IViewportSize, - percent: number, -): { width: boolean; height: boolean } { - const multiplier = percent < 1 ? percent : percent / 100; - return { - width: isRectPointInBoundary(rect.x, rect.width, viewport.width, multiplier), - height: isRectPointInBoundary(rect.y, rect.height, viewport.height, multiplier), - }; -} - -export function createScrollPointForRect(targetRect: IRect, viewport: IViewportSize): IPoint { - let { x, y } = targetRect; - const fudge = 2 * Math.random(); - // target rect inside bounds - const midViewportHeight = Math.round(viewport.height / 2 + fudge); - const midViewportWidth = Math.round(viewport.width / 2 + fudge); - - if (y < -(midViewportHeight + 1)) y -= midViewportHeight; - else if (y > midViewportHeight + 1) y -= midViewportHeight; - - if (x < -(midViewportWidth + 1)) x -= midViewportWidth; - else if (x > midViewportWidth + 1) x -= midViewportWidth; - - x = roundOne(x); - y = roundOne(y); - - return { x, y }; -} - -export function createPointInRect( - rect: IRect, - options?: { - paddingPercent?: { height: number; width: number }; - constrainToViewport?: IViewportSize; - }, -): IPoint { - const { height, width } = rect; - let x = rect.x; - let y = rect.y; - if (y === 0 && height <= 1 && width <= 1 && x === 0) { - return { x, y }; - } - const { paddingPercent } = options ?? {}; - - let padX = paddingPercent?.width ?? 33; - if (padX < 0 || padX > 100) padX = 33; - const paddingWidth = (width * 2 * padX) / 100; - const innerWidth = width - paddingWidth; - x += paddingWidth / 2; - - let padY = paddingPercent?.height ?? 33; - if (padY < 0 || padY > 100) padY = 33; - const paddingHeight = (height * 2 * padY) / 100; - const innerHeight = height - paddingHeight; - y += paddingHeight / 2; - - x += Math.random() * innerWidth; - y += Math.random() * innerHeight; - - if (options?.constrainToViewport) { - const { constrainToViewport } = options; - if (x > constrainToViewport.width) x = constrainToViewport.width - 1; - if (y > constrainToViewport.height) y = constrainToViewport.height - 1; - } - - return { - x: Math.round(x), - y: Math.round(y), - }; -} - -function isRectPointInBoundary( - coordinate: number, - length: number, - boundaryLength: number, - multiplier: number, -): boolean { - if (length > boundaryLength) { - length = boundaryLength; - } - const midpointOffset = Math.round(coordinate + length * multiplier); - if (coordinate >= 0) { - // midpoint passes end - if (midpointOffset >= boundaryLength) { - return false; - } - } else { - // midpoint before start - // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if - if (midpointOffset <= 0) { - return false; - } - } - return true; -} - -function roundOne(num: number): number { - return Math.round(num * 10) / 10; -} diff --git a/mitm/models/CertificatesTable.ts b/core/models/CertificatesTable.ts similarity index 96% rename from mitm/models/CertificatesTable.ts rename to core/models/CertificatesTable.ts index 1c1b45513..f6a4fe1ee 100644 --- a/mitm/models/CertificatesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/CertificatesTable.ts @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export default class CertificatesTable extends SqliteTable { this.getQuery = db.prepare(`select * from ${this.tableName} where host = ? limit 1`); } - public insert(record: ICertificateRecord): void { + public save(record: ICertificateRecord): void { const { host, key, pem, expireDate } = record; this.pemByHost.set(host, record); this.queuePendingInsert([host, key, pem, expireDate]); diff --git a/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts b/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts index 66c494709..529d9cb8c 100644 --- a/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts @@ -1,23 +1,14 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import type { IPuppetContextEvents } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; +import DevtoolsSessionLogger from 'secret-agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; export default class DevtoolsMessagesTable extends SqliteTable { - private fetchRequestIdToNetworkId = new Map(); private pageIds = new IdAssigner(); private workerIds = new IdAssigner(); private frameIds = new IdAssigner(); private requestIds = new IdAssigner(); - private sentMessagesById: { - [id: number]: { - method: string; - frameId?: string; - requestId?: string; - }; - } = {}; - constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { super(db, 'DevtoolsMessages', [ ['send', 'INTEGER'], @@ -35,55 +26,14 @@ export default class DevtoolsMessagesTable extends SqliteTable 50 - ) { - return `${value.substr(0, 50)}... [truncated ${value.length - 50} chars]`; - } - - if (key === 'body' && method === 'Fetch.fulfillRequest') { - return `${value.substr(0, 50)}... [truncated ${value.length - 50} chars]`; - } - if ((key === 'headers' || key === 'postData') && params.request) { // clean out post data (we have these in resources table) return 'HERO_REMOVED_FOR_DB'; diff --git a/core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts b/core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts index e90a6945e..b472d0498 100644 --- a/core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts +++ b/core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import INavigation, { ContentPaint, NavigationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; +import INavigation, { ContentPaint, NavigationStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/INavigation'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; export default class FrameNavigationsTable extends SqliteTable { diff --git a/core/models/FramesTable.ts b/core/models/FramesTable.ts index 8bd52bf57..e3b81ce2d 100644 --- a/core/models/FramesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/FramesTable.ts @@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ export default class FramesTable extends SqliteTable { public frameDomNodePathsById: { [frameId: number]: string } = {}; public framesById: { [frameId: number]: { parentId: number; domNodeId: number } } = {}; - public get nextId(): number { - this.#idCounter += 1; - return this.#idCounter; - } - - #idCounter = 0; #mainFrameIds = new Set(); #tabIdByFrameId = new Map(); #mainFrameIdByTabId = new Map>(); diff --git a/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts b/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts index 8dddb9d0c..40a9507ca 100644 --- a/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import ResourceState from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/interfaces/ResourceState'; +import ResourceState from '@secret-agent/mitm/interfaces/ResourceState'; const resourceStates = Object.keys(ResourceState).filter( x => ResourceState[x] === x, diff --git a/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts b/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts index b16caa434..439e8abae 100644 --- a/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import decodeBuffer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/decodeBuffer'; -import IResourceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; import IResourceSummary from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceSummary'; +import IResourceProcessingDetails from 'secret-agent/interfaces/IResourceProcessingDetails'; export default class ResourcesTable extends SqliteTable { constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export default class ResourcesTable extends SqliteTable { .run(timestamp, id); } - public updateResource(id: number, data: { tabId: number; browserRequestId: string }): void { + public updateBrowserRequestId(id: number, data: { tabId: number; browserRequestId: string }): void { const pendingInserts = this.findPendingInserts(x => x[0] === id); if (pendingInserts.length) { const pending = pendingInserts.pop(); @@ -203,25 +203,59 @@ export default class ResourcesTable extends SqliteTable { ]); } + public mergeWithExisting( + resourceId: number, + existingResource: IResourceMeta, + newResourceDetails: IResourceMeta, + resourceFailedEvent: IResourceProcessingDetails, + error?: Error, + ): void { + const existingDbRecord = this.get(resourceId); + + existingDbRecord.type ??= newResourceDetails.type; + existingResource.type ??= newResourceDetails.type; + existingDbRecord.devtoolsRequestId ??= resourceFailedEvent.browserRequestId; + existingDbRecord.browserBlockedReason = resourceFailedEvent.browserBlockedReason; + existingDbRecord.browserCanceled = resourceFailedEvent.browserCanceled; + existingDbRecord.redirectedToUrl ??= resourceFailedEvent.redirectedToUrl; + existingDbRecord.statusCode ??= newResourceDetails.response.statusCode; + existingDbRecord.statusMessage ??= newResourceDetails.response.statusMessage; + existingDbRecord.browserLoadFailure = newResourceDetails.response.browserLoadFailure; + existingDbRecord.browserLoadedTimestamp ??= newResourceDetails.response.timestamp; + existingDbRecord.frameId ??= newResourceDetails.frameId; + + if (!existingResource.response) { + existingResource.response = newResourceDetails.response ?? ({} as any); + } + + if (newResourceDetails.response.headers) { + const responseHeaders = JSON.stringify(newResourceDetails.response.headers); + if (responseHeaders.length > existingDbRecord.responseHeaders?.length) { + existingDbRecord.responseHeaders = responseHeaders; + existingResource.response.headers = newResourceDetails.response.headers; + } + } + if (resourceFailedEvent.responseOriginalHeaders) { + const responseHeaders = JSON.stringify(resourceFailedEvent.responseOriginalHeaders); + if (responseHeaders.length > existingDbRecord.responseOriginalHeaders?.length) { + existingDbRecord.responseOriginalHeaders = responseHeaders; + } + } + if (error) { + existingDbRecord.httpError = ResourcesTable.getErrorString(error); + } + + existingResource.response.browserLoadFailure = newResourceDetails.response?.browserLoadFailure; + +; + } + public insert( tabId: number, meta: IResourceMeta, postData: Buffer, body: Buffer, - extras: { - socketId: number; - redirectedToUrl?: string; - originalHeaders: IResourceHeaders; - responseOriginalHeaders?: IResourceHeaders; - protocol: string; - dnsResolvedIp?: string; - wasCached?: boolean; - wasIntercepted: boolean; - browserRequestId?: string; - isHttp2Push: boolean; - browserBlockedReason?: string; - browserCanceled?: boolean; - }, + extras: IResourceProcessingDetails, error?: Error, ): void { const errorString = ResourcesTable.getErrorString(error); diff --git a/core/models/SessionLogsTable.ts b/core/models/SessionLogsTable.ts index 5a6c2e490..634e7f487 100644 --- a/core/models/SessionLogsTable.ts +++ b/core/models/SessionLogsTable.ts @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export default class SessionLogsTable extends SqliteTable { public insert(log: ILogEntry): void { // ignore logging these to the db - they're in the Commands table - if (log.action === '' || log.action === 'Command.done') return; + if (log.action === '' || log.action === 'Command.done' || log.module.includes('DevtoolsSessionLogger')) return; if ( instanceof Error) { = { stack:, diff --git a/core/models/SessionTable.ts b/core/models/SessionTable.ts index 607ef5d4b..58182107d 100644 --- a/core/models/SessionTable.ts +++ b/core/models/SessionTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import IViewport from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IViewport'; +import IViewport from '@bureau/interfaces/IViewport'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@bureau/interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScriptInstanceMeta'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; diff --git a/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts b/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts index 0f9c7715d..1e63ced25 100644 --- a/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; -import { IPuppetStorageEvents } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetDomStorageTracker'; +import { IDomStorageEvents } from 'secret-agent/lib/DomStorageTracker'; export default class StorageChangesTable extends SqliteTable { private changesByTabIdAndTime: { @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default class StorageChangesTable extends SqliteTable { - public get nextId(): number { - this.#idCounter += 1; - return this.#idCounter; - } - - #idCounter = 0; - constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { super(db, 'Tabs', [ ['id', 'INTEGER'], diff --git a/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts b/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts index 5c36521d1..695b98796 100644 --- a/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import IWebsocketResourceMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import IWebsocketMessage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWebsocketMessage'; +import { IWebsocketMessage } from 'secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; export default class WebsocketMessagesTable extends SqliteTable { constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { @@ -27,11 +26,13 @@ export default class WebsocketMessagesTable extends SqliteTable; - -beforeAll(async () => { - httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer({ onlyCloseOnFinal: true }); -}); -beforeEach(() => { - GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount = 10; -}); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); - -describe('GlobalPool tests', () => { - it('should be able to get multiple entries out of the pool', async () => { - const connection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); - GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount = 3; - await connection.connect({ maxConcurrentClientCount: 3 }); - expect(GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount).toBe(3); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); - - const tab1 = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab1.session); - // #1 - await tab1.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/pool1`); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(1); - - const tab2 = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab2.session); - - // #2 - await tab2.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/pool2`); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(2); - - const tab3 = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab3.session); - - // #3 - await tab3.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/pool3`); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(3); - - // #4 - const tab4Promise = connection.createSession(); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(3); - await tab1.session.close(); - const tab4Meta = await tab4Promise; - const tab4 = Session.getTab(tab4Meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab4.session); - - // should give straight to this waiting promise - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(3); - await tab4.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/pool4`); - await tab4.session.close(); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(2); - - await Promise.all([tab1.session.close(), tab2.session.close(), tab3.session.close()]); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); - await Core.shutdown(); - }, 15e3); - - it('should emit events when all session tabs are closed', async () => { - const connection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); - await connection.connect(); - - const tab = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - await tab.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/session-events`); - const allTabsClosed = jest.fn(); - tab.session.on('all-tabs-closed', allTabsClosed); - - await tab.close(); - - expect(allTabsClosed).toBeCalledTimes(1); - await Core.shutdown(); - }); - - it('should emit an event when a browser has no open windows', async () => { - const connection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); - await connection.connect(); - - const tab = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - await tab.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/no-windows`); - - const tab2 = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab2.session); - await tab2.goto(`${httpServer.baseUrl}/no-windows2`); - - const browserWindowsClosed = jest.fn(); - const didCallPromise = new Resolvable(); - -'browser-has-no-open-windows', () => { - browserWindowsClosed(); - didCallPromise.resolve(); - }); - - await tab.close(); - - expect(browserWindowsClosed).toBeCalledTimes(0); - await tab2.close(); - await didCallPromise.promise; - expect(browserWindowsClosed).toBeCalledTimes(1); - await Core.shutdown(); - }); - - it('should emit all browsers closed event', async () => { - const connection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); - await connection.connect(); - - const tab = Session.getTab(await connection.createSession()); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - - const allBrowsersTriggered = new Resolvable(); - const allBrowsersClosedEvent = jest.fn(); -'all-browsers-closed', () => { - allBrowsersTriggered.resolve(); - allBrowsersClosedEvent(); - }); - - // @ts-ignore - const puppets = GlobalPool.puppets; - expect(puppets).toHaveLength(1); - - const puppet1 = puppets[0]; - expect(allBrowsersClosedEvent).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - const browserEngine: IBrowserEngine = { - ...puppet1.browserEngine, - launchArguments: puppet1.browserEngine.launchArguments.slice(0, -1), - }; - // @ts-ignore - const puppet2 = await GlobalPool.getPuppet( - { - browserEmulator: { id: 'basic' } as IBrowserEmulator, - onBrowserLaunchConfiguration(): Promise { - return Promise.resolve(); - }, - humanEmulator: { id: 'basic' }, - use() {}, - }, - browserEngine, - ); - - expect(puppets).toHaveLength(2); - expect(allBrowsersClosedEvent).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - await tab.close(); - await puppet1.close(); - expect(allBrowsersClosedEvent).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - await puppet2.close(); - await allBrowsersTriggered.promise; - expect(allBrowsersClosedEvent).toBeCalledTimes(1); - await Core.shutdown(); - }); -}); diff --git a/core/test/apis.test.ts b/core/test/apis.test.ts index f17730362..86e4bfcb3 100644 --- a/core/test/apis.test.ts +++ b/core/test/apis.test.ts @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ describe('basic Apis tests', () => { const connection = Core.addConnection(); Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); const meta = await connection.createSession({ - humanEmulatorId: 'basic', scriptInstanceMeta: { startDate:, workingDirectory: process.cwd(), diff --git a/core/test/basic.test.ts b/core/test/basic.test.ts index 88ca11bca..d68eb524b 100644 --- a/core/test/basic.test.ts +++ b/core/test/basic.test.ts @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/index'; -import Core, { GlobalPool } from '../index'; +import Core from '../index'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; const shutdownSpy = jest.spyOn(Core, 'shutdown'); -beforeEach(() => { - GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount = 10; -}); afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); @@ -15,8 +12,8 @@ describe('basic Core tests', () => { Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); await connection.connect({ maxConcurrentClientCount: 5 }); - expect(GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount).toBe(5); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); + expect(Core.pool.maxConcurrentAgents).toBe(5); + expect(Core.pool.activeAgentsCount).toBe(0); await Core.shutdown(); }); @@ -27,11 +24,11 @@ describe('basic Core tests', () => { await connection.connect({ maxConcurrentClientCount: 2 }); await connection.createSession(); - expect(GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount).toBe(2); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(1); + expect(Core.pool.maxConcurrentAgents).toBe(2); + expect(Core.pool.activeAgentsCount).toBe(1); await Core.shutdown(); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); + expect(Core.pool.activeAgentsCount).toBe(0); }); it('shuts down if connect set to be not persistent and Core.start not called', async () => { @@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ describe('basic Core tests', () => { expect(shutdownSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(connectionCloseSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); await Core.shutdown(); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); + expect(Core.pool.activeAgentsCount).toBe(0); Core.autoShutdownMillis = 30e3; }); @@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ describe('basic Core tests', () => { expect(shutdownSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); expect(connectionCloseSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await Core.shutdown(); - expect(GlobalPool.activeSessionCount).toBe(0); + expect(Core.pool.activeAgentsCount).toBe(0); Core.autoShutdownMillis = 30e3; }); }); diff --git a/core/test/connection.test.ts b/core/test/connection.test.ts index 50f6e6ec7..9d403d7fb 100644 --- a/core/test/connection.test.ts +++ b/core/test/connection.test.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import Hero, { Core } from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; import { Log } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; +import BrowserEmulator from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator'; import { DependenciesMissingError } from '@ulixee/chrome-app/lib/DependenciesMissingError'; import ChromeApp from '@ulixee/chrome-app/index'; -import BrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine'; +import BrowserEngine from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserEngine'; const validate = jest.spyOn(BrowserEngine.prototype, 'verifyLaunchable'); const logError = jest.spyOn(Log.prototype, 'error'); @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ describe('basic connection tests', () => { it('should throw an error informing how to install dependencies', async () => { class CustomEmulator extends BrowserEmulator { public static id = 'emulate-test'; - public static selectBrowserMeta() { - return super.selectBrowserMeta(); + public onNewBrowser() { + // don't change launch args so it doesn't reuse a previous one } - public static onBrowserWillLaunch() { - // don't change launch args so it doesn't reuse a previous one + public static selectBrowserMeta() { + return super.selectBrowserMeta(); } } Core.use(CustomEmulator as any); @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe('basic connection tests', () => { ); expect(logError).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); const error = String((logError.mock.calls[0][1] as any).error); - expect(error).toMatch('PuppetLaunchError'); + expect(error).toMatch('BrowserLaunchError'); expect(error).toMatch('You can resolve this by running'); expect(validate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); diff --git a/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts b/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts index db51ecb14..4b90ba5c7 100644 --- a/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts +++ b/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { LocationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { LocationStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; +import { InteractionCommand } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { DomActionType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; +import HumanEmulator from '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import { MouseEventType } from '../models/MouseEventsTable'; import Core, { Session } from '../index'; @@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ beforeAll(async () => { Core.use( class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { static id = 'basic'; + async playInteractions(interactionGroups, runFn): Promise { + for (const group of interactionGroups) { + for (const step of group) { + await runFn(step); + } + } + } }, ); connectionToClient = Core.addConnection(); @@ -217,17 +224,17 @@ function sort() { await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.AllContentLoaded); const session = tab.session; - expect(tab.puppetPage.frames).toHaveLength(4); - await tab.puppetPage.frames[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); - await tab.puppetPage.frames[2].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); - // await tab.puppetPage.frames[3].waitOn('frame-lifecycle', f => === 'load'); + expect(; + await[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + await[2].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + // await[3].waitOn('frame-lifecycle', f => === 'load'); await session.db.flush(); const domChanges = session.db.domChanges.all(); const domFrames = domChanges.filter(x => x.tagName === 'IFRAME'); expect(domFrames).toHaveLength(3); - await tab.frameEnvironmentsByPuppetId.get(tab.puppetPage.frames[3].id).isReady; + await tab.frameEnvironmentsByDevtoolsId.get([3].id).isReady; await session.db.flush(); const frames = session.db.frames.all(); diff --git a/core/test/events.test.ts b/core/test/events.test.ts index 76bfd794f..9bf1d32ae 100644 --- a/core/test/events.test.ts +++ b/core/test/events.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import ICoreEventPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreEventPayload'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import { LocationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LocationStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import Core, { Session } from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; diff --git a/core/test/html/grid/index.html b/core/test/html/grid/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 73e8d3e55..000000000 --- a/core/test/html/grid/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ - - - - - Vue.js grid component example - - - - - - -
- -
- - - - diff --git a/core/test/html/grid/style.css b/core/test/html/grid/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index 8b62acb54..000000000 --- a/core/test/html/grid/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -body { - font-family: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif; - font-size: 14px; - color: #444; -} - -table { - border: 2px solid #42b983; - border-radius: 3px; - background-color: #fff; -} - -th { - background-color: #42b983; - color: rgba(255,255,255,0.66); - cursor: pointer; - -webkit-user-select: none; - -moz-user-select: none; - -ms-user-select: none; - user-select: none; -} - -td { - background-color: #f9f9f9; -} - -th, td { - min-width: 120px; - padding: 10px 20px; -} - { - color: #fff; -} - .arrow { - opacity: 1; -} - -.arrow { - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; - width: 0; - height: 0; - margin-left: 5px; - opacity: 0.66; -} - -.arrow.asc { - border-left: 4px solid transparent; - border-right: 4px solid transparent; - border-bottom: 4px solid #fff; -} - -.arrow.dsc { - border-left: 4px solid transparent; - border-right: 4px solid transparent; - border-top: 4px solid #fff; -} diff --git a/core/test/interact.test.ts b/core/test/interact.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 50eef3eff..000000000 --- a/core/test/interact.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,560 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/default-human-emulator'; -import { createSession, getLogo, ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import Core from '../index'; -import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; -import { getClientRectFnName, getNodePointerFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; -import IElementRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IElementRect'; -import { LoadStatus, LocationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; - -let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; -let connection: ConnectionToClient; -beforeAll(async () => { - connection = Core.addConnection(); - await connection.connect(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect(), true); - - HumanEmulator.maxDelayBetweenInteractions = 0; - HumanEmulator.maxScrollDelayMillis = 0; - koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll, 30e3); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -const humanEmulatorId =; - -describe('basic interaction tests', () => { - it('executes basic click command', async () => { - koaServer.get('/mouse', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - - - - - `; - }); - - const { tab, session } = await createSession({ humanEmulatorId }); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/mouse`); - - const spy = jest.spyOn(session.plugins, 'playInteractions'); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'button']], - }, - ]); - - expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - const interactGroups = spy.mock.calls[0][0]; - expect(interactGroups).toHaveLength(1); - expect(interactGroups[0]).toHaveLength(2); - expect(interactGroups[0][0].command).toBe('scroll'); - - const buttonClass = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', 'button.clicked'], - 'classList', - ]); - expect(buttonClass.value).toStrictEqual({ 0: 'clicked' }); - }); - - it('can click an XY coordinate off screen', async () => { - koaServer.get('/point', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -
- -
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ humanEmulatorId }); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/point`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.AllContentLoaded); - - const buttonRect = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', 'button'], - [getClientRectFnName], - ]); - - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: [buttonRect.value.x, buttonRect.value.y], - }, - ]), - ).resolves.toBeUndefined(); - - const buttonClass = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', 'button'], - 'classList', - ]); - expect(buttonClass.value).toStrictEqual({ 0: 'clicked' }); - }); - - it('executes basic type command', async () => { - koaServer.get('/input', ctx => { - ctx.set('Content-Security-Policy', "script-src 'unsafe-eval'"); - ctx.body = ` - - - - `; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession({ humanEmulatorId }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/input`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'input'], ['focus']]); - await tab.interact([ - { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [{ string: 'Hello world!' }], - }, - ]); - const inputValue = await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'input'], 'value']); - expect(inputValue.value).toBe('Hello world!'); - }); - - it('should throw an error if a node cannot be found', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession({ humanEmulatorId }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`); - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['document', ['querySelector', 'not-there']], - }, - ]), - ).rejects.toThrow('element does not exist'); - }); - - it('moves over a select box to simulate clicking an option', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession({ humanEmulatorId }); - koaServer.get('/click-option', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
- -
- - - `; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/click-option`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LoadStatus.DomContentLoaded); - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['document', ['querySelector', '#option1']], - }, - ]), - ).resolves.toBeUndefined(); - - await expect(tab.getJsValue('didChangeOption')).resolves.toEqual(true); - await expect(tab.getJsValue('mousedOver')).resolves.toEqual(true); - }); - - it('should be able to click elements off screen', async () => { - koaServer.get('/longpage', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
- -
- -
- -
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - viewport: { - width: 1920, - height: 1080, - screenWidth: 1920, - screenHeight: 1080, - positionX: 0, - positionY: 0, - }, - }); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/longpage`); - await tab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded'); - - const click = async (selector: string) => { - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', selector]], - }, - ]); - return await tab.getJsValue('lastClicked'); - }; - - let lastClicked = await click('#button-1'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click1'); - - lastClicked = await click('#button-2'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click2'); - - lastClicked = await click('#button-3'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click3'); - - lastClicked = await click('#button-1'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click1'); - }, 60e3); - - it('should scroll around obstructions', async () => { - koaServer.get('/obstructions', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - - -
- - -
- -
- - - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - viewport: { - width: 1920, - height: 1080, - screenWidth: 1920, - screenHeight: 1080, - positionX: 0, - positionY: 0, - }, - }); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/obstructions`); - - const click = async (selector: string) => { - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', selector]], - }, - ]); - return await tab.getJsValue('lastClicked'); - }; - - let lastClicked = await click('#button-1'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click1'); - - lastClicked = await click('#button-2'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click2'); - - lastClicked = await click('#button-3'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('click3'); - }); - - it('should be able to click elements that move on load', async () => { - koaServer.get('/img.png', async ctx => { - ctx.set('Content-Type', 'image/png'); - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50)); - ctx.body = getLogo(); - }); - - // test putting next to an image that will only space after it loads - koaServer.get('/move-on-load', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
- - - - -
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - }); - const interactor = tab.mainFrameEnvironment.interactor; - const originalFn = interactor.lookupBoundingRect.bind(interactor); - const lookupSpy = jest.spyOn(interactor, 'lookupBoundingRect'); - lookupSpy.mockImplementationOnce(async mousePosition => { - const data = await originalFn(mousePosition); - data.y -= 500; - return data; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/move-on-load`); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#button-1']], - }, - ]); - expect(lookupSpy.mock.calls.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2); - const lastClicked = await tab.getJsValue('lastClicked'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe('clickedit'); - }); - - it('will not click the wrong element', async () => { - koaServer.get('/wrong-element', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
- - -
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - }); - - const mouseDown = tab.puppetPage.mouse.down.bind(tab.puppetPage.mouse); - const mouseSpy = jest.spyOn(tab.puppetPage.mouse, 'down'); - mouseSpy.mockImplementationOnce(async key => { - await tab.getJsValue('document.querySelector("#button-2").remove()'); - return await mouseDown(key); - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/wrong-element`); - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#button-2']], - }, - ]), - ).rejects.toThrow(); - const lastClicked = await tab.getJsValue('lastClicked'); - expect(lastClicked).toBe(''); - }); - - it('should be able to click elements that are replaced', async () => { - // test putting next to an image that will only space after it loads - koaServer.get('/replace-node', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
  • Li 1
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - }); - const interactor = tab.mainFrameEnvironment.interactor; - const reloadSpy = jest.spyOn(interactor, 'reloadJsPath'); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/replace-node`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - const ul = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', '#test'], - [getNodePointerFnName], - ]); - // if node is exact, expect it to say that element is now gone - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: [, ['querySelector', '.class1']], - verification: 'exactElement', - }, - ]), - ).rejects.toThrow(`element isn't connected to the DOM`); - // should not try to reload - expect(reloadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); - - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: [, ['querySelector', '.class1']], - verification: 'elementAtPath', - }, - ]), - ).resolves.toBeUndefined(); - expect(reloadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - }); - - it('should be able to click an element without verification', async () => { - koaServer.get('/no-verify', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
  • Li 1
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - }); - const interactor = tab.mainFrameEnvironment.interactor; - // @ts-ignore - const jsPathExecSpy = jest.spyOn(interactor.jsPath, 'exec'); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/no-verify`); - - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command: InteractionCommand.scroll, - mousePosition: [0, 1400], - }, - ]), - ).resolves.toBeUndefined(); - - const ul = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', '#test'], - [getClientRectFnName], - ]); - // if node is exact, expect it to say that element is now gone - await expect( - tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: [], - verification: 'none', - }, - ]), - ).resolves.toBeUndefined(); - // should only make one dom call - expect(jsPathExecSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - }); - - it('should cancel pending interactions after a page clears', async () => { - koaServer.get('/redirect-on-move', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -
- - - `; - }); - - const { tab } = await createSession({ - humanEmulatorId, - }); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/redirect-on-move`); - await tab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded'); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#button-1']], - }, - ]); - - await tab.waitForLocation('change'); - const url = await tab.url; - expect(url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`); - }); -}); diff --git a/core/test/mitm.test.ts b/core/test/mitm.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index fb041f52f..000000000 --- a/core/test/mitm.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import MitmRequestContext from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { LocationStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import GlobalPool from '../lib/GlobalPool'; -import Core, { Session } from '../index'; - -const mocks = { - MitmRequestContext: { - create: jest.spyOn(MitmRequestContext, 'create'), - }, -}; - -let koa: ITestKoaServer; -beforeAll(async () => { - koa = await Helpers.runKoaServer(true); - await GlobalPool.start(); -}); - -beforeEach(async () => { - mocks.MitmRequestContext.create.mockClear(); -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('should send a Host header to secure http1 Chrome requests', async () => { - let rawHeaders: string[] = []; - - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - rawHeaders = req.rawHeaders; - res.end('Loaded'); - }); - - const url = `${server.baseUrl}/`; - const session = await GlobalPool.createSession({}); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - const tab = await session.createTab(); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - await tab.goto(url); - expect(rawHeaders[0]).toBe('Host'); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'false'; -}); - -test('should send preflight requests', async () => { - const corsPromise = new Promise(resolve => { - koa.options('/preflightPost', ctx => { - ctx.response.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', ctx.headers.origin); - ctx.response.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS'); - ctx.response.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type'); - ctx.body = ''; - resolve(true); - }); - }); - const postPromise = new Promise(resolve => { -'/preflightPost', ctx => { - ctx.body = 'ok'; - resolve(true); - }); - }); - - const session = await GlobalPool.createSession({}); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - session.mitmRequestSession.interceptorHandlers.push({ - urls: [''], - handlerFn(url, type, request, response) { - response.end(` - - - - - `); - return true; - }, - }); - const tab = await session.createTab(); - await tab.goto(``); - await expect(corsPromise).resolves.toBeTruthy(); - await expect(postPromise).resolves.toBeTruthy(); - - expect(mocks.MitmRequestContext.create).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); - - const context = mocks.MitmRequestContext.create.mock.results[1]; - expect(context.value.method).toBe('OPTIONS'); - - const context2 = mocks.MitmRequestContext.create.mock.results[2]; - expect(context2.value.method).toBe('POST'); -}); - -test('should proxy requests from worker threads', async () => { - koa.get('/worker.js', ctx => { - ctx.set('content-type', 'application/javascript'); - ctx.body = ` -onmessage = function(e) { - const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); -'POST', '${koa.baseUrl}/xhr'); - xhr.send('FromWorker'); -}`; - }); - koa.get('/testWorker', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -

This is a visible page

- - - `; - }); - const serviceXhr = new Promise(resolve => { -'/xhr', async ctx => { - ctx.body = 'Ok'; - const requestBody = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(ctx.req); - resolve(requestBody.toString()); - }); - }); - const session = await GlobalPool.createSession({}); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - const tab = await session.createTab(); - await tab.goto(`${koa.baseUrl}/testWorker`); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - await expect(serviceXhr).resolves.toBe('FromWorker'); - expect(mocks.MitmRequestContext.create).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); -}); - -test('should proxy requests from shared workers', async () => { - const xhrResolvable = new Resolvable(); - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer(async (req, res) => { - if (req.url === '/shared-worker.js') { - res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/javascript'); - res.end(` -onconnect = async message => { - const port = message.ports[0] - const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); -'POST', '${server.baseUrl}/sharedWorkerXhr'); - xhr.send('FromSharedWorker'); - port.postMessage('done') -}`); - } else if (req.url === '/testSharedWorker') { - res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html'); - res.end(` - -

This is a visible page

- - `); - } else if (req.url === '/sharedWorkerXhr') { - res.setHeader('content-type', 'text'); - res.end('ok'); - const requestBody = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(req); - xhrResolvable.resolve(requestBody.toString()); - } - }); - const session = await GlobalPool.createSession({}); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - const tab = await session.createTab(); - await tab.goto(`${server.baseUrl}/testSharedWorker`); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - await expect(xhrResolvable.promise).resolves.toBe('FromSharedWorker'); - expect(mocks.MitmRequestContext.create).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); -}); - -test('should not see proxy headers in a service worker', async () => { - const xhrHeaders = createPromise(); - const xhrHeadersFromWorker = createPromise(); - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer(async (request, response) => { - const path = request.url; - if (path === '/worker.js') { - response.setHeader('content-type', 'application/javascript'); - response.end(` -self.addEventListener('fetch', event => { - event.respondWith(async function(){ - return fetch(event.request.url, { - method: event.request.method, - credentials: 'include', - headers: { - 'Intercepted': true, - 'original-proxy-auth': event.request.headers['proxy-authorization'] - }, - body: event.request.headers['proxy-authorization'] ? 'ProxyAuth' : 'LooksGoodFromPage' - }); - }()); -}); - -self.addEventListener("install", (event) => { - event.waitUntil(self.skipWaiting()); -}); - -self.addEventListener('activate', event => { - event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()); -}); - -self.addEventListener('message', event => { - if ( === 'activate-app') { - self.skipWaiting(); - self.clients.claim(); - self.clients.matchAll().then((clients) => { - clients.forEach((client) => client.postMessage("start-app")); - }); - fetch('/xhr/2', { - method: 'POST', - body: 'FromWorker' - }).catch(err => {}); - } -}); -`); - } - if (path === '/service-worker') { - response.setHeader('Server-Worker-Allowed', '/xhr'); - response.end(` -

I'm loaded

- - - - `); - } - - let body = ''; - for await (const chunk of request) body += chunk; - if (path === '/xhr') { - xhrHeaders.resolve(request.headers); - expect(body).toBe('LooksGoodFromPage'); - response.end('Cool'); - } - if (path === '/xhr/2') { - xhrHeadersFromWorker.resolve(request.headers); - expect(body).toBe('FromWorker'); - response.end('Got it'); - } - }); - - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - const session = await GlobalPool.createSession({}); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - const tab = await session.createTab(); - await tab.goto(`${server.baseUrl}/service-worker`); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - const [originalHeaders, headersFromWorker] = await Promise.all([ - xhrHeaders.promise, - xhrHeadersFromWorker.promise, - ]); - // check that both go through mitm - await expect(originalHeaders['proxy-authorization']).not.toBeTruthy(); - await expect(headersFromWorker['proxy-authorization']).not.toBeTruthy(); - await expect(originalHeaders['user-agent']).toBe(headersFromWorker['user-agent']); - expect(mocks.MitmRequestContext.create).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4); -}); - -test('should proxy iframe requests', async () => { - const connection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connection.disconnect()); - - const meta = await connection.createSession(); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - - const session = tab.session; - - session.mitmRequestSession.interceptorHandlers.push({ - urls: [ - '', - '', - '', - ], - handlerFn(url, type, request, response) { - response.end(` - -none -`); - return true; - }, - }); - koa.get('/iframe-test', async ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - -This is the main body - - -`; - }); - await tab.goto(`${koa.baseUrl}/iframe-test`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.AllContentLoaded); - expect(mocks.MitmRequestContext.create).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4); - const urls = => x.value.url.href); - expect(urls).toEqual([ - expect.stringMatching(/http:\/\/localhost:\d+\/iframe-test/), - '', - '', - '', - ]); -}); diff --git a/core/test/navigation.test.ts b/core/test/navigation.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 89b10f7fb..000000000 --- a/core/test/navigation.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,701 +0,0 @@ -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { LocationStatus, LocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { getLogo, ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; - -import { ContentPaint } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; -import Core, { Tab } from '../index'; -import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; -import Session from '../lib/Session'; -import FrameNavigationsObserver from '../lib/FrameNavigationsObserver'; - -let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; -let connectionToClient: ConnectionToClient; -beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use( - class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - static id = 'basic'; - }, - ); - await Core.start(); - connectionToClient = Core.addConnection(); - await connectionToClient.connect(); - Helpers.onClose(() => connectionToClient.disconnect(), true); - koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(); -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -describe('basic Navigation tests', () => { - it('handles unformatted urls', async () => { - const unformattedUrl = koaServer.baseUrl; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - await tab.goto(unformattedUrl); - const formattedUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(formattedUrl).toBe(`${unformattedUrl}/`); - }); - - it('handles urls with a hash', async () => { - koaServer.get('/hash', ctx => { - ctx.body = 'done'; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - await expect(tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/hash#hash`)).resolves.toBeTruthy(); - }); - - it('works without explicit waitForLocation', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - await tab.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - const elem = await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'a'], 'nodeName']); - const hrefAttribute = await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'a'], 'href']); - expect(elem.value).toBe('A'); - expect(hrefAttribute.value).toBe(''); - }); - - it('times out a goto', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/timeout`; - let timeoutResolve = () => null; - koaServer.get('/timeout', async ctx => { - await new Promise(resolve => { - timeoutResolve = resolve; - }); - ctx.body = 'done'; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - await expect(tab.goto(startingUrl, { timeoutMs: 100 })).rejects.toThrowError('Timeout'); - timeoutResolve(); - }); - - it('can load a cached page multiple times', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/etag`; - koaServer.get('/etag', ctx => { - ctx.set('ETag', `W/\\"d02-48a7cf4b62c40\\"`); - ctx.set('Last-Modified', `Sat, 03 Jul 2010 14:59:53 GMT`); - ctx.body = ` - - - `; - }); - koaServer.get('/img.jpeg', async ctx => { - ctx.set('ETag', `W/\\"d02-48a7cf4b62c41\\"`); - ctx.set('Last-Modified', `Sat, 03 Jul 2010 14:59:53 GMT`); - ctx.body = await getLogo(); - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - const hrefAttribute = await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'a'], 'href']); - expect(hrefAttribute.value).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/etagPage`); - } - - // need to give the last image a second to show that it loaded from cache - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - - const resources = tab.session.resources.getForTab(; - expect(resources).toHaveLength(20); - }); - - it('can goto a page multiple times', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/etag2`; - koaServer.get('/img2.jpeg', async ctx => { - ctx.body = await getLogo(); - }); - koaServer.get('/etag2', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - - Etag Page - - `; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - for (let i = 0; i < 15; i += 1) { - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - const hrefAttribute = await tab.execJsPath(['document', ['querySelector', 'a'], 'href']); - expect(hrefAttribute.value).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/etagPage`); - } - }); - - it('handles page reloading itself', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/reload`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - let hasReloaded = false; - koaServer.get('/reload', ctx => { - if (hasReloaded) { - ctx.body = 'Reloaded'; - } else { - ctx.body = ''; - hasReloaded = true; - } - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.reload); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - const text = await tab.execJsPath(['document', 'body', 'textContent']); - - expect(text.value).toBe('Reloaded'); - }); - - it('can reload a page', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/pagex`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - let counter = 0; - koaServer.get('/pagex', ctx => { - if (counter === 0) { - ctx.body = 'First Load'; - } else { - ctx.body = 'Second Load'; - } - counter += 1; - }); - - const gotoResource = await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - const text = await tab.execJsPath(['document', 'body', 'textContent']); - expect(text.value).toBe('First Load'); - - const reloadResource = await tab.reload(); - const navigation = await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - expect(navigation.navigationReason).toBe('reload'); - const text2 = await tab.execJsPath(['document', 'body', 'textContent']); - expect(text2.value).toBe('Second Load'); - expect(; - expect(reloadResource.url).toBe(gotoResource.url); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - }); - - it('can go back and forward', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/backAndForth', ctx => { - ctx.body = `

Page 2

`; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`); - - expect(await tab.getUrl()).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/backAndForth`); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - expect(await tab.getUrl()).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/backAndForth`); - - const pages = tab.navigations; - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(2); - expect(pages.currentUrl).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/backAndForth`); - - await tab.goBack(); - expect('goBack'); - expect('ContentPaint')).toBe(true); - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(3); - expect(pages.currentUrl).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`); - - await tab.goForward(); - expect('goForward'); - expect('ContentPaint')).toBe(true); - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(4); - expect( - || -, - ).toBe(true); - expect(pages.currentUrl).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/backAndForth`); - }); - - it('handles page that navigates to another url', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/navigate`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/navigate', ctx => { - ctx.body = ``; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.change); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(currentUrl).toBe(navigateToUrl); - }); - - it('handles submitting a form', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/form`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/form', ctx => { - ctx.body = `
`; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#button']], - }, - ]); - - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.change); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(currentUrl).toBe(navigateToUrl); - }, 60e3); - - it('handles navigation via link clicks', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/click`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/click', ctx => { - ctx.body = `Clicker`; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.change); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(currentUrl).toBe(navigateToUrl); - }); - - it('handles an in-page navigation change', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpage`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpage#location2`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/inpage', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -Clicker - -


- -`; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.change); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(currentUrl).toBe(navigateToUrl); - - const pages = tab.navigations; - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(2); - }); - - it('handles an in-page navigation back', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpage-back`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpage-back#location2`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/inpage-back', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -Clicker - -


- -`; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - await tab.waitForLocation(LocationTrigger.change); - await tab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded'); - expect(tab.url).toBe(navigateToUrl); - await tab.goBack(); - expect(tab.url).toBe(startingUrl); - expect('goBack'); - expect(tab.navigations.history).toHaveLength(3); - expect('DomContentLoaded')).toBe(true); - }); - - it('handles an in-page navigation change that happens before page load', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/instant-hash`; - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/instant-hash#id=12343`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/instant-hash', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -


- - -`; - }); - - await tab.goto(startingUrl); - - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.waitForMillis(50); - - const pages = tab.navigations; - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(3); - expect(pages.history[0].statusChanges.has('DomContentLoaded')).toBe(true); - expect(pages.history[1].statusChanges.has('DomContentLoaded')).toBe(true); - expect( => x.finalUrl ?? x.requestedUrl)).toStrictEqual([ - startingUrl, - navigateToUrl, - startingUrl, - ]); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - expect(currentUrl).toBe(; - }); - - it('handles in-page history change that happens before page load', async () => { - const navigateToUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpagenav/1`; - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/inpagenav', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -`; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/inpagenav`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - const currentUrl = await tab.getUrl(); - - expect(currentUrl).toBe(navigateToUrl); - const pages = tab.navigations; - expect(pages.history).toHaveLength(2); - expect(pages.history[0].statusChanges.has('DomContentLoaded')).toBe(true); - expect(pages.history[1].statusChanges.has('DomContentLoaded')).toBe(true); - }); - - it.todo('handles going to about:blank'); - - it('can wait for another tab', async () => { - let userAgentString1: string; - let userAgentString2: string; - koaServer.get('/tabTest', ctx => { - userAgentString1 = ctx.get('user-agent'); - ctx.body = ` -Nothing really here -`; - }); - koaServer.get('/tabTestDest', ctx => { - userAgentString2 = ctx.get('user-agent'); - ctx.body = `

You are here

`; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/tabTest`); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - const session = tab.session; - - const newTab = await tab.waitForNewTab(); - expect(session.tabsById.size).toBe(2); - await newTab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - const header = await newTab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelector', '#newTabHeader'], - 'textContent', - ]); - expect(header.value).toBe('You are here'); - expect(userAgentString1).toBe(userAgentString2); - await newTab.close(); - }); - - it('should not trigger location change for first navigation of new tabs', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/newTab', ctx => { - ctx.body = `


`; - }); - koaServer.get('/newTabPrompt', ctx => { - ctx.body = `Popup`; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/newTabPrompt`); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - const spy = jest.spyOn(FrameNavigationsObserver.prototype, 'resolvePendingTrigger'); - - // clear data before this run - const popupTab = await tab.waitForNewTab(); - await popupTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - - // can sometimes call for paint event - if (spy.mock.calls.length === 1) { - expect(spy.mock.calls[0][0]).not.toBe('change'); - } else { - // should not have triggered a navigation change - expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); - } - }); - - it('handles a new tab that redirects', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/popup-redirect', async ctx => { - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 25)); - ctx.redirect('/popup-redirect2'); - }); - koaServer.get('/popup-redirect2', async ctx => { - ctx.status = 301; - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 25)); - ctx.set('Location', '/popup-redirect3'); - }); - koaServer.get('/popup-redirect3', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` -


- - `; - }); - koaServer.get('/popup-done', ctx => { - ctx.body = '

Long journey!

'; - }); - koaServer.get('/popup', ctx => { - ctx.redirect('/popup-redirect'); - }); - koaServer.get('/popup-start', ctx => { - ctx.body = `Popup`; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-start`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', 'a']], - }, - ]); - - // clear data before this run - const popupTab = await tab.waitForNewTab(); - expect(popupTab.url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect3`); - const commandId = popupTab.lastCommandId; - await popupTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - // if we're on serious delay, need to wait for change - if ((await popupTab.getUrl()) !== `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-done`) { - await popupTab.waitForLocation('change', { sinceCommandId: commandId }); - await popupTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.DomContentLoaded); - } - expect(await popupTab.getUrl()).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-done`); - tab.session.db.flush(); - - const history = popupTab.navigations.history; - expect(history).toHaveLength(5); - expect( => x.requestedUrl)).toStrictEqual([ - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect2`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect3`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-done`, - ]); - expect( => x.finalUrl)).toStrictEqual([ - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect2`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect3`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-redirect3`, - `${koaServer.baseUrl}/popup-done`, - ]); - - expect(history[1].statusChanges.has(LocationStatus.HttpRedirected)).toBe(true); - expect(history[2].statusChanges.has(LocationStatus.HttpRedirected)).toBe(true); - expect(history[3].statusChanges.has('ContentPaint')).toBe(true); - }); - - it('should return the last redirected url as the "resource" when a goto redirects', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/goto-redirect`; - koaServer.get('/goto-redirect', async ctx => { - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - ctx.redirect('/after-redirect'); - }); - koaServer.get('/after-redirect', ctx => { - ctx.body = '


'; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - const resource = await tab.goto(startingUrl); - expect(resource.request.url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/after-redirect`); - expect(resource.isRedirect).toBe(false); - }); -}); - -describe('PaintingStable tests', () => { - it('should trigger painting stable after a redirect', async () => { - const startingUrl = `${koaServer.baseUrl}/stable-redirect`; - koaServer.get('/stable-redirect', async ctx => { - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - ctx.redirect('/post-stable-redirect'); - }); - koaServer.get('/post-stable-redirect', ctx => { - ctx.body = '

So stable

'; - }); - const { tab } = await createSession(); - const resource = await tab.goto(startingUrl); - await expect(tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable)).resolves.toBeTruthy(); - expect(resource.request.url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/post-stable-redirect`); - expect(resource.isRedirect).toBe(false); - }); - - it('should trigger a painting stable on a page that never triggers load', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - let completeLongScript: () => void; - koaServer.get('/long-script.js', async ctx => { - await new Promise(resolve => { - completeLongScript = resolve; - }); - ctx.body = ''; - }); - koaServer.get('/img.png', ctx => { - ctx.body = getLogo(); - }); - koaServer.get('/stable-paint1', ctx => { - ctx.body = ` - - -

This is a test

- Image - - -`; - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/stable-paint1`); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - await expect(tab.isPaintingStable()).resolves.toBeTruthy(); - await expect(tab.isAllContentLoaded()).resolves.not.toBeTruthy(); - if (completeLongScript) completeLongScript(); - expect(; - expect('ContentPaint')).toBe(true); - }); - - it('should trigger painting stable once a single page app is loaded', async () => { - const { tab } = await createSession(); - - koaServer.get('/grid/:filename', async ctx => { - const filename = ctx.params.filename; - if (filename === 'data.json') { - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - const records = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 200; i += 1) { - records.push( - { name: 'Chuck Norris', power: 10e3 }, - { name: 'Bruce Lee', power: 9000 }, - { name: 'Jackie Chan', power: 7000 }, - { name: 'Jet Li', power: 8000 }, - ); - } - ctx.set('content-type', 'application/json'); - ctx.body = JSON.stringify({ records }); - } - if (filename === 'vue.min.js') { - ctx.set('content-type', 'application/javascript'); - ctx.body = Fs.createReadStream(require.resolve('vue/dist/vue.min.js')); - } - if (filename === 'index.html') { - ctx.set('content-type', 'text/html'); - ctx.body = Fs.createReadStream(`${__dirname}/html/grid/index.html`); - } - if (filename === 'style.css') { - ctx.set('content-type', 'text/css'); - ctx.body = Fs.createReadStream(`${__dirname}/html/grid/style.css`); - } - }); - - await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/grid/index.html`); - const trs = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelectorAll', '.record'], - 'length', - ]); - - expect(trs.value).toBe(0); - await tab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); - const trs2 = await tab.execJsPath([ - 'document', - ['querySelectorAll', '.record'], - 'length', - ]); - expect(trs2.value).toBe(200 * 4); - }); -}); - -async function createSession( - options?: ISessionCreateOptions, -): Promise<{ session: Session; tab: Tab }> { - const meta = await connectionToClient.createSession(options); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - return { session: tab.session, tab }; -} diff --git a/core/test/rectUtils.test.ts b/core/test/rectUtils.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d698aa3e6..000000000 --- a/core/test/rectUtils.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -import { - createPointInRect, - createScrollPointForRect, - isPointWithinRect, - isRectInViewport, -} from '../lib/rectUtils'; -import IRect from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IRect'; - -test('should find a point in a rect', () => { - const rect: IRect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10 }; - expect(isPointWithinRect({ x: 0, y: 0 }, rect)).toBe(true); - expect(isPointWithinRect({ x: 5, y: 5 }, rect)).toBe(true); - expect(isPointWithinRect({ x: 10, y: 10 }, rect)).toBe(true); - expect(isPointWithinRect({ x: 10, y: 11 }, rect)).toBe(false); -}); - -describe('createScrollPointForRect tests', () => { - test("should find midpoint that's already in view", async () => { - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ), - ).toEqual({ x: 0, y: 0 }); - - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: 400, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBe(400); - }); - - test("should find midpoint that's past the middle", async () => { - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: 401, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(398); - - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: 800, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(398); - - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: 1200, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(798); - }); - - test("should find midpoint that's negative past the middle", async () => { - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: -401, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(-402); - - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: -800, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(-1202); - - expect( - createScrollPointForRect( - { x: 0, y: -1200, width: 100, height: 200 }, - { height: 800, width: 1000 }, - ).y, - ).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(-1602); - }); -}); - -describe('createPointInRect', () => { - test('creates points in a rect', () => { - const point = createPointInRect({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10 }); - expect(point.y).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); - expect(point.y).toBeLessThanOrEqual(10); - expect(point.x).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); - expect(point.x).toBeLessThanOrEqual(10); - }); - - test('creates points in a rect with padding', () => { - const point = createPointInRect( - { x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10 }, - { paddingPercent: { height: 10, width: 20 } }, - ); - expect(point.y).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); - expect(point.y).toBeLessThanOrEqual(9); - expect(point.x).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2); - expect(point.x).toBeLessThanOrEqual(8); - }); - - test('creates points in a rect with padding when position is negative', () => { - const point = createPointInRect( - { x: 0, y: -10, width: 10, height: 10 }, - { paddingPercent: { height: 10, width: 20 } }, - ); - expect(point.y).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(-9); - expect(point.y).toBeLessThanOrEqual(-1); - expect(point.x).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2); - expect(point.x).toBeLessThanOrEqual(8); - }); -}); - -test('should work to find center coordinates', async () => { - expect(isAxisInViewport(20, 100, 100)).toBe(true); - expect(isAxisInViewport(85, 100, 100)).toBe(false); - expect(isAxisInViewport(150, 100, 100)).toBe(false); - expect(isAxisInViewport(-30, 100, 100)).toBe(true); - expect(isAxisInViewport(-51, 100, 100)).toBe(false); -}); - -function isAxisInViewport( - coordinate: number, - length: number, - boundaryLength: number, - percent = 50, -): boolean { - return isRectInViewport( - { x: coordinate, y: coordinate, height: length, width: length }, - { height: boundaryLength, width: boundaryLength }, - percent, - ).width; -} diff --git a/core/test/resources.test.ts b/core/test/resources.test.ts index 8bba34f3a..6bbef65f4 100644 --- a/core/test/resources.test.ts +++ b/core/test/resources.test.ts @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ test('records a single resource for failed mitm requests', async () => { const waitForEmptyKeyCheck = new Resolvable(); const didEmit = new Resolvable(); - const originalEmit = tab.puppetPage.emit.bind(tab.puppetPage); + const originalEmit =; // @ts-ignore - jest.spyOn(tab.puppetPage.networkManager, 'emit').mockImplementation((evt, args) => { + jest.spyOn(, 'emit').mockImplementation((evt, args) => { // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return,promise/catch-or-return,@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises waitForEmptyKeyCheck.promise.then(() => { originalEmit(evt as any, args); diff --git a/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts b/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts index 09f4aa6c9..fd0dd9994 100644 --- a/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts +++ b/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; +import HumanEmulator from '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import Core, { Tab } from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; -import Interactor from '../lib/Interactor'; +import Interactor from 'secret-agent/lib/Interactor'; const playInteractionSpy = jest.spyOn(Interactor.prototype, 'play'); let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ describe('sessionResume tests when resume location is sessionStart', () => { { const { session, tab } = await createSession({ sessionKeepAlive: true }); sessionId =; - firstTabPageId =; + firstTabPageId =; simulateScriptSendingCommandMeta(session, 1); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/sessionResumeSessionStart`); @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ describe('sessionResume tests when resume location is sessionStart', () => { }); expect(; - expect(; + expect(; simulateScriptSendingCommandMeta(session, 1); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/sessionResumeSessionStart`); @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe('sessionResume tests when resume location is sessionStart', () => { }, }); sessionId =; - firstTabPageId =; + firstTabPageId =; simulateScriptSendingCommandMeta(session, 1); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/sessionResumeSessionStartClosed`); @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ describe('sessionResume tests when resume location is sessionStart', () => { // should be a new session this time expect(; - expect(; + expect(; simulateScriptSendingCommandMeta(session, 1); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/sessionResumeSessionStartClosed`); diff --git a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts index 1c0760258..dbe52411e 100644 --- a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts +++ b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; +import { InteractionCommand } from '@bureau/interfaces/IInteractions'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import Core from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; import { URL } from 'url'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import MitmRequestAgent from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent'; -import IDomStorage from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStorage'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; +import MitmRequestAgent from '@secret-agent/mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent'; +import IDomStorage from '@bureau/interfaces/IDomStorage'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; let connection: ConnectionToClient; @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ describe('UserProfile cookie tests', () => { await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/cross-cookie`); await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - await tab.puppetPage.frames[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + await[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); profile = await tab.session.exportUserProfile(); expect(profile.cookies).toHaveLength(3); @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ localStorage.setItem('cross', '1'); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/cross-storage`); await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - await tab.puppetPage.frames[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + await[1].waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); profile = await tab.session.exportUserProfile(); expect([koaServer.baseUrl]?.localStorage).toHaveLength(1); expect(['']?.localStorage).toHaveLength(1); diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ index 5083020a5..6f31360a7 100644 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ b/docs/main/Plugins/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The biggest difference that BrowserEmulators have over standard CorePlugins is that only a single instance is ever run within a session -- i.e. you cannot use two BrowserEmulators within the same session. In addition, the Browser Emulator is always run before any standard Core Plugins, and as such, the Browser Emulator is responsible for choosing which browser engine to use (i.e., Chrome 88 vs Chrome 91). -ADVICE: Unless you have access to the exact data that a browser resembles, it's recommended that you extend `@ulixee/default-browser-emulator` with additional overrides. +ADVICE: Unless you have access to the exact data that a browser resembles, it's recommended that you extend `@bureau/default-browser-emulator` with additional overrides. ## Special Class Properties @@ -20,24 +20,13 @@ BrowserEmulators require a method that receives a userAgentSelector and returns ### selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector) *required* -See @ulixee/default-browser-emulator for an implementation example. +See @bureau/default-browser-emulator for an implementation example. #### **Returns** `SelectBrowserMeta` -### onBrowserWillLaunch(browserEngine, launchSettings) *optional* - -This is called every time a new browser engine is started, which may not be every session. A single browser engine is used across multiple sessions through isolated tabs. - -#### **Arguments**: - - - launchSettings: `object` - - showChrome: `boolean` - has the user requested to show the browser - - disableGpu: `boolean` - has the user requested to disable the gpu - - disableDevtools: `boolean` - has the user requested to disable automatically showing devtools - ## Special Instance Properties -Browser Emulators require a few extra properties than standard Core Plugins. These are all related to the browser engine selected by the emulator. See `@ulixee/default-browser-emulator` for an implementation example. +Browser Emulators require a few extra properties than standard Core Plugins. These are all related to the browser engine selected by the emulator. See `@bureau/default-browser-emulator` for an implementation example. ### browserName *required* #### **Type**: `string`. diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ index 295f692c2..9cabb81d5 100644 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ b/docs/main/Plugins/ @@ -93,14 +93,18 @@ Modify any value in the object to change it session-wide. #### **Returns** `void` -### onBrowserLaunchConfiguration(launchArguments) *optional* +### onNewBrowser(browser, launchArgs) *optional* This is called every time a new browser engine is started, which may not be every session. A Core Plugin can add to the launch arguments that will sent to the process creation of the browser: - For Chrome, a list can be found (here)[] #### **Arguments**: -- launchArguments `string[]`. The list of arguments to modify +- browser `IBrowser`. The SecretAgent browser. Arguments can be manipulated on the `engine.launchArguments` property. +- launchArgs `IBrowserLaunchArgs`. Additional options provided to launch this instance. + - showChrome: `boolean` - has the user requested to show the browser + - disableGpu: `boolean` - has the user requested to disable the gpu + - disableDevtools: `boolean` - has the user requested to disable automatically showing devtools #### **Returns** `Promise` | `void` @@ -187,8 +191,8 @@ Use this method if you want to change the speed or randomness of user Interactio #### **Returns** `Promise` -### getStartingMousePoint(helper) +### adjustStartingMousePoint(point, helper) -This is used within Core to run the mouse Interactions correctly. +This is used within Core to start the mouse Interactions correctly. #### **Returns** `Promise` diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ index 3dbf4f95c..8d5c14f08 100644 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ b/docs/main/Plugins/ @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ This is a major work in progress. We are trying to determine whether Human Emulators are necessary as a unique type of Core Plugin. -See `@ulixee/default-human-emulator` for an implementation example. +See `@bureau/default-human-emulator` for an implementation example. diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/ index 2f574c507..1463de066 100644 --- a/examples/ +++ b/examples/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import Hero from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; -import { LocationTrigger } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LocationTrigger } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; async function run() { const hero = new Hero(); diff --git a/examples/plugins-EchoClasses.ts b/examples/plugins-EchoClasses.ts index 31136755f..d9d0c4c98 100644 --- a/examples/plugins-EchoClasses.ts +++ b/examples/plugins-EchoClasses.ts @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class EchoCorePlugin extends CorePlugin { static readonly id = 'echo-plugin'; public onClientCommand( - { puppetPage }: IOnClientCommandMeta, + { page }: IOnClientCommandMeta, echo1: string, echo2: number, ...echoAny: any[] diff --git a/examples/server.ts b/examples/server.ts index e93c04c2b..f2654578b 100644 --- a/examples/server.ts +++ b/examples/server.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import Core, { GlobalPool } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; +import Core from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; import ICoreResponsePayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreResponsePayload'; import ICoreEventPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreEventPayload'; @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import ICoreEventPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreEventPayload'; server.close(); process.exit(); }; -'browser-has-no-open-windows', ({ puppet }) => puppet.close()); -'all-browsers-closed', () => Core.shutdown()); +'browser-has-no-open-windows', ({ browser }) => browser.close()); +'all-browsers-closed', () => Core.shutdown()); })().catch(error => { console.log('ERROR starting core', error); process.exit(1); diff --git a/fullstack/index.ts b/fullstack/index.ts index 6e1413810..e882f61cb 100644 --- a/fullstack/index.ts +++ b/fullstack/index.ts @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ import { IHeroCreateOptions, IConnectionToCoreOptions, } from '@ulixee/hero'; -import Core, { GlobalPool } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; +import Core from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import ShutdownHandler from '@ulixee/commons/lib/ShutdownHandler'; import Hero from './lib/Hero'; ShutdownHandler.exitOnSignal = false; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { -'browser-has-no-open-windows', ({ puppet }) => puppet.close()); -'all-browsers-closed', () => Core.shutdown()); + Core.pool.on('browser-has-no-open-windows', ({ browser }) => browser.close()); + Core.pool.on('all-browsers-closed', () => Core.shutdown()); } export { diff --git a/fullstack/package.json b/fullstack/package.json index 44cfe82c5..fc1132dc2 100644 --- a/fullstack/package.json +++ b/fullstack/package.json @@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ "@ulixee/execute-js-plugin": "1.5.4" }, "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/default-browser-emulator": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-mitm": "1.5.4", + "@bureau/default-browser-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@bureau/default-human-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@bureau/interfaces": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@secret-agent/mitm": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-timetravel": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4", diff --git a/fullstack/test/basic.test.ts b/fullstack/test/basic.test.ts index fc43eac52..0300f740f 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/basic.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/basic.test.ts @@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ describe('basic Full Client tests', () => { await expect(hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/`)).rejects.toThrow(); }); - it('runs goto with no document loaded', async () => { + it('can access the location with no document loaded', async () => { const hero = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); const url = await; - expect(url).toBe(null); + expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('gets the resource back from a goto', async () => { diff --git a/fullstack/test/detection.test.ts b/fullstack/test/detection.test.ts index a3236bd6d..ed4be98c1 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/detection.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/detection.test.ts @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test('should not be denied for notifications but prompt for permissions', async const tabId = await activeTab.tabId; const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const permissions = await page.evaluate(`(async () => { const permissionStatus = await navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'notifications', @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ test('should not leave markers on permissions.query.toString', async () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const perms: any = await page.evaluate(`(() => { const permissions = window.navigator.permissions; return { @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ test('should not recurse the toString function', async () => { const tabId = await hero.activeTab.tabId; const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const isHeadless = await page.evaluate(`(() => { let gotYou = 0; const spooky = /./; @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ test('should properly maintain stack traces in toString', async () => { const tabId = await hero.activeTab.tabId; const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; await page.evaluate(`(() => { window.hasProperStackTrace = apiFunction => { try { @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ test('should not leave stack trace markers when calling getJsValue', async () => await hero.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; await page.evaluate(`(() => { document.querySelector = (function (orig) { return function() { @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ test('should not have too much recursion in prototype', async () => { const tabId = await hero.activeTab.tabId; const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); await hero.activeTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.AllContentLoaded); @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; page.on('console', console.log); const result: string = await page.evaluate( `(function ${ProxyDetections.checkInstanceof.toString()})(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Navigator.prototype,'userAgent').get);`, @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; page.on('console', console.log); const result: string = await page.evaluate( `(function ${ProxyDetections.checkInstanceof.toString()})(Permissions.prototype.query);`, @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const result: string = await page.evaluate( `(function ${ProxyDetections.getChainCycleLie.toString()})(Permissions.prototype.query)`, @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const result: string = await page.evaluate( `(function ${ProxyDetections.getChainCycleLie.toString()})(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Navigator.prototype,'userAgent').get)`, @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; const protoResult: string = await page.evaluate( `(function ${ProxyDetections.getChainCycleLie.toString()})(Permissions.prototype.query, '__proto__')`, ); @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ describe('Proxy detections', () => { await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}`); const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const page = tab.puppetPage; + const page =; function getReflectSetProtoLie(apiFunction) { try { diff --git a/fullstack/test/document.test.ts b/fullstack/test/document.test.ts index ff5fcd130..401f62c88 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/document.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/document.test.ts @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ describe('basic Document tests', () => { const dialogPromise = new Promise(resolve => hero.activeTab.on('dialog', resolve)); await expect(dialogPromise).resolves.toBeTruthy(); const dialog = await dialogPromise; - await (await dialog).dismiss(true); + await expect(dialog.dismiss(true)).resolves.toBe(undefined); // test that we don't hang here await expect(document.querySelector('h1').textContent).resolves.toBeTruthy(); }); diff --git a/fullstack/test/emulate.test.ts b/fullstack/test/emulate.test.ts index 545c38f28..12742c582 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/emulate.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/emulate.test.ts @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ import * as Fs from 'fs'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { GlobalPool } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import Viewports from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator/lib/Viewports'; -import { defaultBrowserEngine } from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; +import Viewports from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator/lib/Viewports'; +import { defaultBrowserEngine } from '@bureau/default-browser-emulator'; import Hero from '../index'; const chromeVersion = defaultBrowserEngine.version.major; @@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ const chromeVersion = defaultBrowserEngine.version.major; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; beforeAll(async () => { koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(true); - GlobalPool.maxConcurrentClientCount = 3; }); afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); diff --git a/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts b/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts index 671d52b5c..08b6c0015 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; +import HumanEmulator from '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; import Hero, { Core } from '../index'; diff --git a/fullstack/test/flow.test.ts b/fullstack/test/flow.test.ts index f1bdc9e12..d595ce02a 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/flow.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/flow.test.ts @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ test('bubbles up handler errors to the line of code that triggers the handlers', expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // will bubble up the interaction error here - await expect(hero.querySelector('.ready').textContent).rejects.toThrow('element does not exist'); + await expect(hero.querySelector('.ready').textContent).rejects.toThrow('Element does not exist'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); diff --git a/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts b/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts index e8813f331..35fa3ed99 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import { Command } from '@ulixee/hero/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; +import HumanEmulator from '@bureau/default-human-emulator'; import Hero, { Core, LocationStatus } from '../index'; import Session from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Session'; @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ describe('basic Interact tests', () => { const sessionId = await hero.sessionId; const tabId = await hero.activeTab.tabId; const tab = Session.getTab({ tabId, sessionId }); - const interactor = tab.mainFrameEnvironment.interactor; + const interactor = tab.mainFrameEnvironment.frame.interactor; const reloadSpy = jest.spyOn(interactor, 'reloadJsPath'); await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/replace-list`); await hero.activeTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); diff --git a/fullstack/test/resources.test.ts b/fullstack/test/resources.test.ts index 557eb9eb8..cab1e0acc 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/resources.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/resources.test.ts @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ describe('basic resource tests', () => { expect(resources2).toHaveLength(1); await expect( hero.waitForResource({ type: 'Fetch' }, { sinceCommandId }), - ).resolves.toStrictEqual(resources[0]); + ).resolves.toStrictEqual(resources2[0]); let counter = 0; const allResources = await hero.waitForResources( diff --git a/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts b/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts index e53554bd7..f34c06fe7 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { Command } from '@ulixee/hero/interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@bureau/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import * as os from 'os'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import Hero from '../index'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; beforeAll(async () => { @@ -134,10 +134,12 @@ describe('Multi-tab scenarios', () => { expect(await tab1.url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/page1`); }, 30e3); - it('can command click on a link to get to a new tab', async () => { + // NOTE: we need to fix this test.. for some reason, alt+clicking a link will cause the new tab to never load the page scripts.. + // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-disabled-tests + it.skip('can command click on a link to get to a new tab', async () => { koaServer.get('/tabTest2', ctx => { ctx.body = ` -Nothing else really here +Nothing else really here `; }); @@ -154,8 +156,8 @@ describe('Multi-tab scenarios', () => { expect(await newTab.tabId).not.toBe(await hero.activeTab.tabId); expect(await newTab.url).toBe(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/newTab`); - await hero.focusTab(newTab); await newTab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded'); + await hero.focusTab(newTab); const { document } = newTab; expect(await document.querySelector('#newTabHeader').textContent).toBe('You are here'); @@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ describe('Multi-tab scenarios', () => { expect(csi.startE).toBeTruthy(); await hero.closeTab(newTab); - }); + }, 180e3); it('can handle new tabs created in js callbacks', async () => { koaServer.get('/ajaxNewResult', ctx => { diff --git a/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts b/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts index 9e1547456..2e60408f8 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import MitmServer from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/lib/MitmProxy'; +import MitmServer from '@secret-agent/mitm/lib/MitmProxy'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import HttpUpgradeHandler from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; +import HttpUpgradeHandler from '@secret-agent/mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; import WebsocketResource from '@ulixee/hero/lib/WebsocketResource'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ describe('Websocket tests', () => { const receivedMessages: string[] = []; koaServer.server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => { - wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, async (ws: WebSocket) => { + wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket as any, head, async (ws: WebSocket) => { ws.on('message', msg => { receivedMessages.push(msg.toString()); if (msg === 'Echo Message19') { diff --git a/interfaces/AllowedNames.ts b/interfaces/AllowedNames.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 651d9f6bf..000000000 --- a/interfaces/AllowedNames.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -type FilterFlags = { - [Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition ? Key : never; -}; - -type FilterOutFlags = { - [Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition ? never : Key; -}; - -type OnlyProperties = FilterOutFlags any>[keyof Base]; -type AllowedNames = FilterFlags[keyof Base]; - -export { FilterOutFlags, FilterFlags, AllowedNames, OnlyProperties }; diff --git a/interfaces/IBrowserEngine.ts b/interfaces/IBrowserEngine.ts deleted file mode 100644 index aff42ad0c..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IBrowserEngine.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -import IPuppetLaunchArgs from './IPuppetLaunchArgs'; - -export default interface IBrowserEngine { - name: string; - fullVersion: string; - executablePath: string; - executablePathEnvVar: string; - launchArguments: string[]; - isInstalled: boolean; - userDataDir?: string; - doesBrowserAnimateScrolling: boolean; - - isHeaded?: boolean; - verifyLaunchable?(): Promise; - beforeLaunch?(puppetOptions: IPuppetLaunchArgs): void; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IBrowserEngineFetcher.ts b/interfaces/IBrowserEngineFetcher.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 85a39ce41..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IBrowserEngineFetcher.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IBrowserEngineFetcher { - fullVersion: string; - executablePath: string; - executablePathEnvVar: string; - isInstalled: boolean; - launchArgs: string[]; - browsersDir: string; - validateHostRequirements(): Promise; - install(): Promise; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption.ts b/interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 70706de4f..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IBrowserEngineOption { - id: string; - name: string; - fullVersion: string; - features: string[]; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IClientPlugin.ts b/interfaces/IClientPlugin.ts index e3fc4491c..341bcbbf0 100644 --- a/interfaces/IClientPlugin.ts +++ b/interfaces/IClientPlugin.ts @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export default interface IClientPlugin { export interface IClientPluginClass { id: string; - type: PluginTypes.ClientPlugin; + type: typeof PluginTypes.ClientPlugin; coreDependencyIds?: string[]; new (): IClientPlugin; } diff --git a/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts b/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts index 73891c560..937e4900a 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from './IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceMeta'; import IWebsocketMessage from './IWebsocketMessage'; export default interface ICollectedResource { diff --git a/interfaces/IConnectionTransport.ts b/interfaces/IConnectionTransport.ts deleted file mode 100755 index 8dcb240da..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IConnectionTransport.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IConnectionTransport { - isClosed: boolean; - onMessageFn: (message: string) => void; - onCloseFns: (() => void)[]; - send(body: string): boolean; - close(); -} diff --git a/interfaces/ICookie.ts b/interfaces/ICookie.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b51122404..000000000 --- a/interfaces/ICookie.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -export interface ICookie { - name: string; - value: string; - domain?: string; - url?: string; - path?: string; - expires?: string; - httpOnly?: boolean; - secure?: boolean; - sameParty?: boolean; - sameSite?: 'Strict' | 'Lax' | 'None'; -} diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts b/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts index fca7754ac..ba34b7995 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts @@ -1,177 +1,38 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; -import Protocol from 'devtools-protocol'; -import IPluginTypes, { PluginTypes } from './IPluginTypes'; +import { PluginTypes } from './IPluginTypes'; import ICorePluginCreateOptions from './ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from './IInteractions'; -import IInteractionsHelper from './IInteractionsHelper'; -import IPoint from './IPoint'; -import IBrowserEngine from './IBrowserEngine'; -import IUserAgentOption, { IVersion } from './IUserAgentOption'; -import IDnsSettings from './IDnsSettings'; -import ITcpSettings from './ITcpSettings'; -import ITlsSettings from './ITlsSettings'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from './IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import { IPuppetPage } from './IPuppetPage'; -import { IPuppetWorker } from './IPuppetWorker'; -import IDeviceProfile from './IDeviceProfile'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from './IHttp2ConnectSettings'; +import { IPage } from '@bureau/interfaces/IPage'; import ISessionCreateOptions from './ISessionCreateOptions'; -import { IPuppetFrame } from './IPuppetFrame'; -import IDevtoolsSession from './IDevtoolsSession'; -import IHttpSocketAgent from './IHttpSocketAgent'; -import IPuppetContext from './IPuppetContext'; +import { IFrame } from '@bureau/interfaces/IFrame'; +import { IBrowserEmulatorMethods } from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import { IHumanEmulatorMethods } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHumanEmulator'; export default interface ICorePlugin extends ICorePluginMethods, IBrowserEmulatorMethods, IHumanEmulatorMethods { id: string; + readonly sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary; } export interface ICorePluginClass { id: string; - type: IPluginTypes; + type: keyof typeof PluginTypes; new (createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions): ICorePlugin; } export interface ICorePluginMethods { onClientCommand?(meta: IOnClientCommandMeta, ...args: any[]): Promise; - onDevtoolsPanelAttached?( - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise; - onDevtoolsPanelDetached?( - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise; - onServiceWorkerAttached?( - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession, - event: Protocol.Target.AttachedToTargetEvent, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise; } export interface IOnClientCommandMeta { - puppetPage: IPuppetPage; - puppetFrame?: IPuppetFrame; - sessionSummary: ISessionSummary; + page: IPage; + frame?: IFrame; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars export function CorePluginClassDecorator(staticClass: ICorePluginClass): void {} -// HUMAN EMULATORS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -export interface IHumanEmulatorClass { - id: string; - type: PluginTypes.HumanEmulator; - new (createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions): IHumanEmulator; -} - -export interface IHumanEmulator extends ICorePlugin { - id: string; -} - -export interface IHumanEmulatorMethods { - playInteractions?( - interactions: IInteractionGroups, - runFn: (interaction: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper?: IInteractionsHelper, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise; - getStartingMousePoint?( - helper?: IInteractionsHelper, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise; -} - -// decorator for human emulator classes. hacky way to check the class implements statics we need -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars -export function HumanEmulatorClassDecorator(staticClass: IHumanEmulatorClass): void {} - -// BROWSER EMULATORS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -export interface IBrowserEmulatorClass { - id: string; - type: PluginTypes.BrowserEmulator; - selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector: string): ISelectBrowserMeta; - onBrowserWillLaunch?( - browserEngine: IBrowserEngine, - launchSettings: { - showChrome?: boolean; - disableGpu?: boolean; - disableDevtools?: boolean; - }, - ): void; - new (createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions): IBrowserEmulator; -} - -export interface ISelectBrowserMeta { - userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption; - browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; -} - -export interface IBrowserEmulator extends ICorePlugin { - id: string; - - browserName: string; - browserVersion: IVersion; - - operatingSystemPlatform: string; - operatingSystemName: string; - operatingSystemVersion: IVersion; - - userAgentString: string; - deviceProfile: IDeviceProfile; -} - -export interface IBrowserEmulatorMethods { - configure?(options: IBrowserEmulatorConfig, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): void; - - onBrowserLaunchConfiguration?(launchArguments: string[], sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): Promise | void; - - onDnsConfiguration?(settings: IDnsSettings, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): void; - onTcpConfiguration?(settings: ITcpSettings, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): void; - onTlsConfiguration?(settings: ITlsSettings, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): void; - onHttpAgentInitialized?(agent: IHttpSocketAgent): Promise | void; - - onHttp2SessionConnect?( - request: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise | void; - beforeHttpRequest?( - request: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise | void; - beforeHttpResponse?( - resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary, - ): Promise | void; - - onNewPuppetPage?(page: IPuppetPage, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): Promise; - onNewPuppetWorker?(worker: IPuppetWorker, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): Promise; - onNewPuppetContext?(context: IPuppetContext, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): Promise; - - websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction?(url: URL, sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary): Promise | void; // needed for implementing first-party cookies -} - export interface ISessionSummary { id: string; options?: ISessionCreateOptions; } - -export type IBrowserEmulatorConfig = Pick< - ISessionCreateOptions, - | 'viewport' - | 'geolocation' - | 'timezoneId' - | 'locale' - | 'upstreamProxyIpMask' - | 'upstreamProxyUrl' - | 'dnsOverTlsProvider' ->; - -// decorator for browser emulator classes. hacky way to check the class implements statics we need -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars -export function BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator(staticClass: IBrowserEmulatorClass): void {} diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts b/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts index f5ce9caf5..8fe0d682b 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import IBrowserEngine from './IBrowserEngine'; import ICorePlugins from './ICorePlugins'; -import IUserAgentOption from './IUserAgentOption'; -import IDeviceProfile from './IDeviceProfile'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@bureau/interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; +import { ISessionSummary } from './ICorePlugin'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; +import IUserAgentOption from '@bureau/interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; export default interface ICorePluginCreateOptions { userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption; browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; corePlugins: ICorePlugins; + sessionSummary: ISessionSummary; logger: IBoundLog; deviceProfile?: IDeviceProfile; } diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts b/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts index 9b93f831c..b97dc5f68 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ -import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass, IBrowserEmulator, IHumanEmulator } from './ICorePlugin'; +import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass } from './ICorePlugin'; +import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import { IHumanEmulator } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHumanEmulator'; export default interface ICorePlugins extends Omit { browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator; diff --git a/interfaces/IDeviceProfile.ts b/interfaces/IDeviceProfile.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 205f440a7..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IDeviceProfile.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IDeviceProfile { - deviceMemory?: number; - videoDevice?: { - deviceId: string; - groupId: string; - }; - webGlParameters?: Record; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IDevtoolsSession.ts b/interfaces/IDevtoolsSession.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 694e5b127..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IDevtoolsSession.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -import { ProtocolMapping } from 'devtools-protocol/types/protocol-mapping'; -import Protocol from 'devtools-protocol'; -import ITypedEventEmitter from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ITypedEventEmitter'; -import { FilterFlags, FilterOutFlags } from './AllowedNames'; -import RemoteObject = Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject; - -export declare type DevtoolsEvents = { - [Key in keyof ProtocolMapping.Events]: ProtocolMapping.Events[Key][0]; -} & { disconnected: void }; - -type DevtoolsCommandParams = { - [Key in keyof ProtocolMapping.Commands]: ProtocolMapping.Commands[Key]['paramsType'][0]; -}; - -type OptionalParamsCommands = keyof FilterFlags; -type RequiredParamsCommands = keyof FilterOutFlags; - -export default interface IDevtoolsSession - extends Omit, 'waitOn'> { - id: string; - disposeRemoteObject(object: RemoteObject): void; - - send( - method: T, - params: DevtoolsCommandParams[T], - sendInitiator?: object, - ): Promise; - send( - method: T, - params?: DevtoolsCommandParams[T], - sendInitiator?: object, - ): Promise; - - onMessage(object: IDevtoolsResponseMessage & IDevtoolsEventMessage): void; -} - -export { Protocol }; - -export interface IDevtoolsResponseMessage { - sessionId: string; - id: number; - error?: { message: string; data: any }; - result?: any; - timestamp: Date; -} - -export interface IDevtoolsEventMessage { - sessionId: string; - method: string; - params: any; - timestamp: Date; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IDnsSettings.ts b/interfaces/IDnsSettings.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 675f54eef..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IDnsSettings.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import { ConnectionOptions } from 'tls'; - -export default interface IDnsSettings { - dnsOverTlsConnection?: ConnectionOptions; - useUpstreamProxy?: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IDomStorage.ts b/interfaces/IDomStorage.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c96ae2762..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IDomStorage.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -import { IIndexedDB, IObjectStore, IObjectStoreIndex } from './IIndexedDB'; - -export default interface IDomStorage { - [securityOrigin: string]: IDomStorageForOrigin; -} - -export interface IDomStorageForOrigin { - localStorage: IStorageEntry[]; - sessionStorage: IStorageEntry[]; - indexedDB: IIndexedDB[]; -} - -export type IStorageEntry = string[]; - -export { IIndexedDB, IObjectStore, IObjectStoreIndex }; diff --git a/interfaces/IElementRect.ts b/interfaces/IElementRect.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e86960037..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IElementRect.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import { INodeVisibility } from './INodeVisibility'; - -export default interface IElementRect { - y: number; - x: number; - height: number; - width: number; - tag: string; - scrollX: number; - scrollY: number; - nodeVisibility?: INodeVisibility; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult.ts b/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult.ts deleted file mode 100644 index aef3bb2e1..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IExecJsPathResult.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -import INodePointer from 'awaited-dom/base/INodePointer'; -import { IJsPathError } from './IJsPathError'; - -export default interface IExecJsPathResult { - value: T; - isValueSerialized?: boolean; - pathError?: IJsPathError; - nodePointer?: INodePointer; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt.ts b/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 78d4dcd1a..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IFileChooserPrompt.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; - -export default interface IFileChooserPrompt { - frameId: number; - selectMultiple: boolean; - jsPath: IJsPath; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IGeolocation.ts b/interfaces/IGeolocation.ts deleted file mode 100644 index fa0093373..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IGeolocation.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IGeolocation { - latitude: number; - longitude: number; - accuracy?: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings.ts b/interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9d42c53d7..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import * as http2 from 'http2'; - -export default interface IHttp2ConnectSettings { - settings: http2.Settings; - localWindowSize: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails.ts b/interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 75fe42cae..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; -import IResourceType from './IResourceType'; -import IResourceHeaders from './IResourceHeaders'; -import OriginType from './OriginType'; -import { IEventSubscriber } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IRegisteredEventListener'; - -export default interface IHttpResourceLoadDetails { - id: number; - isSSL: boolean; - isUpgrade: boolean; - isServerHttp2: boolean; - isHttp2Push: boolean; - remoteAddress?: string; - localAddress?: string; - originType?: OriginType; - hasUserGesture?: boolean; - documentUrl?: string; - isUserNavigation?: boolean; - isFromRedirect?: boolean; - previousUrl?: string; - firstRedirectingUrl?: string; // track back to first redirection - redirectedToUrl?: string; - protocol: string; - dnsResolvedIp?: string; - url: URL; - method: string; - requestTime: number; - requestOriginalHeaders: IResourceHeaders; - requestHeaders: IResourceHeaders; - requestTrailers?: IResourceHeaders; - requestPostData?: Buffer; - status?: number; - originalStatus?: number; - statusMessage?: string; - responseUrl?: string; - responseOriginalHeaders?: IResourceHeaders; - responseHeaders?: IResourceHeaders; - responseTime?: number; - responseTrailers?: IResourceHeaders; - resourceType?: IResourceType; - browserRequestId?: string; - browserFrameId?: number; - browserHasRequested?: Promise; - browserServedFromCache?: 'service-worker' | 'disk' | 'prefetch' | 'memory'; - browserLoadedTime?: number; - browserLoadFailure?: string; - browserBlockedReason?: string; - browserCanceled?: boolean; - events: IEventSubscriber; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent.ts b/interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3f5059b6c..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import IHttpSocketConnectOptions from './IHttpSocketConnectOptions'; -import IHttpSocketWrapper from './IHttpSocketWrapper'; - -export default interface IHttpSocketAgent { - createSocketConnection(options: IHttpSocketConnectOptions): Promise; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions.ts b/interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 00be56987..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IHttpSocketConnectOptions { - host: string; - port: string; - isSsl: boolean; - keepAlive?: boolean; - debug?: boolean; - servername?: string; - isWebsocket?: boolean; - keylogPath?: string; - proxyUrl?: string; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper.ts b/interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 02c588d94..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -import * as net from 'net'; - -export default interface IHttpSocketWrapper { - id: number; - alpn: string; - socket: net.Socket; - dnsResolvedIp: string; - remoteAddress: string; - localAddress: string; - serverName: string; - - createTime: Date; - dnsLookupTime: Date; - connectTime: Date; - errorTime: Date; - closeTime: Date; - - isConnected: boolean; - isClosing: boolean; - - isHttp2(): boolean; - close(): void; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IIndexedDB.ts b/interfaces/IIndexedDB.ts deleted file mode 100644 index dc737c248..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IIndexedDB.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -export interface IIndexedDB { - name: string; - version: number; - objectStores: IObjectStore[]; - data: { [storeName: string]: IJsonString[] }; -} - -type IJsonString = string; - -export interface IObjectStore { - name: string; - keyPath: string | string[]; - autoIncrement: boolean; - indexes: IObjectStoreIndex[]; -} - -export interface IObjectStoreIndex { - name: string; - keyPath: string | string[]; - unique: boolean; - multiEntry: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IInteractions.ts b/interfaces/IInteractions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 85af67267..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IInteractions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from './IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import IMouseResult from './IMouseResult'; -import IPoint from './IPoint'; -import { IKeyboardShortcut } from './IKeyboardShortcuts'; - -export type IElementInteractVerification = 'elementAtPath' | 'exactElement' | 'none'; - -export type IInteractionGroups = IInteractionGroup[]; -export type IInteractionGroup = IInteractionStep[]; - -// Interactions - -export interface IInteractionStep { - command: IInteractionCommand; - mousePosition?: IMousePosition; - mouseButton?: IMouseButton; - mouseResultVerifier?: () => Promise; - simulateOptionClickOnNodeId?: number; - keyboardCommands?: IKeyboardCommand[]; - keyboardDelayBetween?: number; - keyboardKeyupDelay?: number; - delayNode?: IJsPath; - delayElement?: IJsPath; - delayMillis?: number; - verification?: IElementInteractVerification; - relativeToScrollOffset?: IPoint; -} - -export enum InteractionCommand { - move = 'move', - scroll = 'scroll', - - willDismissDialog = 'willDismissDialog', - - click = 'click', - clickDown = 'clickDown', - clickUp = 'clickUp', - - doubleclick = 'doubleclick', - - type = 'type', - - waitForMillis = 'waitForMillis', -} - -export type IInteractionCommand = keyof typeof InteractionCommand; - -// Mouse-specific Types - -export enum MouseButton { - left = 'left', - middle = 'middle', - right = 'right', -} -export type IMouseButton = keyof typeof MouseButton; - -export type IMousePositionXY = [number, number]; - -export function isMousePositionXY(mousePosition: any): boolean { - return ( - Array.isArray(mousePosition) && - mousePosition.length === 2 && - typeof mousePosition[0] === 'number' && - typeof mousePosition[1] === 'number' - ); -} - -export type IMousePosition = IMousePositionXY | IJsPath; - -// Keyboard-specific Types - -export type IKeyboardCommand = IKeyPress | IKeyboardObject; -export type IKeyboardObject = IKeyboardString | IKeyboardUp | IKeyboardDown | IKeyShortcutPress; -export interface IKeyboardString { - string: string; -} -export interface IKeyPress { - keyCode: IKeyboardKeyCode; -} -export interface IKeyShortcutPress { - shortcut: IKeyboardShortcut; -} -export interface IKeyboardUp { - up: IKeyboardKeyCode; -} -export interface IKeyboardDown { - down: IKeyboardKeyCode; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IInteractionsHelper.ts b/interfaces/IInteractionsHelper.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d2b29b060..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IInteractionsHelper.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import IMouseResult from './IMouseResult'; -import { IMousePosition } from './IInteractions'; -import IRect from './IRect'; -import IPoint from './IPoint'; -import { INodeVisibility } from './INodeVisibility'; -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { INodePointer } from './AwaitedDom'; - -export default interface IInteractionsHelper { - mousePosition: IPoint; - scrollOffset: Promise; - viewportSize: IViewportSize; - logger: IBoundLog; - doesBrowserAnimateScrolling: boolean; - - createMousedownTrigger(nodeId: number): Promise<{ - nodeVisibility: INodeVisibility; - didTrigger: () => Promise; - }>; - - reloadJsPath(jsPath: IJsPath): Promise; - lookupBoundingRect( - mousePosition: IMousePosition, - options?: { - relativeToScrollOffset?: IPoint; - includeNodeVisibility?: boolean; - useLastKnownPosition?: boolean; - }, - ): Promise; - - // rect utils - createPointInRect( - rect: IRect, - options?: { - paddingPercent?: { height: number; width: number }; - constrainToViewport?: IViewportSize; - }, - ): IPoint; - createScrollPointForRect(rect: IRect, viewport: IViewportSize): IPoint; - isPointWithinRect(point: IPoint, rect: IRect): boolean; - isRectInViewport( - rect: IRect, - viewport: { width: number; height: number }, - percent: number, - ): { width: boolean; height: boolean }; -} - -export type IRectLookup = IRect & { - elementTag?: string; - nodeId?: number; - nodeVisibility?: INodeVisibility; -}; - -export interface IViewportSize { - width: number; - height: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IJsPathError.ts b/interfaces/IJsPathError.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 019239daf..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IJsPathError.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -import { IPathStep } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; - -export interface IJsPathError { - error: string; - pathState: { - step: IPathStep; - index: number; - querySelectorMatches?: number[]; - }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IJsPathResult.ts b/interfaces/IJsPathResult.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1ada90830..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IJsPathResult.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import IExecJsPathResult from './IExecJsPathResult'; - -export default interface IJsPathResult { - jsPath: IJsPath; - result: IExecJsPathResult; - index: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS.ts b/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 486d6875e..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IKeyboardLayoutUS.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -export const KeyboardKey = { - '0': 0, - '1': 1, - '2': 2, - '3': 3, - '4': 4, - '5': 5, - '6': 6, - '7': 7, - '8': 8, - '9': 9, - Power: 10, - Eject: 11, - Abort: 12, - Help: 13, - Backspace: 14, - Tab: 15, - Numpad5: 16, - NumpadEnter: 17, - Enter: 18, - '\r': 19, - '\n': 20, - ShiftLeft: 21, - ShiftRight: 22, - ControlLeft: 23, - ControlRight: 24, - AltLeft: 25, - AltRight: 26, - Pause: 27, - CapsLock: 28, - Escape: 29, - Convert: 30, - NonConvert: 31, - Space: 32, - Numpad9: 33, - PageUp: 34, - Numpad3: 35, - PageDown: 36, - End: 37, - Numpad1: 38, - Home: 39, - Numpad7: 40, - ArrowLeft: 41, - Numpad4: 42, - Numpad8: 43, - ArrowUp: 44, - ArrowRight: 45, - Numpad6: 46, - Numpad2: 47, - ArrowDown: 48, - Select: 49, - Open: 50, - PrintScreen: 51, - Insert: 52, - Numpad0: 53, - Delete: 54, - NumpadDecimal: 55, - Digit0: 56, - Digit1: 57, - Digit2: 58, - Digit3: 59, - Digit4: 60, - Digit5: 61, - Digit6: 62, - Digit7: 63, - Digit8: 64, - Digit9: 65, - KeyA: 66, - KeyB: 67, - KeyC: 68, - KeyD: 69, - KeyE: 70, - KeyF: 71, - KeyG: 72, - KeyH: 73, - KeyI: 74, - KeyJ: 75, - KeyK: 76, - KeyL: 77, - KeyM: 78, - KeyN: 79, - KeyO: 80, - KeyP: 81, - KeyQ: 82, - KeyR: 83, - KeyS: 84, - KeyT: 85, - KeyU: 86, - KeyV: 87, - KeyW: 88, - KeyX: 89, - KeyY: 90, - KeyZ: 91, - MetaLeft: 92, - MetaRight: 93, - ContextMenu: 94, - NumpadMultiply: 95, - NumpadAdd: 96, - NumpadSubtract: 97, - NumpadDivide: 98, - F1: 99, - F2: 100, - F3: 101, - F4: 102, - F5: 103, - F6: 104, - F7: 105, - F8: 106, - F9: 107, - F10: 108, - F11: 109, - F12: 110, - F13: 111, - F14: 112, - F15: 113, - F16: 114, - F17: 115, - F18: 116, - F19: 117, - F20: 118, - F21: 119, - F22: 120, - F23: 121, - F24: 122, - NumLock: 123, - ScrollLock: 124, - AudioVolumeMute: 125, - AudioVolumeDown: 126, - AudioVolumeUp: 127, - MediaTrackNext: 128, - MediaTrackPrevious: 129, - MediaStop: 130, - MediaPlayPause: 131, - Semicolon: 132, - Equal: 133, - NumpadEqual: 134, - Comma: 135, - Minus: 136, - Period: 137, - Slash: 138, - Backquote: 139, - BracketLeft: 140, - Backslash: 141, - BracketRight: 142, - Quote: 143, - AltGraph: 144, - Props: 145, - Cancel: 146, - Clear: 147, - Shift: 148, - Control: 149, - Alt: 150, - Accept: 151, - ModeChange: 152, - ' ': 153, - Print: 154, - Execute: 155, - '\u0000': 156, - a: 157, - b: 158, - c: 159, - d: 160, - e: 161, - f: 162, - g: 163, - h: 164, - i: 165, - j: 166, - k: 167, - l: 168, - m: 169, - n: 170, - o: 171, - p: 172, - q: 173, - r: 174, - s: 175, - t: 176, - u: 177, - v: 178, - w: 179, - x: 180, - y: 181, - z: 182, - Meta: 183, - '*': 184, - '+': 185, - '-': 186, - '/': 187, - ';': 188, - '=': 189, - ',': 245, - '.': 191, - '`': 192, - '[': 193, - '\\': 194, - ']': 195, - "'": 196, - Attn: 197, - CrSel: 198, - ExSel: 199, - EraseEof: 200, - Play: 201, - ZoomOut: 202, - ')': 203, - '!': 204, - '@': 205, - '#': 206, - $: 207, - '%': 208, - '^': 209, - '&': 210, - '(': 211, - A: 212, - B: 213, - C: 214, - D: 215, - E: 216, - F: 217, - G: 218, - H: 219, - I: 220, - J: 221, - K: 222, - L: 223, - M: 224, - N: 225, - O: 226, - P: 227, - Q: 228, - R: 229, - S: 230, - T: 231, - U: 232, - V: 233, - W: 234, - X: 235, - Y: 236, - Z: 237, - ':': 238, - '<': 239, - _: 240, - '>': 241, - '?': 242, - '~': 243, - '{': 244, - '}': 246, - '|': 220, - '"': 247, - SoftLeft: 248, - SoftRight: 249, - Camera: 250, - Call: 251, - EndCall: 252, - VolumeDown: 253, - VolumeUp: 254, -} as const; - -export function getKeyboardKey(keyCode: IKeyboardKeyCode): IKeyboardKey | undefined { - for (const [key, code] of Object.entries(KeyboardKey)) { - if (code === keyCode) { - return key as IKeyboardKey; - } - } -} - -export type IKeyboardKey = keyof typeof KeyboardKey; -export type IKeyboardKeyCode = typeof KeyboardKey[IKeyboardKey]; -export type IKeyboardKeyCodes = IKeyboardKeyCode[]; diff --git a/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts.ts b/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3d573d9ec..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IKeyboardShortcuts.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -export enum KeyboardShortcuts { - 'selectAll' = 'selectAll', - - 'copy' = 'copy', - 'cut' = 'cut', - 'paste' = 'paste', - 'pasteAndMatchStyle' = 'pasteAndMatchStyle', - 'undo' = 'undo', - 'redo' = 'redo', - 'deleteToEndOfParagraph' = 'deleteToEndOfParagraph', - 'deleteWordForward' = 'deleteWordForward', - 'deleteWordBackward' = 'deleteWordBackward', - 'deleteToBeginningOfLine' = 'deleteToBeginningOfLine', -} - -export type IKeyboardShortcut = keyof typeof KeyboardShortcuts; diff --git a/interfaces/ILaunchOptions.ts b/interfaces/ILaunchOptions.ts deleted file mode 100755 index 025715b64..000000000 --- a/interfaces/ILaunchOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -export default interface ILaunchOptions { - showChrome?: boolean; - executablePath: string; - proxyPort: number; - dumpio?: boolean; - env?: Record; -} diff --git a/interfaces/ILaunchedProcess.ts b/interfaces/ILaunchedProcess.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e76df89ac..000000000 --- a/interfaces/ILaunchedProcess.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import IConnectionTransport from './IConnectionTransport'; - -export default interface ILaunchedProcess { - close: () => Promise; - transport: IConnectionTransport; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IMouseResult.ts b/interfaces/IMouseResult.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 82adbaacf..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IMouseResult.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -import { INodeVisibility } from './INodeVisibility'; - -export default interface IMouseResult { - pageX: number; - pageY: number; - targetNodeId: number; - relatedTargetNodeId: number; - didClickLocation: boolean; - targetNodePreview?: string; - expectedNodePreview?: string; - expectedNodeVisibility?: INodeVisibility; - didStartInteractWithPaintingStable?: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/INavigation.ts b/interfaces/INavigation.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f5f66d1d8..000000000 --- a/interfaces/INavigation.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import type IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { ILoadStatus } from './Location'; - -export default interface INavigation { - id: number; - documentNavigationId: number; - frameId: number; - tabId: number; - resourceId: number; - resourceIdResolvable: IResolvablePromise; - browserRequestId: string; - doctype: string; - loaderId: string; - navigationError?: Error; - startCommandId: number; - requestedUrl: string; - initiatedTime: number; - navigationReason: NavigationReason; - finalUrl?: string; - statusChanges: Map; -} - -export const ContentPaint = 'ContentPaint'; -export type NavigationStatus = ILoadStatus | 'ContentPaint'; - -export type NavigationReason = - | DevToolsNavigationReason - | 'goto' - | 'goBack' - | 'goForward' - | 'userGesture' - | 'inPage' - | 'newFrame'; - -type DevToolsNavigationReason = - | 'formSubmissionGet' - | 'formSubmissionPost' - | 'httpHeaderRefresh' - | 'scriptInitiated' - | 'metaTagRefresh' - | 'pageBlockInterstitial' - | 'reload' - | 'anchorClick'; diff --git a/interfaces/INewDocumentInjectedScript.ts b/interfaces/INewDocumentInjectedScript.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 07e67ed71..000000000 --- a/interfaces/INewDocumentInjectedScript.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -export default interface INewDocumentInjectedScript { - script: string; - callback?: (json: any) => void; - callbackWindowName?: string; -} diff --git a/interfaces/INodeVisibility.ts b/interfaces/INodeVisibility.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7544b73dd..000000000 --- a/interfaces/INodeVisibility.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -import IElementRect from './IElementRect'; - -export interface INodeVisibility { - isVisible: boolean; - isClickable: boolean; - nodeExists?: boolean; - isOnscreenVertical?: boolean; - isOnscreenHorizontal?: boolean; - hasContainingElement?: boolean; - isConnected?: boolean; - hasCssOpacity?: boolean; - hasCssDisplay?: boolean; - hasCssVisibility?: boolean; - hasDimensions?: boolean; - obstructedByElementId?: number; - obstructedByElementRect?: IElementRect; - isUnobstructedByOtherElements?: boolean; - boundingClientRect?: IElementRect; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPlugin.ts b/interfaces/IPlugin.ts index b3e73abf4..3aa98718e 100644 --- a/interfaces/IPlugin.ts +++ b/interfaces/IPlugin.ts @@ -1,11 +1,7 @@ -import ICorePlugin, { - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - ICorePluginClass, - IHumanEmulator, - IHumanEmulatorClass, -} from './ICorePlugin'; +import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass } from './ICorePlugin'; import IClientPlugin, { IClientPluginClass } from './IClientPlugin'; +import { IBrowserEmulator, IBrowserEmulatorClass } from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import { IHumanEmulator, IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@bureau/interfaces/IHumanEmulator'; type IPlugin = IClientPlugin | ICorePlugin | IBrowserEmulator | IHumanEmulator; export default IPlugin; diff --git a/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts b/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts index ff6881681..e76c7ad90 100644 --- a/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts +++ b/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ -export enum PluginTypes { - ClientPlugin = 'ClientPlugin', - CorePlugin = 'CorePlugin', - BrowserEmulator = 'CorePlugin:BrowserEmulator', - HumanEmulator = 'CorePlugin:HumanEmulator', -} +import { EmulatorTypes } from '@bureau/interfaces/IEmulatorTypes'; -type ValueOf = T[keyof T]; +const ClientPlugin = 'ClientPlugin'; +const CorePlugin = 'CorePlugin'; +const BrowserEmulator = EmulatorTypes.BrowserEmulator; +const HumanEmulator = EmulatorTypes.HumanEmulator; -type IPluginType = ValueOf; +const PluginTypes = { + ClientPlugin, + CorePlugin, + BrowserEmulator, + HumanEmulator, +} as const; -export default IPluginType; +type IPluginType = keyof typeof PluginTypes; +export { PluginTypes, IPluginType }; diff --git a/interfaces/IPoint.ts b/interfaces/IPoint.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ed8f7de76..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPoint.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IPoint { - x: number; - y: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IProxyConnectionOptions.ts b/interfaces/IProxyConnectionOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2a587edd9..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IProxyConnectionOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IProxyConnectionOptions { - address: string; - password?: string; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetBrowser.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetBrowser.ts deleted file mode 100644 index aaf26c31c..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetBrowser.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import IPuppetContext from './IPuppetContext'; -import IProxyConnectionOptions from './IProxyConnectionOptions'; -import ICorePlugins from './ICorePlugins'; -import IDevtoolsSession from './IDevtoolsSession'; - -export default interface IPuppetBrowser { - id: string; - name: string; - fullVersion: string; - majorVersion: number; - onDevtoolsPanelAttached?: (devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession) => Promise; - newContext( - plugins: ICorePlugins, - logger: IBoundLog, - proxy?: IProxyConnectionOptions, - isIncognito?: boolean, - ): Promise; - close(): Promise; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetContext.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetContext.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 073489d11..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetContext.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; -import ProtocolMapping from 'devtools-protocol/types/protocol-mapping'; -import ITypedEventEmitter from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ITypedEventEmitter'; -import { ICookie } from './ICookie'; -import { IPuppetPage } from './IPuppetPage'; -import { IPuppetWorker } from './IPuppetWorker'; -import IDomStorage from './IDomStorage'; - -export default interface IPuppetContext extends ITypedEventEmitter { - id: string; - browserId: string; - isIncognito: boolean; - domStorage: IDomStorage; - pagesById: Map; - workersById: Map; - defaultPageInitializationFn: (page: IPuppetPage) => Promise; - sendWithBrowserDevtoolsSession( - method: T, - params?: ProtocolMapping.Commands[T]['paramsType'][0], - ): Promise; - - newPage(options?: IPuppetPageOptions): Promise; - close(): Promise; - - getCookies(url?: URL): Promise; - addCookies( - cookies: (Omit & { expires?: string | Date | number })[], - origins?: string[], - ): Promise; -} - -export interface IPuppetPageOptions { - groupName?: string; - runPageScripts?: boolean; - enableDomStorageTracker?: boolean; - triggerPopupOnPageId?: string; -} - -export interface IPuppetContextEvents { - page: { page: IPuppetPage }; - worker: { worker: IPuppetWorker }; - close: void; - 'devtools-message': { - direction: 'send' | 'receive'; - timestamp: Date; - pageTargetId?: string; - workerTargetId?: string; - frameId?: string; - sessionType: 'page' | 'worker' | 'browser'; - sessionId: string; - method?: string; - id?: number; - params?: any; - error?: any; - result?: any; - }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetDialog.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetDialog.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d471641ca..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetDialog.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -import Protocol from 'devtools-protocol'; -import JavascriptDialogOpeningEvent = Protocol.Page.JavascriptDialogOpeningEvent; - -export default interface IPuppetDialog extends JavascriptDialogOpeningEvent {} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetDomStorageTracker.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetDomStorageTracker.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e4330c00b..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetDomStorageTracker.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -import { IDomStorageForOrigin } from './IDomStorage'; -import { IPuppetFrame } from './IPuppetFrame'; - -export default interface IPuppetDomStorageTracker { - getStorageByOrigin(): Promise< - { - frame?: IPuppetFrame; - origin: string; - databaseNames: string[]; - storageForOrigin: IDomStorageForOrigin; - }[] - >; - finalFlush(timeoutMs?: number): Promise; -} - -export interface IPuppetStorageEvents { - 'dom-storage-updated': { - type: 'localStorage' | 'sessionStorage' | 'indexedDB'; - securityOrigin: string; - action: 'add' | 'update' | 'remove'; - timestamp: number; - key: string; - value?: string; - meta?: any; - }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetFrame.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetFrame.ts deleted file mode 100644 index be78baf22..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetFrame.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -import ITypedEventEmitter from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ITypedEventEmitter'; -import { NavigationReason } from './INavigation'; - -export interface IPuppetFrame extends ITypedEventEmitter { - id: string; - parentId?: string; - name?: string; - url: string; - activeLoader: IPuppetNavigationLoader; - navigationReason?: string; - disposition?: string; - securityOrigin: string; - isDefaultUrl: boolean; - html(): Promise; - isAttached: boolean; - resolveNodeId(backendNodeId: number, resolveInIsolatedContext?: boolean): Promise; - waitForLifecycleEvent( - event: keyof ILifecycleEvents, - loaderId?: string, - timeoutMs?: number, - ): Promise; - waitForLoader(loaderId?: string, timeoutMs?: number): Promise; - canEvaluate(isolatedFromWebPageEnvironment: boolean): boolean; - getFrameElementNodeId(): Promise; - evaluate( - expression: string, - isolateFromWebPageEnvironment?: boolean, - options?: { - shouldAwaitExpression?: boolean; - retriesWaitingForLoad?: number; - returnByValue?: boolean; - includeCommandLineAPI?: boolean; - }, - ): Promise; - evaluateOnNode(nodeId: string, expression: string): Promise; - setFileInputFiles(nodeId: string, filePaths: string[]): Promise; - toJSON(): object; -} - -export interface ILifecycleEvents { - DOMContentLoaded?: number; - load?: number; - init?: number; -} - -export interface IPuppetNavigationLoader { - id: string; - isNavigationComplete: boolean; - lifecycle: ILifecycleEvents; - url: string; -} - -export interface IPuppetFrameManagerEvents { - 'frame-created': { frame: IPuppetFrame; loaderId: string }; -} -export interface IPuppetFrameEvents { - 'frame-lifecycle': { - frame: IPuppetFrame; - name: string; - loader: IPuppetNavigationLoader; - timestamp: number; - }; - 'frame-navigated': { frame: IPuppetFrame; navigatedInDocument?: boolean; loaderId: string }; - 'frame-requested-navigation': { - frame: IPuppetFrame; - url: string; - reason: NavigationReason; - }; - 'frame-loader-created': { - frame: IPuppetFrame; - loaderId: string; - }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetInput.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetInput.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9694194c3..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetInput.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -import { IKeyboardKey } from './IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import { IMouseButton } from './IInteractions'; -import IPoint from './IPoint'; - -export interface IPuppetKeyboard { - up(key: IKeyboardKey): Promise; - down(key: IKeyboardKey): Promise; - press(key: IKeyboardKey, keyupDelay?: number): Promise; - command(command: string): Promise; - insertText(text: string): Promise; - sendCharacter(char: string): Promise; -} - -export interface IPuppetMouse { - position: IPoint; - move(x: number, y: number): Promise; - up(options?: IMouseOptions): Promise; - down(options?: IMouseOptions): Promise; - wheel(options: { deltaX?: number; deltaY?: number }): Promise; -} - -export interface IMouseOptions { - button?: IMouseButton; - clickCount?: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchArgs.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchArgs.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 769c29d71..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchArgs.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IPuppetLaunchArgs { - proxyPort?: number; - showChrome?: boolean; - disableDevtools?: boolean; - disableGpu?: boolean; - noChromeSandbox?: boolean; - enableMitm?: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchError.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchError.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c3b1cb08d..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetLaunchError.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -export interface IPuppetLaunchError extends Error { - isSandboxError: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetLauncher.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetLauncher.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6e21b156f..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetLauncher.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -import IBrowserEngine from './IBrowserEngine'; -import ILaunchedProcess from './ILaunchedProcess'; -import IPuppetBrowser from './IPuppetBrowser'; -import { IPuppetLaunchError } from './IPuppetLaunchError'; -import IPuppetLaunchArgs from './IPuppetLaunchArgs'; - -export default interface IPuppetLauncher { - getLaunchArgs(options: IPuppetLaunchArgs, browserEngine: IBrowserEngine): string[]; - createPuppet(process: ILaunchedProcess, browserEngine: IBrowserEngine): Promise; - translateLaunchError(error: Error): IPuppetLaunchError; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 415c386ee..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from './IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; - -export declare type IPuppetResourceRequest = Omit< - IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - 'requestTrailers' | 'responseTrailers' | 'requestOriginalHeaders' | 'responseOriginalHeaders' -> & { - frameId?: string; - redirectedFromUrl?: string; -}; - -export interface IPuppetNetworkEvents { - 'navigation-response': { - browserRequestId: string; - frameId: string; - status: number; - location?: string; - url?: string; - loaderId: string; - timestamp: number; - }; - 'websocket-frame': { - browserRequestId: string; - message: string | Buffer; - isFromServer: boolean; - timestamp: number; - }; - 'websocket-handshake': { - browserRequestId: string; - headers: { [key: string]: string }; - }; - 'resource-will-be-requested': { - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest; - redirectedFromUrl: string; - isDocumentNavigation: boolean; - frameId: string; - loaderId?: string; - }; - 'resource-was-requested': { - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest; - redirectedFromUrl: string; - isDocumentNavigation: boolean; - frameId: string; - loaderId?: string; - }; - 'resource-loaded': { - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest; - frameId?: string; - loaderId?: string; - body(): Promise; - }; - 'resource-failed': { - resource: IPuppetResourceRequest; - }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetPage.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetPage.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 399cb2dce..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetPage.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -import Protocol from 'devtools-protocol'; -import IRegisteredEventListener from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IRegisteredEventListener'; -import ITypedEventEmitter from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ITypedEventEmitter'; -import { IPuppetFrame, IPuppetFrameManagerEvents } from './IPuppetFrame'; -import { IPuppetKeyboard, IPuppetMouse } from './IPuppetInput'; -import { IPuppetNetworkEvents } from './IPuppetNetworkEvents'; -import { IPuppetWorker } from './IPuppetWorker'; -import IDevtoolsSession from './IDevtoolsSession'; -import IPuppetDialog from './IPuppetDialog'; -import IPuppetContext from './IPuppetContext'; -import IScreenshotOptions from './IScreenshotOptions'; -import IPuppetDomStorageTracker, { IPuppetStorageEvents } from './IPuppetDomStorageTracker'; - -export interface IPuppetPage extends ITypedEventEmitter { - id: string; - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession; - browserContext: IPuppetContext; - mouse: IPuppetMouse; - keyboard: IPuppetKeyboard; - frames: IPuppetFrame[]; - workers: IPuppetWorker[]; - mainFrame: IPuppetFrame; - domStorageTracker: IPuppetDomStorageTracker; - opener?: IPuppetPage; - groupName: string; - - isClosed: boolean; - navigate(url: string, options?: { referrer?: string }): Promise<{ loaderId: string }>; - dismissDialog(accept: boolean, promptText?: string): Promise; - goBack(): Promise; - goForward(): Promise; - reload(): Promise; - close(options?: { timeoutMs?: number }): Promise; - bringToFront(): Promise; - screenshot(options: IScreenshotOptions): Promise; - - popupInitializeFn?: ( - page: IPuppetPage, - openParams: { url: string; windowName: string }, - ) => Promise; - - setNetworkRequestInterceptor( - networkRequestsFn: ( - request: Protocol.Fetch.RequestPausedEvent, - ) => Promise, - ): Promise; - - setJavaScriptEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise; - - evaluate(expression: string): Promise; - addNewDocumentScript( - script: string, - isolateFromWebPageEnvironment: boolean, - ): Promise<{ identifier: string }>; - removeDocumentScript(identifier: string): Promise; - addPageCallback( - name: string, - onCallback?: (payload: any, frameId: string) => any, - isolateFromWebPageEnvironment?: boolean, - ): Promise; -} - -export interface IPuppetPageEvents - extends IPuppetFrameManagerEvents, - IPuppetNetworkEvents, - IPuppetStorageEvents { - close: void; - worker: { worker: IPuppetWorker }; - crashed: { error: Error; fatal?: boolean }; - console: { frameId: string; type: string; message: string; location: string }; - 'dialog-opening': { dialog: IPuppetDialog }; - filechooser: { frameId: string; selectMultiple: boolean; objectId: string }; - 'page-error': { frameId: string; error: Error }; - 'page-callback-triggered': { name: string; frameId: string; payload: any }; - screenshot: { imageBase64: string; timestamp: number }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IPuppetWorker.ts b/interfaces/IPuppetWorker.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 316018756..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IPuppetWorker.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -import ITypedEventEmitter from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ITypedEventEmitter'; -import IDevtoolsSession from './IDevtoolsSession'; - -export interface IPuppetWorker extends ITypedEventEmitter { - id: string; - url: string; - devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession; - type: 'service_worker' | 'shared_worker' | 'worker'; - hasLoadedResponse: boolean; - isReady: Promise; - isInitializationSent: Promise; - evaluate(expression: string, isInitializationScript?: boolean): Promise; -} - -export interface IPuppetWorkerEvents { - close: null; - 'page-error': { error: Error }; - console: { frameId: string; type: string; message: string; location: string }; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IRect.ts b/interfaces/IRect.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 84b8ab63e..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IRect.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IRect { - x: number; - y: number; - width: number; - height: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts b/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts index 321048f29..bc7c49a9c 100644 --- a/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts +++ b/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from './IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; export default interface IResourceFilterProperties { url?: string | RegExp; diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceHeaders.ts b/interfaces/IResourceHeaders.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 32cab687f..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IResourceHeaders.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IResourceHeaders { - [name: string]: string | string[]; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceMeta.ts b/interfaces/IResourceMeta.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 875e49e7e..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IResourceMeta.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceRequest from './IResourceRequest'; -import IResourceResponse from './IResourceResponse'; -import IResourceType from './IResourceType'; - -export default interface IResourceMeta { - id: number; - tabId: number; - frameId: number; - url: string; - request: IResourceRequest; - response?: IResourceResponse; - type: IResourceType; - documentUrl: string; - isRedirect?: boolean; - receivedAtCommandId?: number; - seenAtCommandId?: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceRequest.ts b/interfaces/IResourceRequest.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 20f915874..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IResourceRequest.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from './IResourceHeaders'; - -export default interface IResourceRequest { - url: string; - timestamp: number; - headers: IResourceHeaders; - trailers?: IResourceHeaders; - method: string; - postData?: Buffer; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceResponse.ts b/interfaces/IResourceResponse.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c3f14dcad..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IResourceResponse.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from './IResourceHeaders'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from './IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; - -export default interface IResourceResponse { - url: string; - timestamp: number; - headers: IResourceHeaders; - trailers?: IResourceHeaders; - browserServedFromCache?: IHttpResourceLoadDetails['browserServedFromCache']; - browserLoadFailure?: string; - browserLoadedTime?: number; - remoteAddress: string; - statusCode: number; - statusMessage?: string; - buffer?: Buffer; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts b/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts index fd98e0dac..c4adf62da 100644 --- a/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts +++ b/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from './IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@bureau/interfaces/IResourceType'; export default interface IResourceSummary { url: string; diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceType.ts b/interfaces/IResourceType.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3f600ce76..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IResourceType.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -import Protocol from 'devtools-protocol'; -import Network = Protocol.Network; -import DevtoolsResourceType = Network.ResourceType; - -export enum ResourceType { - Document = 'Document', - Stylesheet = 'Stylesheet', - Image = 'Image', - Media = 'Media', - Font = 'Font', - Script = 'Script', - TextTrack = 'TextTrack', - XHR = 'XHR', - Fetch = 'Fetch', - EventSource = 'EventSource', - Websocket = 'Websocket', - Manifest = 'Manifest', - SignedExchange = 'SignedExchange', - Ping = 'Ping', - CSPViolationReport = 'CSPViolationReport', - Redirect = 'Redirect', - Ico = 'Ico', - Preflight = 'Preflight', - Other = 'Other', -} - -type IResourceType = keyof typeof ResourceType; - -export function getResourceTypeForChromeValue( - resourceType: DevtoolsResourceType, - method: string, -): IResourceType { - if (method === 'OPTIONS') return 'Preflight'; - - return resourceType as IResourceType; -} - -export default IResourceType; diff --git a/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions.ts b/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e0f29734f..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IScreenshotOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import IRect from './IRect'; - -export default interface IScreenshotOptions { - format?: 'jpeg' | 'png'; - rectangle?: IRect & { scale: number }; - jpegQuality?: number; - fullPage?: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts b/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts index 03b6a0b0a..0a1595f8a 100644 --- a/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import IUserProfile from './IUserProfile'; import ISessionOptions from './ISessionOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from './IScriptInstanceMeta'; -import IViewport from './IViewport'; -import IGeolocation from './IGeolocation'; +import { IBrowserEmulatorConfig } from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEmulator'; +import IBrowserLaunchArgs from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserLaunchArgs'; -export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions { +export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions, IBrowserEmulatorConfig, IBrowserLaunchArgs { sessionId?: string; sessionName?: string; sessionKeepAlive?: boolean; @@ -17,16 +17,10 @@ export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions { userAgent?: string; scriptInstanceMeta?: IScriptInstanceMeta; userProfile?: IUserProfile; - viewport?: IViewport; - timezoneId?: string; - locale?: string; - upstreamProxyUrl?: string; - upstreamProxyIpMask?: { publicIp?: string; proxyIp?: string; ipLookupService?: string }; input?: { command?: string } & any; - geolocation?: IGeolocation; + dependencyMap?: { [clientPluginId: string]: string[] }; corePluginPaths?: string[]; - dnsOverTlsProvider?: { host: string; servername: string; port?: number }; showChrome?: boolean; showChromeAlive?: boolean; showChromeInteractions?: boolean; diff --git a/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts b/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts index 1ce492978..018575d13 100644 --- a/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { ICookie } from './ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@bureau/interfaces/ICookie'; export default interface ISetCookieOptions extends Pick { diff --git a/interfaces/ITcpSettings.ts b/interfaces/ITcpSettings.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b75ceaf90..000000000 --- a/interfaces/ITcpSettings.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -export default interface ITcpSettings { - tcpWindowSize?: number; - tcpTtl?: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts b/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts index 66ce9fb92..4703a3e2c 100644 --- a/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts +++ b/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LoadStatus } from './Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; export default interface ITimelineMetadata { // don't group by tabid/frameid for now diff --git a/interfaces/ITlsSettings.ts b/interfaces/ITlsSettings.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 498ee33ba..000000000 --- a/interfaces/ITlsSettings.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -export default interface ITlsSettings { - tlsClientHelloId?: string; - socketsPerOrigin?: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IUserAgentOption.ts b/interfaces/IUserAgentOption.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b1ddc75df..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IUserAgentOption.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IUserAgentOption { - browserName: string; - browserVersion: IVersion; - - operatingSystemName: string; - operatingSystemVersion: IVersion; - operatingSystemPlatform: string; - - string: string; -} - -export interface IVersion { - major: string; - minor: string; - patch?: string; - build?: string; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts b/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts index 20e6b52e7..bd19e2790 100644 --- a/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts +++ b/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import { ICookie } from './ICookie'; -import IDomStorage from './IDomStorage'; -import IDeviceProfile from './IDeviceProfile'; +import { ICookie } from '@bureau/interfaces/ICookie'; +import IDomStorage from '@bureau/interfaces/IDomStorage'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@bureau/interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; export default interface IUserProfile { cookies?: ICookie[]; diff --git a/interfaces/IViewport.ts b/interfaces/IViewport.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7fa60f6f0..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IViewport.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IViewport { - width: number; - height: number; - deviceScaleFactor?: number; - screenWidth?: number; - screenHeight?: number; - positionX?: number; - positionY?: number; - isDefault?: boolean; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IWebsocketMessage.ts b/interfaces/IWebsocketMessage.ts index 61235a677..93e8986c6 100644 --- a/interfaces/IWebsocketMessage.ts +++ b/interfaces/IWebsocketMessage.ts @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ export default interface IWebsocketMessage { + resourceId: number; + messageId: number; timestamp: number; message: string | Buffer; source: 'server' | 'client'; diff --git a/interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage.ts b/interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 90a3b4b6d..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IWebsocketResourceMessage.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IWebsocketResourceMessage { - timestamp: number; - resourceId: number; - messageId: number; - message: string | Buffer; - source: 'server' | 'client'; -} diff --git a/interfaces/IWindowOffset.ts b/interfaces/IWindowOffset.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6a349ff2e..000000000 --- a/interfaces/IWindowOffset.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IWindowOffset { - innerWidth: number; - innerHeight: number; - scrollX: number; - scrollY: number; - scrollHeight: number; - scrollWidth: number; -} diff --git a/interfaces/Location.ts b/interfaces/Location.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 991fc3ef9..000000000 --- a/interfaces/Location.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -export enum LoadStatus { - NavigationRequested = 'NavigationRequested', - HttpRequested = 'HttpRequested', - HttpRedirected = 'HttpRedirected', - HttpResponded = 'HttpResponded', - - JavascriptReady = 'JavascriptReady', - DomContentLoaded = 'DomContentLoaded', - PaintingStable = 'PaintingStable', - AllContentLoaded = 'AllContentLoaded', -} - -export enum LocationTrigger { - reload = 'reload', - change = 'change', -} - -export const LocationStatus = { ...LocationTrigger, ...LoadStatus } as const; - -const LoadStatusPipeline = { - NavigationRequested: 0, - HttpRequested: 1, - HttpRedirected: 2, - HttpResponded: 3, - JavascriptReady: 4, - DomContentLoaded: 5, - PaintingStable: 6, - AllContentLoaded: 7, -} as const; - -export { LoadStatusPipeline }; - -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-redeclare -export type LocationStatus = keyof typeof LocationStatus; -export type ILoadStatus = keyof typeof LoadStatus; -export type ILocationTrigger = keyof typeof LocationTrigger; diff --git a/interfaces/OriginType.ts b/interfaces/OriginType.ts deleted file mode 100644 index dd3827b6e..000000000 --- a/interfaces/OriginType.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -const originTypes = ['none', 'same-origin', 'same-site', 'cross-site'] as const; - -type OriginType = typeof originTypes[number]; - -export function isOriginType(type: string): boolean { - return originTypes.includes(type as any); -} - -export default OriginType; diff --git a/interfaces/injectedSourceUrl.ts b/interfaces/injectedSourceUrl.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4f762aeed..000000000 --- a/interfaces/injectedSourceUrl.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -const injectedSourceUrl = ''; -export default injectedSourceUrl; diff --git a/interfaces/jsPathFnNames.ts b/interfaces/jsPathFnNames.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 61779dfc2..000000000 --- a/interfaces/jsPathFnNames.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -const getNodePointerFnName = '__getNodePointer__'; -const getClientRectFnName = '__getClientRect__'; -const getComputedVisibilityFnName = '__getComputedVisibility__'; -const getComputedStyleFnName = '__getComputedStyle__'; -const isFocusedFnName = '__isFocused__'; -const getNodeIdFnName = '__getNodeId__'; - -export { - getNodePointerFnName, - getClientRectFnName, - getNodeIdFnName, - getComputedStyleFnName, - isFocusedFnName, - getComputedVisibilityFnName, -}; diff --git a/interfaces/package.json b/interfaces/package.json index a4e6d0ae8..e2b756411 100644 --- a/interfaces/package.json +++ b/interfaces/package.json @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ "dependencies": { "awaited-dom": "1.3.2", "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", + "@bureau/interfaces": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "devtools-protocol": "^0.0.981744" } } diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js index 773c2348f..759c23b57 100644 --- a/jest.config.js +++ b/jest.config.js @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module.exports = { globalTeardown: './jest.teardown.js', globalSetup: './jest.setup.js', setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setupPerTest.js'], - testTimeout: 10e3, + testTimeout: 15e3, reporters: ['default', 'jest-summary-reporter'], roots: => `${x}/`), moduleDirectories: ['node_modules', => `${x}/node_modules`)], diff --git a/jest.setup.js b/jest.setup.js index bfe4c6135..38a19be10 100644 --- a/jest.setup.js +++ b/jest.setup.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ const fs = require('fs'); const rmSync = 'rmSync' in fs ? 'rmSync' : 'rmdirSync'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -const CertificateManager = require('@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator').default; +const CertificateManager = require('@secret-agent/mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator').default; module.exports = async () => { try { diff --git a/lerna.json b/lerna.json index 2c74fc887..0a2ebbca1 100644 --- a/lerna.json +++ b/lerna.json @@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ "fullstack", "plugin-utils", "plugins/*", - "puppet", - "puppet-chrome", - "mitm", "testing", "timetravel" ], diff --git a/mitm-socket/.goreleaser.yml b/mitm-socket/.goreleaser.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a2e3e18e8..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/.goreleaser.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -builds: - - id: 'connect' - binary: connect - dir: ./go - goos: - - linux - - windows - - darwin - env: - - GO111MODULE=on - - CGO_ENABLED=0 -archives: - - name_template: 'connect_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}' - replacements: - darwin: mac - linux: linux - windows: win - 386: i386 - amd64: x86_64 - format: gz - files: - - none* -checksum: - name_template: 'connect.checksum' -snapshot: - name_template: '{{ .Tag }}-snapshot' -changelog: - skip: true -release: - prerelease: auto diff --git a/mitm-socket/.npmignore b/mitm-socket/.npmignore deleted file mode 100644 index 9d0b71a3c..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/.npmignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -build -dist diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/clienthello_safari13.go b/mitm-socket/go/clienthello_safari13.go deleted file mode 100644 index 948ed94a3..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/clienthello_safari13.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - tls "" -) - -// TODO: move this to a json format that's sent in.. thus the raw values -func GetSafari13Spec() tls.ClientHelloSpec { - return tls.ClientHelloSpec{ - CipherSuites: []uint16{ - 0x1301, - 0x1302, - 0x1303, - 0xC02C, - 0xC02B, - 0xC024, - 0xC023, - 0xC00A, - 0xC009, - 0xCCA9, - 0xC030, - 0xC02F, - 0xC028, - 0xC027, - 0xC014, - 0xC013, - 0xCCA8, - 0x009D, - 0x009C, - 0x003D, - 0x003C, - 0x0035, - 0x002F, - 0xC008, - 0xC012, - 0x000A, - }, - CompressionMethods: []byte{ - 0x00, - }, - Extensions: []tls.TLSExtension{ - &tls.RenegotiationInfoExtension{Renegotiation: tls.RenegotiateOnceAsClient}, - &tls.SNIExtension{}, - &tls.UtlsExtendedMasterSecretExtension{}, - &tls.SignatureAlgorithmsExtension{SupportedSignatureAlgorithms: []tls.SignatureScheme{ - 0x0403, - 0x0804, - 0x0401, - 0x0503, - 0x0203, - 0x0805, - 0x0805, - 0x0501, - 0x0806, - 0x0601, - 0x0201, - }}, - &tls.StatusRequestExtension{}, - &tls.SCTExtension{}, - &tls.ALPNExtension{AlpnProtocols: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"}}, - &tls.SupportedPointsExtension{SupportedPoints: []byte{ - uint8(0), - }}, - &tls.KeyShareExtension{[]tls.KeyShare{ - {Group: tls.CurveID(29)}, - }}, - &tls.PSKKeyExchangeModesExtension{[]uint8{1}}, - &tls.SupportedVersionsExtension{[]uint16{ - uint16(772), - uint16(771), - uint16(770), - uint16(769), - }}, - &tls.SupportedCurvesExtension{[]tls.CurveID{ - tls.CurveID(29), - tls.CurveID(23), - tls.CurveID(24), - tls.CurveID(25), - }}, - &tls.UtlsPaddingExtension{GetPaddingLen: tls.BoringPaddingStyle}, - }, - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp.go b/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp.go deleted file mode 100644 index 908070571..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// go build !windows -package main - -import ( - "log" - "syscall" -) - -func ConfigureSocket(ttl int, windowSize int) func(network string, addr string, c syscall.RawConn) error { - return func(network string, addr string, c syscall.RawConn) error { - if ttl == 0 && windowSize == 0 { - return nil - } - configErr := c.Control(func(fd uintptr) { - if ttl > 0 { - err := ConfigureTcpTtl(fd, ttl) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("Error setting IP_TTL. %#v", err) - } - } - if windowSize > 0 { - err := ConfigureTcpWindowSize(fd, windowSize) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("Error setting SO_RCVBUF. %#v", err) - } - } - }) - if configErr != nil { - return configErr - } - return nil - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt.go b/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt.go deleted file mode 100644 index bba929894..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// +build !windows,!darwin - -package main - -import "syscall" - -func ConfigureTcpTtl(fd uintptr, ttl int) error { - return syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), syscall.IPPROTO_IP, syscall.IP_TTL, ttl) -} - -func ConfigureTcpWindowSize(fd uintptr, windowSize int) error { - return syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_RCVBUF, windowSize) -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_unix.go b/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 46ac7e46b..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -// +build darwin - -package main - -import "syscall" - -func ConfigureTcpTtl(fd uintptr, ttl int) error { - syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), syscall.IPPROTO_IP, syscall.IP_TTL, ttl) - // mc throws errors in test - return nil -} - -func ConfigureTcpWindowSize(fd uintptr, windowSize int) error { - return syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_RCVBUF, windowSize) -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_windows.go b/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index f91396645..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/configure_tcp_opt_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package main - -import "syscall" - -func ConfigureTcpTtl(fd uintptr, ttl int) error { - return syscall.SetsockoptInt(syscall.Handle(fd), syscall.IPPROTO_IP, syscall.IP_TTL, ttl) -} - -func ConfigureTcpWindowSize(fd uintptr, windowSize int) error { - return syscall.SetsockoptInt(syscall.Handle(fd), syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_RCVBUF, windowSize) -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/connect.go b/mitm-socket/go/connect.go deleted file mode 100755 index ff22854df..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/connect.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "bufio" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "log" - "net" - "os" - "time" - - utls "" -) - -const CertsMode = "certs" - -func main() { - var sessionArgs = SessionArgs{} - var certConfig *CertConfig - json.Unmarshal([]byte(os.Args[1]), &sessionArgs) - - signals := RegisterSignals() - - if sessionArgs.Debug { - fmt.Printf("SessionArgs %#v\n", sessionArgs) - } - - conn, err := ConnectIpc(sessionArgs.IpcSocketPath) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Listening to Ipc DomainSocket Error: %+v\n", err) - } - defer conn.Close() - - if sessionArgs.Mode == CertsMode { - certConfig, err = NewCertConfig(nil, nil) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Initializing Cert Config Error: %+v\n", err) - } - - SendToIpc(0, "init", map[string]interface{}{ - "privateKey": certConfig.privateKeyPEM, - }) - } - - var msg []byte - reader := bufio.NewReader(conn) - - for { - if signals.IsClosed { - return - } - conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(100 * time.Millisecond)) // Set the deadline - - msg, err = reader.ReadBytes('\n') - if err != nil { - time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) - continue - } - var connectArgs = ConnectArgs{} - json.Unmarshal(msg, &connectArgs) - - if sessionArgs.Mode == CertsMode { - go generateCert(certConfig, connectArgs.Id, connectArgs.Host) - } else { - go handleSocket(connectArgs, sessionArgs, signals) - } - } -} - -func generateCert(config *CertConfig, id int, hostname string) { - cert, expireDate, err := config.CreateCert(hostname) - - if err != nil { - SendErrorToIpc(id, "ipcConnect", err) - return - } - - SendToIpc(id, "certs", map[string]interface{}{ - "cert": string(cert), - "expireDate": expireDate, - }) -} - -func handleSocket(connectArgs ConnectArgs, sessionArgs SessionArgs, signals *Signals) { - var uTlsConn *utls.UConn - var protocol string - - id := connectArgs.Id - if sessionArgs.Debug { - fmt.Printf("[id=%d] Serving at socket path %+s. ConnectArgs %#v\n", id, connectArgs.SocketPath, connectArgs) - } - - domainConn, connErr := DialOnDomain(connectArgs.SocketPath) - defer domainConn.Close() - - if connErr != nil { - SendErrorToIpc(id, "ipcConnect", connErr) - return - } - - domainSocketPiper := &DomainSocketPiper{ - client: domainConn, - id: connectArgs.Id, - debug: sessionArgs.DebugData, - signals: signals, - } - defer domainSocketPiper.Close() - - addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", connectArgs.Host, connectArgs.Port) - dialConn, connectErr := Dial(addr, connectArgs, sessionArgs) - - if connectErr != nil { - SendErrorToIpc(id, "dial", connectErr) - return - } - defer dialConn.Close() - - if connectArgs.IsSsl { - var err error - uTlsConn, err = EmulateTls(dialConn, addr, sessionArgs, connectArgs) - if err != nil { - SendErrorToIpc(id, "emulateTls", err) - return - } - protocol = uTlsConn.ConnectionState().NegotiatedProtocol - tcpConn, ok := dialConn.(*net.TCPConn) - if protocol == "h2" && ok { - tcpConn.SetNoDelay(true) - } - } - - SendToIpc(id, "connected", map[string]interface{}{ - "alpn": protocol, - "remoteAddress": dialConn.RemoteAddr().String(), - "localAddress": dialConn.LocalAddr().String(), - }) - - if uTlsConn != nil { - domainSocketPiper.Pipe(uTlsConn) - } else { - domainSocketPiper.Pipe(dialConn) - } -} - -type ConnectArgs struct { - Id int - SocketPath string - Host string - Port string - IsSsl bool - Servername string - ProxyUrl string - KeepAlive bool - IsWebsocket bool - KeylogPath string -} - -type SessionArgs struct { - IpcSocketPath string - RejectUnauthorized bool - ClientHelloId string - TcpTtl int - TcpWindowSize int - Debug bool - DebugData bool - Mode string -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/dialer.go b/mitm-socket/go/dialer.go deleted file mode 100644 index 761dd7a28..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/dialer.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "net" - "net/url" - "time" -) - -func Dial(addr string, connectArgs ConnectArgs, sessionArgs SessionArgs) (net.Conn, error) { - var dialTimeout = time.Duration(15) * time.Second - - /// Dial the server - dialer := net.Dialer{ - Control: ConfigureSocket(sessionArgs.TcpTtl, sessionArgs.TcpWindowSize), - Timeout: dialTimeout, - } - - if connectArgs.ProxyUrl != "" { - proxyUrl, err := url.Parse(connectArgs.ProxyUrl) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if proxyUrl.Scheme == "socks5" || proxyUrl.Scheme == "socks5h" { - return DialAddrViaSock5Proxy(dialer, addr, proxyUrl) - } - - return DialAddrViaHttpProxy(dialer, addr, proxyUrl, !sessionArgs.RejectUnauthorized) - } - - dialConn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", addr) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - tcpConn, ok := dialConn.(*net.TCPConn) - if ok { - if connectArgs.KeepAlive { - tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true) - } - tcpConn.SetNoDelay(connectArgs.IsWebsocket) - tcpConn.SetLinger(0) - } - - return dialConn, nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_http.go b/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_http.go deleted file mode 100644 index 99f1144ce..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_http.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "bufio" - "crypto/tls" - "encoding/base64" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" - "net" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "strings" -) - -func DialAddrViaHttpProxy(dialer net.Dialer, addr string, proxyUrl *url.URL, allowInsecure bool) (net.Conn, error) { - isSecure, proxyHost, err := getCleanHost(proxyUrl) - - fmt.Printf("Dialing proxy connect %s to %s\n", proxyHost, addr) - connectReq := &http.Request{ - Method: "CONNECT", - URL: proxyUrl, - Host: addr, - Header: make(http.Header), - } - - if proxyUrl.User != nil { - proxyAuth := proxyUrl.User.String() - connectReq.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(proxyAuth)))) - } - - conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", proxyHost) - if err != nil { - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP_PROXY_ERR dial failed (%s)", err) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - - if isSecure { - proxyTlsConfig := &tls.Config{} - if allowInsecure { - proxyTlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true - } else { - proxyTlsConfig.ServerName = proxyHost - } - - // NOTE: this is just the "wrapper" tls connection to the proxy. NOT to the destination - conn = tls.Client(conn, proxyTlsConfig) - } - - err = connectReq.Write(conn) - if err != nil { - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP_PROXY_ERR writing CONNECT request failed (%s)", err) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - // Read response. - // Okay to use and discard buffered reader here, because - // TLS server will not speak until spoken to. - br := bufio.NewReader(conn) - - resp, err := http.ReadResponse(br, connectReq) - if err != nil { - conn.Close() - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP_PROXY_ERR reading CONNECT response failed (%s)", err) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - defer resp.Body.Close() - - if resp.StatusCode != 200 { - body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 500)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - conn.Close() - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP_PROXY_ERR connection refused (%d)\n%s", resp.StatusCode, string(body)) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - return conn, nil -} - -func getCleanHost(proxyUrl *url.URL) (bool, string, error) { - var isSecure = false - - proxyHost := proxyUrl.Host - - if proxyUrl.Scheme == "" || proxyUrl.Scheme == "http" { - if strings.IndexRune(proxyHost, ':') == -1 { - proxyHost += ":80" - } - } - - if proxyUrl.Scheme == "https" || proxyUrl.Scheme == "wss" { - isSecure = true - if strings.IndexRune(proxyHost, ':') == -1 { - proxyHost += ":443" - } - } - - return isSecure, proxyHost, nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_socks5.go b/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_socks5.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4694de7e9..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/dialer_proxy_socks5.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "net" - "net/url" - "strings" - - "" -) - -func DialAddrViaSock5Proxy(dialer net.Dialer, addr string, proxyUrl *url.URL) (net.Conn, error) { - var socksAuth *proxy.Auth = nil - - proxyHost := proxyUrl.Host - - if strings.IndexRune(proxyHost, ':') == -1 { - proxyHost += ":1080" - } - - if proxyUrl.User != nil { - password, _ := proxyUrl.User.Password() - socksAuth = &proxy.Auth{ - User: proxyUrl.User.Username(), - Password: password, - } - } - - fmt.Printf("Connecting via socks5 proxy %s to %s\n", proxyHost, addr) - - socksDialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", proxyHost, socksAuth, proxy.Direct) - if err != nil { - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("SOCKS5_PROXY_ERR connection failed (%s)", err) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - fmt.Printf("Got socks5 dialer %s to %s\n", proxyHost, addr) - - conn, err := socksDialer.Dial("tcp", addr) - if err != nil { - responseMessage := fmt.Sprintf("SOCKS5_PROXY_ERR dial failed (%s)", err) - return nil, errors.New(responseMessage) - } - - return conn, nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/domain_ipc.go b/mitm-socket/go/domain_ipc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6b25af887..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/domain_ipc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "log" - "net" -) - -var conn net.Conn -var encoder *json.Encoder - -func ConnectIpc(path string) (net.Conn, error) { - var err error - conn, err = DialOnDomain(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - encoder = json.NewEncoder(conn) - - return conn, nil -} - -func SendToIpc(id int, status string, extras map[string]interface{}) { - msg := map[string]interface{}{ - "id": id, - "status": status, - } - - if extras != nil { - for k := range extras { - msg[k] = extras[k] - } - } - - err := encoder.Encode(&msg) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("[id=%d] WriteMessage Error: %+v\n", id, err) - } -} - -func SendErrorToIpc(id int, step string, err error) { - msg := map[string]interface{}{ - "id": id, - "status": "error", - "error-step": step, - "error": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err), - } - writeError := encoder.Encode(&msg) - - if writeError != nil { - log.Fatalf("[id=%d] WriteMessage Error: %+v\n", id, writeError) - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket.go b/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket.go deleted file mode 100644 index 030b22d0f..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -// +build !windows - -package main - -import ( - "net" -) - -func ListenOnDomain(path string) (net.Listener, error) { - /// Create server on Unix socket path - ln, err := net.Listen("unix", path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return ln, nil -} - -func DialOnDomain(path string) (net.Conn, error) { - conn, err := net.Dial("unix", path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return conn, nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_piper.go b/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_piper.go deleted file mode 100644 index 09e822d27..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_piper.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "net" - "sync" - "time" -) - -type DomainSocketPiper struct { - id int - client net.Conn - isClosed bool - wg sync.WaitGroup - signals *Signals - debug bool -} - -func (piper *DomainSocketPiper) Pipe(remote net.Conn) { - client := piper.client - - piper.wg.Add(2) - clientHasDataChan := make(chan bool, 1) - // Pipe data - go piper.copy(client, remote, clientHasDataChan, true) - go piper.copy(remote, client, clientHasDataChan, false) - - piper.wg.Wait() - SendToIpc(, "closing", nil) -} - -func (piper *DomainSocketPiper) copy(dst net.Conn, src net.Conn, clientHasData chan bool, isReadingFromRemote bool) { - var totalBytes int64 - var n int - var w int - var neterr net.Error - var ok bool - var writeErr error - var readErr error - var direction string - var waitForData bool - - if piper.debug { - if isReadingFromRemote { - direction = "from remote" - } else { - direction = "from client" - } - } - - data := make([]byte, 5*1096) - - defer piper.wg.Done() - - for { - if isReadingFromRemote == true && waitForData { - select { - case <-clientHasData: - waitForData = false - case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond): - if piper.signals.IsClosed || piper.isClosed { - return - } - } - if waitForData { - continue - } - } - src.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second)) // Set the deadline - n, readErr = src.Read(data) - - if n > 0 { - if isReadingFromRemote == false && len(clientHasData) == 0 { - clientHasData <- true - } - w, writeErr = dst.Write(data[0:n]) - if w < 0 || n < w { - w = 0 - if writeErr == nil { - writeErr = errors.New("invalid write result") - } - } - totalBytes += int64(w) - - if writeErr == nil && n != w { - writeErr = io.ErrShortWrite - } - if writeErr != nil { - SendErrorToIpc(, "writeErr", writeErr) - piper.isClosed = true - return - } - } - - if piper.debug { - fmt.Printf("[id=%d] Read %d bytes %s. Total: %d\n",, n, direction, totalBytes) - } - - if n == 0 && readErr == io.EOF { - if isReadingFromRemote { - if totalBytes == 0 { - piper.isClosed = true - return - } - - SendToIpc(, "eof", nil) - if len(clientHasData) > 0 { - // drain - <-clientHasData - } - waitForData = true - } else { - piper.isClosed = true - return - } - } - - if readErr != nil && readErr != io.EOF { - neterr, ok = readErr.(net.Error) - // if not a timeout, stop and return - if !ok || !neterr.Timeout() { - SendErrorToIpc(, "readErr", readErr) - piper.isClosed = true - return - } - } - - if piper.signals.IsClosed || piper.isClosed { - return - } - - if n == 0 || readErr != nil { - time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) - } - } -} - -func (piper *DomainSocketPiper) Close() { - piper.isClosed = true -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_windows.go b/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index a59eb690f..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/domain_socket_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// +build windows - -package main - -import ( - winio "" - "net" -) - -func ListenOnDomain(path string) (net.Listener, error) { - // Create server on Windows Named Pipe - ln, err := winio.ListenPipe(path, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return ln, nil -} - -func DialOnDomain(path string) (net.Conn, error) { - conn, err := winio.DialPipe(path, nil) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return conn, nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/emulate_tls.go b/mitm-socket/go/emulate_tls.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47ebfa418..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/emulate_tls.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "io" - "net" - "os" - "strconv" - "strings" - - tls "" -) - -var isInited = false - -func EmulateTls(dialConn net.Conn, addr string, sessionArgs SessionArgs, connectArgs ConnectArgs) (*tls.UConn, error) { - if isInited == false { - tls.EnableWeakCiphers() - isInited = true - } - var err error - - // Upgrade connection with correct TLS signature - var spec tls.ClientHelloSpec - if sessionArgs.ClientHelloId == "Safari13" { - spec = GetSafari13Spec() - } else if strings.HasPrefix(sessionArgs.ClientHelloId, "chrome-") { - chromeVersionBit := strings.Split(sessionArgs.ClientHelloId, "chrome-")[1] - chromeVersion, _ := strconv.ParseInt(chromeVersionBit, 10, 0) - // lowest supported is chrome 72, otherwise channel id extensions crop up - if chromeVersion < 83 { - spec, _ = tls.UtlsIdToSpec(tls.HelloChrome_72) - } else { - spec, _ = tls.UtlsIdToSpec(tls.HelloChrome_83) - } - } else { - // default to chrome83 - spec, _ = tls.UtlsIdToSpec(tls.HelloChrome_83) - } - - tlsConfig := tls.Config{ - ServerName: connectArgs.Servername, - InsecureSkipVerify: !sessionArgs.RejectUnauthorized, - } - - if connectArgs.KeylogPath != "" { - var keylog io.Writer - keylog, err = os.OpenFile(connectArgs.KeylogPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0640) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - tlsConfig.KeyLogWriter = keylog - } - - tlsConn := tls.UClient(dialConn, &tlsConfig, tls.HelloCustom) - - if connectArgs.IsWebsocket { - tmp := spec.Extensions[:0] - for _, ext := range spec.Extensions { - if _, ok := ext.(*tls.ALPNExtension); !ok { - tmp = append(tmp, ext) - } - } - spec.Extensions = tmp - } - - err = tlsConn.ApplyPreset(&spec) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - err = tlsConn.Handshake() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return tlsConn, nil -} - -func removeIndex(s []string, index int) []string { - return append(s[:index], s[index+1:]...) -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/generate_cert.go b/mitm-socket/go/generate_cert.go deleted file mode 100644 index bd44355b1..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/generate_cert.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "crypto" - "crypto/rand" - "crypto/rsa" - "crypto/sha1" - "crypto/x509" - "crypto/x509/pkix" - "encoding/pem" - "errors" - "fmt" - "math/big" - "log" - "net" - "os" - "sync/atomic" - "time" -) - -/// Reference/Credit: - -// While generating a new certificate, in order to get a unique serial -// number every time we increment this value. -var currentSerialNumber int64 = time.Now().Unix() - -// Config is a set of configuration values that are used to build TLS configs -// capable of MITM. -type CertConfig struct { - ca *x509.Certificate // Root certificate authority - caPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey // CA private key - - // privateKey is the private key that will be used to generate leaf certificates - publicKey crypto.PublicKey - privateKeyPEM string - - keyID []byte // SKI to use in generated certificates ( - organization string // Organization (will be used for generated certificates) -} - -func readCertFromDisk(file string) (*x509.Certificate, error) { - - bytes, err := os.ReadFile(file) - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return cert, nil -} - -func readPrivateKeyFromDisk(file string) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error) { - - bytes, err := os.ReadFile(file) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - key, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(bytes) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - privatePkcs8RsaKey, ok := key.(*rsa.PrivateKey) - if !ok { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Pkcs8 contained non-RSA key. Expected RSA key.") - } - return privatePkcs8RsaKey, nil -} - - -// NewAuthority creates a new CA certificate and associated private key. -func NewAuthority() (*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, error) { - var caFile string = "ca.der" - var caKeyFile string = "caKey.der" - - certFromDisk, err := readCertFromDisk(caFile) - - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { - log.Printf("Error reading cert from disk", caFile, err) - } else if err == nil { - keyFromDisk, err := readPrivateKeyFromDisk(caKeyFile) - if err != nil { - log.Printf("Error reading private key from disk", caKeyFile, err) - } else { - return certFromDisk, keyFromDisk, nil - } - } - - - // Generating the private key that will be used for domain certificates - priv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - pub := priv.Public() - - // Subject Key Identifier support for end entity certificate. - // - pkixpub, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - h := sha1.New() - _, err = h.Write(pkixpub) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - keyID := h.Sum(nil) - - // Increment the serial number - serial := atomic.AddInt64(¤tSerialNumber, 1) - - tmpl := &x509.Certificate{ - SerialNumber: big.NewInt(serial), - Subject: pkix.Name{ - CommonName: "UlixeeHeroCA", - Organization: []string{"Data Liberation Foundation"}, - }, - SubjectKeyId: keyID, - KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageCertSign, - ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth}, - BasicConstraintsValid: true, - NotBefore: time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0), - NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0), - DNSNames: []string{"UlixeeHeroCA"}, - IsCA: true, - } - - raw, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, tmpl, tmpl, pub, priv) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - err = os.WriteFile(caFile, raw, 0600) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - privBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(priv) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - err = os.WriteFile(caKeyFile, privBytes, 0600) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - // Parse certificate bytes so that we have a leaf certificate. - x509c, err := x509.ParseCertificate(raw) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - - return x509c, priv, nil -} - -func NewCertConfig(ca *x509.Certificate, caPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey) (*CertConfig, error) { - - var priv *rsa.PrivateKey - - if ca == nil { - var err error - ca, caPrivateKey, err = NewAuthority() - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - priv, _ = readPrivateKeyFromDisk("privKey.der") - } - - var needsSave bool = false - if priv == nil { - var err error - // Generating the private key that will be used for domain certificates - priv, err = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - needsSave = true - } - privBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(priv) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if needsSave { - err = os.WriteFile("privKey.der", privBytes, 0600) - if err != nil { - return nil,err - } - } - pub := priv.Public() - - // Subject Key Identifier support for end entity certificate. - // - pkixpub, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - h := sha1.New() - _, err = h.Write(pkixpub) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - keyID := h.Sum(nil) - - privateKeyPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: privBytes}) - - return &CertConfig{ - ca: ca, - caPrivateKey: caPrivateKey, - publicKey: pub, - privateKeyPEM: string(privateKeyPEM), - keyID: keyID, - organization: "Data Liberation Foundation", - }, nil -} - -func (c *CertConfig) CreateCert(hostname string) ([]byte, int64, error) { - - // Increment the serial number - serial := atomic.AddInt64(¤tSerialNumber, 1) - expireDate := time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0) - - tmpl := &x509.Certificate{ - SerialNumber: big.NewInt(serial), - Subject: pkix.Name{ - CommonName: hostname, - Organization: []string{c.organization}, - }, - SubjectKeyId: c.keyID, - KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature, - ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth}, - BasicConstraintsValid: true, - NotBefore: time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1), - NotAfter: expireDate, - } - - if ip := net.ParseIP(hostname); ip != nil { - tmpl.IPAddresses = []net.IP{ip} - } else { - tmpl.DNSNames = []string{hostname} - } - - derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, tmpl,, c.publicKey, c.caPrivateKey) - if err != nil { - return nil, 0, err - } - - certPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}) - - return certPEM, expireDate.Unix(), nil -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/go.mod b/mitm-socket/go/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 7b2e5dcdb..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -module connect - -go 1.17 - -require ( - v0.5.1 - v0.0.15-2 - v0.0.0-20211020060615-d418f374d309 -) - -require ( - v1.0.3 // indirect - v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 // indirect - v0.0.0-20211025112917-711f33c9992c // indirect -) diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/go.sum b/mitm-socket/go/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 340a9752d..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ v0.5.1 h1:aPJp2QD7OOrhO5tQXqQoGSJc+DjDtWTGLOmNyAm6FgY= v0.5.1/go.mod h1:JPGBdM1cNvN/6ISo+n8V5iA4v8pBzdOpzfwIujj1a84= v1.0.3 h1:fpcw+r1N1h0Poc1F/pHbW40cUm/lMEQslZtCkBQ0UnM= v1.0.3/go.mod h1:fO7iG3H7G2nSZ7m0zPUDn85XEX2GTukHGRSepvi9Eig= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v0.9.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v1.7.0/go.mod h1:yWOB1SBYBC5VeMP7gHvWumXLIWorT60ONWic61uBYv0= v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs= v0.0.15-2 h1:B1pR2Bbc0bFe+GlZW59M2UhI9/yLjszxMb6AfH0yNH8= v0.0.15-2/go.mod h1:PYtVRaMISrrZKaxR1Hsf6FDF4c8J/rAGAZFsayCw4tQ= v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 h1:7I4JAnoQBe7ZtJcBaYHi5UtiO8tQHbUSXxL+pnGRANg= v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519/go.mod h1:GvvjBRRGRdwPK5ydBHafDWAxML/pGHZbMvKqRZ5+Abc= v0.0.0-20210226172049-e18ecbb05110/go.mod h1:m0MpNAwzfU5UDzcl9v0D8zg8gWTRqZa9RBIspLL5mdg= v0.0.0-20211020060615-d418f374d309 h1:A0lJIi+hcTR6aajJH4YqKWwohY4aW9RO7oRMcdv+HKI= v0.0.0-20211020060615-d418f374d309/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y= v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20201119102817-f84b799fce68/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20210124154548-22da62e12c0c/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20210423082822-04245dca01da/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20210615035016-665e8c7367d1/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20211025112917-711f33c9992c h1:i4MLwL3EbCgobekQtkVW94UBSPLMadfEGtKq+CAFsEU= v0.0.0-20211025112917-711f33c9992c/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo= v0.3.3/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ= diff --git a/mitm-socket/go/signals.go b/mitm-socket/go/signals.go deleted file mode 100644 index eba04f8f1..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/go/signals.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "os" - "os/signal" - "syscall" -) - -type Signals struct { - sigc chan os.Signal - IsClosed bool -} - -func RegisterSignals() *Signals { - sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) - signals := &Signals{ - IsClosed: false, - sigc: sigc, - } - - signal.Notify(sigc, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) - - go func() { - _, err := fmt.Scanf("disconnect") - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - sigc <- syscall.SIGINT - }() - - go func(sigs *Signals) { - <-sigc - sigs.IsClosed = true - }(signals) - - return signals -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/index.ts b/mitm-socket/index.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5374a36cc..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/index.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ -// eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file -import * as net from 'net'; -import { unlink } from 'fs'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { createIpcSocketPath } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/IpcUtils'; -import MitmSocketSession from './lib/MitmSocketSession'; -import IHttpSocketWrapper from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import IHttpSocketConnectOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -let idCounter = 0; - -export default class MitmSocket - extends TypedEventEmitter<{ - connect: void; - dial: void; - eof: void; - close: void; - }> - implements IHttpSocketWrapper -{ - public get isWebsocket(): boolean { - return this.connectOpts.isWebsocket === true; - } - - public readonly socketPath: string; - public alpn = 'http/1.1'; - public socket: net.Socket; - public dnsResolvedIp: string; - public remoteAddress: string; - public localAddress: string; - public serverName: string; - - public id = (idCounter += 1); - - public createTime: Date; - public dnsLookupTime: Date; - public ipcConnectionTime: Date; - public connectTime: Date; - public errorTime: Date; - public closeTime: Date; - - public isConnected = false; - public isReused = false; - public isClosing = false; - public closedPromise = new Resolvable(); - public connectError?: string; - public receivedEOF = false; - - private server: net.Server; - private connectPromise: Resolvable; - private socketReadyPromise = new Resolvable(); - private events = new EventSubscriber(); - private readonly callStack: string; - - constructor(readonly sessionId: string, readonly connectOpts: IHttpSocketConnectOptions) { - super(); - this.callStack = new Error().stack.replace('Error:', '').trim(); - this.serverName = connectOpts.servername; - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId }); - this.connectOpts.isSsl ??= true; - - this.socketPath = createIpcSocketPath(`hero-${sessionId}-${}`); - - // start listening - this.server = new net.Server().unref(); -, 'connection', this.onConnected.bind(this)); -, 'error', error => { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.logger.warn('IpcSocketServerError', { error }); - }); - - unlink(this.socketPath, () => { - this.server.listen(this.socketPath); - }); - - this.createTime = new Date(); - this.close = this.close.bind(this); - } - - public isReusable(): boolean { - if (!this.socket || this.isClosing || !this.isConnected) return false; - return this.socket.writable && !this.socket.destroyed; - } - - public setProxyUrl(url: string): void { - this.connectOpts.proxyUrl = url; - } - - public isHttp2(): boolean { - return this.alpn === 'h2'; - } - - public close(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - - const parentLogId =`MitmSocket.Closing`); - this.isClosing = true; - this.closeTime = new Date(); - if (!this.connectPromise?.isResolved) { - this.connectPromise?.reject( - buildConnectError( - this.connectError ?? `Failed to connect to ${this.serverName}`, - this.callStack, - ), - ); - } - this.emit('close'); - this.cleanupSocket(); - this.closedPromise.resolve(this.closeTime); -; - this.removeAllListeners(); - this.logger.stats(`MitmSocket.Closed`, { - parentLogId, - }); - } - - public onConnected(socket: net.Socket): void { - this.ipcConnectionTime = new Date(); - this.socket = socket; -, 'error', error => { - this.logger.warn('MitmSocket.SocketError', { - sessionId: this.sessionId, - error, - socketPath: this.socketPath, - host: this.connectOpts?.host, - }); - if ((error as any)?.code === 'ENOENT') { - this.errorTime = new Date(); - this.close(); - } - this.isConnected = false; - }); -, 'end', this.close); -, 'close', this.close); - this.socketReadyPromise.resolve(); - } - - public async connect(session: MitmSocketSession, connectTimeoutMillis = 30e3): Promise { - if (!this.server.listening) { - await new Promise(resolve =>, 'listening', resolve)); - } - - this.connectPromise = new Resolvable( - connectTimeoutMillis, - `Timeout connecting to ${this.serverName ?? 'host'} at ${}:${ - this.connectOpts.port - }`, - ); - - await session.requestSocket(this); - - await Promise.all([this.connectPromise.promise, this.socketReadyPromise.promise]); - } - - public onMessage(message: any): void { - const status = message?.status; - if (status === 'connected') { - this.connectTime = new Date(); - this.isConnected = true; - if (message.alpn) this.alpn = message.alpn; - this.remoteAddress = message.remoteAddress; - this.localAddress = message.localAddress; - this.emit('connect'); - this.connectPromise.resolve(); - } else if (status === 'error') { - this.onError(message.error); - } else if (status === 'eof') { - this.receivedEOF = true; - setImmediate(() => { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.emit('eof'); - }); - } else if (status === 'closing') { - this.close(); - } - } - - public onExit(): void { - this.triggerConnectErrorIfNeeded(true); - this.close(); - } - - private triggerConnectErrorIfNeeded(isExiting = false): void { - if (this.connectPromise?.isResolved) return; - if (isExiting && !this.connectError) { - this.connectPromise.resolve(); - return; - } - this.connectPromise?.reject( - buildConnectError( - this.connectError ?? `Socket process exited during connect`, - this.callStack, - ), - ); - } - - private onError(message: string): void { - this.errorTime = new Date(); -'MitmSocket.error', { message, host: }); - if ( - message.includes('panic: runtime error:') || - message.includes('tlsConn.Handshake error') || - message.includes('connection refused') || - message.includes('no such host') || - message.includes('Dial (proxy/remote)') || - message.includes('PROXY_ERR') - ) { - this.connectError = message.trim(); - if (this.connectError.includes('Error:')) { - this.connectError = this.connectError.split('Error:').pop().trim(); - } - - this.triggerConnectErrorIfNeeded(false); - } - this.close(); - } - - private cleanupSocket(): void { - if (this.socket) { - this.socket.unref(); - this.socket.destroy(); - } - this.server.unref().close(); - this.server.removeAllListeners(); - this.isConnected = false; - unlink(this.socketPath, () => null); - delete this.socket; - } -} - -class Socks5ProxyConnectError extends Error {} -class HttpProxyConnectError extends Error {} -class SocketConnectError extends Error {} - -function buildConnectError(connectError = 'Error connecting to host', callStack: string): Error { - let error: Error; - if (connectError.includes('SOCKS5_PROXY_ERR')) { - error = new Socks5ProxyConnectError(connectError.replace('SOCKS5_PROXY_ERR', '').trim()); - } else if (connectError.includes('HTTP_PROXY_ERR')) { - error = new HttpProxyConnectError(connectError.replace('HTTP_PROXY_ERR', '').trim()); - } else { - error = new SocketConnectError(connectError.trim()); - } - - error.stack += `\n${'------DIAL'.padEnd(50, '-')}\n `; - error.stack += callStack; - return error; -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/install.js b/mitm-socket/install.js deleted file mode 100644 index a7feaa623..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/install.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ -const { execSync } = require('child_process'); -const fs = require('fs'); -const os = require('os'); -const { httpGet } = require('@ulixee/commons/lib/downloadFile'); -const { createHash } = require('crypto'); -const { gunzipSync } = require('zlib'); -const packageJson = require('./package.json'); - -const outDir = `${__dirname}/dist`; - -if (!fs.existsSync(outDir)) { - fs.mkdirSync(outDir); -} -const { version } = packageJson; -const releasesAssetsUrl = `${version}`; - -// tslint:disable:no-console - -const forceBuild = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET || 'false')); - -(async function install() { - let programName = 'connect'; - const filename = buildFilename(); - if (os.platform() === 'win32') { - programName += '.exe'; - } - - const installed = getInstalledVersion(); - if (!forceBuild && installed && installed.startsWith(version) && isBinaryInstalled(programName)) { - console.log('Latest Hero connect library already installed'); - process.exit(0); - } - - const checksum = await getSourceChecksum(filename); - const filepath = `${releasesAssetsUrl}/${filename}`; - - if (!checksum) { - if (tryBuild(programName)) { - saveVersion(); - console.log('Successfully compiled Hero connect library'); - process.exit(0); - } - - const goVersionNeeded = getGoVersionNeeded(); - console.log( - `The architecture file you need for the Hero connect library is not available (${filepath}).\n\n -You can install golang ${goVersionNeeded} ( and run "go build" from the mitm-socket/go directory\n\n`, - ); - process.exit(1); - } - - console.log('Downloading Hero connect library from %s (checksum=%s)', filepath, checksum); - const zippedFile = await download(filepath); - - const downloadedChecksum = getFileChecksum(zippedFile); - if (downloadedChecksum !== checksum) { - console.log('WARN!! Checksum mismatch for the Hero connect library', { - checksum, - downloadedChecksum, - }); - process.exit(1); - } - - const file = gunzipSync(zippedFile); - - fs.writeFileSync(`${outDir}/${programName}`, file); - fs.chmodSync(`${outDir}/${programName}`, 0o755); - saveVersion(); - console.log('Successfully downloaded'); - process.exit(0); -})().catch(err => { - console.log('Could not install MitmSocket library', err); - process.exit(1); -}); - -function tryBuild(programName) { - const goVersionNeeded = getGoVersionNeeded(); - const isGoInstalled = isGoVersionInstalled(goVersionNeeded); - console.log('Is go installed? %s, %s', goVersionNeeded, isGoInstalled); - - if (isGoInstalled) { - if (compile()) { - fs.renameSync(`${__dirname}/go/${programName}`, `${outDir}/${programName}`); - return true; - } - } - return false; -} - -function getInstalledVersion() { - if (fs.existsSync(`${outDir}/version`)) { - return fs.readFileSync(`${outDir}/version`, 'utf8'); - } - return null; -} - -function isBinaryInstalled(programName) { - return fs.existsSync(`${outDir}/${programName}`); -} - -function saveVersion() { - fs.writeFileSync(`${outDir}/version`, version); -} - -function buildFilename() { - let platform = String(os.platform()); - let arch = os.arch(); - if (arch === 'x64') arch = 'x86_64'; - if (arch === 'ia32') arch = 'i386'; - - if (platform === 'win32') { - platform = 'win'; - } - if (platform === 'darwin') { - platform = 'mac'; - } - - return `connect_${version}_${platform}_${arch}.gz`; -} - -function download(filepath) { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const req = httpGet(filepath, async res => { - if (res.statusCode >= 400) { - return reject( - new Error( - `ERROR downloading needed Hero library - ${res.statusCode}:${res.statusMessage}`, - ), - ); - } - - try { - const buffer = []; - for await (const chunk of res) { - buffer.push(chunk); - } - const output = Buffer.concat(buffer); - resolve(output); - } catch (err) { - reject(err); - } - }); - req.on('error', err => { - console.log('ERROR downloading needed Hero library %s', filepath, err); - reject(err); - }); - }); -} - -function getFileChecksum(file) { - return createHash('sha256').update(file).digest().toString('hex'); -} - -async function getSourceChecksum(filename) { - if (forceBuild) return null; - const buffer = await download(`${releasesAssetsUrl}/connect.checksum`); - - const checksum = buffer.toString('utf8'); - - const match = checksum.split(/\r?\n/).find(x => x.endsWith(filename)); - - const expectedChecksum = match ? match.split(/\s+/).shift() : undefined; - - if (!expectedChecksum) { - throw new Error('Invalid checksum found for Hero MitmSocket library'); - } - - return expectedChecksum; -} - -/////// /// GO BUILD //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -function compile() { - try { - execSync('go build', { cwd: `${__dirname}/go` }); - return true; - } catch (err) { - console.log('Error compiling Hero MitmSocket library.\n\nWill download instead.', err.message); - return false; - } -} - -function getGoVersionNeeded() { - const goMod = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/go/go.mod`, 'utf8'); - const goMatch = goMod.match(/go ([\d.]+)/); - return goMatch[1]; -} - -function isGoVersionInstalled(wantedVersion) { - const goVersionNeeded = wantedVersion.split('.'); - try { - const goVersionResult = execSync('go version', { encoding: 'utf8' }); - const goVersion = goVersionResult.match(/go version go([\d.]+)\s\w+\/\w+/); - if (!goVersion || !goVersion.length) return false; - if (goVersion && goVersion.length) { - const versionParts = goVersion[1].split('.'); - if (versionParts[0] !== goVersionNeeded[0]) return false; - if (parseInt(versionParts[1], 10) < parseInt(goVersionNeeded[1], 10)) return false; - return true; - } - } catch (err) { - return false; - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/lib/BaseIpcHandler.ts b/mitm-socket/lib/BaseIpcHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 932f77d28..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/lib/BaseIpcHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,222 +0,0 @@ -import { ChildProcess, spawn } from 'child_process'; -import * as os from 'os'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import * as net from 'net'; -import { unlink } from 'fs'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { createIpcSocketPath } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/IpcUtils'; -import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import * as Path from 'path'; - -const ext = os.platform() === 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''; -const libPath = Path.join(__dirname, '/../dist/', `connect${ext}`).replace( - 'app.asar', - 'app.asar.unpacked', -); - -const distExists = Fs.existsSync(libPath); - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default abstract class BaseIpcHandler { - public isClosing: boolean; - public get waitForConnected(): Promise { - this.hasWaitListeners = true; - return this.waitForConnect.promise; - } - - public get pid(): number | undefined { - return this.child?.pid; - } - - protected abstract logger: IBoundLog; - protected options: IGoIpcOpts; - - private hasWaitListeners = false; - private waitForConnect = new Resolvable(); - private child: ChildProcess; - private readonly ipcServer = new net.Server(); - private ipcSocket: net.Socket; - private isExited = false; - - private pendingMessage = ''; - - private readonly handlerName: string; - - protected constructor(options: Partial) { - this.options = this.getDefaultOptions(options); - - if (!distExists) { - throw new Error(`Required files missing! The MitmSocket library was not found at ${libPath}`); - } - - const mode = this.options.mode; - this.handlerName = `${mode[0].toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1)}IpcHandler`; - - bindFunctions(this); - - unlink(this.options.ipcSocketPath, () => { - this.ipcServer.listen(this.options.ipcSocketPath); - this.spawnChild(); - }); - this.ipcServer.once('connection', this.onIpcConnection.bind(this)); - } - - public close(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const parentLogId =`${this.handlerName}.Closing`); - this.isClosing = true; - - if (this.child) { - try { - // fix for node 13 throwing errors on closed sockets - this.child.stdin.on('error', () => { - // catch - }); - // NOTE: windows writes to stdin - // MUST SEND SIGNALS BEFORE DISABLING PIPE!! - this.child.send('disconnect'); - } catch (err) { - // don't log epipes - } - - this.child.kill('SIGINT'); - this.child.unref(); - } - - try { - this.onExit(); - } catch (err) { - // don't log cleanup issue - } - - if (!this.waitForConnect.isResolved && this.hasWaitListeners) { - this.waitForConnect.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling ipc connect')); - } - this.logger.stats(`${this.handlerName}.Closed`, { - parentLogId, - }); - } - - protected abstract onMessage(message: string): void; - protected abstract beforeExit(): void; - - protected async sendIpcMessage(message: any): Promise { - await this.waitForConnect.promise; - await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - this.ipcSocket.write(`${JSON.stringify(message)}\n`, err => { - if (err) reject(err); - else resolve(); - }); - }); - } - - private onIpcConnection(socket: net.Socket): void { - this.ipcSocket = socket; - this.ipcSocket.on('data', this.onIpcData.bind(this)); - this.ipcSocket.on('error', err => { - // wait a sec to see if we're shutting down - setImmediate(error => { - if (!this.isClosing && !this.isExited) - this.logger.error(`${this.handlerName}.error`, { error }); - }, err); - }); - - this.waitForConnect.resolve(); - } - - private onExit(): void { - if (this.isExited) return; - this.isExited = true; - this.beforeExit(); - - this.ipcServer.unref().close(() => { - unlink(this.options.ipcSocketPath, () => null); - }); - if (this.ipcSocket) { - this.ipcSocket.unref().end(); - } - } - - private onError(error: Error): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.logger.error(`${this.handlerName}.onError`, { - error, - }); - } - - private onIpcData(buffer: Buffer): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - let end = buffer.indexOf('\n'); - if (end === -1) { - this.pendingMessage += buffer.toString(); - return; - } - const message = this.pendingMessage + buffer.toString(undefined, 0, end); - this.onMessage(message); - - let start = end + 1; - end = buffer.indexOf('\n', start); - while (end !== -1) { - this.onMessage(buffer.toString(undefined, start, end)); - start = end + 1; - end = buffer.indexOf('\n', start); - } - this.pendingMessage = buffer.toString(undefined, start); - } - - private onChildProcessMessage(message: string): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; -`${this.handlerName}.stdout: ${message}`); - } - - private onChildProcessStderr(message: string): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.logger.error(`${this.handlerName}.stderr: ${message}`); - } - - private spawnChild(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const options = this.options; - this.child = spawn(libPath, [JSON.stringify(options)], { - stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'], - windowsHide: true, - cwd: options.storageDir, - }); - const child = this.child; - child.on('exit', this.onExit); - child.on('error', this.onError); - child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); - child.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); - child.stdout.on('data', this.onChildProcessMessage); - child.stderr.on('data', this.onChildProcessStderr); - } - - private getDefaultOptions(options: Partial): IGoIpcOpts { - options.debug ??= log.level === 'stats'; - const mode = options.mode || 'proxy'; - options.mode = mode; - - if (options.ipcSocketPath === undefined) { - const id = nanoid(); - options.ipcSocketPath = createIpcSocketPath(`ipc-${mode}-${id}`); - } - return options as IGoIpcOpts; - } -} - -export interface IGoIpcOpts { - mode?: 'certs' | 'proxy'; - storageDir?: string; - ipcSocketPath?: string; - clientHelloId?: string; - tcpTtl?: number; - tcpWindowSize?: number; - rejectUnauthorized?: boolean; - debug?: boolean; - debugData?: boolean; // include bytes read from client/remote (NOTE: lots of output) -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator.ts b/mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator.ts deleted file mode 100644 index bcaee8cb9..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import BaseIpcHandler from './BaseIpcHandler'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -let certRequestId = 0; -export default class CertificateGenerator extends BaseIpcHandler { - protected logger: IBoundLog = log.createChild(module); - - private pendingCertsById = new Map>(); - - private privateKey: Buffer; - private waitForInit = new Resolvable(); - private hasWaitForInitListeners = false; - - constructor( - options: Partial<{ - debug?: boolean; - ipcSocketPath?: string; - storageDir?: string; - }> = {}, - ) { - super({ ...options, mode: 'certs' }); - } - - public async generateCerts( - host: string, - ): Promise<{ cert: Buffer; expireDate: number; key: Buffer }> { - await this.waitForConnected; - certRequestId += 1; - const id = certRequestId; - - const resolvable = new Resolvable<{ cert: string; expireDate: number }>(10e3); - this.pendingCertsById.set(id, resolvable); - - try { - await this.waitForInit; - await this.sendIpcMessage({ id, host }); - } catch (error) { - if (this.isClosing) return; - throw error; - } - - this.hasWaitForInitListeners = true; - const { cert, expireDate } = await resolvable.promise; - return { cert: Buffer.from(cert), expireDate, key: this.privateKey }; - } - - protected onMessage(rawMessage: string): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const message = JSON.parse(rawMessage); - if (this.options.debug) { - const toLog = { ...message }; - if (message.status === 'init') { - toLog.privateKey = `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...key used by man-in-the-middle removed for logs...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n`; - } -'CertificateGenerator.onMessage', { - ...toLog, - }); - } - - if (message.status === 'init') { - this.privateKey = Buffer.from(message.privateKey); - this.waitForInit.resolve(); - return; - } - - if (! { - this.logger.warn('CertificateGenerator.unprocessableMessage', { - message, - }); - return; - } - - const pending = this.pendingCertsById.get(; - if (!pending) { - this.logger.warn('CertificateGenerator.unprocessableMessage:notFound', { - message, - }); - return; - } - - this.pendingCertsById.delete(; - - if (message.status === 'error') { - pending.reject(new Error(message.error)); - } else if (message.status === 'certs') { - pending.resolve({ cert: message.cert, expireDate: message.expireDate * 1e3 }); - } - } - - protected beforeExit(): void { - for (const cert of this.pendingCertsById.values()) { - cert.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling certificate generation')); - } - if (this.hasWaitForInitListeners && this.waitForInit && !this.waitForInit.isResolved) { - this.waitForInit.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Canceling ipc initialization')); - } - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession.ts b/mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9074e74ce..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import MitmSocket from '..'; -import BaseIpcHandler, { IGoIpcOpts } from './BaseIpcHandler'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class MitmSocketSession extends BaseIpcHandler { - protected logger: IBoundLog; - - private readonly socketsById = new Map(); - - constructor(readonly sessionId: string, options: IGoIpcOpts) { - super({ ...options, mode: 'proxy' }); - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId }); - } - - public async requestSocket(socket: MitmSocket): Promise { - const id =; - this.socketsById.set(id, socket); - - socket.once('close', () => this.socketsById.delete(id)); - - await this.waitForConnected; - - try { - await this.sendIpcMessage({ - id, - socketPath: socket.socketPath, - ...socket.connectOpts, - }); - } catch (error) { - if (this.isClosing) { - return null; - } -'MitmSocketSession.requestSocketError', { - error, - }); - } - } - - protected onMessage(rawMessage: string): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const message = JSON.parse(rawMessage); - if (this.options.debug) { -'MitmSocketSession.onMessage', { - ...message, - }); - } - if (message?.id) { - this.socketsById.get(; - } - } - - protected beforeExit(): void { - for (const socket of this.socketsById.values()) { - socket.onExit(); - } - this.socketsById.clear(); - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/ b/mitm-socket/ deleted file mode 100644 index a0fa27331..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "scripts": { - "postinstall": "node install.js", - "build": "cross-env SA_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET=1 node install.js" - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/package.dist.json b/mitm-socket/package.dist.json deleted file mode 100644 index cceb8db2d..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/package.dist.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{ - "scripts": { - "postinstall": "node install.js" - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/package.json b/mitm-socket/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index f50fbbfcd..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket", - "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Man-in-the-middle socket library to emulate TLS and TCP settings", - "main": "index.js", - "scripts": { - "build": "node install.js", - "build-install": "npm run build" - }, - "dependencies": { - "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", - "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "nanoid": "^3.1.30" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4", - "@types/ws": "^7.2.4", - "proxy": "^1.0.1", - "simple-socks": "^2.1.0", - "ws": "^7.4.6" - } -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/test/MitmSocket.test.ts b/mitm-socket/test/MitmSocket.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b9df15982..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/test/MitmSocket.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import * as stream from 'stream'; -import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import { getTlsConnection, httpGetWithSocket } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; -import MitmSocket from '../index'; -import MitmSocketSession from '../lib/MitmSocketSession'; - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -let mitmSocketSession: MitmSocketSession; -beforeAll(() => { - mitmSocketSession = new MitmSocketSession('mitmSocket.test', { - clientHelloId: 'chrome-72', - rejectUnauthorized: false, - }); - Helpers.onClose(() => mitmSocketSession.close(), true); -}); - -test('should be able to send a tls connection', async () => { - const htmlString = 'Secure as anything!'; - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - return res.end(htmlString); - }); - - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(server.port); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - const httpResponse = await httpGetWithSocket(`${server.baseUrl}/any`, {}, tlsConnection.socket); - expect(httpResponse).toBe(htmlString); -}); - -test('should handle http2 requests', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((request, response) => { - response.end('I am h2'); - }); - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(httpServer.port); - - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - expect(tlsConnection.alpn).toBe('h2'); - - const client = http2.connect('', { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - closeAfterTest(client); - - const request = client.request({ ':path': '/' }); - const httpResponse = await readResponse(request); - expect(httpResponse).toBe('I am h2'); - client.destroy(); -}); - -test('should be able to hit google using a Chrome Emulator', async () => { - const socketSession = new MitmSocketSession('mitmSocket.test', { - clientHelloId: 'chrome-79', - rejectUnauthorized: false, - }); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(socketSession); - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket('1', { - host: '', - port: '443', - servername: '', - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - - await tlsConnection.connect(socketSession); - expect(tlsConnection.alpn).toBe('h2'); - - const client = http2.connect('', { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - closeAfterTest(client); - - const request = client.request({ ':path': '/' }); - const httpResponse = await readResponse(request); - expect(httpResponse).toBeTruthy(); - expect(httpResponse).toMatch(/<\/body><\/html>$/); -}); - -test('should be able to hit gstatic using a Chrome Emulator', async () => { - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket('optimove', { - host: '', - port: '443', - servername: '', - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - expect(tlsConnection.alpn).toBe('h2'); - - const client = http2.connect('', { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - closeAfterTest(client); - - const request = client.request({ - ':path': '/firebasejs/4.9.1/firebase.js', - }); - const httpResponse = await readResponse(request); - expect(httpResponse).toBeTruthy(); -}); - -test('should be able to hit a server that disconnects', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer(async (req, res) => { - res.socket.end( - `HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nConnection: close\r\nLocation:\r\n\r\n`, - ); - }); - - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket('disconnect', { - host: `localhost`, - port: String(server.port), - servername: 'localhost', - keepAlive: true, - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - expect(tlsConnection.alpn).toBe('http/1.1'); - const request = https.request({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/', - host: 'localhost', - port: server.port, - createConnection() { - return tlsConnection.socket; - }, - }); - - const responsePromise = new Promise(resolve => request.on('response', resolve)); - request.end(); - const response = await responsePromise; - expect(response.headers).toEqual({ - 'content-length': '0', - connection: 'close', - location: '', - }); -}); - -// only test this manually -// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-disabled-tests -test.skip('should be able to get scripts from unpkg using Chrome emulator', async () => { - const socketSession = new MitmSocketSession('mitmSocket.test', { - clientHelloId: 'chrome-79', - rejectUnauthorized: false, - }); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(socketSession); - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket('3', { - host: '', - port: '443', - servername: '', - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - - await tlsConnection.connect(socketSession); - expect(tlsConnection.alpn).toBe('h2'); - - const client = http2.connect('', { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - closeAfterTest(client); - - { - const request = client.request({ ':path': '/react@16.7.0/umd/react.production.min.js' }); - const httpResponse = await readResponse(request); - expect(httpResponse).toBeTruthy(); - expect(httpResponse).toMatch(/\(function\(/); - } - { - const request = client.request({ - ':path': '/react-dom@16.7.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js', - }); - const httpResponse = await readResponse(request); - expect(httpResponse).toBeTruthy(); - expect(httpResponse).toMatch(/\(function\(/); - } -}); - -test('should handle websockets', async () => { - const htmlString = 'Secure as anything!'; - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const messageCount = 500; - - const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server: server.server }); - wsServer.on('connection', async (ws: WebSocket) => { - for (let i = 0; i < messageCount; i += 1) { - await new Promise(resolve => - ws.send(i, () => { - setTimeout(resolve, 2); - }), - ); - } - }); - - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(server.port, undefined, true); - tlsConnection.connectOpts.keepAlive = true; - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - const wsClient = new WebSocket(`wss://localhost:${server.port}`, { - rejectUnauthorized: false, - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - - Helpers.onClose(async () => wsClient.close()); - - const messages = []; - const messagePromise = createPromise(); - wsClient.on('open', () => { - wsClient.on('message', msg => { - messages.push(msg); - if (messages.length === messageCount) { - messagePromise.resolve(); - } - }); - }); - await messagePromise.promise; - expect(messages.length).toBe(messageCount); -}, 35e3); - -test('should handle upstream disconnects', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - res.connection.end(); - }); - - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(server.port); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - await expect( - httpGetWithSocket(`${server.baseUrl}/any`, {}, tlsConnection.socket), - ).rejects.toThrow(); -}); - -function closeAfterTest(session: http2.ClientHttp2Session) { - Helpers.onClose(() => { - session.destroy(); - }); -} - -async function readResponse(res: stream.Readable) { - return (await Helpers.readableToBuffer(res)).toString(); -} diff --git a/mitm-socket/test/proxy.test.ts b/mitm-socket/test/proxy.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 43fe6de16..000000000 --- a/mitm-socket/test/proxy.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import * as Proxy from 'proxy'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import { - getTlsConnection, - httpGetWithSocket, - readableToBuffer, -} from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import * as socks5 from 'simple-socks'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import MitmSocket from '../index'; -import MitmSocketSession from '../lib/MitmSocketSession'; - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -let sessionId = 0; - -let mitmSocketSession: MitmSocketSession; -beforeAll(() => { - mitmSocketSession = new MitmSocketSession('proxy.test', { - clientHelloId: 'chrome-83', - rejectUnauthorized: false, - }); - Helpers.onClose(() => mitmSocketSession.close(), true); -}); - -test('should be able to send a request through a proxy', async () => { - const htmlString = 'Proxy proxy echo echo'; - const proxy = await startProxy(); - const proxyPort = proxy.address().port; - const connect = jest.fn(); - proxy.once('connect', connect); - - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(`${(sessionId += 1)}`, { - host: 'localhost', - port: String(server.port), - servername: 'localhost', - proxyUrl: `http://localhost:${proxyPort}`, - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - const httpResponse = await httpGetWithSocket(`${server.baseUrl}/any`, {}, tlsConnection.socket); - expect(httpResponse).toBe(htmlString); - expect(connect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should be able to send a request through a secure proxy with auth', async () => { - const htmlString = 'Proxy secure proxy echo echo'; - const password = `u:password`; - const pass64 = Buffer.from(password).toString('base64'); - const proxyServer = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const proxy = new Proxy(proxyServer.server); - proxy.authenticate = ( - req: http.IncomingMessage, - cb: (req: http.IncomingMessage, success: boolean) => any, - ) => { - const auth = req.headers['proxy-authorization']; - const isValid = auth === `Basic ${pass64}`; - if (!isValid) { - return cb(null, false); - } - cb(null, true); - }; - const connect = jest.fn(); - proxy.once('connect', connect); - - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(server.port); - tlsConnection.setProxyUrl(`https://${password}@localhost:${proxyServer.port}`); - - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - const httpResponse = await httpGetWithSocket(`${server.baseUrl}/any`, {}, tlsConnection.socket); - expect(httpResponse).toBe(htmlString); - expect(connect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should be able to use a socks5 proxy', async () => { - const proxy = socks5.createServer(); - await new Promise(resolve => proxy.listen(0, resolve)); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(proxy); - - const proxyPort = proxy.address().port; - const htmlString = 'Proxy proxy echo echo'; - const connect = jest.fn(); - proxy.once('proxyConnect', connect); - - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(`${(sessionId += 1)}`, { - host: 'localhost', - port: String(server.port), - servername: 'localhost', - proxyUrl: `socks5://localhost:${proxyPort}`, - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - const httpResponse = await httpGetWithSocket(`${server.baseUrl}/any`, {}, tlsConnection.socket); - expect(httpResponse).toBe(htmlString); - expect(connect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should be able to use a socks5 proxy with auth', async () => { - const proxy = socks5.createServer({ - authenticate(username, password, socket, callback) { - // verify username/password - if (username !== 'foo' || password !== 'bar') { - // respond with auth failure (can be any error) - return setImmediate(callback, new Error('invalid credentials')); - } - - // return successful authentication - return setImmediate(callback); - }, - }); - await new Promise(resolve => proxy.listen(0, resolve)); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(proxy); - - const proxyPort = proxy.address().port; - const connect = jest.fn(); - const auth = jest.fn(); - proxy.once('proxyConnect', connect); - proxy.once('authenticate', auth); - - const htmlString = 'Proxy proxy echo auth'; - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res) => res.end(htmlString)); - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(`${(sessionId += 1)}`, { - host: 'localhost', - port: String(server.port), - servername: 'localhost', - proxyUrl: `socks5://foo:bar@localhost:${proxyPort}`, - isSsl: true, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - const client = http2.connect(server.baseUrl, { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => client.close()); - - const h2stream = client.request({ ':path': '/' }); - const httpResponse = await readableToBuffer(h2stream); - - expect(httpResponse.toString()).toBe(htmlString); - expect(connect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(auth).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should handle websockets over proxies', async () => { - const proxy = await startProxy(); - const proxyPort = proxy.address().port; - const connect = jest.fn(); - proxy.once('connect', connect); - - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => res.end('')); - const serverPort = server.port; - - const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server: server.server }); - wsServer.on('connection', async (ws: WebSocket) => { - ws.send('ola'); - }); - - const tlsConnection = getTlsConnection(serverPort, undefined, true); - tlsConnection.connectOpts.keepAlive = true; - tlsConnection.setProxyUrl(`http://localhost:${proxyPort}`); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - - const wsClient = new WebSocket(`wss://localhost:${serverPort}`, { - rejectUnauthorized: false, - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - - Helpers.onClose(async () => wsClient.close()); - await new Promise(resolve => { - wsClient.once('message', msg => { - expect(msg).toBe('ola'); - resolve(); - }); - }); - expect(connect).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -async function startProxy() { - const proxyPromise = createPromise(); - const proxy = new Proxy(http.createServer()); - proxy.listen(0, () => { - proxyPromise.resolve(); - }); - proxy.unref(); - - closeAfterTest(proxy); - await proxyPromise.promise; - return proxy; -} - -function closeAfterTest(closable: { close: (...args: any[]) => any }) { - Helpers.onClose(() => new Promise(resolve => closable.close(() => process.nextTick(resolve)))); -} diff --git a/mitm/.npmignore b/mitm/.npmignore deleted file mode 100644 index a007feab0..000000000 --- a/mitm/.npmignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -build/* diff --git a/mitm/handlers/BaseHttpHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/BaseHttpHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e75bb6ee4..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/BaseHttpHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import { ClientHttp2Stream } from 'http2'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import InterceptorHandler from './InterceptorHandler'; -import HeadersHandler from './HeadersHandler'; -import MitmRequestContext from '../lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import HttpResponseCache from '../lib/HttpResponseCache'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default abstract class BaseHttpHandler { - public readonly context: IMitmRequestContext; - - protected abstract onError(kind: string, error: Error); - - protected constructor( - request: Pick< - IMitmRequestContext, - 'requestSession' | 'isSSL' | 'clientToProxyRequest' | 'proxyToClientResponse' - >, - isUpgrade: boolean, - responseCache: HttpResponseCache, - ) { - this.context = MitmRequestContext.create({ ...request, isUpgrade }, responseCache); - } - - protected async createProxyToServerRequest(): Promise< - http.ClientRequest | http2.ClientHttp2Stream - > { - const context = this.context; - const session = context.requestSession; - - try { - // track request - session.trackResourceRedirects(this.context); - session.emit('request', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context)); - - if (session.isClosing) return context.setState(ResourceState.SessionClosed); - - // need to determine resource type before blocking - await HeadersHandler.determineResourceType(context); - - if (await InterceptorHandler.shouldIntercept(context)) { - context.setState(ResourceState.Intercepted); -`Http.RequestBlocked`, { - sessionId: session.sessionId, - url: context.url.href, - }); - await context.browserHasRequested; - session.emit('response', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context)); - // already wrote reply - return; - } - - // do one more check on the session before doing a connect - if (session.isClosing) return context.setState(ResourceState.SessionClosed); - - const request = await session.requestAgent.request(context); - this.context.proxyToServerRequest = request; - - request, - 'error', - this.onError.bind(this, 'ProxyToServer.RequestError'), - ); - - if (this.context.isServerHttp2) { - const h2Request = request as ClientHttp2Stream; - this.bindHttp2ErrorListeners('ProxyToH2Server', h2Request, h2Request.session); - } - - return this.context.proxyToServerRequest; - } catch (err) { - this.onError('ProxyToServer.RequestHandlerError', err); - } - } - - protected cleanup(): void { -'error'); - this.context.proxyToServerRequest = null; - this.context.clientToProxyRequest = null; - this.context.requestSession = null; - this.context.proxyToClientResponse = null; - this.context.proxyToServerMitmSocket = null; - this.context.cacheHandler = null; - this.context.browserHasRequested = null; - } - - protected bindHttp2ErrorListeners( - source: string, - stream: http2.Http2Stream, - session: http2.Http2Session, - ): void { - const events =; - if (!stream.listenerCount('error')) { - events.on(stream, 'error', this.onError.bind(this, `${source}.Http2StreamError`)); - } - - events.on(stream, 'streamClosed', code => { - if (!code) return; - this.onError(`${source}.Http2StreamError`, new Error(`Stream Closed ${code}`)); - }); - - if (session && !session.listenerCount('error')) { - events.on(session, 'error', this.onError.bind(this, `${source}.Http2SessionError`)); - } - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/CacheHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/CacheHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index afc0a556a..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/CacheHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -import HttpResponseCache from '../lib/HttpResponseCache'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; -import HeadersHandler from './HeadersHandler'; - -export default class CacheHandler { - public static isEnabled = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.HERO_ENABLE_MITM_CACHE ?? 'false')); - public didProposeCachedResource = false; - public shouldServeCachedData = false; - private readonly data: Buffer[] = []; - - public get buffer(): Buffer { - return Buffer.concat(; - } - - public get cacheData(): Buffer | null { - if (!this.shouldServeCachedData) return null; - return this.buffer; - } - - constructor(readonly responseCache: HttpResponseCache, readonly ctx: IMitmRequestContext) {} - - public onRequest(): void { - const ctx = this.ctx; - ctx.setState(ResourceState.CheckCacheOnRequest); - if (!CacheHandler.isEnabled) return; - - // only cache get (don't do preflight, post, etc) - if (ctx.method === 'GET' && !HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(ctx, 'if-none-match')) { - const cache = this.responseCache?.get(ctx.url.href); - - if (cache?.etag) { - const key = this.ctx.isServerHttp2 ? 'if-none-match' : 'If-None-Match'; - ctx.requestHeaders[key] = cache.etag; - this.didProposeCachedResource = true; - } - } - } - - public onHttp2PushStream(): void { - this.ctx.setState(ResourceState.CheckCacheOnRequest); - if (!CacheHandler.isEnabled) return; - if (this.ctx.method === 'GET') { - const cached = this.responseCache?.get(this.ctx.url.href); - if (cached) { - this.didProposeCachedResource = true; - this.useCached(); - } - } - } - - public onResponseData(chunk: Buffer): Buffer { - let data = chunk; - if (this.shouldServeCachedData) { - data = null; - } else if (chunk) { -; - } - return data; - } - - public onResponseHeaders(): void { - if (!CacheHandler.isEnabled) return; - if (this.didProposeCachedResource && this.ctx.status === 304) { - this.useCached(); - this.ctx.status = 200; - } - } - - public onResponseEnd(): void { - const ctx = this.ctx; - ctx.setState(ResourceState.CheckCacheOnResponseEnd); - if (!CacheHandler.isEnabled) return; - if ( - ctx.method === 'GET' && - !this.didProposeCachedResource && - !ctx.didInterceptResource && - - ) { - const resHeaders = ctx.responseHeaders; - this.responseCache?.add(ctx.url.href, Buffer.concat(, resHeaders); - } - } - - private useCached(): void { - const { responseHeaders, url } = this.ctx; - const cached = this.responseCache?.get(url.href); - let isLowerKeys = false; - for (const key of Object.keys(responseHeaders)) { - if (key.toLowerCase() === key) isLowerKeys = true; - if ( - key.match(/content-encoding/i) || - key.match(/transfer-encoding/i) || - key.match(/content-length/i) - ) { - delete responseHeaders[key]; - } - } - if (cached.encoding) { - const key = isLowerKeys ? 'content-encoding' : 'Content-Encoding'; - responseHeaders[key] = cached.encoding; - } - if ( - cached.contentType && - !responseHeaders['content-type'] && - !responseHeaders['Content-Type'] - ) { - const key = isLowerKeys ? 'content-type' : 'Content-Type'; - responseHeaders[key] = cached.contentType; - } - const lengthKey = isLowerKeys ? 'content-length' : 'Content-Length'; - responseHeaders[lengthKey] = String(Buffer.byteLength(cached.file, 'utf8')); - this.shouldServeCachedData = true; -; - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/HeadersHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/HeadersHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1099be023..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/HeadersHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import OriginType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/OriginType'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import { URL } from 'url'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import { parseRawHeaders } from '../lib/Utils'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -const redirectCodes = new Set([300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 308]); - -const { - HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, - HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, - HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, - HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, - HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, -} = http2.constants; - -const SecFetchDest = 'sec-fetch-dest'; -const SecFetchSite = 'sec-fetch-site'; -const SecFetchUser = 'sec-fetch-user'; -const SecFetchMode = 'sec-fetch-mode'; -const PublicKeyPins = 'public-key-pins'; -const Http2Settings = 'http2-settings'; -const nodeVersion = process.version - .replace('v', '') - .split('.') - .map(Number); - -export default class HeadersHandler { - public static async determineResourceType(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): Promise { - ctx.setState(ResourceState.DetermineResourceType); - const session = ctx.requestSession; - - const { method, requestHeaders } = ctx; - - const fetchDest = this.getRequestHeader(ctx, SecFetchDest); - const fetchSite = this.getRequestHeader(ctx, SecFetchSite); - const fetchMode = this.getRequestHeader(ctx, SecFetchMode); - const hasUserActivity = this.getRequestHeader(ctx, SecFetchUser); - const origin = this.getRequestHeader(ctx, 'origin'); - const isDocumentNavigation = fetchMode === 'navigate' && fetchDest === 'document'; - - // fill in known details - if (fetchSite) ctx.originType = fetchSite as OriginType; - - if (fetchDest) ctx.resourceType = resourceTypesBySecFetchDest.get(fetchDest as string); - if (method === 'OPTIONS') ctx.resourceType = 'Preflight'; - - if (hasUserActivity === '?1') ctx.hasUserGesture = true; - if (fetchMode) ctx.isUserNavigation = isDocumentNavigation && ctx.hasUserGesture; - - session.browserRequestMatcher.determineResourceType(ctx); - - if ( - session.bypassResourceRegistrationForHost?.host === || - // can't register extension content in page - origin?.startsWith('chrome-extension://') - ) { - session.browserRequestMatcher.resolveBrowserRequest(ctx); - return; - } - - // if we're going to block this, don't wait for a resource type - if (!ctx.resourceType && session.shouldInterceptRequest(ctx.url.href)) { - session.browserRequestMatcher.resolveBrowserRequest(ctx); - return; - } - - - if (ctx.resourceType === 'Websocket') { - ctx.browserRequestId = await session.getWebsocketUpgradeRequestId(requestHeaders); - } - - if (!ctx.resourceType || ctx.resourceType === 'Fetch') { - // if fetch, we need to wait for the browser request so we can see if we should use xhr order or fetch order - await ctx.browserHasRequested; - } - } - - public static getRequestHeader( - ctx: Pick, - name: string, - ): T { - const lowerName = toLowerCase(name); - const exactMatch = ctx.requestHeaders[name] ?? ctx.requestHeaders[lowerName]; - if (exactMatch) return exactMatch as any; - for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ctx.requestHeaders)) { - if (toLowerCase(key) === lowerName) { - return value as any; - } - } - } - - public static isWorkerDest( - ctx: Pick, - ...types: ('shared' | 'service' | 'worker')[] - ): boolean { - const fetchDest = HeadersHandler.getRequestHeader(ctx, 'sec-fetch-dest'); - if (types.includes('shared') && fetchDest === 'sharedworker') return true; - if (types.includes('service') && fetchDest === 'serviceworker') return true; - if (types.includes('worker') && fetchDest === 'worker') return true; - return false; - } - - public static cleanResponseHeaders( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - originalRawHeaders: IResourceHeaders, - ): IResourceHeaders { - const headers: IResourceHeaders = {}; - for (const [headerName, value] of Object.entries(originalRawHeaders)) { - const canonizedKey = headerName.trim(); - - const lowerHeaderName = toLowerCase(canonizedKey); - if ( - // HPKP header => filter - lowerHeaderName === PublicKeyPins || - // H2 status not allowed twice - we re-add - lowerHeaderName === HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS || - lowerHeaderName === Http2Settings - ) { - continue; - } - - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - if (singleValueHttp2Headers.has(lowerHeaderName)) { - headers[canonizedKey] = value[0]; - } else { - headers[canonizedKey] = [...value]; - headers[canonizedKey] = [...value].filter(x => !checkInvalidHeaderChar(x)); - } - } else { - if (checkInvalidHeaderChar(value)) continue; - headers[canonizedKey] = value; - } - } - - return headers; - } - - public static checkForRedirectResponseLocation(context: IMitmRequestContext): URL { - if (redirectCodes.has(context.status)) { - const redirectLocation = context.responseHeaders.location || context.responseHeaders.Location; - if (redirectLocation) { - return new URL(redirectLocation as string, context.url); - } - } - } - - public static sendRequestTrailers(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): void { - const clientRequest = ctx.clientToProxyRequest; - if (!clientRequest.trailers) return; - - const trailers = parseRawHeaders(clientRequest.rawTrailers); - ctx.requestTrailers = trailers; - - if (ctx.proxyToServerRequest instanceof http.ClientRequest) { - ctx.proxyToServerRequest.addTrailers(trailers ?? {}); - } else { - const stream = ctx.proxyToServerRequest; - stream.on('wantTrailers', () => { - if (!trailers) stream.close(); - else stream.sendTrailers(trailers ?? {}); - }); - } - } - - public static prepareRequestHeadersForHttp2(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): void { - const url = ctx.url; - const oldHeaders = ctx.requestHeaders; - ctx.requestHeaders = Object.create(null); - - let headers: IResourceHeaders = { - [HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]: ctx.method, - [HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY]: - oldHeaders[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] ?? this.getRequestHeader(ctx, 'host'), - [HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME]: 'https', - [HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: url.pathname +, - }; - - if (nodeHasPseudoHeaderPatch()) { - headers = { - [HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: url.pathname +, - [HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME]: 'https', - [HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY]: - oldHeaders[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] ?? this.getRequestHeader(ctx, 'host'), - [HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]: ctx.method, - }; - } - Object.assign(ctx.requestHeaders, headers); - - for (const header of Object.keys(oldHeaders)) { - const lowerKey = toLowerCase(header); - if (stripHttp1HeadersForH2.has(lowerKey) || lowerKey.startsWith('proxy-')) { - continue; - } - - if (!header.startsWith(':')) { - ctx.requestHeaders[header] = oldHeaders[header]; - } - if (singleValueHttp2Headers.has(lowerKey)) { - const value = ctx.requestHeaders[header]; - if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) { - ctx.requestHeaders[header] = value[0]; - } - } - } - } - - public static cleanPushHeaders(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): void { - for (const key of Object.keys(ctx.requestHeaders)) { - const lowerKey = toLowerCase(key); - if (stripHttp1HeadersForH2.has(lowerKey) || lowerKey.startsWith('proxy-')) { - delete ctx.requestHeaders[key]; - } - if (singleValueHttp2Headers.has(lowerKey)) { - const value = ctx.requestHeaders[key]; - if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) { - ctx.requestHeaders[key] = value[0]; - } - } - } - } - - public static cleanProxyHeaders(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): void { - const headers = ctx.requestHeaders; - for (const header of Object.keys(headers)) { - if (toLowerCase(header).startsWith('proxy-')) { - delete headers[header]; - } - } - } -} - -const headerCharRegex = /[^\t\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]/; -/** - * True if val contains an invalid field-vchar - * field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) - * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] - * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text - */ -function checkInvalidHeaderChar(val): boolean { - return headerCharRegex.test(val); -} - -const lowerCaseMap = new Map(); - -function toLowerCase(header: string): string { - if (!lowerCaseMap.has(header)) lowerCaseMap.set(header, header.toLowerCase()); - return lowerCaseMap.get(header); -} - -const resourceTypesBySecFetchDest = new Map([ - ['document', 'Document'], - ['nested-document', 'Document'], - ['iframe', 'Document'], - - ['style', 'Stylesheet'], - ['xslt', 'Stylesheet'], // not sure where this one goes - ['script', 'Script'], - - ['empty', 'Fetch'], - ['font', 'Font'], - ['image', 'Image'], - ['video', 'Media'], - ['audio', 'Media'], - ['paintworklet', 'Media'], // guess - ['audioworklet', 'Media'], // guess - ['manifest', 'Manifest'], - ['embed', 'Other'], // guess - ['object', 'Other'], // guess - ['report', 'CSPViolationReport'], - ['worker', 'Other'], - ['serviceworker', 'Other'], - ['sharedworker', 'Other'], - ['track', 'TextTrack'], // guess -]); - -const stripHttp1HeadersForH2 = new Set([ - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONNECTION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGS, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, - 'host', - 'via', - 'forwarded', -]); -// This set contains headers that are permitted to have only a single -// value. Multiple instances must not be specified. -// NOTE: some are not exposed in constants, so we're putting strings in place -const singleValueHttp2Headers = new Set([ - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, - ':protocol', - 'access-control-allow-credentials', - 'access-control-max-age', - 'access-control-request-method', - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_AGE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_DATE, - 'dnt', - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_ETAG, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_EXPIRES, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_FROM, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_HOST, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MATCH, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_IF_RANGE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_LOCATION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_RANGE, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_REFERER, - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER, - 'tk', - 'upgrade-insecure-requests', - http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_USER_AGENT, - 'x-content-type-options', -]); - -function nodeHasPseudoHeaderPatch(): boolean { - const [nodeVersionMajor, nodeVersionMinor, nodeVersionPatch] = nodeVersion; - - // Node.js was reversing pseudo-headers as provided. Fixed in 17.5.0, 16.14.1 - let needsReverseHeaders = nodeVersionMajor <= 17; - if (nodeVersionMajor === 17 && nodeVersionMinor >= 5) needsReverseHeaders = false; - if (nodeVersionMajor === 16 && nodeVersionMinor === 14 && nodeVersionPatch >= 1) - needsReverseHeaders = false; - if (nodeVersionMajor === 16 && nodeVersionMinor > 14) needsReverseHeaders = false; - return needsReverseHeaders; -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/Http2PushPromiseHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/Http2PushPromiseHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b4568cd76..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/Http2PushPromiseHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import { ClientHttp2Stream, ServerHttp2Stream } from 'http2'; -import Log, { hasBeenLoggedSymbol } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import MitmRequestContext from '../lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import InterceptorHandler from './InterceptorHandler'; -import HeadersHandler from './HeadersHandler'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; -import RequestSession from './RequestSession'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class Http2PushPromiseHandler { - private readonly context: IMitmRequestContext; - private onResponseHeadersPromise: Promise; - private logger: IBoundLog; - private get session(): RequestSession { - return this.context.requestSession; - } - - constructor( - readonly parentContext: IMitmRequestContext, - serverPushStream: http2.ClientHttp2Stream, - readonly requestHeaders: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders & http2.IncomingHttpStatusHeader, - flags: number, - rawHeaders: string[], - ) { - const session = parentContext.requestSession; - const sessionId = session.sessionId; - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId, - }); -'Http2Client.pushReceived', { sessionId, requestHeaders, flags }); -'Http2Client.pushReceived', { requestHeaders, flags }); - this.context = MitmRequestContext.createFromHttp2Push(parentContext, rawHeaders); -, 'error', error => { - this.logger.warn('Http2.ProxyToServer.PushStreamError', { - error, - }); - }); - - this.context.serverToProxyResponse = serverPushStream; - this.session.trackResourceRedirects(this.context); - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ServerToProxyPush); - this.session.emit('request', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context)); - } - - public async onRequest(): Promise { - const pushContext = this.context; - const parentContext = this.parentContext; - const session = this.session; - const serverPushStream = this.context.serverToProxyResponse as http2.ClientHttp2Stream; - - if (await InterceptorHandler.shouldIntercept(pushContext)) { - await pushContext.browserHasRequested; - session.emit('response', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(pushContext)); - pushContext.setState(ResourceState.Intercepted); - return serverPushStream.close(http2.constants.NGHTTP2_CANCEL); - } - - HeadersHandler.cleanPushHeaders(pushContext); - - this.onResponseHeadersPromise = new Promise(resolve => { - const events =; - events.once(serverPushStream, 'push', (responseHeaders, responseFlags, rawHeaders) => { - MitmRequestContext.readHttp2Response( - pushContext, - serverPushStream, - responseHeaders[':status'], - rawHeaders, - ); - resolve(); - }); - }); - - if (serverPushStream.destroyed) { - pushContext.setState(ResourceState.PrematurelyClosed); - return; - } - - const clientToProxyRequest = parentContext.clientToProxyRequest as http2.Http2ServerRequest; - pushContext.setState(ResourceState.ProxyToClientPush); - try { - - pushContext.requestHeaders, - this.onClientPushPromiseCreated.bind(this), - ); - } catch (error) { - this.logger.warn('Http2.ClientToProxy.CreatePushStreamError', { - error, - }); - } - } - - private async onClientPushPromiseCreated( - createPushStreamError: Error, - proxyToClientPushStream: ServerHttp2Stream, - ): Promise { - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ProxyToClientPushResponse); - const serverToProxyPushStream = this.context.serverToProxyResponse as ClientHttp2Stream; - const cache = this.context.cacheHandler; - const session = this.context.requestSession; - const events =; - - if (createPushStreamError) { - this.logger.warn('Http2.ClientToProxy.PushStreamError', { - error: createPushStreamError, - }); - return; - } - - events.on(proxyToClientPushStream, 'error', pushError => { - this.logger.warn('Http2.ClientToProxy.PushStreamError', { - error: pushError, - }); - }); - - events.on(serverToProxyPushStream, 'headers', additional => { - if (!proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed) proxyToClientPushStream.additionalHeaders(additional); - }); - - let trailers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders; - events.once(serverToProxyPushStream, 'trailers', trailerHeaders => { - trailers = trailerHeaders; - }); - - await this.onResponseHeadersPromise; - if (proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed || serverToProxyPushStream.destroyed) { - return; - } - cache.onHttp2PushStream(); - - try { - if (cache.shouldServeCachedData) { - if (!proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed) { - proxyToClientPushStream.write(cache.cacheData, err => { - if (err) this.onHttp2PushError('Http2PushProxyToClient.CacheWriteError', err); - }); - } - if (!serverToProxyPushStream.destroyed) { - serverToProxyPushStream.close(http2.constants.NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM); - } - } else { - proxyToClientPushStream.respond(this.context.responseHeaders, { waitForTrailers: true }); - events.on(proxyToClientPushStream, 'wantTrailers', (): void => { - this.context.responseTrailers = trailers; - if (trailers) proxyToClientPushStream.sendTrailers(this.context.responseTrailers ?? {}); - else proxyToClientPushStream.close(); - }); - - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ServerToProxyPushResponse); - for await (const chunk of serverToProxyPushStream) { - if (proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed || serverToProxyPushStream.destroyed) return; - cache.onResponseData(chunk); - proxyToClientPushStream.write(chunk, err => { - if (err) this.onHttp2PushError('Http2PushProxyToClient.WriteError', err); - }); - } - if (!serverToProxyPushStream.destroyed) serverToProxyPushStream.end(); - } - - if (!proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed) proxyToClientPushStream.end(); - cache.onResponseEnd(); - - await HeadersHandler.determineResourceType(this.context); - await this.context.browserHasRequested; - session.emit('response', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context)); - } catch (writeError) { - this.onHttp2PushError('Http2PushProxyToClient.UnhandledError', writeError); - if (!proxyToClientPushStream.destroyed) proxyToClientPushStream.destroy(); - } finally { - this.cleanupEventListeners(); - } - } - - private cleanupEventListeners(): void { -'error'); - } - - private onHttp2PushError(kind: string, error: Error): void { - const isCanceled = error instanceof CanceledPromiseError; - - this.context.setState(ResourceState.Error); - this.session?.emit('http-error', { - request: MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context), - error, - }); - - if (!isCanceled && !this.session?.isClosing && !error[hasBeenLoggedSymbol]) { -`MitmHttpRequest.${kind}`, { - request: `H2PUSH: ${this.context.url.href}`, - error, - }); - } - this.cleanupEventListeners(); - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/HttpRequestHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/HttpRequestHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4d99e500f..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/HttpRequestHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,317 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import Log, { hasBeenLoggedSymbol } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { ClientHttp2Stream, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse } from 'http2'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import HeadersHandler from './HeadersHandler'; -import MitmRequestContext from '../lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import { parseRawHeaders } from '../lib/Utils'; -import BaseHttpHandler from './BaseHttpHandler'; -import HttpResponseCache from '../lib/HttpResponseCache'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class HttpRequestHandler extends BaseHttpHandler { - protected static responseCache = new HttpResponseCache(); - - constructor( - request: Pick< - IMitmRequestContext, - 'requestSession' | 'isSSL' | 'clientToProxyRequest' | 'proxyToClientResponse' - >, - ) { - super(request, false, HttpRequestHandler.responseCache); - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ClientToProxyRequest); - - // register error listeners first - this.bindErrorListeners(); - } - - public async onRequest(): Promise { - const { clientToProxyRequest } = this.context; - - try { - clientToProxyRequest.pause(); - - const proxyToServerRequest = await this.createProxyToServerRequest(); - if (!proxyToServerRequest) { - this.cleanup(); - return; - } - - type HttpServerResponse = [ - response: IMitmRequestContext['serverToProxyResponse'], - flags?: number, - rawHeaders?: string[], - ]; - const responsePromise = new Promise(resolve => -, 'response', (r, flags, headers) => - resolve([r, flags, headers]), - ), - ); - - clientToProxyRequest.resume(); - - const socketClosedPromise = this.context.proxyToServerMitmSocket.closedPromise.promise; - - // now write request - make sure socket doesn't exit before writing - const didWriteRequest = await Promise.race([this.writeRequest(), socketClosedPromise]); - - if (didWriteRequest instanceof Date) { - throw new Error('Socket closed before request written'); - } - - // wait for response and make sure socket doesn't exit before writing - const response = await Promise.race([responsePromise, socketClosedPromise]); - - if (response instanceof Date) { - throw new Error('Socket closed before response received'); - } - await this.onResponse(...response); - } catch (err) { - this.onError('ClientToProxy.HandlerError', err); - } - } - - protected async onResponse( - response: IMitmRequestContext['serverToProxyResponse'], - flags?: number, - rawHeaders?: string[], - ): Promise { - const context = this.context; - - context.setState(ResourceState.ServerToProxyOnResponse); - - if (response instanceof http.IncomingMessage) { - MitmRequestContext.readHttp1Response(context, response); - } else { - MitmRequestContext.readHttp2Response( - context, - context.proxyToServerRequest as ClientHttp2Stream, - response[':status'], - rawHeaders, - ); - } - // wait for MitmRequestContext to read this - - context.serverToProxyResponse, - 'error', - this.onError.bind(this, 'ServerToProxy.ResponseError'), - ); - - try { - context.cacheHandler.onResponseHeaders(); - } catch (err) { - return this.onError('ServerToProxy.ResponseHeadersHandlerError', err); - } - - /////// WRITE CLIENT RESPONSE ////////////////// - - if (!context.proxyToClientResponse) { - log.warn('Error.NoProxyToClientResponse', { - sessionId: context.requestSession.sessionId, - }); - context.setState(ResourceState.PrematurelyClosed); - return; - } - - await context.requestSession.willSendResponse(context); - - try { - this.writeResponseHead(); - } catch (err) { - return this.onError('ServerToProxyToClient.WriteResponseHeadError', err); - } - - try { - await this.writeResponse(); - } catch (err) { - return this.onError('ServerToProxyToClient.ReadWriteResponseError', err); - } - context.setState(ResourceState.End); - this.cleanup(); - } - - protected onError(kind: string, error: Error): void { - const isCanceled = error instanceof CanceledPromiseError; - - const url = this.context.url.href; - const { method, requestSession, proxyToClientResponse } = this.context; - // already cleaned up - if (requestSession === null || proxyToClientResponse === null) return; - - const sessionId = requestSession.sessionId; - - this.context.setState(ResourceState.Error); - requestSession.emit('http-error', { - request: MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context), - error, - }); - - let status = 504; - if (isCanceled) { - status = 444; - } - if (!isCanceled && !requestSession.isClosing && !error[hasBeenLoggedSymbol]) { -`MitmHttpRequest.${kind}`, { - sessionId, - request: `${method}: ${url}`, - error, - }); - } - - try { - if (!proxyToClientResponse.headersSent) { - proxyToClientResponse.sendDate = false; - proxyToClientResponse.writeHead(status); - const errorText = this.context.requestSession.respondWithHttpErrorStacks ? error.stack : ''; - proxyToClientResponse.end(errorText); - } else if (!proxyToClientResponse.finished) { - proxyToClientResponse.end(); - } - } catch (e) { - // drown errors - } - this.cleanup(); - } - - private bindErrorListeners(): void { - const { clientToProxyRequest, proxyToClientResponse, events } = this.context; - events.on(clientToProxyRequest, 'error', this.onError.bind(this, 'ClientToProxy.RequestError')); - events.on( - proxyToClientResponse, - 'error', - this.onError.bind(this, 'ProxyToClient.ResponseError'), - ); - - if (clientToProxyRequest instanceof Http2ServerRequest) { - const stream =; - this.bindHttp2ErrorListeners('ClientToProxy', stream, stream.session); - } - - if (proxyToClientResponse instanceof Http2ServerResponse) { - const stream =; - this.bindHttp2ErrorListeners('ProxyToClient', stream, stream.session); - } - } - - private async writeRequest(): Promise { - this.context.setState(ResourceState.WriteProxyToServerRequestBody); - const { proxyToServerRequest, clientToProxyRequest } = this.context; - - const onWriteError = (error): void => { - if (error) { - this.onError('ProxyToServer.WriteError', error); - } - }; - - const data: Buffer[] = []; - for await (const chunk of clientToProxyRequest) { - data.push(chunk); - proxyToServerRequest.write(chunk, onWriteError); - } - - HeadersHandler.sendRequestTrailers(this.context); - await new Promise(resolve => proxyToServerRequest.end(resolve)); - this.context.requestPostData = Buffer.concat(data); - } - - private writeResponseHead(): void { - const context = this.context; - const { serverToProxyResponse, proxyToClientResponse, requestSession, events } = context; - - // NOTE: nodejs won't allow an invalid status, but chrome will. - // TODO: we should find a way to keep this value - if (context.status > 599) { -`MitmHttpRequest.modifyStatusResponseCode`, { - sessionId: requestSession.sessionId, - request: `${context.method}: ${context.url.href}`, - actualStatus: context.status, - responseStatus: 599, - }); - context.status = 599; - } - - proxyToClientResponse.statusCode = context.status; - - // write individually so we properly write header-lists - for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(context.responseHeaders)) { - try { - proxyToClientResponse.setHeader(key, value); - } catch (error) { -`MitmHttpRequest.writeResponseHeadError`, { - sessionId: requestSession.sessionId, - request: `${context.method}: ${context.url.href}`, - error, - header: [key, value], - }); - } - } - - events.once(serverToProxyResponse, 'trailers', headers => { - context.responseTrailers = headers; - }); - - proxyToClientResponse.writeHead(proxyToClientResponse.statusCode); - } - - private async writeResponse(): Promise { - const context = this.context; - const { serverToProxyResponse, proxyToClientResponse } = context; - - context.setState(ResourceState.WriteProxyToClientResponseBody); - - for await (const chunk of serverToProxyResponse) { - const data = context.cacheHandler.onResponseData(chunk as Buffer); - this.safeWriteToClient(data); - } - - if (context.cacheHandler.shouldServeCachedData) { - this.safeWriteToClient(context.cacheHandler.cacheData); - } - - if (serverToProxyResponse instanceof http.IncomingMessage) { - context.responseTrailers = parseRawHeaders(serverToProxyResponse.rawTrailers); - } - if (context.responseTrailers) { - proxyToClientResponse.addTrailers(context.responseTrailers); - } - await new Promise(resolve => proxyToClientResponse.end(resolve)); - - context.requestSession.requestAgent.freeSocket(context); - context.cacheHandler.onResponseEnd(); - - // wait for browser request id before resolving - await context.browserHasRequested; - context.requestSession.emit('response', MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(context)); - } - - private safeWriteToClient(data: Buffer): void { - if (!data || this.isClientConnectionDestroyed()) return; - - this.context.proxyToClientResponse.write(data, error => { - if (error && !this.isClientConnectionDestroyed()) - this.onError('ServerToProxy.WriteResponseError', error); - }); - } - - private isClientConnectionDestroyed(): boolean { - const proxyToClientResponse = this.context.proxyToClientResponse; - return ( - (proxyToClientResponse as Http2ServerResponse).stream?.destroyed || - proxyToClientResponse.socket?.destroyed || - proxyToClientResponse.connection?.destroyed - ); - } - - public static async onRequest( - request: Pick< - IMitmRequestContext, - 'requestSession' | 'isSSL' | 'clientToProxyRequest' | 'proxyToClientResponse' - >, - ): Promise { - const handler = new HttpRequestHandler(request); - await handler.onRequest(); - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a839d7a7f..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -import * as net from 'net'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import Log, { hasBeenLoggedSymbol } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import MitmRequestContext from '../lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import BaseHttpHandler from './BaseHttpHandler'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class HttpUpgradeHandler extends BaseHttpHandler { - constructor( - request: Pick, - readonly clientSocket: net.Socket, - readonly clientHead: Buffer, - ) { - super(request, true, null); - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ClientToProxyRequest); - - this.clientSocket, - 'error', - this.onError.bind(this, 'ClientToProxy.UpgradeSocketError'), - ); - } - - public async onUpgrade(): Promise { - try { - const proxyToServerRequest = await this.createProxyToServerRequest(); - if (!proxyToServerRequest) { - this.cleanup(); - return; - } - - - proxyToServerRequest, - 'upgrade', - this.onResponse.bind(this), - ); - proxyToServerRequest.end(); - } catch (err) { - this.onError('ClientToProxy.UpgradeHandlerError', err); - } - } - - protected onError(errorType: string, error: Error): void { - const socket = this.clientSocket; - const context = this.context; - const url = context.url.href; - const session = context.requestSession; - const sessionId = session.sessionId; - context.setState(ResourceState.Error); - - session.emit('http-error', { request: MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(context), error }); - - if (!error[hasBeenLoggedSymbol]) { -`MitmWebSocketUpgrade.${errorType}`, { - sessionId, - error, - url, - }); - } - socket.destroy(error); - this.cleanup(); - } - - private async onResponse( - serverResponse: http.IncomingMessage, - serverSocket: net.Socket, - serverHead: Buffer, - ): Promise { - this.context.setState(ResourceState.ServerToProxyOnResponse); - serverSocket.pause(); - MitmRequestContext.readHttp1Response(this.context, serverResponse); - this.context.serverToProxyResponse = serverResponse; - - const clientSocket = this.clientSocket; - - const { proxyToServerMitmSocket, requestSession, events } = this.context; - - events.on(clientSocket, 'end', () => proxyToServerMitmSocket.close()); - events.on(serverSocket, 'end', () => proxyToServerMitmSocket.close()); - events.on(proxyToServerMitmSocket, 'close', () => { - this.context.setState(ResourceState.End); - // don't try to write again - try { - clientSocket.destroy(); - serverSocket.destroy(); - this.cleanup(); - } catch (err) { - // no-operation - } - }); - - // copy response message (have to write to raw socket) - let responseMessage = `HTTP/${serverResponse.httpVersion} ${serverResponse.statusCode} ${serverResponse.statusMessage}\r\n`; - for (let i = 0; i < serverResponse.rawHeaders.length; i += 2) { - responseMessage += `${serverResponse.rawHeaders[i]}: ${serverResponse.rawHeaders[i + 1]}\r\n`; - } - await requestSession.willSendResponse(this.context); - - this.context.setState(ResourceState.WriteProxyToClientResponseBody); - clientSocket.write(`${responseMessage}\r\n`, error => { - if (error) this.onError('ProxyToClient.UpgradeWriteError', error); - }); - - if (!serverSocket.readable || !serverSocket.writable) { - this.context.setState(ResourceState.PrematurelyClosed); - try { - return serverSocket.destroy(); - } catch (error) { - // don't log if error - } - } - events.on( - serverSocket, - 'error', - this.onError.bind(this, 'ServerToProxy.UpgradeSocketError'), - ); - - if (serverResponse.statusCode === 101) { - clientSocket.setNoDelay(true); - clientSocket.setTimeout(0); - - serverSocket.setNoDelay(true); - serverSocket.setTimeout(0); - } - - serverSocket.pipe(clientSocket); - clientSocket.pipe(serverSocket); - - serverSocket.resume(); - clientSocket.resume(); - if (serverHead.length > 0) serverSocket.unshift(serverHead); - if (this.clientHead.length > 0) clientSocket.unshift(this.clientHead); - - const formattedResponse = MitmRequestContext.toEmittedResource(this.context); - this.context.requestSession.emit('response', formattedResponse); - // don't log close since this stays open... - } - - public static async onUpgrade( - request: Pick & { - socket: net.Socket; - head: Buffer; - }, - ): Promise { - const handler = new HttpUpgradeHandler(request, request.socket, request.head); - await handler.onUpgrade(); - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/InterceptorHandler.ts b/mitm/handlers/InterceptorHandler.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a6981b79d..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/InterceptorHandler.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -export default class InterceptorHandler { - public static async shouldIntercept(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): Promise { - ctx.setState(ResourceState.InterceptHandler); - const requestSession = ctx.requestSession; - if (!requestSession) return false; - if (requestSession.isClosing) return false; - - const shouldIntercept = - (ctx.resourceType && - requestSession.interceptorHandlers?.some(x => x.types?.includes(ctx.resourceType))) || - requestSession.shouldInterceptRequest(ctx.url.href); - - if (!shouldIntercept) return false; - ctx.didInterceptResource = shouldIntercept; - - if (ctx.proxyToClientResponse) { - if ( - await requestSession.didHandleInterceptResponse( - ctx, - ctx.clientToProxyRequest, - ctx.proxyToClientResponse, - ) - ) { - return true; - } - - let contentType = 'text/html'; - if (ctx.resourceType === 'Image') { - contentType = `image/${ctx.url.pathname.split('.').pop()}`; - } - - ctx.proxyToClientResponse.writeHead(200, { - 'Content-Type': contentType, - 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', - }); - ctx.proxyToClientResponse.end(''); - } - // don't proceed - return true; - } -} diff --git a/mitm/handlers/RequestSession.ts b/mitm/handlers/RequestSession.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 430aebf3a..000000000 --- a/mitm/handlers/RequestSession.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,277 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IResourceType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceType'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import IResourceRequest from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceRequest'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import IResourceResponse from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceResponse'; -import * as net from 'net'; -import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/index'; -import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; -import { URL } from 'url'; -import MitmRequestAgent from '../lib/MitmRequestAgent'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import { Dns } from '../lib/Dns'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; -import IBrowserRequestMatcher from '../interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class RequestSession extends TypedEventEmitter { - public websocketBrowserResourceIds: { - [headersHash: string]: IResolvablePromise; - } = {}; - - public isClosing = false; - public interceptorHandlers: { - types?: IResourceType[]; - urls?: string[]; - handlerFn?: ( - url: URL, - type: IResourceType, - request: http.IncomingMessage | http2.Http2ServerRequest, - response: http.ServerResponse | http2.Http2ServerResponse, - ) => boolean | Promise; - }[] = []; - - public requestAgent: MitmRequestAgent; - public requestedUrls: { - url: string; - redirectedToUrl: string; - redirectChain: string[]; - responseTime: number; - }[] = []; - - public respondWithHttpErrorStacks = true; - - // use this to bypass the mitm and just return a dummy response (ie for UserProfile setup) - public bypassAllWithEmptyResponse: boolean; - public bypassResourceRegistrationForHost: URL; - - private readonly dns: Dns; - - constructor( - readonly sessionId: string, - readonly plugins: ICorePlugins, - public upstreamProxyUrl?: string, - public browserRequestMatcher?: IBrowserRequestMatcher, - ) { - super(); - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { - sessionId, - }); - this.requestAgent = new MitmRequestAgent(this); - this.dns = new Dns(this); - } - - public trackResourceRedirects(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void { - const resourceRedirect = { - url: resource.url.href, - redirectedToUrl: resource.redirectedToUrl, - responseTime: resource.responseTime, - redirectChain: [], - }; - this.requestedUrls.push(resourceRedirect); - - const redirect = this.requestedUrls.find( - x => - x.redirectedToUrl === resourceRedirect.url && resource.requestTime - x.responseTime < 5e3, - ); - resource.isFromRedirect = !!redirect; - if (redirect) { - const redirectChain = [redirect.url, ...redirect.redirectChain]; - resource.previousUrl = redirectChain[0]; - resource.firstRedirectingUrl = redirectChain[redirectChain.length - 1]; - resourceRedirect.redirectChain = redirectChain; - } - } - - public async willSendResponse(context: IMitmRequestContext): Promise { - context.setState(ResourceState.EmulationWillSendResponse); - - if (context.resourceType === 'Document' && context.status === 200) { - await this.plugins.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(context.url); - } - - await this.plugins.beforeHttpResponse(context); - } - - public async lookupDns(host: string): Promise { - if (this.dns) { - try { - return await this.dns.lookupIp(host); - } catch (error) { -'DnsLookup.Error', { - sessionId: this.sessionId, - error, - }); - // if fails, pass through to returning host untouched - } - } - return Promise.resolve(host); - } - - public getProxyCredentials(): string { - return `ulixee:${this.sessionId}`; - } - - public close(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const logid = this.logger.stats('MitmRequestSession.Closing'); - this.isClosing = true; - const errors: Error[] = []; - this.browserRequestMatcher?.cancelPending(); - this.browserRequestMatcher = null; - try { - this.requestAgent.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } - try { - this.dns.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } - this.logger.stats('MitmRequestSession.Closed', { parentLogId: logid, errors }); - - setImmediate(() => { - this.emit('close'); - this.removeAllListeners(); - }); - } - - public shouldInterceptRequest(url: string): boolean { - for (const handler of this.interceptorHandlers) { - if (!handler.urls) continue; - for (const blockedUrlFragment of handler.urls) { - if (url.includes(blockedUrlFragment) || url.match(blockedUrlFragment)) { - return true; - } - } - } - return false; - } - - public async didHandleInterceptResponse( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - request: http.IncomingMessage | http2.Http2ServerRequest, - response: http.ServerResponse | http2.Http2ServerResponse, - ): Promise { - const url = ctx.url.href; - for (const handler of this.interceptorHandlers) { - const isMatch = - handler.types?.includes(ctx.resourceType) || - handler.urls?.some(x => url.includes(x) || url.match(x)); - if ( - isMatch && - handler.handlerFn && - (await handler.handlerFn(ctx.url, ctx.resourceType, request, response)) - ) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - public recordDocumentUserActivity(documentUrl: string): void { - void this.plugins.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(new URL(documentUrl)); - } - - /////// Websockets /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - public getWebsocketUpgradeRequestId(headers: IResourceHeaders): Promise { - const key = this.getWebsocketHeadersKey(headers); - - this.websocketBrowserResourceIds[key] ??= createPromise(30e3); - return this.websocketBrowserResourceIds[key].promise; - } - - public registerWebsocketHeaders( - tabId: number, - message: { - browserRequestId: string; - headers: IResourceHeaders; - }, - ): void { - const key = this.getWebsocketHeadersKey(message.headers); - - this.websocketBrowserResourceIds[key] ??= createPromise(); - this.websocketBrowserResourceIds[key].resolve(message.browserRequestId); - } - - private getWebsocketHeadersKey(headers: IResourceHeaders): string { - let websocketKey: string; - let host: string; - for (const key of Object.keys(headers)) { - const lowerKey = key.toLowerCase(); - if (lowerKey === 'sec-websocket-key') websocketKey = headers[key] as string; - if (lowerKey === 'host') host = headers[key] as string; - } - return [host, websocketKey].join(','); - } - - public static sendNeedsAuth(socket: net.Socket): void { - socket.end( - 'HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\n' + - 'Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="sa"\r\n\r\n', - ); - } -} - -interface IRequestSessionEvents { - close: void; - response: IRequestSessionResponseEvent; - request: IRequestSessionRequestEvent; - 'http-error': IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent; - 'resource-state': IResourceStateChangeEvent; - 'socket-connect': ISocketEvent; - 'socket-close': ISocketEvent; -} - -export interface ISocketEvent { - socket: MitmSocket; -} - -export interface IResourceStateChangeEvent { - context: IMitmRequestContext; - state: ResourceState; -} - -export interface IRequestSessionResponseEvent extends IRequestSessionRequestEvent { - browserRequestId: string; - frameId: number; - response: IResourceResponse; - wasCached: boolean; - dnsResolvedIp?: string; - resourceType: IResourceType; - responseOriginalHeaders?: IResourceHeaders; - body: Buffer; - redirectedToUrl?: string; - executionMillis: number; - browserBlockedReason?: string; - browserCanceled?: boolean; -} - -export interface IRequestSessionRequestEvent { - id: number; - url: URL; - request: IResourceRequest; - postData: Buffer; - documentUrl: string; - serverAlpn: string; - protocol: string; - socketId: number; - isHttp2Push: boolean; - wasIntercepted: boolean; - originalHeaders: IResourceHeaders; - localAddress: string; -} - -export interface IRequestSessionHttpErrorEvent { - request: IRequestSessionResponseEvent; - error: Error; -} diff --git a/mitm/index.ts b/mitm/index.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7032ce7ba..000000000 --- a/mitm/index.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -import MitmProxy from './lib/MitmProxy'; - -export { MitmProxy }; diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher.ts b/mitm/interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 31c81e5c2..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; - -export default interface IBrowserRequestMatcher { - cancelPending(): void; - resolveBrowserRequest(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void; - determineResourceType(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void; -} diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/IHttpOrH2Response.ts b/mitm/interfaces/IHttpOrH2Response.ts deleted file mode 100644 index bdaa7d7bd..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/IHttpOrH2Response.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IHttpOrH2Response extends NodeJS.ReadableStream { - statusCode?: number; - statusMessage?: string; -} diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyOptions.ts b/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1bf6fd8e3..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IMitmProxyOptions { - port?: number; -} diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyToServerRequestOptions.ts b/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyToServerRequestOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index adbb583ca..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmProxyToServerRequestOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from "http"; - -export default interface IMitmProxyToServerRequestOptions extends http.ClientRequestArgs { - headers: { [name: string]: string }; -} diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmRequestContext.ts b/mitm/interfaces/IMitmRequestContext.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 64ee98a34..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/IMitmRequestContext.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import CacheHandler from '../handlers/CacheHandler'; -import ResourceState from './ResourceState'; - -export default interface IMitmRequestContext extends IHttpResourceLoadDetails { - clientToProxyRequest: http.IncomingMessage | http2.Http2ServerRequest; - cacheHandler: CacheHandler; - didInterceptResource: boolean; - proxyToClientResponse?: http.ServerResponse | http2.Http2ServerResponse; - proxyToServerRequest?: http.ClientRequest | http2.ClientHttp2Stream; - serverToProxyResponse?: http.IncomingMessage | http2.ClientHttp2Stream; - requestSession?: RequestSession; - proxyToServerMitmSocket?: MitmSocket; - stateChanges: Map; - setState(state: ResourceState); -} diff --git a/mitm/interfaces/ResourceState.ts b/mitm/interfaces/ResourceState.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 343854079..000000000 --- a/mitm/interfaces/ResourceState.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -enum ResourceState { - ClientToProxyRequest = 'ClientToProxyRequest', - InterceptHandler = 'InterceptHandler', - DetermineResourceType = 'DetermineResourceType', - EmulationWillSendResponse = 'EmulationWillSendResponse', - CheckCacheOnRequest = 'CheckCacheOnRequest', - GetSocket = 'GetSocket', - BeforeSendRequest = 'BeforeSendRequest', - CreateH2Session = 'CreateH2Session', - CreateProxyToServerRequest = 'CreateProxyToServerRequest', - ServerToProxyPush = 'ServerToProxyPush', - ProxyToClientPush = 'ProxyToClientPush', - WriteProxyToServerRequestBody = 'WriteProxyToServerRequestBody', - ServerToProxyOnResponse = 'ServerToProxyOnResponse', - ProxyToClientPushResponse = 'ProxyToClientPushResponse', - ServerToProxyPushResponse = 'ServerToProxyPushResponse', - CheckCacheOnResponseEnd = 'CheckCacheOnResponseEnd', - WriteProxyToClientResponseBody = 'WriteProxyToClientResponseBody', - End = 'End', - SessionClosed = 'SessionClosed', - PrematurelyClosed = 'PrematurelyClosed', - Intercepted = 'Intercepted', - Error = 'Error', -} -export default ResourceState; diff --git a/mitm/lib/Dns.ts b/mitm/lib/Dns.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d6aa6eb6f..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/Dns.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -import * as moment from 'moment'; -import * as net from 'net'; -import { promises as dns } from 'dns'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import IDnsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDnsSettings'; -import DnsOverTlsSocket from './DnsOverTlsSocket'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; - -export class Dns { - public static dnsEntries = new Map>(); - public socket: DnsOverTlsSocket; - private readonly dnsSettings: IDnsSettings = {}; - - constructor(private requestSession?: RequestSession) { - requestSession?.plugins?.onDnsConfiguration(this.dnsSettings); - } - - public async lookupIp(host: string, retries = 3): Promise { - if (this.requestSession.upstreamProxyUrl) return host; - if (host === 'localhost' || net.isIP(host)) return host; - - try { - // get cached (or in process resolver) - const cachedRecord = await this.getNextCachedARecord(host); - if (cachedRecord) return cachedRecord; - } catch (error) { - if (retries === 0) throw error; - // if the cache lookup failed, likely because another lookup failed... try again - return this.lookupIp(host, retries - 1); - } - - // if not found in cache, perform dns lookup - let lookupError: Error; - try { - if (this.dnsSettings.dnsOverTlsConnection) { - const dnsEntry = await this.lookupDnsEntry(host); - const ip = this.nextIp(dnsEntry); - if (ip) return ip; - } - } catch (error) { - lookupError = error; - } - - // try to resolve using system interface - try { - const dnsEntry = await this.systemLookup(host); - return this.nextIp(dnsEntry); - } catch (error) { - // don't throw error, throw original error - throw lookupError; - } - } - - public close(): void { - this.socket?.close(); - this.socket = null; - this.requestSession = null; - } - - private async systemLookup(host: string): Promise { - const dnsEntry = createPromise(10e3); - Dns.dnsEntries.set(host, dnsEntry); - try { - const lookupAddresses = await dns.lookup(host.split(':').shift(), { - all: true, - family: 4, - }); - const entry = { - aRecords: => ({ - expiry: moment().add(10, 'minutes').toDate(), - ip: x.address, - })), - }; - dnsEntry.resolve(entry); - } catch (error) { - dnsEntry.reject(error); - Dns.dnsEntries.delete(host); - } - return dnsEntry.promise; - } - - private async lookupDnsEntry(host: string): Promise { - const existing = Dns.dnsEntries.get(host); - if (existing && !existing.isResolved) return existing.promise; - - const dnsEntry = createPromise(10e3); - Dns.dnsEntries.set(host, dnsEntry); - try { - if (!this.socket) { - this.socket = new DnsOverTlsSocket( - this.dnsSettings, - this.requestSession, - () => (this.socket = null), - ); - } - - const response = await this.socket.lookupARecords(host); - - const entry = { - aRecords: response.answers - .filter(x => x.type === 'A') // gives non-query records sometimes - .map(x => ({ - ip:, - expiry: moment().add(x.ttl, 'seconds').toDate(), - })), - }; - dnsEntry.resolve(entry); - } catch (error) { - dnsEntry.reject(error); - Dns.dnsEntries.delete(host); - } - return dnsEntry.promise; - } - - private nextIp(dnsEntry: IDnsEntry): string { - // implement rotating - for (let i = 0; i < dnsEntry.aRecords.length; i += 1) { - const record = dnsEntry.aRecords[i]; - if (record.expiry > new Date()) { - // move record to back - dnsEntry.aRecords.splice(i, 1); - dnsEntry.aRecords.push(record); - return record.ip; - } - } - return null; - } - - private async getNextCachedARecord(name: string): Promise { - const cached = await Dns.dnsEntries.get(name)?.promise; - if (cached?.aRecords?.length) { - return this.nextIp(cached); - } - return null; - } -} - -interface IDnsEntry { - aRecords: { ip: string; expiry: Date }[]; -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/DnsOverTlsSocket.ts b/mitm/lib/DnsOverTlsSocket.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2853b9ea5..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/DnsOverTlsSocket.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'; -import * as dnsPacket from 'dns-packet'; -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/index'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import IDnsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDnsSettings'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class DnsOverTlsSocket { - public get host(): string { - return this.dnsSettings.dnsOverTlsConnection?.host; - } - - public get isActive(): boolean { - return this.mitmSocket.isReusable() && !this.isClosing; - } - - private readonly dnsSettings: IDnsSettings; - private mitmSocket: MitmSocket; - private isConnected: Promise; - - private pending = new Map< - number, - { host: string; resolvable: IResolvablePromise } - >(); - - private buffer: Buffer = null; - private isClosing = false; - - private readonly onClose?: () => void; - - private requestSession: RequestSession | undefined; - private logger: IBoundLog; - private events = new EventSubscriber(); - - constructor(dnsSettings: IDnsSettings, requestSession: RequestSession, onClose?: () => void) { - this.requestSession = requestSession; - this.logger = log.createChild({ sessionId: requestSession.sessionId }); - this.dnsSettings = dnsSettings; - this.onClose = onClose; - } - - public async lookupARecords(host: string): Promise { - if (!this.isConnected) { - this.isConnected = this.connect(); - } - await this.isConnected; - return this.getDnsResponse(host); - } - - public close(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.isClosing = true; - this.mitmSocket?.close(); -; - this.requestSession = null; - this.mitmSocket = null; - if (this.onClose) this.onClose(); - } - - protected async connect(): Promise { - const { host, port, servername } = this.dnsSettings.dnsOverTlsConnection || {}; - this.mitmSocket = new MitmSocket(this.requestSession?.sessionId, { - host, - servername, - port: String(port ?? 853), - isSsl: true, - keepAlive: true, - debug: true, - }); - - await this.mitmSocket.connect(this.requestSession.requestAgent.socketSession, 10e3); - -,'data', this.onData.bind(this)); - - const onCloseRegistration =, 'close', () => { - this.isClosing = true; - if (this.onClose) this.onClose(); - }); -,'eof', async () => { -; - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.mitmSocket.close(); - try { - this.isConnected = this.connect(); - await this.isConnected; - // re-run pending queries - for (const [id, entry] of this.pending) { - this.pending.delete(id); - const newHost = this.getDnsResponse(; - entry.resolvable.resolve(newHost); - } - } catch (error) { -'Error re-connecting to dns', { - error, - }); - } - }); - } - - private getDnsResponse(host: string): Promise { - const id = this.query({ - name: host, - class: 'IN', - type: 'A', - }); - const resolvable = createPromise(5e3); - this.pending.set(id, { host, resolvable }); - return resolvable.promise; - } - - private disconnect(): void { - for (const [, entry] of this.pending) { - entry.resolvable.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Disconnecting Dns Socket')); - } - this.close(); - } - - private query(...questions: IQuestion[]): number { - const id = randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0); - const dnsQuery = dnsPacket.streamEncode({ - flags: dnsPacket.RECURSION_DESIRED, - id, - questions, - type: 'query', - }); - this.mitmSocket.socket.write(dnsQuery); - return id; - } - - private onData(data: Buffer): void { - if (this.buffer === null) { - this.buffer = Buffer.from(data); - } else { - this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, data]); - } - - while (this.buffer.byteLength > 2) { - const messageLength = this.getMessageLength(); - if (messageLength < 12) { - return this.disconnect(); - } - - if (this.buffer.byteLength < messageLength + 2) return; - - // append prefixed byte length - const next = this.buffer.slice(0, messageLength + 2); - const decoded = dnsPacket.streamDecode(next) as IDnsResponse; - this.pending.get(; - this.pending.delete(; - this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(messageLength + 2); - } - } - - private getMessageLength(): number | undefined { - if (this.buffer.byteLength >= 2) { - // - // - // The message is prefixed with a two byte length field which gives the - // message length, excluding the two byte length field. - return this.buffer.readUInt16BE(0); - } - } -} - -interface IQuestion { - name: string; - type: string; - class: string; -} - -interface IAnswer { - name: string; - type: string; - class: string; - ttl: number; - flush: boolean; - data: string; -} - -interface IDnsResponse { - id: number; - type: string; - flags: number; - flag_qr: boolean; - opcode: string; - flag_aa: boolean; - flag_tc: boolean; - flag_rd: boolean; - flag_ra: boolean; - flag_z: boolean; - flag_ad: boolean; - flag_cd: boolean; - rcode: string; - questions: IQuestion[]; - answers: IAnswer[]; - authorities: string[]; - additionals: string[]; -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/Http2SessionBinding.ts b/mitm/lib/Http2SessionBinding.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 00d4b66c9..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/Http2SessionBinding.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -import { Http2Session } from 'http2'; -import logger from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { IEventSubscriber } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IRegisteredEventListener'; - -const { log } = logger(module); - -export default class Http2SessionBinding { - private logger: IBoundLog; - - constructor( - readonly clientSession: Http2Session, - readonly serverSession: Http2Session, - readonly events: IEventSubscriber, - logData: { sessionId: string } & any, - ) { - this.logger = log.createChild(module, logData); - bindFunctions(this); - this.bind(); - } - - private bind(): void { - const clientSession = this.clientSession; - const serverSession = this.serverSession; - - if (clientSession), 'ping', this.pingServer); - -, 'error', this.onServerError); -, 'close', this.onServerClose); -, 'goaway', this.onServerGoaway); - -, 'remoteSettings', remoteSettings => { - this.logger.stats('Http2Client.remoteSettings', { - remoteSettings, - }); - }); - -, 'frameError', (frameType, errorCode) => { - this.logger.warn('Http2Client.frameError', { - frameType, - errorCode, - }); - }); - -, 'altsvc', (alt, altOrigin) => { - this.logger.stats('Http2.altsvc', { - altOrigin, - alt, - }); - }); - -, 'origin', origins => { - this.logger.stats('Http2.origin', { - origins, - }); - }); - } - - private pingServer(bytes: Buffer): void { - if (this.serverSession.destroyed) return; -, () => null); - } - - private onServerClose(): void { -'Http2Client.close'); - if (!this.clientSession || this.clientSession.destroyed) return; - this.clientSession.close(); - } - - private onServerError(error: Error): void { - this.logger.warn('Http2Client.error', { - error, - }); - if (!this.clientSession || this.clientSession.destroyed) return; - this.clientSession.destroy(error); - } - - private onServerGoaway( - code: number, - lastStreamID?: number, - opaqueData?: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, - ): void { - this.logger.stats('Http2.goaway', { - code, - lastStreamID, - opaqueData: opaqueData ? Buffer.from(opaqueData).toString() : undefined, - }); - if (!this.clientSession || this.clientSession.destroyed) return; - this.clientSession.goaway(code); - } -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/HttpResponseCache.ts b/mitm/lib/HttpResponseCache.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ed5d40ada..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/HttpResponseCache.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; - -// TODO: implement max-age and last-modified cache control -export default class HttpResponseCache { - private readonly cache = new Map(); - private readonly accessList: string[] = []; - - constructor(readonly maxItems = 500) {} - - public get(url: string): IResource | null { - const entry = this.cache.get(url); - if (entry) { - this.recordAccess(url); - } - return entry; - } - - public add(url: string, file: Buffer, headers: IResourceHeaders): void { - const resource = { file } as IResource; - for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { - const lower = key.toLowerCase(); - const val = value as string; - - if (lower === 'etag') { - resource.etag = val; - } - if (lower === 'content-encoding') { - resource.encoding = val; - } - if (lower === 'content-type') { - resource.contentType = val; - } - if (lower === 'expires') { - resource.expires = val; - } - if (lower === 'last-modified') { - resource.lastModified = val; - } - if (lower === 'cache-control') { - resource.cacheControl = val; - if (resource.cacheControl.includes('no-store')) { - return; - } - } - } - if (!resource.etag) return; - - this.cache.set(url, resource); - this.recordAccess(url); - this.cleanCache(); - } - - private recordAccess(url: string): void { - const idx = this.accessList.indexOf(url); - if (idx >= 0) { - this.accessList.splice(idx, 1); - } - this.accessList.unshift(url); - } - - private cleanCache(): void { - if (this.accessList.length > this.maxItems) { - const toDelete = this.accessList.slice(this.maxItems); - this.accessList.length = this.maxItems; - for (const url of toDelete) { - this.cache.delete(url); - } - } - } -} - -interface IResource { - file: Buffer; - etag: string; - cacheControl: string; - contentType: string; - lastModified: string; - expires: string; - encoding: string; -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/MitmProxy.ts b/mitm/lib/MitmProxy.ts deleted file mode 100644 index bdbaa675c..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/MitmProxy.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,563 +0,0 @@ -import * as net from 'net'; -import { Socket } from 'net'; -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import * as Os from 'os'; -import * as Path from 'path'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import CertificateGenerator from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import IMitmProxyOptions from '../interfaces/IMitmProxyOptions'; -import HttpRequestHandler from '../handlers/HttpRequestHandler'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import HttpUpgradeHandler from '../handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; -import NetworkDb from './NetworkDb'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const emptyResponse = ``; - -const defaultStorageDirectory = - process.env.HERO_NETWORK_DIR ?? process.env.HERO_DATA_DIR ?? Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); - -/** - * This module is heavily inspired by '' - */ -export default class MitmProxy { - private static certificateGenerator: CertificateGenerator; - private static networkDb: NetworkDb; - - public get port(): number { - return this.httpPort; - } - - public get httpPort(): number | undefined { - return (this.httpServer.address() as net.AddressInfo)?.port; - } - - public get http2Port(): number | undefined { - return (this.http2Server.address() as net.AddressInfo)?.port; - } - - public get httpsPort(): number | undefined { - return (this.httpsServer.address() as net.AddressInfo)?.port; - } - - private http2Sessions = new Set(); - // used if this is a one-off proxy - private isolatedProxyForSessionId?: string; - - // shared session params - private sessionById: { [sessionId: string]: RequestSession } = {}; - private sessionIdByPort: { [port: number]: string } = {}; - private portsBySessionId: { [sessionId: number]: Set } = {}; - - private readonly options: IMitmProxyOptions; - private readonly httpServer: http.Server; - private readonly httpsServer: https.Server; - - private readonly http2Server: http2.Http2SecureServer; - private readonly serverConnects = new Set(); - private readonly events = new EventSubscriber(); - - private isClosing = false; - - private secureContexts: { - [hostname: string]: Promise; - } = {}; - - constructor(options: IMitmProxyOptions) { - this.options = options; - - this.httpServer = http.createServer({ insecureHTTPParser: true }); -, 'connect', this.onHttpConnect.bind(this)); -, 'clientError', this.onClientError.bind(this, false)); -, 'request', this.onHttpRequest.bind(this, false)); -, 'upgrade', this.onHttpUpgrade.bind(this, false)); - - this.httpsServer = https.createServer({ insecureHTTPParser: true }); -, 'connect', this.onHttpConnect.bind(this)); -, 'request', this.onHttpRequest.bind(this, true)); -, 'upgrade', this.onHttpUpgrade.bind(this, true)); - - this.http2Server = http2.createSecureServer(); -, 'session', this.onHttp2Session.bind(this)); -, 'sessionError', this.onClientError.bind(this, true)); -, 'request', this.onHttpRequest.bind(this, true)); -, 'upgrade', this.onHttpUpgrade.bind(this, true)); - } - - public close(): void { - if (this.isClosing) return; - this.isClosing = true; - - const startLogId ='MitmProxy.Closing', { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - }); - const errors: Error[] = []; - - for (const session of Object.values(this.sessionById)) { - try { - session.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } - } - this.sessionById = {}; - - for (const connect of this.serverConnects) { - destroyConnection(connect); - } - this.secureContexts = {}; - try { - this.httpServer.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } - - try { - for (const session of this.http2Sessions) { - session.destroy(); - } - this.http2Sessions.clear(); - this.http2Server.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } - try { - this.httpsServer.close(); - } catch (err) { - errors.push(err); - } -; - - log.stats('MitmProxy.Closed', { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - parentLogId: startLogId, - closeErrors: errors, - }); - } - - /////// RequestSessions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - public registerSession(session: RequestSession, isDefault: boolean): void { - const { sessionId } = session; - this.sessionById[sessionId] = session; - if (isDefault) { - this.isolatedProxyForSessionId = sessionId; - } else { - // if not default, need to clear out entries - session.once('close', () => { - setTimeout(() => this.removeSessionTracking(sessionId), 1e3).unref(); - }); - } - } - - public removeSessionTracking(sessionId: string): void { - const ports = this.portsBySessionId[sessionId] || []; - for (const port of ports) { - delete this.sessionIdByPort[port]; - } - delete this.portsBySessionId[sessionId]; - delete this.sessionById[sessionId]; - } - - protected async listen(): Promise { - await startServer(this.httpServer, this.options.port ?? 0); - await startServer(this.httpsServer); - await startServer(this.http2Server); - - // don't listen for errors until server already started -, 'error', this.onGenericHttpError.bind(this, false)); -, 'error', this.onGenericHttpError.bind(this, true)); -, 'error', this.onGenericHttpError.bind(this, true)); - - return this; - } - - private async onHttpRequest( - isSSL: boolean, - clientToProxyRequest: http.IncomingMessage | http2.Http2ServerRequest, - proxyToClientResponse: http.ServerResponse | http2.Http2ServerResponse, - ): Promise { - const sessionId = this.readSessionId( - clientToProxyRequest.headers, - clientToProxyRequest.socket.remotePort, - ); - if (!sessionId) { - return RequestSession.sendNeedsAuth(proxyToClientResponse.socket); - } - - const requestSession = this.sessionById[sessionId]; - if (requestSession?.isClosing) return; - - if (!requestSession) { - log.warn('MitmProxy.RequestWithoutSession', { - sessionId, - isSSL, - host: ?? clientToProxyRequest.headers[':authority'], - url: clientToProxyRequest.url, - }); - proxyToClientResponse.writeHead(504); - return proxyToClientResponse.end(); - } - - if (requestSession.bypassAllWithEmptyResponse) { - return proxyToClientResponse.end(emptyResponse); - } - - try { - await HttpRequestHandler.onRequest({ - isSSL, - requestSession, - clientToProxyRequest, - proxyToClientResponse, - }); - } catch (error) { - // this can only happen during processing of request - log.warn('MitmProxy.ErrorProcessingRequest', { - sessionId, - isSSL, - error, - host: ?? clientToProxyRequest.headers[':authority'], - url: clientToProxyRequest.url, - }); - try { - proxyToClientResponse.writeHead(400); - proxyToClientResponse.end('Bad request'); - } catch (e) { - // don't double throw or log - } - } - } - - private async onHttpUpgrade( - isSSL: boolean, - clientToProxyRequest: IncomingMessage, - socket: Socket, - head: Buffer, - ): Promise { - // socket resumes in HttpUpgradeHandler.upgradeResponseHandler - socket.pause(); - const sessionId = this.readSessionId( - clientToProxyRequest.headers, - clientToProxyRequest.socket.remotePort, - ); - if (!sessionId) { - return RequestSession.sendNeedsAuth(socket); - } - const requestSession = this.sessionById[sessionId]; - if (requestSession?.isClosing) return; - - if (!requestSession) { - log.warn('MitmProxy.UpgradeRequestWithoutSession', { - sessionId, - isSSL, - host:, - url: clientToProxyRequest.url, - }); - return socket.end('HTTP/1.1 504 Proxy Error\r\n\r\n'); - } - - try { - await HttpUpgradeHandler.onUpgrade({ - isSSL, - socket, - head, - requestSession, - clientToProxyRequest, - }); - } catch (error) { - this.onClientError(false, error, socket); - } - } - - private async onHttpConnect( - request: http.IncomingMessage, - socket: net.Socket, - head: Buffer, - ): Promise { - if (this.isClosing) return; - const sessionId = this.readSessionId(request.headers, request.socket.remotePort); - if (!sessionId) { - return RequestSession.sendNeedsAuth(socket); - } - this.serverConnects.add(socket); - socket.on('error', error => { - this.onConnectError(request.url, 'ClientToProxy.ConnectError', error); - this.serverConnects.delete(socket); - }); - - socket.write('HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n'); - // we need first byte of data to detect if request is SSL encrypted - if (!head || head.length === 0) { - head = await new Promise(resolve => socket.once('data', resolve)); - } - - socket.pause(); - - let proxyToProxyPort = this.httpPort; - - // for https we create a new connect back to the https server so we can have the proper cert and see the traffic - if (MitmProxy.isTlsByte(head)) { - // URL is in the form 'hostname:port' - const [hostname, port] = request.url.split(':', 2); - - if (!this.secureContexts[hostname]) { - this.secureContexts[hostname] = this.addSecureContext(hostname); - } - - let isHttp2 = true; - try { - const requestSession = this.sessionById[sessionId]; - if ( - requestSession.bypassAllWithEmptyResponse || - requestSession.shouldInterceptRequest(`https://${hostname}:${port}`) || - requestSession.shouldInterceptRequest(`https://${hostname}`) - ) { - isHttp2 = false; - } else { - const hero = requestSession.requestAgent; - isHttp2 = await hero.isHostAlpnH2(hostname, port); - } - } catch (error) { - if (error instanceof CanceledPromiseError) return; - log.warn('Connect.AlpnLookupError', { - hostname, - error, - sessionId, - }); - } - - try { - await this.secureContexts[hostname]; - } catch (error) { - if (error instanceof CanceledPromiseError) return; - this.onConnectError(request.url, 'ClientToProxy.GenerateCertError', error); - this.serverConnects.delete(socket); - return; - } - - if (isHttp2) { - proxyToProxyPort = this.http2Port; - } else { - proxyToProxyPort = this.httpsPort; - } - } - - const connectedPromise = createPromise(); - const proxyConnection = net.connect( - { port: proxyToProxyPort, allowHalfOpen: false }, - connectedPromise.resolve, - ); - this.serverConnects.add(proxyConnection); - proxyConnection.on('error', error => { - this.onConnectError(request.url, 'ProxyToProxy.ConnectError', error); - if (!socket.destroyed && socket.writable && socket.readable) { - socket.destroy(error); - } - }); - - proxyConnection.once('end', () => this.serverConnects.delete(proxyConnection)); - socket.once('end', () => this.serverConnects.delete(socket)); - - proxyConnection.once('close', () => destroyConnection(socket)); - socket.once('close', () => destroyConnection(proxyConnection)); - - await connectedPromise; - this.registerProxySession(proxyConnection, sessionId); - - socket.setNoDelay(true); - proxyConnection.setNoDelay(true); - // create a tunnel back to the same proxy - socket.pipe(proxyConnection).pipe(socket); - if (head.length) socket.emit('data', head); - socket.resume(); - } - - private onHttp2Session(session: http2.ServerHttp2Session): void { - this.http2Sessions.add(session); -, 'close', () => this.http2Sessions.delete(session)); - } - - /////// ERROR HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - private onGenericHttpError(isHttp2: boolean, error: Error): void { - const logLevel = this.isClosing ? 'stats' : 'error'; - log[logLevel](`Mitm.Http${isHttp2 ? '2' : ''}ServerError`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - error, - }); - } - - private onClientError(isHttp2: boolean, error: Error, socket: net.Socket): void { - if ((error as any).code === 'ECONNRESET' || !socket.writable) { - return; - } - const kind = isHttp2 ? 'Http2.SessionError' : 'Http2.ClientError'; - log.error(`Mitm.${kind}`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - error, - socketAddress: socket.address(), - }); - - try { - socket.end('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n'); - } catch (e) { - // just drown these - } - } - - private onConnectError(hostname: string, errorKind: string, error: Error): void { - const errorCodes = [(error as any).errno, (error as any).code]; - if (errorCodes.includes('ECONNRESET')) { -`Got ECONNRESET on Proxy Connect, ignoring.`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - hostname, - }); - } else if (errorCodes.includes('ECONNABORTED')) { -`Got ECONNABORTED on Proxy Connect, ignoring.`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - hostname, - }); - } else if (errorCodes.includes('ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT')) { -`Got ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT on Proxy Connect, ignoring.`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - hostname, - errorKind, - }); - } else if (errorCodes.includes('EPIPE')) { -`Got EPIPE on Proxy Connect, ignoring.`, { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - hostname, - errorKind, - }); - } else { - const logLevel = this.isClosing ? 'stats' : 'error'; - log[logLevel]('MitmConnectError', { - sessionId: this.isolatedProxyForSessionId, - errorKind, - error, - errorCodes, - hostname, - }); - } - } - - private async addSecureContext(hostname: string): Promise { - if (hostname.includes(':')) hostname = hostname.split(':').shift(); - - const cert = await MitmProxy.getCertificate(hostname); - this.http2Server.addContext(hostname, cert); - this.httpsServer.addContext(hostname, cert); - } - - /////// SESSION ID MGMT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - private readSessionId( - requestHeaders: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }, - remotePort: number, - ): string { - if (this.isolatedProxyForSessionId) return this.isolatedProxyForSessionId; - - const authHeader = requestHeaders['proxy-authorization'] as string; - if (!authHeader) { - return this.sessionIdByPort[remotePort]; - } - - const [, sessionId] = Buffer.from(authHeader.split(' ')[1], 'base64').toString().split(':'); - return sessionId; - } - - private registerProxySession(loopbackProxySocket: net.Socket, sessionId: string): void { - // local port is the side that originates from our http server - this.portsBySessionId[sessionId] ??= new Set(); - this.portsBySessionId[sessionId].add(loopbackProxySocket.localPort); - this.sessionIdByPort[loopbackProxySocket.localPort] = sessionId; - } - - public static async start(sslCaDir?: string): Promise { - if (this.certificateGenerator == null) { - const baseDir = sslCaDir ?? defaultStorageDirectory; - if (!Fs.existsSync(baseDir)) { - Fs.mkdirSync(baseDir, { recursive: true }); - } - - this.networkDb = new NetworkDb(baseDir); - this.certificateGenerator = new CertificateGenerator({ storageDir: baseDir }); - } - const proxy = new MitmProxy({}); - - await proxy.listen(); - return proxy; - } - - public static close(): void { - if (this.certificateGenerator) { - try { - this.certificateGenerator.close(); - } catch (err) { - // closing, so don't rebroadcast - } - this.certificateGenerator = null; - } - if (this.networkDb) { - try { - this.networkDb.close(); - } catch (err) { - // closing, so don't rebroadcast - } - this.networkDb = null; - } - } - - private static async getCertificate(host: string): Promise<{ cert: Buffer; key: Buffer }> { - const { networkDb, certificateGenerator } = this; - - if (!certificateGenerator) return null; - - await certificateGenerator.waitForConnected; - const existing = networkDb.certificates.get(host); - if (existing) { - return { - key: existing.key, - cert: existing.pem, - }; - } - // if it doesn't exist, generate now - const { expireDate, cert, key } = await certificateGenerator.generateCerts(host); - networkDb.certificates.insert({ host, pem: cert, expireDate, key }); - return { key, cert }; - } - - private static isTlsByte(buffer: Buffer): boolean { - // check for clienthello byte - return buffer[0] === 0x16; - } -} - -function destroyConnection(socket: net.Socket): void { - try { - socket.destroy(); - } catch (e) { - // nothing to do - } -} - -function startServer( - server: http.Server | http2.Http2SecureServer, - listenPort?: number, -): Promise { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - try { - server.once('error', reject); - server.listen(listenPort, resolve); - } catch (err) { - reject(err); - } - }); -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent.ts b/mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 40ca85bd2..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import { ClientHttp2Session, Http2ServerRequest } from 'http2'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import MitmSocketSession from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import ITcpSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITcpSettings'; -import ITlsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITlsSettings'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import MitmRequestContext from './MitmRequestContext'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import HeadersHandler from '../handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; -import SocketPool from './SocketPool'; -import Http2PushPromiseHandler from '../handlers/Http2PushPromiseHandler'; -import Http2SessionBinding from './Http2SessionBinding'; -import IHttpSocketConnectOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketConnectOptions'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -// TODO: this is off by default because golang 1.14 has an issue verifying certain certificate authorities: -// -// -const allowUnverifiedCertificates = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE ?? 'true')); - -export default class MitmRequestAgent { - public static defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin = 6; - public socketSession: MitmSocketSession; - private session: RequestSession; - private readonly maxConnectionsPerOrigin: number; - private readonly events = new EventSubscriber(); - private readonly socketPoolByOrigin = new Map(); - private readonly socketPoolByResolvedHost = new Map(); - - constructor(session: RequestSession) { - this.session = session; - - const tcpSettings: ITcpSettings = {}; - const tlsSettings: ITlsSettings = {}; - session.plugins.onTcpConfiguration(tcpSettings); - session.plugins.onTlsConfiguration(tlsSettings); - - this.socketSession = new MitmSocketSession(session.sessionId, { - rejectUnauthorized: allowUnverifiedCertificates === false, - clientHelloId: tlsSettings?.tlsClientHelloId, - tcpTtl: tcpSettings?.tcpTtl, - tcpWindowSize: tcpSettings?.tcpWindowSize, - }); - this.maxConnectionsPerOrigin = - tlsSettings?.socketsPerOrigin ?? MitmRequestAgent.defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin; - } - - public async request( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - ): Promise { - const url = ctx.url; - - const requestSettings: https.RequestOptions = { - method: ctx.method, - path: url.pathname +, - host: url.hostname, - port: url.port || (ctx.isSSL ? 443 : 80), - headers: ctx.requestHeaders, - rejectUnauthorized: allowUnverifiedCertificates === false, - // @ts-ignore - insecureHTTPParser: true, // if we don't include this setting, invalid characters in http requests will blow up responses - }; - - await this.assignSocket(ctx, requestSettings as any); - - ctx.cacheHandler.onRequest(); - - ctx.setState(ResourceState.BeforeSendRequest); - - if (ctx.isServerHttp2) { - // NOTE: must come after connect to know if http2 - await ctx.requestSession.plugins.beforeHttpRequest(ctx); - HeadersHandler.prepareRequestHeadersForHttp2(ctx); - return this.http2Request(ctx); - } - - if (! && !ctx.requestHeaders.Host) { - ctx.requestHeaders.Host =; - } - HeadersHandler.cleanProxyHeaders(ctx); - await ctx.requestSession.plugins.beforeHttpRequest(ctx); - - requestSettings.headers = ctx.requestHeaders; - return this.http1Request(ctx, requestSettings); - } - - public freeSocket(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): void { - if (ctx.isUpgrade || ctx.isServerHttp2 || this.session.isClosing) { - return; - } - const headers = ctx.responseOriginalHeaders; - let isCloseRequested = false; - - if (headers) { - if (headers.Connection === 'close' || headers.connection === 'close') { - isCloseRequested = true; - } - } - const socket = ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket; - - if (!socket.isReusable() || isCloseRequested) { - return socket.close(); - } - - socket.isReused = true; - - const pool = this.getSocketPoolByOrigin(ctx.url.origin); - pool?.freeSocket(ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket); - } - - public close(): void { - if (!this.socketSession) return; - try { - this.socketSession.close(); - this.socketSession = null; - } catch (err) { - // don't need to log closing sessions - } - for (const pool of this.socketPoolByOrigin.values()) { - pool.close(); - } - this.socketPoolByOrigin.clear(); - this.socketPoolByResolvedHost.clear(); -; - this.session = null; - } - - public async isHostAlpnH2(hostname: string, port: string): Promise { - const pool = this.getSocketPoolByOrigin(`${hostname}:${port}`); - - const options = { host: hostname, port, isSsl: true, keepAlive: true, servername: hostname }; - return await pool.isHttp2(false, () => this.createSocketConnection(options)); - } - - public async createSocketConnection(options: IHttpSocketConnectOptions): Promise { - const session = this.session; - - const dnsLookupTime = new Date(); - const ipIfNeeded = await session.lookupDns(; - - const mitmSocket = new MitmSocket(session.sessionId, { - host: ipIfNeeded ||, - port: String(options.port), - isSsl: options.isSsl, - servername: options.servername ||, - keepAlive: options.keepAlive, - isWebsocket: options.isWebsocket, - keylogPath: process.env.SSLKEYLOGFILE, - }); - mitmSocket.dnsResolvedIp = ipIfNeeded; - mitmSocket.dnsLookupTime = dnsLookupTime; -, 'connect', () => - session.emit('socket-connect', { socket: mitmSocket }), - ); - - if (session.upstreamProxyUrl) { - mitmSocket.setProxyUrl(session.upstreamProxyUrl); - } - - await mitmSocket.connect(this.socketSession, 10e3); - - if (options.isWebsocket) { - mitmSocket.socket.setNoDelay(true); - mitmSocket.socket.setTimeout(0); - } - return mitmSocket; - } - - private async assignSocket( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - options: IHttpSocketConnectOptions & { headers: IResourceHeaders }, - ): Promise { - ctx.setState(ResourceState.GetSocket); - const pool = this.getSocketPoolByOrigin(ctx.url.origin); - - options.isSsl = ctx.isSSL; - options.keepAlive = !( - (options.headers.connection ?? options.headers.Connection) as string - )?.match(/close/i); - options.isWebsocket = ctx.isUpgrade; - - const mitmSocket = await pool.getSocket(options.isWebsocket, () => - this.createSocketConnection(options), - ); - MitmRequestContext.assignMitmSocket(ctx, mitmSocket); - return mitmSocket; - } - - private getSocketPoolByOrigin(origin: string): SocketPool { - let lookup = origin.split('://').pop(); - if (!lookup.includes(':') && origin.includes('://')) { - const isSecure = origin.startsWith('wss://') || origin.startsWith('https://'); - if (isSecure) lookup += ':443'; - else lookup += ':80'; - } - if (!this.socketPoolByOrigin.has(lookup)) { - this.socketPoolByOrigin.set( - lookup, - new SocketPool(lookup, this.maxConnectionsPerOrigin, this.session), - ); - } - - return this.socketPoolByOrigin.get(lookup); - } - - private async http1Request( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - requestSettings: http.RequestOptions, - ): Promise { - const httpModule = ctx.isSSL ? https : http; - ctx.setState(ResourceState.CreateProxyToServerRequest); - - let didHaveFlushErrors = false; - - ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.receivedEOF = false; - const request = httpModule.request({ - ...requestSettings, - createConnection: () => ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.socket, - agent: null, - }); - - function initError(error): void { - if (error.code === 'ECONNRESET') { - didHaveFlushErrors = true; - return; - } -`MitmHttpRequest.Http1SendRequestError`, { - sessionId: ctx.requestSession.sessionId, - request: requestSettings, - error, - }); - } - - request.once('error', initError); - - let callbackArgs: any[]; - request.once('response', (...args: any[]) => { - callbackArgs = args; - }); - request.once('upgrade', (...args: any[]) => { - callbackArgs = args; - }); - - // we have to rebroadcast because this function is async, so the handlers can register late - const rebroadcastMissedEvent = ( - event: string, - handler: (...args: any[]) => void, - ): http.ClientRequest => { - if ((event === 'response' || event === 'upgrade') && callbackArgs) { - handler(...callbackArgs); - callbackArgs = null; - } - // hand off to another fn - if (event === 'error')'error', initError); - return request; - }; - const originalOn = request.on.bind(request); - const originalOnce = request.once.bind(request); - request.on = function onOverride(event, handler): http.ClientRequest { - originalOn(event, handler); - return rebroadcastMissedEvent(event, handler); - }; - request.once = function onOverride(event, handler): http.ClientRequest { - originalOnce(event, handler); - return rebroadcastMissedEvent(event, handler); - }; - - // if re-using, we need to make sure the connection can still be written to by probing it - if (ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.isReused) { - if (!request.headersSent) request.flushHeaders(); - // give this 100 ms to flush (go is on a wait timer right now) - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - if ( - didHaveFlushErrors || - ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.isClosing || - ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.receivedEOF - ) { - const socket = ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket; - socket.close(); - await this.assignSocket(ctx, requestSettings as any); - return this.http1Request(ctx, requestSettings); - } - } - return request; - } - - /////// ////////// Http2 helpers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - private async http2Request(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): Promise { - const client = await this.createHttp2Session(ctx); - ctx.setState(ResourceState.CreateProxyToServerRequest); - const weight = (ctx.clientToProxyRequest as Http2ServerRequest).stream?.state?.weight; - - return client.request(ctx.requestHeaders, { waitForTrailers: true, weight, exclusive: true }); - } - - private async createHttp2Session(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): Promise { - const origin = ctx.url.origin; - let originSocketPool: SocketPool; - let resolvedHost: string; - if (ctx.dnsResolvedIp) { - const port = ctx.url.port || (ctx.isSSL ? 443 : 80); - resolvedHost = `${ctx.dnsResolvedIp}:${port}`; - originSocketPool = this.socketPoolByResolvedHost.get(resolvedHost); - } - originSocketPool ??= this.getSocketPoolByOrigin(origin); - - if (resolvedHost && !this.socketPoolByResolvedHost.has(resolvedHost)) { - this.socketPoolByResolvedHost.set(resolvedHost, originSocketPool); - } - - const existing = originSocketPool.getHttp2Session(); - if (existing) return existing.client; - - const clientToProxyH2Session = (ctx.clientToProxyRequest as Http2ServerRequest).stream?.session; - - ctx.setState(ResourceState.CreateH2Session); - - const settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings = { - settings: clientToProxyH2Session?.remoteSettings, - localWindowSize: clientToProxyH2Session?.state.localWindowSize, - }; - if (ctx.requestSession.plugins.onHttp2SessionConnect) { - await ctx.requestSession.plugins.onHttp2SessionConnect(ctx, settings); - } - - const connectPromise = new Resolvable(); - const proxyToServerH2Client = http2.connect( - origin, - { - settings: settings.settings, - createConnection: () => ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket.socket, - }, - async remoteSession => { - if ('setLocalWindowSize' in remoteSession && settings.localWindowSize) { - // @ts-ignore - remoteSession.setLocalWindowSize(settings.localWindowSize); - await new Promise(setImmediate); - } - connectPromise.resolve(); - }, - ); - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - const binding = new Http2SessionBinding( - clientToProxyH2Session, - proxyToServerH2Client, -, - { - sessionId: this.session.sessionId, - origin, - }, - ); -, 'stream', async (stream, headers, flags, rawHeaders) => { - try { - const pushPromise = new Http2PushPromiseHandler(ctx, stream, headers, flags, rawHeaders); - await pushPromise.onRequest(); - } catch (error) { - log.warn('Http2.ClientToProxy.ReadPushPromiseError', { - sessionId: this.session.sessionId, - rawHeaders, - error, - }); - } - }); -, 'origin', origins => { - for (const svcOrigin of origins) { - this.getSocketPoolByOrigin(svcOrigin).registerHttp2Session( - proxyToServerH2Client, - ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket, - ); - } - }); - - originSocketPool.registerHttp2Session(proxyToServerH2Client, ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket); - - await connectPromise; - return proxyToServerH2Client; - } -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext.ts b/mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d2f065662..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/MitmRequestContext.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; -import * as http from 'http'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import IResourceRequest from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceRequest'; -import { TLSSocket } from 'tls'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import OriginType, { isOriginType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/OriginType'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import IResourceResponse from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceResponse'; -import { IPuppetResourceRequest } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetNetworkEvents'; -import HttpResponseCache from './HttpResponseCache'; -import HeadersHandler from '../handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import { IRequestSessionResponseEvent } from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import CacheHandler from '../handlers/CacheHandler'; -import IMitmRequestContext from '../interfaces/IMitmRequestContext'; -import { parseRawHeaders } from './Utils'; -import ResourceState from '../interfaces/ResourceState'; - -export default class MitmRequestContext { - private static contextIdCounter = 0; - - public static createFromPuppetResourceRequest( - resourceLoadDetails: IPuppetResourceRequest, - ): IMitmRequestContext { - return { - id: (this.contextIdCounter += 1), - ...resourceLoadDetails, - requestOriginalHeaders: { ...resourceLoadDetails.requestHeaders }, - didInterceptResource: !!resourceLoadDetails.browserBlockedReason, - cacheHandler: null, - clientToProxyRequest: null, - stateChanges: new Map([[ResourceState.End, new Date()]]), - setState() {}, - }; - } - - public static create( - params: Pick< - IMitmRequestContext, - 'requestSession' | 'isSSL' | 'clientToProxyRequest' | 'proxyToClientResponse' | 'isUpgrade' - >, - responseCache: HttpResponseCache, - ): IMitmRequestContext { - const { isSSL, proxyToClientResponse, clientToProxyRequest, requestSession, isUpgrade } = - params; - - const protocol = isUpgrade ? 'ws' : 'http'; - const expectedProtocol = `${protocol}${isSSL ? 's' : ''}:`; - - let url: URL; - if ( - clientToProxyRequest.url.startsWith('http://') || - clientToProxyRequest.url.startsWith('https://') || - clientToProxyRequest.url.startsWith('ws://') || - clientToProxyRequest.url.startsWith('wss://') - ) { - url = new URL(clientToProxyRequest.url); - } else { - let providedHost = ( ?? - clientToProxyRequest.headers[':authority'] ?? - '') as string; - if (providedHost.endsWith('/')) providedHost = providedHost.slice(0, -1); - if ( - providedHost.startsWith('http://') || - providedHost.startsWith('https://') || - providedHost.startsWith('ws://') || - providedHost.startsWith('wss://') - ) { - providedHost = providedHost.split('://').slice(1).join('://'); - } - // build urls in two steps because URL constructor will bomb on valid WHATWG urls with path - url = new URL(`${expectedProtocol}//${providedHost}${clientToProxyRequest.url}`); - } - - if (url.protocol !== expectedProtocol) { - url.protocol = expectedProtocol; - } - const state = new Map(); - const requestHeaders = parseRawHeaders(clientToProxyRequest.rawHeaders); - const ctx: IMitmRequestContext = { - id: (this.contextIdCounter += 1), - isSSL, - isUpgrade, - isServerHttp2: false, - isHttp2Push: false, - method: clientToProxyRequest.method, - url, - requestSession, - requestHeaders, - requestOriginalHeaders: parseRawHeaders(clientToProxyRequest.rawHeaders), - clientToProxyRequest, - proxyToClientResponse, - requestTime:, - protocol: (clientToProxyRequest.socket as TLSSocket)?.alpnProtocol || 'http/1.1', - documentUrl: clientToProxyRequest.headers.origin as string, - originType: this.getOriginType(url, requestHeaders), - didInterceptResource: false, - cacheHandler: null, - stateChanges: state, - setState(stateStep: ResourceState) { - state.set(stateStep, new Date()); - requestSession.emit('resource-state', { context: ctx, state: stateStep }); - }, - events: new EventSubscriber(), - }; - - if (protocol === 'ws') { - ctx.resourceType = 'Websocket'; - } - - ctx.cacheHandler = new CacheHandler(responseCache, ctx); - return ctx; - } - - public static createFromHttp2Push( - parentContext: IMitmRequestContext, - rawHeaders: string[], - ): IMitmRequestContext { - const requestHeaders = parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders); - const url = new URL( - `${parentContext.url.protocol}//${requestHeaders[':authority']}${requestHeaders[':path']}`, - ); - const state = new Map(); - const { requestSession } = parentContext; - const ctx = { - id: (this.contextIdCounter += 1), - url, - method: requestHeaders[':method'], - isServerHttp2: parentContext.isServerHttp2, - requestSession, - protocol: parentContext.protocol, - remoteAddress: parentContext.remoteAddress, - localAddress: parentContext.localAddress, - originType: parentContext.originType, - isUpgrade: false, - isSSL: parentContext.isSSL, - hasUserGesture: parentContext.hasUserGesture, - isHttp2Push: true, - requestOriginalHeaders: parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders), - requestHeaders, - responseHeaders: null, - responseUrl: null, - responseTrailers: null, - clientToProxyRequest: null, - proxyToClientResponse: null, - serverToProxyResponseStream: null, - proxyToServerRequest: null, - requestTime:, - didInterceptResource: false, - cacheHandler: null, - stateChanges: state, - setState(stateStep: ResourceState) { - state.set(stateStep, new Date()); - requestSession.emit('resource-state', { context: ctx, state: stateStep }); - }, - events: new EventSubscriber(), - } as IMitmRequestContext; - - ctx.cacheHandler = new CacheHandler(parentContext.cacheHandler.responseCache, ctx); - return ctx; - } - - public static toEmittedResource(ctx: IMitmRequestContext): IRequestSessionResponseEvent { - const request: IResourceRequest = { - url: ctx.url?.href, - headers: ctx.requestHeaders, - method: ctx.method, - timestamp: ctx.requestTime, - }; - - const response: IResourceResponse = { - url: ctx.responseUrl, - statusCode: ctx.originalStatus ?? ctx.status, - statusMessage: ctx.statusMessage, - headers: ctx.responseHeaders, - trailers: ctx.responseTrailers, - timestamp: ctx.responseTime, - browserServedFromCache: ctx.browserServedFromCache, - browserLoadFailure: ctx.browserLoadFailure, - browserLoadedTime: ctx.browserLoadedTime, - remoteAddress: ctx.remoteAddress, - }; - - return { - id:, - browserRequestId: ctx.browserRequestId, - url: ctx.url, - frameId: ctx.browserFrameId, - request, - response, - postData: ctx.requestPostData, - documentUrl: ctx.documentUrl, - redirectedToUrl: ctx.redirectedToUrl, - wasCached: ctx.cacheHandler?.didProposeCachedResource ?? false, - wasIntercepted: ctx.didInterceptResource, - resourceType: ctx.resourceType, - body: ctx.cacheHandler?.buffer, - localAddress: ctx.localAddress, - dnsResolvedIp: ctx.dnsResolvedIp, - originalHeaders: ctx.requestOriginalHeaders, - responseOriginalHeaders: ctx.responseOriginalHeaders, - socketId: ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket?.id, - protocol: ctx.protocol, - serverAlpn: ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket?.alpn, - executionMillis: (ctx.responseTime ?? - ctx.requestTime, - isHttp2Push: ctx.isHttp2Push, - browserBlockedReason: ctx.browserBlockedReason, - browserCanceled: ctx.browserCanceled, - }; - } - - public static assignMitmSocket(ctx: IMitmRequestContext, mitmSocket: MitmSocket): void { - ctx.proxyToServerMitmSocket = mitmSocket; - ctx.dnsResolvedIp = mitmSocket.dnsResolvedIp; - ctx.isServerHttp2 = mitmSocket.isHttp2(); - ctx.localAddress = mitmSocket.localAddress; - ctx.remoteAddress = mitmSocket.remoteAddress; - } - - public static getOriginType(url: URL, headers: IResourceHeaders): OriginType { - if (isOriginType(headers['Sec-Fetch-Site'] as string)) { - return headers['Sec-Fetch-Site'] as OriginType; - } - - let origin = (headers.Origin ?? headers.origin) as string; - if (!origin) { - const referer = (headers.Referer ?? headers.referer) as string; - if (referer) origin = new URL(referer).origin; - } - let originType: OriginType = 'none'; - if (origin) { - const urlOrigin = url.origin; - if (urlOrigin === origin) { - originType = 'same-origin'; - } else if (urlOrigin.includes(origin) || origin.includes(urlOrigin)) { - originType = 'same-site'; - } else { - originType = 'cross-site'; - } - } - return originType; - } - - public static readHttp1Response(ctx: IMitmRequestContext, response: http.IncomingMessage): void { - ctx.status = response.statusCode; - ctx.originalStatus = response.statusCode; - ctx.statusMessage = response.statusMessage; - - ctx.responseUrl = response.url; - ctx.responseTime =; - ctx.serverToProxyResponse = response; - ctx.responseOriginalHeaders = parseRawHeaders(response.rawHeaders); - ctx.responseHeaders = HeadersHandler.cleanResponseHeaders(ctx, ctx.responseOriginalHeaders); - - const redirectUrl = HeadersHandler.checkForRedirectResponseLocation(ctx); - if (redirectUrl) { - ctx.redirectedToUrl = redirectUrl.href; - ctx.responseUrl = ctx.redirectedToUrl; - } - } - - public static readHttp2Response( - ctx: IMitmRequestContext, - response: http2.ClientHttp2Stream, - statusCode: number, - rawHeaders: string[], - ): void { - const headers = parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders); - ctx.status = statusCode; - ctx.originalStatus = statusCode; - ctx.responseTime =; - ctx.serverToProxyResponse = response; - ctx.responseOriginalHeaders = headers; - ctx.responseHeaders = HeadersHandler.cleanResponseHeaders(ctx, headers); - - const redirectUrl = HeadersHandler.checkForRedirectResponseLocation(ctx); - if (redirectUrl) { - ctx.redirectedToUrl = redirectUrl.href; - ctx.responseUrl = ctx.redirectedToUrl; - } - } -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/SocketPool.ts b/mitm/lib/SocketPool.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b56519155..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/SocketPool.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -import Queue from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Queue'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import { ClientHttp2Session } from 'http2'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -export default class SocketPool { - public alpn: string; - public isClosing = false; - private readonly events = new EventSubscriber(); - private all = new Set(); - private pooled = 0; - private free = new Set(); - private pending: Resolvable[] = []; - private readonly http2Sessions: IHttp2Session[] = []; - private queue: Queue; - private logger: IBoundLog; - - constructor(origin: string, readonly maxConnections, readonly session: RequestSession) { - this.logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId: session.sessionId, origin }); - this.queue = new Queue('SOCKET TO ORIGIN'); - } - - public freeSocket(socket: MitmSocket): void { -; - const pending = this.pending.shift(); - if (pending) { - pending.resolve(); - } - } - - public async isHttp2( - isWebsocket: boolean, - createSocket: () => Promise, - ): Promise { - if (this.alpn) return this.alpn === 'h2'; - if (this.queue.isActive) { - // eslint-disable-next-line require-await - const alpn = await => Promise.resolve(this.alpn)); - if (alpn) return alpn === 'h2'; - } - const socket = await this.getSocket(isWebsocket, createSocket); - this.freeSocket(socket); - return socket.isHttp2(); - } - - public getSocket( - isWebsocket: boolean, - createSocket: () => Promise, - ): Promise { - return () => { - const http2Session = this.getHttp2Session(); - if (http2Session && !isWebsocket) { - return Promise.resolve(http2Session.mitmSocket); - } - - if (this.pooled >= this.maxConnections && (this.pending.length || === 0)) { - const pending = new Resolvable(); - this.pending.push(pending); - await pending.promise; - } - - if ( { - const first =; -; - if (first) return first; - } - - const mitmSocket = await createSocket(); -, 'close', this.onSocketClosed.bind(this, mitmSocket)); - this.alpn = mitmSocket.alpn; - - this.all.add(mitmSocket); - - // don't put connections that can't be reused into the pool - if (!mitmSocket.isHttp2() && !isWebsocket) { - this.pooled += 1; - } - - return mitmSocket; - }); - } - - public close(): void { - this.queue.willStop(); - for (const pending of this.pending) { - pending.reject(new CanceledPromiseError('Shutting down socket pool')); - } - this.pending.length = 0; - for (const session of this.http2Sessions) { - try { - session.mitmSocket.close(); - session.client.destroy(); - session.client.unref(); - if (!session.client.socket.destroyed) session.client.socket.destroy(); - session.client.close(); - } catch (err) { - // don't need to log closing sessions - } - } - this.http2Sessions.length = 0; - for (const socket of this.all) { - socket.close(); - } -; - this.all.clear(); -; - this.queue.stop(new CanceledPromiseError('Shutting down socket pool')); - } - - public getHttp2Session(): IHttp2Session | undefined { - return this.http2Sessions[0]; - } - - public registerHttp2Session(client: ClientHttp2Session, mitmSocket: MitmSocket): void { - if (this.http2Sessions.some(x => x.client === client)) return; - - const entry = { mitmSocket, client }; - this.http2Sessions.push(entry); -, 'close', () => this.closeHttp2Session(entry)); -, 'goaway', () => this.closeHttp2Session(entry)); - } - - private onSocketClosed(socket: MitmSocket): void { - this.logger.stats('Socket closed'); - this.session.emit('socket-close', { socket }); - -; - if (this.all.delete(socket)) { - this.pooled -= 1; - } - - if (this.session.isClosing || socket.isWebsocket) return; - - if (this.pooled < this.maxConnections) this.pending.shift()?.resolve(); - } - - private closeHttp2Session(session: IHttp2Session): void { - const idx = this.http2Sessions.indexOf(session); - if (idx >= 0) this.http2Sessions.splice(idx, 1); - const { mitmSocket, client } = session; - client.close(); - mitmSocket.close(); - } -} - -interface IHttp2Session { - client: ClientHttp2Session; - mitmSocket: MitmSocket; -} diff --git a/mitm/lib/Utils.ts b/mitm/lib/Utils.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a8621fec3..000000000 --- a/mitm/lib/Utils.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; - -export function parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders: string[]): IResourceHeaders { - const headers = {}; - for (let i = 0; i < rawHeaders.length; i += 2) { - const key = rawHeaders[i]; - const value = rawHeaders[i + 1]; - if (headers[key] || key.toLowerCase() === 'set-cookie') { - if (Array.isArray(headers[key])) { - headers[key].push(value); - } else if (headers[key]) { - headers[key] = [headers[key], value]; - } else { - headers[key] = [value]; - } - } else { - headers[key] = value; - } - } - return headers; -} diff --git a/mitm/package.json b/mitm/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 069b19ff9..000000000 --- a/mitm/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "@ulixee/hero-mitm", - "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Man-in-the-middle proxy to fix chrome request/response", - "main": "index.js", - "dependencies": { - "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", - "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket": "1.5.4", - "better-sqlite3": "^7.5.1", - "devtools-protocol": "^0.0.981744", - "dns-packet": "^5.2.4", - "moment": "^2.24.1" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/default-browser-emulator": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4", - "@types/ws": "^7.2.4", - "agent-base": "4.3.0", - "http-proxy-agent": "^4.0.1", - "proxy": "^1.0.1", - "ws": "^7.4.6" - } -} diff --git a/mitm/scripts/server.ts b/mitm/scripts/server.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c55d7c852..000000000 --- a/mitm/scripts/server.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -import { MitmProxy as MitmServer } from '../index'; - -(async function run() { - await MitmServer.start(); -})().catch(error => { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-console - console.log('ERROR: ', error); -}); diff --git a/mitm/test/MitmRequestAgent.test.ts b/mitm/test/MitmRequestAgent.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 350904835..000000000 --- a/mitm/test/MitmRequestAgent.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ -import { IncomingHttpHeaders, IncomingMessage } from 'http'; -import { URL } from 'url'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import * as net from 'net'; -import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import * as HttpProxyAgent from 'http-proxy-agent'; -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { getProxyAgent, runHttpsServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import MitmServer from '../lib/MitmProxy'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import HeadersHandler from '../handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import MitmRequestAgent from '../lib/MitmRequestAgent'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const browserEmulatorId =; -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -const mocks = { - HeadersHandler: { - determineResourceType: jest.spyOn(HeadersHandler, 'determineResourceType'), - }, -}; - -beforeAll(() => { - mocks.HeadersHandler.determineResourceType.mockImplementation(async () => { - return { - resourceType: 'Document', - } as any; - }); -}); - -beforeEach(() => { - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'false'; -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('should create up to a max number of secure connections per origin', async () => { - const remotePorts: number[] = []; - MitmRequestAgent.defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin = 2; - const server = await runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - remotePorts.push(req.connection.remotePort); - res.socket.setKeepAlive(true); - res.end('I am here'); - }); - const mitmServer = await startMitmServer(); - - const session = createMitmSession(mitmServer); - - // @ts-ignore - const connectionsByOrigin = session.requestAgent.socketPoolByOrigin; - - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - const promises = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { - // eslint-disable-next-line jest/valid-expect-in-promise - const p = Helpers.httpGet( - server.baseUrl, - `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`, - proxyCredentials, - { connection: 'keep-alive' }, - ).then( - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return,@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises - res => { - expect(res).toBe('I am here'); - }, - ); - promises.push(p); - } - await Promise.all(promises); - - const host = server.baseUrl.replace('https://', ''); - // @ts-ignore - expect(connectionsByOrigin.get(host).pooled).toBe(2); - await session.close(); - const uniquePorts = new Set(remotePorts); - expect(uniquePorts.size).toBe(2); -}); - -test('should create new connections as needed when no keepalive', async () => { - const remotePorts: number[] = []; - MitmRequestAgent.defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin = 1; - const server = await runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - remotePorts.push(req.connection.remotePort); - res.end('here 2'); - }); - const mitmServer = await startMitmServer(); - - const session = createMitmSession(mitmServer); - - // @ts-ignore - const connectionsByOrigin = session.requestAgent.socketPoolByOrigin; - - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - const promises = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { - // eslint-disable-next-line jest/valid-expect-in-promise - const p = Helpers.httpGet( - server.baseUrl, - `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`, - proxyCredentials, - ).then( - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return,@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises - res => { - expect(res).toBe('here 2'); - }, - ); - - promises.push(p); - } - await Promise.all(promises); - - const host = server.baseUrl.replace('https://', ''); - // they all close after use, so should be gone now - // @ts-ignore - expect(connectionsByOrigin.get(host).pooled).toBe(0); - - await session.close(); - const uniquePorts = new Set(remotePorts); - expect(uniquePorts.size).toBe(4); -}); - -test('should be able to handle a reused socket that closes on server', async () => { - MitmRequestAgent.defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin = 1; - let serverSocket: net.Socket; - const sockets = new Set(); - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer(async (req, res) => { - res.writeHead(200, { Connection: 'keep-alive' }); - res.end('Looks good'); - serverSocket = res.socket; - sockets.add(res.socket); - }); - const mitmServer = await startMitmServer(); - - const session = createMitmSession(mitmServer); - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - - { - let headers: IncomingHttpHeaders; - const response = await Helpers.httpRequest( - server.baseUrl, - 'GET', - `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`, - proxyCredentials, - { - connection: 'keep-alive', - }, - res => { - headers = res.headers; - }, - ); - expect(headers.connection).toBe('keep-alive'); - expect(response).toBe('Looks good'); - } - - // @ts-ignore - const originalFn = session.requestAgent.http1Request.bind(session.requestAgent); - - const httpRequestSpy = jest.spyOn(session.requestAgent, 'http1Request'); - httpRequestSpy.mockImplementationOnce(async (ctx, settings) => { - serverSocket.destroy(); - await new Promise(setImmediate); - return await originalFn(ctx as any, settings); - }); - - { - const request = https.request({ - host: 'localhost', - port: server.port, - method: 'GET', - path: '/', - headers: { - connection: 'keep-alive', - }, - rejectUnauthorized: false, - agent: getProxyAgent( - new URL(server.baseUrl), - `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`, - proxyCredentials, - ), - }); - const responseP = new Promise(resolve => request.on('response', resolve)); - request.end(); - const response = await responseP; - expect(response.headers.connection).toBe('keep-alive'); - const body = []; - for await (const chunk of response) { - body.push(chunk.toString()); - } - expect(body.join('')).toBe('Looks good'); - } - - expect(sockets.size).toBe(2); - expect(httpRequestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); - httpRequestSpy.mockClear(); -}); - -test('it should not put upgrade connections in a pool', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await startMitmServer(); - const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true }); - - const session = createMitmSession(mitmServer); - - httpServer.server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => { - wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, async (ws: WebSocket) => { - expect(ws).toBeTruthy(); - }); - }); - - const wsClient = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${httpServer.port}`, { - agent: HttpProxyAgent({ - host: 'localhost', - port: mitmServer.port, - auth: session.getProxyCredentials(), - }), - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => wsClient.close()); - - await new Promise(resolve => wsClient.on('open', resolve)); - - // @ts-ignore - const pool = session.requestAgent.socketPoolByOrigin.get(`localhost:${httpServer.port}`); - // @ts-ignore - expect(pool.pooled).toBe(0); -}); - -test('it should reuse http2 connections', async () => { - MitmRequestAgent.defaultMaxConnectionsPerOrigin = 4; - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((request, response) => { - response.end(request.url); - }); - const baseUrl = httpServer.baseUrl; - - const mitmServer = await startMitmServer(); - const session = createMitmSession(mitmServer); - - // @ts-ignore - const pool = session.requestAgent.socketPoolByOrigin; - - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - - const proxyUrl = `http://${proxyCredentials}@localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - const results = await Promise.all([ - Helpers.http2Get(baseUrl, { ':path': '/test1' }, session.sessionId, proxyUrl), - Helpers.http2Get(baseUrl, { ':path': '/test2' }, session.sessionId, proxyUrl), - Helpers.http2Get(baseUrl, { ':path': '/test3' }, session.sessionId, proxyUrl), - ]); - expect(results).toStrictEqual(['/test1', '/test2', '/test3']); - - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'false'; - const host = baseUrl.replace('https://', ''); - // not reusable, so should not be here - // @ts-ignore - expect(pool.get(host).pooled).toBe(0); - // @ts-ignore - expect(pool.get(host).http2Sessions).toHaveLength(1); -}); - -async function startMitmServer() { - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.onClose(() => mitmServer.close()); - return mitmServer; -} - -let counter = 1; -function createMitmSession(mitmServer: MitmServer) { - counter += 1; - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ browserEmulatorId, selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const session = new RequestSession(`${counter}`, plugins, null); - mitmServer.registerSession(session, false); - return session; -} diff --git a/mitm/test/basic.test.ts b/mitm/test/basic.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 293eb5aef..000000000 --- a/mitm/test/basic.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'http'; -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import * as HttpProxyAgent from 'http-proxy-agent'; -import * as Url from 'url'; -import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; -import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import HttpRequestHandler from '../handlers/HttpRequestHandler'; -import RequestSession, { IRequestSessionRequestEvent } from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import MitmServer from '../lib/MitmProxy'; -import HeadersHandler from '../handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import HttpUpgradeHandler from '../handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; -import { parseRawHeaders } from '../lib/Utils'; -import IBrowserRequestMatcher from '../interfaces/IBrowserRequestMatcher'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const browserEmulatorId =; -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -const mocks = { - httpRequestHandler: { - onRequest: jest.spyOn(HttpRequestHandler.prototype, 'onRequest'), - }, - HeadersHandler: { - determineResourceType: jest.spyOn(HeadersHandler, 'determineResourceType'), - }, -}; - -beforeAll(() => { - mocks.HeadersHandler.determineResourceType.mockImplementation(async () => { - return { - resourceType: 'Document', - } as any; - }); -}); - -beforeEach(() => { - mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest.mockClear(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -let sessionCounter = 1; - -describe('basic MitM tests', () => { - it('should send request through proxy', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - const res = await Helpers.httpGet(httpServer.url, proxyHost, session.getProxyCredentials()); - expect(res.includes('Hello')).toBeTruthy(); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - - await mitmServer.close(); - }); - - it('should return http1 response headers through proxy', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer({ - addToResponse(response) { - response.setHeader('x-test', ['1', '2']); - }, - }); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - let rawHeaders: string[] = null; - const res = await Helpers.httpRequest( - httpServer.url, - 'GET', - proxyHost, - session.getProxyCredentials(), - {}, - getRes => { - rawHeaders = getRes.rawHeaders; - }, - ); - const headers = parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders); - expect(res.includes('Hello')).toBeTruthy(); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - expect(headers['x-test']).toHaveLength(2); - - await mitmServer.close(); - }); - - it('should be able to man-in-the-middle an https request', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res1) => { - return res1.end('Secure as anything!'); - }); - - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; - const res = await Helpers.httpGet(server.baseUrl, proxyHost, session.getProxyCredentials()); - expect(res.includes('Secure as anything!')).toBeTruthy(); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'false'; - }); - - it('should send an https request through upstream proxy', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - const upstreamProxyHost = httpServer.url.replace(/\/$/, ''); - - let upstreamProxyConnected = false; - httpServer.on('connect', (req: http.IncomingMessage, socket: any) => { - upstreamProxyConnected = true; - socket.end(); - }); - - const session = createSession(mitmServer, upstreamProxyHost); - - await Helpers.httpGet( - '', - proxyHost, - session.getProxyCredentials(), - ).catch(); - - expect(upstreamProxyConnected).toBeTruthy(); - }); - - it('should support http calls through the mitm', async () => { - let headers: IncomingHttpHeaders; - const server = http - .createServer((req, res) => { - headers = req.headers; - return res.end('Ok'); - }) - .listen(0) - .unref(); - Helpers.onClose( - () => - new Promise(resolve => { - server.close(() => resolve()); - }), - ); - - const serverPort = (server.address() as AddressInfo).port; - - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(0); - - const res = await Helpers.httpGet( - `http://localhost:${serverPort}`, - proxyHost, - session.getProxyCredentials(), - ); - expect(res).toBe('Ok'); - expect(headers['proxy-authorization']).not.toBeTruthy(); - - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - }); - - it('should strip proxy headers', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer({ - onRequest(url, method, headers1) { - expect(url).toBe('/page1'); - expect(method).toBe('GET'); - expect(Object.keys(headers1).filter(x => x.startsWith('proxy-'))).toHaveLength(0); - expect(headers1.last).toBe('1'); - }, - }); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - - await Helpers.httpGet(`${httpServer.url}page1`, proxyHost, session.getProxyCredentials(), { - 'proxy-authorization': `Basic ${Buffer.from(session.getProxyCredentials()).toString( - 'base64', - )}`, - last: '1', - }).catch(); - - await httpServer.close(); - await mitmServer.close(); - }); - - it('should copy post data', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - - const resourcePromise = new Promise(resolve => - session.on('response', resolve), - ); - await Helpers.httpRequest( - `${httpServer.url}page2`, - 'POST', - proxyHost, - session.getProxyCredentials(), - { - 'content-type': 'application/json', - }, - null, - Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ gotData: true, isCompressed: 'no' })), - ); - - expect(session.requestedUrls).toHaveLength(1); - - const resource = await resourcePromise; - expect(resource.postData).toBeTruthy(); - expect(resource.postData.toString()).toBe( - JSON.stringify({ gotData: true, isCompressed: 'no' }), - ); - - await httpServer.close(); - await mitmServer.close(); - }); - - it('should support large post data', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - const buffers: Buffer[] = []; - const copyBuffer = Buffer.from('ASDGASDFASDWERWER@#$%#$%#$%#$%#DSFSFGDBSDFGD$%^$%^$%'); - for (let i = 0; i <= 10e4; i += 1) { - buffers.push(copyBuffer); - } - - const largeBuffer = Buffer.concat(buffers); - - const resourcePromise = new Promise(resolve => - session.on('response', resolve), - ); - await Helpers.httpRequest( - `${httpServer.url}page2`, - 'POST', - proxyHost, - proxyCredentials, - { - 'content-type': 'application/json', - }, - null, - Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ largeBuffer: largeBuffer.toString('hex') })), - ); - - const resource = await resourcePromise; - expect(session.requestedUrls).toHaveLength(1); - expect(resource.postData.toString()).toBe( - JSON.stringify({ largeBuffer: largeBuffer.toString('hex') }), - ); - - await httpServer.close(); - await mitmServer.close(); - }); - - it('should modify websocket upgrade headers', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - const upgradeSpy = jest.spyOn(HttpUpgradeHandler.prototype, 'onUpgrade'); - const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(HttpRequestHandler.prototype, 'onRequest'); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - - const serverMessages = []; - const serverMessagePromise = createPromise(); - const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true }); - const session = createSession(mitmServer); - - httpServer.server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => { - // ensure header is stripped - expect(request.headers).toBeTruthy(); - for (const key of Object.keys(session.getProxyCredentials())) { - expect(request.headers).not.toHaveProperty(key); - } - - wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, async (ws: WebSocket) => { - ws.on('message', msg => { - expect(msg).toMatch(/Hi\d+/); - serverMessages.push(msg); - if (serverMessages.length === 20) serverMessagePromise.resolve(); - }); - for (let i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) { - ws.send(`Message${i}`); - await new Promise(setImmediate); - } - }); - }); - - const wsClient = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${httpServer.port}`, { - agent: HttpProxyAgent({ - ...Url.parse(`http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`), - auth: session.getProxyCredentials(), - }), - }); - - Helpers.onClose(async () => wsClient.close()); - - const messagePromise = createPromise(); - const msgs = []; - wsClient.on('open', async () => { - wsClient.on('message', msg => { - expect(msg).toMatch(/Message\d+/); - msgs.push(msg); - if (msgs.length === 20) { - messagePromise.resolve(); - } - }); - for (let i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) { - wsClient.send(`Hi${i}`); - await new Promise(setImmediate); - } - }); - await messagePromise.promise; - await serverMessagePromise; - expect(upgradeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(requestSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - }); - - it('should intercept requests', async () => { - mocks.HeadersHandler.determineResourceType.mockRestore(); - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - const proxyHost = `http://localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - - const session = createSession(mitmServer, null, { - determineResourceType(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails) { - resource.resourceType = 'Document'; - }, - resolveBrowserRequest() {}, - cancelPending() {}, - }); - session.plugins.beforeHttpRequest = jest.fn(); - const onresponse = jest.fn(); - const onError = jest.fn(); - session.on('response', onresponse); - session.on('http-error', onError); - - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - - await Helpers.httpGet(`${httpServer.url}page1`, proxyHost, proxyCredentials); - - expect(session.plugins.beforeHttpRequest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(onresponse).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - - const [responseEvent] = onresponse.mock.calls[0]; - const { request, response, wasCached, resourceType, body } = responseEvent; - expect(body).toBeInstanceOf(Buffer); - expect(body.toString()).toBeTruthy(); - expect(response).toBeTruthy(); - expect(request.url).toBe(`${httpServer.url}page1`); - expect(resourceType).toBe('Document'); - expect(response.remoteAddress).toContain(`${httpServer.port}`); - expect(wasCached).toBe(false); - expect(onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); - mocks.HeadersHandler.determineResourceType.mockImplementation(async () => ({} as any)); - - await httpServer.close(); - await mitmServer.close(); - }); -}); - -function createSession( - mitmProxy: MitmServer, - upstreamProxyUrl: string = null, - browserMatcher?: IBrowserRequestMatcher, -) { - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ browserEmulatorId, selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const session = new RequestSession( - `${(sessionCounter += 1)}`, - plugins, - upstreamProxyUrl, - browserMatcher, - ); - mitmProxy.registerSession(session, false); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - - return session; -} diff --git a/mitm/test/dns.test.ts b/mitm/test/dns.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index adf21690f..000000000 --- a/mitm/test/dns.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -import { LookupAddress, promises as nodeDns } from 'dns'; -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import CorePlugin from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin'; -import Core from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import DnsOverTlsSocket from '../lib/DnsOverTlsSocket'; -import { Dns } from '../lib/Dns'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -const CloudFlare = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -const Google = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -const Quad9 = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -let dns: Dns; -let requestSession: RequestSession; -beforeAll(() => { - Core.use( - class CustomPlugin extends CorePlugin { - static id = 'test'; - - onTlsConfiguration(settings) { - settings.tlsClientHelloId = 'chrome-83'; - } - - onDnsConfiguration(settings) { - settings.dnsOverTlsConnection = Quad9; - } - }, - ); - const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - - requestSession = new RequestSession('dns.test', plugins, null); - Helpers.onClose(() => requestSession.close(), true); - dns = new Dns(requestSession); -}); - -afterAll(() => { - dns.close(); - return Helpers.afterAll(); -}); - -describe('DnsOverTlsSocket', () => { - let cloudflareDnsSocket: DnsOverTlsSocket; - beforeAll(() => { - cloudflareDnsSocket = new DnsOverTlsSocket( - { dnsOverTlsConnection: CloudFlare }, - requestSession, - ); - }); - afterAll(() => { - cloudflareDnsSocket.close(); - }); - - test('should be able to lookup dns records', async () => { - const response = await cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(''); - expect(response.answers).toHaveLength(1); - }); - - test('should be able to reuse the socket', async () => { - const response = await cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(''); - expect(response.answers).toHaveLength(2); - }); - - test('should be able to lookup multiple records at once', async () => { - const response = await Promise.all([ - cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(''), - cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(''), - cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(''), - ]); - expect(response).toHaveLength(3); - }); - - test('should be able to lookup with google', async () => { - let socket: DnsOverTlsSocket; - try { - socket = new DnsOverTlsSocket({ dnsOverTlsConnection: Google }, requestSession); - const response = await socket.lookupARecords(''); - expect(response.answers).toHaveLength(2); - } finally { - socket.close(); - } - }); - - test('should be able to lookup a record after a miss', async () => { - const item1 = await cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords('double-agent.collect'); - expect(item1).toBeTruthy(); - // @ts-ignore - trigger internal eof - cloudflareDnsSocket.mitmSocket.emit('eof'); - const response = await Promise.all([ - cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords('sub.double-agent.collect'), - cloudflareDnsSocket.lookupARecords(' double-agent-external.collect'), - ]); - expect(response).toHaveLength(2); - }); -}); - -test('should cache and round robin results', async () => { - const domain = ''; - const spy = jest.spyOn(dns, 'lookupDnsEntry'); - const ip = await dns.lookupIp(domain); - expect(ip).toBeTruthy(); - expect(Dns.dnsEntries.get(domain).isResolved).toBeTruthy(); - - const cached = await Dns.dnsEntries.get(domain).promise; - expect(cached.aRecords).toHaveLength(2); - - const ip2 = await dns.lookupIp(domain); - expect(ip2).toBeTruthy(); - // should round robin - expect(ip).not.toBe(ip2); - expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should lookup in the local machine if not found in DoT', async () => { - const lookupSpy = jest.spyOn(nodeDns, 'lookup').mockImplementationOnce(async () => { - return [ - { - address: '', - family: 4, - }, - ] as any; - }); - const domain = 'double-agent.collect'; - const systemLookupSpy = jest.spyOn(dns, 'systemLookup'); - - const ip = await dns.lookupIp(domain); - expect(ip).toBeTruthy(); - expect(Dns.dnsEntries.get(domain).isResolved).toBeTruthy(); - - const cached = await Dns.dnsEntries.get(domain).promise; - expect(cached.aRecords).toHaveLength(1); - expect(lookupSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(systemLookupSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -}); - -test('should properly expose errors if nothing is found', async () => { - const lookupSpy = jest.spyOn(nodeDns, 'lookup').mockClear(); - const dotLookup = jest - .spyOn(dns, 'lookupDnsEntry') - .mockClear() - .mockImplementationOnce(() => { - throw new Error('Not found'); - }); - const systemLookupSpy = jest.spyOn(dns, 'systemLookup').mockClear(); - - let unhandledErrorCalled = false; - const handler = () => { - unhandledErrorCalled = true; - }; - process.once('unhandledRejection', handler); - - try { - await dns.lookupIp(''); - } catch (error) { - expect(error.message).toMatch('Not found'); - } - - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); - expect(unhandledErrorCalled).toBe(false); - expect(dotLookup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(lookupSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); - expect(systemLookupSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); -'unhandledRejection', handler); -}); diff --git a/mitm/test/http2.test.ts b/mitm/test/http2.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1e79f45e2..000000000 --- a/mitm/test/http2.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import * as http2 from 'http2'; -import { URL } from 'url'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import MitmSocketSession from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/default-browser-emulator'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import MitmServer from '../lib/MitmProxy'; -import RequestSession from '../handlers/RequestSession'; -import HttpRequestHandler from '../handlers/HttpRequestHandler'; -import HeadersHandler from '../handlers/HeadersHandler'; -import MitmRequestContext from '../lib/MitmRequestContext'; -import { parseRawHeaders } from '../lib/Utils'; -import CacheHandler from '../handlers/CacheHandler'; -import { IncomingHttpHeaders, IncomingHttpStatusHeader } from 'http2'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const browserEmulatorId =; -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -const mocks = { - httpRequestHandler: { - onRequest: jest.spyOn(HttpRequestHandler.prototype, 'onRequest'), - }, - MitmRequestContext: { - create: jest.spyOn(MitmRequestContext, 'create'), - }, - HeadersHandler: { - determineResourceType: jest.spyOn(HeadersHandler, 'determineResourceType'), - }, -}; - -beforeAll(() => { - mocks.HeadersHandler.determineResourceType.mockImplementation(async () => { - return { - resourceType: 'Document', - } as any; - }); -}); - -process.env.MITM_ALLOW_INSECURE = 'true'; -beforeEach(() => { - mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest.mockClear(); - mocks.MitmRequestContext.create.mockClear(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('should be able to handle an http2->http2 request', async () => { - // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const - let headers: any; - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res1) => { - expect( - req.rawHeaders - .map((x, i) => { - if (i % 2 === 0) return x; - return undefined; - }) - .filter(Boolean), - ).toEqual(Object.keys(headers)); - return res1.end('h2 secure as anything!'); - }); - - headers = { - ':method': 'GET', - ':authority': `${server.baseUrl.replace('https://', '')}`, - ':scheme': 'https', - ':path': '/temp1', - 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="88", "Google Chrome";v="88", ";Not A Brand";v="99"', - 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', - 'upgrade-insecure-requests': 1, - 'user-agent': - 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36', - accept: - 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9', - 'sec-fetch-site': 'none', - 'sec-fetch-mode': 'navigate', - 'sec-fetch-user': '?1', - 'sec-fetch-dest': 'document', - 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', - 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', - }; - - const client = await createH2Connection('h2-to-h2', server.baseUrl); - - const h2stream = client.request(headers, { weight: 216 }); - const buffer = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(h2stream); - expect(buffer.toString()).toBe('h2 secure as anything!'); - - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - const call = mocks.MitmRequestContext.create.mock.calls[0]; - expect(call[0].isUpgrade).toBe(false); - expect(call[0].clientToProxyRequest).toBeInstanceOf(http2.Http2ServerRequest); -}); - -test('should handle server closing connection', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res1) => { - res1.end('h2 closing soon!'); -; - }); - - const client = await createH2Connection('h2-close', server.baseUrl); - - const h2stream = client.request({ - ':path': '/', - }); - const buffer = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(h2stream); - expect(buffer.toString()).toBe('h2 closing soon!'); -}); - -test('should send response header arrays through proxy', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res1) => { - res1.setHeader('x-test', ['1', '2']); - res1.end('headers done'); - }); - - const client = await createH2Connection('h1-to-h2-response', server.baseUrl); - - const h2stream = client.request({ - ':path': '/', - }); - const h2Headers = new Promise(resolve => { - h2stream.on('response', (headers, flags, rawHeaders) => { - resolve(rawHeaders); - }); - }); - const buffer = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(h2stream); - expect(buffer.toString()).toBe('headers done'); - - expect(mocks.httpRequestHandler.onRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1); - const headers = parseRawHeaders(await h2Headers); - expect(headers['x-test']).toHaveLength(2); -}); - -test('should support push streams', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res1) => { - res1.createPushResponse( - { - ':path': '/push1', - }, - (err, pushRes) => { - pushRes.end('Push1'); - }, - ); - res1.createPushResponse( - { - ':path': '/push2', - 'send-1': ['a', 'b'], - }, - (err, pushRes) => { - pushRes.setHeader('x-push-test', ['1', '2', '3']); - pushRes.end('Push2'); - }, - ); - res1.end('H2 response'); - }); - - const client = await createH2Connection('push-streams', server.baseUrl); - const pushRequestHeaders: { - [path: string]: { requestHeaders: IResourceHeaders; responseHeaders?: IResourceHeaders }; - } = {}; - client.on('stream', (stream, headers1, flags, rawHeaders) => { - const path = headers1[':path']; - pushRequestHeaders[path] = { requestHeaders: parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) }; - stream.on('push', (responseHeaders, responseFalgs, rawResponseHeaders) => { - pushRequestHeaders[path].responseHeaders = parseRawHeaders(rawResponseHeaders); - }); - }); - const h2stream = client.request({ ':path': '/' }); - const buffer = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(h2stream); - expect(buffer.toString()).toBe('H2 response'); - expect(pushRequestHeaders['/push1']).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pushRequestHeaders['/push2']).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pushRequestHeaders['/push2'].responseHeaders['x-push-test']).toStrictEqual([ - '1', - '2', - '3', - ]); - expect(pushRequestHeaders['/push2'].requestHeaders['send-1']).toStrictEqual(['a', 'b']); -}); - -test('should handle cache headers for h2', async () => { - const etags: string[] = []; - CacheHandler.isEnabled = true; - Helpers.onClose(() => (CacheHandler.isEnabled = false)); - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res) => { - if (req.headers[':path'] === '/cached') { - etags.push(req.headers['if-none-match'] as string); - res.setHeader('etag', '"46e2aa1bef425becb0cb4651c23fff38:1573670083.753497"'); - return res.end('cached'); - } - return res.end('bad data'); - }); - - const client = await createH2Connection('cached-etag', server.baseUrl); - const res1 = await client.request({ ':path': '/cached' }); - expect(res1).toBeTruthy(); - await new Promise(resolve => res1.once('response', resolve)); - expect(etags[0]).not.toBeTruthy(); - - const res2 = await client.request({ ':path': '/cached' }); - expect(res2).toBeTruthy(); - const result = await new Promise(resolve => - res2.once('response', resolve), - ); - expect(result[':status']).toBe(200); - expect(etags[1]).toBe('"46e2aa1bef425becb0cb4651c23fff38:1573670083.753497"'); - - const res3 = await client.request({ ':path': '/cached', 'if-none-match': 'etag2' }); - expect(res3).toBeTruthy(); - await new Promise(resolve => res3.once('response', resolve)); - expect(etags[2]).toBe('etag2'); -}); - -test('should send trailers', async () => { - const server = await Helpers.runHttp2Server((req, res1) => { - res1.writeHead(200, { header1: 'test' }); - res1.addTrailers({ - 'mr-trailer': '1', - }); - return res1.end('Trailin...'); - }); - - const client = await createH2Connection('trailers', server.baseUrl); - - const h2stream = client.request({ ':path': '/' }); - const trailers = await new Promise(resolve => h2stream.once('trailers', resolve)); - const buffer = await Helpers.readableToBuffer(h2stream); - expect(buffer.toString()).toBe('Trailin...'); - expect(trailers['mr-trailer']).toBe('1'); -}); - -async function createH2Connection(sessionIdPrefix: string, url: string) { - const hostUrl = new URL(url); - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.onClose(() => mitmServer.close()); - - const session = createSession(mitmServer, sessionIdPrefix); - const sessionId = session.sessionId; - const proxyCredentials = session.getProxyCredentials(); - const proxyHost = `http://${proxyCredentials}@localhost:${mitmServer.port}`; - const mitmSocketSession = new MitmSocketSession(sessionId, { - clientHelloId: 'chrome-72', - rejectUnauthorized: false, - }); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmSocketSession); - - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(sessionId, { - host: 'localhost', - port: hostUrl.port, - servername: 'localhost', - keepAlive: true, - isSsl: url.startsWith('https'), - proxyUrl: proxyHost, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => tlsConnection.close()); - await tlsConnection.connect(mitmSocketSession); - const client = http2.connect(url, { - createConnection: () => tlsConnection.socket, - }); - Helpers.onClose(async () => client.close()); - return client; -} - -let sessionCounter = 0; -function createSession(mitmProxy: MitmServer, sessionId = '') { - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ browserEmulatorId, selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const session = new RequestSession(`${sessionId}${(sessionCounter += 1)}`, plugins); - mitmProxy.registerSession(session, false); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - - return session; -} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index e77bba3a4..b97a65bf6 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ "@commitlint/cli": "^12.0.1", "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^12.0.1", "@types/jest": "^26.0.20", - "@types/node": "^13.13.52", + "@types/node": "^14.17.9", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.10.1", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.1.0", "awaited-dom": "^1.3.2", @@ -79,15 +79,14 @@ "core", "fullstack", "interfaces", - "plugin-utils", - "plugins/*", - "mitm", - "mitm-socket", - "puppet", - "puppet-chrome", "testing", "timetravel", - "../build/commons" + "plugin-utils", + "plugins/*", + "../build/commons", + "../../secret-agent/build/*", + "../../bureau/build/emulator-plugins/*", + "../../bureau/emulator-spec/build" ] }, "lint-staged": { diff --git a/plugin-utils/index.ts b/plugin-utils/index.ts index 6613e79b0..05faebc4e 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/index.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/index.ts @@ -1,17 +1,4 @@ -import { - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import BrowserEmulator from './lib/BrowserEmulator'; import CorePlugin from './lib/CorePlugin'; import ClientPlugin from './lib/ClientPlugin'; -export { - ClientPlugin, - CorePlugin, - BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator, - BrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, -}; +export { ClientPlugin, CorePlugin }; diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEmulator.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEmulator.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c27dc3dcf..000000000 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEmulator.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { - BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator, - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - ISelectBrowserMeta, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; -import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; -import { IVersion } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; - -@BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator -export default class BrowserEmulator implements IBrowserEmulator { - public static readonly id: string; - public static readonly type = PluginTypes.BrowserEmulator; - - public readonly id: string; - - public readonly browserName: string; - public readonly browserVersion: IVersion; - - public readonly operatingSystemName: string; - public readonly operatingSystemVersion: IVersion; - public readonly operatingSystemPlatform: string; - - public readonly userAgentString: string; - public readonly browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; - public readonly logger: IBoundLog; - public readonly deviceProfile: IDeviceProfile; - - protected readonly corePlugins: ICorePlugins; - - constructor({ - userAgentOption, - browserEngine, - corePlugins, - logger, - deviceProfile, - }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { - = (this.constructor as IBrowserEmulatorClass).id; - this.browserName = userAgentOption.browserName; - this.browserVersion = userAgentOption.browserVersion; - - this.operatingSystemPlatform = userAgentOption.operatingSystemPlatform; - this.operatingSystemName = userAgentOption.operatingSystemName; - this.operatingSystemVersion = userAgentOption.operatingSystemVersion; - - this.userAgentString = userAgentOption.string; - this.browserEngine = browserEngine; - - this.corePlugins = corePlugins; - this.logger = logger; - this.deviceProfile = deviceProfile ?? {}; - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - public static selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector: string): ISelectBrowserMeta { - throw new Error('selectBrowserMeta() is missing implementation'); - } -} diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 17512a554..000000000 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -import { existsSync } from 'fs'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; -import IBrowserEngineOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption'; -import IBrowserEngineFetcher from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngineFetcher'; -import ChromeApp from '@ulixee/chrome-app'; -import { IBrowserEmulatorClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; - -export default class BrowserEngine implements IBrowserEngine { - public name: string; - public fullVersion: string; - public executablePath: string; - public executablePathEnvVar: string; - public userDataDir?: string; - - public readonly launchArguments: string[] = []; - - public isHeaded?: boolean; - public isInstalled: boolean; - public doesBrowserAnimateScrolling = false; - - private engineOption: IBrowserEngineOption; - private readonly engineFetcher: IBrowserEngineFetcher; - private readonly browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulatorClass; - - constructor(browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulatorClass, browserEngineOption: IBrowserEngineOption) { - // figure out which one is closest to installed? - this.browserEmulator = browserEmulator; - this.engineFetcher = this.loadEngineFetcher(browserEngineOption); - if (this.engineFetcher.launchArgs?.length) { - this.launchArguments.push(...this.engineFetcher.launchArgs); - } - this.engineOption = browserEngineOption; - =; - this.fullVersion = this.engineFetcher.fullVersion; - this.executablePath = this.engineFetcher.executablePath; - this.executablePathEnvVar = this.engineFetcher.executablePathEnvVar; - this.isInstalled = this.engineFetcher.isInstalled; - } - - public async verifyLaunchable(): Promise { - if (!existsSync(this.executablePath)) { - let remedyMessage = `No executable exists at "${this.executablePath}"`; - - const isCustomInstall = this.executablePathEnvVar && process.env[this.executablePathEnvVar]; - if (!isCustomInstall) { - remedyMessage = `Please re-install the browser engine: -------------------------------------------------- --------------- NPM INSTALL ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - - npm install @ulixee/${} - -------------------------------------------------- -`; - } - throw new Error(`Failed to launch ${} ${this.fullVersion}: - -${remedyMessage}`); - } - // exists, validate that host requirements exist - await this.engineFetcher.validateHostRequirements(); - } - - public beforeLaunch(launchSettings: { - showChrome?: boolean; - disableGpu?: boolean; - disableDevtools?: boolean; - }): void { - this.browserEmulator.onBrowserWillLaunch(this, launchSettings); - } - - private loadEngineFetcher(option: IBrowserEngineOption): IBrowserEngineFetcher { - if ( !== 'chrome') { - throw new Error(`Invalid browser engine requested ${}`); - } - try { - // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-dynamic-require - let ChromeAtMajorVersion = require(`@ulixee/${}`); - if (ChromeAtMajorVersion.default) { - ChromeAtMajorVersion = ChromeAtMajorVersion.default; - } - - return new ChromeAtMajorVersion(); - } catch (err) { - /* no op */ - } - - return new ChromeApp(option.fullVersion); - } -} diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts index bcfba7939..7d3d81a3d 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts @@ -2,27 +2,30 @@ import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import ICorePlugin, { CorePluginClassDecorator, ICorePluginClass, + ISessionSummary, } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@bureau/interfaces/IBrowserEngine'; import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; @CorePluginClassDecorator export default class CorePlugin implements ICorePlugin { public static id: string; - public static type: PluginTypes.CorePlugin = PluginTypes.CorePlugin; + public static type = PluginTypes.CorePlugin; public readonly id: string; + public readonly sessionSummary: ISessionSummary; protected readonly browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; protected readonly plugins: ICorePlugins; protected readonly logger: IBoundLog; - constructor({ browserEngine, corePlugins, logger }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { + constructor({ browserEngine, corePlugins, logger, sessionSummary }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { = (this.constructor as ICorePluginClass).id; this.browserEngine = browserEngine; this.plugins = corePlugins; this.logger = logger; + this.sessionSummary = sessionSummary ?? { id: undefined, options: {} }; } } diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5582a737e..000000000 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import { - HumanEmulatorClassDecorator, - IHumanEmulator, - IHumanEmulatorClass, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; - -@HumanEmulatorClassDecorator -export default class HumanEmulator implements IHumanEmulator { - public static readonly id: string; - public static readonly type = PluginTypes.HumanEmulator; - - public readonly id: string; - - private readonly logger: IBoundLog; - - constructor({ logger }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { - = (this.constructor as IHumanEmulatorClass).id; - this.logger = logger; - } -} diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts index 99df30968..84f7fae81 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { IPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPlugin'; -import IPluginType, { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; +import { IPluginType, PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; export default function extractPlugins(obj: any, pluginType?: IPluginType): T[] { const Plugins: T[] = []; diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/filterPlugins.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/filterPlugins.ts index f51bf1d63..81416341a 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/filterPlugins.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/filterPlugins.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IPluginType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; +import { IPluginType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; import { IPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPlugin'; export default function filterPlugins( diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins.ts index 305dc8b4f..13cdd6956 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { IPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPlugin'; -import IPluginType from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; +import { IPluginType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; import extractPlugins from './extractPlugins'; import filterPlugins from './filterPlugins'; diff --git a/plugin-utils/package.json b/plugin-utils/package.json index 2e9a3f052..7f3983e68 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/package.json +++ b/plugin-utils/package.json @@ -1,19 +1,11 @@ { "name": "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils", "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Hero client that runs remotely", + "description": "Base classes to build hero plugins", "scripts": {}, "dependencies": { - "@ulixee/chrome-app": "1.0.2", "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "progress": "^2.0.3", - "tar": "^6.1.11" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/default-browser-emulator": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-puppet": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4" + "@bureau/interfaces": "2.0.0-alpha.1" } } diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.gitignore b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 5b23789fa..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -node_modules -*yarn-error.log -package-lock.json -npm-debug.log -.DS_Store -tsconfig.tsbuildinfo - -.idea/ - -**/.env - -**/build/ -/build-dist/ - -**/dist -/.eslintcache diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.nvmrc b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.nvmrc deleted file mode 100644 index 62df50f1e..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/.nvmrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -14.17.0 diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/ b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/ deleted file mode 100644 index 685e9bcab..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2021 Data Liberation Foundation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE -LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/bin/updateBrowserEmulatordData.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/bin/updateBrowserEmulatordData.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ab92fba13..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/bin/updateBrowserEmulatordData.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env node - -import '@ulixee/commons/lib/SourceMapSupport'; - -throw new Error("Under construction!! We're rolling this feature out in the next few weeks"); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/clienthello.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/clienthello.json deleted file mode 100644 index 448f41bf4..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/clienthello.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -{ - "version": "0x303 (TLS 1.2)", - "ciphers": [ - "{0x3A, 0x3A} GREASE", - "{0x13, 0x01} TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", - "{0x13, 0x02} TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", - "{0x13, 0x03} TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", - "{0xC0, 0x2B} TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", - "{0xC0, 0x2F} TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", - "{0xC0, 0x2C} TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", - "{0xC0, 0x30} TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", - "{0xCC, 0xA9} TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", - "{0xCC, 0xA8} TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", - "{0xC0, 0x13} TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", - "{0xC0, 0x14} TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", - "{0x00, 0x9C} TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", - "{0x00, 0x9D} TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", - "{0x00, 0x2F} TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", - "{0x00, 0x35} TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" - ], - "compressionMethods": ["No Compression (0x00)"], - "extensions": [ - { - "type": "GREASE", - "decimal": 23130, - "values": [] - }, - { - "type": "server_name", - "decimal": 0, - "values": [ - "0000 - 00 1c 00 00 19 74 6c 73-2e 64 61 2d 63 6f 6c .....tls.da-col", - "000f - 6c 65 63 74 2e 75 6c 69-78 65 65 2e 6f 72 67" - ] - }, - { - "type": "extended_master_secret", - "decimal": 23, - "values": [] - }, - { - "type": "renegotiate", - "decimal": 65281, - "values": [""] - }, - { - "type": "supported_groups", - "decimal": 10, - "values": [ - "GREASE (23130)", - "ecdh_x25519 (29)", - "secp256r1 (P-256) (23)", - "secp384r1 (P-384) (24)" - ] - }, - { - "type": "ec_point_formats", - "decimal": 11, - "values": ["uncompressed (0)"] - }, - { - "type": "session_ticket", - "decimal": 35, - "values": [] - }, - { - "type": "application_layer_protocol_negotiation", - "decimal": 16, - "values": ["h2", "http/1.1"] - }, - { - "type": "status_request", - "decimal": 5, - "values": ["0000 - 01 00 00 00 00 ....."] - }, - { - "type": "signature_algorithms", - "decimal": 13, - "values": [ - "ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)", - "rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 (0x0804)", - "rsa_pkcs1_sha256 (0x0401)", - "ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 (0x0503)", - "rsa_pss_rsae_sha384 (0x0805)", - "rsa_pkcs1_sha384 (0x0501)", - "rsa_pss_rsae_sha512 (0x0806)", - "rsa_pkcs1_sha512 (0x0601)" - ] - }, - { - "type": "signed_certificate_timestamps", - "decimal": 18, - "values": [] - }, - { - "type": "key_share", - "decimal": 51, - "values": [ - "NamedGroup: GREASE (23130)", - "key_exchange: (len=1): 00", - "NamedGroup: ecdh_x25519 (29)", - "key_exchange: (len=32): 5196F9729A3F3A1BAA2FFEB468810F9372ACC349F4027D50E6FC9DCAD49DC543" - ] - }, - { - "type": "psk_key_exchange_modes", - "decimal": 45, - "values": ["psk_dhe_ke (1)"] - }, - { - "type": "supported_versions", - "decimal": 43, - "values": [ - "GREASE (43690)", - "TLS 1.3 (772)", - "TLS 1.2 (771)", - "TLS 1.1 (770)", - "TLS 1.0 (769)" - ] - }, - { - "type": "compress_certificate", - "decimal": 27, - "values": ["0000 - 02 00 02 ..."] - }, - { - "type": "UNKNOWN", - "decimal": 17513, - "values": ["0000 - 00 03 02 68 32 ...h2"] - }, - { - "type": "GREASE", - "decimal": 6682, - "values": ["0000 - 00 ."] - }, - { - "type": "padding", - "decimal": 21, - "values": [ - "0000 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "000f - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "001e - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "002d - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "003c - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "004b - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "005a - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "0069 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "0078 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "0087 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "0096 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "00a5 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...............", - "00b4 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......" - ] - } - ] -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/codecs.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/codecs.json deleted file mode 100644 index f1900a051..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/as-chrome-97-0/as-mac-os-10-11/codecs.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -{ - "audioSupport": { - "recordingFormats": ["audio/webm", "audio/webm;codecs=opus", "audio/webm;codecs=pcm"], - "probablyPlays": [ - "application/ogg;codecs=opus", - "application/ogg;codecs=theora", - "application/ogg;codecs=vorbis", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8,opus", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8,vorbis", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8.0", - "audio/aac", - "audio/flac", - "audio/mp3", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp3", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.05", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.2", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.69", - "audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.6B", - "audio/mp4;codecs=opus", - "audio/mpeg", - "audio/mpeg;codecs=mp3", - "audio/mpeg;codecs=mp4a.69", - "audio/mpeg;codecs=mp4a.6B", - "audio/ogg;codecs=opus", - "audio/ogg;codecs=vorbis", - "audio/wav;codecs=1", - "audio/webm;codecs=opus", - "audio/webm;codecs=vorbis", - "audio/x-m4a;codecs=mp4a.40.05", - "audio/x-m4a;codecs=mp4a.40.2", - "audio/x-m4a;codecs=mp4a.40.5" - ], - "maybePlays": [ - "application/ogg", - "audio/mp4", - "audio/ogg", - "audio/wav", - "audio/webm", - "audio/x-m4a" - ] - }, - "videoSupport": { - "recordingFormats": [ - "video/webm", - "video/webm;codecs=H264", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.42E01E", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.42E01F", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.4D401F", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.4D4028", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.640028", - "video/webm;codecs=avc1.640029", - "video/webm;codecs=h264", - "video/webm;codecs=h264,vp8,opus", - "video/webm;codecs=h264,vp9,opus", - "video/webm;codecs=opus", - "video/webm;codecs=pcm", - "video/webm;codecs=vp8", - "video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus", - "video/webm;codecs=vp8,pcm", - "video/webm;codecs=vp8.0", - "video/webm;codecs=vp9", - "video/webm;codecs=vp9,opus", - "video/webm;codecs=vp9,pcm", - "video/webm;codecs=vp9.0", - "video/x-matroska", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=H264", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.42E01E", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.42E01F", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.4D401F", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.4D4028", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.640028", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1.640029", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=h264", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=h264,vp8,opus", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=h264,vp9,opus", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=opus", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=pcm", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp8", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp8,opus", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp8,pcm", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp8.0", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp9", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp9,opus", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp9,pcm", - "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp9.0" - ], - "probablyPlays": [ - "application/ogg;codecs=opus", - "application/ogg;codecs=theora", - "application/ogg;codecs=vorbis", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8,opus", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8,vorbis", - "application/ogg;codecs=vp8.0", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.42E01E", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.42E01F", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.4D401F", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.4D4028", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.640028", - "video/3gpp;codecs=avc1.640029", - "video/3gpp;codecs=mp4a.40.05", - "video/3gpp;codecs=mp4a.40.2", - "video/3gpp;codecs=mp4a.40.5", - "video/mp4;codecs=avc1.42E01E", - "video/mp4;codecs=avc1.42E01F", - 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"name": "Mojave", - "major": "10", - "minor": "14" - }, - "strings": [ - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Safari/605.1.15" - ] - }, - { - "browserName": "safari", - "browserVersion": { - "major": "13", - "minor": "1", - "patch": "2" - }, - "operatingSystemPlatform": "MacIntel", - "operatingSystemName": "mac-os", - "operatingSystemVersion": { - "name": "Catalina", - "major": "10", - "minor": "15" - }, - "strings": [ - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.2 Safari/605.1.15" - ] - }, - { - "browserName": "safari", - "browserVersion": { - "major": "14", - "minor": "1", - "patch": "2" - }, - "operatingSystemPlatform": "MacIntel", - "operatingSystemName": "mac-os", - "operatingSystemVersion": { - "name": "Big Sur", - "major": "11" - }, - "strings": [ - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15" - ] - }, - { - "browserName": "safari", - "browserVersion": { - "major": "15", - "minor": "1" - }, - "operatingSystemPlatform": "MacIntel", - "operatingSystemName": "mac-os", - "operatingSystemVersion": { - "name": "Monterey", - "major": "12" - }, - "strings": [ - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.1 Safari/605.1.15" - ] - } -] diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/windowsToWindowsVersionMap.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/windowsToWindowsVersionMap.json deleted file mode 100644 index 45f35af8c..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/data/windowsToWindowsVersionMap.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "6.1": "10", - "6.2": "8", - "6.3": "8.1", - "10.0": "10" -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/index.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/index.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2053f62f1..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/index.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ -import BrowserEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEmulator'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import IDnsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDnsSettings'; -import ITcpSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITcpSettings'; -import ITlsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITlsSettings'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import { - BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator, - IBrowserEmulatorConfig, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import { IPuppetWorker } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetWorker'; -import IViewport from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IViewport'; -import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IUserAgentOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import BrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine'; -import IGeolocation from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IGeolocation'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; -import IHttpSocketAgent from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent'; -import Viewports from './lib/Viewports'; -import setWorkerDomOverrides from './lib/setWorkerDomOverrides'; -import setPageDomOverrides from './lib/setPageDomOverrides'; -import setUserAgent from './lib/helpers/setUserAgent'; -import setScreensize from './lib/helpers/setScreensize'; -import setTimezone from './lib/helpers/setTimezone'; -import setLocale from './lib/helpers/setLocale'; -import setActiveAndFocused from './lib/helpers/setActiveAndFocused'; -import selectUserAgentOption from './lib/helpers/selectUserAgentOption'; -import modifyHeaders from './lib/helpers/modifyHeaders'; -import configureSessionDns from './lib/helpers/configureSessionDns'; -import configureSessionTcp from './lib/helpers/configureSessionTcp'; -import configureSessionTls from './lib/helpers/configureSessionTls'; -import FirstPartyCookiesPlugin from './lib/plugins/FirstPartyCookiesPlugin'; -import DataLoader from './lib/DataLoader'; -import IBrowserData from './interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import selectBrowserEngineOption from './lib/helpers/selectBrowserEngineOption'; -import setGeolocation from './lib/helpers/setGeolocation'; -import { configureBrowserLaunchArgs } from './lib/helpers/configureBrowserLaunchArgs'; -import loadDomOverrides from './lib/loadDomOverrides'; -import DomOverridesBuilder from './lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; -import configureDeviceProfile from './lib/helpers/configureDeviceProfile'; -import configureHttp2Session from './lib/helpers/configureHttp2Session'; -import lookupPublicIp, { IpLookupServices } from './lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp'; -import IUserAgentData from './interfaces/IUserAgentData'; -import UserAgentOptions from './lib/UserAgentOptions'; -import BrowserEngineOptions from './lib/BrowserEngineOptions'; - -// Configuration to rotate out the default browser id. Used for testing different browsers via cli -const defaultBrowserId = process.env.HERO_DEFAULT_BROWSER_ID; - -const dataLoader = new DataLoader(__dirname); -const browserEngineOptions = new BrowserEngineOptions(dataLoader, defaultBrowserId); -const userAgentOptions = new UserAgentOptions(dataLoader, browserEngineOptions); - -export const defaultBrowserEngine = browserEngineOptions.default; - -@BrowserEmulatorClassDecorator -export default class DefaultBrowserEmulator extends BrowserEmulator { - public static id ='@ulixee/', ''); - - public timezoneId: string; - public locale: string; - public viewport: IViewport; - public geolocation: IGeolocation; - public dnsOverTlsProvider: IDnsSettings['dnsOverTlsConnection']; - public upstreamProxyIpMask: IBrowserEmulatorConfig['upstreamProxyIpMask']; - public upstreamProxyUrl: string; - - protected readonly data: IBrowserData; - private readonly domOverridesBuilder: DomOverridesBuilder; - private readonly userAgentData: IUserAgentData; - - constructor(createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { - super(createOptions); - = as any; - this.userAgentData = this.getUserAgentData(); - // set default device profile options - configureDeviceProfile(this.deviceProfile); - - if ('FirstPartyCookies')) { - createOptions.corePlugins.use(FirstPartyCookiesPlugin); - } - this.domOverridesBuilder = loadDomOverrides(this,, this.userAgentData); - } - - configure(config: IBrowserEmulatorConfig): void { - if (!config) return; - - config.locale ??= this.locale ??; - config.viewport ??= - this.viewport ?? Viewports.getDefault(,; - config.timezoneId ??= this.timezoneId ?? Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; - config.geolocation ??= this.geolocation; - if (config.upstreamProxyUrl) { - config.upstreamProxyIpMask ??= {}; - config.upstreamProxyIpMask.ipLookupService ??= IpLookupServices.ipify; - } - - this.locale = config.locale; - this.viewport = config.viewport; - this.timezoneId = config.timezoneId; - this.geolocation = config.geolocation; - this.dnsOverTlsProvider = config.dnsOverTlsProvider; - this.upstreamProxyIpMask = config.upstreamProxyIpMask; - this.upstreamProxyUrl = config.upstreamProxyUrl; - } - - public onDnsConfiguration(settings: IDnsSettings): void { - configureSessionDns(this, settings); - - if (this.dnsOverTlsProvider !== undefined) { - settings.dnsOverTlsConnection = this.dnsOverTlsProvider; - } - } - - public onTcpConfiguration(settings: ITcpSettings): void { - configureSessionTcp(this, settings); - } - - public onTlsConfiguration(settings: ITlsSettings): void { - configureSessionTls(this, settings); - } - - public beforeHttpRequest(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): void { - modifyHeaders(this,, this.userAgentData, resource); - } - - public async onHttpAgentInitialized(agent: IHttpSocketAgent): Promise { - if (this.upstreamProxyIpMask) { - this.upstreamProxyIpMask.publicIp ??= await lookupPublicIp( - this.upstreamProxyIpMask.ipLookupService, - ); - this.upstreamProxyIpMask.proxyIp ??= await lookupPublicIp( - this.upstreamProxyIpMask.ipLookupService, - agent, - this.upstreamProxyUrl, - ); -'PublicIp Lookup', { - ...this.upstreamProxyIpMask, - }); - this.domOverridesBuilder.add('webrtc', { - localIp: this.upstreamProxyIpMask.publicIp, - proxyIp: this.upstreamProxyIpMask.proxyIp, - }); - } - } - - public onHttp2SessionConnect( - request: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings, - ): void { - configureHttp2Session(this,, request, settings); - } - - public onNewPuppetPage(page: IPuppetPage): Promise { - // Don't await here! we want to queue all these up to run before the debugger resumes - const devtools = page.devtoolsSession; - return Promise.all([ - setUserAgent(this, devtools, this.userAgentData), - setTimezone(this, devtools), - setLocale(this, devtools), - setScreensize(this, page, devtools), - setActiveAndFocused(this, devtools), - setPageDomOverrides(this.domOverridesBuilder,, page), - setGeolocation(this, page), - ]); - } - - public onNewPuppetWorker(worker: IPuppetWorker): Promise { - const devtools = worker.devtoolsSession; - return Promise.all([ - setUserAgent(this, devtools, this.userAgentData), - setWorkerDomOverrides(this.domOverridesBuilder,, worker), - ]); - } - - protected getUserAgentData(): IUserAgentData { - if (! return null; - const uaFullVersion = `${this.browserVersion.major}.0.${this.browserVersion.patch}.${}`; - const platformVersion = `${this.operatingSystemVersion.major}.${ - this.operatingSystemVersion.minor ?? '0' - }.${ ?? '1'}`; - - const brands =; - const brandData = [brands['0'], brands['1'], brands['2']].map(x => ({ - brand: x.brand._$value, - version: x.version._$value, - })); - return { - uaFullVersion, - brands: brandData, - platform:$value, - platformVersion, - }; - } - - public static selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector?: string): { - browserEngine: BrowserEngine; - userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption; - } { - const userAgentOption = selectUserAgentOption(userAgentSelector, userAgentOptions); - - const { browserName, browserVersion } = userAgentOption; - const browserEngineId = `${browserName}-${browserVersion.major}-${browserVersion.minor}`; - const browserEngineOption = selectBrowserEngineOption( - browserEngineId, - dataLoader.browserEngineOptions, - ); - - const browserEngine = new BrowserEngine(this, browserEngineOption); - - if ( === 'chrome') { - const version = browserEngine.fullVersion.split('.').map(Number); - // changes at version 90 - browserEngine.doesBrowserAnimateScrolling = version[0] >= 91; - } - return { browserEngine, userAgentOption }; - } - - public static onBrowserWillLaunch( - browserEngine: BrowserEngine, - options: { - showChrome?: boolean; - disableGpu?: boolean; - disableDevtools?: boolean; - }, - ): void { - configureBrowserLaunchArgs(browserEngine, options); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/.eslintrc.js b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/.eslintrc.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2f87a3973..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/.eslintrc.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -const { join } = require('path'); - -module.exports = { - extends: '../../../.eslintrc.js', - parserOptions: { - project: join(__dirname, '/tsconfig.json'), - }, - overrides: [ - { - files: ['**/*.ts'], - rules: { - 'max-classes-per-file': 'off', - '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'off', - '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 'off', - 'prefer-arrow-callback': 'off', - 'prefer-rest-params': 'off', - 'func-names': 'off', - }, - }, - ], -}; diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Document.prototype.cookie.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Document.prototype.cookie.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 37d7aa9e6..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Document.prototype.cookie.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -declare let args: any; -const triggerName = args.callbackName; - -if (!self[triggerName]) throw new Error('No cookie trigger'); -const cookieTrigger = ((self[triggerName] as unknown) as Function).bind(self); - -delete self[triggerName]; - -proxySetter(Document.prototype, 'cookie', (target, thisArg, cookie) => { - cookieTrigger(JSON.stringify({ cookie, origin: self.location.origin })); - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Element.prototype.attachShadow.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Element.prototype.attachShadow.ts deleted file mode 100644 index dcbcd63c9..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Element.prototype.attachShadow.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -const closedShadows = new WeakSet(); -const closedShadowOwners = new WeakSet(); - -proxyGetter(Element.prototype, 'shadowRoot', (_, thisArg) => { - if (closedShadows.has(thisArg)) return null; - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); - -proxyGetter(ShadowRoot.prototype, 'mode', (_, thisArg) => { - if (closedShadows.has(thisArg)) return 'closed'; - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); - -proxyFunction(Element.prototype, 'attachShadow', (func, thisArg, argArray) => { - const init = argArray?.length ? argArray[0] : null; - const needsCloseRemoval = init && init.mode === 'closed'; - if (needsCloseRemoval) { - init.mode = 'open'; - } - - const shadow = func.apply(thisArg, [init]); - if (needsCloseRemoval) { - closedShadowOwners.add(thisArg); - closedShadows.add(shadow); - } - return shadow; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.captureStackTrace.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.captureStackTrace.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 71a955774..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.captureStackTrace.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -proxyFunction(self.Error, 'captureStackTrace', (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (argArray.length < 1) return target.apply(thisArg, argArray); - - const [addToObject] = argArray; - const result = target.apply(thisArg, argArray); - cleanErrorStack(addToObject as any); - return result; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.constructor.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.constructor.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5e01fc909..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Error.constructor.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -proxyConstructor(self, 'Error', function () { - const err = ReflectCached.construct(...arguments); - cleanErrorStack(err); - return err; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.ts deleted file mode 100644 index bc0fecd0b..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -// This bypass is based on the one from puppeteer-stealth-evasions - -const frameWindowProxies = new WeakMap(); - -proxyGetter(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow', (target, iframe) => { - if (frameWindowProxies.has(iframe) && iframe.isConnected) { - return frameWindowProxies.get(iframe); - } - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); - -proxySetter(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'srcdoc', function (_, iframe) { - if (!frameWindowProxies.has(iframe)) { - const proxy = new Proxy(self, { - get(target, key) { - if (key === 'self' || key === 'contentWindow') { - return iframe.contentWindow; - } - if (key === 'document') { - return iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; - } - // iframe.contentWindow.frameElement === iframe // must be true - if (key === 'frameElement') { - return iframe; - } - // Intercept iframe.contentWindow[0] to hide the property 0 added by the proxy. - if (key === '0') { - return undefined; - } - return ReflectCached.get(self, key); - }, - }); - - frameWindowProxies.set(iframe, proxy); - } - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 599dc2537..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -// @ts-ignore -const { audioCodecs, videoCodecs } = args; - -audioCodecs.probablyPlays = parseCodecs(audioCodecs.probablyPlays); -audioCodecs.maybePlays = parseCodecs(audioCodecs.maybePlays); -videoCodecs.probablyPlays = parseCodecs(videoCodecs.probablyPlays); -videoCodecs.maybePlays = parseCodecs(videoCodecs.maybePlays); - -if ('HTMLMediaElement' in self && HTMLMediaElement.prototype) { - proxyFunction(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'canPlayType', (func, thisArg, argArray) => { - const type = argArray.length ? argArray[0] : undefined; - - const parsedType = parseMediaType(type); - if ( - audioCodecs.probablyPlays.includes(parsedType) || - videoCodecs.probablyPlays.includes(parsedType) - ) { - return 'probably'; - } - if ( - audioCodecs.maybePlays.includes(parsedType) || - videoCodecs.maybePlays.includes(parsedType) - ) { - return 'maybe'; - } - // fallback to calling browser - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - }); -} - -proxyFunction(self.MediaSource, 'isTypeSupported', (func, thisArg, argArray) => { - const type = argArray.length ? argArray[0] : undefined; - const parsedType = parseMediaType(type); - if ( - audioCodecs.probablyPlays.includes(parsedType) || - videoCodecs.probablyPlays.includes(parsedType) - ) { - return true; - } - // fallback to calling browser - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; -}); - -function parseMediaType(type) { - if (type === undefined || typeof type !== 'string') return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - - const [mime, codecs] = type - .split(';') - .map(x => x.trim()) - .filter(Boolean); - - let parsedType = mime; - if (codecs) { - const codecMatch = codecs.match(/codecs\s*=\s*"?([a-zA-Z\s,\-_\d.]+)"?/); - if (codecMatch) { - const sortedCodecs = codecMatch[1] - .split(',') - .map(x => x.trim()) - .filter(Boolean) - .sort() - .join(','); - parsedType = `${mime};codecs=${sortedCodecs}`; - } - } - return parsedType; -} - -function parseCodecs(list = []) { - return => { - const [mime, codecs] = x.split(';'); - if (!codecs) return mime; - const sortedCodecs = codecs.replace('codecs=', '').split(',').filter(Boolean).sort().join(','); - - return `${mime};codecs=${sortedCodecs}`; - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaDevices.prototype.enumerateDevices.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaDevices.prototype.enumerateDevices.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 98d5a03f3..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaDevices.prototype.enumerateDevices.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -if ( - navigator.mediaDevices && - navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices && - !== 'bound reportBlock' -) { - const videoDevice = { - deviceId: args.deviceId, - groupId: args.groupId, - kind: 'videoinput', - label: '', - }; - proxyFunction(MediaDevices.prototype, 'enumerateDevices', (func, thisObj, ...args) => { - return func.apply(thisObj, args).then(list => { - if (list.find(x => x.kind === 'videoinput')) return list; - list.push(videoDevice); - return list; - }); - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 289877681..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -const { supportedCodecs } = args; - -if ('MediaRecorder' in self) { - proxyFunction((self as any).MediaRecorder, 'isTypeSupported', (func, thisArg, [type]) => { - if (type === undefined) return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - return supportedCodecs.includes(type); - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Notification.permission.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Notification.permission.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0c6b1e085..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Notification.permission.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -proxyGetter(Notification, 'permission', () => 'default'); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Permission.prototype.query.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Permission.prototype.query.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3f3e31d55..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/Permission.prototype.query.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -proxyFunction(Permissions.prototype, 'query', (func, thisArg, argArray) => { - const permissionDescriptor = argArray.length ? argArray[0] : null; - if (permissionDescriptor && === 'notifications') { - const state = Notification.permission === 'default' ? 'prompt' : Notification.permission; - const result = { state }; - Object.setPrototypeOf(result, PermissionStatus.prototype); - return Promise.resolve(result); - } - return func.apply(thisArg, argArray); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 58e10216c..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// @ts-ignore -const { audioCodecs, videoCodecs } = args; - -if ('RTCRtpSender' in self && RTCRtpSender.prototype) { - proxyFunction(RTCRtpSender, 'getCapabilities', function (target, thisArg, argArray) { - const kind = argArray && argArray.length ? argArray[0] : null; - const args = kind ? [kind] : undefined; - const capabilities = target.apply(thisArg, args); - if (kind === 'audio') capabilities.codecs = audioCodecs; - if (kind === 'video') capabilities.codecs = videoCodecs; - return capabilities; - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 821b46eac..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -proxyFunction( - WebGLRenderingContext.prototype, - 'getParameter', - function (originalFunction, thisArg, argArray) { - const parameter = argArray && argArray.length ? argArray[0] : null; - if (args[parameter]) { - return args[parameter]; - } - return, argArray); - }, -); - -proxyFunction( - WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype, - 'getParameter', - function (originalFunction, thisArg, argArray) { - const parameter = argArray && argArray.length ? argArray[0] : null; - if (args[parameter]) { - return args[parameter]; - } - return, argArray); - }, -); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_descriptorBuilder.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_descriptorBuilder.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a725cbfda..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_descriptorBuilder.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -const nativeErrorRegex = new RegExp(/^(\w+):\s/); - -const globalSymbols = {}; -for (const symbol of ReflectCached.ownKeys(Symbol)) { - if (typeof Symbol[symbol] === 'symbol') { - globalSymbols[`${String(Symbol[symbol])}`] = Symbol[symbol]; - } -} - -function createError(message: string, type?: { new (message: string): any }) { - if (!type) { - const match = nativeErrorRegex.exec(message); - if (match.length) { - message = message.replace(`${match[1]}: `, ''); - try { - type = self[match[1]]; - } catch (err) { - // ignore - } - } - } - if (!type) type = Error; - // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap - return new type(message); -} - -function newObjectConstructor(newProps: IDescriptor) { - return function() { - if (newProps._$constructorException) { - throw createError(newProps._$constructorException); - } - Object.setPrototypeOf(this, getObjectAtPath(newProps._$protos[0])); - const props = Object.entries(newProps); - const obj = {}; - for (const [prop, value] of props) { - if (prop.startsWith('_$')) continue; - let propName: string | symbol = prop; - if (propName.startsWith('Symbol(')) { - propName = Symbol.for(propName.match(/Symbol\((.+)\)/)[1]); - } - Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, buildDescriptor(value)); - } - return obj; - }; -} - -function buildDescriptor(entry: IDescriptor) { - const attrs: PropertyDescriptor = {}; - const flags = entry._$flags || ''; - if (flags.includes('c')) attrs.configurable = true; - if (flags.includes('w')) attrs.writable = true; - if (flags.includes('e')) attrs.enumerable = true; - - if (entry._$get) { - attrs.get = new Proxy({}), { - apply() { - if (entry._$accessException) throw createError(entry._$accessException); - if (entry._$value) return entry._$value; - if (entry['_$$value()']) return entry['_$$value()'](); - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(attrs.get, entry._$get); - } else if (entry['_$$value()']) { - attrs.value = entry['_$$value()'](); - } else if (entry._$value !== undefined) { - attrs.value = entry._$value; - } - - if (entry._$set) { - attrs.set = new Proxy({}), { - apply() {}, - }); - overriddenFns.set(attrs.set, entry._$set); - } - - if (entry._$function) { - const newProps = entry['new()']; - if (!newProps) { - // use function call just to get a function that doesn't create prototypes on new - // bind to an empty object so we don't modify the original - attrs.value = new Proxy({}), { - apply() { - return entry._$invocation; - }, - }); - } else { - attrs.value = newObjectConstructor(newProps); - } - if (entry._$invocation !== undefined) { - Object.setPrototypeOf(attrs.value, Function.prototype); - delete attrs.value.prototype; - delete attrs.value.constructor; - } - overriddenFns.set(attrs.value, entry._$function); - } - - if (typeof entry === 'object') { - const props = Object.entries(entry).filter(([prop]) => !prop.startsWith('_$')); - if (!attrs.value && (props.length || entry._$protos)) { - attrs.value = {}; - } - if (entry._$protos) { - attrs.value = Object.setPrototypeOf(attrs.value, getObjectAtPath(entry._$protos[0])); - } - - for (const [prop, value] of props) { - if (prop.startsWith('_$')) continue; - if (prop === 'arguments' || prop === 'caller') continue; - let propName: string | number | symbol = prop; - if (propName.startsWith('Symbol(')) { - propName = globalSymbols[propName]; - if (!propName) { - const symbolName = (propName as string).match(/Symbol\((.+)\)/)[1]; - propName = Symbol.for(symbolName); - } - } - const descriptor = buildDescriptor(value); - if (propName === 'prototype') { - Object.defineProperty(descriptor.value, 'constructor', { - // Blake: changed this from props on TS. is it right? - value: newObjectConstructor(value), - writable: true, - enumerable: false, - configurable: true, - }); - if (!entry.prototype._$flags || !entry.prototype._$flags.includes('w')) { - descriptor.writable = false; - } - if (entry._$function) { - overriddenFns.set(descriptor.value.constructor, entry._$function); - } - } - Object.defineProperty(attrs.value, propName, descriptor); - } - } - - return attrs; -} - -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars -function getParentAndProperty(path: string) { - const parts = breakdownPath(path, 1); - if (!parts) return undefined; - return { parent: parts.parent, property: parts.remainder[0] }; -} - -function breakdownPath(path: string, propsToLeave) { - if (!path || path.startsWith('detached')) { - // can't do these yet... need to know how to get to them (ie, super prototype of X) - return undefined; - } - - const parts = path.split(/\.Symbol\(([\w.]+)\)|\.(\w+)/).filter(Boolean); - let obj: any = self; - while (parts.length > propsToLeave) { - let next: string | symbol = parts.shift(); - if (next === 'window') continue; - if (next.startsWith('Symbol.')) next = Symbol.for(next); - obj = obj[next]; - if (!obj) { - throw new Error(`Property not found -> ${path} at ${String(next)}`); - } - } - return { parent: obj, remainder: parts }; -} - -function getObjectAtPath(path) { - const parts = breakdownPath(path, 0); - if (!parts) return undefined; - return parts.parent; -} - -declare interface IDescriptor { - _$flags: string; - _$type: string; - _$get?: any; - _$set?: any; - _$accessException?: string; - _$constructorException?: string; - _$value?: string; - '_$$value()'?: () => string; - _$function?: string; - _$invocation?: string; - _$protos?: string[]; - 'new()'?: IDescriptor; - prototype: IDescriptor; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_proxyUtils.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_proxyUtils.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ddfff222d..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/_proxyUtils.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,357 +0,0 @@ -/////// MASK TO STRING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const -- must be let: could change for different browser (ie, Safari) -let nativeToStringFunctionString = `${Function.toString}`; -// when functions are re-bound to work around the loss of scope issue in chromium, they blow up their native toString -const overriddenFns = new Map(); - -const fnToStringDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Function.prototype, 'toString'); -const fnToStringProxy = internalCreateFnProxy( - Function.prototype.toString, - fnToStringDescriptor, - (target, thisArg, args) => { - if (overriddenFns.has(thisArg)) { - return overriddenFns.get(thisArg); - } - // from puppeteer-stealth: Check if the toString prototype of the context is the same as the global prototype, - // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows - const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Function.prototype.toString).isPrototypeOf( - thisArg.toString, - ); - if (hasSameProto === false) { - // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead - return thisArg.toString(...(args ?? [])); - } - try { - return target.apply(thisArg, args); - } catch (error) { - cleanErrorStack(error, (line, i) => { - if (line.includes('Object.toString') && i === 1) { - return line.replace('Object.toString', 'Function.toString'); - } - return line; - }); - throw error; - } - }, -); -Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', { - ...fnToStringDescriptor, - value: fnToStringProxy, -}); - -/////// END TOSTRING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// From puppeteer-stealth: this is to prevent someone snooping at Reflect calls -const ReflectCached = { - construct: Reflect.construct.bind(Reflect), - get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect), - set: Reflect.set.bind(Reflect), - apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect), - setPrototypeOf: Reflect.setPrototypeOf.bind(Reflect), - ownKeys: Reflect.ownKeys.bind(Reflect), - getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(Reflect), -}; - -const ObjectCached = { - setPrototypeOf: Object.setPrototypeOf.bind(Object), - getPrototypeOf: Object.getPrototypeOf.bind(Object), -}; - -let isObjectSetPrototypeOf = false; -const nativeToStringObjectSetPrototypeOfString = `${Object.setPrototypeOf}`; -Object.setPrototypeOf = new Proxy(Object.setPrototypeOf, { - apply(target: (o: any, proto: object | null) => any, thisArg: any, argArray: any[]): any { - isObjectSetPrototypeOf = true; - try { - return ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - } catch (error) { - throw cleanErrorStack(error); - } finally { - isObjectSetPrototypeOf = false; - } - }, -}); -overriddenFns.set(Object.setPrototypeOf, nativeToStringObjectSetPrototypeOfString); - -enum ProxyOverride { - callOriginal = '_____invoke_original_____', -} - -declare let sourceUrl: string; - -function cleanErrorStack( - error: Error, - replaceLineFn?: (line: string, index: number) => string, - startAfterSourceUrl = false, -) { - if (!error.stack) return error; - - const split = error.stack.includes('\r\n') ? '\r\n' : '\n'; - const stack = error.stack.split(/\r?\n/); - const newStack = []; - for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i += 1) { - let line = stack[i]; - if (line.includes(sourceUrl)) { - if (startAfterSourceUrl === true) { - newStack.length = 1; - } - continue; - } - if (replaceLineFn) line = replaceLineFn(line, i); - newStack.push(line); - } - error.stack = newStack.join(split); - return error; -} - -function proxyConstructor( - owner: T, - key: K, - overrideFn: ( - target?: T[K], - argArray?: T[K] extends new (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never[], - newTarget?: T[K], - ) => (T[K] extends new () => infer Z ? Z : never) | ProxyOverride, -) { - const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, key); - const toString = descriptor.value.toString(); - descriptor.value = new Proxy(descriptor.value, { - construct() { - try { - const result = overrideFn(...arguments); - if (result !== ProxyOverride.callOriginal) { - return result as any; - } - } catch (err) { - throw cleanErrorStack(err); - } - return ReflectCached.construct(...arguments); - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(descriptor.value, toString); - Object.defineProperty(owner, key, descriptor); -} - -function internalCreateFnProxy( - targetFn: any, - descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, - onApply: (target: any, thisArg: any, argArray: any[]) => any, -) { - const toString = targetFn.toString(); - const proxy = new Proxy(targetFn, { - apply: onApply, - setPrototypeOf(target: any, newPrototype: any): boolean { - let protoTarget = newPrototype; - if (newPrototype === proxy || newPrototype?.__proto__ === proxy) { - protoTarget = target; - } - try { - const caller = isObjectSetPrototypeOf ? ObjectCached : ReflectCached; - return caller.setPrototypeOf(target, protoTarget); - } catch (error) { - throw cleanErrorStack(error); - } - }, - get(target: any, p: string | symbol, receiver: any): any { - if (p === Symbol.hasInstance && receiver === proxy) { - try { - return target[Symbol.hasInstance].bind(target); - } catch (err) { - throw cleanErrorStack(err); - } - } - return ReflectCached.get(target, p, receiver); - }, - set(target: any, p: string | symbol, value: any, receiver: any): boolean { - if (p === '__proto__') { - let protoTarget = value; - if (protoTarget === proxy || protoTarget?.__proto__ === proxy) { - protoTarget = target; - } - try { - return (target.__proto__ = protoTarget); - } catch (error) { - throw cleanErrorStack(error); - } - } - return ReflectCached.set(...arguments); - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(proxy, toString); - return proxy; -} - -function proxyFunction( - thisObject: T, - functionName: K, - overrideFn: ( - target?: T[K], - thisArg?: T, - argArray?: T[K] extends (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never[], - ) => (T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => infer Z ? Z : never) | ProxyOverride, - overrideOnlyForInstance = false, -) { - const descriptorInHierarchy = getDescriptorInHierarchy(thisObject, functionName); - if (!descriptorInHierarchy) { - throw new Error(`Could not find descriptor for function: ${functionName}`); - } - const { descriptorOwner, descriptor } = descriptorInHierarchy; - - const fnProxy = internalCreateFnProxy( - descriptorOwner[functionName], - descriptor, - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - const shouldOverride = overrideOnlyForInstance === false || thisArg === thisObject; - const overrideFnToUse = shouldOverride ? overrideFn : null; - return defaultProxyApply([target, thisArg, argArray], overrideFnToUse); - }, - ); - - descriptorOwner[functionName] = fnProxy; - return thisObject[functionName]; -} - -function proxyGetter( - thisObject: T, - propertyName: K, - overrideFn: (target?: T[K], thisArg?: T) => T[K] | ProxyOverride, - overrideOnlyForInstance = false, -) { - const descriptorInHierarchy = getDescriptorInHierarchy(thisObject, propertyName); - if (!descriptorInHierarchy) { - throw new Error(`Could not find descriptor for getter: ${propertyName}`); - } - - const { descriptorOwner, descriptor } = descriptorInHierarchy; - - descriptor.get = internalCreateFnProxy( - descriptor.get, - descriptor, - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - const shouldOverride = overrideOnlyForInstance === false || thisArg === thisObject; - const overrideFnToUse = shouldOverride ? overrideFn : null; - return defaultProxyApply([target, thisArg, argArray], overrideFnToUse); - }, - ); - Object.defineProperty(descriptorOwner, propertyName, descriptor); - return descriptor.get; -} - -function proxySetter( - thisObject: T, - propertyName: K, - overrideFn: ( - target?: T[K], - thisArg?: T, - value?: T[K] extends (value: infer P) => any ? P : never, - ) => void | ProxyOverride, - overrideOnlyForInstance = false, -) { - const descriptorInHierarchy = getDescriptorInHierarchy(thisObject, propertyName); - if (!descriptorInHierarchy) { - throw new Error(`Could not find descriptor for setter: ${propertyName}`); - } - const { descriptorOwner, descriptor } = descriptorInHierarchy; - descriptor.set = internalCreateFnProxy( - descriptor.set, - descriptor, - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (!overrideOnlyForInstance || thisArg === thisObject) { - try { - const result = overrideFn(target, thisArg, ...argArray); - if (result !== ProxyOverride.callOriginal) return result; - } catch (err) { - throw cleanErrorStack(err); - } - } - return ReflectCached.apply(target, thisArg, argArray); - }, - ); - Object.defineProperty(descriptorOwner, propertyName, descriptor); - return descriptor.set; -} - -function defaultProxyApply( - args: [target: any, thisArg: T, argArray: any[]], - overrideFn?: (target?: T[K], thisArg?: T, argArray?: any[]) => T[K] | ProxyOverride, -): any { - if (overrideFn) { - try { - const result = overrideFn(...args); - if (result !== ProxyOverride.callOriginal) { - // @ts-expect-error - if (result && result.then && result.catch) { - // @ts-expect-error - return result.catch(err => { - throw cleanErrorStack(err) - }); - } - return result; - } - } catch (err) { - throw cleanErrorStack(err); - } - } - return ReflectCached.apply(...args); -} - -function getDescriptorInHierarchy(obj: T, prop: K) { - let proto = obj; - do { - if (proto.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { - return { descriptorOwner: proto, descriptor: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, prop) }; - } - proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); - } while (proto); - - return null; -} - -// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars -function addDescriptorAfterProperty( - path: string, - prevProperty: string, - propertyName: string, - descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, -) { - const owner = getObjectAtPath(path); - if (!owner) { - console.log(`ERROR: Parent for property descriptor not found: ${path} -> ${propertyName}`); - return; - } - const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(owner); - // if already exists, don't add again - if (descriptors[propertyName]) { - return; - } - - const inHierarchy = getDescriptorInHierarchy(owner, propertyName); - if (inHierarchy && descriptor.value) { - if (inHierarchy.descriptor.get) { - proxyGetter(owner, propertyName, () => descriptor.value, true); - } else { - throw new Error("Can't override descriptor that doesnt have a getter"); - } - return; - } - - let hasPassedProperty = false; - for (const [key, existingDescriptor] of Object.entries(descriptors)) { - if (hasPassedProperty) { - // only way to reorder properties is to re-add them - delete owner[key]; - Object.defineProperty(owner, key, existingDescriptor); - } - if (key === prevProperty) { - Object.defineProperty(owner, propertyName, descriptor); - hasPassedProperty = true; - } - } -} - -if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { - module.exports = { - proxyFunction, - }; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/console.debug.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/console.debug.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f4f7e3397..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/console.debug.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -proxyFunction(console, 'debug', () => { - return undefined; -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.deviceMemory.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.deviceMemory.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5643d5001..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.deviceMemory.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -if ( - 'WorkerGlobalScope' in self || - self.location.protocol === 'https:' || - 'deviceMemory' in navigator -) { - // @ts-ignore - proxyGetter(navigator, 'deviceMemory', () => args.memory, true); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.plugins.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.plugins.ts deleted file mode 100644 index eb18c4457..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.plugins.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -function installNamedNodeItems( - nativeObj: PluginArray | MimeTypeArray, - list: (Plugin | MimeType)[], - prop: 'type' | 'name', -) { - const props = []; - for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { - const item = list[i]; - props.push(String(i)); - Object.defineProperty(nativeObj, i, { - value: item, - enumerable: true, - writable: false, - configurable: true, - }); - } - for (const item of list) { - props.push(item[prop]); - Object.defineProperty(nativeObj, item[prop], { - value: item, - enumerable: false, - writable: false, - configurable: true, - }); - } - return props; -} - -function createNamedNodeMap( - protoClass: PluginArray | MimeTypeArray, - list: (Plugin | MimeType)[], - prop: 'type' | 'name', - hiddenProperties: PropertyKey[] = [], -) { - const nativeObj = new Proxy(Object.create(protoClass) as PluginArray | MimeTypeArray, { - has(target: MimeTypeArray | PluginArray, p: string | symbol): boolean { - if (hiddenProperties.includes(p)) return false; - return p in target; - }, - }); - - installNamedNodeItems(nativeObj, list, prop); - - proxyFunction( - nativeObj, - // @ts-expect-error - 'hasOwnProperty', - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (argArray && argArray.length) { - if (hiddenProperties.includes(argArray[0])) return false; - } - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - }, - true, - ); - - proxyFunction( - nativeObj, - 'item', - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (!argArray || !argArray.length) return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - return thisArg[argArray[0]]; - }, - true, - ); - proxyFunction( - nativeObj, - 'namedItem', - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (!argArray || !argArray.length) return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - return thisArg[argArray[0]]; - }, - true, - ); - if (nativeObj instanceof PluginArray) { - proxyFunction(nativeObj, 'refresh', () => undefined, true); - } - // @ts-ignore - seems to be missing from ts def - // proxyFunction(nativeObj, Symbol.iterator, () => [...list][Symbol.iterator], true); - proxyGetter(nativeObj, 'length', () => list.length, true); - return nativeObj; -} - -function createMime(fakeMime) { - const mime: MimeType = Object.create(MimeType.prototype); - proxyGetter(mime, 'type', () => fakeMime.type, true); - proxyGetter(mime, 'suffixes', () => fakeMime.suffixes, true); - proxyGetter(mime, 'description', () => fakeMime.description, true); - proxyGetter(mime, 'enabledPlugin', () => navigator.plugins[fakeMime.__pluginName], true); - - return mime; -} - -const mimeList: MimeType[] =; -const mimes = createNamedNodeMap( - MimeTypeArray.prototype, - mimeList, - 'type', - args.mimeTypes.filter(x => x.hasNamedPropertyRef === false).map(x => x.type), -) as MimeTypeArray; - -const pluginList: Plugin[] = => { - let plugin: Plugin = Object.create(Plugin.prototype); - - const pluginMimes = args.mimeTypes.filter(m => fakeP.mimeTypes.includes(m.type)); - const mimeProps = installNamedNodeItems(plugin,, 'type'); - - proxyGetter(plugin, 'name', () =>, true); - proxyGetter(plugin, 'description', () => fakeP.description, true); - proxyGetter(plugin, 'filename', () => fakeP.filename, true); - proxyGetter(plugin, 'length', () => pluginMimes.length, true); - proxyFunction( - plugin, - 'item', - (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (!argArray || !argArray.length) return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - const entry = pluginMimes[argArray[0]]; - if (entry) return createMime(entry); - }, - true, - ); - proxyFunction( - plugin, - 'namedItem', - (_, __, argArray) => { - if (!argArray || !argArray.length) return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - const match = pluginMimes.find(x => x.type === argArray[0]); - if (match) return createMime(match); - }, - true, - ); - - plugin = new Proxy(plugin, { - get(target, p) { - if (mimeProps.includes(p)) { - let fakeMime = pluginMimes.find(x => x.type === p); - if (new RegExp(/^\d+$/).test(String(p))) { - fakeMime = pluginMimes[p]; - } - return createMime(fakeMime); - } - - return target[p]; - }, - }); - - return plugin; -}); - -const navigatorPlugins = createNamedNodeMap( - PluginArray.prototype, - pluginList, - 'name', -) as PluginArray; - -proxyGetter(navigator, 'mimeTypes', () => mimes, true); -proxyGetter(navigator, 'plugins', () => navigatorPlugins, true); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6a0db91e0..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/navigator.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -if (args.userAgentString) { - proxyGetter(self.navigator, 'userAgent', () => args.userAgentString, true); - proxyGetter( - self.navigator, - 'appVersion', - () => args.userAgentString.replace('Mozilla/', ''), - true, - ); -} - -if (args.userAgentData && 'userAgentData' in self.navigator) { - // @ts-expect-error - const userAgentData = self.navigator.userAgentData; - function checkThisArg(thisArg, customMessage = ''): TypeError { - // @ts-expect-error - if (Object.getPrototypeOf(thisArg) !== NavigatorUAData.prototype) { - return new TypeError(customMessage + 'Illegal invocation'); - } - } - - proxyGetter(userAgentData, 'brands', (_, thisArg) => { - const thisArgError = checkThisArg(thisArg); - if (thisArgError) throw cleanErrorStack(thisArgError); - const clonedValues = => ({ ...x })); - - return Object.seal(Object.freeze(clonedValues)); - }); - proxyGetter(userAgentData, 'platform', (_, thisArg) => { - const thisArgError = checkThisArg(thisArg); - if (thisArgError) throw cleanErrorStack(thisArgError); - - return args.userAgentData.platform; - }); - proxyFunction(userAgentData, 'getHighEntropyValues', async (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - // TODO: pull Error messages directly from dom extraction files - let error = checkThisArg( - thisArg, - "Failed to execute 'getHighEntropyValues' on 'NavigatorUAData': ", - ); - if (!error) { - try { - // check if these work - await, argArray); - } catch (e) { - error = e; - } - } - if (error) return Promise.reject(cleanErrorStack(error)); - const props: any = { - brands: Object.seal(Object.freeze(args.userAgentData.brands)), - mobile: false, - }; - for (const key of argArray as string[]) { - if (key in args.userAgentData) { - props[key] = args.userAgentData[key]; - } - } - - return Promise.resolve(props); - }); -} - -if (args.pdfViewerEnabled && 'pdfViewerEnabled' in self.navigator) { - // @ts-expect-error - proxyGetter(self.navigator, 'pdfViewerEnabled', () => args.pdfViewerEnabled, true); -} - -// always override -proxyGetter(self.navigator, 'platform', () => args.platform, true); - -if ('setAppBadge' in self.navigator) { - // @ts-ignore - proxyFunction(self.navigator, 'setAppBadge', (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - let error: TypeError; - if (Object.getPrototypeOf(thisArg) !== Navigator.prototype) { - error = new TypeError("Failed to execute 'setAppBadge' on 'Navigator': Illegal invocation"); - } else if (argArray.length) { - const arg = argArray[0]; - if (typeof arg === 'number') { - if (arg < 0 || arg > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { - error = new TypeError( - `Failed to execute 'setAppBadge' on 'Navigator': Value is outside the 'unsigned long long' value range.`, - ); - } - } else { - error = new TypeError( - `Failed to execute 'setAppBadge' on 'Navigator': Value is not of type 'unsigned long long'.`, - ); - } - } - if (error) return Promise.reject(cleanErrorStack(error)); - return Promise.resolve(undefined); - }); -} - -if ('clearAppBadge' in self.navigator) { - // @ts-ignore - proxyFunction(self.navigator, 'clearAppBadge', (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - let error: TypeError; - if (Object.getPrototypeOf(thisArg) !== Navigator.prototype) { - error = new TypeError("Failed to execute 'clearAppBadge' on 'Navigator': Illegal invocation"); - } - if (error) return Promise.reject(cleanErrorStack(error)); - return Promise.resolve(undefined); - }); -} - -if (args.headless === true && 'requestMediaKeySystemAccess' in self.navigator) { - proxyFunction(self.navigator, 'requestMediaKeySystemAccess', (target, thisArg, argArray) => { - if (argArray.length < 2) { - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - } - const [keySystem, configs] = argArray; - if (keySystem !== 'com.widevine.alpha' || [...configs].length < 1) { - return ProxyOverride.callOriginal; - } - return target - .call(thisArg, 'org.w3.clearkey', configs) - .then(x => { - proxyGetter(x, 'keySystem', () => keySystem); - return x; - }) - .catch(err => cleanErrorStack(err)); - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.add.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.add.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 943d0ce40..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.add.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -for (const itemToAdd of args.itemsToAdd || []) { - try { - if (itemToAdd.propertyName === 'getVideoPlaybackQuality') { -['_$$value()'] = function() { - return Promise.resolve([]); - }; - } - - addDescriptorAfterProperty( - itemToAdd.path, - itemToAdd.prevProperty, - itemToAdd.propertyName, - buildDescriptor(, - ); - } catch (err) { - console.log(`ERROR adding polyfill ${itemToAdd.path}.${itemToAdd.propertyName}\n${err.stack}`); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.modify.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.modify.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4a8a9e047..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.modify.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -for (const itemToModify of args.itemsToModify || []) { - try { - if (itemToModify.propertyName === '_$function') { - const func = getObjectAtPath(itemToModify.path); - overriddenFns.set(func,; - } - if ( - itemToModify.propertyName === '_$setToStringToString' || - itemToModify.propertyName === '_$getToStringToString' - ) { - nativeToStringFunctionString =; - continue; - } - - const parts = getParentAndProperty(itemToModify.path); - const property =; - const parent = parts.parent; - const descriptorInHierarchy = getDescriptorInHierarchy(parent, property); - if (!descriptorInHierarchy) { - console.warn('Descriptor not found for polyfill', itemToModify); - continue; - } - const { descriptor } = descriptorInHierarchy; - - if (itemToModify.propertyName === '_$value') { - if (descriptor.get) { - descriptor.get = proxyGetter(parent, property, () =>; - } else { - descriptor.value =; - Object.defineProperty(parent, property, descriptor); - } - } else if (itemToModify.propertyName === '_$get') { - overriddenFns.set(descriptor.get,; - } else if (itemToModify.propertyName === '_$set') { - overriddenFns.set(descriptor.set,; - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(`WARN: error changing prop ${itemToModify.path}.${itemToModify.propertyName}\n${err.stack}`); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.remove.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.remove.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1c7412a9f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.remove.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -for (const itemToRemove of args.itemsToRemove || []) { - try { - const parent = getObjectAtPath(itemToRemove.path); - delete parent[itemToRemove.propertyName]; - } catch (err) { - console.log(`ERROR deleting path ${itemToRemove.path}.${itemToRemove.propertyName}\n${err.toString()}`); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.reorder.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.reorder.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 943681369..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/polyfill.reorder.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -for (const { propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty, path } of args.itemsToReorder || []) { - try { - if (!path.includes('.prototype')) { - reorderOnWindow(path, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - continue; - } - reorderDescriptor(path, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - } catch (err) { - console.log(`ERROR adding order polyfill ${path}->${propertyName}\n${err.toString()}`); - } -} - -function reorderOnWindow(objectPath, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty) { - const getOwnPropertyDescriptorsToString = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors.toString(); - Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = new Proxy(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, { - apply(target, thisArg, argArray) { - const descriptors = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - const objectAtPath = getObjectAtPath(objectPath); - if (thisArg === objectAtPath || (argArray && argArray[0] === objectAtPath)) { - const keys = Object.keys(descriptors); - adjustKeyOrder(keys, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - const finalDescriptors = {}; - for (const key of keys) { - finalDescriptors[key] = descriptors[key]; - } - return finalDescriptors; - } - return descriptors; - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, getOwnPropertyDescriptorsToString); - - const getOwnPropertyNamesToString = Object.getOwnPropertyNames.toString(); - Object.getOwnPropertyNames = new Proxy(Object.getOwnPropertyNames, { - apply(target, thisArg, argArray) { - const objectAtPath = getObjectAtPath(objectPath); - const keys = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - if (thisArg === objectAtPath || (argArray && argArray[0] === objectAtPath)) { - adjustKeyOrder(keys, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - } - return keys; - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertyNamesToString); - - const keysToString = Object.keys.toString(); - Object.keys = new Proxy(Object.keys, { - apply(target, thisArg, argArray) { - const keys = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - const objectAtPath = getObjectAtPath(objectPath); - if (thisArg === objectAtPath || (argArray && argArray[0] === objectAtPath)) { - adjustKeyOrder(keys, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - } - return keys; - }, - }); - overriddenFns.set(Object.keys, keysToString); -} - -function reorderDescriptor(path, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty) { - const owner = getObjectAtPath(path); - - const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, propertyName); - if (!descriptor) { - console.log(`Can't redefine a non-existent property descriptor: ${path} -> ${propertyName}`); - return; - } - const prevDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prevProperty); - if (!prevDescriptor) { - console.log( - `Can't redefine a non-existent prev property descriptor: ${path} -> ${propertyName}, prev =${prevProperty}`, - ); - return; - } - - const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(owner); - const keys = Object.keys(owner); - adjustKeyOrder(keys, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty); - - for (const key of keys) { - const keyDescriptor = descriptors[key]; - delete owner[key]; - Object.defineProperty(owner, key, keyDescriptor); - } -} - -function adjustKeyOrder(keys, propertyName, prevProperty, throughProperty) { - const currentIndex = keys.indexOf(propertyName); - const throughPropIndex = keys.indexOf(throughProperty) - currentIndex + 1; - const props = keys.splice(currentIndex, throughPropIndex); - keys.splice(keys.indexOf(prevProperty) + 1, 0, ...props); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.dist.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.dist.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4e17dd6b2..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.dist.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": "../../../tsconfig.dist.json", - "compilerOptions": { - "composite": true, - "sourceMap": false, - "inlineSourceMap": false, - "removeComments": true, - "strictBindCallApply": false - }, - "include": ["*.ts", ".eslintrc.js"], - "exclude": ["**/tsconfig*.json", "**/node_modules", "**/build-dist"] -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2e0508cb5..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/tsconfig.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": "../../../tsconfig.json", - "compileOnSave": true, - "compilerOptions": { - "composite": true, - "sourceMap": false, - "inlineSourceMap": false, - "removeComments": true, - "strictBindCallApply": false - }, - "include": ["*.ts", "*.js", ".eslintrc.js"], - "exclude": ["**/tsconfig*.json", "**/node_modules", "**/dist", "**/build*", "**/injected-scripts"] -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/webrtc.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/webrtc.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 067db4a90..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/webrtc.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -const maskLocalIp = args.localIp; -const replacementIp = args.proxyIp; - -if ('RTCIceCandidate' in self && RTCIceCandidate.prototype) { - proxyGetter(RTCIceCandidate.prototype, 'candidate', function () { - const result = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - return result.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - }); - if ('address' in RTCIceCandidate.prototype) { - // @ts-ignore - proxyGetter(RTCIceCandidate.prototype, 'address', function () { - const result: string = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - return result.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - }); - } - proxyFunction(RTCIceCandidate.prototype, 'toJSON', function () { - const json = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - if ('address' in json) json.address = json.address.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - if ('candidate' in json) json.candidate = json.candidate.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - return json; - }); -} - -if ('RTCSessionDescription' in self && RTCSessionDescription.prototype) { - proxyGetter(RTCSessionDescription.prototype, 'sdp', function () { - let result = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - while (result.indexOf(maskLocalIp) !== -1) { - result = result.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - } - return result; - }); - proxyFunction(RTCSessionDescription.prototype, 'toJSON', function () { - const json = ReflectCached.apply(...arguments); - if ('sdp' in json) json.sdp = json.sdp.replace(maskLocalIp, replacementIp); - return json; - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/ b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/ deleted file mode 100644 index a14417245..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -function toSeconds(millis) { - let entry = (millis / 1000).toFixed(3); - if (entry.endsWith('0')) entry = entry.substr(0, entry.length - 1); - return parseFloat(entry); -} - -interface PerformanceEntry { - loadEventEnd: number; - responseStart: number; - domContentLoadedEventEnd: number; - type: string; - nextHopProtocol: string; -} - -// from -const loadTimeConversion = { - requestTime() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.startTime : 0; - return toSeconds(start + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - startLoadTime() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.startTime : 0; - return toSeconds(start + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - commitLoadTime() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.responseStart : 0; - return toSeconds(start + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - finishDocumentLoadTime() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.domContentLoadedEventEnd : 0; - return toSeconds(start + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - finishLoadTime() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.loadEventEnd : 0; - return toSeconds(start + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - firstPaintTime() { - let fpEntry: { startTime: number } = performance.getEntriesByType('paint')[0]; - if (!fpEntry) { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.loadEventEnd : 0; - fpEntry = { startTime: start + Math.random() * 85 }; - } - return toSeconds(fpEntry.startTime + performance.timeOrigin); - }, - navigationType() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - if (!ntEntry) return 'Other'; - switch (ntEntry.type) { - case 'back_forward': - return 'BackForward'; - case 'reload': - return 'Reload'; - case 'prerender': - case 'navigate': - default: - return 'Other'; - } - // case blink::kWebNavigationTypeLinkClicked: - // return "LinkClicked"; - // case blink::kWebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted: - // return "FormSubmitted"; - // case blink::kWebNavigationTypeFormResubmitted: - // return "Resubmitted"; - }, - wasFetchedViaSpdy() { - // SPDY is deprecated in favor of HTTP/2, but this implementation returns - // true for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 as well. - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - if (!ntEntry) return true; - return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol); - }, - wasNpnNegotiated() { - // NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns true - // for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN. - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - if (!ntEntry) return true; - return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol); - }, - connectionInfo() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - if (!ntEntry) return 'h2'; - return ntEntry.nextHopProtocol; - }, -}; - -const csiConversion = { - startE() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const start = ntEntry ? ntEntry.loadEventEnd : 0; - return parseInt((start + performance.timeOrigin) as any, 10); - }, - onloadT() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const load = ntEntry ? ntEntry.domContentLoadedEventEnd : 0; - return parseInt((load + performance.timeOrigin) as any, 10); - }, - pageT() { - return parseFloat(; - }, - tran() { - const ntEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0]; - const type = ntEntry ? ntEntry.type : 'navigate'; - // - switch (type) { - case 'back_forward': - return 6; - case 'reload': - return 16; - case 'prerender': - case 'navigate': - default: - return 15; - } - /** - * - const int kTransitionLink = 0; - - case blink::kWebNavigationTypeLinkClicked: - case blink::kWebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted: - case blink::kWebNavigationTypeFormResubmitted: - return kTransitionLink; - */ - }, -}; - -const polyfill = args.polyfill; -const { prevProperty, property } = polyfill; -if (args.updateLoadTimes) { - for (const [name, func] of Object.entries(loadTimeConversion)) { - property.loadTimes['new()'][name]['_$$value()'] = func; - } - for (const [name, func] of Object.entries(csiConversion)) { - property.csi['new()'][name]['_$$value()'] = func; - } -} -const descriptor = buildDescriptor(property); -addDescriptorAfterProperty('window', prevProperty, 'chrome', descriptor); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerHeight.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerHeight.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 298bf55d0..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerHeight.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -if (!window.outerHeight) { - proxyGetter(window, 'outerHeight', () => window.innerHeight + (args.frameBorderHeight || 0), true); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerWidth.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerWidth.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9e9f13941..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/injected-scripts/window.outerWidth.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -if (!window.outerWidth) { - proxyGetter(window, 'outerWidth', () => window.innerWidth + (args.frameBorderWidth || 0), true); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IBrowserData.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IBrowserData.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4da41c0f0..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IBrowserData.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -import IUserAgentOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import IBrowserEngineOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption'; - -export default interface IBrowserData - extends Omit { - browserConfig: IDataBrowserConfig; - clienthello: IDataClienthello; - codecs: IDataCodecs; - windowChrome: IDataWindowChrome; - windowFraming: IDataWindowFraming; - windowNavigator: IDataWindowNavigator; - http2Settings: IDataHttp2Settings; - domPolyfill: IDataDomPolyfill; - windowBaseFraming: IDataWindowFraming; - headers: IDataHeaders; -} - -export interface IDataBrowserConfig { - defaultLocale: string; - features: string[]; -} - -export interface IDataWindowNavigator { - navigator: any; -} - -export interface IDataDomPolyfill { - add: any[]; - remove: any[]; - modify: any[]; - reorder: any[]; -} - -export interface IDataWindowChrome { - chrome: any; - prevProperty: string; -} - -export interface IDataClienthello { - version: string; - ciphers: any[]; - compressionMethods: any[]; - extensions: any[]; -} - -export interface IDataCodecs { - audioSupport: any; - videoSupport: any; - webRtcAudioCodecs: any; - webRtcVideoCodecs: any; -} - -export interface IDataHttp2Settings { - settings: any; - ping: string; - initialWindowSize: number; - firstFrameWindowSize: number; -} - -export interface IDataCore { - pkg: any; - browserEngineOptions: IDataBrowserEngineOptions; - userAgentOptions: IDataUserAgentOptions; -} - -export type IDataBrowserEngineOptions = IBrowserEngineOption[]; -export type IDataUserAgentOptions = IDataUserAgentOption[]; - -export interface IDataUserAgentOption extends Omit { - string?: string; - strings?: string[]; -} - -export interface IDataHeaders { - [protocol: string]: { - [resourceType: string]: IDataHeaderOrder[]; - }; -} - -export interface IDataHeaderOrder { - originTypes: string[]; - method: string; - order: string[]; - defaults: { [header: string]: string[] }; - orderKeys?: Set; // constructed as accessed -} - -export interface IDataWindowFraming { - screenGapLeft: number; - screenGapTop: number; - screenGapRight: number; - screenGapBottom: number; - frameBorderWidth: number; - frameBorderHeight: number; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IUserAgentData.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IUserAgentData.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8bf1deac4..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/interfaces/IUserAgentData.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -export default interface IUserAgentData { - brands: { brand: string; version: string }[]; - platform: string; - platformVersion: string; - uaFullVersion: string; - architecture?: string; - model?: string; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserData.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserData.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b24de1421..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserData.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import IUserAgentOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import IBrowserData, { - IDataBrowserConfig, - IDataClienthello, - IDataCodecs, - IDataDomPolyfill, - IDataHeaders, - IDataHttp2Settings, - IDataWindowChrome, - IDataWindowFraming, - IDataWindowNavigator, -} from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import DataLoader, { loadData } from './DataLoader'; -import getLocalOperatingSystemMeta from './utils/getLocalOperatingSystemMeta'; -import { convertMacOsVersionString, findClosestVersionMatch } from './VersionUtils'; - -const localOsMeta = getLocalOperatingSystemMeta(); - -export default class BrowserData implements IBrowserData { - private readonly dataLoader: DataLoader; - private readonly baseDataDir: string; - private readonly osDataDir: string; - private domPolyfillFilename: string; - - constructor(dataLoader: DataLoader, userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption) { - const browserId = createBrowserId(userAgentOption); - const os = getOperatingSystemParts(userAgentOption); - this.dataLoader = dataLoader; - this.baseDataDir = `${dataLoader.dataDir}/as-${browserId}`; - this.osDataDir = `${this.baseDataDir}/as-${createOsId(userAgentOption)}`; - if (!this.dataLoader.isSupportedEmulatorOs(this.osDataDir)) { - const otherVersions = this.dataLoader.getBrowserOperatingSystemVersions(browserId,; - if (!otherVersions?.length) { - throw new Error(`${browserId} has no emulation data for ${}`); - } - const closestVersionMatch = findClosestVersionMatch(os.version, otherVersions); - this.osDataDir = `${this.baseDataDir}/as-${}-${closestVersionMatch}`; - } - } - - public get pkg(): any { - return this.dataLoader.pkg; - } - - public get headers(): IDataHeaders { - return loadData(`${this.baseDataDir}/headers.json`); - } - - public get windowBaseFraming(): IDataWindowFraming { - return loadData(`${this.baseDataDir}/window-base-framing.json`); - } - - public get browserConfig(): IDataBrowserConfig { - return loadData(`${this.baseDataDir}/config.json`); - } - - public get clienthello(): IDataClienthello { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/clienthello.json`); - } - - public get codecs(): IDataCodecs { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/codecs.json`); - } - - public get http2Settings(): IDataHttp2Settings { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/http2-session.json`); - } - - public get windowChrome(): IDataWindowChrome { - try { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/window-chrome.json`); - } catch (e) { - return undefined; - } - } - - public get windowFraming(): IDataWindowFraming { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/window-framing.json`); - } - - public get windowNavigator(): IDataWindowNavigator { - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/window-navigator.json`); - } - - public get domPolyfill(): IDataDomPolyfill { - try { - this.domPolyfillFilename ??= extractPolyfillFilename(this.osDataDir); - return loadData(`${this.osDataDir}/${this.domPolyfillFilename}`); - } catch (e) { - return undefined; - } - } -} - -const polyfillFilesByDatadir: { - [dataDir: string]: { [osName: string]: { [osVersion: string]: string } }; -} = {}; - -function extractPolyfillFilename(dataDir: string) { - let filenameMap = polyfillFilesByDatadir[dataDir]; - if (!filenameMap) { - filenameMap = {}; - polyfillFilesByDatadir[dataDir] = filenameMap; - for (const filename of Fs.readdirSync(dataDir)) { - const matches = filename.match(/^dom-polyfill-when-runtime-([a-z-]+)(-([0-9-]+))?.json$/); - if (!matches) continue; - - const [osName, _, osVersion] = matches.slice(1); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention,@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars - filenameMap[osName] = filenameMap[osName] || {}; - filenameMap[osName][osVersion || 'ALL'] = filename; - } - } - - if (!filenameMap[]) { - throw new Error(`Your OS (${}) is not supported by this emulator.`); - } - - const versionMatch = findClosestVersionMatch( - localOsMeta.version, - Object.keys(filenameMap[]), - ); - - if (!versionMatch) { - throw new Error( - `Emulator could not find a version match for ${} ${localOsMeta.version}`, - ); - } - - return filenameMap[][versionMatch]; -} - -export function createOsId(userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption) { - const parts = getOperatingSystemParts(userAgentOption); - return `${}-${parts.version}`; -} - -export function createBrowserId(userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption) { - const { browserName, browserVersion } = userAgentOption; - return [browserName, browserVersion.major, browserVersion.minor].filter(x => x).join('-'); -} - -function getOperatingSystemParts(userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption) { - const { operatingSystemName: name, operatingSystemVersion: version } = userAgentOption; - let { major, minor } = version; - - if (name.startsWith('mac')) { - [major, minor] = convertMacOsVersionString([major, minor].filter(x => x).join('.')).split('.'); - } - if (name.startsWith('win') && version.minor === '0') { - minor = null; - } - const finalVersion = [major, minor].filter(x => x).join('-'); - return { name, version: finalVersion }; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserEngineOptions.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserEngineOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index db28f5d59..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserEngineOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -import { IVersion } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import IBrowserEngineOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption'; -import DataLoader from './DataLoader'; - -type IBrowserEngineOptionAndVersion = IBrowserEngineOption & { version: IVersion }; - -export default class BrowserEngineOptions { - public readonly default: IBrowserEngineOptionAndVersion; - public readonly installedOptions: IBrowserEngineOptionAndVersion[] = []; - - private browserIdsNeedingDataFiles = new Set(); - - constructor(private dataLoader: DataLoader, defaultBrowserId: string) { - this.checkForInstalled(); - this.default = this.installedOptions[0]; - if (defaultBrowserId) { - const id = defaultBrowserId.replace('@ulixee/', ''); - this.default = this.installedOptions.find(x => === id); - if (!this.default) { - if (this.browserIdsNeedingDataFiles.has(id)) { - throw new Error(`The Default Browser Engine specified in your environment does not have Emulation Data Files installed\n\n --------- Install the data files in your working directory ------- - - yarn update-browser-emulator-data ${defaultBrowserId} - ----------------------------------------------------------------- - `); - } - throw new Error(`The Default Browser Engine specified in your environment is not installed\n\n --------- reinstall the browser in your working directory ------- - - yarn add @ulixee/${defaultBrowserId} - ----------------------------------------------------------------- - `); - } - } - } - - private isInstalled(browserId: string): boolean { - try { - require.resolve(`@ulixee/${browserId}`); - return true; - } catch (e) { - return false; - } - } - - private checkForInstalled(): void { - for (const engine of this.dataLoader.browserEngineOptions) { - if (!this.isInstalled( continue; - - if (!this.dataLoader.isInstalledBrowser(`as-${}`)) { - this.browserIdsNeedingDataFiles.add(; - console.warn(`[@ulixee/hero] You have a Chrome Browser Engine installed without accompanying data files needed to emulate Operating Systems & Headed operation. - -You must install data files for "${}" to support emulating the browser.`); - continue; - } - const [major, minor, patch, build] = engine.fullVersion.split('.'); - this.installedOptions.push({ - ...engine, - version: { - minor, - major, - patch, - build, - }, - }); - } - - this.installedOptions.sort((a, b) => { - return Number(b.version.major) - Number(a.version.major); - }); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DataLoader.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DataLoader.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9c6ecf651..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DataLoader.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import IUserAgentOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import { - IDataBrowserEngineOptions, - IDataCore, - IDataUserAgentOptions, -} from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import BrowserData from './BrowserData'; - -export default class DataLoader implements IDataCore { - public readonly baseDir: string; - public readonly dataDir: string; - - private readonly browserOsEmulatorsByVersion: { - [versionString: string]: { [os: string]: string[] }; - } = {}; - - private readonly osDataDirs = new Set(); - - constructor(baseDir: string) { - this.baseDir = baseDir; - this.dataDir = `${baseDir}/data`; - const browsers = Fs.readdirSync(this.dataDir); - for (const browser of browsers) { - if (browser.startsWith('as-') && Fs.statSync(`${this.dataDir}/${browser}`).isDirectory()) { - this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[browser] = {}; - for (const osDir of Fs.readdirSync(`${this.dataDir}/${browser}`)) { - if ( - osDir.startsWith('as-') && - Fs.statSync(`${this.dataDir}/${browser}/${osDir}`).isDirectory() - ) { - const isMac = osDir.startsWith('as-mac'); - const version = osDir.replace('as-mac-os-', '').replace('as-windows-', ''); - const name = isMac ? 'mac-os' : 'windows'; - this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[browser][name] ??= []; - this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[browser][name].push(version); - this.osDataDirs.add(`${this.dataDir}/${browser}/${osDir}`); - } - } - } - } - } - - public isSupportedEmulatorOs(osDir: string): boolean { - return this.osDataDirs.has(osDir); - } - - public isInstalledBrowser(browserId: string): boolean { - return !!( - this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[browserId] || - this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[`as-${browserId}`] - ); - } - - public isInstalledBrowserAndOs(browserId: string, osId: string): boolean { - const path = `${this.dataDir}/as-${browserId}/as-${osId}`; - return this.osDataDirs.has(path); - } - - public get pkg(): any { - return loadData(`${this.baseDir}/package.json`); - } - - public get browserEngineOptions(): IDataBrowserEngineOptions { - return loadData(`${this.dataDir}/browserEngineOptions.json`); - } - - public get userAgentOptions(): IDataUserAgentOptions { - return loadData(`${this.dataDir}/userAgentOptions.json`); - } - - public as(userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption) { - return new BrowserData(this, userAgentOption); - } - - public getBrowserOperatingSystemVersions(browserId: string, osName: string): string[] { - if (!this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[`as-${browserId}`]) return []; - return this.browserOsEmulatorsByVersion[`as-${browserId}`][osName]; - } -} - -const cacheMap: { [path: string]: any } = {}; - -export function loadData(path: string) { - cacheMap[path] = cacheMap[path] || JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')); - return cacheMap[path]; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DomOverridesBuilder.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DomOverridesBuilder.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5e55820ab..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/DomOverridesBuilder.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -import * as fs from 'fs'; -import INewDocumentInjectedScript from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INewDocumentInjectedScript'; -import injectedSourceUrl from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/injectedSourceUrl'; - -const cache: { [name: string]: string } = {}; -const shouldCache = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; - -const utilsScript = [ - fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/_proxyUtils.js`, 'utf8'), - fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/_descriptorBuilder.js`, 'utf8'), -].join('\n'); - -export default class DomOverridesBuilder { - private readonly scriptsByName = new Map(); - - public build(scriptNames?: string[]): INewDocumentInjectedScript[] { - const scripts = []; - for (const [name, script] of this.scriptsByName) { - const shouldIncludeScript = scriptNames ? scriptNames.includes(name) : true; - if (shouldIncludeScript) { - scripts.push(script); - } - } - return [ - { - // NOTE: don't make this async. It can cause issues if you read a frame right after creation, for instance - script: `(function newDocumentScript() { - // Worklet has no scope to override, but we can't detect until it loads - if (typeof self === 'undefined' && typeof window === 'undefined') return; - - const sourceUrl = '${injectedSourceUrl}'; - ${utilsScript} - - ${scripts.join('\n\n')} -})(); -//# sourceURL=${injectedSourceUrl}`.replace(/\/\/# sourceMap.+/g, ''), - }, - ]; - } - - public add(name: string, args: any = {}) { - let script = cache[name]; - if (!script) { - if (!fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/${name}.js`)) { - throw new Error(`Browser-Emulator injected script doesn\`t exist: ${name}`); - } - script = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../injected-scripts/${name}.js`, 'utf8'); - } - if (shouldCache) cache[name] = script; - - if (name === 'errors') args.sourceUrl = injectedSourceUrl; - - let wrapper = `(function newDocumentScript_${name.replace(/\./g, '__')}(args) { - try { - ${script}; - } catch(err) { - console.log('Failed to initialize "${name}"', err); - } -})(${JSON.stringify(args)});`; - - if (name.startsWith('polyfill.')) { - wrapper = `// if main frame and HTML element not loaded yet, give it a sec - if (!document.documentElement) { - new MutationObserver((list, observer) => { - observer.disconnect(); - ${wrapper} - }).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true}); - } else { - ${wrapper} - } -`; - } - this.scriptsByName.set(name, wrapper); - } -} - -export function getOverrideScript(name: string, args?: any) { - const injected = new DomOverridesBuilder(); - injected.add(name, args); - return[0]; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentOptions.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentOptions.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2317146c1..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentOptions.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ -import { IDataUserAgentOption, IDataUserAgentOptions } from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import DataLoader from './DataLoader'; -import { UAParser } from 'ua-parser-js'; -import { pickRandom } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IUserAgentOption, { IVersion } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import UserAgentSelector from './UserAgentSelector'; -import { createBrowserId, createOsId } from './BrowserData'; -import BrowserEngineOptions from './BrowserEngineOptions'; - -export default class UserAgentOptions { - private static parsedCached: { [uaString: string]: IUserAgentOption } = {}; - private installedUserAgentOptions: IDataUserAgentOptions; - private readonly defaultBrowserUserAgentOptions: IDataUserAgentOptions; - - public get all(): IDataUserAgentOptions { - return this.dataLoader.userAgentOptions; - } - - public get installedOptions(): IDataUserAgentOptions { - if (!this.installedUserAgentOptions) { - const enginesByNameVersion = new Set(); - for (const engine of this.browserEngineOptions.installedOptions) { - enginesByNameVersion.add(; - } - - this.installedUserAgentOptions = []; - for (const userAgent of this.all) { - const id = `${userAgent.browserName}-${userAgent.browserVersion.major}-${userAgent.browserVersion.minor}`; - if (enginesByNameVersion.has(id)) { - this.installedUserAgentOptions.push(userAgent); - } - } - } - return this.installedUserAgentOptions; - } - - constructor( - protected dataLoader: DataLoader, - protected browserEngineOptions: BrowserEngineOptions, - ) { - const defaultBrowserEngine = browserEngineOptions.default; - this.defaultBrowserUserAgentOptions = this.installedOptions.filter( - x => - x.browserName === && - x.browserVersion.major === defaultBrowserEngine.version.major, - ); - } - - public getDefaultAgentOption(): IUserAgentOption { - return UserAgentOptions.random(this.defaultBrowserUserAgentOptions); - } - - public findClosestInstalledToUserAgentString(userAgentString: string): IUserAgentOption { - // otherwise parse the agent - let userAgent = UserAgentOptions.parse(userAgentString); - const browserId = createBrowserId(userAgent); - const osId = createOsId(userAgent); - if ( - !this.dataLoader.isInstalledBrowserAndOs(browserId, osId) || - !this.browserEngineOptions.installedOptions.some(x => === browserId) - ) { - userAgent = this.findClosestInstalled(userAgent); - userAgent.string = userAgentString; - } - - if (!UserAgentOptions.canTrustOsVersionForAgentString(userAgent)) { - UserAgentOptions.replaceOperatingSystem(userAgent, this.installedOptions); - } - return userAgent; - } - - public findClosestInstalled(userAgent: IUserAgentOption): IUserAgentOption { - let filteredOptions = this.installedOptions.filter( - x => - x.browserName === userAgent.browserName && - x.browserVersion.major === userAgent.browserVersion.major, - ); - // if none on this version, go to default - if (!filteredOptions.length) filteredOptions = this.defaultBrowserUserAgentOptions; - - const withOs = filteredOptions.filter( - x => x.operatingSystemName === userAgent.operatingSystemName, - ); - - if (withOs.length) filteredOptions = withOs; - - const withOsVersion = filteredOptions.filter(x => - isLeftVersionGreater(x.operatingSystemVersion, userAgent.operatingSystemVersion, true), - ); - - if (withOsVersion.length) filteredOptions = withOsVersion; - - return UserAgentOptions.random(filteredOptions); - } - - public findWithSelector(selectors: UserAgentSelector): IUserAgentOption { - const filteredOptions = this.installedOptions.filter(selectors.isMatch); - - if (!filteredOptions.length) return null; - - return UserAgentOptions.random(filteredOptions); - } - - private static parse(userAgentString: string): IUserAgentOption { - if (this.parsedCached[userAgentString]) return this.parsedCached[userAgentString]; - const uaParser = new UAParser(userAgentString); - const uaBrowser = uaParser.getBrowser(); - const uaOs = uaParser.getOS(); - - const [browserVersionMajor, browserVersionMinor, browserVersionPatch, browserVersionBuild] = - uaBrowser.version.split('.'); - const browserName = ( || '').toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); - - // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const - let [osVersionMajor, osVersionMinor, osVersionPatch] = uaOs.version.split('.'); - const operatingSystemName = ( || '').toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); - if (operatingSystemName === 'mac-os' && osVersionMajor === '10' && osVersionMinor === '16') { - osVersionMajor = '11'; - osVersionMinor = undefined; - } - - this.parsedCached[userAgentString] = { - browserName, - browserVersion: { - major: browserVersionMajor ?? '1', - minor: browserVersionMinor ?? '0', - patch: browserVersionPatch, - build: browserVersionBuild, - }, - operatingSystemName, - operatingSystemPlatform: - operatingSystemName === 'mac-os' - ? 'MacIntel' - : operatingSystemName === 'windows' - ? 'Win32' - : 'Linux', - operatingSystemVersion: { - major: osVersionMajor, - minor: osVersionMinor, - patch: osVersionPatch, - }, - string: userAgentString, - }; - return this.parsedCached[userAgentString]; - } - - private static random(dataUserAgentOptions: IDataUserAgentOptions): IUserAgentOption { - const dataUserAgentOption = pickRandom(dataUserAgentOptions); - return this.convertToUserAgentOption(dataUserAgentOption); - } - - private static convertToUserAgentOption( - dataUserAgentOption: IDataUserAgentOption, - ): IUserAgentOption { - const userAgent = { - ...dataUserAgentOption, - browserVersion: { ...dataUserAgentOption.browserVersion }, - operatingSystemVersion: { ...dataUserAgentOption.operatingSystemVersion }, - strings: undefined, - string: pickRandom(dataUserAgentOption.strings), - } as IUserAgentOption; - - const parsed = this.parse(userAgent.string); - ??=; - - if (this.canTrustOsVersionForAgentString(parsed)) { - userAgent.operatingSystemVersion = parsed.operatingSystemVersion; - } else { - this.chooseOsPatchValue(userAgent); - } - return userAgent; - } - - private static canTrustOsVersionForAgentString(agentOption: IUserAgentOption): boolean { - // Chrome 90+ started pegging the OS versions to 10.15.7 - if ( - agentOption.operatingSystemName === 'mac-os' && - Number(agentOption.browserVersion.major) > 90 && - agentOption.operatingSystemVersion.major === '10' && - agentOption.operatingSystemVersion.minor === '15' && - agentOption.operatingSystemVersion.patch === '7' - ) { - return false; - } - - // windows 11 never shows up in the os version (shows as 10) - if ( - agentOption.operatingSystemName === 'windows' && - agentOption.operatingSystemVersion.major === '10' - ) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - - private static replaceOperatingSystem( - userAgent: IUserAgentOption, - dataUserAgentOptions: IDataUserAgentOptions, - ): void { - const realOperatingSystem = dataUserAgentOptions.find( - x => - x.browserName === userAgent.browserName && - x.browserVersion.major === userAgent.browserVersion.major && - x.browserVersion.minor === userAgent.browserVersion.minor && - x.operatingSystemName === userAgent.operatingSystemName && - isLeftVersionGreater(x.operatingSystemVersion, userAgent.operatingSystemVersion), - ); - if (realOperatingSystem) { - userAgent.operatingSystemVersion = { ...realOperatingSystem.operatingSystemVersion }; - this.chooseOsPatchValue(userAgent); - } - } - - // TODO: we need a way to pick good randomized values for these. We're tacking onto the "true" os value. - // We could collect valid values as part of data generation... - private static chooseOsPatchValue(userAgent: IUserAgentOption): void { - userAgent.operatingSystemVersion.patch = '1'; - } -} - -function isLeftVersionGreater(a: IVersion, b: IVersion, allowEqual = false): boolean { - for (const key of ['major', 'minor', 'patch', 'build']) { - const aValue = Number(a[key] ?? 0); - const bValue = Number(b[key] ?? 0); - if (aValue > bValue) return true; - if (allowEqual && aValue === bValue) return true; - if (aValue < bValue) return false; - } - - return false; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentSelector.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentSelector.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 36ec2f815..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/UserAgentSelector.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -import { IVersion } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import { IDataUserAgentOption } from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; - -const compareVersions = require('compare-versions'); - -export default class UserAgentSelector { - private readonly selectors: ISelector[]; - - constructor(readonly userAgentSelector: string) { - this.selectors = this.extractUserAgentSelectors(); - this.isMatch = this.isMatch.bind(this); - } - - isMatch(userAgentOption: IDataUserAgentOption): boolean { - if (!this.selectors.length) return true; - - const browserVersion = this.convertToSemVer(userAgentOption.browserVersion); - const operatingSystemVersion = this.convertToSemVer(userAgentOption.operatingSystemVersion); - - for (const { name, matches } of this.selectors) { - let version: string; - if (name === userAgentOption.browserName) { - version = browserVersion; - } else if (name === userAgentOption.operatingSystemName) { - version = operatingSystemVersion; - } else { - return false; - } - for (const match of matches) { - if (match.version === '*.*.*') continue; - const isValid =, match.version, match.operator); - - // must match every selector - if (!isValid) return false; - } - } - return true; - } - - private extractUserAgentSelectors(): ISelector[] { - const selectorByName: { [name: string]: ISelector } = {}; - const parts = this.userAgentSelector - .substr(1) - .toLowerCase() - .split('&') - .map(x => x.trim()); - for (const part of parts) { - const matches = part.match(/^([a-z\s-]+)([\s><=]+)?([0-9.x*]+)?/); - if (!matches?.length) continue; - const [rawName, rawOperator, rawVersion] = matches.slice(1); - const name = this.cleanupName(rawName); - const operator = this.cleanupOperator(rawOperator); - let version = this.cleanupVersion(rawVersion); - selectorByName[name] = selectorByName[name] || { name, matches: [] }; - - if (operator === '=') { - const versionParts = version.split('.'); - const missingParts = 3 - versionParts.length; - for (let i = 0; i < missingParts; i += 1) { - versionParts.push('*'); - } - version = versionParts.join('.'); - } - if (version) selectorByName[name].matches.push({ operator, version }); - } - - return Object.values(selectorByName); - } - - private convertToSemVer(version: IVersion) { - return [version.major, version.minor, version.patch].filter(x => x !== undefined).join('.'); - } - - private cleanupName(name: string) { - name = name.trim(); - if (name.startsWith('chrome')) return 'chrome'; - if (name.startsWith('firefox')) return 'firefox'; - if (name.startsWith('safari')) return 'safari'; - if (name.startsWith('mac')) return 'mac-os'; - if (name.startsWith('win')) return 'windows'; - if (name.startsWith('linux')) return 'linux'; - return name.split(' ')[0]; - } - - private cleanupOperator(operator: string) { - if (!operator) return '='; - return operator.replace(/[^<>=]+/g, ''); - } - - private cleanupVersion(version: string) { - if (!version) return '*'; - return version.trim().replace(/[^0-9x*]+/g, '.'); - } -} -interface ISelectorMatch { - operator: string; - version: string; -} - -interface ISelector { - name: string; - matches: ISelectorMatch[]; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/VersionUtils.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/VersionUtils.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ed5c83323..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/VersionUtils.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -import * as macOsVersionAliasMap from '../data/macOsVersionAliasMap.json'; - -export function convertMacOsVersionString(versionString: string) { - let newVersionString = macOsVersionAliasMap[versionString]; - if (!newVersionString) { - const [majorVersion] = versionString.split('.'); - newVersionString = macOsVersionAliasMap[`${majorVersion}.*`]; - } - return newVersionString || versionString; -} - -export function findClosestVersionMatch(versionToMatch: string, versions: string[]) { - if (versions.length === 1 && versions[0] === 'ALL') return 'ALL'; - if (!versions.length) return null; - - // there is no guarantee we have an exact match, so let's get the closest - const versionTree = convertVersionsToTree(versions); - const [major, minor] = versionToMatch.split('-').map(x => Number(x)); - - const majors = Object.keys(versionTree).map(x => Number(x)); - const majorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(major, majors); - let versionMatch = `${majorMatch}`; - - if (minor) { - const minors = Object.keys(versionTree[majorMatch]).map(x => Number(x)); - const minorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(minor, minors); - if (minorMatch !== undefined) versionMatch += `-${minorMatch}`; - } else if (!versions.includes(versionMatch)) { - const minors = Object.keys(versionTree[majorMatch]).map(x => Number(x)); - if (minors.length) { - const minorMatch = major > majorMatch ? Math.max(...minors) : Math.min(...minors); - versionMatch += `-${minorMatch}`; - } - } - - return versions.includes(versionMatch) ? versionMatch : null; -} - -export function getClosestNumberMatch(numToMatch: number, nums: number[]) { - const sortedNums = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b); - let closest = sortedNums[0]; - for (const num of sortedNums) { - if (num === numToMatch) { - return num; - } - if (num < numToMatch) { - closest = num; - } else if (num > numToMatch) { - break; - } - } - return closest; -} - -export function convertVersionsToTree(versions: string[]): IVersionTree { - return versions.reduce((tree: any, version: string) => { - const [major, minor, build] = version.split(/\.|-/); - tree[major] = tree[major] || {}; - if (minor === undefined) return tree; - tree[major][minor] = tree[major][minor] || []; - if (build) tree[major][minor].push(build); - return tree; - }, {}); -} - -export interface IVersionTree { - [major: number]: { - [minor: number]: number[]; - }; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/Viewports.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/Viewports.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 44464939b..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/Viewports.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -import IViewport from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IViewport'; -import { IDataWindowFraming } from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; - -const defaultWindowFraming = { - screenGapLeft: 0, - screenGapTop: 0, - screenGapRight: 0, - screenGapBottom: 0, - frameBorderWidth: 0, - frameBorderHeight: 0, -}; - -export const defaultScreen = { - width: 1440, - height: 900, - scale: 1, -}; - -export default class Viewports { - static getDefault(windowBaseFraming: IDataWindowFraming, windowFraming: IDataWindowFraming) { - windowFraming = windowFraming || { ...defaultWindowFraming }; - const base = windowBaseFraming || { ...defaultWindowFraming }; - const screenWidth = defaultScreen.width; - const screenHeight = defaultScreen.height; - const deviceScaleFactor = defaultScreen.scale; - - const windowInnerWidth = - screenWidth - (base.screenGapLeft + base.screenGapRight + base.frameBorderWidth); - const windowWidth = windowInnerWidth + windowFraming.frameBorderWidth; - - const windowInnerHeight = - screenHeight - (base.screenGapTop + base.screenGapBottom + base.frameBorderHeight); - const windowHeight = windowInnerHeight + windowFraming.frameBorderHeight; - - const availableScreenWidth = - screenWidth - (windowFraming.screenGapLeft + windowFraming.screenGapRight); - const leftoverSpacingWidth = availableScreenWidth - windowWidth; - const positionX = randomIntFromInterval( - windowFraming.screenGapLeft, - windowFraming.screenGapLeft + leftoverSpacingWidth, - ); - - const availableScreenHeight = - screenHeight - (windowFraming.screenGapTop + windowFraming.screenGapBottom); - const leftoverSpacingHeight = availableScreenHeight - windowHeight; - const positionY = randomIntFromInterval( - windowFraming.screenGapTop, - windowFraming.screenGapTop + leftoverSpacingHeight, - ); - - return { - positionX, - positionY, - screenWidth, - screenHeight, - width: windowWidth, - height: windowHeight, - deviceScaleFactor, - isDefault: true, - } as IViewport; - } -} - -// HELPERS - -function randomIntFromInterval(min, max) { - if (min === max) return min; - return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureBrowserLaunchArgs.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureBrowserLaunchArgs.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 281fe0195..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureBrowserLaunchArgs.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -import * as Path from 'path'; -import * as os from 'os'; -import BrowserEngine from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/BrowserEngine'; -import { defaultScreen } from '../Viewports'; - -let sessionDirCounter = 0; - -export function configureBrowserLaunchArgs( - engine: BrowserEngine, - options: { - showChrome?: boolean; - disableGpu?: boolean; - disableDevtools?: boolean; - }, -): void { - engine.launchArguments.push( - '--disable-background-networking', // Disable various background network services, including extension updating,safe browsing service, upgrade detector, translate, UMA - '--enable-features=NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess', - '--disable-background-timer-throttling', // Disable timers being throttled in background pages/tabs - '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', - '--disable-breakpad', // Disable crashdump collection (reporting is already disabled in Chromium) - '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection', // Disables client-side phishing detection. - '--disable-domain-reliability', // Disables Domain Reliability Monitoring, which tracks whether the browser has difficulty contacting Google-owned sites and uploads reports to Google. - '--disable-default-apps', // Disable installation of default apps on first run - '--disable-dev-shm-usage', // - '--disable-extensions', // Disable all chrome extensions. - '--disable-features=PaintHolding,Translate,site-per-process,OutOfBlinkCors', // site-per-process = Disables OOPIF, OutOfBlinkCors = Disables feature in chrome80/81 for out of process cors - '--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled', - '--disable-hang-monitor', - '--disable-ipc-flooding-protection', // Some javascript functions can be used to flood the browser process with IPC. By default, protection is on to limit the number of IPC sent to 10 per second per frame. - '--disable-prompt-on-repost', // Reloading a page that came from a POST normally prompts the user. - '--disable-renderer-backgrounding', // This disables non-foreground tabs from getting a lower process priority This doesn't (on its own) affect timers or painting behavior. karma-chrome-launcher#123 - '--disable-sync', // Disable syncing to a Google account - - '--force-color-profile=srgb', // Force all monitors to be treated as though they have the specified color profile. - '--use-gl=any', // Select which implementation of GL the GPU process should use. Options are: desktop: whatever desktop OpenGL the user has installed (Linux and Mac default). egl: whatever EGL / GLES2 the user has installed (Windows default - actually ANGLE). swiftshader: The SwiftShader software renderer. - '--disable-partial-raster', // - '--disable-skia-runtime-opts', // Do not use runtime-detected high-end CPU optimizations in Skia. - - '--use-fake-device-for-media-stream', - - '--no-default-browser-check', // Disable the default browser check, do not prompt to set it as such - '--metrics-recording-only', // Disable reporting to UMA, but allows for collection - '--no-first-run', // Skip first run wizards - - // '--enable-automation', BAB - disable because adds infobar, stops auto-reload on network errors (using other flags) - '--enable-auto-reload', // Enable auto-reload of error pages. - - '--password-store=basic', // Avoid potential instability of using Gnome Keyring or KDE wallet. - '--use-mock-keychain', // Use mock keychain on Mac to prevent blocking permissions dialogs - '--allow-running-insecure-content', - - `--window-size=${defaultScreen.width},${defaultScreen.height}`, - - // don't leak private ip - '--force-webrtc-ip-handling-policy=default_public_interface_only', - '--no-startup-window', - ); - - if (options.showChrome) { - const dataDir = Path.join( - os.tmpdir(), - engine.fullVersion.replace('.', '-'), - `${String(, 10)}-${(sessionDirCounter += 1)}`, - ); - engine.launchArguments.push(`--user-data-dir=${dataDir}`); // required to allow multiple browsers to be headed - engine.userDataDir = dataDir; - - if (!options.disableDevtools) engine.launchArguments.push('--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs'); - } else { - engine.launchArguments.push( - '--hide-scrollbars', - '--mute-audio', - '--blink-settings=primaryHoverType=2,availableHoverTypes=2,primaryPointerType=4,availablePointerTypes=4', // adds cursor to headless linux - ); - } - - if (options.disableGpu === true) { - engine.launchArguments.push('--disable-gpu', '--disable-software-rasterizer'); - const idx = engine.launchArguments.indexOf('--use-gl=any'); - if (idx >= 0) engine.launchArguments.splice(idx, 1); - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureDeviceProfile.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureDeviceProfile.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7b39cae41..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureDeviceProfile.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import IDeviceProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDeviceProfile'; -import { pickRandom } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'; - -export default function configureDeviceProfile(deviceProfile: IDeviceProfile): void { - deviceProfile.deviceMemory ??= pickRandom([1,2,4,8]); - deviceProfile.videoDevice ??= { - deviceId: randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), - groupId: randomBytes(32).toString('hex'), - }; - deviceProfile.webGlParameters ??= { - // UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL - 37445: 'Intel Inc.', - // UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL - 37446: 'Intel Iris OpenGL Engine', - }; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureHttp2Session.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureHttp2Session.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6031a757b..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureHttp2Session.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import IBrowserData from '../../interfaces/IBrowserData'; - -export default function configureHttp2Session( - emulator: IBrowserEmulator, - data: IBrowserData, - resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings, -) { - settings.localWindowSize = data.http2Settings.firstFrameWindowSize; - settings.settings = data.http2Settings.settings; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionDns.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionDns.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 02ca549f1..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionDns.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils'; -import IDnsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDnsSettings'; - -export default function configureSessionDns(emulator: IBrowserEmulator, settings: IDnsSettings) { - settings.dnsOverTlsConnection = null; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTcp.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTcp.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d1df42e83..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTcp.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import ITcpSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITcpSettings'; -import getTcpSettingsForOs from '../utils/getTcpSettingsForOs'; - -export default function configureSessionTcp( - browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator, - settings: ITcpSettings, -) { - const { operatingSystemName, operatingSystemVersion } = browserEmulator; - const tcpSettings = getTcpSettingsForOs(operatingSystemName, operatingSystemVersion); - if (tcpSettings) { - settings.tcpTtl = tcpSettings.ttl; - settings.tcpWindowSize = tcpSettings.windowSize; - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTls.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTls.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d2d223b80..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/configureSessionTls.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import ITlsSettings from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITlsSettings'; - -export default function configureSessionTcp( - browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator, - settings: ITlsSettings, -) { - const { browserName, browserVersion } = browserEmulator; - settings.tlsClientHelloId = `${browserName}-${browserVersion.major}`; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c26eb2013..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import { RequestOptions } from 'http'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import * as url from 'url'; -import IHttpSocketAgent from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketAgent'; -import IHttpSocketWrapper from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpSocketWrapper'; - -export default async function lookupPublicIp( - ipLookupServiceUrl: string = IpLookupServices.ipify, - agent?: IHttpSocketAgent, - proxyUrl?: string, -): Promise { - if (!ipLookupServiceUrl.startsWith('http')) ipLookupServiceUrl = `https://${ipLookupServiceUrl}`; - if (proxyUrl && proxyUrl.startsWith('http')) { - // require https for lookup services over http proxies - ipLookupServiceUrl.replace('http://', 'https://'); - } - const lookupService = parse(ipLookupServiceUrl); - const port = lookupService.port ?? lookupService.protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80; - - - const requestOptions: http.RequestOptions = { - method: 'GET', - }; - let socketWrapper: IHttpSocketWrapper; - if (agent) { - socketWrapper = await agent.createSocketConnection({ - host:, - port: String(port), - servername:, - keepAlive: false, - isSsl: ipLookupServiceUrl.startsWith('https'), - proxyUrl, - }); - - requestOptions.createConnection = () => socketWrapper.socket; - requestOptions.agent = null; - } - - try { - return await httpGet(ipLookupServiceUrl, requestOptions); - } finally { - if (socketWrapper) socketWrapper.close(); - } -} - -export function httpGet(requestUrl: string, requestOptions: RequestOptions): Promise { - const httpModule = requestUrl.startsWith('https') ? https : http; - - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const request = httpModule.request(requestUrl, requestOptions, async res => { - if (res.statusCode >= 300 && res.statusCode < 400 && res.headers.location) { - resolve(httpGet(res.headers.location, requestOptions)); - return; - } - - res.on('error', reject); - res.setEncoding('utf8'); - let result = ''; - for await (const chunk of res) { - result += chunk; - } - resolve(result); - }); - request.on('error', reject); - request.end(); - }); -} - -const parsedLookupServicesByUrl = new Map(); -function parse(requestUrl: string): RequestOptions { - if (!parsedLookupServicesByUrl.has(requestUrl)) { - const options = url.parse(requestUrl); - options.port ||= requestUrl.startsWith('https') ? '443' : '80'; - - parsedLookupServicesByUrl.set(requestUrl, options); - } - return parsedLookupServicesByUrl.get(requestUrl); -} - -export const IpLookupServices = { - ipify: '', - icanhazip: '', // warn: using cloudflare as of 11/19/21 - aws: '', - identMe: '', - ifconfigMe: '', - ipecho: '', - ipinfo: '', - opendns: '', -}; diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/modifyHeaders.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/modifyHeaders.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6b1eeef1c..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/modifyHeaders.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -import IResourceHeaders from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceHeaders'; -import { pickRandom } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; -import IBrowserData, { IDataHeaderOrder, IDataHeaders } from '../../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import IUserAgentData from '../../interfaces/IUserAgentData'; - -export default function modifyHeaders( - browserEmulator: BrowserEmulator, - data: IBrowserData, - userAgentData: IUserAgentData, - resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, -) { - const { userAgentString, locale } = browserEmulator; - const defaultOrder = getResourceHeaderDefaults(browserEmulator, data.headers, resource); - const headers = resource.requestHeaders; - - // if no default order, at least ensure connection and user-agent - if (!defaultOrder) { - const newHeaders: IResourceHeaders = {}; - let hasKeepAlive = false; - for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { - const lower = toLowerCase(header); - if (lower === 'connection') hasKeepAlive = true; - - if (lower === 'user-agent') { - newHeaders[header] = userAgentString; - } else { - newHeaders[header] = value; - } - } - if (!hasKeepAlive && !resource.isServerHttp2) { - newHeaders.Connection = 'keep-alive'; - } - - resource.requestHeaders = newHeaders; - - return true; - } - - const isXhr = resource.resourceType === 'Fetch' || resource.resourceType === 'XHR'; - - const requestLowerHeaders = {}; - for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(resource.requestHeaders)) { - requestLowerHeaders[toLowerCase(key)] = value; - } - - // First add headers in the default order - - const headerList: [string, string | string[]][] = []; - for (const headerName of defaultOrder.order) { - const defaults = defaultOrder.defaults[headerName]; - const lowerName = toLowerCase(headerName); - let value = requestLowerHeaders[lowerName]; - - if (lowerName === 'accept-language') { - value = `${locale};q=0.9`; - // if header is an Sec- header, trust Chrome - } else if (value && lowerName.startsWith('sec-')) { - // keep given value - } else if (!value && lowerName === 'sec-ch-ua-platform') { - // must align to user platform! (eg, "Windows") - value = `"${userAgentData.platform}"`; - } else if (value && lowerName === 'accept' && isXhr) { - // allow user to customize accept value on fetch/xhr - } else if (lowerName === 'user-agent') { - value = userAgentString; - } else if (defaults && !defaults.includes(value as string)) { - value = pickRandom(defaults); - } - - if (value) { - headerList.push([headerName, value]); - } - } - - // Now go through and add any custom headers - let index = -1; - for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { - index += 1; - const lowerHeader = toLowerCase(header); - const isAlreadyIncluded = defaultOrder.orderKeys.has(lowerHeader); - if (isAlreadyIncluded) continue; - - // if past the end, reset the index to the last spot - if (index >= headerList.length) index = headerList.length - 1; - - // insert at same index it would have been otherwise (unless past end) - headerList.splice(index, 0, [header, value]); - } - - const newHeaders: IResourceHeaders = {}; - for (const entry of headerList) newHeaders[entry[0]] = entry[1]; - - resource.requestHeaders = newHeaders; - return true; -} - -function getResourceHeaderDefaults( - browserEmulator: BrowserEmulator, - headerProfiles: IDataHeaders, - resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, -): Pick { - const { method, originType, requestHeaders: headers, resourceType } = resource; - - let protocol = resource.isServerHttp2 ? 'http2' : 'https'; - if (!resource.isSSL) protocol = 'http'; - - let profiles = headerProfiles[protocol][resourceType]; - if (!profiles && resourceType === 'Websocket') { - profiles = headerProfiles[protocol].WebsocketUpgrade; - } - if (!profiles) return null; - - for (const defaultOrder of profiles) { - defaultOrder.orderKeys ??= new Set(; - } - - let defaultOrders = profiles.filter(x => x.method === method); - - if (defaultOrders.length > 1) { - const filtered = defaultOrders.filter(x => x.originTypes.includes(originType)); - if (filtered.length) defaultOrders = filtered; - } - - if (defaultOrders.length > 1 && (headers['sec-fetch-user'] || headers['Sec-Fetch-User'])) { - const filtered = defaultOrders.filter(x => x.orderKeys.has('sec-fetch-user')); - if (filtered.length) defaultOrders = filtered; - } - - if (defaultOrders.length > 1) { - if (headers.Cookie || headers.cookie) { - const filtered = defaultOrders.filter(x => x.orderKeys.has('cookie')); - if (filtered.length) defaultOrders = filtered; - } - } - - return defaultOrders.length ? pickRandom(defaultOrders) : null; -} - -const lowerCaseMap = new Map(); - -function toLowerCase(header: string): string { - if (!lowerCaseMap.has(header)) lowerCaseMap.set(header, header.toLowerCase()); - return lowerCaseMap.get(header); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectBrowserEngineOption.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectBrowserEngineOption.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5561d247f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectBrowserEngineOption.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -import IBrowserEngineOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IBrowserEngineOption'; -import { IDataBrowserEngineOptions } from '../../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import { defaultBrowserEngine } from '../../index'; - -export default function selectBrowserEngineOption( - browserEngineId: string, - browserEngineOptions: IDataBrowserEngineOptions, -): IBrowserEngineOption { - const browserEngineOption = browserEngineOptions.find(x => === browserEngineId); - return browserEngineOption ?? browserEngineOptions.find(x => ===; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectUserAgentOption.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectUserAgentOption.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f8c7a415a..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/selectUserAgentOption.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -import IUserAgentOption from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; -import UserAgentPatternSelector from '../UserAgentSelector'; -import UserAgentOptions from '../UserAgentOptions'; - -export default function selectUserAgentOption( - userAgentSelector: string, - userAgentOptions: UserAgentOptions, -): IUserAgentOption { - userAgentSelector = userAgentSelector?.trim(); - if (userAgentSelector === 'chrome-latest') userAgentSelector = ''; - - if (!userAgentSelector) { - return userAgentOptions.getDefaultAgentOption(); - } - - if (userAgentSelector.startsWith('~')) { - const selectors = new UserAgentPatternSelector(userAgentSelector); - const option = userAgentOptions.findWithSelector(selectors); - - if (!option) { - throw new Error( - `No installed UserAgent Emulators match your criteria (${selectors.userAgentSelector})`, - ); - } - return option; - } - - return userAgentOptions.findClosestInstalledToUserAgentString(userAgentSelector); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setActiveAndFocused.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setActiveAndFocused.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8f4229e2a..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setActiveAndFocused.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import IDevtoolsSession from "@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession"; -import { IBrowserEmulator } from "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils"; - -export default async function setActiveAndFocused(emulator: IBrowserEmulator, devtools: IDevtoolsSession) { - await devtools.send('Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled', { enabled: true }).catch(err => err); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setGeolocation.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setGeolocation.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 97e33d26a..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setGeolocation.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import { assert } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; - -export default function setActiveAndFocused( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - page: IPuppetPage, -): Promise { - const location = emulator.geolocation; - if (!location) return; - - assert(Math.abs(location.latitude) <= 90, 'Latitude must be in a range from -90 to 90'); - assert(Math.abs(location.longitude) <= 180, 'Longitude must be in a range from -180 to 180'); - - if (!location.accuracy) location.accuracy = 50 - Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); - assert(location.accuracy >= 0, 'Accuracy must be a number greater than or equal to 0'); - - return Promise.all([ - page.devtoolsSession.send('Emulation.setGeolocationOverride', { - ...location, - }), - page.browserContext.sendWithBrowserDevtoolsSession('Browser.grantPermissions', { - permissions: ['geolocation'], - browserContextId:, - }), - ]); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setLocale.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setLocale.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b49e09f9e..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setLocale.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -import IDevtoolsSession from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; - -export default async function setLocale( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - devtools: IDevtoolsSession, -): Promise { - const { locale } = emulator; - if (!locale) return; - try { - await devtools.send('Emulation.setLocaleOverride', { locale }); - } catch (error) { - // not installed in Chrome 80 - if (error.message.includes("'Emulation.setLocaleOverride' wasn't found")) return; - // All pages in the same renderer share locale. All such pages belong to the same - // context and if locale is overridden for one of them its value is the same as - // we are trying to set so it's not a problem. - if (error.message.includes('Another locale override is already in effect')) return; - throw error; - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setScreensize.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setScreensize.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 77d25cdc3..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setScreensize.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -import IDevtoolsSession, { Protocol } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; - -export default async function setScreensize( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - page: IPuppetPage, - devtools: IDevtoolsSession, -): Promise { - const { viewport } = emulator; - if (!viewport) return; - - const promises: Promise[] = []; - - const metricsOverrideRequest: Protocol.Emulation.SetDeviceMetricsOverrideRequest = { - width: viewport.width, - height: viewport.height, - deviceScaleFactor: viewport.deviceScaleFactor ?? 0, - mobile: false, - }; - - if (emulator.browserEngine.isHeaded && viewport.screenWidth) { - promises.push( - page.devtoolsSession.send('Browser.getWindowForTarget').then(({ windowId, bounds }) => { - if (bounds.width === viewport.screenWidth && bounds.height === viewport.screenHeight) { - return null; - } - - return devtools.send('Browser.setWindowBounds', { - windowId, - bounds: { - width: viewport.screenWidth, - height: viewport.screenHeight, - windowState: 'normal', - }, - }); - }), - ); - } else { - Object.assign(metricsOverrideRequest, { - positionX: viewport.positionX, - positionY: viewport.positionY, - screenWidth: viewport.screenWidth, - screenHeight: viewport.screenHeight, - }); - } - - promises.push(devtools.send('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', metricsOverrideRequest)); - - if (viewport.width === 0 || viewport.height === 0) { - promises.push( - devtools.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics').then(x => { - const visualViewport: Protocol.Page.VisualViewport = x.cssVisualViewport ?? x.visualViewport; - viewport.height = visualViewport.clientHeight; - viewport.width = visualViewport.clientWidth; - viewport.deviceScaleFactor = visualViewport.scale; - return viewport; - }), - ); - } - await Promise.all(promises); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setTimezone.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setTimezone.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e1dc326d6..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setTimezone.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -import IDevtoolsSession from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; - -export default async function setTimezone( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - devtools: IDevtoolsSession, -): Promise { - const { timezoneId } = emulator; - if (!timezoneId) return; - try { - await devtools.send('Emulation.setTimezoneOverride', { timezoneId }); - } catch (error) { - if (error.message.includes('Timezone override is already in effect')) return; - if (error.message.includes('Invalid timezone')) - throw new Error(`Invalid timezone ID: ${timezoneId}`); - throw error; - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setUserAgent.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setUserAgent.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6242d6656..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/helpers/setUserAgent.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import IDevtoolsSession from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../../index'; -import IUserAgentData from '../../interfaces/IUserAgentData'; - -export default async function setUserAgent( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - devtools: IDevtoolsSession, - userAgentData: IUserAgentData, -) { - const userAgentMetadata = userAgentData - ? { - brands: userAgentData.brands, - fullVersion: userAgentData.uaFullVersion, - platform: userAgentData.platform, - platformVersion: userAgentData.platformVersion, - architecture: 'x86', - model: '', - mobile: false, - } - : undefined; - await devtools.send('Emulation.setUserAgentOverride', { - userAgent: emulator.userAgentString, - acceptLanguage: emulator.locale, - platform: emulator.operatingSystemPlatform, - userAgentMetadata, - }); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/loadDomOverrides.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/loadDomOverrides.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 1418ab29f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/loadDomOverrides.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -import { BrowserEmulator } from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils'; -import DomOverridesBuilder from './DomOverridesBuilder'; -import IBrowserData from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import parseNavigatorPlugins from './utils/parseNavigatorPlugins'; -import IUserAgentData from '../interfaces/IUserAgentData'; - -export default function loadDomOverrides( - emulator: BrowserEmulator, - data: IBrowserData, - userAgentData: IUserAgentData -): DomOverridesBuilder { - const domOverrides = new DomOverridesBuilder(); - - domOverrides.add('Error.captureStackTrace'); - domOverrides.add('Error.constructor'); - const deviceProfile = emulator.deviceProfile; - - domOverrides.add('navigator.deviceMemory', { memory: deviceProfile.deviceMemory }); - domOverrides.add('navigator', { - userAgentString: emulator.userAgentString, - platform: emulator.operatingSystemPlatform, - headless: emulator.browserEngine.isHeaded !== true, - pdfViewerEnabled: data.windowNavigator.navigator.pdfViewerEnabled?._$value, - userAgentData, - }); - - domOverrides.add('MediaDevices.prototype.enumerateDevices', { - videoDevice: deviceProfile.videoDevice, - }); - - domOverrides.add('Notification.permission'); - domOverrides.add('Permission.prototype.query'); - - const windowChrome = data.windowChrome; - if (windowChrome) { - domOverrides.add('', { - updateLoadTimes: true, - polyfill: { - property:, - prevProperty: windowChrome.prevProperty, - }, - }); - } - - const domPolyfill = data.domPolyfill; - if (domPolyfill) { - if (domPolyfill?.add?.length) { - domOverrides.add('polyfill.add', { - itemsToAdd: domPolyfill.add, - }); - } - if (domPolyfill?.remove?.length) { - domOverrides.add('polyfill.remove', { - itemsToRemove: domPolyfill.remove, - }); - } - if (domPolyfill?.modify?.length) { - domOverrides.add('polyfill.modify', { - itemsToModify: domPolyfill.modify, - }); - } - if (domPolyfill?.reorder?.length) { - domOverrides.add('polyfill.reorder', { - itemsToReorder: domPolyfill.reorder, - }); - } - } - - const windowNavigator = data.windowNavigator; - domOverrides.add('navigator.plugins', parseNavigatorPlugins(windowNavigator.navigator)); - domOverrides.add('WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter', deviceProfile.webGlParameters); - domOverrides.add('console.debug'); - domOverrides.add('HTMLIFrameElement.prototype'); - domOverrides.add('Element.prototype.attachShadow'); - - domOverrides.add('window.outerWidth', { - frameBorderWidth: data.windowFraming.frameBorderWidth, - }); - domOverrides.add('window.outerHeight', { - frameBorderHeight: data.windowFraming.frameBorderHeight, - }); - - return domOverrides; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/plugins/FirstPartyCookiesPlugin.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/plugins/FirstPartyCookiesPlugin.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5c709f0bf..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/plugins/FirstPartyCookiesPlugin.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,287 +0,0 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; -import CorePlugin from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin'; -import { - canonicalDomain, - Cookie, - CookieJar, - domainMatch, - getPublicSuffix, - permuteDomain, -} from 'tough-cookie'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import SameSiteContext from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/SameSiteContext'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; -import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import DomOverridesBuilder from '../DomOverridesBuilder'; - -export default class FirstPartyCookiesPlugin extends CorePlugin { - private cookieJar = new CookieJar(null, { rejectPublicSuffixes: false }); - // track sites per safari ITP that are considered to have "first party user interaction" - private sitesWithUserInteraction: string[] = []; - // This Flag Should be enabled once double agent deciphers patch level changes - private enableNov2019ITPSupport = false; - - private enableFeb2020ITPSupport = false; - - private cookiesPendingSiteInteraction: { - [site: string]: { cookie: Cookie; sourceUrl: string; sameSiteContext: SameSiteContext }[]; - } = {}; - - private readonly userInteractionTrigger: { - [site: string]: IResolvablePromise; - } = {}; - - public onLoadUserProfileCookies(cookies, storage) { - this.loadProfileCookies(cookies, storage); - } - - public async beforeHttpRequest(request: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - // never send cookies to preflight requests - if (request.method !== 'OPTIONS') { - const cookieHeader = await this.getCookieHeader(request); - const existingCookies = Object.entries(request.requestHeaders).find(([key]) => - key.match(/^cookie/i), - ); - const existingCookie = existingCookies ? existingCookies[1] : null; - if (existingCookie !== cookieHeader) { - const headerKey = existingCookies ? existingCookies[0] : 'Cookie'; - if (cookieHeader) { - request[headerKey] = cookieHeader; - } else { - delete request.requestHeaders[headerKey]; - } - } - } - } - - public async beforeHttpResponse(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - let cookies = - resource.responseHeaders['set-cookie'] ?? resource.responseHeaders['Set-Cookie'] ?? []; - if (!Array.isArray(cookies)) cookies = [cookies]; - - for (const setCookie of cookies) { - try { - await this.setCookie(setCookie, resource); - } catch (error) { - this.logger.warn('Could not set cookie', { error }); - } - } - } - - public onNewPuppetPage(page: IPuppetPage): Promise { - const cookieCallbackName = 'HeroSetCookie'; - const domOverrides = new DomOverridesBuilder(); - domOverrides.add('Document.prototype.cookie', { - callbackName: cookieCallbackName, - }); - const scripts =; - const callback = async ({ cookie, origin }) => { - try { - await this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie, origin); - } catch (error) { - this.logger.warn('Error setting cookie from page', { error }); - } - }; - - const promises: any[] = [ - page.addPageCallback(cookieCallbackName, payload => { - return callback(JSON.parse(payload)); - }), - ]; - - for (const script of scripts) { - promises.push(page.addNewDocumentScript(script.script, false)); - } - - return Promise.all(promises); - } - - public websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url: URL) { - this.documentHasUserActivity(url); - } - - private loadProfileCookies(cookies, storage) { - const originUrls = (Object.keys(storage ?? {}) ?? []).map(x => new URL(x)); - for (const cookie of cookies) { - let url = `http${ ? 's' : ''}://${cookie.domain}${cookie.path}`; - const match = originUrls.find(x => { - return x.hostname.endsWith(cookie.domain); - }); - if (match) url = match.href; - const cookieProps = { - ...cookie, - key:, - expires: cookie.expires !== '-1' ? new Date(parseInt(cookie.expires, 10)) : undefined, - }; - if (!cookieProps.expires) delete cookieProps.expires; - this.cookieJar.setCookieSync(new Cookie(cookieProps), url, { - ignoreError: true, - }); - } - for (const origin of originUrls) { - this.documentHasUserActivity(origin); - } - } - - private documentHasUserActivity(url: URL) { - const hostname = canonicalDomain(url.hostname); - if (!this.sitesWithUserInteraction.includes(hostname)) { - this.sitesWithUserInteraction.push(hostname); - let documentLoaded = this.userInteractionTrigger[hostname]; - if (!documentLoaded) { - documentLoaded = createPromise(); - this.userInteractionTrigger[hostname] = documentLoaded; - } - - (async () => { - for (const { cookie, sourceUrl, sameSiteContext } of this.cookiesPendingSiteInteraction[ - hostname - ] ?? []) { - await this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie, sourceUrl, { - sameSiteContext, - } as any); - } - delete this.cookiesPendingSiteInteraction[hostname]; - })() - .then(documentLoaded.resolve) - .catch(documentLoaded.reject); - } - } - - private async setCookie(cookieString: string, resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails) { - const { url } = resource; - const hostname = canonicalDomain(url.hostname); - const cookie = Cookie.parse(cookieString); - const sameSiteContext = getSameSiteContext(resource); - - if (resource.hasUserGesture) { - this.documentHasUserActivity(url); - } - if (!this.sitesWithUserInteraction.includes(hostname)) { - if (!this.cookiesPendingSiteInteraction[hostname]) { - this.cookiesPendingSiteInteraction[hostname] = []; - } - - if (this.enableNov2019ITPSupport) { - this.cookiesPendingSiteInteraction[hostname].push({ - sourceUrl: url.href, - cookie, - sameSiteContext, - }); - return; - } - } - await this.cookieJar.setCookie(cookie, url.href, { - sameSiteContext, - } as any); - } - - private async getCookieHeader(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails) { - const { url, documentUrl } = resource; - - let sourceDocumentUrl = documentUrl; - if (!sourceDocumentUrl && resource.isUserNavigation) sourceDocumentUrl = url.href; - - let sameSiteContext = getSameSiteContext(resource); - if (resource.isFromRedirect) { - const currentUrl = resource.url; - const previousDomain = new URL(resource.firstRedirectingUrl); - - if (getPublicSuffix(previousDomain.hostname) === getPublicSuffix(currentUrl.hostname)) { - sameSiteContext = 'strict'; - } - } - await this.waitForDocumentCookiesLoaded(sourceDocumentUrl); - let cookies = await this.cookieJar.getCookies(url.href, { - sameSiteContext, - } as any); - - if (sameSiteContext === 'none') { - cookies = cookies.filter(x => this.hasFirstPartyInteractionForDomain(x.domain)); - } - - cookies = this.handleNov2019ITPUpdates(sourceDocumentUrl, sameSiteContext, cookies); - - /** * - * TBD: - * >> Safari 13.1 - * ( - * Cookies for cross-site resources are now blocked by default across the board. This is a - * significant improvement for privacy since it removes any sense of exceptions or “a little bit - * of cross-site tracking is allowed.” - */ - if (this.enableFeb2020ITPSupport && this.isMinimumVersion(1) && sameSiteContext === 'none') { - cookies = []; - } - - return => x.cookieString()).join('; '); - } - - private async waitForDocumentCookiesLoaded(url: string) { - const interactUrl = new URL(url); - const hostname = canonicalDomain(interactUrl.hostname); - if (!this.userInteractionTrigger[hostname]) { - return; - } - await this.userInteractionTrigger[hostname]; - } - - private hasFirstPartyInteractionForDomain(domain: string) { - for (const site of this.sitesWithUserInteraction) { - const permutations = permuteDomain(site) ?? [site.split('.').slice(-2).join('.'), site]; - for (const perm of permutations) { - if (domainMatch(perm, domain)) return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private handleNov2019ITPUpdates( - sourceDocumentUrl: string, - sameSiteContext: SameSiteContext, - cookies: Cookie[], - ) { - if (!this.enableNov2019ITPSupport) { - return cookies; - } - /** - * - * - * >> Safari 13.0.4 on macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra. - * ( - * ITP will now block all third-party requests from seeing their cookies, regardless of the - * classification status of the third-party domain, unless the first-party website has already - * received user interaction. - * - * Safari’s default cookie policy requires a third-party to have “seeded” its cookie jar as first-party - * before it can use cookies as third-party. This means the absence of cookies in a third-party request - * can be due to ITP blocking existing cookies or the default cookie policy blocking cookies because the - * user never visited the website, the website’s cookies have expired, or because the user or - * ITP has explicitly deleted the website’s cookies. - */ - if (this.isMinimumVersion(0, 4) && sameSiteContext !== 'strict') { - const domain = canonicalDomain(sourceDocumentUrl); - if (!this.sitesWithUserInteraction.some(y => domainMatch(y, domain))) { - return []; - } - } - return cookies; - } - - private isMinimumVersion(minor: number, patch = 0) { - const { browserVersion } = this.plugins.browserEmulator; - return Number(browserVersion.minor) >= minor && Number(browserVersion.patch) >= patch; - } -} - -function getSameSiteContext(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): SameSiteContext { - const { hasUserGesture, originType } = resource; - if (originType === 'same-site' || originType === 'same-origin' || originType === 'none') { - return 'strict'; - } - if (hasUserGesture) { - return 'lax'; - } - return 'none'; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setPageDomOverrides.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setPageDomOverrides.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e391fb00e..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setPageDomOverrides.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import IBrowserData from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import DomOverridesBuilder from './DomOverridesBuilder'; - -export default async function setPageDomOverrides( - domOverrides: DomOverridesBuilder, - data: IBrowserData, - page: IPuppetPage, -) { - const scripts =; - const promises: Promise[] = []; - for (const script of scripts) { - // overrides happen in main frame - promises.push(page.addNewDocumentScript(script.script, false)); - } - await Promise.all(promises); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setWorkerDomOverrides.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setWorkerDomOverrides.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6f35f5b5f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/setWorkerDomOverrides.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -import { IPuppetWorker } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetWorker'; -import IBrowserData from '../interfaces/IBrowserData'; -import DomOverridesBuilder from './DomOverridesBuilder'; - -export default function setWorkerDomOverrides( - domOverrides: DomOverridesBuilder, - data: IBrowserData, - worker: IPuppetWorker, -): Promise { - const scripts =[ - 'Error.captureStackTrace', - 'Error.constructor', - 'navigator.deviceMemory', - 'navigator', - 'WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter', - ]); - return Promise.all( => worker.evaluate(x.script, true))); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/DnsOverTlsProviders.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/DnsOverTlsProviders.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0ea2f6794..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/DnsOverTlsProviders.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -const Cloudflare = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -const Google = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -const Quad9 = { - host: '', - servername: '', -}; - -export { Cloudflare, Google, Quad9 }; diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getLocalOperatingSystemMeta.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getLocalOperatingSystemMeta.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 39a58ad49..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getLocalOperatingSystemMeta.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -import * as Os from 'os'; -import { - convertMacOsVersionString, - convertVersionsToTree, - getClosestNumberMatch, -} from '../VersionUtils'; -import * as darwinToMacOsVersionMap from '../../data/darwinToMacOsVersionMap.json'; -import * as windowsToWindowsVersionMap from '../../data/windowsToWindowsVersionMap.json'; - -export default function getLocalOperatingSystemMeta( - platform = Os.platform(), - release = Os.release(), -) { - const name = extractOsName(platform); - const version = extractOsVersion(platform, release); - return { name, version }; -} - -function extractOsName(platform: string) { - return platformToOsName[platform.toLowerCase()]; -} - -function extractOsVersion(platform: string, release: string) { - let versionStr = ''; - - if (platform === 'darwin') { - versionStr = extractMacOsVersion(release); - } else if (platform === 'win32') { - versionStr = extractWindowsVersion(release); - } // else if linux then no version - - return versionStr.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('-'); -} - -function extractWindowsVersion(release: string) { - // there is no guarantee we have an exact match, so let's get the closest - const [major, minor] = release.split('.'); - const majors = Object.keys(windowsVersionTree).map(x => Number(x)); - const majorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(Number(major), majors); - let versionMatch = `${majorMatch}`; - - const minors = Object.keys(windowsVersionTree[majorMatch]).map(x => Number(x)); - const minorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(Number(minor), minors); - versionMatch += `.${minorMatch}`; - - return windowsToWindowsVersionMap[versionMatch]; -} - -function extractMacOsVersion(release: string) { - // there is no guarantee we have an exact match, so let's get the closest - const [major, minor, build] = release.split('.'); - const majors = Object.keys(darwinVersionTree).map(x => Number(x)); - const majorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(Number(major), majors); - let versionMatch = `${majorMatch}`; - - const minors = Object.keys(darwinVersionTree[majorMatch]).map(x => Number(x)); - const minorMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(Number(minor), minors); - versionMatch += `.${minorMatch}`; - - if (build) { - const builds = darwinVersionTree[majorMatch][minorMatch]; - const buildMatch = getClosestNumberMatch(Number(build), builds); - versionMatch += `.${buildMatch}`; - } - - const versionString = darwinToMacOsVersionMap[versionMatch]; - return convertMacOsVersionString(versionString); -} - -const platformToOsName = { - darwin: 'mac-os', - win32: 'windows', - linux: 'linux', - aix: 'linux', - freebsd: 'linux', - openbsd: 'linux', - sunos: 'linux', -}; - -const darwinVersionTree = convertVersionsToTree(Object.keys(darwinToMacOsVersionMap)); -const windowsVersionTree = convertVersionsToTree(Object.keys(windowsToWindowsVersionMap)); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getTcpSettingsForOs.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getTcpSettingsForOs.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 6f6e82d25..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/getTcpSettingsForOs.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -import { IVersion } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserAgentOption'; - -export default function getTcpSettingsForOs(name: string, version: IVersion) { - if (!name) return null; - - const ttl = expectedTtlValues[name] ?? 64; - - let windowSize = expectedWindowSizes[name]; - if (!windowSize || !windowSize.length) { - if (name === 'windows') { - if (parseInt(version.major, 10) >= 10) { - windowSize = expectedWindowSizes['windows-10']; - } else { - windowSize = expectedWindowSizes['windows-7']; - } - } - } - - if (!windowSize || !windowSize.length) { - return null; - } - - return { - ttl, - windowSize: windowSize[0], - }; -} - -const expectedTtlValues = { - 'mac-os': 64, - 'linux': 64, - 'windows': 128, -}; - -const expectedWindowSizes = { - 'mac-os': [65535], - 'linux': [5840, 29200, 5720], - 'windows-7': [8192], - 'Windows-10': [64240, 65535], -}; diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/parseNavigatorPlugins.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/parseNavigatorPlugins.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f22015ae9..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/lib/utils/parseNavigatorPlugins.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -export default function parseNavigatorPlugins(navigator: any) { - const mimesJson = readDomOutput(navigator.mimeTypes); - const mimeTypes: any[] = Object.entries(mimesJson) - .filter(x => x[0].match(/\d+/)) - .map(x => x[1]); - - for (const mimeType of mimeTypes) { - mimeType.hasNamedPropertyRef = !!mimesJson[mimeType.type]; - } - - const firstMimeType = (mimeTypes[0] as any).type; - const mimesListHasRefForTypeEntry = - typeof mimesJson[firstMimeType] === 'string' && - (mimesJson[firstMimeType] as string).startsWith('REF: '); - - const pluginJson = readDomOutput(navigator.plugins); - const plugins: any[] = Object.entries(pluginJson) - .filter(x => x[0].match(/\d+/)) - .map(x => x[1]); - - for (const plugin of plugins) { - plugin.mimeTypes = []; - delete plugin.length; - for (const [pluginKey, pluginProp] of Object.entries(plugin)) { - if (pluginKey.match(/\d+/)) { - const mimeType = (pluginProp as any).type as string; - delete plugin[pluginKey]; - delete plugin[mimeType]; - plugin.mimeTypes.push(mimeType); - mimeTypes.find(x => x.type === mimeType).__pluginName =; - } - } - } - - return { - mimeTypes, - mimesListHasRefForTypeEntry, - plugins, - }; -} - -function readDomOutput(entry) { - if (entry._$type === 'object') { - const obj = {}; - const props = Object.entries(entry); - for (const [prop, value] of props) { - if (prop.startsWith('_$')) continue; - obj[prop] = readDomOutput(value); - } - return obj; - } - if (entry._$value !== undefined) { - return entry._$value; - } - return entry; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/package.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index c62f1f998..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "@ulixee/default-browser-emulator", - "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Browser emulator generated from DoubleAgent data", - "main": "index.js", - "bin": { - "update-browser-emulator-data": "./bin/updateBrowserEmulatordData.js" - }, - "dependencies": { - "@ulixee/chrome-98-0": "^4758.102.4", - "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", - "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", - "compare-versions": "^3.6.0", - "tough-cookie": "^4.0.0", - "ua-parser-js": "^0.7.22" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/hero": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-fullstack": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-mitm": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-puppet": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4", - "@types/tough-cookie": "^4.0.0", - "source-map-loader": "^0.2.4" - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/DomExtractor.js b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/DomExtractor.js deleted file mode 100644 index d6aeb7412..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/DomExtractor.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,559 +0,0 @@ -// copied from double-agent. do not modify manually! - -function DomExtractor(selfName, pageMeta = {}) { - const { saveToUrl, pageUrl, pageHost, pageName } = pageMeta; - const skipProps = [ - 'Fingerprint2', - 'pageQueue', - 'runDomExtractor', - 'pageLoaded', - 'axios', - 'justAFunction', - ]; - - const skipValues = ['innerHTML', 'outerHTML', 'innerText', 'outerText']; - - const doNotInvoke = [ - 'print', - 'alert', - 'prompt', - 'confirm', - 'open', - 'close', - 'reload', - 'assert', - 'requestPermission', - 'screenshot', - 'pageLoaded', - 'delete', - 'clear', - 'read', - - 'start', - 'stop', - - 'write', - 'writeln', - 'replaceWith', - 'remove', - - 'self.history.back', - 'self.history.forward', - 'self.history.go', - 'self.history.pushState', - 'self.history.replaceState', - - 'getUserMedia', - 'requestFullscreen', - 'webkitRequestFullScreen', - 'webkitRequestFullscreen', - 'getDisplayMedia', - ].map(x => x.replace(/self\./g, `${selfName}.`)); - - const doNotAccess = [ - 'self.CSSAnimation.prototype.timeline', // crashes Safari - 'self.Animation.prototype.timeline', // crashes Safari - 'self.CSSTransition.prototype.timeline', // crashes Safari - ].map(x => x.replace(/self\./g, `${selfName}.`)); - - const excludedInheritedKeys = ['name', 'length', 'constructor']; - const loadedObjects = new Map([[self, selfName]]); - const hierarchyNav = new Map(); - const detached = {}; - - async function extractPropsFromObject(obj, parentPath) { - let keys = []; - let symbols = []; - try { - for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) { - if (!keys.includes(key)) keys.push(key); - } - } catch (err) {} - try { - symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj); - for (let key of symbols) { - if (!keys.includes(key)) keys.push(key); - } - } catch (err) {} - - try { - for (let key in obj) { - if (!keys.includes(key)) keys.push(key); - } - } catch (err) {} - - const newObj = { - _$protos: await loadProtoHierarchy(obj, parentPath), - }; - if ( - parentPath.includes(`${selfName}.document.`) && - !parentPath.includes(`${selfName}.document.documentElement`) && - newObj._$protos.includes('HTMLElement.prototype') - ) { - newObj._$skipped = 'SKIPPED ELEMENT'; - return newObj; - } - - if (parentPath.includes('new()') && parentPath.endsWith('.ownerElement')) { - newObj._$skipped = 'SKIPPED ELEMENT'; - return newObj; - } - - if (parentPath.split('.').length >= 8) { - newObj._$skipped = 'SKIPPED MAX DEPTH'; - return newObj; - } - - const isNewObject = parentPath.includes('.new()'); - if (isNewObject && newObj._$protos[0] === 'HTMLDocument.prototype') { - newObj._$skipped = 'SKIPPED DOCUMENT'; - newObj._$type = 'HTMLDocument.prototype'; - return newObj; - } - if (Object.isFrozen(obj)) newObj._$isFrozen = true; - if (Object.isSealed(obj)) newObj._$isSealed = true; - if (!newObj._$protos.length) delete newObj._$protos; - - const inheritedProps = []; - if (isNewObject) { - let proto = obj; - while (!!proto) { - proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); - if ( - !proto || - proto === Object || - proto === Object.prototype || - proto === Function || - proto === Function.prototype || - proto === HTMLElement.prototype || - proto === EventTarget.prototype - ) - break; - for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)) { - if (!keys.includes(key) && !excludedInheritedKeys.includes(key)) inheritedProps.push(key); - } - } - } - // TODO: re-enable inherited properties once we are on stable ground with chrome flags - // keys.push(...inheritedProps) - - for (const key of keys) { - if (skipProps.includes(key)) { - continue; - } - if (key === 'constructor') continue; - - const path = parentPath + '.' + String(key); - if (path.endsWith('_GLOBAL_HOOK__')) continue; - - const prop = '' + String(key); - - if ( - path.startsWith(`${selfName}.document`) && - typeof key === 'string' && - (key.startsWith('child') || - key.startsWith('first') || - key.startsWith('last') || - key.startsWith('next') || - key.startsWith('prev') || - key === 'textContent' || - key === 'text') - ) { - newObj[prop] = { _$type: 'dom', _$skipped: 'SKIPPED DOM' }; - continue; - } - - if (path.startsWith(`${selfName}.document`) && path.split('.').length > 5) { - newObj[prop] = { _$type: 'object', _$skipped: 'SKIPPED DEPTH' }; - continue; - } - - if (key === 'style') { - if (isNewObject) { - newObj[prop] = { _$type: 'object', _$skipped: 'SKIPPED STYLE' }; - continue; - } - } - if (hierarchyNav.has(path)) { - newObj[prop] = hierarchyNav.get(path); - continue; - } - - if (doNotAccess.includes(path)) { - continue; - } - try { - const isOwnProp = - obj.hasOwnProperty && obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && !inheritedProps.includes(key); - const value = await extractPropValue(obj, key, path, !isOwnProp); - if (value && typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith('REF:') && !isOwnProp) { - // don't assign here - //console.log('skipping ref', value); - } else { - newObj[prop] = value; - } - } catch (err) { - newObj[prop] = err.toString(); - } - } - if (obj.prototype) { - let instance; - let constructorException; - try { - instance = await new obj(); - } catch (err) { - constructorException = err.toString(); - } - if (constructorException) { - newObj['new()'] = { _$type: 'constructor', _$constructorException: constructorException }; - } else { - try { - newObj['new()'] = await extractPropsFromObject(instance, parentPath + '.new()'); - newObj['new()']._$type = 'constructor'; - } catch (err) { - newObj['new()'] = err.toString(); - } - } - } - return newObj; - } - - async function loadProtoHierarchy(obj, parentPath) { - const hierarchy = []; - let proto = obj; - if (typeof proto === 'function') return hierarchy; - - while (!!proto) { - proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); - - if (!proto) break; - - try { - let name = getObjectName(proto); - if (name && !hierarchy.includes(name)) hierarchy.push(name); - - if (loadedObjects.has(proto)) continue; - - let path = `${selfName}.${name}`; - let topType = name.split('.').shift(); - if (!(topType in self)) { - path = 'detached.' + name; - } - - if (!hierarchyNav.has(path)) { - hierarchyNav.set(path, {}); - const extracted = await extractPropsFromObject(proto, path); - hierarchyNav.set(path, extracted); - if (!path.includes(`${selfName}.`)) { - detached[name] = extracted; - } - } - } catch (err) {} - } - return hierarchy; - } - - async function extractPropValue(obj, key, path, isInherited) { - if (obj === null || obj === undefined || !key) { - return undefined; - } - - let accessException; - let value = await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { - let didResolve = false; - // if you wait on a promise, it will hang! - const t = setTimeout(() => reject('Likely a Promise'), 600); - try { - const p = await obj[key]; - if (didResolve) return; - didResolve = true; - clearTimeout(t); - resolve(p); - } catch (err) { - if (didResolve) return; - clearTimeout(t); - reject(err); - } - }).catch(err => { - accessException = err; - }); - - if ( - value && - path !== `${selfName}.document` && - (typeof value === 'function' || typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'symbol') - ) { - if (loadedObjects.has(value)) { - // TODO: re-enable invoking re-used functions once we are on stable ground with chrome flags - const shouldContinue = false; //typeof value === 'function' && (isInherited || !path.replace(String(key), '').includes(String(key))); - if (!shouldContinue) return 'REF: ' + loadedObjects.get(value); - } - // safari will end up in an infinite loop since each plugin is a new object as your traverse - if (path.includes('.navigator') && path.endsWith('.enabledPlugin')) { - return `REF: ${selfName}.navigator.plugins.X`; - } - loadedObjects.set(value, path); - } - - let details = {}; - if (value && (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function')) { - details = await extractPropsFromObject(value, path); - } - const descriptor = await getDescriptor(obj, key, accessException, path); - - if (!Object.keys(descriptor).length && !Object.keys(details).length) return undefined; - const prop = Object.assign(details, descriptor); - if (prop._$value === 'REF: ' + path) { - prop._$value = undefined; - } - - return prop; - } - - async function getDescriptor(obj, key, accessException, path) { - const objDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key); - - if (objDesc) { - let value; - try { - value = objDesc.value; - if (!value && !accessException) { - value = obj[key]; - } - } catch (err) {} - - let type = typeof value; - value = getJsonUsableValue(value, key); - const functionDetails = await getFunctionDetails(value, obj, key, type, path); - type = functionDetails.type; - - const flags = []; - if (objDesc.configurable) flags.push('c'); - if (objDesc.enumerable) flags.push('e'); - if (objDesc.writable) flags.push('w'); - - return { - _$type: type, - _$function: functionDetails.func, - _$invocation: functionDetails.invocation, - _$flags: flags.join(''), - _$accessException: accessException ? accessException.toString() : undefined, - _$value: value, - _$get: objDesc.get ? objDesc.get.toString() : undefined, - _$set: objDesc.set ? objDesc.set.toString() : undefined, - _$getToStringToString: objDesc.get ? objDesc.get.toString.toString() : undefined, - _$setToStringToString: objDesc.set ? objDesc.set.toString.toString() : undefined, - }; - } else { - const plainObject = {}; - - if (accessException && String(accessException).includes('Likely a Promise')) { - plainObject._$value = 'Likely a Promise'; - } else if (accessException) return plainObject; - let value; - try { - value = obj[key]; - } catch (err) {} - - let type = typeof value; - if (value && Array.isArray(value)) type = 'array'; - - const functionDetails = await getFunctionDetails(value, obj, key, type, path); - plainObject._$type = functionDetails.type; - plainObject._$value = getJsonUsableValue(value, key); - plainObject._$function = functionDetails.func; - plainObject._$invocation = functionDetails.invocation; - - return plainObject; - } - } - - async function getFunctionDetails(value, obj, key, type, path) { - let func; - let invocation; - if (type === 'undefined') type = undefined; - if (type === 'function') { - try { - func = String(value); - } catch (err) { - func = err.toString(); - } - try { - if (!doNotInvoke.includes(key) && !doNotInvoke.includes(path) && !value.prototype) { - invocation = await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { - const c = setTimeout(() => reject('Promise-like'), 650); - let didReply = false; - try { - let answer = obj[key](); - if (answer && answer.on) { - answer.on('error', err => { - console.log('Error', err, obj, key); - }); - } - answer = await answer; - - if (didReply) return; - clearTimeout(c); - didReply = true; - resolve(answer); - } catch (err) { - if (didReply) return; - didReply = true; - clearTimeout(c); - reject(err); - } - }); - } - } catch (err) { - invocation = err ? err.toString() : err; - } - } - - return { - type, - func, - invocation: func || invocation !== undefined ? getJsonUsableValue(invocation) : undefined, - }; - } - - function getJsonUsableValue(value, key) { - if (key && skipValues.includes(key)) { - return 'SKIPPED VALUE'; - } - - try { - if (value && typeof value === 'symbol') { - value = '' + String(value); - } else if (value && (value instanceof Promise || typeof value.then === 'function')) { - value = 'Promise'; - } else if (value && typeof value === 'object') { - const values = []; - - if (loadedObjects.has(value)) { - return 'REF: ' + loadedObjects.get(value); - } - - if (value.join !== undefined) { - // is array - for (const prop in value) { - values.push(getJsonUsableValue(value[prop])); - } - return `[${values.join(',')}]`; - } - - for (const prop in value) { - if (value.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { - values.push(prop + ': ' + getJsonUsableValue(value[prop])); - } - } - return `{${ => x.toString()).join(',')}}`; - } else if (typeof value === 'function') { - return value.toString(); - } else if (value && typeof value === 'string') { - if (pageUrl) { - while (value.includes(pageUrl)) { - value = value.replace(pageUrl, ''); - } - } - if (pageHost) { - while (value.includes(pageHost)) { - value = value.replace(pageHost, ''); - } - } - - value = value.replace(/\:\d+\:\d+/g, ':'); - } else { - return value; - } - } catch (err) { - value = err.toString(); - } - return value; - } - - function getObjectName(obj) { - if (obj === Object) return 'Object'; - if (obj === Object.prototype) return 'Object.prototype'; - try { - if (typeof obj === 'symbol') { - return '' + String(obj); - } - } catch (err) {} - try { - let name = obj[Symbol.toStringTag]; - if (!name) { - try { - name =; - } catch (err) {} - } - - if (obj.constructor) { - const constructorName =; - - if ( - constructorName && - constructorName !== && - constructorName !== - ) { - name = constructorName; - } - } - - if ('prototype' in obj) { - name = obj.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] || || name; - if (name) return name; - } - - if (typeof obj === 'function') { - if (name && name !== return name; - return; - } - - if (!name) return; - - return name + '.prototype'; - } catch (err) {} - } - - async function runAndSave() { - self.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function (promiseRejectionEvent) { - console.log(promiseRejectionEvent); - }); - - const props = await extractPropsFromObject(self, selfName); - - await fetch(saveToUrl, { - method: 'POST', - body: JSON.stringify({ - [selfName]: props, - detached, - }), - headers: { - 'Content-Type': 'application/json', - 'Page-Name': pageName, - }, - }); - } - - async function run(obj, parentPath, extractKeys = []) { - const result = await extractPropsFromObject(obj, parentPath); - - if (extractKeys && extractKeys.length) { - const extracted = {}; - for (const key of extractKeys) { - extracted[key] = result[key]; - } - return JSON.stringify({ window: extracted, windowKeys: Object.keys(result) }); - } - // NOTE: need to stringify to make sure this transfers same as it will from a browser window - return JSON.stringify({ window: result, detached }); - } - - = run; - this.runAndSave = runAndSave; - - return this; -} - -module.exports = DomExtractor; -if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') exports.default = DomExtractor; diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/VersionUtils.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/VersionUtils.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ac91d4476..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/VersionUtils.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -import * as Path from 'path'; -import { findClosestVersionMatch } from '../lib/VersionUtils'; -import DefaultBrowserEmulator, { defaultBrowserEngine } from '../index'; -import DataLoader from '../lib/DataLoader'; -import getLocalOperatingSystemMeta from '../lib/utils/getLocalOperatingSystemMeta'; - -test('it should findClosestVersionMatch even if minor is not matched', async () => { - const versionMatch1 = findClosestVersionMatch('10-16', ['11']); - const versionMatch2 = findClosestVersionMatch('11-2', ['11']); - const versionMatch3 = findClosestVersionMatch('11-3', ['11']); - const versionMatch4 = findClosestVersionMatch('11-4', ['11']); - - expect(versionMatch1).toBe('11'); - expect(versionMatch2).toBe('11'); - expect(versionMatch3).toBe('11'); - expect(versionMatch4).toBe('11'); -}, 60e3); - -test('it should find correct browser meta', async () => { - const browserMeta = DefaultBrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta( - `Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_4_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${defaultBrowserEngine.version.major}.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36`, - ); - const dataLoader = new DataLoader(Path.resolve(__dirname, '../')); - const data = as any; - const asOsId = data.osDataDir.split('/').pop(); - expect(asOsId).toEqual('as-mac-os-11'); -}); - -test('it should work with monteray', async () => { - const OsMeta = getLocalOperatingSystemMeta('darwin', '500.0.0'); - expect(OsMeta.version.split('-').map(Number)[0]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(11); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/chrome.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/chrome.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0f46ae99b..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/chrome.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import * as Path from 'path'; -import * as Helpers from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import { inspect } from 'util'; -import Puppet from '@ulixee/hero-puppet'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../index'; -import { getOverrideScript } from '../lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; -import DomExtractor = require('./DomExtractor'); - -const { log } = Log(module); -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta('~ mac = 10.14'); - -let chrome; -let prevProperty: string; -let puppet: Puppet; -beforeAll(async () => { - const { browserVersion, operatingSystemVersion } = selectBrowserMeta.userAgentOption; - const windowChromePath = Path.resolve( - __dirname, - `../data/as-chrome-${browserVersion.major}-0/as-mac-os-${operatingSystemVersion.major}-${operatingSystemVersion.minor}/window-chrome.json`, - ); - ({ chrome, prevProperty } = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(windowChromePath, 'utf8')) as any); - puppet = new Puppet(selectBrowserMeta.browserEngine); - Helpers.onClose(() => puppet.close(), true); - await puppet.start(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -const debug = process.env.DEBUG || false; - -test('it should mimic a chrome object', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const page = await createPage(); - const script = getOverrideScript('', { - polyfill: { - property: chrome, - prevProperty, - }, - }).script; - await page.addNewDocumentScript(script, false); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', ev => === 'DOMContentLoaded'), - ]); - - const structure = JSON.parse( - (await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `new (${DomExtractor.toString()})('window').run(window, 'window', ['chrome'])`, - false, - )) as any, - ).window; - if (debug) console.log(inspect(, false, null, true)); - - const structureJson = JSON.stringify(, (key, value) => { - if (key === '_$value' || key === '_$invocation') return undefined; - return value; - }); - - const chromeJson = JSON.stringify(chrome, (key, value) => { - if (key === '_$value' || key === '_$invocation') return undefined; - return value; - }); - // must delete csi's invocation since it's different on each run - expect(structureJson).toBe(chromeJson); -}, 60e3); - -test('it should update loadtimes and csi values', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const page = await createPage(); - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('', { - updateLoadTimes: true, - polyfill: { - property: chrome, - prevProperty, - }, - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', ev => === 'DOMContentLoaded'), - ]); - - const loadTimes = JSON.parse( - (await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`JSON.stringify(chrome.loadTimes())`, false)) as any, - ); - if (debug) console.log(inspect(loadTimes, false, null, true)); - expect(loadTimes.requestTime).not.toBe(chrome.loadTimes['new()'].requestTime._$value); - - const csi = JSON.parse( - (await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`JSON.stringify(chrome.csi())`, false)) as any, - ); - if (debug) console.log(inspect(csi, false, null, true)); - expect(csi.pageT).not.toBe(chrome.csi['new()'].pageT._$value); - - expect(csi.onloadT).not.toBe(chrome.csi['new()'].onloadT._$value); - expect(String(csi.onloadT).length).toBe(String(chrome.csi['new()'].onloadT._$value).length); - expect(Object.keys(csi)).toHaveLength(4); -}, 60e3); - -async function createPage() { - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close()); - const page = await context.newPage(); - page.on('page-error', console.log); - if (debug) { - page.on('console', console.log); - } - return page; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/iframe.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/iframe.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a951278c6..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/iframe.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import Core, { Session } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import CoreServerConnection from '@ulixee/hero-core/connections/ConnectionToClient'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; - -let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; -let coreServerConnection: CoreServerConnection; -beforeAll(async () => { - coreServerConnection = Core.addConnection(); - Helpers.onClose(() => coreServerConnection.disconnect(), true); - koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('should have a chrome object on iframes', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const frameType = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.srcdoc = 'blank page'; - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - - const result = typeof; - iframe.remove(); - - return result; -})();`); - expect(frameType).toBe('object'); -}); - -test('should not break toString across frames', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const toStrings = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - - const contentWindow = iframe.contentWindow; - const fnCallWithFrame =; - const fnToString = Function.toString + ''; - - return { - fnToString, - fnCallWithFrame - } -})();`); - - const { fnToString, fnCallWithFrame } = toStrings as any; - expect(fnToString).toBe(fnCallWithFrame); -}); - -test('should not break iframe functions', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const testFuncReturnValue = 'TESTSTRING'; - await page.evaluate(`((returnValue) => { - const { document } = window; // eslint-disable-line - const body = document.querySelector('body'); - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.srcdoc = 'foobar'; - body.appendChild(iframe); - iframe.contentWindow.mySuperFunction = () => returnValue; - })("${testFuncReturnValue}")`); - - const realReturn = await page.evaluate( - `document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow.mySuperFunction()`, - ); - await page.close(); - expect(realReturn).toBe(testFuncReturnValue); -}); - -test('should have chrome object in all kinds of iframes', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const basiciframe = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const el = document.createElement('iframe'); - document.body.appendChild(el); - return typeof; - })()`); - - const sandboxSOiframe = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const el = document.createElement('iframe'); - el.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin'); - document.body.appendChild(el); - return typeof; - })()`); - - const sandboxSOASiframe = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const el = document.createElement('iframe'); - el.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts'); - document.body.appendChild(el); - return typeof; - })()`); - - const srcdociframe = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const el = document.createElement('iframe'); - el.srcdoc = 'blank page, boys.'; - document.body.appendChild(el); - return typeof; - })()`); - - await page.close(); - expect(basiciframe).toBe('object'); - expect(sandboxSOiframe).toBe('object'); - expect(sandboxSOASiframe).toBe('object'); - expect(srcdociframe).toBe('object'); -}); - -test('should have plugins in frames', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const plugins = await page.evaluate(`window.navigator.plugins.length`); - const iframePlugins = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.srcdoc = 'page intentionally left blank'; - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - - return iframe.contentWindow.navigator.plugins.length; - })()`); - expect(plugins).toBe(iframePlugins); -}); - -test('should not be able to detect contentWindow overrides', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const results = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const results = {}; - - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.srcdoc = 'page intentionally left blank'; - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - - const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype); - results.descriptorToString = descriptors.contentWindow.get.toString(); - results.descriptorToStringToString = descriptors.contentWindow.get.toString.toString(); - results.windowType = typeof iframe.contentWindow; - results.noProxySignature = !iframe.srcdoc.toString.hasOwnProperty('[[IsRevoked]]'); - return results; - })()`); - expect(results.descriptorToString).toBe('function get contentWindow() { [native code] }'); - expect(results.descriptorToStringToString).toBe('function toString() { [native code] }'); - expect(results.noProxySignature).toBe(true); - expect(results.windowType).toBe('object'); -}); - -test('should override before iframe.src using javascript', async () => { - const meta = await coreServerConnection.createSession(); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - const page = tab.puppetPage; - const complete = new Promise(resolve => page.once('console', msg => resolve(msg.message))); - - await page.evaluate(`(() => { - - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.src = 'javascript:console.log(navigator.userAgent)'; - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - })()`); - - await expect(complete).resolves.toBe(tab.session.meta.userAgentString); -}); - -test('should emulate contentWindow features', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const results: any = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const results = {}; - - const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - iframe.srcdoc = 'page intentionally left blank'; - document.body.appendChild(iframe); - - results.doesExist = !!iframe.contentWindow; // Verify iframe isn't remapped to main window - results.isNotAClone = iframe.contentWindow !== window; // Verify iframe isn't remapped to main window - results.selfIsNotWindow = iframe.contentWindow.self !== window; - results.selfIsNotWindowTop = iframe.contentWindow.self !==; - results.selfIsAWindow = iframe.contentWindow.self instanceof Window; - results.topIsNotSame = !== iframe.contentWindow; - results.frameElementMatches = iframe.contentWindow.frameElement === iframe; - - return results; - })()`); - - await page.close(); - - expect(results.doesExist).toBe(true); - expect(results.isNotAClone).toBe(true); - expect(results.selfIsNotWindow).toBe(true); - expect(results.selfIsNotWindowTop).toBe(true); - expect(results.selfIsAWindow).toBe(true); - expect(results.topIsNotSame).toBe(true); -}); - -test('should handle a removed frame', async () => { - const meta = await coreServerConnection.createSession(); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - await tab.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - const navigatorPlatform = await tab.puppetPage.evaluate(`(() => { - try { - const numberOfIframes = window.length; - const div = document.createElement('div'); - div.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); - document.body.appendChild(div); - div.innerHTML = '
'; - const iframeWindow = window[numberOfIframes]; - div.parentNode.removeChild(div); - return iframeWindow.navigator.platform; - } catch (error) { - console.error(error); - } - })()`); - await tab.puppetPage.close(); - expect(navigatorPlatform).toBe(tab.session.plugins.browserEmulator.operatingSystemPlatform); -}); - -// only run this test manually -// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-disabled-tests -test.skip('should not break recaptcha popup', async () => { - const meta = await coreServerConnection.createSession(); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - const page = tab.puppetPage; - - await tab.goto(''); - - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#tswname']], - }, - { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [{ string: 'foo' }], - }, - ]); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#tswemail']], - }, - { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [{ string: '' }], - }, - ]); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#tswcomments']], - }, - { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [ - { - string: - 'In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.', - }, - ], - }, - ]); - await tab.interact([ - { - command:, - mousePosition: ['window', 'document', ['querySelector', '#tswsubmit']], - }, - ]); - await tab.waitForMillis(1000); - - const { hasRecaptchaPopup } = await page.evaluate(`(() => { - const hasRecaptchaPopup = !!document.querySelectorAll('iframe[title="recaptcha challenge"]') - .length; - return { hasRecaptchaPopup }; - })()`); - - await tab.close(); - - expect(hasRecaptchaPopup).toBe(true); -}); - -async function createPage(options?: ISessionCreateOptions): Promise { - const meta = await coreServerConnection.createSession(options); - const tab = Session.getTab(meta); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(tab.session); - await tab.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); - await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); - return tab.puppetPage; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/media.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/media.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0c9e32c0c..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/media.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import Hero from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; - -let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; -beforeAll(async () => { - koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(); -}); -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll, 30e3); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach, 30e3); - -test('can use widevine', async () => { - const hero = new Hero(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); - await hero.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); - - const accessKey = await hero - .getJsValue( - `navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess('com.widevine.alpha', [{ - initDataTypes: ['cenc'], - audioCapabilities: [ - { - contentType: 'audio/mp4;codecs="mp4a.40.2"', - }, - ], - videoCapabilities: [ - { - contentType: 'video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42E01E"', - }, - ], - }, - ]).then(x => { - if (x.keySystem !== 'com.widevine.alpha') throw new Error('Wrong keysystem ' + x.keySystem); - return x.createMediaKeys(); - }).then(x => { - return - })`, - ) - .catch(err => err); - expect(accessKey).toBe('MediaKeys'); -}); - -test('plays m3u8', async () => { - const hero = new Hero(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); - await hero.goto(koaServer.baseUrl); - - const isSupported = await hero - .getJsValue(`MediaSource.isTypeSupported('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E,mp4a.40.2"')`) - .catch(err => err); - expect(isSupported).toBe(true); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/navigator.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/navigator.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c11aa487c..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/navigator.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import { inspect } from 'util'; -import * as Helpers from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import Puppet from '@ulixee/hero-puppet'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../index'; -import * as pluginsChrome from './plugins-Chrome.json'; -import { getOverrideScript } from '../lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; -import parseNavigatorPlugins from '../lib/utils/parseNavigatorPlugins'; -import DomExtractor = require('./DomExtractor'); - -const { log } = Log(module); -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta('~ mac = 10.15'); - -let navigatorConfig: any; -let puppet: Puppet; -beforeAll(async () => { - const { browserVersion, operatingSystemVersion } = selectBrowserMeta.userAgentOption; - const asOsDataDir = `${__dirname}/../data/as-chrome-${browserVersion.major}-0/as-mac-os-${operatingSystemVersion.major}-${operatingSystemVersion.minor}`; - - const navigatorJsonPath = `${asOsDataDir}/window-navigator.json`; - ({ navigator: navigatorConfig } = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(navigatorJsonPath, 'utf8')) as any); - puppet = new Puppet(selectBrowserMeta.browserEngine); - Helpers.onClose(() => puppet.close(), true); - await puppet.start(); -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -const debug = process.env.DEBUG || false; - -test('it should override plugins in a browser window', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close()); - const page = await context.newPage(); - - page.on('page-error', console.log); - if (debug) { - page.on('console', console.log); - } - const pluginsData = parseNavigatorPlugins(navigatorConfig); - if (debug) console.log(pluginsData); - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('navigator.plugins', pluginsData).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', ev => === 'DOMContentLoaded'), - ]); - - const hasPlugins = await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `'plugins' in navigator && 'mimeTypes' in navigator`, - false, - ); - expect(hasPlugins).toBe(true); - - const pluginCount = await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`navigator.plugins.length`, false); - expect(pluginCount).toBe(pluginsData.plugins.length); - - const plugin1Mimes = await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `(() => { - let mimes = []; - for(const mime of navigator.plugins[0]) { - mimes.push(mime.type); - } - return mimes; -})()`, - false, - ); - expect(plugin1Mimes).toStrictEqual( => x.type)); - - const mimecount = await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`navigator.mimeTypes.length`, false); - expect(mimecount).toBe(pluginsData.mimeTypes.length); - - const structure = JSON.parse( - (await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `new (${DomExtractor.toString()})('window').run(window, 'window', ['Plugin', 'PluginArray', 'MimeType', 'MimeTypeArray','navigator'])`, - false, - )) as any, - ).window; - - for (const proto of ['Plugin', 'PluginArray', 'MimeType', 'MimeTypeArray']) { - if (debug) console.log(proto, inspect(structure[proto], false, null, true)); - expect(structure[proto]).toStrictEqual(pluginsChrome[proto]); - } - const navigatorPageStructure = structure.navigator; - if (debug) { - console.log('Installed', inspect(navigatorPageStructure.mimeTypes, false, null, true)); - console.log('Expected', inspect(navigatorConfig.mimeTypes, false, null, true)); - } - expect(navigatorPageStructure.mimeTypes).toStrictEqual(navigatorConfig.mimeTypes); - - if (debug) console.log(inspect(navigatorPageStructure.plugins, false, null, true)); - expect(navigatorPageStructure.plugins).toStrictEqual(navigatorConfig.plugins); -}, 60e3); - -test('it should override userAgentData in a browser window', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - res.end('Hi'); - }); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close()); - const page = await context.newPage(); - - page.on('page-error', console.log); - if (debug) { - page.on('console', console.log); - } - const pluginsData = {}; - if (debug) console.log(pluginsData); - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('navigator', { - brands: [ - { brand: ' Not A;Brand', version: '99' }, - { brand: 'Chromium', version: '98' }, - { brand: 'Google Chrome', version: '98' }, - ], - platform: 'macOS', - mobile: false, - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', ev => === 'DOMContentLoaded'), - ]); - - const structure = JSON.parse( - (await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `new (${DomExtractor.toString()})('window').run(window, 'window', ['NavigatorUAData','navigator'])`, - false, - )) as any, - ).window; - - for (const proto of ['NavigatorUAData']) { - if (debug) console.log(proto, inspect(structure[proto], false, null, true)); - expect(structure[proto]).toStrictEqual(pluginsChrome[proto]); - } - const navigatorPageStructure = structure.navigator; - if (debug) { - console.log('Installed', inspect(navigatorPageStructure, false, null, true)); - console.log('Expected', inspect(navigatorConfig, false, null, true)); - } - expect(navigatorPageStructure.userAgentData).toStrictEqual(navigatorConfig.userAgentData); -}, 60e3); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/plugins-Chrome.json b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/plugins-Chrome.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4fa23b9d7..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/plugins-Chrome.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,439 +0,0 @@ -{ - "NavigatorUAData": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "NavigatorUAData" - }, - "arguments": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "caller": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "prototype": { - "_$protos": ["Object.prototype"], - "brands": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get brands() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "mobile": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get mobile() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "platform": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get platform() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "getHighEntropyValues": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "getHighEntropyValues" - }, - "_$type": "function", - "_$function": "function getHighEntropyValues() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Failed to execute 'getHighEntropyValues' on 'NavigatorUAData': Illegal invocation", - "_$flags": "cew", - "_$value": "function getHighEntropyValues() { [native code] }" - }, - "toJSON": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "toJSON" - }, - "_$type": "function", - "_$function": "function toJSON() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$flags": "cew", - "_$value": "function toJSON() { [native code] }" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "NavigatorUAData" - } - }, - "new()": { - "_$type": "constructor", - "_$constructorException": "TypeError: Illegal constructor" - }, - "_$type": "function", - "_$function": "function NavigatorUAData() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$flags": "cw", - "_$value": "function NavigatorUAData() { [native code] }" - }, - "MimeType": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "MimeType" - }, - "arguments": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "caller": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "prototype": { - "_$protos": ["Object.prototype"], - "type": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get type() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "suffixes": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get suffixes() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "description": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get description() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "enabledPlugin": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get enabledPlugin() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "MimeType" - }, - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "" - }, - "new()": { - "_$constructorException": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$type": "constructor" - }, - "_$function": "function MimeType() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$value": "function MimeType() { [native code] }", - "_$flags": "cw" - }, - "MimeTypeArray": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "MimeTypeArray" - }, - "arguments": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "caller": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "prototype": { - "_$protos": ["Object.prototype"], - "length": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get length() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "item": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "item" - }, - "_$function": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "namedItem": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "namedItem" - }, - "_$function": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "MimeTypeArray" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.iterator)": "REF: window.Array.prototype.values", - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "" - }, - "new()": { - "_$constructorException": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$type": "constructor" - }, - "_$function": "function MimeTypeArray() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$value": "function MimeTypeArray() { [native code] }", - "_$flags": "cw" - }, - "Plugin": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "Plugin" - }, - "arguments": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "caller": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "prototype": { - "_$protos": ["Object.prototype"], - "name": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get name() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "filename": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get filename() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "description": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get description() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "length": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get length() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "item": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "item" - }, - "_$function": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "namedItem": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "namedItem" - }, - "_$function": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "Plugin" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.iterator)": "REF: window.Array.prototype.values", - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "" - }, - "new()": { - "_$constructorException": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$type": "constructor" - }, - "_$function": "function Plugin() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$type": "function", - "_$value": "function Plugin() { [native code] }", - "_$flags": "cw" - }, - "PluginArray": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "PluginArray" - }, - "arguments": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "caller": { - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "", - "_$value": null - }, - "prototype": { - "_$protos": ["Object.prototype"], - "length": { - "_$flags": "ce", - "_$accessException": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$get": "function get length() { [native code] }", - "_$getToStringToString": "function toString() { [native code] }" - }, - "item": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "item" - }, - "_$function": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function item() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "namedItem": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 1 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "namedItem" - }, - "_$function": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function namedItem() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "refresh": { - "length": { - "_$type": "number", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": 0 - }, - "name": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "refresh" - }, - "_$function": "function refresh() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal invocation", - "_$value": "function refresh() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cew" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)": { - "_$type": "string", - "_$flags": "c", - "_$value": "PluginArray" - }, - "Symbol(Symbol.iterator)": "REF: window.Array.prototype.values", - "_$type": "object", - "_$flags": "" - }, - "new()": { - "_$constructorException": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$type": "constructor" - }, - "_$function": "function PluginArray() { [native code] }", - "_$invocation": "TypeError: Illegal constructor", - "_$value": "function PluginArray() { [native code] }", - "_$type": "function", - "_$flags": "cw" - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/polyfills.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/polyfills.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8ae66387f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/polyfills.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ -import * as http from 'http'; -import { inspect } from 'util'; -import * as Helpers from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import { ITestHttpServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import Puppet from '@ulixee/hero-puppet'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { getOverrideScript } from '../lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../index'; -import DomExtractor = require('./DomExtractor'); - -const { log } = Log(module); -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -let puppet: Puppet; -let httpServer: ITestHttpServer; -let context: IPuppetContext; -beforeAll(async () => { - puppet = new Puppet(selectBrowserMeta.browserEngine); - Helpers.onClose(() => puppet.close(), true); - await puppet.start(); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - plugins.browserEmulator.onNewPuppetPage = null; - context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close().catch(), true); - httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer({ onlyCloseOnFinal: true }); -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -const debug = process.env.DEBUG || false; - -test('it should be able to add polyfills', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const objectTestProperties = { - length: { - _$type: 'number', - _$flags: 'c', - _$value: 0, - }, - name: { - _$type: 'string', - _$flags: 'c', - _$value: 'ObjectTest', - }, - arguments: { - _$type: 'object', - _$flags: '', - _$value: null, - }, - caller: { - _$type: 'object', - _$flags: '', - _$value: null, - }, - prototype: { - _$protos: ['Object.prototype'], - creationTime: { - _$flags: 'ce', - _$accessException: 'TypeError: Illegal invocation', - _$get: 'function get creationTime() { [native code] }', - _$getToStringToString: 'function toString() { [native code] }', - }, - 'Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag)': { - _$type: 'string', - _$flags: 'c', - _$value: 'ObjectTest', - }, - _$type: 'object', - _$flags: '', - }, - 'new()': { - _$constructorException: "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined", - _$type: 'constructor', - }, - _$type: 'function', - _$function: 'function ObjectTest() { [native code] }', - _$flags: 'cw', - _$value: 'function ObjectTest() { [native code] }', - _$invocation: "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined", - }; - const chromeProperty = { - _$flags: 'ce', - _$type: 'string', - _$value: 'I am chrome', - }; - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('polyfill.add', { - itemsToAdd: [ - { - path: 'window', - propertyName: 'chromey', - prevProperty: 'Atomics', - property: chromeProperty, - }, - { - path: 'window', - propertyName: 'ObjectTest', - prevProperty: 'chromey', - property: objectTestProperties, - }, - ], - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - - const json = await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `new (${DomExtractor.toString()})('window').run(window, 'window', ['windowKeys','chromey','ObjectTest'])`, - false, - ); - const result = JSON.parse(json as any); - - const windowKeys = result.windowKeys; - const window = result.window; - // test chrome property - if (debug) { - console.log('chromey', inspect(window.chromey, false, null, true)); - } - expect(window.chromey).toStrictEqual(chromeProperty); - expect(windowKeys.indexOf('chromey')).toBe(windowKeys.indexOf('Atomics') + 1); - - // test ObjectTest property - if (debug) { - console.log('ObjectTest', inspect(window.ObjectTest, false, null, true)); - } - expect(window.ObjectTest).toStrictEqual(objectTestProperties); - expect(windowKeys.indexOf('ObjectTest')).toBe(windowKeys.indexOf('chromey') + 1); -}, 60e3); - -test('it should be able to remove properties', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('polyfill.remove', { - itemsToRemove: [ - { path: 'window', propertyName: 'Atomics' }, - { path: 'window.Array', propertyName: 'from' }, - ], - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - - expect(await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`!!window.Atomics`, false)).not.toBeTruthy(); - expect(await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`!!Array.from`, false)).not.toBeTruthy(); -}); - -test('it should be able to change properties', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('polyfill.modify', { - itemsToModify: [ - { - path: '', - propertyName: '_$value', - property: 'notTheRightName', - }, - { - path: 'window.Navigator.prototype.registerProtocolHandler', - propertyName: '_$function', - property: 'function registerProtocolHandler() { [unnative code] }', - }, - ], - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - - const protocolToString = await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `window.Navigator.prototype.registerProtocolHandler.toString()`, - false, - ); - const protocolName = await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - ``, - false, - ); - - expect(protocolName).toBe('notTheRightName'); - expect(protocolToString).toBe('function registerProtocolHandler() { [unnative code] }'); -}); - -test('it should be able to change property order', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - - const startNavigatorKeys = (await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `Object.keys(window.Navigator.prototype)`, - false, - )) as string[]; - - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('polyfill.reorder', { - itemsToReorder: [ - { - path: 'window.Navigator.prototype', - propertyName: startNavigatorKeys[10], - throughProperty: startNavigatorKeys[12], - prevProperty: startNavigatorKeys[1], - }, - { - path: 'window.Navigator.prototype', - propertyName: startNavigatorKeys[18], - throughProperty: startNavigatorKeys[18], - prevProperty: startNavigatorKeys[12], - }, - ], - }).script, - false, - ); - await new Promise(setImmediate); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - - const keyOrder = (await page.mainFrame.evaluate( - `Object.keys(window.Navigator.prototype)`, - false, - )) as string[]; - - const prop1Index = keyOrder.indexOf(startNavigatorKeys[10]); - expect(keyOrder[prop1Index - 1]).toBe(startNavigatorKeys[1]); - - const prop2Index = keyOrder.indexOf(startNavigatorKeys[18]); - expect(keyOrder[prop2Index - 1]).toBe(startNavigatorKeys[12]); -}); - -test('it should be able to change window property order', async () => { - const page = await createPage(); - const windowKeys = await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`Object.keys(window)`, false); - - const itemsToReorder = [ - { - path: 'window', - propertyName: windowKeys[10], - throughProperty: windowKeys[12], - prevProperty: windowKeys[1], - }, - { - path: 'window', - propertyName: windowKeys[18], - throughProperty: windowKeys[18], - prevProperty: windowKeys[12], - }, - { - path: 'window', - propertyName: windowKeys[25], - throughProperty: windowKeys[50], - prevProperty: windowKeys[23], - }, - ]; - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('polyfill.reorder', { - itemsToReorder, - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - const windowKeysAfter = (await page.mainFrame.evaluate(`Object.keys(window)`, false)) as string[]; - - const prop1Index = windowKeysAfter.indexOf(windowKeys[10]); - expect(windowKeysAfter[prop1Index - 1]).toBe(windowKeys[1]); - - const prop2Index = windowKeysAfter.indexOf(windowKeys[18]); - expect(windowKeysAfter[prop2Index - 1]).toBe(windowKeys[12]); - - const prop3Index = windowKeysAfter.indexOf(windowKeys[25]); - expect(windowKeysAfter[prop3Index - 1]).toBe(windowKeys[23]); - - expect(windowKeysAfter.indexOf(windowKeys[26])).toBe(prop3Index + 1); - expect(windowKeysAfter.indexOf(windowKeys[50])).toBe(prop3Index + 25); -}, 10e3); - -async function createPage() { - const page = await context.newPage(); - Helpers.onClose(() => page.close()); - page.on('page-error', console.log); - if (debug) { - page.on('console', console.log); - } - return page; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/publicIp.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/publicIp.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 52049075f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/publicIp.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import RequestSession from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; -import MitmServer from '@ulixee/hero-mitm/lib/MitmProxy'; -import lookupPublicIp, { IpLookupServices } from '../lib/helpers/lookupPublicIp'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../index'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const browserEmulatorId =; -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('can resolve a v4 address', async () => { - await expect(lookupPublicIp()).resolves.toBeTruthy(); -}); - -test('can resolve an ip address with a mitm socket', async () => { - const mitmServer = await MitmServer.start(); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(mitmServer); - - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ browserEmulatorId, selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const session = new RequestSession(`1`, plugins); - mitmServer.registerSession(session, false); - Helpers.needsClosing.push(session); - - await expect(lookupPublicIp(, session.requestAgent)).resolves.toBeTruthy(); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/selectUserAgentOptions.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/selectUserAgentOptions.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 495f1e953..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/selectUserAgentOptions.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -import selectUserAgentOption from '../lib/helpers/selectUserAgentOption'; -import DataLoader from '../lib/DataLoader'; -import { defaultBrowserEngine } from '../index'; -import UserAgentOptions from '../lib/UserAgentOptions'; -import BrowserEngineOptions from '../lib/BrowserEngineOptions'; - -const dataLoader = new DataLoader(`${__dirname}/..`); -const browserEngineOptions = new BrowserEngineOptions( - dataLoader, - process.env.HERO_DEFAULT_BROWSER_ID, -); -const userAgentOptions = new UserAgentOptions(dataLoader, browserEngineOptions); - -test('should support choosing a specific useragent', async () => { - const options = selectUserAgentOption( - `~ chrome >= ${defaultBrowserEngine.version.major} && chrome < ${ - Number(defaultBrowserEngine.version.major) + 1 - }`, - userAgentOptions, - ); - expect(options.browserVersion.major).toBe(defaultBrowserEngine.version.major); -}); - -test('should support choosing a specific OS', async () => { - const options = selectUserAgentOption('~ mac & chrome >= 88', userAgentOptions); - expect(parseInt(options.browserVersion.major, 10)).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(88); - expect(options.operatingSystemName).toBe('mac-os'); -}); - -test('should throw an error for a non-installed pattern', async () => { - try { - expect(selectUserAgentOption('~ mac & chrome >= 500000', userAgentOptions)).not.toBeTruthy(); - } catch (err) { - expect(err.message).toMatch('No installed UserAgent'); - } -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/userAgentStrings.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/userAgentStrings.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8c18e2cac..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/userAgentStrings.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -import Hero from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; -import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { defaultBrowserEngine } from '../index'; - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -test('it should run uninstalled userAgent strings on the closest installed browser', async () => { - const userAgent = - 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_16_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.165 Safari/537.36'; - const hero = new Hero({ userAgent }); - Helpers.onClose(() => hero.close(), true); - const meta = await hero.meta; - - expect(meta.userAgentString).toBe(userAgent); - expect(meta.renderingEngineVersion).toBe(defaultBrowserEngine.fullVersion); - expect(meta.browserFullVersion.split('.').shift()).toBe(defaultBrowserEngine.version.major) -}); - -test('it should run pick an OS version for Chrome 90+ on mac 10.15.17', async () => { - const userAgent = `Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${defaultBrowserEngine.version.major}.0.3987.165 Safari/537.36`; - const hero = new Hero({ userAgent }); - Helpers.onClose(() => hero.close(), true); - const meta = await hero.meta; - expect(meta.userAgentString).toBe(userAgent); - expect(meta.renderingEngineVersion).toBe(defaultBrowserEngine.fullVersion); - expect(meta.browserFullVersion.split('.').shift()).toBe(defaultBrowserEngine.version.major) - const osVersion = meta.operatingSystemVersion.split('.').map(Number); - expect(osVersion[0]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(10); - if (osVersion[0] === 10) { - expect(osVersion[1]).toBeGreaterThan(15); - } - expect(meta.operatingSystemPlatform).toBe('MacIntel'); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/utils.test.ts b/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/utils.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d17de3d9d..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-browser-emulator/test/utils.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -import * as Helpers from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import { inspect } from 'util'; -import Puppet from '@ulixee/hero-puppet'; -import injectedSourceUrl from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/injectedSourceUrl'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -// @ts-ignore -// eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions -import { proxyFunction } from '../injected-scripts/_proxyUtils'; -import { getOverrideScript } from '../lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; -import BrowserEmulator from '../index'; -import DomExtractor = require('./DomExtractor'); - -const { log } = Log(module); -const selectBrowserMeta = BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(); - -let puppet: Puppet; -beforeAll(async () => { - puppet = new Puppet(selectBrowserMeta.browserEngine); - Helpers.onClose(() => puppet.close(), true); - await puppet.start(); -}); - -afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); -afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); - -const debug = process.env.DEBUG || false; - -test('should be able to override a function', async () => { - class TestClass { - public doSomeWork(param: string) { - return `${param} nope`; - } - } - const holder = { - tester: new TestClass(), - }; - const win = { - TestClass, - holder, - }; - - // @ts-ignore - global.self = this; - const hierarchy = JSON.parse(await new DomExtractor('window').run(win, 'win')).window; - if (debug) console.log(inspect(hierarchy, false, null, true)); - expect(win.holder.tester.doSomeWork('we')).toBe('we nope'); - - proxyFunction(win.TestClass.prototype, 'doSomeWork', (target, thisArg, args) => { - return `${target.apply(thisArg, args)} yep`; - }); - - const afterHierarchy = JSON.parse(await new DomExtractor('window').run(win, 'win')).window; - if (debug) console.log(inspect(afterHierarchy, false, null, true)); - - expect(win.holder.tester.doSomeWork('oh')).toBe('oh nope yep'); - expect(afterHierarchy.TestClass.prototype.doSomeWork._$invocation).toBe('undefined nope yep'); - // these 2 will now be different in the structure - delete hierarchy.TestClass.prototype.doSomeWork._$invocation; - delete afterHierarchy.TestClass.prototype.doSomeWork._$invocation; - expect(hierarchy).toStrictEqual(afterHierarchy); -}); - -test('should override a function and clean error stacks', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpServer(); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close()); - const page = await context.newPage(); - - page.on('page-error', console.log); - if (debug) { - page.on('console', console.log); - } - await page.addNewDocumentScript( - getOverrideScript('navigator.deviceMemory', { - memory: '4gb', - }).script, - false, - ); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', ev => === 'DOMContentLoaded'), - ]); - - const worksOnce = await page.evaluate( - `navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }).then(x => x.state)`, - ); - expect(worksOnce).toBeTruthy(); - - const perms = await page.evaluate(`(async () => { - try { - await navigator.permissions.query() - } catch(err) { - return err.stack; - } - })();`); - expect(perms).not.toContain(injectedSourceUrl); -}); - -test('should override Errors properly on https pages', async () => { - const httpServer = await Helpers.runHttpsServer((req, res) => { - res.end(`


`); - }); - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ selectBrowserMeta }, log as IBoundLog); - const context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - Helpers.onClose(() => context.close()); - const page = await context.newPage(); - - page.on('console', console.log); - await page.addNewDocumentScript(getOverrideScript('Error.captureStackTrace').script, false); - await page.addNewDocumentScript(getOverrideScript('Error.constructor').script, false); - await Promise.all([ - page.navigate(httpServer.url), - page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', event => === 'load'), - ]); - - const errorToString = await page.evaluate(`Error.toString()`); - expect(errorToString).toBe('function Error() { [native code] }'); - const errorToStringString = await page.evaluate(`Error.toString.toString()`); - expect(errorToStringString).toBe('function toString() { [native code] }'); - const errorConstructorToString = await page.evaluate(`Error.constructor.toString()`); - expect(errorConstructorToString).toBe('function Function() { [native code] }'); -}); diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/Bezier.ts b/plugins/default-human-emulator/Bezier.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 48ea69064..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/Bezier.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import curveLength from './curveLength'; - -// class extract from - -export default class Bezier { - private readonly points: IPoint[]; - private readonly derivativePoints: IPoint[][]; - constructor(...points: IPoint[]) { - this.points = points; - this.derivativePoints = []; - - let prev = points; - for (let i = points.length; i > 1; i -= 1) { - const list: IPoint[] = []; - const c = i - 1; - - for (let j = 0; j < c; j += 1) { - list.push({ - x: c * (prev[j + 1].x - prev[j].x), - y: c * (prev[j + 1].y - prev[j].y), - }); - } - - this.derivativePoints.push(list); - prev = list; - } - } - - toString(): string { - const points = => `${p.x}/${p.y}`).join(', '); - return `[${points}]`; - } - - length() { - return curveLength(t => Bezier.compute(t, this.derivativePoints[0])); - } - - getLookupTable(points = 100): IPoint[] { - if (Number.isNaN(points)) points = 100; - - const table: IPointWithT[] = []; - for (let i = 0; i <= points; i += 1) { - let t = i; - if (i > 0) t = i / points; - const p = Bezier.compute(t, this.points); - p.t = t; - - table.push(p); - } - - return table; - } - - static compute(t: number, points: IPointWithT[]): IPointWithT { - // shortcuts - if (t === 0) { - points[0].t = 0; - return points[0]; - } - - const order = points.length - 1; - - if (t === 1) { - points[order].t = 1; - return points[order]; - } - - const mt = 1 - t; - - if (order === 0) { - points[0].t = t; - return points[0]; - } // linear? - - if (order === 1) { - return { - x: mt * points[0].x + t * points[1].x, - y: mt * points[0].y + t * points[1].y, - t, - }; - } // quadratic/cubic curve? - - if (order < 4) { - const mt2 = mt * mt; - const t2 = t * t; - let a: number; - let b: number; - let c: number; - let d = 0; - - if (order === 2) { - points = [ - points[0], - points[1], - points[2], - { - x: 0, - y: 0, - }, - ]; - a = mt2; - b = mt * t * 2; - c = t2; - } else if (order === 3) { - a = mt2 * mt; - b = mt2 * t * 3; - c = mt * t2 * 3; - d = t * t2; - } - - return { - x: a * points[0].x + b * points[1].x + c * points[2].x + d * points[3].x, - y: a * points[0].y + b * points[1].y + c * points[2].y + d * points[3].y, - t, - }; - } // higher order curves: use de Casteljau's computation - - // copy list - const dCpts = => { - return { ...x }; - }); - - while (dCpts.length > 1) { - for (let i = 0; i < dCpts.length - 1; i += 1) { - dCpts[i] = { - x: dCpts[i].x + (dCpts[i + 1].x - dCpts[i].x) * t, - y: dCpts[i].y + (dCpts[i + 1].y - dCpts[i].y) * t, - }; - } - - dCpts.splice(dCpts.length - 1, 1); - } - - dCpts[0].t = t; - return dCpts[0]; - } -} - -interface IPointWithT extends IPoint { - t?: number; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/ b/plugins/default-human-emulator/ deleted file mode 100644 index 685e9bcab..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2021 Data Liberation Foundation. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE -LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/curveLength.ts b/plugins/default-human-emulator/curveLength.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 168f9d83f..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/curveLength.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision:0 */ -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; - -// Legendre-Gauss abscissae with n=24 (x_i values, defined at i=n as the roots of the nth order Legendre polynomial Pn(x)) -const Tvalues = [ - -0.0640568928626056260850430826247450385909, 0.0640568928626056260850430826247450385909, - -0.1911188674736163091586398207570696318404, 0.1911188674736163091586398207570696318404, - -0.3150426796961633743867932913198102407864, 0.3150426796961633743867932913198102407864, - -0.4337935076260451384870842319133497124524, 0.4337935076260451384870842319133497124524, - -0.5454214713888395356583756172183723700107, 0.5454214713888395356583756172183723700107, - -0.6480936519369755692524957869107476266696, 0.6480936519369755692524957869107476266696, - -0.7401241915785543642438281030999784255232, 0.7401241915785543642438281030999784255232, - -0.8200019859739029219539498726697452080761, 0.8200019859739029219539498726697452080761, - -0.8864155270044010342131543419821967550873, 0.8864155270044010342131543419821967550873, - -0.9382745520027327585236490017087214496548, 0.9382745520027327585236490017087214496548, - -0.9747285559713094981983919930081690617411, 0.9747285559713094981983919930081690617411, - -0.9951872199970213601799974097007368118745, 0.9951872199970213601799974097007368118745, -]; - -// Legendre-Gauss weights with n=24 (w_i values, defined by a function linked to in the Bezier primer article) -const Cvalues = [ - 0.1279381953467521569740561652246953718517, 0.1279381953467521569740561652246953718517, - 0.1258374563468282961213753825111836887264, 0.1258374563468282961213753825111836887264, - 0.121670472927803391204463153476262425607, 0.121670472927803391204463153476262425607, - 0.1155056680537256013533444839067835598622, 0.1155056680537256013533444839067835598622, - 0.1074442701159656347825773424466062227946, 0.1074442701159656347825773424466062227946, - 0.0976186521041138882698806644642471544279, 0.0976186521041138882698806644642471544279, - 0.086190161531953275917185202983742667185, 0.086190161531953275917185202983742667185, - 0.0733464814110803057340336152531165181193, 0.0733464814110803057340336152531165181193, - 0.0592985849154367807463677585001085845412, 0.0592985849154367807463677585001085845412, - 0.0442774388174198061686027482113382288593, 0.0442774388174198061686027482113382288593, - 0.0285313886289336631813078159518782864491, 0.0285313886289336631813078159518782864491, - 0.0123412297999871995468056670700372915759, 0.0123412297999871995468056670700372915759, -]; -export default function curveLength(derivativePoint: (t: number) => IPoint) { - const z = 0.5; - - let sum = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < Tvalues.length; i += 1) { - const t = z * Tvalues[i] + z; - const { x, y } = derivativePoint(t); - const arc = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); - - sum += Cvalues[i] * arc; - } - return z * sum; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/generateVector.ts b/plugins/default-human-emulator/generateVector.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 26b686930..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/generateVector.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import Bezier from './Bezier'; - -export default function generateVector( - startPoint: IPoint, - destinationPoint: IPoint, - targetWidth: number, - minPoints: number, - maxPoints: number, - overshoot: { threshold: number; radius: number; spread: number }, -) { - const shouldOvershoot = magnitude(direction(startPoint, destinationPoint)) > overshoot.threshold; - - const firstTargetPoint = shouldOvershoot - ? getOvershootPoint(destinationPoint, overshoot.radius) - : destinationPoint; - const points = path(startPoint, firstTargetPoint, Math.max(targetWidth, 100), minPoints, maxPoints); - - if (shouldOvershoot) { - const correction = path( - firstTargetPoint, - destinationPoint, - targetWidth, - minPoints, - maxPoints, - overshoot.spread, - ); - points.push(...correction); - } - return => { - return { x: Math.round(point.x * 10) / 10, y: Math.round(point.y * 10) / 10 }; - }); -} - -function path( - start: IPoint, - finish: IPoint, - targetWidth: number, - minPoints: number, - maxPoints: number, - spreadOverride?: number, -): IPoint[] { - if (!targetWidth || Number.isNaN(targetWidth)) targetWidth = 1; - - let spread = spreadOverride; - if (!spread) { - const vec = direction(start, finish); - spread = Math.min(magnitude(vec), 200); - } - const anchors = generateBezierAnchors(start, finish, spread); - - const curve = new Bezier(start, ...anchors, finish); - const length = curve.length() * 0.8; - const baseTime = Math.random() * minPoints; - let steps = Math.ceil((Math.log2(fitts(length, targetWidth) + 1) + baseTime) * 3); - if (Number.isNaN(steps)) steps = minPoints; - if (steps > maxPoints) steps = maxPoints; - - return curve - .getLookupTable(steps) - .map(vector => ({ - x: vector.x, - y: vector.y, - })) - .filter(({ x, y }) => !Number.isNaN(x) && !Number.isNaN(y)); -} - -const sub = (a: IPoint, b: IPoint): IPoint => ({ x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y }); -const div = (a: IPoint, b: number): IPoint => ({ x: a.x / b, y: a.y / b }); -const mult = (a: IPoint, b: number): IPoint => ({ x: a.x * b, y: a.y * b }); -const add = (a: IPoint, b: IPoint): IPoint => ({ x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y }); - -function randomVectorOnLine(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): IPoint { - const vec = direction(a, b); - const multiplier = Math.random(); - return add(a, mult(vec, multiplier)); -} - -function randomNormalLine(a: IPoint, b: IPoint, range: number): IPoint[] { - const randMid = randomVectorOnLine(a, b); - const normalV = setMagnitude(perpendicular(direction(a, randMid)), range); - return [randMid, normalV]; -} - -function generateBezierAnchors(a: IPoint, b: IPoint, spread: number): IPoint[] { - const side = Math.round(Math.random()) === 1 ? 1 : -1; - const calc = (): IPoint => { - const [randMid, normalV] = randomNormalLine(a, b, spread); - const choice = mult(normalV, side); - return randomVectorOnLine(randMid, add(randMid, choice)); - }; - return [calc(), calc()].sort((sortA, sortB) => sortA.x - sortB.x); -} - -function getOvershootPoint(coordinate: IPoint, radius: number): IPoint { - const a = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; - const rad = radius * Math.sqrt(Math.random()); - const vector = { x: rad * Math.cos(a), y: rad * Math.sin(a) }; - return add(coordinate, vector); -} - -/** - * Calculate the amount of time needed to move from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) - * given the width of the element being clicked on - * - */ -function fitts(distance: number, width: number): number { - return 2 * Math.log2(distance / width + 1); -} - -function direction(a: IPoint, b: IPoint): IPoint { - return sub(b, a); -} - -function perpendicular(a: IPoint): IPoint { - return { x: a.y, y: -1 * a.x }; -} - -function magnitude(a: IPoint): number { - return Math.sqrt(a.x ** 2 + a.y ** 2); -} - -function unit(a: IPoint): IPoint { - return div(a, magnitude(a)); -} - -function setMagnitude(a: IPoint, amount: number): IPoint { - return mult(unit(a), amount); -} diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/index.ts b/plugins/default-human-emulator/index.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8cb023bcc..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/index.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,517 +0,0 @@ -import { - IInteractionGroups, - IInteractionStep, - IKeyboardCommand, - IMousePosition, - IMousePositionXY, - InteractionCommand, - isMousePositionXY, -} from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { HumanEmulatorClassDecorator } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; -import IInteractionsHelper, { IRectLookup } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; -import IPoint from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPoint'; -import HumanEmulator from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/HumanEmulator'; -import generateVector from './generateVector'; -import * as pkg from './package.json'; -import IMouseResult from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IMouseResult'; - -// ATTRIBUTION: heavily borrowed/inspired by - -@HumanEmulatorClassDecorator -export default class DefaultHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - public static id ='@ulixee/', ''); - - public static overshootSpread = 2; - public static overshootRadius = 5; - public static overshootThreshold = 250; - public static boxPaddingPercent = { width: 33, height: 33 }; - // NOTE: max steps are not total max if you overshoot. It's max per section - public static minMoveVectorPoints = 5; - public static maxMoveVectorPoints = 50; - public static minScrollVectorPoints = 10; - public static maxScrollVectorPoints = 25; - public static maxScrollIncrement = 500; - public static maxScrollDelayMillis = 15; - public static maxDelayBetweenInteractions = 200; - - public static wordsPerMinuteRange = [80, 100]; - - private millisPerCharacter: number; - - public getStartingMousePoint(helper: IInteractionsHelper): Promise { - const viewport = helper.viewportSize; - return Promise.resolve( - helper.createPointInRect({ - x: 0, - y: 0, - width: viewport.width, - height: viewport.height, - }), - ); - } - - public async playInteractions( - interactionGroups: IInteractionGroups, - runFn: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - for (let i = 0; i < interactionGroups.length; i += 1) { - if (i > 0) { - const millis = Math.random() * DefaultHumanEmulator.maxDelayBetweenInteractions; - await delay(millis); - } - for (const step of interactionGroups[i]) { - if (step.command === InteractionCommand.scroll) { - await this.scroll(step, runFn, helper); - continue; - } - - if (step.command === InteractionCommand.move) { - await this.moveMouse(step, runFn, helper); - continue; - } - - if ( - step.command === || - step.command === InteractionCommand.clickUp || - step.command === InteractionCommand.clickDown || - step.command === InteractionCommand.doubleclick - ) { - await this.moveMouseAndClick(step, runFn, helper); - continue; - } - - if (step.command === InteractionCommand.type) { - for (const keyboardCommand of step.keyboardCommands) { - const millisPerCharacter = this.calculateMillisPerChar(); - - if ('string' in keyboardCommand) { - for (const char of keyboardCommand.string) { - await runFn(this.getKeyboardCommandWithDelay({ string: char }, millisPerCharacter)); - } - } else { - await runFn(this.getKeyboardCommandWithDelay(keyboardCommand, millisPerCharacter)); - } - } - continue; - } - - if (step.command === InteractionCommand.willDismissDialog) { - const millis = Math.random() * DefaultHumanEmulator.maxDelayBetweenInteractions; - await delay(millis); - continue; - } - - await runFn(step); - } - } - } - - protected async scroll( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - run: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - const scrollVector = await this.getScrollVector(interactionStep, helper); - - let counter = 0; - for (const { x, y } of scrollVector) { - await delay(Math.random() * DefaultHumanEmulator.maxScrollDelayMillis); - - const shouldAddMouseJitter = counter % Math.round(Math.random() * 6) === 0; - if (shouldAddMouseJitter) { - await this.jitterMouse(helper, run); - } - - await run({ - mousePosition: [x, y], - command: InteractionCommand.scroll, - }); - counter += 1; - } - } - - protected async moveMouseAndClick( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - runFn: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - const { mousePosition, command, relativeToScrollOffset } = interactionStep; - interactionStep.delayMillis ??= Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); - delete interactionStep.relativeToScrollOffset; - - const retries = 3; - - for (let i = 0; i < retries; i += 1) { - const targetRect = await helper.lookupBoundingRect(mousePosition, { - relativeToScrollOffset, - includeNodeVisibility: true, - useLastKnownPosition: interactionStep.verification === 'none', - }); - - if (targetRect.elementTag === 'option') { - // options need a browser level call - interactionStep.simulateOptionClickOnNodeId = targetRect.nodeId; - interactionStep.verification = 'none'; - } - - if (targetRect.nodeVisibility?.isClickable === false) { - interactionStep.mousePosition = await this.resolveMoveAndClickForInvisibleNode( - interactionStep, - runFn, - helper, - targetRect, - ); - - if (!interactionStep.simulateOptionClickOnNodeId) { - continue; - } - } - - const targetPoint = helper.createPointInRect(targetRect, { - paddingPercent: DefaultHumanEmulator.boxPaddingPercent, - }); - await this.moveMouseToPoint(interactionStep, runFn, helper, targetPoint, targetRect.width); - - let mouseResultVerifier: () => Promise; - if ( - targetRect.nodeId && - command !== InteractionCommand.clickUp && - interactionStep.verification !== 'none' - ) { - const listener = await helper.createMousedownTrigger(targetRect.nodeId); - if (listener.nodeVisibility.isClickable === false) { - targetRect.nodeVisibility = listener.nodeVisibility; - interactionStep.mousePosition = await this.resolveMoveAndClickForInvisibleNode( - interactionStep, - runFn, - helper, - targetRect, - ); - continue; - } - mouseResultVerifier = listener.didTrigger; - } - - await runFn({ - ...interactionStep, - mousePosition: [targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y], - mouseResultVerifier, - }); - - if (mouseResultVerifier) { - const mouseUpResult = await mouseResultVerifier(); - - if (!mouseUpResult.didClickLocation) { - continue; - } - } - - return; - } - - throw new Error( - `"Interaction.${interactionStep.command}" element invisible after ${retries} attempts to move it into view.`, - ); - } - - protected async moveMouse( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - run: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - const rect = await helper.lookupBoundingRect(interactionStep.mousePosition, { - relativeToScrollOffset: interactionStep.relativeToScrollOffset, - useLastKnownPosition: interactionStep.verification === 'none', - }); - const targetPoint = helper.createPointInRect(rect, { - paddingPercent: DefaultHumanEmulator.boxPaddingPercent, - }); - - await this.moveMouseToPoint(interactionStep, run, helper, targetPoint, rect.width); - return targetPoint; - } - - protected async moveMouseToPoint( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - runFn: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - targetPoint: IPoint, - targetWidth: number, - ): Promise { - const mousePosition = helper.mousePosition; - - const vector = generateVector( - mousePosition, - targetPoint, - targetWidth, - DefaultHumanEmulator.minMoveVectorPoints, - DefaultHumanEmulator.maxMoveVectorPoints, - { - threshold: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootThreshold, - radius: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootRadius, - spread: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootSpread, - }, - ); - - if (!vector.length) return false; - for (const { x, y } of vector) { - await runFn({ - mousePosition: [x, y], - command: InteractionCommand.move, - }); - } - return true; - } - - protected async jitterMouse( - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - runFn: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - ): Promise { - const mousePosition = helper.mousePosition; - const jitterX = Math.max(mousePosition.x + Math.round(getRandomPositiveOrNegativeNumber()), 0); - const jitterY = Math.max(mousePosition.y + Math.round(getRandomPositiveOrNegativeNumber()), 0); - if (jitterX !== mousePosition.x || jitterY !== mousePosition.y) { - // jitter mouse - await runFn({ - mousePosition: [jitterX, jitterY], - command: InteractionCommand.move, - }); - } - } - - /////// KEYBOARD ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - protected getKeyboardCommandWithDelay(keyboardCommand: IKeyboardCommand, millisPerChar: number) { - const randomFactor = getRandomPositiveOrNegativeNumber() * (millisPerChar / 2); - const delayMillis = Math.floor(randomFactor + millisPerChar); - const keyboardKeyupDelay = Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 60), 10); - return { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [keyboardCommand], - keyboardDelayBetween: delayMillis - keyboardKeyupDelay, - keyboardKeyupDelay, - }; - } - - protected calculateMillisPerChar(): number { - if (!this.millisPerCharacter) { - const wpmRange = - DefaultHumanEmulator.wordsPerMinuteRange[1] - DefaultHumanEmulator.wordsPerMinuteRange[0]; - const wpm = - Math.floor(Math.random() * wpmRange) + DefaultHumanEmulator.wordsPerMinuteRange[0]; - - const averageWordLength = 5; - const charsPerSecond = (wpm * averageWordLength) / 60; - this.millisPerCharacter = Math.round(1000 / charsPerSecond); - } - return this.millisPerCharacter; - } - - private async getScrollVector( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - let shouldScrollX: boolean; - let shouldScrollY: boolean; - let scrollToPoint: IPoint; - const currentScrollOffset = await helper.scrollOffset; - - const { mousePosition, relativeToScrollOffset, verification } = interactionStep; - if (isMousePositionXY(mousePosition)) { - const [x, y] = mousePosition as IMousePositionXY; - scrollToPoint = { x, y }; - if (relativeToScrollOffset) { - scrollToPoint.y = scrollToPoint.y + relativeToScrollOffset.y - currentScrollOffset.y; - scrollToPoint.x = scrollToPoint.x + relativeToScrollOffset.x - currentScrollOffset.x; - } - shouldScrollY = scrollToPoint.y !== currentScrollOffset.y; - shouldScrollX = scrollToPoint.x !== currentScrollOffset.x; - } else { - const targetRect = await helper.lookupBoundingRect(mousePosition, { - useLastKnownPosition: verification === 'none', - }); - // figure out if target is in view - const viewportSize = helper.viewportSize; - const isRectVisible = helper.isRectInViewport(targetRect, viewportSize, 50); - shouldScrollY = !isRectVisible.height; - shouldScrollX = !isRectVisible.width; - - scrollToPoint = helper.createScrollPointForRect(targetRect, viewportSize); - - // positions are all relative to viewport, so normalize based on the current offsets - if (shouldScrollY) scrollToPoint.y += currentScrollOffset.y; - else scrollToPoint.y = currentScrollOffset.y; - - if (shouldScrollX) scrollToPoint.x += currentScrollOffset.x; - else scrollToPoint.x = currentScrollOffset.x; - } - - if (!shouldScrollY && !shouldScrollX) return []; - - let lastPoint: IPoint = currentScrollOffset; - const maxVectorPoints = helper.doesBrowserAnimateScrolling ? 2 : DefaultHumanEmulator.maxScrollVectorPoints; - - const scrollVector = generateVector( - currentScrollOffset, - scrollToPoint, - 200, - DefaultHumanEmulator.minScrollVectorPoints, - maxVectorPoints, - { - threshold: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootThreshold, - radius: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootRadius, - spread: DefaultHumanEmulator.overshootSpread, - }, - ); - - const points: IPoint[] = []; - for (let point of scrollVector) { - // convert points into deltas from previous scroll point - const scrollX = shouldScrollX ? Math.round(point.x) : currentScrollOffset.x; - const scrollY = shouldScrollY ? Math.round(point.y) : currentScrollOffset.y; - if (scrollY === lastPoint.y && scrollX === lastPoint.x) continue; - if (scrollY < 0 || scrollX < 0) continue; - - point = { - x: scrollX, - y: scrollY, - }; - - const scrollYPixels = Math.abs(scrollY - lastPoint.y); - // if too big a jump, backfill smaller jumps - if (scrollYPixels > DefaultHumanEmulator.maxScrollIncrement) { - const isNegative = scrollY < lastPoint.y; - const chunks = splitIntoMaxLengthSegments( - scrollYPixels, - DefaultHumanEmulator.maxScrollIncrement, - ); - for (const chunk of chunks) { - const deltaY = isNegative ? -chunk : chunk; - const scrollYChunk = Math.max(lastPoint.y + deltaY, 0); - if (scrollYChunk === lastPoint.y) continue; - - const newPoint = { - x: scrollX, - y: scrollYChunk, - }; - points.push(newPoint); - lastPoint = newPoint; - } - } - - const lastEntry = points[points.length - 1]; - // if same point added, yank it now - if (!lastEntry || lastEntry.x !== point.x || lastEntry.y !== point.y) { - points.push(point); - lastPoint = point; - } - } - if (lastPoint.y !== scrollToPoint.y || lastPoint.x !== scrollToPoint.x) { - points.push(scrollToPoint); - } - return points; - } - - private async resolveMoveAndClickForInvisibleNode( - interactionStep: IInteractionStep, - runFn: (interactionStep: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - targetRect: IRectLookup, - ): Promise { - const { nodeVisibility } = targetRect; - const viewport = helper.viewportSize; - - const interactionName = `"Interaction.${interactionStep.command}"`; - const { hasDimensions, isConnected, nodeExists } = nodeVisibility; - helper.logger.warn(`${interactionName} element not visible.`, { - interactionStep, - target: targetRect, - viewport, - }); - - if (!nodeExists) throw new Error(`${interactionName} element does not exist.`); - - // if node is not connected, we need to pick our strategy - if (!isConnected) { - const { verification } = interactionStep; - if (verification === 'elementAtPath') { - const nodePointer = await helper.reloadJsPath(interactionStep.mousePosition); - helper.logger.warn(`${interactionName} - checking for new element matching query.`, { - interactionStep, - nodePointer, - didFindUpdatedPath: !== targetRect.nodeId, - }); - if ( !== targetRect.nodeId) { - return []; - } - } - - throw new Error(`${interactionName} element isn't connected to the DOM.`); - } - - const isOffscreen = !nodeVisibility.isOnscreenVertical || !nodeVisibility.isOnscreenHorizontal; - if (hasDimensions && isOffscreen) { - await this.scroll(interactionStep, runFn, helper); - return interactionStep.mousePosition; - } - - if (hasDimensions && !!nodeVisibility.obstructedByElementRect) { - const { obstructedByElementRect } = nodeVisibility; - if (obstructedByElementRect.tag === 'html' && targetRect.elementTag === 'option') { - return interactionStep.mousePosition; - } - - if (obstructedByElementRect.height >= viewport.height * 0.9) - throw new Error(`${interactionName} element is obstructed by a full screen element`); - - const maxHeight = Math.min(targetRect.height + 2, viewport.height / 2); - let y: number; - if (obstructedByElementRect.y - maxHeight > 0) { - y = obstructedByElementRect.y - maxHeight; - } else if (obstructedByElementRect.y - (targetRect.height + 2) > 0) { - y = obstructedByElementRect.y - targetRect.height - 2; - } else { - // move beyond the bottom of the obstruction - y = obstructedByElementRect.y - obstructedByElementRect.height + 2; - } - const scrollBeyondObstruction = { - ...interactionStep, - mousePosition: [targetRect.x, y], - }; -'Scrolling to avoid obstruction', { - obstructedByElementRect, - scrollBeyondObstruction, - }); - await this.scroll(scrollBeyondObstruction, runFn, helper); - return interactionStep.mousePosition; - } - - throw new Error(`${interactionName} element isn't a ${interactionStep.command}-able target.`); - } -} - -async function delay(millis: number): Promise { - if (!millis) return; - await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.floor(millis)).unref()); -} - -function splitIntoMaxLengthSegments(total: number, maxValue: number): number[] { - const values: number[] = []; - let currentSum = 0; - while (currentSum < total) { - let nextValue = Math.round(Math.random() * maxValue * 10) / 10; - if (currentSum + nextValue > total) { - nextValue = total - currentSum; - } - currentSum += nextValue; - values.push(nextValue); - } - return values; -} - -function getRandomPositiveOrNegativeNumber(): number { - const negativeMultiplier = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; - - return Math.random() * negativeMultiplier; -} diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/package.json b/plugins/default-human-emulator/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 6277b65ff..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "@ulixee/default-human-emulator", - "version": "1.5.4", - "description": "Default human emulator based on Xetera/ghost-cursor for Hero", - "main": "index.js", - "dependencies": { - "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", - "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4" - } -} diff --git a/plugins/default-human-emulator/test/emulator.test.ts b/plugins/default-human-emulator/test/emulator.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7f1b938d0..000000000 --- a/plugins/default-human-emulator/test/emulator.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ -import { IInteractionStep, InteractionCommand } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractions'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import HumanEmulator from '../index'; -import * as rectUtils from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/rectUtils'; -import IInteractionsHelper from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IInteractionsHelper'; - -const { log } = Log(module); - -beforeAll(() => { - HumanEmulator.maxDelayBetweenInteractions = 0; - HumanEmulator.maxScrollDelayMillis = 0; -}); - -describe('typing', () => { - test('should spread out characters based on a wpm range', async () => { - HumanEmulator.wordsPerMinuteRange = [34, 34]; - const humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator({ - logger: log as IBoundLog, - } as ICorePluginCreateOptions); - const groups = [ - [ - { - command: InteractionCommand.type, - keyboardCommands: [{ string: 'Test typing sentence' }], - }, - ], - ]; - // @ts-ignore - const millisPerCharacter = humanEmulator.calculateMillisPerChar(groups); - expect(millisPerCharacter).toBe(353); - - let count = 0; - let totalMillis = 0; - await humanEmulator.playInteractions( - groups, - async interactionStep => { - expect(interactionStep.keyboardKeyupDelay).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(10); - expect(interactionStep.keyboardKeyupDelay).toBeLessThanOrEqual(60); - - expect(interactionStep.keyboardDelayBetween).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(353 - 60 - 353 / 2); - totalMillis += interactionStep.keyboardDelayBetween + interactionStep.keyboardKeyupDelay; - count += 1; - return null; - }, - null, - ); - const chars = 'Test typing sentence'.length; - expect(count).toBe(chars); - const charsPerSecond = totalMillis / 1000 / chars; - const charsPerMinute = 60 / charsPerSecond; - const wpm = Math.round(charsPerMinute / 5); - // should be close to 34 wpm - expect(Math.abs(34 - wpm)).toBeLessThanOrEqual(10); - }); -}); - -describe('move', () => { - test('should break a move into a series of moves', async () => { - const humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator({ - logger: log as IBoundLog, - } as ICorePluginCreateOptions); - const commands = []; - // @ts-ignore - await humanEmulator.scroll( - { - command: 'move', - mousePosition: [['document', 'querySelector', 'x']], - }, - async step => { - commands.push(step); - }, - createInteractHelper({ - async lookupBoundingRect() { - return { - elementTag: 'div', - height: 10, - width: 100, - x: 0, - y: 800, - }; - }, - }), - ); - - expect(commands.length).toBeGreaterThan(2); - }); -}); - -describe('scroll', () => { - test('should break a scroll into a curve', async () => { - const humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator({ - logger: log as IBoundLog, - } as ICorePluginCreateOptions); - const commands = []; - // @ts-ignore - await humanEmulator.scroll( - { - command: 'scroll', - mousePosition: [['document', 'querySelector', 'x']], - }, - async step => { - commands.push(step); - }, - createInteractHelper({ - async lookupBoundingRect() { - return { - elementTag: 'div', - height: 10, - width: 100, - x: 0, - y: 800, - }; - }, - }), - ); - - expect(commands.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); - }); - - test('should not scroll if over half in screen', async () => { - const humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator({ - logger: log as IBoundLog, - } as ICorePluginCreateOptions); - const commands = []; - // @ts-ignore - await humanEmulator.scroll( - { - command: 'scroll', - mousePosition: [['document', 'querySelector', 'x']], - }, - async step => { - commands.push(step); - }, - createInteractHelper({ - async lookupBoundingRect() { - return { - elementTag: 'div', - height: 200, - width: 100, - x: 50, - y: 499, - }; - }, - }), - ); - - expect(commands).toHaveLength(0); - }); - - test('should not exceed max pixels per scroll', async () => { - const humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator({ - logger: log as IBoundLog, - } as ICorePluginCreateOptions); - const commands: IInteractionStep[] = []; - // @ts-ignore - await humanEmulator.scroll( - { - command: 'scroll', - mousePosition: [['document', 'querySelector', 'x']], - }, - async step => { - commands.push(step); - }, - createInteractHelper({ - async lookupBoundingRect() { - return { - elementTag: 'div', - height: 200, - width: 100, - x: 50, - y: 50000, - }; - }, - }), - ); - - expect(commands.length).toBeGreaterThan(2); - - const scrolls = commands.filter(x => x.command === 'scroll'); - for (let i = 0; i < scrolls.length; i += 1) { - const current = scrolls[i]; - const next = scrolls[i + 1]; - if (current && next) { - const diff = Math.round( - Math.abs((next.mousePosition[1] as number) - (current.mousePosition[1] as number)), - ); - expect(diff).toBeLessThanOrEqual(500); - } - } - }); -}); - -function createInteractHelper(extras: Partial): IInteractionsHelper { - return { - mousePosition: { x: 25, y: 25 }, - viewportSize: { - height: 600, - width: 800, - }, - async lookupBoundingRect() { - return { - elementTag: 'div', - height: 200, - width: 100, - x: 50, - y: 50000, - }; - }, - doesBrowserAnimateScrolling: true, - scrollOffset: Promise.resolve({ x: 0, y: 0 }), - logger: log, - createMousedownTrigger() { - return Promise.resolve({ - nodeVisibility: { isVisible: true, isClickable: true }, - didTrigger: () => Promise.resolve({ didClickLocation: true } as any), - }); - }, - reloadJsPath: () => Promise.resolve(null), - ...rectUtils, - ...extras, - }; -} diff --git a/plugins/execute-js/lib/CorePlugin.ts b/plugins/execute-js/lib/CorePlugin.ts index aa5da9838..f20586a1a 100644 --- a/plugins/execute-js/lib/CorePlugin.ts +++ b/plugins/execute-js/lib/CorePlugin.ts @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ export default class ExecuteJsCorePlugin extends CorePlugin { public static id = pluginId; public async onClientCommand( - { puppetFrame, puppetPage }: IOnClientCommandMeta, + { frame, page }: IOnClientCommandMeta, args: IExecuteJsArgs, ): Promise { const { fnName, fnSerialized, isolateFromWebPageEnvironment } = args; - const frame = puppetFrame ?? puppetPage.mainFrame; + frame ??= page.mainFrame; const result = await frame.evaluate(fnSerialized, isolateFromWebPageEnvironment); if ((result as any)?.error) { diff --git a/plugins/execute-js/test/basic.test.ts b/plugins/execute-js/test/basic.test.ts index 58acf5703..267a9e734 100644 --- a/plugins/execute-js/test/basic.test.ts +++ b/plugins/execute-js/test/basic.test.ts @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ test('it should run function in browser and return response', async () => { await hero.close(); }); -test('it should run function in browser and return incr', async () => { +test('it can pass parameters and get results', async () => { koaServer.get('/test2', ctx => { ctx.body = ` - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/drag-n-drop.html b/puppet/test/assets/drag-n-drop.html deleted file mode 100755 index 8189c4925..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/drag-n-drop.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - -

- Select this element, drag it to the Drop Zone and then release the selection to move the element.

Drop Zone
- diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/empty.html b/puppet/test/assets/empty.html deleted file mode 100755 index e69de29bb..000000000 diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/error.html b/puppet/test/assets/error.html deleted file mode 100755 index 26978c466..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/error.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/child-redirect.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/child-redirect.html deleted file mode 100755 index 746d736ba..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/child-redirect.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/frame.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/frame.html deleted file mode 100755 index 11e63470e..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/frame.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - - - -
Hi, I'm frame
diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/frameset.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/frameset.html deleted file mode 100755 index a08bb9437..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/frameset.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/lazy-frame.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/lazy-frame.html deleted file mode 100755 index cbe763494..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/lazy-frame.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -
- diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/nested-frames.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/nested-frames.html deleted file mode 100755 index 55777c633..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/nested-frames.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ - - - - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/one-frame.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/one-frame.html deleted file mode 100755 index 50e90ae89..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/one-frame.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/redirect-my-parent.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/redirect-my-parent.html deleted file mode 100755 index 3beb0aac1..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/redirect-my-parent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/script.js b/puppet/test/assets/frames/script.js deleted file mode 100755 index be22256d1..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/script.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -console.log('Cheers!'); diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/style.css b/puppet/test/assets/frames/style.css deleted file mode 100755 index 5b5436e87..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -div { - color: blue; -} diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/frames/two-frames.html b/puppet/test/assets/frames/two-frames.html deleted file mode 100755 index b13494388..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/frames/two-frames.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/grid.html b/puppet/test/assets/grid.html deleted file mode 100755 index 571d5c797..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/grid.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/input/keyboard.html b/puppet/test/assets/input/keyboard.html deleted file mode 100755 index fd962c751..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/input/keyboard.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - Keyboard test - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/input/mouse-helper.js b/puppet/test/assets/input/mouse-helper.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0b14987d1..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/input/mouse-helper.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -// This injects a box into the page that moves with the mouse; -// Useful for debugging -(function(){ - const box = document.createElement('div'); - box.classList.add('mouse-helper'); - const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); - styleElement.innerHTML = ` - .mouse-helper { - pointer-events: none; - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - background: rgba(0,0,0,.4); - border: 1px solid white; - border-radius: 10px; - margin-left: -10px; - margin-top: -10px; - transition: background .2s, border-radius .2s, border-color .2s; - } - .mouse-helper.button-1 { - transition: none; - background: rgba(0,0,0,0.9); - } - .mouse-helper.button-2 { - transition: none; - border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.9); - } - .mouse-helper.button-3 { - transition: none; - border-radius: 4px; - } - .mouse-helper.button-4 { - transition: none; - border-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.9); - } - .mouse-helper.button-5 { - transition: none; - border-color: rgba(0,255,0,0.9); - } - `; - document.head.appendChild(styleElement); - document.body.appendChild(box); - document.addEventListener('mousemove', event => { - = `${event.pageX }px`; - = `${event.pageY }px`; - updateButtons(event.buttons); - }, true); - document.addEventListener('mousedown', event => { - updateButtons(event.buttons); - box.classList.add(`button-${ event.which}`); - }, true); - document.addEventListener('mouseup', event => { - updateButtons(event.buttons); - box.classList.remove(`button-${ event.which}`); - }, true); - function updateButtons(buttons) { - for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) - box.classList.toggle(`button-${ i}`, buttons & (1 << i)); - } -})(); diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/input/scrollable.html b/puppet/test/assets/input/scrollable.html deleted file mode 100755 index 885d3739d..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/input/scrollable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ - - - - Scrollable test - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/input/textarea.html b/puppet/test/assets/input/textarea.html deleted file mode 100755 index 11da79882..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/input/textarea.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ - - - - Textarea test - - - - -
Plain div
- - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/one-style.css b/puppet/test/assets/one-style.css deleted file mode 100755 index 7b26410d8..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/one-style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -body { - background-color: pink; -} diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/one-style.html b/puppet/test/assets/one-style.html deleted file mode 100755 index 1f84890a9..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/one-style.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -
hello, world!
diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/popup.html b/puppet/test/assets/popup.html deleted file mode 100644 index 659c93f7a..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/popup.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ - - - - - New page link - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/self-request.html b/puppet/test/assets/self-request.html deleted file mode 100755 index 88aff620f..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/self-request.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.html b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.html deleted file mode 100755 index bef85d985..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.js b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/empty/sw.js deleted file mode 100755 index e69de29bb..000000000 diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/style.css b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/style.css deleted file mode 100755 index 7b26410d8..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -body { - background-color: pink; -} diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.html b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.html deleted file mode 100755 index 1df7b4511..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.js b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.js deleted file mode 100755 index d44c7eab9..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetch/sw.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -self.addEventListener('fetch', event => { - event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)); -}); - -self.addEventListener('activate', event => { - event.waitUntil(clients.claim()); -}); diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.html b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.html deleted file mode 100755 index 7042b2f9e..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.js b/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.js deleted file mode 100755 index b14419671..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/serviceworkers/fetchdummy/sw.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -self.addEventListener('fetch', event => { - if (event.request.url.endsWith('.html') || event.request.url.includes('passthrough')) { - event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)); - return; - } - const slash = event.request.url.lastIndexOf('/'); - const name = event.request.url.substring(slash + 1); - const blob = new Blob([`responseFromServiceWorker:${ name}`], {type : 'text/css'}); - const response = new Response(blob, { "status" : 200 , "statusText" : "OK" }); - event.respondWith(response); -}); - -self.addEventListener('activate', event => { - event.waitUntil(clients.claim()); -}); diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/shadow.html b/puppet/test/assets/shadow.html deleted file mode 100755 index d1fd331eb..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/shadow.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/tamperable.html b/puppet/test/assets/tamperable.html deleted file mode 100755 index 082a88fed..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/tamperable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.html b/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.html deleted file mode 100755 index 7de2d9fd9..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ - - - - Worker test - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.js b/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.js deleted file mode 100755 index 67a5fe678..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/assets/worker/worker.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -console.log('hello from the worker'); - -function workerFunction() { - return 'worker function result'; -} - -self.addEventListener('message', event => { - console.log(`got this data: ${}`); -}); - -(async function() { - while (true) { - self.postMessage(workerFunction.toString()); - await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, 100)); - } -})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/puppet/test/load.test.ts b/puppet/test/load.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 06ce94382..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/load.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; -import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import Core from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import { TestServer } from './server'; -import Puppet from '../index'; -import { capturePuppetContextLogs, createTestPage, ITestPage } from './TestPage'; -import CustomBrowserEmulator from './_CustomBrowserEmulator'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const browserEmulatorId =; - -describe('Load test', () => { - let server: TestServer; - let puppet: Puppet; - let context: IPuppetContext; - - beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use(CustomBrowserEmulator); - const browserEngine = CustomBrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta().browserEngine; - const plugins = new CorePlugins({ browserEmulatorId }, log as IBoundLog); - server = await TestServer.create(0); - puppet = new Puppet(browserEngine); - await puppet.start(); - context = await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); - capturePuppetContextLogs(context, `${browserEngine.fullVersion}-load-test`); - server.setRoute('/link.html', async (req, res) => { - res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); - res.end(` - -This is a link - -`); - }); - }); - - afterAll(async () => { - try { - await server.stop(); - } catch (err) { - // no action - } - - try { - await context.close(); - } catch (err) { - // no action - } - - try { - await puppet.close(); - } catch (err) { - // no action - } - }, 30e3); - - it('should be able to capture navigation events under load', async () => { - const concurrent = new Array(50).fill(0).map(async () => { - let page: ITestPage; - try { - page = createTestPage(await context.newPage()); - await page.goto(server.url('link.html'), null, 75e3); - - const navigate = page.mainFrame.waitOn('frame-navigated', null, 75e3); - await'a'); - await navigate; - expect(page.mainFrame.url).toBe(`${server.crossProcessBaseUrl}/empty.html`); - } finally { - await page?.close(); - } - }); - await Promise.all(concurrent); - }, 75e3); -}); diff --git a/puppet/test/server/cert.pem b/puppet/test/server/cert.pem deleted file mode 100755 index fc692a664..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/server/cert.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIEsjCCApoCCQCIPLvQDgoZojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAaMRgwFgYDVQQDDA9w -dXBwZXRlZXItdGVzdHMwIBcNMTkwMjEzMTkwNzQzWhgPMzAxODA2MTYxOTA3NDNa -MBoxGDAWBgNVBAMMD3B1cHBldGVlci10ZXN0czCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD -ggIPADCCAgoCggIBAJue1yqA4qn0SJR3rgTd6sCYVHMKqUouD0No09H7qf+5ZaIb -3yGpC5J9Bsf/ZbvD5xpgqbGEYkHj7Qh6Z/cPCSHA+ZpsUzDXVrLFXrdwwiK1FrIS -rDI2RYsiP+e52XPC/acWC/7f+E54C62oMjYojaVaDn8gu06gyS1rXK2JITQ6CrKn -b+PVSkjtPB4ku245u1qCKoblkNEZSkEmw8Csl+gw6ydGqOSQAoo8rsDte5zCMnPX -7XzL6EhRqpiVx7PCuQWnXhL7j9N214Pit7s7F8TeAA6yZR9oswW+h0dWO+XwocJ1 -rwkODXOngbCqO+GUxyuavIl2m0d2MP8n6Wa9RVqYetmPQzafKkR5hjiV4mgCFqNQ -bHMTjI6udcR+h5pYoWKxN9/gJaWwyAAzck0AiMeGVrvKR3JKACqlTMzy/Y30obRF -dddURoFf2wjKJvuTK9hHI7pwM5tlPEwu9bTCWNA6XXs2Bq1f6N2OAKhpKOcihNem -aeGUPmygLPb66z9JO75yZXM+1yk1ScXaNHWZLmluVpEPk7maWULpSpxPAlaN3PmK -8lEihgfBBovampxZo8SvPEt+g5jGyPq9weNg8ic8476PuRVQdg7D8spVxl6whDlJ -bcFojzgrX70t13jqZOtla4WK1vRnZAGplfoH0i5WvAVw+i5S/OVzsmNDtGFbAgMB -AAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBADUAjA/dH+b5UxDC5SL98w1hphw9PvD1cuGS -sVnKPM236JoTiO3KVfm3NMBfSoBi1hPNkXzqr/R4xbyje4Kc4oYcdjGtpll3T5da -wkx1+qumx6O2mEaOshxh76dfZfZne6SQphQKHw8PD10CfDb/NMnmdEbiOSENSqS4 -jGELuGviUl361oCBU45UEN7lfs7ANAhwSZyEO7deroyGdvsxfQUaqQrEQsG30jn3 -t0cCamYU6eK3bNR/yNXJrZFv3dzoquRY9H52YtVElRqdAIsNlnbxbqz0cm5xFKFt -YTIrMSO1EvDTbB0PPwC5FJvONHhjwiWzgVXSnZrcs/05TsWWnSHH92S+wGCIBC+0 -6fcSKnjdBn9ks5TrDX0TRY6N890KyDQWxPRhHYrMVpn833WY8y/SguxqiMgLFgMD -WLy6yZzJloW7NgpLGAfMA0nMG1O92hfKmQw82Pyf3SVXGTDiXiEOXn0vN6bsPaV/ -3Ws2LJQECnVfHj3TsuxdtwcO+VGcFCarMOqlhE6IlQzfK8ykYdP6wCkVgXEtiVCR -T1OWUWCFowoFpwBFLf1lA065qsAymddnkrUEOMiScZ/3OZhmd+FvgQ+O0iYuqpeI -xauiQ68+Jb4KjVWnu5QBVq8n1vUJ5+gAzowNMN9G+1+A282Ox23T48dce22BTS6B -3Taaccm+ ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/puppet/test/server/index.ts b/puppet/test/server/index.ts deleted file mode 100755 index 73ebaa60e..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/server/index.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,448 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -import * as http from 'http'; -import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; -import * as https from 'https'; -import * as url from 'url'; -import * as fs from 'fs'; -import * as Path from 'path'; -import { Server as WebSocketServer } from 'ws'; -import { AddressInfo, Socket } from 'net'; -import { createGzip } from 'zlib'; -import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; - -const { log } = Log(module); -const fulfillSymbol = Symbol('fulfill callback'); -const rejectSymbol = Symbol('reject callback'); - -export class TestServer { - public baseUrl: string; - public crossProcessBaseUrl: string; - public get emptyPage() { - return this.url('empty.html'); - } - - private readonly server: http.Server | https.Server; - private wsServer: WebSocketServer; - private readonly dirPath = Path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets'); - private startTime: Date; - private sockets = new Set(); - private cachedPathPrefix: string; - private routes = new Map(); - private auths = new Map(); - private csp = new Map(); - private gzipRoutes = new Set(); - private requestSubscribers = new Map>(); - private readonly protocol: string = 'http:'; - private port: number; - - constructor(sslOptions?: https.ServerOptions) { - if (sslOptions) { - this.server = https.createServer(sslOptions, this.onRequest.bind(this)); - this.protocol = 'https:'; - } else this.server = http.createServer(this.onRequest.bind(this)); - this.server.on('connection', socket => this.onSocket(socket)); - this.wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ server: this.server, path: '/ws' }); - this.wsServer.on('connection', this.onWebSocketConnection.bind(this)); - - this.startTime = new Date(); - this.cachedPathPrefix = null; - } - - public url(path: string) { - return `${this.baseUrl}/${path}`; - } - - start(preferredPort: number) { - return new Promise(resolve => { - this.server.listen(preferredPort, () => { - const protocol = this.protocol; - const port = (this.server.address() as AddressInfo).port; - this.port = port; - this.baseUrl = `${protocol}//localhost:${port}`; - this.crossProcessBaseUrl = `${protocol}//${port}`; - resolve(); - }); - }); - } - - onSocket(socket: Socket) { - this.sockets.add(socket); - // ECONNRESET is a legit error given - // that tab closing simply kills process. - socket.on('error', error => { - if ((error as any).code !== 'ECONNRESET') throw error; - }); - socket.once('close', () => this.sockets.delete(socket)); - } - - enableHTTPCache(pathPrefix: string) { - this.cachedPathPrefix = pathPrefix; - } - - setAuth(path: string, username: string, password: string) { - this.auths.set(path, { username, password }); - } - - enableGzip(path: string) { - this.gzipRoutes.add(path); - } - - setCSP(path: string, csp: string) { - this.csp.set(path, csp); - } - - async stop() { - this.reset(); - for (const socket of this.sockets) socket.destroy(); - this.sockets.clear(); - await new Promise(resolve => this.server.close(resolve)); - } - - setRoute(path: string, handler: http.RequestListener) { - this.routes.set(path, handler); - } - - setRedirect(from: string, to: string) { - this.setRoute(from, (req, res) => { - res.writeHead(302, { location: to }); - res.end(); - }); - } - - waitForRequest(path: string) { - let promise = this.requestSubscribers.get(path); - if (promise) return promise; - let fulfill; - let onreject; - promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - fulfill = resolve; - onreject = reject; - }); - promise[fulfillSymbol] = fulfill; - promise[rejectSymbol] = onreject; - this.requestSubscribers.set(path, promise); - return promise; - } - - reset() { - this.routes.clear(); - this.auths.clear(); - this.csp.clear(); - this.gzipRoutes.clear(); - const error = new Error('Static Server has been reset'); - for (const subscriber of this.requestSubscribers.values()) - subscriber[rejectSymbol].call(null, error); - this.requestSubscribers.clear(); - } - - onRequest(request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) { - request.on('error', error => { - if ((error as any).code === 'ECONNRESET') response.end(); - else throw error; - }); - const pathName = url.parse(request.url).path; - log.stats(`OnRequest: ${request.method} ${pathName}`); - if (this.auths.has(pathName)) { - const auth = this.auths.get(pathName); - const credentials = Buffer.from( - (request.headers.authorization || '').split(' ')[1] || '', - 'base64', - ).toString(); - if (credentials !== `${auth.username}:${auth.password}`) { - response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Secure Area"' }); - response.end('HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized: Access is denied'); - return; - } - } - // Notify request subscriber. - if (this.requestSubscribers.has(pathName)) { - this.requestSubscribers.get(pathName)[fulfillSymbol].call(null, request); - this.requestSubscribers.delete(pathName); - } - response.cork(); - const handler = this.routes.get(pathName); - if (handler) { -, request, response); - } else { - this.serveFile(request, response); - } - } - - serveFile(request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse, filePath?: string) { - let pathName = url.parse(request.url).path; - if (!filePath) { - if (pathName === '/') pathName = '/index.html'; - filePath = Path.join(this.dirPath, pathName.substring(1)); - } - - if (this.cachedPathPrefix !== null && filePath.startsWith(this.cachedPathPrefix)) { - if (request.headers['if-modified-since']) { - response.statusCode = 304; // not modified - response.end(); - return; - } - response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, no-cache'); - response.setHeader('Last-Modified', this.startTime.toISOString()); - } else { - response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store'); - } - if (this.csp.has(pathName)) - response.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', this.csp.get(pathName)); - - if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) { - response.statusCode = 404; - response.end(`File not found: ${filePath}`); - return; - } - - const extension = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); - const mimeType = extensionToMime[extension] || 'application/octet-stream'; - const isTextEncoding = /^text\/|^application\/(javascript|json)/.test(mimeType); - const contentType = isTextEncoding ? `${mimeType}; charset=utf-8` : mimeType; - response.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType); - - if (this.gzipRoutes.has(pathName)) response.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); - - const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { autoClose: true }); - if (this.gzipRoutes.has(pathName)) { - stream.pipe(createGzip()).pipe(response); - } else { - stream.pipe(response); - } - } - - private onWebSocketConnection(ws) { - ws.send('incoming'); - } - - static async create(port: number) { - const server = new TestServer(); - await server.start(port); - return server; - } - - static async createHTTPS(port: number) { - const server = new TestServer({ - key: fs.readFileSync(Path.join(__dirname, 'key.pem')), - cert: fs.readFileSync(Path.join(__dirname, 'cert.pem')), - passphrase: 'aaaa', - }); - await server.start(port); - return server; - } -} - -const extensionToMime = { - ai: 'application/postscript', - apng: 'image/apng', - appcache: 'text/cache-manifest', - au: 'audio/basic', - bmp: 'image/bmp', - cer: 'application/pkix-cert', - cgm: 'image/cgm', - coffee: 'text/coffeescript', - conf: 'text/plain', - crl: 'application/pkix-crl', - css: 'text/css', - csv: 'text/csv', - def: 'text/plain', - doc: 'application/msword', - dot: 'application/msword', - drle: 'image/dicom-rle', - dtd: 'application/xml-dtd', - ear: 'application/java-archive', - emf: 'image/emf', - eps: 'application/postscript', - exr: 'image/aces', - fits: 'image/fits', - g3: 'image/g3fax', - gbr: 'application/rpki-ghostbusters', - gif: 'image/gif', - glb: 'model/gltf-binary', - gltf: 'model/gltf+json', - gz: 'application/gzip', - h261: 'video/h261', - h263: 'video/h263', - h264: 'video/h264', - heic: 'image/heic', - heics: 'image/heic-sequence', - heif: 'image/heif', - heifs: 'image/heif-sequence', - htm: 'text/html', - html: 'text/html', - ics: 'text/calendar', - ief: 'image/ief', - ifb: 'text/calendar', - iges: 'model/iges', - igs: 'model/iges', - in: 'text/plain', - ini: 'text/plain', - jade: 'text/jade', - jar: 'application/java-archive', - jls: 'image/jls', - jp2: 'image/jp2', - jpe: 'image/jpeg', - jpeg: 'image/jpeg', - jpf: 'image/jpx', - jpg: 'image/jpeg', - jpg2: 'image/jp2', - jpgm: 'video/jpm', - jpgv: 'video/jpeg', - jpm: 'image/jpm', - jpx: 'image/jpx', - js: 'application/javascript', - json: 'application/json', - json5: 'application/json5', - jsx: 'text/jsx', - jxr: 'image/jxr', - kar: 'audio/midi', - ktx: 'image/ktx', - less: 'text/less', - list: 'text/plain', - litcoffee: 'text/coffeescript', - log: 'text/plain', - m1v: 'video/mpeg', - m21: 'application/mp21', - m2a: 'audio/mpeg', - m2v: 'video/mpeg', - m3a: 'audio/mpeg', - m4a: 'audio/mp4', - m4p: 'application/mp4', - man: 'text/troff', - manifest: 'text/cache-manifest', - markdown: 'text/markdown', - mathml: 'application/mathml+xml', - md: 'text/markdown', - mdx: 'text/mdx', - me: 'text/troff', - mesh: 'model/mesh', - mft: 'application/rpki-manifest', - mid: 'audio/midi', - midi: 'audio/midi', - mj2: 'video/mj2', - mjp2: 'video/mj2', - mjs: 'application/javascript', - mml: 'text/mathml', - mov: 'video/quicktime', - mp2: 'audio/mpeg', - mp21: 'application/mp21', - mp2a: 'audio/mpeg', - mp3: 'audio/mpeg', - mp4: 'video/mp4', - mp4a: 'audio/mp4', - mp4s: 'application/mp4', - mp4v: 'video/mp4', - mpe: 'video/mpeg', - mpeg: 'video/mpeg', - mpg: 'video/mpeg', - mpg4: 'video/mp4', - mpga: 'audio/mpeg', - mrc: 'application/marc', - ms: 'text/troff', - msh: 'model/mesh', - n3: 'text/n3', - oga: 'audio/ogg', - ogg: 'audio/ogg', - ogv: 'video/ogg', - ogx: 'application/ogg', - otf: 'font/otf', - p10: 'application/pkcs10', - p7c: 'application/pkcs7-mime', - p7m: 'application/pkcs7-mime', - p7s: 'application/pkcs7-signature', - p8: 'application/pkcs8', - pdf: 'application/pdf', - pki: 'application/pkixcmp', - pkipath: 'application/pkix-pkipath', - png: 'image/png', - ps: 'application/postscript', - pskcxml: 'application/pskc+xml', - qt: 'video/quicktime', - rmi: 'audio/midi', - rng: 'application/xml', - roa: 'application/rpki-roa', - roff: 'text/troff', - rsd: 'application/rsd+xml', - rss: 'application/rss+xml', - rtf: 'application/rtf', - rtx: 'text/richtext', - s3m: 'audio/s3m', - sgi: 'image/sgi', - sgm: 'text/sgml', - sgml: 'text/sgml', - shex: 'text/shex', - shtml: 'text/html', - sil: 'audio/silk', - silo: 'model/mesh', - slim: 'text/slim', - slm: 'text/slim', - snd: 'audio/basic', - spx: 'audio/ogg', - stl: 'model/stl', - styl: 'text/stylus', - stylus: 'text/stylus', - svg: 'image/svg+xml', - svgz: 'image/svg+xml', - t: 'text/troff', - t38: 'image/t38', - text: 'text/plain', - tfx: 'image/tiff-fx', - tif: 'image/tiff', - tiff: 'image/tiff', - tr: 'text/troff', - ts: 'video/mp2t', - tsv: 'text/tab-separated-values', - ttc: 'font/collection', - ttf: 'font/ttf', - ttl: 'text/turtle', - txt: 'text/plain', - uri: 'text/uri-list', - uris: 'text/uri-list', - urls: 'text/uri-list', - vcard: 'text/vcard', - vrml: 'model/vrml', - vtt: 'text/vtt', - war: 'application/java-archive', - wasm: 'application/wasm', - wav: 'audio/wav', - weba: 'audio/webm', - webm: 'video/webm', - webmanifest: 'application/manifest+json', - webp: 'image/webp', - wmf: 'image/wmf', - woff: 'font/woff', - woff2: 'font/woff2', - wrl: 'model/vrml', - x3d: 'model/x3d+xml', - x3db: 'model/x3d+fastinfoset', - x3dbz: 'model/x3d+binary', - x3dv: 'model/x3d-vrml', - x3dvz: 'model/x3d+vrml', - x3dz: 'model/x3d+xml', - xaml: 'application/xaml+xml', - xht: 'application/xhtml+xml', - xhtml: 'application/xhtml+xml', - xm: 'audio/xm', - xml: 'text/xml', - xsd: 'application/xml', - xsl: 'application/xml', - xslt: 'application/xslt+xml', - yaml: 'text/yaml', - yml: 'text/yaml', - zip: 'application/zip', -}; diff --git a/puppet/test/server/key.pem b/puppet/test/server/key.pem deleted file mode 100755 index e2ed68055..000000000 --- a/puppet/test/server/key.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -MIIJQwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCCS0wggkpAgEAAoICAQCbntcqgOKp9EiU -d64E3erAmFRzCqlKLg9DaNPR+6n/uWWiG98hqQuSfQbH/2W7w+caYKmxhGJB4+0I -emf3DwkhwPmabFMw11ayxV63cMIitRayEqwyNkWLIj/nudlzwv2nFgv+3/hOeAut -qDI2KI2lWg5/ILtOoMkta1ytiSE0Ogqyp2/j1UpI7TweJLtuObtagiqG5ZDRGUpB -JsPArJfoMOsnRqjkkAKKPK7A7XucwjJz1+18y+hIUaqYlcezwrkFp14S+4/TdteD -4re7OxfE3gAOsmUfaLMFvodHVjvl8KHCda8JDg1zp4GwqjvhlMcrmryJdptHdjD/ -J+lmvUVamHrZj0M2nypEeYY4leJoAhajUGxzE4yOrnXEfoeaWKFisTff4CWlsMgA -M3JNAIjHhla7ykdySgAqpUzM8v2N9KG0RXXXVEaBX9sIyib7kyvYRyO6cDObZTxM -LvW0wljQOl17NgatX+jdjgCoaSjnIoTXpmnhlD5soCz2+us/STu+cmVzPtcpNUnF -2jR1mS5pblaRD5O5mllC6UqcTwJWjdz5ivJRIoYHwQaL2pqcWaPErzxLfoOYxsj6 -vcHjYPInPOO+j7kVUHYOw/LKVcZesIQ5SW3BaI84K1+9Ldd46mTrZWuFitb0Z2QB -qZX6B9IuVrwFcPouUvzlc7JjQ7RhWwIDAQABAoICAFUvM5SejHR/taMfh/A+EZxv -RfrbISPr5or9vMU6vymuMIX2P8PLJvx+19Fuah/H8p8rvnffgXGT9FIpvvMsFdGW -MotnNHqNxXWCOICthnc9LTk4o22w64xnqReNUgzd9b8agGJ58w/xAmOCqEmhFTgn -/bt1DVLTDIyCMm8Dm1tdUjHNGaBbRph40+mkLbz+eSHoEqNY0lbDQzQ6pfi4AUcm -T/Jl6VmDwwAsi3QsCvgaDUgAMI2ZiILdwUZY5sHtmx4PKZ22elpEuWAGIJCqni4z -X1CsMlJpG2XPj3lrKMqLV+B8Tt3kBVUDoig0ZybqK8QgpYeRlxodBmEFVevZOzar -r/qDRh+vrQQxjpFYfrMkPiueRmz0+K1a7KiKSmrjHIb9CTi3BpgEhawbsOB7M+9z -G5Q7YtGbVyJPmEAAva89ZZqYvyAwxZk3V4pwpoUYzjgPiHm6Oq0vzKPuCgQxsYzx -UrCVRo7pSE4tTin4SRThY2/yHiMJl8QY//MkahgY8KEHtXE36km6pMRH/ssdSm+C -SNCOtzUDY8wpaDQ++aB29NWqgnSgwoBrRUXr5NHq+wNpWtmD7L0wDSKUCPfiCduR -DoSHBIno5U2jgPrH5Wk7X7loG2XxiDR0qtNOiH24SCI+C1nsLRGBS2Tmo0Qby/Ll -oYYCZ0U3S7wk9UY5HcuRAoIBAQDIl8HTaIuzyOrrpsRdUv8jAxnkdhVjYhWGp7mU -5concRazcEO5/vDJlsIuQI/w7U+xS7PCBPRq7NxUtaUntlQ00s224Ws0sPHIWUD0 -NBsodTX8hik2PdmZ5ZbBHVaeVbMV/5zV8eOPGGCsAn//7l4YIp2I2Abs79leqSDI -7tBpF4IsUq7xqcVZ1QhWBZmTqE4gYDVqFEVe9O6OmAdkM1qxVSur2E5Ib+islnu8 -yKlu0QlXg596zLVAjxajKYf20NXxh7O+xt5QDEy3dmJEhz5viS6eI7QECM7Lid2T -c22mABSKzYfbwQroM9yBiI3p0zjwRhha0hRKocLkSiNUlOWHAoIBAQDGmwRM6Xmu -j7/lV3KvrOmvcNIbUwMbYY/ATY3Wuph6GFjwdliRiju9F3ZUHMV+yNlVDqH3DeRC -QwGKIcFiVk+4fq1AbWVCWk2MOf49akeJwqFzgF8nkxVXF9PS73VdEvreSvy7g89t -ABqJN6pmGHWVkE1mf/3LJyS2Y7WCZqSaWG3TBZ2SRb2t/t/DnX1L6tzNMkuNAizA -sDB3J1hH1eGcWn/24NB9sc7i2Bk+Cpi0S/xDn9FfoBo5U0p/lpopgfFoSeQZXq1A -KIQdtUPLp3KR9EG/ItimfW875zqFe8bekB9/gakyLsbIyINz1iQQS1L1FFmOO8zN -RtRmm3MrG9qNAoIBAQC1v2rLFgqeVwkjgvKgbDbnjkPDkIpIhfJjE00+8AV+PyUG -aE21FJ0uyf4e0jiZXyu5xJGW1c5vozTvO7XsiXM6eVYSwaPVFg28LcKAgUWqHqlP -qG9myhuDKVaymtaEl7mv0O5VmtlIKhpNP+aiCWQQEi0SdEmyHI+jCTK/XEJRNg+o -ATKpm91IS5FF/8Tq2LAQ/ZroBn3kT6BmarEnxLADxNvQ1Cf50gvLdH2gy19ZHOWN -+aBiL2B6oissotCifQ2bzgy6ao27kalhAU6AMNoNTQqEFm1gymo0WTH+C7PpmGEE -cr0KC5rKUVMVuph6p/sLGTev8nCYPoDLP7FLTa25AoIBAGmP559B0c141pR+AJVj -oOoBW4vueY5KMvARyLxDfdwXqN5W6QiiotIE8H4QtOCIvQu6tVftaE/X8a+L9Y/h -NIppuoiuHM5B1UodYQcfwFp2uv37U5hjU0pxfcN2R7lq5zDURrUcgFn9Xh1lGwsd -IRKYGqvKiAk9CwRuxwFCsWbgba9mIrSmoQUknacJxJlfgnEGtKWEbGkWvQv4O7Ii -+sHyUGXWZLsKkV59Yh1Z4ISkhrci8VSUcpvZq5VZZSN+z+OQss7RReD+KArqV9id -bgYp//AqA2Gq9j6uzqo4eiG+FR/euSHVPw9llIkzXwPSJYvifx9cpaTOawMGyRY2 -vdkCggEBAJECl41qbQE7OIPsSmhcz0nK6L4aIkdOxZ6hs6xO7fPwh7EntojPIB6J -bMuvfujqW4SZ+ZpwZkCc8p8j2VuQvlXLI+s6923IdYAOK5ND9q3Xj7AqgJjUKbhH -lpYUtfDmIjqVADoiIYXmZBPAo7QvzkX7A2qclV7VL/Dc94bBS6M+v/JGh7QyTCsO -oPK6IOlGL1yg+CdZIzdSiJKVeESPMOBhNtPhm+vOXvRV08ECEILD1j52rUKcPs+I -uINxopeXePgekedm7nyAW3IMHFKa4EiuEU3LQOaWeKEnaxNdOh12Pyyd6w2iAmrr -rj/p/2CWVN8OTi7CY5cOTCadHZRyjYA= ------END PRIVATE KEY----- diff --git a/testing/helpers.ts b/testing/helpers.ts index 6e965f496..b7082df0d 100644 --- a/testing/helpers.ts +++ b/testing/helpers.ts @@ -19,14 +19,18 @@ import * as http2 from 'http2'; import * as stream from 'stream'; import Core, { Session, Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import MitmSocket from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket'; -import MitmSocketSession from '@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; +import MitmSocket from '@secret-agent/mitm-socket'; +import MitmSocketSession from '@secret-agent/mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; import { Helpers } from './index'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScriptInstanceMeta'; import type { IJsPath } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import FrameEnvironment from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/FrameEnvironment'; -import { getComputedVisibilityFnName } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/jsPathFnNames'; +import Logger from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; +import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; +import { getComputedVisibilityFnName } from '@bureau/interfaces/IJsPathFunctions'; + +const { log } = Logger(module) as { log: IBoundLog }; export const needsClosing: { close: () => Promise | void; onlyCloseOnFinal?: boolean }[] = []; @@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ export async function http2Get( proxyUrl?: string, ): Promise { const hostUrl = new URL(host); - const socketSession = new MitmSocketSession(sessionId, { + const socketSession = new MitmSocketSession(log, { clientHelloId: 'Chrome79', rejectUnauthorized: false, }); @@ -426,7 +430,7 @@ export function getTlsConnection( isWebsocket = false, proxyUrl?: string, ): MitmSocket { - const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(`session${(sessionId += 1)}`, { + const tlsConnection = new MitmSocket(`session${(sessionId += 1)}`, log, { host, port: String(serverPort), servername: host, @@ -529,7 +533,7 @@ function destroyServerFn( ): () => Promise { const connections = new Set(); - server.on('connection', conn => { + server.on('connection', (conn: net.Socket) => { connections.add(conn); conn.on('close', () => connections.delete(conn)); }); diff --git a/testing/package.json b/testing/package.json index ee39a9217..37bfb07ce 100644 --- a/testing/package.json +++ b/testing/package.json @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket": "1.5.4", + "@bureau/interfaces": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@secret-agent/mitm-socket": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "http-proxy-agent": "^4.0.1", "https-proxy-agent": "^5.0.0", "koa": "^2.11.0", diff --git a/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts b/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts index 9c64fedbd..3676a31cb 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; import { SourceMapSupport } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SourceMapSupport'; -import INavigation, { ContentPaint } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/INavigation'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/Location'; +import INavigation, { ContentPaint } from '@bureau/interfaces/INavigation'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@bureau/interfaces/Location'; import ICommandTimelineOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandTimelineOffset'; import Session from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Session'; import SessionDb from '@ulixee/hero-core/dbs/SessionDb'; diff --git a/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts b/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts index 876c20848..580453409 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ import { DomActionType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; import { IFrameNavigationRecord } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/FrameNavigationsTable'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; import DomChangesTable, { @@ -20,11 +19,12 @@ import DomStateAssertions, { IFrameAssertions } from './DomStateAssertions'; import XPathGenerator from './XPathGenerator'; import { IStorageChangesEntry } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/StorageChangesTable'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); export default class DomStateGenerator { - public browserContext: Promise; + public browserContext: Promise; public sessionsById = new Map(); public sessionAssertions = new DomStateAssertions(); diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts index bbb32dc43..fb1a5769e 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -import { GlobalPool, Session } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; +import Core, { Session } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ export default class MirrorContext { public static async createFromSessionDb( sessionId: string, headed = true, - ): Promise { + ): Promise { const options = Session.restoreOptionsFromSessionRecord({}, sessionId); options.sessionResume = null; options.showChromeInteractions = headed; options.showChrome = headed; + const logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId }); const plugins = new CorePlugins( { humanEmulatorId: options.humanEmulatorId, @@ -28,12 +29,13 @@ export default class MirrorContext { }; }, }, - log, + logger, ); plugins.browserEngine.isHeaded = options.showChrome; plugins.configure(options); - const puppet = await GlobalPool.getPuppet(plugins, plugins.browserEngine); - return await puppet.newContext(plugins, log); + const browser = await Core.pool.getBrowser(plugins.browserEngine, plugins); + + return await browser.newContext({ logger }); } } diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts index a7e1f24cf..11259d48f 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { Protocol } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; import IResourceSummary from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceSummary'; import decodeBuffer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/decodeBuffer'; import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; @@ -6,6 +5,7 @@ import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import { ISessionResourceDetails } from '@ulixee/hero-core/apis/Session.resource'; import ResourcesTable, { IResourcesRecord } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/ResourcesTable'; import SessionDb from '@ulixee/hero-core/dbs/SessionDb'; +import { Protocol } from '@bureau/interfaces/IDevtoolsSession'; import Fetch = Protocol.Fetch; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts index 3e7b38155..fb6cb95a8 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import { IPuppetPage } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetPage'; -import IViewport from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IViewport'; -import IPuppetContext from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetContext'; +import IViewport from '@bureau/interfaces/IViewport'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import InjectedScripts, { CorePageInjectedScript } from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/InjectedScripts'; @@ -14,14 +12,15 @@ import DomChangesTable, { IPaintEvent, } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/DomChangesTable'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import injectedSourceUrl from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/injectedSourceUrl'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { IFrontendDomChangeEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; import MirrorNetwork from './MirrorNetwork'; import { Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import { IPuppetFrame } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPuppetFrame'; +import { IFrame } from '@bureau/interfaces/IFrame'; import Queue from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Queue'; import { ITabEventParams } from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Tab'; +import Page from 'secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import BrowserContext from 'secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -32,10 +31,10 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ open: void; goto: { url: string; loaderId: string }; }> { - public page: IPuppetPage; + public page: Page; public isReady: Promise; - public get puppetPageId(): string { + public get pageId(): string { return; } @@ -50,6 +49,10 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ private subscribeToTab: Tab; private loadQueue = new Queue(null, 1); + private get useIsolatedContext(): boolean { + return; + } + constructor( public network: MirrorNetwork, domRecording: IDomRecording, @@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ this.onPageEvents = this.onPageEvents.bind(this); } - public async attachToPage(page: IPuppetPage, sessionId: string, setReady = true): Promise { + public async attachToPage(page: Page, sessionId: string, setReady = true): Promise { = page; let readyResolvable: Resolvable; if (setReady) { @@ -91,13 +94,16 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ if (page[installedScriptsSymbol]) { promises.push( - page.mainFrame.evaluate(`window.domReplayer.reset()`, false), + page.mainFrame.evaluate(`window.domReplayer.reset()`, this.useIsolatedContext), ); - } else { promises.push( - this.showChromeInteractions ? InjectedScripts.installInteractionScript(page, false) : null, - page.addNewDocumentScript(injectedScript, false).then(() => page.reload()), + this.showChromeInteractions + ? InjectedScripts.installInteractionScript(page, this.useIsolatedContext) + : null, + page + .addNewDocumentScript(injectedScript, this.useIsolatedContext) + .then(() => page.reload()), ); } await Promise.all(promises); @@ -107,10 +113,10 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ } public async open( - context: IPuppetContext, + context: BrowserContext, sessionId: string, viewport?: IViewport, - onPage?: (page: IPuppetPage) => Promise, + onPage?: (page: Page) => Promise, ): Promise { if (this.isReady) return await this.isReady; @@ -118,7 +124,11 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ const ready = new Resolvable(); this.isReady = ready.promise; try { - = await context.newPage({ runPageScripts: false, enableDomStorageTracker: false }); + = await context.newPage({ + runPageScripts: false, + enableDomStorageTracker: false, + installJsPathIntoDefaultContext: true, + }); await this.attachToPage(, sessionId, false); if (onPage) await onPage(; @@ -278,10 +288,10 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ public async getNodeOuterHtml( paintIndex: number, nodeId: number, - frameDomNodeId?: number, + frameElementNodePointerId?: number, ): Promise<{ html: string; url: string }> { return await this.load(paintIndex, null, async () => { - const frame = await this.getFrameWithDomNodeId(frameDomNodeId); + const frame = await this.getFrameWithDomNodeId(frameElementNodePointerId); const url = frame.url; const html = await frame.evaluate( `(() => { @@ -289,24 +299,15 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ if (node) return node.outerHTML; return null; })()`, - false, + this.useIsolatedContext, { retriesWaitingForLoad: 2 }, ); return { url, html }; }); } - public async getHtml(): Promise { - return await this.evaluate( - `(() => { - let retVal = ''; - if (document.doctype) - retVal = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype); - if (document.documentElement) - retVal += document.documentElement.outerHTML; - return retVal; -})()`, - ); + public async outerHTML(): Promise { + return await; } public getDomRecordingSince(sinceTimestamp: number): IDomRecording { @@ -322,19 +323,15 @@ export default class MirrorPage extends TypedEventEmitter<{ }; } - private async getFrameWithDomNodeId(frameDomNodeId: number): Promise { + private async getFrameWithDomNodeId(frameDomNodeId: number): Promise`).join('\n')} } continue; } - await frame.waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + await frame.waitForLifecycleEvent('DOMContentLoaded'); await frame.evaluate( `(async function() { @@ -167,8 +172,20 @@ ${ => ``).join('\n')} }, ); } + + // clear out frame state + await page.navigate('about:blank'); + await page.mainFrame.waitForLifecycleEvent('load'); + page.storeEventsWithoutListeners = true; + + page.domStorageTracker.isEnabled = true; + await page.domStorageTracker.initialize(); + // run initialization after page is initialized + page.runPageScripts = true; + await browserContext.initializePage(page); } finally { session.mitmRequestSession.interceptorHandlers = interceptorHandlers; + browserContext.resources.isCollecting = true; log.stats('UserProfile.installedStorage', { sessionId, parentLogId }); } diff --git a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts index d0774ce44..e0597fd78 100644 --- a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts +++ b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ document.querySelector('#session').innerHTML = [session1,session2,session3].join }, }; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) { - storage[`https://${(i === 1 ? 'D' : 'd')}omain${i}.com`] = { + storage[`https://${i === 1 ? 'D' : 'd'}omain${i}.com`] = { indexedDB: [], localStorage: [ ['1', '2'], From 6b9138d890b6fb845af057fef4f390522614978f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Blake Byrnes Date: Fri, 13 May 2022 13:14:09 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] feat: unify plugin structure --- .github/workflows/lint-and-test.yml | 6 +- | 6 +- client/index.ts | 8 +- client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts | 6 +- client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts | 2 +- client/lib/CookieStorage.ts | 2 +- client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts | 12 +- client/lib/CoreSession.ts | 2 +- client/lib/CoreTab.ts | 6 +- client/lib/DomExtender.ts | 6 +- client/lib/FileChooser.ts | 2 +- client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts | 4 +- client/lib/Hero.ts | 8 +- client/lib/Interactor.ts | 6 +- client/lib/Resource.ts | 4 +- client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts | 6 +- client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts | 8 +- client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts | 4 +- client/lib/Tab.ts | 4 +- client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts | 4 +- client/package.json | 2 +- client/test/document.test.ts | 4 +- client/test/events.test.ts | 2 +- client/test/waitForResource.test.ts | 2 +- core/apis/Session.resource.ts | 2 +- core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts | 2 +- core/env.ts | 12 +- core/index.ts | 66 ++--- core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts | 4 +- core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts | 2 +- core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts | 6 +- core/lib/Commands.ts | 2 +- core/lib/CorePlugins.ts | 292 ++------------------ core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts | 40 +-- core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts | 2 +- core/lib/Session.ts | 124 ++++----- core/lib/Tab.ts | 28 +- core/lib/UserProfile.ts | 8 +- core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts | 4 +- core/models/FrameNavigationsTable.ts | 4 +- core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/ResourcesTable.ts | 6 +- core/models/SessionTable.ts | 10 +- core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/TabsTable.ts | 2 +- core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts | 2 +- core/package.json | 6 +- core/test/DomEnv.test.ts | 2 +- core/test/connection.test.ts | 14 +- core/test/domRecorder.test.ts | 15 +- core/test/events.test.ts | 2 +- core/test/sessionResume.test.ts | 11 +- core/test/user-profile.test.ts | 14 +- docs/main/Advanced/ | 2 +- docs/main/Advanced/ | 2 +- docs/main/Advanced/ | 2 +- docs/main/BasicInterfaces/ | 4 +- docs/main/Help/ | 6 - docs/main/Overview/ | 11 +- docs/main/Plugins/ | 47 ---- docs/main/Plugins/ | 4 +- docs/main/Plugins/ | 7 - docs/main/links.yaml | 2 - examples/ | 2 +- examples/ | 2 +- examples/show-browser.js | 2 +- fullstack/package.json | 4 +- fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts | 15 +- fullstack/test/interact.test.ts | 15 +- fullstack/test/tab.test.ts | 4 +- fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts | 4 +- interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions.ts | 3 + interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts | 17 +- interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts | 8 +- interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts | 5 - interfaces/IPlugin.ts | 10 +- interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts | 6 - interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts | 2 +- interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts | 6 +- interfaces/ISessionOptions.ts | 1 - interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts | 2 +- interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts | 2 +- interfaces/IUserProfile.ts | 6 +- interfaces/package.json | 2 +- jest.setup.js | 2 +- | 2 +- package.json | 10 +- plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts | 6 +- plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts | 2 - plugin-utils/package.json | 2 +- testing/helpers.ts | 6 +- testing/package.json | 4 +- timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts | 4 +- timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts | 2 +- timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts | 35 ++- timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts | 2 +- timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts | 8 +- timetravel/lib/TimelineWatch.ts | 6 +- timetravel/package.json | 4 +- timetravel/player/TabPlaybackController.ts | 4 +- timetravel/player/TimetravelPlayer.ts | 6 +- timetravel/test/DomStateGenerator.test.ts | 2 +- timetravel/test/commandTimeline.test.ts | 4 +- timetravel/test/mirrorPage.test.ts | 2 +- yarn.lock | 10 - 107 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 755 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 docs/main/Plugins/ delete mode 100644 docs/main/Plugins/ diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint-and-test.yml b/.github/workflows/lint-and-test.yml index c2e14a180..7168cd580 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/lint-and-test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/lint-and-test.yml @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ jobs: run: yarn build:all working-directory: ../../unblocked env: - SA_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET: 1 + UBK_MITM_MITM_SOCKET: 1 - name: Download built typescript files uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ jobs: working-directory: ./build env: NODE_ENV: test - HERO_DATA_DIR: .data - HERO_DEFAULT_BROWSER_ID: ${{ matrix.browser }} + ULX_DATA_DIR: .data + UBK_DEFAULT_BROWSER_ID: ${{ matrix.browser }} - name: 'Tar files' if: ${{ failure() }} diff --git a/ b/ index 3972095c0..3f734454a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Hero is a web browser built for scraping. - [x] **Built for scraping** - it's the first modern headless browsers designed specifically for scraping instead of just automated testing. - [x] **Designed for web developers** - We've recreated a fully compliant DOM directly in NodeJS allowing you bypass the headaches of previous scraper tools. - [x] **Powered by Chrome** - The powerful Chrome engine sits under the hood, allowing for lightning fast rendering. -- [x] **Emulates any modern browser** - BrowserEmulators make it easy to disguise your script as practically any browser. +- [x] **Emulates any modern browser** - Emulators make it easy to disguise your script as practically any browser. - [x] **Avoids detection along the entire stack** - Don't be blocked because of TLS fingerprints in your networking stack. Check out our [website for more details]( @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ Check out our [website for more details]( ## Installation ```shell script -npm i --save ulixee +npm i --save @ulixee/hero ``` or ```shell script -yarn add ulixee +yarn add @ulixee/hero ``` ## Usage diff --git a/client/index.ts b/client/index.ts index 1262bb803..7f1e12cdf 100644 --- a/client/index.ts +++ b/client/index.ts @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import { INodeList, } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import { BlockedResourceType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITabOptions'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import IResourceType, { ResourceType } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; -import { InteractionCommand, MouseButton } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import IResourceType, { ResourceType } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; +import { InteractionCommand, MouseButton } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { Node, XPathResult } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/AwaitedDom'; -import { LoadStatus, LocationStatus, LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus, LocationStatus, LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import IHeroCreateOptions from './interfaces/IHeroCreateOptions'; import IConnectionToCoreOptions from './interfaces/IConnectionToCoreOptions'; import { Hero, FrameEnvironment, Tab, Resource, WebsocketResource } from './lib/extendables'; diff --git a/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts b/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts index 82d026c16..bc38fe4a7 100644 --- a/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts +++ b/client/interfaces/IInteractions.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; import { IElementInteractVerification, IMousePositionXY, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { ISuperElement } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; export type IInteraction = ICommand | ICommandDetailed; diff --git a/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts b/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts index 27490de4f..68a95a244 100644 --- a/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts +++ b/client/interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; import Resource from '../lib/Resource'; export default interface IWaitForResourceFilter { diff --git a/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts b/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts index 5b9a45c8e..8edf14e26 100644 --- a/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts +++ b/client/lib/CookieStorage.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; -import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/ICookie'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; export default class CookieStorage { diff --git a/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts b/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts index 90d39a479..3588a55ff 100644 --- a/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/client/lib/CoreFrameEnvironment.ts @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -import { IInteractionGroups, isMousePositionXY } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { IInteractionGroups, isMousePositionXY } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import { IJsPath , INodeVisibility , INodePointer } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/ICookie'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; import { getComputedVisibilityFnName, isFocusedFnName, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import { IElementIsolate, INodeIsolate } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; import { ISuperElement } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; diff --git a/client/lib/CoreSession.ts b/client/lib/CoreSession.ts index e4c7c3f8a..46d6f961b 100644 --- a/client/lib/CoreSession.ts +++ b/client/lib/CoreSession.ts @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ export default class CoreSession implements IJsPathEventTarget { } private showSessionKeepAlivePrompt(message: string): void { - if (/yes|1|true/i.test(process.env.HERO_CLI_NOPROMPT)) return; + if (/yes|1|true/i.test(process.env.ULX_CLI_NOPROMPT)) return; this.cliPrompt = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, diff --git a/client/lib/CoreTab.ts b/client/lib/CoreTab.ts index 3650d7bbc..a87dbf373 100644 --- a/client/lib/CoreTab.ts +++ b/client/lib/CoreTab.ts @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import { IJsPath } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import IConfigureSessionOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IConfigureSessionOptions'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; import CoreCommandQueue from './CoreCommandQueue'; import CoreEventHeap from './CoreEventHeap'; import IWaitForResourceFilter from '../interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter'; diff --git a/client/lib/DomExtender.ts b/client/lib/DomExtender.ts index a4e47773a..665a8373c 100644 --- a/client/lib/DomExtender.ts +++ b/client/lib/DomExtender.ts @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import HTMLCollection from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/HTMLCollection'; import HTMLElement from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/HTMLElement'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import { INodePointer } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; -import { IElementInteractVerification } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { IElementInteractVerification } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import SuperNodeList from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperNodeList'; import SuperHTMLCollection from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperHTMLCollection'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import { ITypeInteraction } from '../interfaces/IInteractions'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import IAwaitedOptions from '../interfaces/IAwaitedOptions'; @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Interactor from './Interactor'; import XPathResult from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/XPathResult'; import { createSuperNode } from 'awaited-dom/impl/create'; import { getAwaitedPathAsMethodArg } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; -import { KeyboardShortcuts } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { KeyboardShortcuts } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; import { scriptInstance } from './internal'; const awaitedPathState = StateMachine< diff --git a/client/lib/FileChooser.ts b/client/lib/FileChooser.ts index 88ba831a4..782a8bef8 100644 --- a/client/lib/FileChooser.ts +++ b/client/lib/FileChooser.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; import { IJsPath } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; diff --git a/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts b/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts index 8ab1ee04b..308b79d34 100644 --- a/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/client/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { createSuperNodeList, } from 'awaited-dom/impl/create'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import { getAwaitedPathAsMethodArg } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import Tab, { getCoreTab } from './Tab'; import Resource, { createResource } from './Resource'; -import { IMousePositionXY } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { IMousePositionXY } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { InternalPropertiesSymbol } from './internal'; const awaitedPathState = StateMachine< diff --git a/client/lib/Hero.ts b/client/lib/Hero.ts index 5c2303032..d0bf8058a 100644 --- a/client/lib/Hero.ts +++ b/client/lib/Hero.ts @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstancePropertie import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import SuperDocument from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperDocument'; -import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDomStorage'; +import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDomStorage'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; import { ISuperElement, ISuperNode, ISuperNodeList } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; -import { ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import { @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/CSSStyleDeclaration'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; import { INodeVisibility } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import IClientPlugin, { IClientPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IClientPlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import { IElementInteractVerification, IMousePositionXY, isMousePositionXY, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import WebsocketResource from './WebsocketResource'; import IWaitForResourceFilter from '../interfaces/IWaitForResourceFilter'; import Resource from './Resource'; diff --git a/client/lib/Interactor.ts b/client/lib/Interactor.ts index ce6797e08..bbfa4c697 100644 --- a/client/lib/Interactor.ts +++ b/client/lib/Interactor.ts @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import { InteractionCommand as CoreCommand, isMousePositionXY, MouseButton, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import { ISuperElement, ISuperNode } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/super'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { IKeyboardKeyCode } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import IInteractions, { Command, ICommand, @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import IInteractions, { } from '../interfaces/IInteractions'; import CoreFrameEnvironment from './CoreFrameEnvironment'; import { isAwaitedNode } from './SetupAwaitedHandler'; -import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; +import { IKeyboardShortcut } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardShortcuts'; const { getState } = StateMachine(); diff --git a/client/lib/Resource.ts b/client/lib/Resource.ts index 6445748ba..665a74e8e 100644 --- a/client/lib/Resource.ts +++ b/client/lib/Resource.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import Timer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Timer'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; diff --git a/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts b/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts index 6a1222b9d..75b1bc659 100644 --- a/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts +++ b/client/lib/ResourceRequest.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpHeaders'; -import IResourceRequest from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceRequest'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IHttpHeaders'; +import IResourceRequest from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceRequest'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceRequest)[] = [ diff --git a/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts b/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts index 297689b59..c32bd0722 100644 --- a/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts +++ b/client/lib/ResourceResponse.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; -import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpHeaders'; -import IResourceResponse from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceResponse'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IHttpHeaders'; +import IResourceResponse from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceResponse'; +import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; const propertyKeys: (keyof ResourceResponse)[] = [ 'headers', diff --git a/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts b/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts index ff775b35c..c8084781f 100644 --- a/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts +++ b/client/lib/SetupAwaitedHandler.ts @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import AwaitedHandler, { NotImplementedError } from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedHan import { IJsPath , INodePointer } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import Constructable from 'awaited-dom/base/Constructable'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; import StateMachine from 'awaited-dom/base/StateMachine'; import NodeFactory from 'awaited-dom/base/NodeFactory'; import IAwaitedOptions from '../interfaces/IAwaitedOptions'; diff --git a/client/lib/Tab.ts b/client/lib/Tab.ts index 68eb979ea..ff5e9852e 100644 --- a/client/lib/Tab.ts +++ b/client/lib/Tab.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import SuperDocument from 'awaited-dom/impl/super-klasses/SuperDocument'; import Storage from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Storage'; import CSSStyleDeclaration from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/CSSStyleDeclaration'; import Request from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Request'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import IWaitForElementOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForElementOptions'; import Response from 'awaited-dom/impl/official-klasses/Response'; @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { IHTMLObjectElementIsolate, INodeIsolate, } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/isolate'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; import { INodeVisibility } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import IResourceFilterProperties from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties'; diff --git a/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts b/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts index 9007fa06e..748176d95 100644 --- a/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts +++ b/client/lib/WebsocketResource.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import inspectInstanceProperties from 'awaited-dom/base/inspectInstanceProperties'; import AwaitedPath from 'awaited-dom/base/AwaitedPath'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; import * as Util from 'util'; import CoreTab from './CoreTab'; import ResourceRequest, { createResourceRequest } from './ResourceRequest'; diff --git a/client/package.json b/client/package.json index 9dd72017a..a6816aab8 100644 --- a/client/package.json +++ b/client/package.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", "@unblocked-web/js-path": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", "awaited-dom": "1.4.0", "nanoid": "^3.1.30", diff --git a/client/test/document.test.ts b/client/test/document.test.ts index 7fd16b8b2..0bafbfb9e 100644 --- a/client/test/document.test.ts +++ b/client/test/document.test.ts @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import '../lib/SetupAwaitedHandler'; import { getState as getElementState } from 'awaited-dom/base/official-klasses/Element'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import ICoreResponsePayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreResponsePayload'; diff --git a/client/test/events.test.ts b/client/test/events.test.ts index 08ec256fc..9c5dab393 100644 --- a/client/test/events.test.ts +++ b/client/test/events.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import Resource from '../lib/Resource'; import Hero from '../index'; diff --git a/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts b/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts index 4afa27b21..21ab4a9aa 100644 --- a/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts +++ b/client/test/waitForResource.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/index'; import ICoreRequestPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreRequestPayload'; import ICoreResponsePayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreResponsePayload'; diff --git a/core/apis/Session.resource.ts b/core/apis/Session.resource.ts index 7b2064809..82a5652d7 100644 --- a/core/apis/Session.resource.ts +++ b/core/apis/Session.resource.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpHeaders'; +import IHttpHeaders from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IHttpHeaders'; import SessionDb from '../dbs/SessionDb'; import ICoreApi from '../interfaces/ICoreApi'; diff --git a/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts b/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts index fbeb9b3bf..368273c27 100644 --- a/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts +++ b/core/connections/ConnectionToClient.ts @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import CommandRunner, { ICommandableTarget } from '../lib/CommandRunner'; import RemoteEvents from '../lib/RemoteEvents'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import { isSemverSatisfied } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/VersionUtils'; -import BrowserLaunchError from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/errors/BrowserLaunchError'; +import BrowserLaunchError from '@unblocked-web/agent/errors/BrowserLaunchError'; const version = require('../package.json'); diff --git a/core/env.ts b/core/env.ts index d3ad73148..3b6b1e664 100644 --- a/core/env.ts +++ b/core/env.ts @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ import * as Path from 'path'; import * as Os from 'os'; export default { - disableMitm: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_MITM), - showChrome: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_SHOW_CHROME), - disableDevtools: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS), - noChromeSandbox: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX), - disableGpu: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.HERO_DISABLE_GPU), + disableMitm: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_MITM), + showChrome: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_SHOW_CHROME), + disableDevtools: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS), + noChromeSandbox: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX), + disableGpu: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_GPU), }; -export const dataDir = process.env.HERO_DATA_DIR || Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); // transferred to static variable below class definition +export const dataDir = process.env.ULX_DATA_DIR || Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); // transferred to static variable below class definition function booleanOrUndefined(envValue): boolean | undefined { if (envValue === undefined) return undefined; diff --git a/core/index.ts b/core/index.ts index c3b341c40..8842b7c29 100644 --- a/core/index.ts +++ b/core/index.ts @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ import * as Fs from 'fs'; import * as Path from 'path'; import ICoreConfigureOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions'; -import { LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import Log, { hasBeenLoggedSymbol } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import { ICorePluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; -import DefaultHumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; import extractPlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins'; import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; import { IPluginClass } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPlugin'; @@ -15,22 +13,32 @@ import ConnectionToClient from './connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from './lib/Session'; import Tab from './lib/Tab'; import ShutdownHandler from '@ulixee/commons/lib/ShutdownHandler'; -import { IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IHumanEmulator'; -import { IBrowserEmulatorClass } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; import { dataDir } from './env'; import NetworkDb from './dbs/NetworkDb'; -import Pool from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Pool'; -import CorePlugins from './lib/CorePlugins'; +import Pool from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Pool'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import SessionsDb from './dbs/SessionsDb'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; +import DefaultHumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; +import { IAgentPluginClass } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IAgentPlugin'; const { log } = Log(module); export { Tab, Session, LocationTrigger }; export default class Core { + public static get defaultAgentPlugins(): IAgentPluginClass[] { + if (this.pool) return this.pool.agentPlugins; + return this._defaultAgentPlugins; + } + + public static set defaultAgentPlugins(value) { + this._defaultAgentPlugins = value; + if (this.pool) this.pool.agentPlugins = value; + } + public static get dataDir(): string { return this._dataDir; } @@ -54,19 +62,7 @@ export default class Core { public static readonly connections: ConnectionToClient[] = []; - public static pluginMap: { - humanEmulatorsById: { [id: string]: IHumanEmulatorClass }; - browserEmulatorsById: { [id: string]: IBrowserEmulatorClass }; - corePluginsById: { [id: string]: ICorePluginClass }; - } = { - humanEmulatorsById: { - []: DefaultHumanEmulator, - }, - browserEmulatorsById: { - []: DefaultBrowserEmulator, - }, - corePluginsById: {}, - }; + public static corePluginsById: { [id: string]: ICorePluginClass } = {}; public static onShutdown: () => void; public static pool: Pool; @@ -80,6 +76,11 @@ export default class Core { private static autoShutdownTimer: NodeJS.Timer; private static didRegisterSignals = false; private static _dataDir: string = dataDir; + private static _defaultAgentPlugins: IAgentPluginClass[] = [ + DefaultBrowserEmulator, + DefaultHumanEmulator, + ]; + private static networkDb: NetworkDb; private static utilityBrowserContext: Promise; @@ -105,12 +106,8 @@ export default class Core { } for (const Plugin of Plugins) { - if (Plugin.type === PluginTypes.HumanEmulator) { - this.pluginMap.humanEmulatorsById[] = Plugin as IHumanEmulatorClass; - } else if (Plugin.type === PluginTypes.BrowserEmulator) { - this.pluginMap.browserEmulatorsById[] = Plugin as IBrowserEmulatorClass; - } else if (Plugin.type === PluginTypes.CorePlugin) { - this.pluginMap.corePluginsById[] = Plugin; + if (Plugin.type === PluginTypes.CorePlugin) { + this.corePluginsById[] = Plugin; } } } @@ -118,12 +115,14 @@ export default class Core { public static getUtilityContext(): Promise { if (this.utilityBrowserContext) return this.utilityBrowserContext; - const corePlugins = new CorePlugins({}, log); - this.utilityBrowserContext = this.pool - .getBrowser(corePlugins.browserEngine, corePlugins, { - showChrome: false, - }) + .getBrowser( + DefaultBrowserEmulator.defaultBrowserEngine(), + {}, + { + showChrome: false, + }, + ) .then(browser => browser.newContext({ logger: log as IBoundLog, isIncognito: true })); return this.utilityBrowserContext; @@ -150,12 +149,15 @@ export default class Core { Core.dataDir = options.dataDir; } this.networkDb = new NetworkDb(); + if (options.defaultAgentPlugins) + this.defaultAgentPlugins = options.defaultAgentPlugins; this.pool = new Pool({ certificateStore: this.networkDb.certificates, dataDir: Core.dataDir, logger: log.createChild(module), maxConcurrentAgents: maxConcurrentClientCount, + agentPlugins: this.defaultAgentPlugins, }); // @ts-ignore diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts b/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts index 2864dbce6..7d38744cf 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/domStorage.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -import type { IDomStorageForOrigin } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDomStorage'; -import type { IIndexedDB } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IIndexedDB'; +import type { IDomStorageForOrigin } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDomStorage'; +import type { IIndexedDB } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IIndexedDB'; function dumpStorage(storage: Storage) { const store: [string, string][] = []; diff --git a/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts b/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts index 2b0ef5e8c..aa3382394 100644 --- a/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts +++ b/core/injected-scripts/indexedDbRestore.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import type { IIndexedDB } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IIndexedDB'; +import type { IIndexedDB } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IIndexedDB'; async function restoreIndexedDb(restoreDBs: IIndexedDB[]) { if (!restoreDBs || !restoreDBs.length) return; diff --git a/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts b/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts index 620d7b305..d89481e7e 100644 --- a/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts +++ b/core/lib/CommandFormatter.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; -import { IInteractionGroup } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; -import { getKeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; -import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; +import { IInteractionGroup } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; +import { getKeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { getNodePointerFnName } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; import ICommandTimelineOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandTimelineOffset'; import ICommandWithResult from '../interfaces/ICommandWithResult'; diff --git a/core/lib/Commands.ts b/core/lib/Commands.ts index acab6a873..2f8a70ab3 100644 --- a/core/lib/Commands.ts +++ b/core/lib/Commands.ts @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { IRemoteEmitFn } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; -import ICommandMarker from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/interfaces/ICommandMarker'; +import ICommandMarker from '@unblocked-web/agent/interfaces/ICommandMarker'; export default class Commands extends TypedEventEmitter<{ diff --git a/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts b/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts index 45f4f18f3..7380b7316 100644 --- a/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts +++ b/core/lib/CorePlugins.ts @@ -1,14 +1,4 @@ -import { URL } from 'url'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPage'; -import { IWorker } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IWorker'; -import IHttpResourceLoadDetails from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpResourceLoadDetails'; -import IDnsSettings from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IDnsSettings'; -import ITcpSettings from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ITcpSettings'; -import ITlsSettings from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ITlsSettings'; -import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; -import IInteractionsHelper from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractionsHelper'; -import IPoint from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPoint'; import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass, IOnClientCommandMeta, @@ -16,34 +6,12 @@ import ICorePlugin, { } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import requirePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils/lib/utils/requirePlugins'; import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; -import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserEngine'; -import { - IBrowserEmulator, - IBrowserEmulatorClass, - IBrowserEmulatorConfig, - ISelectBrowserMeta, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; -import { IHumanEmulator, IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IHumanEmulator'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDeviceProfile'; -import IDevtoolsSession from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDevtoolsSession'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; -import IHttp2ConnectSettings from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttp2ConnectSettings'; import Core from '../index'; -import IHttpSocketAgent from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IHttpSocketAgent'; -import IBrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserContext'; -import IBrowser from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowser'; -import IBrowserLaunchArgs from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserLaunchArgs'; - -const DefaultBrowserEmulatorId = '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; -const DefaultHumanEmulatorId = '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; +import IEmulationProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IEmulationProfile'; +import Agent from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Agent'; interface IOptionsCreate { - userAgentSelector?: string; - deviceProfile?: IDeviceProfile; - humanEmulatorId?: string; - browserEmulatorId?: string; - selectBrowserMeta?: ISelectBrowserMeta; dependencyMap?: IDependencyMap; corePluginPaths?: string[]; getSessionSummary?: () => ISessionSummary; @@ -54,84 +22,36 @@ interface IDependencyMap { } export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { - public static corePluginClassesById: { [id: string]: ICorePluginClass } = {}; - - public browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; - public browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator; - public humanEmulator: IHumanEmulator; - public get sessionSummary(): ISessionSummary { return this.getSessionSummary(); } - public readonly instances: ICorePlugin[] = []; - - public get corePlugins(): ICorePlugin[] { - return this.instances.filter(x => { - return !== && !==; - }); + public get instances(): ICorePlugin[] { + return Object.values(this.instanceById); } private instanceById: { [id: string]: ICorePlugin } = {}; - private readonly createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions; private readonly logger: IBoundLog; - private getSessionSummary: () => ISessionSummary; + private agent: Agent; + private getSessionSummary: IOptionsCreate['getSessionSummary']; - constructor(options: IOptionsCreate, logger: IBoundLog) { - const { - userAgentSelector, - dependencyMap, - corePluginPaths, - browserEmulatorId = DefaultBrowserEmulatorId, - humanEmulatorId = DefaultHumanEmulatorId, - getSessionSummary, - } = options; + constructor(agent: Agent, options: IOptionsCreate) { + const { dependencyMap, corePluginPaths, getSessionSummary } = options; + this.agent = agent; - this.getSessionSummary = - getSessionSummary ?? - (() => ({ + if (getSessionSummary) this.getSessionSummary = getSessionSummary; + else + this.getSessionSummary = () => ({ id: null, options: {}, - })); + }); - let BrowserEmulator = Core.pluginMap.browserEmulatorsById[browserEmulatorId]; - if (!BrowserEmulator) { - BrowserEmulator = requirePlugins( - browserEmulatorId, - PluginTypes.BrowserEmulator, - )[0]; - } - if (!BrowserEmulator) throw new Error(`Browser emulator ${browserEmulatorId} was not found`); + this.logger = agent.logger.createChild(module); - let HumanEmulator = Core.pluginMap.humanEmulatorsById[humanEmulatorId]; - if (!HumanEmulator) { - HumanEmulator = requirePlugins( - humanEmulatorId, - PluginTypes.HumanEmulator, - )[0]; + for (const plugin of Object.values(Core.corePluginsById)) { + if (plugin.shouldActivate?.(agent.emulationProfile, getSessionSummary()) === false) continue; + this.use(plugin); } - if (!HumanEmulator) throw new Error(`Human emulator ${humanEmulatorId} was not found`); - - const { browserEngine, userAgentOption } = - options.selectBrowserMeta || BrowserEmulator.selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector); - this.createOptions = { - browserEngine, - userAgentOption, - logger, - corePlugins: this, - sessionSummary: this.sessionSummary, - deviceProfile: options.deviceProfile, - }; - this.browserEngine = browserEngine; - this.logger = logger; - - this.browserEmulator = new BrowserEmulator(this.createOptions); - this.addPluginInstance(this.browserEmulator); - - this.humanEmulator = new HumanEmulator(this.createOptions); - this.addPluginInstance(this.humanEmulator); - - Object.values(Core.pluginMap.corePluginsById).forEach(x => this.use(x)); if (Core.allowDynamicPluginLoading) { if (corePluginPaths) { @@ -141,133 +61,19 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { this.loadDependencies(dependencyMap); } } + this.configure(agent.emulationProfile); } public cleanup(): void { this.getSessionSummary = () => null; this.instanceById = {}; - this.instances.length = 0; - this.browserEngine = null; - this.humanEmulator = null; - } - - // BROWSER EMULATORS - - public configure(options: IBrowserEmulatorConfig): void { - this.instances.filter(p => p.configure).forEach(p => p.configure(options)); - } - - public onDnsConfiguration(settings: IDnsSettings): void { - this.instances.filter(p => p.onDnsConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onDnsConfiguration(settings)); - } - - public onTcpConfiguration(settings: ITcpSettings): void { - this.instances.filter(p => p.onTcpConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onTcpConfiguration(settings)); - } - - public onTlsConfiguration(settings: ITlsSettings): void { - this.instances.filter(p => p.onTlsConfiguration).forEach(p => p.onTlsConfiguration(settings)); - } - - public async onHttpAgentInitialized(agent: IHttpSocketAgent): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onHttpAgentInitialized) - .map(p => p.onHttpAgentInitialized(agent)), - ); - } - - public async onNewBrowser(browser: IBrowser, launchArgs: IBrowserLaunchArgs): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewBrowser).map(p => p.onNewBrowser(browser, launchArgs)), - ); - } - - public async onNewPage(page: IPage): Promise { - await Promise.all(this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewPage).map(p => p.onNewPage(page))); - } - - public async onNewWorker(worker: IWorker): Promise { - await Promise.all(this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewWorker).map(p => p.onNewWorker(worker))); - } - - public async onNewBrowserContext(context: IBrowserContext): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances.filter(p => p.onNewBrowserContext).map(p => p.onNewBrowserContext(context)), - ); - } - - public async onHttp2SessionConnect( - resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails, - settings: IHttp2ConnectSettings, - ): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onHttp2SessionConnect) - .map(p => p.onHttp2SessionConnect(resource, settings)), - ); + this.agent = null; } - public async beforeHttpRequest(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances.filter(p => p.beforeHttpRequest).map(p => p.beforeHttpRequest(resource)), - ); + public configure(options: IEmulationProfile): void { + this.instances.forEach(p => p.configure?.(options)); } - public async beforeHttpResponse(resource: IHttpResourceLoadDetails): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances.filter(p => p.beforeHttpResponse).map(p => p.beforeHttpResponse(resource)), - ); - } - - public websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url: URL): void { - this.instances - .filter(p => p.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction) - .forEach(p => p.websiteHasFirstPartyInteraction(url)); - } - - // HUMAN EMULATORS - - public async playInteractions( - interactionGroups: IInteractionGroups, - runFn: (interaction: IInteractionStep) => Promise, - helper: IInteractionsHelper, - ): Promise { - const plugin = this.instances.filter(p => p.playInteractions).pop(); - if (plugin && plugin.playInteractions) { - await plugin.playInteractions(interactionGroups, runFn, helper); - } else { - for (const interactionGroup of interactionGroups) { - for (const interactionStep of interactionGroup) { - await runFn(interactionStep); - } - } - } - } - - public async beforeEachInteractionStep( - step: IInteractionStep, - isMouseCommand: boolean, - ): Promise { - for (const plugin of this.instances) { - await plugin.beforeEachInteractionStep?.(step, isMouseCommand); - } - } - - public async afterInteractionGroups(): Promise { - for (const plugin of this.instances) { - await plugin.afterInteractionGroups?.(); - } - } - - public async adjustStartingMousePoint(point: IPoint, helper: IInteractionsHelper): Promise { - for (const plugin of this.instances) { - await plugin.adjustStartingMousePoint?.(point, helper); - } - } - - // PLUGIN COMMANDS - public async onPluginCommand( toPluginId: string, commandMeta: Pick, @@ -286,64 +92,26 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { this.logger.warn(`Plugin (${toPluginId}) could not be found for command`); } - // MISCELLANEOUS - - public async onDevtoolsPanelAttached(devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelAttached) - .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelAttached(devtoolsSession)), - ); - } - - public async onDevtoolsPanelDetached(devtoolsSession: IDevtoolsSession): Promise { - await Promise.all( - this.instances - .filter(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelDetached) - .map(p => p.onDevtoolsPanelDetached(devtoolsSession)), - ); - } - // ADDING PLUGINS TO THE STACK public use(CorePlugin: ICorePluginClass): void { if (this.instanceById[]) return; - this.addPluginInstance( - new CorePlugin({ ...this.createOptions, sessionSummary: this.sessionSummary }), - ); - } - - private addPluginInstance(corePlugin: ICorePlugin): void { + const corePlugin = new CorePlugin({ + emulationProfile: this.agent.emulationProfile, + logger: this.logger, + corePlugins: this, + sessionSummary: this.sessionSummary, + }); this.instances.push(corePlugin); this.instanceById[] = corePlugin; - } - - private async require(corePluginId: string): Promise { - if (!CorePlugins.corePluginClassesById[corePluginId]) { - try { - // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-dynamic-require - const CorePlugin = await import(corePluginId); - if (!CorePlugin) return; - let CoreModule = CorePlugin.default || CorePlugin; - if (Object.keys(CoreModule).length === 1) { - CoreModule = CoreModule[Object.keys(CoreModule).pop()]; - } - if (! { - throw new Error('Your CorePlugin needs to have a static id property'); - } - CorePlugins.corePluginClassesById[corePluginId] = CoreModule; - } catch (error) { - return; - } - } - return CorePlugins.corePluginClassesById[corePluginId]; + this.agent.hook(corePlugin); } private loadDependencies(dependencyMap: IDependencyMap): void { for (const [clientPluginId, corePluginIds] of Object.entries(dependencyMap)) { for (const corePluginId of corePluginIds) { if (this.instanceById[corePluginId]) continue; - if (Core.pluginMap.corePluginsById[corePluginId]) continue; + if (Core.corePluginsById[corePluginId]) continue;`Dynamically requiring ${corePluginId} requested by ${clientPluginId}`); const Plugin = requirePlugins(corePluginId, PluginTypes.CorePlugin)[0]; if (!Plugin) throw new Error(`Could not find ${corePluginId}`); @@ -355,7 +123,7 @@ export default class CorePlugins implements ICorePlugins { private loadCorePluginPaths(corePluginPaths: string[]): void { for (const corePluginPath of corePluginPaths) { - if (Core.pluginMap.corePluginsById[corePluginPath]) continue; + if (Core.corePluginsById[corePluginPath]) continue; const Plugins = requirePlugins(corePluginPath, PluginTypes.CorePlugin); Plugins.forEach(Plugin => this.use(Plugin)); } diff --git a/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts b/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts index 03a82b354..d5acc957c 100644 --- a/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts +++ b/core/lib/FrameEnvironment.ts @@ -1,21 +1,28 @@ import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; -import { IJsPath , INodePointer } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; +import { + ILoadStatus, + ILocationTrigger, + LoadStatus, +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; +import { IJsPath, INodePointer } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ICookie'; -import { IInteractionGroups, IInteractionStep } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/ICookie'; +import { + IInteractionGroups, + IInteractionStep, +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { URL } from 'url'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; import { IRequestInit } from 'awaited-dom/base/interfaces/official'; -import { IFrameEvents } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFrame'; +import { IFrameEvents } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFrame'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; import ISetCookieOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISetCookieOptions'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; import * as Os from 'os'; -import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/INavigation'; +import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/INavigation'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import { DomActionType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; import IDomStateAssertionBatch from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStateAssertionBatch'; @@ -23,22 +30,21 @@ import ICollectedElement from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedElement'; import Session from './Session'; import Tab, { ITabEventParams } from './Tab'; import CommandRecorder from './CommandRecorder'; -import { IFrameNavigationEvents } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFrameNavigations'; -import { ISerializable } from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/JsPath'; -import Frame from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Frame'; +import { IFrameNavigationEvents } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFrameNavigations'; +import { ISerializable } from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/JsPath'; +import Frame from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Frame'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; import { PageRecorderResultSet } from '../injected-scripts/pageEventsRecorder'; import { ICommandableTarget } from './CommandRunner'; import { IRemoteEmitFn, IRemoteEventListener } from '../interfaces/IRemoteEventListener'; -import { IInteractHooks } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/hooks/IHooks'; -import FrameNavigations from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import FrameNavigations from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; const { log } = Log(module); export default class FrameEnvironment extends TypedEventEmitter<{ paint: void }> - implements ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener, IInteractHooks + implements ICommandableTarget, IRemoteEventListener { public get session(): Session { return; @@ -121,7 +127,8 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment }); this.createdAtCommandId = this.session.commands.lastId; if (this.session.options.showChromeInteractions) { - frame.hook(this); + frame.interactor.beforeEachInteractionStep = this.beforeEachInteractionStep.bind(this); + frame.interactor.afterInteractionGroups = this.afterInteractionGroups.bind(this); } // give tab time to setup @@ -191,8 +198,9 @@ export default class FrameEnvironment .catch(() => null); } - public afterInteractionGroups(): void { + public afterInteractionGroups(): Promise {; + return Promise.resolve(); } public async beforeEachInteractionStep( diff --git a/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts b/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts index ef30984fe..6e79a8978 100644 --- a/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts +++ b/core/lib/InjectedScripts.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import * as fs from 'fs'; -import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPage'; +import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IPage'; import { stringifiedTypeSerializerClass } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; const pageScripts = { diff --git a/core/lib/Session.ts b/core/lib/Session.ts index 93669e93f..9d9fedfd3 100644 --- a/core/lib/Session.ts +++ b/core/lib/Session.ts @@ -3,15 +3,13 @@ import Log, { ILogEntry, LogEvents, loggerSessionIdNames } from '@ulixee/commons import RequestSession, { IResourceStateChangeEvent, ISocketEvent, -} from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; +} from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm/handlers/RequestSession'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserEngine'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IBrowserEngine'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IViewport'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import IGeolocation from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IGeolocation'; import { ISessionSummary } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; import ICollectedElement from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedElement'; @@ -30,13 +28,16 @@ import { IOutputChangeRecord } from '../models/OutputTable'; import ICollectedSnippet from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedSnippet'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; import ICollectedResource from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedResource'; -import Agent from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Agent'; -import Resources from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Resources'; -import WebsocketMessages from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; -import DevtoolsSessionLogger from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; -import Page from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import Agent from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Agent'; +import Resources from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Resources'; +import WebsocketMessages from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import DevtoolsSessionLogger from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; +import Page from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Page'; import env from '../env'; +import IEmulationProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IEmulationProfile'; +import { IEmulatorOptions } from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; +import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IViewport'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -68,23 +69,7 @@ export default class Session public readonly plugins: CorePlugins; public get browserEngine(): IBrowserEngine { - return this.plugins.browserEngine; - } - - public get viewport(): IViewport { - return this.options.viewport; - } - - public get timezoneId(): string { - return this.options.timezoneId; - } - - public get locale(): string { - return this.options.locale; - } - - public get geolocation(): IGeolocation { - return this.options.geolocation; + return this.emulationProfile.browserEngine; } public get userProfile(): IUserProfile { @@ -95,6 +80,10 @@ export default class Session return this.options.mode; } + public get viewport(): IViewport { + return this.emulationProfile.viewport; + } + public readonly createdTime: number; public bypassResourceRegistrationForHost: URL; @@ -120,23 +109,25 @@ export default class Session return this._isClosing; } + public get emulationProfile(): IEmulationProfile { + return this.agent?.emulationProfile; + } + public get meta(): IHeroMeta { - const { plugins, viewport, locale, timezoneId, geolocation } = this; + const { viewport, locale, timezoneId, geolocation } = this.emulationProfile; const { - userAgentString, + string: userAgentString, operatingSystemPlatform, operatingSystemName, operatingSystemVersion, browserVersion, browserName, - } = this.plugins.browserEmulator; + } = this.emulationProfile.userAgentOption; return { sessionId:, ...this.options, - browserEmulatorId:, - humanEmulatorId:, upstreamProxyUrl: this.options.upstreamProxyUrl, upstreamProxyIpMask: this.options.upstreamProxyIpMask, viewport, @@ -170,7 +161,7 @@ export default class Session } public awaitedEventEmitter = new TypedEventEmitter<{ close: void }>(); - public agent: Agent; + public readonly agent: Agent; protected readonly logger: IBoundLog; @@ -181,7 +172,7 @@ export default class Session private readonly logSubscriptionId: number; private events = new EventSubscriber(); - constructor(readonly options: ISessionCreateOptions) { + protected constructor(readonly options: ISessionCreateOptions) { super(); this.createdTime =; = this.getId(options.sessionId); @@ -189,11 +180,13 @@ export default class Session Session.byId[id] = this;, 'closed', () => delete Session.byId[id]); this.db = new SessionDb(; + this.commands = new Commands(this.db); this.logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId: }); loggerSessionIdNames.set(, options.sessionName); this.logSubscriptionId = LogEvents.subscribe(this.recordLog.bind(this)); + const providedOptions = { ...options }; // set default script instance if not provided options.scriptInstanceMeta ??= { id: nanoid(), @@ -201,28 +194,38 @@ export default class Session entrypoint: require.main?.filename ?? process.argv[1], startDate: this.createdTime, }; + options.showChrome ??= env.showChrome ?? false; + options.showChromeInteractions ??= options.showChrome; + options.noChromeSandbox ??= env.noChromeSandbox; + options.disableGpu ??= env.disableGpu; + options.disableMitm ??= env.disableMitm; + options.disableDevtools ??= env.disableDevtools; - const providedOptions = { ...options }; const { userProfile, userAgent } = options; + const customEmulatorConfig: IEmulatorOptions = { + userAgentSelector: userAgent ?? userProfile?.userAgentString, + }; - this.plugins = new CorePlugins( - { - ...options, - userAgentSelector: userAgent ?? userProfile?.userAgentString, - deviceProfile: userProfile?.deviceProfile, - getSessionSummary: this.getSummary.bind(this), - }, - this.logger, - ); - this.configureHeaded(options); - this.plugins.configure(options); + this.agent = Core.pool.createAgent({ + options, + customEmulatorConfig, + logger: this.logger, + deviceProfile: userProfile?.deviceProfile, + id:, + commandMarker: this.commands, + }); + + this.plugins = new CorePlugins(this.agent, { + corePluginPaths: options.corePluginPaths, + dependencyMap: options.dependencyMap, + getSessionSummary: this.getSummary.bind(this), + }); // should come after plugins can initiate this.recordSession(providedOptions); SessionsDb.find().recordSession(this); - this.commands = new Commands(this.db); this.commandRecorder = new CommandRecorder(this, this, null, null, [ this.collectSnippet, this.getCollectedSnippets, @@ -366,9 +369,10 @@ export default class Session return db.collectedElements.getByName(name); } - public async initialize(agent: Agent): Promise { + public async openBrowser(): Promise { + const agent = this.agent; + await; this.browserContext = agent.browserContext; - this.agent = agent; agent.browserContext.devtoolsSessionLogger, 'devtools-message', @@ -751,7 +755,7 @@ export default class Session this.browserEngine.fullVersion, this.createdTime, scriptInstanceMeta, - this.plugins.browserEmulator.deviceProfile, + this.emulationProfile.deviceProfile, optionsToStore, ); } @@ -791,8 +795,6 @@ ${data}`, options.geolocation ??= record.createSessionOptions?.geolocation; options.userProfile ??= record.createSessionOptions?.userProfile ?? {}; options.userProfile.deviceProfile ??= record.deviceProfile; - options.browserEmulatorId = record.browserEmulatorId; - options.humanEmulatorId = record.humanEmulatorId; return options; } @@ -820,26 +822,12 @@ ${data}`, } if (!session) { + await Core.start({}, false); session = new Session(options);'new', { session }); if (session.mode !== 'browserless') { - await Core.start({}, false); - const agent = await Core.pool.createAgent({ - id:, - browserEngine: session.browserEngine, - logger: session.logger, - hooks: session.plugins, - upstreamProxyUrl: session.options.upstreamProxyUrl, - commandMarker: session.commands, - showChrome: session.options.showChrome ?? env.showChrome, - noChromeSandbox: session.options.noChromeSandbox ?? env.noChromeSandbox, - disableIncognito: session.options.disableIncognito, - disableGpu: session.options.disableGpu ?? env.disableGpu, - disableMitm: session.options.disableMitm ?? env.disableMitm, - disableDevtools: session.options.disableDevtools ?? env.disableDevtools, - }); - await session.initialize(agent); + await session.openBrowser(); } } tab ??= await session.createTab(); diff --git a/core/lib/Tab.ts b/core/lib/Tab.ts index cdf68dca2..0c3ec12a5 100644 --- a/core/lib/Tab.ts +++ b/core/lib/Tab.ts @@ -2,30 +2,30 @@ import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import { IBlockedResourceType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITabOptions'; import IWaitForResourceOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForResourceOptions'; import Timer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Timer'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import TimeoutError from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/TimeoutError'; -import { IPageEvents } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPage'; +import { IPageEvents } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IPage'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import IWaitForOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IWaitForOptions'; -import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; +import IScreenshotOptions from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IScreenshotOptions'; import { IJsPath } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; -import { IInteractionGroups } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; -import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; +import { IInteractionGroups } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; +import IExecJsPathResult from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IExecJsPathResult'; import { ILoadStatus, ILocationTrigger, LoadStatus, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import IFrameMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IFrameMeta'; -import IDialog from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDialog'; -import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; +import IDialog from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDialog'; +import IFileChooserPrompt from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFileChooserPrompt'; import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; import ISessionMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionMeta'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/INavigation'; +import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/INavigation'; import IResourceFilterProperties from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties'; import IDomStateListenArgs from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomStateListenArgs'; import CommandRecorder from './CommandRecorder'; @@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ import { IFocusRecord } from '../models/FocusEventsTable'; import IResourceSummary from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceSummary'; import ISourceCodeLocation from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ISourceCodeLocation'; import ICollectedResource from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICollectedResource'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; import Core from '../index'; -import FrameNavigations from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; -import FrameNavigationsObserver from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver'; -import Page from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Page'; -import { IWebsocketMessage } from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; +import FrameNavigations from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/FrameNavigations'; +import FrameNavigationsObserver from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/FrameNavigationsObserver'; +import Page from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Page'; +import { IWebsocketMessage } from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; import { injectedSourceUrl } from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator/lib/DomOverridesBuilder'; const { log } = Log(module); diff --git a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts index 2132945c4..8722e8127 100644 --- a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts +++ b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import IDomStorage, { IDomStorageForOrigin, -} from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDomStorage'; +} from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDomStorage'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import { assert } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import Session from './Session'; import InjectedScripts from './InjectedScripts'; -import Page from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import Page from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Page'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ export default class UserProfile { return { cookies, storage: exportedStorage, - userAgentString: session.plugins.browserEmulator.userAgentString, - deviceProfile: session.plugins.browserEmulator.deviceProfile, + userAgentString: session.emulationProfile.userAgentOption.string, + deviceProfile: session.emulationProfile.deviceProfile, } as IUserProfile; } diff --git a/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts b/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts index 90c62b679..ed314fbe8 100644 --- a/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/DevtoolsMessagesTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import DevtoolsSessionLogger from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; +import DevtoolsSessionLogger from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/DevtoolsSessionLogger'; export default class DevtoolsMessagesTable extends SqliteTable { private pageIds = new IdAssigner(); @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default class DevtoolsMessagesTable extends SqliteTable { diff --git a/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts b/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts index e0670785a..ee0aa9584 100644 --- a/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/ResourceStatesTable.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import ResourceState from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm/interfaces/ResourceState'; +import ResourceState from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm/interfaces/ResourceState'; const resourceStates = Object.keys(ResourceState).filter( x => ResourceState[x] === x, diff --git a/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts b/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts index 693ca52db..914b800cf 100644 --- a/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/ResourcesTable.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import decodeBuffer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/decodeBuffer'; -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; import IResourceSummary from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IResourceSummary'; -import IResourceProcessingDetails from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/interfaces/IResourceProcessingDetails'; +import IResourceProcessingDetails from '@unblocked-web/agent/interfaces/IResourceProcessingDetails'; export default class ResourcesTable extends SqliteTable { constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { diff --git a/core/models/SessionTable.ts b/core/models/SessionTable.ts index 309be9014..ceb0a1d27 100644 --- a/core/models/SessionTable.ts +++ b/core/models/SessionTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; -import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IViewport'; +import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IViewport'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDeviceProfile'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IDeviceProfile'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScriptInstanceMeta'; import IHeroMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IHeroMeta'; @@ -16,14 +16,12 @@ export default class SessionTable extends SqliteTable { [ ['id', 'TEXT'], ['name', 'TEXT'], - ['browserEmulatorId', 'TEXT'], ['browserName', 'TEXT'], ['browserFullVersion', 'TEXT'], ['operatingSystemName', 'TEXT'], ['operatingSystemVersion', 'TEXT'], ['renderingEngine', 'TEXT'], ['renderingEngineVersion', 'TEXT'], - ['humanEmulatorId', 'TEXT'], ['startDate', 'INTEGER'], ['closeDate', 'INTEGER'], ['scriptInstanceId', 'TEXT'], @@ -57,14 +55,12 @@ export default class SessionTable extends SqliteTable { const record = [, configuration.sessionName, - configuration.browserEmulatorId, browserName, browserFullVersion, configuration.operatingSystemName, configuration.operatingSystemVersion, configuration.renderingEngine, configuration.renderingEngineVersion, - configuration.humanEmulatorId, startDate, null, scriptInstanceMeta?.id, @@ -120,14 +116,12 @@ export default class SessionTable extends SqliteTable { export interface ISessionRecord { id: string; name: string; - browserEmulatorId: string; renderingEngine: string; renderingEngineVersion: string; browserName: string; browserFullVersion: string; operatingSystemName: string; operatingSystemVersion: string; - humanEmulatorId: string; startDate: number; closeDate: number; scriptInstanceId: string; diff --git a/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts b/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts index 682baaafd..ee697a99f 100644 --- a/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/StorageChangesTable.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; import TypeSerializer from '@ulixee/commons/lib/TypeSerializer'; -import { IDomStorageEvents } from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/DomStorageTracker'; +import { IDomStorageEvents } from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/DomStorageTracker'; export default class StorageChangesTable extends SqliteTable { private changesByTabIdAndTime: { diff --git a/core/models/TabsTable.ts b/core/models/TabsTable.ts index 091413b6b..c431a3ede 100644 --- a/core/models/TabsTable.ts +++ b/core/models/TabsTable.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IViewport'; +import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IViewport'; export default class TabsTable extends SqliteTable { constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { diff --git a/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts b/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts index df617781f..dfc6c67c7 100644 --- a/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts +++ b/core/models/WebsocketMessagesTable.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { Database as SqliteDatabase } from 'better-sqlite3'; import SqliteTable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SqliteTable'; -import { IWebsocketMessage } from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; +import { IWebsocketMessage } from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/WebsocketMessages'; export default class WebsocketMessagesTable extends SqliteTable { constructor(readonly db: SqliteDatabase) { diff --git a/core/package.json b/core/package.json index 82a74092d..5bfde6d79 100644 --- a/core/package.json +++ b/core/package.json @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ "dependencies": { "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@unblocked-web/secret-agent": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/agent": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@unblocked-web/js-path": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/sa-mitm": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/agent-mitm": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", diff --git a/core/test/DomEnv.test.ts b/core/test/DomEnv.test.ts index 9f9a8397d..5f3331a54 100644 --- a/core/test/DomEnv.test.ts +++ b/core/test/DomEnv.test.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/index'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Core, { Session } from '../index'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; let connectionToClient: ConnectionToClient; diff --git a/core/test/connection.test.ts b/core/test/connection.test.ts index 2006a254e..a1f292726 100644 --- a/core/test/connection.test.ts +++ b/core/test/connection.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import Hero, { Core } from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; import { Log } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import BrowserEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; +import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; import { DependenciesMissingError } from '@ulixee/chrome-app/lib/DependenciesMissingError'; import ChromeApp from '@ulixee/chrome-app/index'; import BrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator/lib/BrowserEngine'; @@ -14,17 +14,13 @@ afterEach(Helpers.afterEach); describe('basic connection tests', () => { it('should throw an error informing how to install dependencies', async () => { - class CustomEmulator extends BrowserEmulator { + class CustomEmulator extends DefaultBrowserEmulator { public static id = 'emulate-test'; public onNewBrowser() { // don't change launch args so it doesn't reuse a previous one } - - public static selectBrowserMeta() { - return super.selectBrowserMeta(); - } } - Core.use(CustomEmulator as any); + Core.defaultAgentPlugins = [CustomEmulator]; logError.mockClear(); validate.mockClear(); @@ -38,9 +34,7 @@ describe('basic connection tests', () => { logError.mockImplementationOnce(() => null /* no op*/); - const hero1 = new Hero({ - browserEmulatorId: 'emulate-test', - }); + const hero1 = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero1); await expect(hero1).rejects.toThrowError( diff --git a/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts b/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts index fe2b0aaef..a65c75548 100644 --- a/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts +++ b/core/test/domRecorder.test.ts @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; +import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { DomActionType } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; -import HumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import { MouseEventType } from '../models/MouseEventsTable'; import Core, { Session } from '../index'; @@ -11,9 +10,8 @@ import Core, { Session } from '../index'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; let connectionToClient: ConnectionToClient; beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use( - class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - static id = 'basic'; + Core.defaultAgentPlugins.push( + class BasicHumanEmulator { async playInteractions(interactionGroups, runFn): Promise { for (const group of interactionGroups) { for (const step of group) { @@ -46,9 +44,7 @@ function addMe() { `; }); - const meta = await connectionToClient.createSession({ - humanEmulatorId: 'basic', - }); + const meta = await connectionToClient.createSession(); const tab = Session.getTab(meta); await tab.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/test1`); await tab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded'); @@ -366,7 +362,6 @@ describe('basic Mouse Event tests', () => { `; }); const meta = await connectionToClient.createSession({ - humanEmulatorId: 'basic', viewport: { height: 800, width: 1000, diff --git a/core/test/events.test.ts b/core/test/events.test.ts index 32fb9c512..59d8252a7 100644 --- a/core/test/events.test.ts +++ b/core/test/events.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import ICoreEventPayload from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICoreEventPayload'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import { LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LocationStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import Core, { Session } from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; diff --git a/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts b/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts index 39bdc470b..758234fc6 100644 --- a/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts +++ b/core/test/sessionResume.test.ts @@ -1,22 +1,19 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; -import HumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import Core, { Tab } from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; -import Interactor from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Interactor'; +import Interactor from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Interactor'; +import DefaultBrowserEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator'; const playInteractionSpy = jest.spyOn(Interactor.prototype, 'play'); let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; let connectionToClient: ConnectionToClient; beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use( - class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - static id = 'basic'; - }, - ); + // remove the human emulator + Core.defaultAgentPlugins = [DefaultBrowserEmulator]; await Core.start(); connectionToClient = Core.addConnection(); await connectionToClient.connect(); diff --git a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts index e0597fd78..0da55d374 100644 --- a/core/test/user-profile.test.ts +++ b/core/test/user-profile.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import IUserProfile from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IUserProfile'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import Core from '../index'; import ConnectionToClient from '../connections/ConnectionToClient'; import Session from '../lib/Session'; import { URL } from 'url'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; -import MitmRequestAgent from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent'; -import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDomStorage'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; +import MitmRequestAgent from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm/lib/MitmRequestAgent'; +import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDomStorage'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; let connection: ConnectionToClient; @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('UserProfile cookie tests', () => { const cookiesBefore = await tab3.session.exportUserProfile(); expect(cookiesBefore.cookies).toHaveLength(1); expect(cookiesBefore.userAgentString).toBe(profile.userAgentString); - expect(tab3.session.plugins.browserEmulator.userAgentString).toBe(profile.userAgentString); + expect(tab3.session.meta.userAgentString).toBe(profile.userAgentString); expect(cookiesBefore.deviceProfile).toEqual(profile.deviceProfile); await tab3.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/cookie2`); @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ document.querySelector('#session').innerHTML = [session1,session2,session3].join await tab.waitForLoad('PaintingStable'); await expect(tab.getJsValue('localStorage.getItem("test")')).resolves.toBe('1'); await expect(tab.getJsValue('sessionStorage.getItem("test")')).resolves.toBe('2'); - }); + }, 30e3); it("should keep profile information for sites that aren't loaded in a session", async () => { const meta = await connection.createSession({ diff --git a/docs/main/Advanced/ b/docs/main/Advanced/ index 91e846211..7c8649643 100644 --- a/docs/main/Advanced/ +++ b/docs/main/Advanced/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Resource requests are the raw underlying http request details made to access a resource. -Instances of this class are associated with a resource returned from `window.waitForResource` or from the initial window document load. +Instances of this class are associated with a resource returned from [`tab.waitForResource`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab##wait-for-resource), listening for resources [`tab.on('resource')`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab#resource-event) or from the initial window document load. ## Properties diff --git a/docs/main/Advanced/ b/docs/main/Advanced/ index 435d4f8dd..7caa9c157 100644 --- a/docs/main/Advanced/ +++ b/docs/main/Advanced/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Resource requests are the raw underlying http request details made to access a resource. -Instances of this class are associated with a resource returned from `window.waitForResource` or from the initial window document load. +Instances of this class are associated with a resource returned from [`tab.waitForResource`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab##wait-for-resource), listening for resources [`tab.on('resource')`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab#resource-event) or from the initial window document load. ## Properties diff --git a/docs/main/Advanced/ b/docs/main/Advanced/ index e96baa9d9..cfd6b9dcc 100644 --- a/docs/main/Advanced/ +++ b/docs/main/Advanced/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Websocket Resources are core websocket connections between a client and server. -The WebsocketResource class is returned from `window.waitForResource`. It contains all properties of a `Resource` in addition to an ability to subscribe to messages sent back and forth. +Instances of this class are associated with a resource returned from [`tab.waitForResource`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab##wait-for-resource), listening for resources [`tab.on('resource')`](/docs/basic-interfaces/tab#resource-event) or from the initial window document load. It contains all properties of a `Resource` in addition to an ability to subscribe to messages sent back and forth. ## Properties diff --git a/docs/main/BasicInterfaces/ b/docs/main/BasicInterfaces/ index 7152c062c..06a9d6f3d 100644 --- a/docs/main/BasicInterfaces/ +++ b/docs/main/BasicInterfaces/ @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const Hero = require('@ulixee/hero'); - positionY? `number`. Optional override browser Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). - blockedResourceTypes `BlockedResourceType[]`. Controls browser resource loading. Valid options are listed [here](/docs/overview/configuration#blocked-resources). - userProfile `IUserProfile`. Previous user's cookies, session, etc. - - showChrome `boolean`. A boolean whether to show the Chrome browser window. Can also be set with an env variable: `HERO_SHOW_CHROME=true`. Default `false`. + - showChrome `boolean`. A boolean whether to show the Chrome browser window. Can also be set with an env variable: `ULX_SHOW_CHROME=true`. Default `false`. - showChromeInteractions `boolean`. A boolean whether to inject user interactions to mimic headless mouse/keyboard activity. Default `false`. - showChromeAlive `boolean`. A boolean whether to show the ChromeAlive! toolbar (if installed in devDependencies, or using Default `false`. - upstreamProxyUrl `string`. A socks5 or http proxy url (and optional auth) to use for all HTTP requests in this session. The optional "auth" should be included in the UserInfo section of the url, eg: ``. @@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ Retrieves metadata about the hero configuration: - sessionId `string`. The session identifier. - sessionName `string`. The unique session name that will be visible in Replay. -- browserEmulatorId `string`. The id of the [Browser Emulator](/docs/hero/plugins/browser-emulators) in use. -- humanEmulatorId `string`. The id of the [Human Emulator](/docs/hero/plugins/human-emulators) in use. - timezoneId `string`. The configured unicode TimezoneId or host default (eg, America/New_York). - locale `string`. The configured locale in use (eg, en-US). - geolocation `IGeolocation`. The configured geolocation of the user (if set). diff --git a/docs/main/Help/ b/docs/main/Help/ index e90af766b..ee2f5418a 100644 --- a/docs/main/Help/ +++ b/docs/main/Help/ @@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ Hero operates with a few different spawned processes: -#### Socket Connect - -Each socket created by the browser is proxied through a `Go` process that emulates the TLS signatures of the headed version of the browser engine being used. A small library is placed in `node_modules/@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket/dist` during installation. If this is unsuccessful, or aborts, you will see errors. - -You can remove the library and reinstall or rebuild manually using npm run build in the `@ulixee/hero-mitm-socket` directory with environmental variable: `HERO_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET=true`. - #### Browser Emulators When you install Hero, it also downloads a recent version of Chrome 83 (~277MB Mac, ~282MB Linux, ~280MB Win). Each [BrowserEmulator](/docs/hero/plugins/browser-emulators) you install (ie, Chrome80, Safari13) can install additional browser engines as needed. diff --git a/docs/main/Overview/ b/docs/main/Overview/ index 38f7ab680..10a01ac48 100644 --- a/docs/main/Overview/ +++ b/docs/main/Overview/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Configures the storage location for files created by Core. - Session Databases - Man-in-the-middle network certificates -`Environmental variable`: `HERO_DATA_DIR=/your-absolute-dir-path` +`Environmental variable`: `ULX_DATA_DIR=/your-absolute-dir-path` Configurable via [`Core.start()`](#core-start) or the first [`ConnectionToCore`](/docs/hero/advanced/connection-to-core). @@ -79,14 +79,6 @@ Configures a proxy url to route traffic through for a given Hero. This function An upstream proxy url should be a fully formatted url to the proxy. If your proxy is socks5, start it with `socks5://`, http `http://` or `https://` as needed. An upstream proxy url can optionally include the user authentication parameters in the url. It will be parsed out and used as the authentication. -### Browsers Emulator Id
- -Configures which [BrowserEmulator](/docs/hero/plugins/browser-emulators) to use in a given Hero. - -### Human Emulator Id
- -Configures which [HumanEmulator](/docs/hero/plugins/human-emulators) to use in a Hero instance. - ## Core Configuration Configuration for Core should be performed before initialization. @@ -100,5 +92,6 @@ Update existing settings. - options `object` Accepts any of the following: - maxConcurrentClientCount `number` defaults to `10`. Limit concurrent Hero sessions running at any given time. - dataDir `string` defaults to `os.tmpdir()/.ulixee`. Directory to store session databases and mitm certificates. + - defaultAgentPlugins `IAgentPluginClass[]`. A list of Unblocked Agent plugin classes to be installed by default in new Agents. #### **Returns**: `Promise` diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4ba0b1850..000000000 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -# Browser Emulators - -> BrowserEmulators are a special class of core plugins that help Hero disguise itself as different browsers. - -The biggest difference that BrowserEmulators have over standard CorePlugins is that only a single instance is ever run within a session -- i.e. you cannot use two BrowserEmulators within the same session. In addition, the Browser Emulator is always run before any standard Core Plugins, and as such, the Browser Emulator is responsible for choosing which browser engine to use (i.e., Chrome 88 vs Chrome 91). - -ADVICE: Unless you have access to the exact data that a browser resembles, it's recommended that you extend `@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator` with additional overrides. - -## Special Class Properties - -BrowserEmulators have all the same class properties as core plugins, with one significant change, the type property must always be set to `CorePlugin:BrowserEmulator` instead of just `CorePlugin`: - -### BrowserEmulator.type *required* -This tells Hero the plugin is a special BrowserEmulator. -#### **Type**: `string`. This must always be set to `'CorePlugin:BrowserEmulator'`. - -## Special Class Methods - -BrowserEmulators require a method that receives a userAgentSelector and returns browser engine meta (user agent details + browser engine). - -### selectBrowserMeta(userAgentSelector) *required* - -See @unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator for an implementation example. - -#### **Returns** `SelectBrowserMeta` - -## Special Instance Properties - -Browser Emulators require a few extra properties than standard Core Plugins. These are all related to the browser engine selected by the emulator. See `@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator` for an implementation example. - -### browserName *required* -#### **Type**: `string`. - -### browserVersion *required* -#### **Type**: `Version`. - -### operatingSystemPlatform *required* -#### **Type**: `string`. - -### operatingSystemName *required* -#### **Type**: `string`. - -### operatingSystemVersion *required* -#### **Type**: `Version`. - -### userAgentString *required* -#### **Type**: `string`. diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ index 9cabb81d5..e9ab4a521 100644 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ b/docs/main/Plugins/ @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ Modify any value in the object to change it session-wide. ### onNewBrowser(browser, launchArgs) *optional* This is called every time a new browser engine is started, which may not be every session. A Core Plugin can add to the launch arguments that will sent to the process creation of the browser: -- For Chrome, a list can be found (here)[] +- For Chrome, a list can be found [here]( #### **Arguments**: -- browser `IBrowser`. The SecretAgent browser. Arguments can be manipulated on the `engine.launchArguments` property. +- browser `IBrowser`. The Agent browser. Arguments can be manipulated on the `engine.launchArguments` property. - launchArgs `IBrowserLaunchArgs`. Additional options provided to launch this instance. - showChrome: `boolean` - has the user requested to show the browser - disableGpu: `boolean` - has the user requested to disable the gpu diff --git a/docs/main/Plugins/ b/docs/main/Plugins/ deleted file mode 100644 index 549c9a2c0..000000000 --- a/docs/main/Plugins/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -# Human Emulators - -> HumanEmulators are plugins that sit between your script and Hero's mouse/keyboard movements. They translate your clicks and moves into randomized human-like patterns that can pass the bot-blocker checks. - -This is a major work in progress. We are trying to determine whether Human Emulators are necessary as a unique type of Core Plugin. - -See `@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator` for an implementation example. diff --git a/docs/main/links.yaml b/docs/main/links.yaml index 174dc3527..484cffd36 100644 --- a/docs/main/links.yaml +++ b/docs/main/links.yaml @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ items: - Client Plugins - Core Plugins - - Browser Emulators - - Human Emulators - title: Contribute items: - How to contribute diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/ index 616d75fb6..7e119d03d 100644 --- a/examples/ +++ b/examples/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import Hero from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; -import { LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LocationTrigger } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; async function run() { const hero = new Hero(); diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/ index a46e62ffc..8c4e8cba7 100644 --- a/examples/ +++ b/examples/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import Hero from '@ulixee/hero-fullstack'; -// process.env.HERO_SHOW_CHROME = 'true'; +// process.env.ULX_SHOW_CHROME = 'true'; async function run() { const hero = new Hero({ userAgent: '~ chrome = 89' }); diff --git a/examples/show-browser.js b/examples/show-browser.js index 06c7c437d..9f1f99378 100644 --- a/examples/show-browser.js +++ b/examples/show-browser.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ const Hero = require('@ulixee/hero-fullstack'); -//process.env.HERO_SHOW_CHROME = 'true'; +//process.env.ULX_SHOW_CHROME = 'true'; (async () => { const url = ``; diff --git a/fullstack/package.json b/fullstack/package.json index 4b04898a8..642975f3d 100644 --- a/fullstack/package.json +++ b/fullstack/package.json @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "devDependencies": { "@unblocked-web/default-browser-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/sa-mitm": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/agent-mitm": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-plugin-utils": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-timetravel": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-testing": "1.5.4", diff --git a/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts b/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts index ccbedbf11..c45707914 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/filechooser.test.ts @@ -1,16 +1,10 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; -import HumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; import * as Fs from 'fs'; -import Hero, { Core } from '../index'; +import Hero from '../index'; let koaServer; beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use( - class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - static id = 'basic'; - }, - ); koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(); }); afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); @@ -37,7 +31,7 @@ describe('Filechooser tests', () => { `; }); - const hero = new Hero({ humanEmulatorId: 'basic' }); + const hero = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/get-upload`); @@ -71,7 +65,6 @@ describe('Filechooser tests', () => { }); const hero = new Hero({ - humanEmulatorId: 'basic', userProfile: { cookies: [], storage: { @@ -118,9 +111,7 @@ describe('Filechooser tests', () => { `; }); - const hero = new Hero({ - humanEmulatorId: 'basic', - }); + const hero = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); const file1 = await Fs.promises.readFile(`${__dirname}/filechooser.test.js`); diff --git a/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts b/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts index 29554210e..8b8312419 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/interact.test.ts @@ -1,18 +1,12 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import { Command } from '@ulixee/hero/interfaces/IInteractions'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; -import HumanEmulator from '@unblocked-web/default-human-emulator'; -import Hero, { Core, LocationStatus } from '../index'; +import Hero, { LocationStatus } from '../index'; import Session from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Session'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; beforeAll(async () => { - Core.use( - class BasicHumanEmulator extends HumanEmulator { - static id = 'basic'; - }, - ); koaServer = await Helpers.runKoaServer(true); }); afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); @@ -136,7 +130,7 @@ describe('basic Interact tests', () => { `; }); - const hero = new Hero({ humanEmulatorId: 'basic' }); + const hero = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/twice`); await hero.activeTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.DomContentLoaded); @@ -163,7 +157,7 @@ describe('basic Interact tests', () => { `; }); - const hero = new Hero({ humanEmulatorId: 'basic' }); + const hero = new Hero(); Helpers.needsClosing.push(hero); await hero.goto(`${koaServer.baseUrl}/empty-click`); await hero.activeTab.waitForLoad(LocationStatus.PaintingStable); @@ -283,6 +277,5 @@ describe('basic Interact tests', () => { } } expect(reloadSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); - }); }); diff --git a/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts b/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts index 50d378b66..079ac8101 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/tab.test.ts @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import { Command } from '@ulixee/hero/interfaces/IInteractions'; -import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; +import { KeyboardKey } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IKeyboardLayoutUS'; import * as os from 'os'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import Hero from '../index'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; let koaServer: ITestKoaServer; beforeAll(async () => { diff --git a/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts b/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts index fe4cdf6de..017537a19 100644 --- a/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts +++ b/fullstack/test/websocket.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import MitmServer from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm/lib/MitmProxy'; +import MitmServer from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm/lib/MitmProxy'; import { createPromise } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; -import HttpUpgradeHandler from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; +import HttpUpgradeHandler from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm/handlers/HttpUpgradeHandler'; import WebsocketResource from '@ulixee/hero/lib/WebsocketResource'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; diff --git a/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts b/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts index b8d9af166..a33314722 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICollectedResource.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceMeta'; +import IResourceMeta from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceMeta'; import IWebsocketMessage from './IWebsocketMessage'; export default interface ICollectedResource { diff --git a/interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions.ts b/interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions.ts index 657f88547..7651257e3 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICoreConfigureOptions.ts @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ +import { IAgentPluginClass } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IAgentPlugin'; + export default interface ICoreConfigureOptions { maxConcurrentClientCount?: number; dataDir?: string; + defaultAgentPlugins?: IAgentPluginClass[]; } diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts b/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts index 15d5dae61..dda70d63c 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePlugin.ts @@ -1,15 +1,12 @@ +import { IFrame } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFrame'; +import IAgentPlugin from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IAgentPlugin'; +import IEmulationProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IEmulationProfile'; +import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IPage'; import { PluginTypes } from './IPluginTypes'; import ICorePluginCreateOptions from './ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPage'; import ISessionCreateOptions from './ISessionCreateOptions'; -import { IFrame } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFrame'; -import { IBrowserEmulatorMethods } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; -import { IHumanEmulatorMethods } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IHumanEmulator'; -export default interface ICorePlugin - extends ICorePluginMethods, - IBrowserEmulatorMethods, - IHumanEmulatorMethods { +export default interface ICorePlugin extends ICorePluginMethods, IAgentPlugin { id: string; readonly sessionSummary?: ISessionSummary; } @@ -18,6 +15,10 @@ export interface ICorePluginClass { id: string; type: keyof typeof PluginTypes; new (createOptions: ICorePluginCreateOptions): ICorePlugin; + shouldActivate?( + emulationProfile: IEmulationProfile, + sessionSummary: ISessionSummary, + ): boolean; } export interface ICorePluginMethods { diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts b/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts index 16d03dcdb..32f10ece4 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions.ts @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; import ICorePlugins from './ICorePlugins'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDeviceProfile'; import { ISessionSummary } from './ICorePlugin'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserEngine'; -import IUserAgentOption from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IUserAgentOption'; +import IEmulationProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IEmulationProfile'; export default interface ICorePluginCreateOptions { - userAgentOption: IUserAgentOption; - browserEngine: IBrowserEngine; + emulationProfile: IEmulationProfile; corePlugins: ICorePlugins; sessionSummary: ISessionSummary; logger: IBoundLog; - deviceProfile?: IDeviceProfile; } diff --git a/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts b/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts index 97c84c02f..e88d26d78 100644 --- a/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts +++ b/interfaces/ICorePlugins.ts @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass } from './ICorePlugin'; -import { IBrowserEmulator } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; -import { IHumanEmulator } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IHumanEmulator'; export default interface ICorePlugins extends Omit { - browserEmulator: IBrowserEmulator; - humanEmulator: IHumanEmulator; - use(CorePlugin: ICorePluginClass): void; } diff --git a/interfaces/IPlugin.ts b/interfaces/IPlugin.ts index 8f2cd837e..f9e8fb6d9 100644 --- a/interfaces/IPlugin.ts +++ b/interfaces/IPlugin.ts @@ -1,13 +1,7 @@ import ICorePlugin, { ICorePluginClass } from './ICorePlugin'; import IClientPlugin, { IClientPluginClass } from './IClientPlugin'; -import { IBrowserEmulator, IBrowserEmulatorClass } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; -import { IHumanEmulator, IHumanEmulatorClass } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IHumanEmulator'; -type IPlugin = IClientPlugin | ICorePlugin | IBrowserEmulator | IHumanEmulator; +type IPlugin = IClientPlugin | ICorePlugin; export default IPlugin; -export type IPluginClass = - | IClientPluginClass - | ICorePluginClass - | IBrowserEmulatorClass - | IHumanEmulatorClass; +export type IPluginClass = IClientPluginClass | ICorePluginClass; diff --git a/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts b/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts index 9836da1c5..8ce0ada58 100644 --- a/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts +++ b/interfaces/IPluginTypes.ts @@ -1,15 +1,9 @@ -import { EmulatorTypes } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IEmulatorTypes'; - const ClientPlugin = 'ClientPlugin'; const CorePlugin = 'CorePlugin'; -const BrowserEmulator = EmulatorTypes.BrowserEmulator; -const HumanEmulator = EmulatorTypes.HumanEmulator; const PluginTypes = { ClientPlugin, CorePlugin, - BrowserEmulator, - HumanEmulator, } as const; type IPluginType = keyof typeof PluginTypes; diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts b/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts index 019a808ca..6dca49ba8 100644 --- a/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts +++ b/interfaces/IResourceFilterProperties.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; export default interface IResourceFilterProperties { url?: string | RegExp; diff --git a/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts b/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts index 453155ca3..34bba18ee 100644 --- a/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts +++ b/interfaces/IResourceSummary.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/IResourceType'; +import IResourceType from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/IResourceType'; export default interface IResourceSummary { url: string; diff --git a/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts b/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts index 5d5f53465..e4f9cd91e 100644 --- a/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions.ts @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ import IUserProfile from './IUserProfile'; import ISessionOptions from './ISessionOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from './IScriptInstanceMeta'; -import { IBrowserEmulatorConfig } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/IBrowserEmulator'; -import IBrowserLaunchArgs from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserLaunchArgs'; +import { IEmulationOptions } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IEmulationProfile'; -export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions, IBrowserEmulatorConfig, IBrowserLaunchArgs { +export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions, IEmulationOptions { sessionId?: string; sessionName?: string; sessionKeepAlive?: boolean; @@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ export default interface ISessionCreateOptions extends ISessionOptions, IBrowser sessionId: string; startLocation: 'currentLocation' | 'sessionStart'; }; - browserEmulatorId?: string; mode?: 'development' | 'multiverse' | 'production' | 'timetravel' | 'browserless'; userAgent?: string; scriptInstanceMeta?: IScriptInstanceMeta; diff --git a/interfaces/ISessionOptions.ts b/interfaces/ISessionOptions.ts index c5783b9ae..32efb78b4 100644 --- a/interfaces/ISessionOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ISessionOptions.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import ITabOptions from './ITabOptions'; export default interface ISessionOptions extends ITabOptions { - humanEmulatorId?: string; } diff --git a/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts b/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts index e5f723ea1..cb2b18621 100644 --- a/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts +++ b/interfaces/ISetCookieOptions.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ICookie'; +import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/ICookie'; export default interface ISetCookieOptions extends Pick { diff --git a/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts b/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts index 577acbed7..e8d88182a 100644 --- a/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts +++ b/interfaces/ITimelineMetadata.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; export default interface ITimelineMetadata { // don't group by tabid/frameid for now diff --git a/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts b/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts index 106549f35..5344f66d4 100644 --- a/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts +++ b/interfaces/IUserProfile.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/net/ICookie'; -import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDomStorage'; -import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDeviceProfile'; +import { ICookie } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/net/ICookie'; +import IDomStorage from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDomStorage'; +import IDeviceProfile from '@unblocked-web/specifications/plugin/IDeviceProfile'; export default interface IUserProfile { cookies?: ICookie[]; diff --git a/interfaces/package.json b/interfaces/package.json index 9499bda86..9dbcebb22 100644 --- a/interfaces/package.json +++ b/interfaces/package.json @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "awaited-dom": "1.4.0", "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@unblocked-web/js-path": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "devtools-protocol": "^0.0.981744" } } diff --git a/jest.setup.js b/jest.setup.js index 82d471aaf..4f65f4e6a 100644 --- a/jest.setup.js +++ b/jest.setup.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ const fs = require('fs'); const rmSync = 'rmSync' in fs ? 'rmSync' : 'rmdirSync'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies -const CertificateManager = require('@unblocked-web/sa-mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator').default; +const CertificateManager = require('@unblocked-web/agent-mitm-socket/lib/CertificateGenerator').default; module.exports = async () => { try { diff --git a/ b/ index 21f406fa3..5d63b2807 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "scripts": { - "test:build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest" + "test:build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest" }, "devDependencies": { "jest": "^27.0.6", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 08e51c0e9..186f55025 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "build": "yarn tsc && cd build && yarn", "build:docs": "ts-node ./docs/scripts/generateAwaitedDOM.ts", "build:dist": "shx rm -rf build-dist && tsc -b tsconfig.dist.json && yarn copy:dist && node prepare-dist.js", - "build:dist-local": "yarn build:dist && cd build-dist && HERO_REBUILD_MITM_SOCKET=1 yarn", + "build:dist-local": "yarn build:dist && cd build-dist && yarn", "build:docker": "yarn build:dist && docker build -t hero .", "build:ci": "yarn tsc && cd build && yarn install", "copy:node_modules": "shx cp -r node_modules \"build/node_modules\"", @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "watch": "tsc -b -w tsconfig.json", "watch:dist": "tsc -b -w tsconfig.dist.json", "clean": "tsc -b --clean tsconfig.json", - "test:build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest", + "test:build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest", "test": "yarn copy:build && node ./prepare-build.js && cd build && yarn test:build", "lint": "eslint --cache ./" }, @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ "plugin-utils", "plugins/*", "../build/commons", - "../../unblocked/secret-agent/build/*", - "../../unblocked/build/emulator-plugins/*", - "../../unblocked/emulator-spec/build", + "../../unblocked/agent/build/*", + "../../unblocked/build/agent-plugins/*", + "../../unblocked/specifications/build", "../../unblocked/js-path/build" ] }, diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts index 3f892944e..cc3daca43 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/CorePlugin.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ICorePlugin, { } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugin'; import { PluginTypes } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IPluginTypes'; import ICorePluginCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePluginCreateOptions'; -import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IBrowserEngine'; +import IBrowserEngine from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IBrowserEngine'; import ICorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICorePlugins'; @CorePluginClassDecorator @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ export default class CorePlugin implements ICorePlugin { protected readonly plugins: ICorePlugins; protected readonly logger: IBoundLog; - constructor({ browserEngine, corePlugins, logger, sessionSummary }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { + constructor({ emulationProfile, corePlugins, logger, sessionSummary }: ICorePluginCreateOptions) { = (this.constructor as ICorePluginClass).id; - this.browserEngine = browserEngine; + this.browserEngine = emulationProfile.browserEngine; this.plugins = corePlugins; this.logger = logger; this.sessionSummary = sessionSummary ?? { id: undefined, options: {} }; diff --git a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts index 84f7fae81..9545bd0ab 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts +++ b/plugin-utils/lib/utils/extractPlugins.ts @@ -27,7 +27,5 @@ function isPluginMatch(PotentialPlugin: any, pluginType?: IPluginType): boolean } if (PotentialPlugin.type === PluginTypes.ClientPlugin) return true; if (PotentialPlugin.type === PluginTypes.CorePlugin) return true; - if (PotentialPlugin.type === PluginTypes.BrowserEmulator) return true; - if (PotentialPlugin.type === PluginTypes.HumanEmulator) return true; return false; } diff --git a/plugin-utils/package.json b/plugin-utils/package.json index 7f358d17f..16f9b6e8a 100644 --- a/plugin-utils/package.json +++ b/plugin-utils/package.json @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ "dependencies": { "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1" + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1" } } diff --git a/testing/helpers.ts b/testing/helpers.ts index 34ada4579..fb262a6b1 100644 --- a/testing/helpers.ts +++ b/testing/helpers.ts @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import * as http2 from 'http2'; import * as stream from 'stream'; import Core, { Session, Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; -import MitmSocket from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm-socket'; -import MitmSocketSession from '@unblocked-web/sa-mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; +import MitmSocket from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm-socket'; +import MitmSocketSession from '@unblocked-web/agent-mitm-socket/lib/MitmSocketSession'; import { Helpers } from './index'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import IScriptInstanceMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IScriptInstanceMeta'; @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import { IJsPath } from '@unblocked-web/js-path'; import FrameEnvironment from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/FrameEnvironment'; import Logger from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import { IBoundLog } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/ILog'; -import { getComputedVisibilityFnName } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; +import { getComputedVisibilityFnName } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IJsPathFunctions'; const { log } = Logger(module) as { log: IBoundLog }; diff --git a/testing/package.json b/testing/package.json index badb6eedc..b1efbac3b 100644 --- a/testing/package.json +++ b/testing/package.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", "@unblocked-web/js-path": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", - "@unblocked-web/sa-mitm-socket": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/agent-mitm-socket": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "http-proxy-agent": "^4.0.1", "https-proxy-agent": "^5.0.0", "koa": "^2.11.0", diff --git a/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts b/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts index a2f53c6e8..5be50b493 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/CommandTimeline.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; import { SourceMapSupport } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/SourceMapSupport'; -import INavigation, { ContentPaint } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/INavigation'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import INavigation, { ContentPaint } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/INavigation'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import ICommandTimelineOffset from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandTimelineOffset'; import Session from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Session'; import SessionDb from '@ulixee/hero-core/dbs/SessionDb'; diff --git a/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts b/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts index 0dc598585..4a8f07beb 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/DomStateGenerator.ts @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import DomStateAssertions, { IFrameAssertions } from './DomStateAssertions'; import XPathGenerator from './XPathGenerator'; import { IStorageChangesEntry } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/StorageChangesTable'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts index 6b63de3c5..944c14ea5 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorContext.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import Core, { Session } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -16,26 +16,23 @@ export default class MirrorContext { options.showChrome = headed; const logger = log.createChild(module, { sessionId }); - const plugins = new CorePlugins( - { - humanEmulatorId: options.humanEmulatorId, - browserEmulatorId: options.browserEmulatorId, - userAgentSelector: options.userAgent, - deviceProfile: options?.userProfile?.deviceProfile, - getSessionSummary() { - return { - id: sessionId, - options, - }; - }, - }, + + const agent = Core.pool.createAgent({ + options, logger, - ); - plugins.browserEngine.isHeaded = options.showChrome; - plugins.configure(options); + deviceProfile: options?.userProfile?.deviceProfile, + id: sessionId, + }); - const browser = await Core.pool.getBrowser(plugins.browserEngine, plugins); + new CorePlugins(agent, { + getSessionSummary() { + return { + id: sessionId, + options, + }; + }, + }); - return await browser.newContext({ logger }); + return await; } } diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts index f059be22d..9d79122d9 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorNetwork.ts @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import { ISessionResourceDetails } from '@ulixee/hero-core/apis/Session.resource'; import ResourcesTable, { IResourcesRecord } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/ResourcesTable'; import SessionDb from '@ulixee/hero-core/dbs/SessionDb'; -import { Protocol } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IDevtoolsSession'; +import { Protocol } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IDevtoolsSession'; import Fetch = Protocol.Fetch; import { CanceledPromiseError } from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IPendingWaitEvent'; diff --git a/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts b/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts index 059abeccf..733a8b264 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/MirrorPage.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IViewport'; +import IViewport from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IViewport'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import InjectedScripts, { CorePageInjectedScript } from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/InjectedScripts'; @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ import * as fs from 'fs'; import { IFrontendDomChangeEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/IDomChangeEvent'; import MirrorNetwork from './MirrorNetwork'; import { Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; -import { IFrame } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFrame'; +import { IFrame } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFrame'; import Queue from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Queue'; import { ITabEventParams } from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/Tab'; -import Page from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Page'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import Page from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Page'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); diff --git a/timetravel/lib/TimelineWatch.ts b/timetravel/lib/TimelineWatch.ts index bd93f2f7b..75164d7a0 100644 --- a/timetravel/lib/TimelineWatch.ts +++ b/timetravel/lib/TimelineWatch.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import { ContentPaint } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/INavigation'; +import { ContentPaint } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/INavigation'; import { Session, Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import { bindFunctions } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/utils'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Resolvable from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Resolvable'; import IResolvablePromise from '@ulixee/commons/interfaces/IResolvablePromise'; import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; -import { IFrameNavigationEvents } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IFrameNavigations'; +import { IFrameNavigationEvents } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IFrameNavigations'; const { log } = Log(module); diff --git a/timetravel/package.json b/timetravel/package.json index 3734948dc..4522e7402 100644 --- a/timetravel/package.json +++ b/timetravel/package.json @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ "description": "The interface to playback and examine previous Hero sessions", "dependencies": { "@ulixee/commons": "1.5.11", - "@unblocked-web/secret-agent": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/agent": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "@ulixee/hero-interfaces": "1.5.4", "@ulixee/hero-core": "1.5.4", - "@unblocked-web/emulator-spec": "2.0.0-alpha.1", + "@unblocked-web/specifications": "2.0.0-alpha.1", "nanoid": "^3.1.30" }, "devDependencies": { diff --git a/timetravel/player/TabPlaybackController.ts b/timetravel/player/TabPlaybackController.ts index 139e0777e..dfb57497d 100644 --- a/timetravel/player/TabPlaybackController.ts +++ b/timetravel/player/TabPlaybackController.ts @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import { IDomRecording, IPaintEvent } from '@ulixee/hero-core/models/DomChangesT import MirrorPage from '../lib/MirrorPage'; import MirrorNetwork from '../lib/MirrorNetwork'; import EventSubscriber from '@ulixee/commons/lib/EventSubscriber'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; -import Page from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/Page'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import Page from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/Page'; export default class TabPlaybackController { public get id(): number { diff --git a/timetravel/player/TimetravelPlayer.ts b/timetravel/player/TimetravelPlayer.ts index 0c504abb0..2463570b8 100644 --- a/timetravel/player/TimetravelPlayer.ts +++ b/timetravel/player/TimetravelPlayer.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/IPage'; +import { IPage } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/IPage'; import Log from '@ulixee/commons/lib/Logger'; import ISessionCreateOptions from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ISessionCreateOptions'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@ulixee/commons/lib/eventUtils'; @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import MirrorNetwork from '../lib/MirrorNetwork'; import DirectConnectionToCoreApi from '@ulixee/hero-core/connections/DirectConnectionToCoreApi'; import ITimelineMetadata from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ITimelineMetadata'; import CorePlugins from '@ulixee/hero-core/lib/CorePlugins'; -import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/secret-agent/lib/BrowserContext'; +import BrowserContext from '@unblocked-web/agent/lib/BrowserContext'; const { log } = Log(module); @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ export default class TimetravelPlayer extends TypedEventEmitter<{ private async activePlugins(page: IPage): Promise { if (!this.loadIntoContext.plugins) return; await Promise.all( - this.loadIntoContext.plugins.corePlugins.filter(x => x.onNewPage).map(x => x.onNewPage(page)), + this.loadIntoContext.plugins.instances.filter(x => x.onNewPage).map(x => x.onNewPage(page)), ); } diff --git a/timetravel/test/DomStateGenerator.test.ts b/timetravel/test/DomStateGenerator.test.ts index e720a13ea..7d72cd9c0 100644 --- a/timetravel/test/DomStateGenerator.test.ts +++ b/timetravel/test/DomStateGenerator.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { createSession, ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import Core from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import DomStateGenerator from '../lib/DomStateGenerator'; import DomStateAssertions from '../lib/DomStateAssertions'; diff --git a/timetravel/test/commandTimeline.test.ts b/timetravel/test/commandTimeline.test.ts index 5db0b4f1a..35fa96f9d 100644 --- a/timetravel/test/commandTimeline.test.ts +++ b/timetravel/test/commandTimeline.test.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; import ICommandMeta from '@ulixee/hero-interfaces/ICommandMeta'; -import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/INavigation'; -import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/browser/Location'; +import INavigation from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/INavigation'; +import { LoadStatus } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/browser/Location'; import CommandTimeline from '../lib/CommandTimeline'; afterAll(Helpers.afterAll); diff --git a/timetravel/test/mirrorPage.test.ts b/timetravel/test/mirrorPage.test.ts index c08cf7ff7..c73949538 100644 --- a/timetravel/test/mirrorPage.test.ts +++ b/timetravel/test/mirrorPage.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { Helpers } from '@ulixee/hero-testing'; -import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/emulator-spec/interact/IInteractions'; +import { InteractionCommand } from '@unblocked-web/specifications/agent/interact/IInteractions'; import { ITestKoaServer } from '@ulixee/hero-testing/helpers'; import Core, { Session, Tab } from '@ulixee/hero-core'; import ConnectionToClient from '@ulixee/hero-core/connections/ConnectionToClient'; diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 40e179641..8b3e034b1 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -2053,16 +2053,6 @@ progress "^2.0.3" tar "^6.1.0" -"@ulixee/commons@1.5.11": - version "1.5.11" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-96nND7jf3oN+gvIlTCDrOZnWA77EQRTEm5nU6AcXDmShm1cU6DLv8SKfMNCd/F0JQt/lW+L9wKHlNfaQn3Ea4A== - dependencies: - devtools-protocol "^0.0.981744" - https-proxy-agent "^5.0.0" - semver "^7.3.7" - source-map-js "^1.0.1" - JSONStream@^1.0.4: version "1.3.5" resolved "" From 36370849a43ef8407e63ce687221a99957394c71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Blake Byrnes Date: Fri, 13 May 2022 20:46:52 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] fix(core): broadcast session event earlier --- core/env.ts | 12 +++++++----- core/index.ts | 7 ++----- core/lib/Session.ts | 19 +++++++------------ 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/env.ts b/core/env.ts index 3b6b1e664..aafa9be39 100644 --- a/core/env.ts +++ b/core/env.ts @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ import * as Path from 'path'; import * as Os from 'os'; +import AgentEnv from '@unblocked-web/agent/env'; export default { - disableMitm: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_MITM), - showChrome: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_SHOW_CHROME), - disableDevtools: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS), - noChromeSandbox: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX), - disableGpu: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_GPU), + disableMitm: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_MITM) ?? AgentEnv.disableMitm, + showChrome: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_SHOW_CHROME) ?? AgentEnv.showChrome, + disableDevtools: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_DEVTOOLS) ?? AgentEnv.disableDevtools, + noChromeSandbox: + booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_NO_CHROME_SANDBOX) ?? AgentEnv.noChromeSandbox, + disableGpu: booleanOrUndefined(process.env.ULX_DISABLE_GPU) ?? AgentEnv.disableGpu, }; export const dataDir = process.env.ULX_DATA_DIR || Path.join(Os.tmpdir(), '.ulixee'); // transferred to static variable below class definition diff --git a/core/index.ts b/core/index.ts index 8842b7c29..ad64be4d5 100644 --- a/core/index.ts +++ b/core/index.ts @@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ export default class Core { Pick< Pool['EventTypes'], 'browser-has-no-open-windows' | 'browser-launched' | 'all-browsers-closed' - > & { - 'session-created': { session: Session }; - } + > >(); public static readonly connections: ConnectionToClient[] = []; @@ -149,8 +147,7 @@ export default class Core { Core.dataDir = options.dataDir; } this.networkDb = new NetworkDb(); - if (options.defaultAgentPlugins) - this.defaultAgentPlugins = options.defaultAgentPlugins; + if (options.defaultAgentPlugins) this.defaultAgentPlugins = options.defaultAgentPlugins; this.pool = new Pool({ certificateStore: this.networkDb.certificates, diff --git a/core/lib/Session.ts b/core/lib/Session.ts index 9d9fedfd3..772992631 100644 --- a/core/lib/Session.ts +++ b/core/lib/Session.ts @@ -194,13 +194,18 @@ export default class Session entrypoint: require.main?.filename ?? process.argv[1], startDate: this.createdTime, }; - options.showChrome ??= env.showChrome ?? false; - options.showChromeInteractions ??= options.showChrome; + // add env vars + options.showChrome ??= env.showChrome; options.noChromeSandbox ??= env.noChromeSandbox; options.disableGpu ??= env.disableGpu; options.disableMitm ??= env.disableMitm; options.disableDevtools ??= env.disableDevtools; +'new', { session: this }); + // if no settings for chrome visiblity, default to headless + options.showChrome ??= false; + options.showChromeInteractions ??= options.showChrome; + const { userProfile, userAgent } = options; const customEmulatorConfig: IEmulatorOptions = { userAgentSelector: userAgent ?? userProfile?.userAgentString, @@ -251,15 +256,6 @@ export default class Session }; } - public configureHeaded( - options: Pick, - ): void { - this.options.showChrome = options.showChrome ?? false; - this.options.showChromeInteractions = options.showChromeInteractions ?? options.showChrome; - - this.browserEngine.isHeaded = this.options.showChrome; - } - public isAllowedCommand(method: string): boolean { return this.commandRecorder.fnNames.has(method) || method === 'recordOutput'; } @@ -824,7 +820,6 @@ ${data}`, if (!session) { await Core.start({}, false); session = new Session(options); -'new', { session }); if (session.mode !== 'browserless') { await session.openBrowser(); From 9f69eb20656d65b40f3f7f602a8b737d22781c15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Blake Byrnes Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 12:08:00 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] fix(core): improve profile restore time --- core/lib/UserProfile.ts | 35 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts index 8722e8127..dd3a5d808 100644 --- a/core/lib/UserProfile.ts +++ b/core/lib/UserProfile.ts @@ -150,28 +150,31 @@ ${ => ``).join('\n')} `, }); - for (const frame of page.frames) { - if (frame === page.mainFrame) { - // no loader is set, so need to have special handling - if (!frame.activeLoader.lifecycle.load) { - await frame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', x => === 'load'); + await Promise.all( + frame => { + if (frame === page.mainFrame) { + // no loader is set, so need to have special handling + if (!frame.activeLoader.lifecycle.load) { + await frame.waitOn('frame-lifecycle', x => === 'load'); + } + return; } - continue; - } - await frame.waitForLifecycleEvent('DOMContentLoaded'); + await frame.waitForLifecycleEvent('DOMContentLoaded'); - await frame.evaluate( - `(async function() { + await frame.evaluate( + `(async function() { while (!document.querySelector("body.ready")) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); } })()`, - true, - { - shouldAwaitExpression: true, - }, - ); - } + false, + { + shouldAwaitExpression: true, + returnByValue: true + }, + ); + }), + ); // clear out frame state await page.navigate('about:blank');