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Frequently Asked Questions

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Audience, Benefits & Goals


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The primary goal of UNTP is to make significant reductions in the incidence of greenwashing by giving unsustainable behaviour nowhere to hide. This will also uplift the value of legitimate ESG credentials from supply chain actors that have implemented sustainable practices. UNTP will have achieved it's purpose when

  • Most supply chain shipments are accompanied by verifiable ESG performance data.
  • Greenwashing is a niche activity that is easily detected and quickly penalised by markets and regulators.
  • Products with the best sustainability characteristics enjoy the greatest market access and price uplift.

Target Audience & Benefits

All stakeholders in the global supply chain have a role to play and benefits to realise through implementation of the UNTP. As explained in the Architecture Overview, the UNTP is a decentralised architecture where actors can be issuers, or subjects, or verifiers of digital credentials. In many cases, actors will be issuers of some credentials, subjects of others, and verifiers of others. Therefore, the stakeholder roles and benefits described here are separated into the issuer, subject, and verifier roles as appropriate.


Regulators define rules, issue permissions, and manage compliance. By implementing UNTP, regulators will uplift the value of the permissions they issue and improve the efficiency and integrity of compliance operations.

  • The primary role of regulators as issuers is as a trust anchor. When identity credentials such as business registration certificates are issued as digital verifiable credentials according to UNTP then the subjects of those credentials (trading businesses) can add strong verifiable identity to their supply chain transactions. Verifiable identity can facilitate green-lane pre-clearance at import border and higher confidence lending from financial institutions. Similarly, when ESG permits and certificates that demonstrate compliance with domestic regulations are issued digitally, then traders can also attach that evidence to their transactions. In short, when regulators act as digital trust anchors, they will be uplifting their balance of trade by improving access to export markets and trade finance for their traders.
  • As verifiers of increasingly transparent supply chain data, regulators can significantly uplift compliance activities. Rather than depend on unverifiable claims in regulatory reports that are occasionally audited at high cost, regulators can confidently automate compliance assessment on most trade transactions, leaving a much smaller volume of trade for manual compliance and enforcement activities.

Finally, as national authorities increasingly seek to uplift environmental performance through regulatory initiatives such as consumer centric product passports, we recommend that national regulators consider the UNTP as the basis for their national initiatives. By designing national initiatives as UNTP extensions, regulators will not only be able to re-use a rich and tested body of work, but will also reduce compliance costs for their domestic industry because they will be better aligned with international supply chains.

ESG Standards Organisations

Standards organisations include the national and international standards authorities as well as industry led organisations. There are a wide variety of governance arrangements in place that impact the legitimacy and value of the published standards. Unlike regulators, standards bodies do not manage compliance which can be self-assessed, or third party audited by test & certification bodies. There are hundreds of standards organisations which collectively issue thousands of ESG standards, each with dozens of specific conformity criteria (i.e. the rules). Most of these are published as PDF documents. The key role for standards authorities under UNTP is to make their ESG rules machine readable so that they can be accurately referenced in conformity credentials.

  • When ESG standards organisations publish their ESG criteria as a machine readable vocabulary then they are empowering their community of certifiers to issue digital conformity credentials that unambiguously reference the scope of the conformity claims so that the credentials can be digitally verified.
  • Standards authorities will generally not be issuers, subjects, or verifiers of digital credentials unless they also act as accreditation authorities for third party certifiers that will make conformity assessments - in which case they will be issuers of accreditation credentials as described in the next paragraph.

Accreditation & Certification Organisations

There is a very well established global framework for conformity assessment of entities, processes, and products that has been in place for over 50 years. It provides assurance that products sold on the marketplace meet applicable quality, safety or ESG standards. Under the framework, independent third parties (certifiers) assess products against recognised standards and issue conformity certificates. Furthermore, a global network of mutually recognised national accreditation authorities assess the certifiers to ensure that the conformity certificates are issued by suitably qualified organisations. For example, a manufacturer may claim that their product meets a particular environmental standard. You might ask "how do I know that claim is true?" and the answer would be "because a third party tested the product and issued a certificate". You might then ask "yes, but how do I know that the third party can be trusted?" and the answer would be "because they have been accredited by the national accreditation authority". Despite all this, it's still a relatively simple process to create realistic looking but fake paper certificates. UNTP provides a standard way to digitally verify this chain of trust that is much harder to fake. UNTP does not demand that every product claim is third-party assessed, nor that every third party certifier is formally accredited, but does make that chain of trust visible where it exists. UNTP also recognises that less formal but still valuable chains of trust can exist - for example a farmer's environmental land management claims might be verified by a community organisation that is endorsed by a well-known global environmental organisation.

  • When national accreditation authorities or other well-known and trusted organisations issue their accreditations as UNTP standard digital credentials then they are creating a digital trust anchor that empowers verifiers of ESG conformity certificates to decide whether they can be trusted. The subject of the accreditation is the third party conformity assessment body. Implementation of UNTP will amplify the value of the accreditation and the brand or 'trust mark' of the accreditation authority.
  • When third party conformity assessment bodies (certifiers) issue their product ESG certificates as UNTP standard digital credentials then they are empowering verifiers of the ESG certificates to digitally confirm that the certificates are genuine, have not been tampered, and have not been revoked. Furthermore if the digital conformity certificate contains a link to the accreditation credential then the full digital chain of trust is established. Producers, manufacturers, brands & retailers that implement UNTP will also demand digital versions of the conformity credentials that they can attach to their products. Therefore, conformity assessment bodies that can provide UNTP standard digital credentials will be preferred over those that cannot.

Primary Producers & Manufacturers

Most physical products are made of materials that either grow above the ground or are dug out from below the ground. Primary producers such as farmers and miners represent the starting point for most supply chains. Recyclers are a special case and are treated separately by UNTP because they are both the end and the (re)start of circular supply chains. Manufacturers take raw or recycled materials and produce intermediate components or final products. Primary producers and manufacturers collectively represent the upstream feedstock supply chain for the branded products sold to consumers.

  • When producers and manufacturers implement UNTP by issuing B2B digital product passports (DPP) and linking them to every shipment of goods to their customers, then they are simplifying life for their customers by providing data at the right granularity for them to incorporate their inputs such as scope 3 CO2 emissions into their own product environmental footprint.
  • When producers and manufacturers issue UNTP traceability events linked to product passports then they are providing provenance evidence that can inform supply chain resilience and preferential treatment decisions by their customers and export market regulators.
  • When producers and manufacturers link third party issued UNTP conformity credentials then they are adding trust to the ESG claims in their DPPs that will uplift the value or market access for their products.
  • When producers and manufacturers issue the complete collection of passports, traceability events, and conformity credentials and link them to product shipments then they will significantly uplift value to their downstream customers by empowering them to easily and verifiably meet their own ESG due-diligence obligations.
  • When producers and manufacturers link their issuer identity to a strong identity credential (such as a government business registration or trademark ownership credential) and implement the UNTP anti counterfeiting mechanism then they will add strong anti-fraud measures to their products and preserve the value of their sustainability actions.

Producers and manufacturers are themselves verifiers of any UNTP credentials linked to their upstream supply chain. The confidentiality measures defined by UNTP allow supply chain actors to selectively redact upstream credentials before passing them on to their downstream customers so that ESG evidence can be passed on without revealing commercially sensitive information.

Brands & Retailers

Brands and retailers consume products from their upstream producers and manufacturers and sell to the consumer. Whilst it is of course true that some brands are also manufacturers and that some retail is to business rather than consumers, the key distinction that UNTP makes is between B2B activities vs B2C activities. Sales to the consumer market is highly regulated in most economies and some are starting to develop regulations that also require product passports to support informed consumer choice and/or improved recycling processes. Brands and retailers must meet domestic regulations and face scrutiny from an increasingly greenwashing-aware consumer as well as from environmental activist organisations. The potential for reputational damage and high fines for non-compliance present brands and retailers with a strong motivation to ensure that sustainable practices are in place both for themselves and their entire supply chain.

  • When brands and retailers can verify UNTP credentials linked to shipments from their upstream suppliers then they can confidently meet their due-diligence obligations and have the rich and verifiable information necessary to issue any consumer-centric product passports required under domestic regulations.
  • UNTP should not conflict with local regulations. When international brands and retailers issue UNTP product passports, conformity credentials and traceability events across all markets then they are providing a consistent way for consumers to discover and verify ESG performance and are establishing a strong framework for compliance with any current or emerging domestic regulations.
  • When brands and retailers request UNTP credentials from their upstream suppliers then they avoiding the challenges associated with imposing specific traceability software solutions on their supply chain. Instead, they are simply requesting conformance with a common standard, irrespective of software platform.
  • When brands and retailers that have already made significant investments in GS1 identifiers and standards implement the UNTP, they can follow the GS1 binding to build upon and re-use their existing investments. It should also be noted that UNTP does not impose GS1 solutions on organisations that have not already invested in GS1 standards.
  • When brands and retailers link their issuer identity to a strong identity credential (such as a government business registration or trademark ownership credential) and implement the UNTP anti counterfeiting mechanism then they will add strong anti-fraud measures to their products and preserve the value of their sustainability actions.

Recyclers & Refurbishers

Recyclers & refurbishers play a critical role in the transition to a circular economy. Recyclers process used products into raw materials for re-use in new production processes. Refurbishers take old products and restore them for re-use. The goal of both processes is to improve sustainability outcomes by re-using natural resources rather than producing new raw materials. As regulators start to impose minimum recycled content requirements and other circularity regulations, the current linear economic model (produce, use, dispose) will require significant change to provide sufficient recycled materials to meet regulatory goals and consumer expectations. The UNTP is designed to support circular economies by including verifiable information on recycled content of products. UNTP also incentivises manufacturers to design new products to optimise recyclability and provides access to product data to better inform recycling processes.

  • When manufacturers optimise their product design for recyclability and provide access to that information via issued UNTP passports then they are uplifting the end-of-life value of their products. Recyclers can leverage this data (especially for high value products like EV batteries) to optimise the efficiency of their recycling processes.
  • When recyclers issue UNTP passports with their recycled material shipments, they are empowering their customers (manufacturers) to make verifiable claims about the percentage of recycled content in their products. This reduces the due diligence burden and non-compliance risk for manufacturers that face mandated minimum recycled content thresholds.
  • When consumers see recycled content claims on products then they can verify them with confidence.

Environmental & Human Welfare Organisations

There are a large number of national and global not-for-profit organisations who's purpose is to promote environmental or human welfare causes. Some "trust marks", such as the WWF panda, have very high global brand recognition. Although these organisations don't have the enforcement teeth of regulators, they can strongly influence product market success when their trust mark is added (or revoked).

  • When influential ESG trust marks establish well-goverened accreditation frameworks and issue (or revoke) UNTP accreditation credentials then they are able to participate in the digital trust ecosystem as trust anchors, thereby multiplying the power of their brand to drive sustainable production practices.


Consumer sentiment around sustainable production is strong and growing with over 70% of consumers in some economies actively choosing sustainable goods where possible. At the same time cynicism around greenwashing is increasing which acts to devalue sustainability claims. As greenwashing countermeasures such as UNTP and national regulations become widely adopted, it is reasonable to expect that consumers will become familiar with product passports and ESG verification techniques.

  • When consumers can confidently verify the sustainability performance of products simply by scanning barcodes, QR codes or RFID tags then they will be more likely to choose products with verifiable and trustworthy ESG qualities over that that simply make unverifiable claims. When this behaviour is ubiquitous then consumers will have played a pivotal role in combatting greenwashing and winning the race to the top.
  • When products are also equipped with the UNTP anti-counterfeiting measures then consumers can not only verify ESG performance but also confirm that the performance is associated with an authentic product and not a fake. Producers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers can be confident that their sustainability investments are not devalued by counterfeit products.

Transport & Logistics Providers

The movement of cargo by sea, air, and land accounts for around 10% of global emissions and, unless transport itself becomes more sustainable, will account for the largest fraction of global emissions by 2050. Transport (especially by road) is therefore a key part of the emissions intensity of a product on the market. In the same way that UNTP makes ESG credentials discoverable from product batch identifiers, so UNTP allows ESG credentials for transport services to be discoverable from consignment identifiers such as waybill numbers. But is it the buyer of goods or the seller fo goods that is responsible to include transportation in the ESG footprint? The UNTP answer is that it follows the INCOTERMS - essentially whoever pays for the transport has the responsibility to include the transport in their product footprint. This ensures there are no gaps or double counting and that incentives are appropriately aligned.

  • When transport & logistics providers issue UNTP transport credentials and link them to consignment identifiers then they are providing their customers with quantifiable and verifiable transport related ESG metrics to include in their product footprint. As producers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers seek to drive improvements in sustainability performance they will be incentivised to choose low emissions transportation services. This will uplift the value of sustainable transport services per tonne-kilometre.

Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are under increasing pressure from both regulators and the investment community to grant preferential terms for investment capital to sustainable businesses. The finance industry will increasingly verify sustainable performance via their customer annual reporting according to IFRS sustainability standards. Just as financial transactions such as bills, invoices and payments aggregate up to corporate financial statements such as profit & loss and balance sheets, so corporate level annual sustainability metrics are constructed from operational data such as UNTP digital product passports. Furthermore, at consignment level, trade finance instruments such as documentary letters of credit normally require sufficient documentation for goods clearnance to be presented prior to payment release. For cases where goods may be blocked at the border due to non-compliance with ESG regulations, then financial institutions will require ESG compliance evidence prior to releasing funds.

  • When banks can use UNTP product passports and conformity credentials to digitally verify ESG compliance for shipments covered by letters of credit then they can more confidently release payment.
  • When banks that are providing investment capital on sustainability grounds to businesses that have implemented UNTP then there is a clear line of sight from UNTP-based operational processes to IFRS-based corporate ESG performance, thereby reducing the financial risk associated with the investment.

Industry Member Associations

There are over 100,000 industry associations world-wide. Most represent a specific industry sector within a specific jurisdiction. These member associations typically provide advocacy on behalf of the community and offer best practice advice. In many cases the associations define quality standards and branding that distinguish their member's products in the marketplace (eg genuine manuka honey). These member associations are well positioned to assist their members in navigating the complexity of domestic and international ESG standards and in assisting them to implement the UNTP. When a particular association member engages in fraudulent practices then it can quickly damage the reputation of the entire industry. Therefore, member associations are strongly incentivised to ensure that their membership adheres to quality standards and to eject non-compliant members. This includes supporting the adoption of industry-wide sustainable practices and UNTP as the digital evidence of those practices.

  • Industry member associations may add value to their membership by developing develop UNTP industry profiles that provide their members with targeted implementation guidance that meets the needs of their industry and jurisdiction.
  • Industry member associations may develop training and implementation services, possibly in partnership with local service providers, thereby adding both a valuable service and also a revenue stream for the member association.
  • Industry member associations may act as a trusted independent quota managers to counter mass balance fraud amongst their membership. The value of this service would be increased if the industry association is accredited by either a national accreditation authority or a global environmental or human welfare organisation.

Software Developers

Software developers provide the tooling that is needed to implement UNTP because they hold the data that is needed to issue UNTP credentials and they will also consume the data from UNTP credentials that are discovered and verified. This category includes enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, ESG management systems, and traceability platforms. By implementing UNTP, software developers are empowering their customers to participate in global transparent supply chains. For large organisations with heavily customised systems, UNTP implementation may be a customer specific project. For smaller organisations that subscribe to off-the-shelf packages, UNTP conformity is more likely to be simply a new feature in a release roadmap.

  • ERP systems are the natural issuers of UNTP product passports and traceability events because they manage the finance and logistics operations around the manufacturing, sales, and shipment of products.
  • ESG management systems are the source of the ESG data such as carbon intensity that will populate UNTP product passports as well as the conformity credentials referenced by the product passport.
  • Traceability platforms are used to provide traceability maps of the upstream supply chain. Rather than gathering this data by direct enrolment of upstream actors, UNTP provides a means to gather the same data by following verifiable linked data trails.

The three system types described here may exist in separate software products or may be parts of a more integrated system. Some ERP systems also manage ESG data. Some ESG platforms include traceability functions. It is not unlikely that ERP systems, whether through native product features or acquisition or partnerships, will evolve to offer this integrated set of capabilities to their customers. UNTP defines a simple and implementable standard for software developers to empower their customers to connect into global transparent and sustainable supply chains.

Service Providers

The adoption of UNTP by hundreds of millions of micro (under 5 employees) and small (under 50 employees) business will most likely be driven by implementation of UNTP as out-of-the-box capability by their chosen business software systems. However, the adoption of UNTP by tens of millions of medium (under 500 employees) and large (over 500 employees) business will most likely require some business analysis and systems integration investment. To minimise cost and risk, such businesses are likely to seek UNTP implementation support from a marketplace of experienced service providers.

  • When service providers such as system integrators develop skills in UNTP implementation then they will be able to offer attractive service packages to their existing customers. They may also be able to leverage UNTP implementations skills to access new customers and markets.

Success Measures

Although reduced greenwashing and improved sustainability are the ultimate goals of UNTP, the most direct measure of success is uptake. Therefore, UNTP will measure uptake by counting the number of pledges (i.e. promises to implement) and the number of successfully completed conformity tests (i.e. actual implementations). For UNTP to achieve it's goals, uptake will need to exceed the minimum thresholds shown in the uptake trajectory below.

Stakeholder type2024 pledge2024 implement2026 pledge2026 implement2028 pledge2028 implement2030 pledge2030 implement
ESG Standards10020105020200100
Accreditation & certification202502510050300150
Producers & manufacturers50105001002,0001,00010,0005,000
Brands & retailers50105001002,0001,00010,0005,000
Recyclers & refurbishers10020105020200100
Transport & logistics202502510050300150
Financial institutions10020105020200100
Member associations20102001001,0005003,0001,500
Software developers202502510050300150
Service providers202502510050300150

Actual progress towards these targets will be tracked via the Implementations pages.

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Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.

Management process

The UNTP development follows the same standard governance rules as any UN/CEFACT project.

  • Free to use,
  • Open source licensed,
  • Maintained via an open process
  • Version controlled
  • Lifecycle managed


As per docusaurus version management practices, the latest stable version of UNTP will always be shown be default at /docs (this site). In-progress future version will be hosted at /docs/next and previous versions at /versioned-docs/version-x.y. The version history includes major versions (breaking) and minor versions (non-breaking but with functional change) but not patch versions (bug fixes and typos) which overwrite the relevant minor version.

The UNTP includes a number of distinct and separately versioned components such as passport schema, traceability event schema and so on. To simplify implementaiton management, all seaprate component versions are grouped together and listed under each aggregated UNTP version.

UNTP VersionStatusDateComponenetsComment
0.0.0Raw2024-01-01TBAEmpty framework


UNTP development team meetings are held every fortnight from thursday 18 Jan at 7:00am UTC. Each meeting will generally work through open issues and pull requests.

2024-01-11kick-offwalked through this site and agreed to split into two groups (technical / policy)Zoom Recording Passcode: Q=5K!qrN
2024-01-18Work through issues list
- +



Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.

Management process

The UNTP development follows the same standard governance rules as any UN/CEFACT project.

  • Free to use,
  • Open source licensed,
  • Maintained via an open process
  • Version controlled
  • Lifecycle managed


As per docusaurus version management practices, the latest stable version of UNTP will always be shown be default at /docs (this site). In-progress future version will be hosted at /docs/next and previous versions at /versioned-docs/version-x.y. The version history includes major versions (breaking) and minor versions (non-breaking but with functional change) but not patch versions (bug fixes and typos) which overwrite the relevant minor version.

The UNTP includes a number of distinct and separately versioned components such as passport schema, traceability event schema and so on. To simplify implementaiton management, all seaprate component versions are grouped together and listed under each aggregated UNTP version.

UNTP VersionStatusDateComponenetsComment
0.0.0Raw2024-01-01TBAEmpty framework


UNTP development team meetings are held every fortnight from thursday 18 Jan at 7:00am UTC. Each meeting will generally work through open issues and pull requests.

2024-01-11kick-offwalked through this site and agreed to split into two groups (technical / policy)Zoom Recording
2024-01-18Work through issues list
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/about/Pledge/index.html b/docs/about/Pledge/index.html index 16385fa5..442e6e90 100644 --- a/docs/about/Pledge/index.html +++ b/docs/about/Pledge/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Pledge | UN Transparency Protocol - +



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Sustainability Pledge

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Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.

UNTP Business Requirements

This page provides a summary of the high level business requirements for UNTP, grouped into 7 catgories. Each requirement is linked to the page(s) where the solution to the requirement is defined.

Governance Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP is goverened in an open and transparent manner, is freely avaialable to all, and is extensible to meet specific industry and jurisdictional needs.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
GV.01Consensus driven processUNTP development MUST me managed via a transparent and consensus-driven process that is open to contributions from all stakeholders - so that implementers can have confidence that the UNTP will meet their requirements.Governance
GV.02Freely availableThe UNTP IP MUST be owned by the UN and be permanently free to access and free to use - so that implementers can have confidence that there will never be any fees for use or IP infringement claims.Governance
GV.03Backwards compatibleNew versions of UNTP SHOULD be backwards compatible with earlier versions and each version MUST remain active and supported for a minimum of 2 years - so that implementers can have confidence in the durability of their investment.Governance
GV.04Open sourceUNTP implementation tools including reference implementations and test services MUST be available under open source and royalty free licensing - so that implementers can confidently use the tools to minimise their own implementation costsTools & Support
GV.05ExtensibleThe UNTP MUST define a non-breaking extensions methodology - so that UNTP can be extended to meet specific jurisdictional or industry requirements and so that implementers of a registered extension can be confident that their implementation is interoperable with UNTP core.Extensions
GV.06Reusable extensionsIndustry and/or jurisdictional extensions to the UNTP SHOULD also be governed via an open process and released under royalty free license terms - so that implementers of extensions can have same fees & IP confidence as with UNTP core.Extensions
GV.07Implementation pledgeUNTP MUST provide a mechanism for implementers to pledge their support and to register their implementations - so that implementers can choose to register both their sustainability commitment and conformant solutions for discovery by a global community of users and/or customers.Implementations

Architectural Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP is scalable enough to achieve global implementations at a volume of global trade that is sufficient ot have a material impact on greenwashing - by building on top of existing industry systems and practices and using the simplest possible framework that meets the goals.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
AR.01Protocol over platformThe UNTP MUST define a standard protocol that is easily implemented by any business software system - so that every supply chain actor can continue to use their preferred business software without any need for upstream or downstream actors to agree on the use of shared platforms.Architecture
AR.02DecentralisationThe UNTP MUST define a decentralised protocol where data is stored wherever the owner chooses - so that supply chain actors retain control of their data and are able to monetise their evidence of sustainable behaviour.Architecture
AR.03Natural businessThe UNTP MUST accommodate the continued use of existing natural business, product, batch, and shipment identifiers - so that UNTP implementation imposes minimal disruption to existing business processes and can leverage existing business and product registers.Identifiers
AR.04Technical maturityThe UNTP MUST accommodate varying levels of technical maturity from (and including) paper based documents up to fully digitalised systems - so that every implementers of UNTP can confidently proceed without dependency on the capability or readiness of upstream or downstream actors.Data Carriers
AR.05Simplest possible coreThe UNTP MUST prioritise simplicity by focussing on only the minimum specification that represents the common core needs across different jurisdictions and indutries - so that that implementation cost is minimised and interoperability is maximised.Architecture
AR.06Re-use not re-inventThe UNTP MUST re-use (rather than re-invent) existing standards (e.g. W3C Verifiable Credentials, GS1 EPCIS, UN vocabularies, etc) wherever they are fit for purpose - so that interoperability is maximised and existing investments in software components is re-used.Architecture
TT.07Rules as codeThe UNTP MUST define a mechanism to simplify the compliance assessment of entities, products, and processes against the fast growing set of ESG standards and regulations - so that any actor's investment in sustainable practices is easily tested against multiple criteria.ESG Rules

Traceability & Transparency Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP provides the traceability and transparency data needed for each supply chain actor to confidently meet their due diligence obligations and customer epxections for verifiable evidence of sustainable practices.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
TT.01Data carriersThe UNTP MUST define consistent methods for the discovery of data about products from both new and existing data carriers such as ID bar codes, 2D matrix, QR codes, and RFID tags - so that any party that has only a product batch ID or goods shipment ID can find ESG data about that product or shipment.Data Carriers
TT.02item/batch granularityThe UNTP MUST provide data at the granularity of the individual items or batch in a shipment so that the downstream actor can easily aggregate their material inputs (e.g. scope 3 emissions) into their own ESG performance data.Digital Product Passport
TT.03end-to-end traceabilitySubject to privacy & confidentiality constraints, the UNTP traceability model MUST be able to trace value chains from finished product to raw materials through any number of commercial boundaries (sale of goods), or logistics boundaries (consolidation & deconsolidation), and process boundaries (manufacturing transformation of inputs to different outputs) so that the provenance and ESG footprint of goods can be verified as the sum of component parts.Traceability Events
TT.04Sustainability dataThe UNTP MUST provide a simple and consistent way to access and verify all available sustainability metrics (eg carbon intensity, deforestation, water usage, fair work, etc) about a given product item or batch - so that product buyers can easily meet their sustainability and due diligence obligationsDigital Product Passport, Conformity Credential
TT.05Provenance dataThe UNTP MUST provide verifiable provenance information (raw material content and manufacturing origin countries) about a given product item or batch - so that product buyers can easily meet their supply chain resilience and goods origin controls.Digital Product Passport, Guarantee of Origin
TT.06Circularity dataThe UNTP MUST provide a simple mechanism to access circularity data including both recycled content metrics as well as end-of-life recycling information - so that product buyers can meet their recycled content goals and recyclers can optimise their recycling processes.Digital Product Passport, Circularity Data
TT.07ESG VocabularyGiven the volume and diversity of ESG standards and regulations, the UNTP MUST define a simple and scalable mechanism to define both the precise meaning and general category of ESG claims - so that downstream actors can map either the specific criteria or the general category of ESG data confidently.Vocabulary

Trust & Integrity Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP provides data that can be be trusted and is resilient to several greenwashing attack vectors.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
TI.01Trust anchorsTrust in truth of sustainability claims can be established by third party audits, or by attestation of trusted authorities, or by long standing evidence of sustainable behaviour. The UNTP MUST provide a mechanism to link ESG claims to any or all of these "trust anchors" so that downstream actors can have confidence that claimed ESG performance is true.Trust Anchors
TI.02Identity integrityIdentifiers of businesses, locations, products, and shipments underpin the UNTP. Therefore, the UNTP MUST provide a mechanism to verify that ESG claims made about products or locations or entities are made by actors that are genuine owners of the identifiers or their authorised delegates - so that downstream actors can be sure that ESG claims are made by parties genuinely authorised to do so.Identifiers
TI.03AccreditationThird party audits and assessments add trust. But if the verifier does not know the auditor / certifier then there's a risk that define a mechanism to link third party certifiers to the accreditation authrority under which they perform their work so that downstream actors can trust the certificates even when they do not know the certifiers.Conformity
TI.04Verification of documentsThe UNTP MUST define standard and interoperable mechanisms to prevent spoofing or tampering of any documents issued by upstream actors so that downstream actors can be confident that ESG credentials were genuinely issued by the claimed identity and have not been altered in any way.Verifiable Credentials
TI.05Verification of graphsEvidence of ESG performance in supply chains is not concentrated in one document but rather is distributed along the entire value chain. The UNTP MUST define a mechanism to describe and verify the collection of evidence that is available from chains of linked documents so that downstream actors can verify the full ESG footprint and provenance data for any shipment.Trust graphs
TI.06Product substitutionAs the brand value of verifiably sustainable products increases, so does the incentive to make fake products and attach them to genuinely verifiable sustainability evidence. The UNTP MUST define an anti-counterfeiting mechanism so that downstream actors can confirm that they have purchased genuine goods.Anti-counterfeiting
TI.07Mass balance fraudMass balance fraud occurs when a supply chain actor blends sustainable materials with cheaper non-sustainable materials as inputs to a manufacturing process and then claims that the manufactured product is 100% sustainable. The UNTP MUST define mechanisms to detect mass balance fraud so that downstream actors can be confident of the integrity of their sustainable supply chain and the value of sustainable products is maintained.Mass balance

Security & Confidentiality Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP provides mechanisms to protect the security and confidentiality of supply chain data, allowing each actor to make their own choices about the balance between trceability & transparency.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
SC.01Transparency vs confidentialityThe UNTP MUST allow every supply chain actor to choose their own balance between transparency and confidentiality - so that each actor can choose to share only what delivers value whilst protecting the information they deem confidential.Confidentiality
SC.02Multi-layered securityInformation about products have a range of commercial sensitivity from public data to highly confidential data. The UNTP MUST provide a range of data protection mechanisms that can be applied appropriately so that supply chain actors can choose the right protection level for specific data sets.Confidentiality
SC.03Selective redactionESG data and credentials from sellers may contain data that buyers do not want to pass on to their own customers. The UNTP MUST define a selective redaction method that allows any supply chain actor to redact information (without affecting the cryptographic integrity) from credentials received from upstream suppliers before passing it on to their downstream customers - so that verifiable ESG data can be passed on without leaking commercially sensitive data.Confidentiality
SC.04RevocationThe UNTP MUST provide a mechanism to revoke previously issued conformity certificates when an actor is found to be non-compliant so that downstream actors can be confident of the currency of the ESG assessments they receive.Verifiable Credentials
SC.05AvailabilityUNTP MUST define a mechanism for high availability and long term durability of ESG evidence - so that data can be accessed by verifiers even when source systems are down, and so that data for long-lifetime products such as batteries or building materials can be accessed long after source systems are retired.Verifiable Credentials
SC.06CryptographyThe UNTP MUST support flexibility in cryptographic methods so that new algorithms can be supported as they emerge to meet new challenges such as quantum computing.Verifiable Credentials
SC.07Key managementThe UNTP MUST provide mechanisms for the discovery of public keys, the protection of private keys, and the rotation of key pairs so that keys remain secure and can be easily chained if compromised.Verifiable Credentials

Compatibility & Interoperability Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP is compatible with existing standards for technology, ESG criteria, and supply chain practices so that implementers can maximise the leverage of existing investments.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
CI.01National regulations compatibilityUNTP conformant data SHOULD be straightforward to map to national ESG regulations so that it can usefully provide the upstream B2B ESG evidence to support national B2C product conformance.Vocabulary, Extensions
CI.02Entity ESG reporting compatibilityUNTP conformant ESG data about products & shipments MUST be straightforward to map to entity level ESG reporting obligations so that UNTP transaction level ESG data can be easily aggregated to inform annual ESG reporting that conforms to standards like IFRS sustainability.Vocabulary
CI.03ESG standards compatibilityThe UNTP MUST be able to support ESG claims against criteria from any ESG standard and MUST provide a mechanism to map those claims to a common vocabulary - so that implementers can align with standards of their choice and verifiers can make sense of the claims even when they are unfamiliar with specific standard criteriaVocabulary, ESG Rules
CI.04Credential interoperability (VCs)The UNTP MUST provide the flexibility to support multiple credential standards such as W3C Verifiable Credentials and Hyperledger Airies Anoncreds - so that ESG data along a value chain can be verified even when different credential standards are adopted by different actors along the value chain.
CI.05BlockchainWhilst some implementers MAY choose blockchain technologoes to underpin their solutions, the UNTP MUST NOT require the use of blockchain for conformant implementations - so that implementers that wish to avoid the costs and complexity of blockahin technologies are free to do so.
CI.06GS1 compatibilityGS1 identifiers and standards are ubiquitous at the downstream consumer goods end of most supply chains. The UNTP MUST be compatible with GS1 standards but MUST NOT require the use of GS1 standards - so that supply chain actors that are already invested in GS1 identifiers and standards can maintain and build upon that investmentGS1 Profile
CI.07Other registry compatibilityThe UNTP MUST define a mechanism to support existing identity registers so that implementers can continue to leverage existing business identifiers such as tax registration numbers, cadastral lot numbers, shipping container numbers, and so on under UNTPIdentifiers, Extensions

Implementation Requirements

This set of requirements aim to ensure that UNTP is implementable at the lowest possible cost, and that early implementers gain a marketing advantage, and that the impact of implementations can be tracked.

IDNameRequirement StatementSolution Mapping
IM.01Making a business caseEvery UNTP implementer will need confidence that the benefots of their implementation outweighs the cost. UNTP SHOULD provide a set of business case templates so that each stakholder type can fast-track their decision to proceedBusiness Case
IM.02Open source toolsThe UNTP MUST include an open source reference implementation that any supply chain actor can embed into their solutions to help fast-track their implementation.Tools
IM.03Conformity testingthe UNTP MUST include a conformance test suite and test service so that each implementer can self-assess their conformance and be confidenet that their implementations will be interoperable.Test cases, Test service
IM.04Implementation SupportUNTP MUST provide mechanisms for implementers to get either community support or professional support so that they can minimise their implementation risk.Support
IM.05Tracking implementationsUNTP MUST provide a mechanism to track implementations so that uptake and impact can be measured and so that early implementers can publicise their solutions.Implementations
IM.06Tracking extensionsUNTP MUST provide a mechansim to track and publish industry & jurisdictional extensions so that new extensions can find and re-use relevant work.Extensions
IM.07Greenwashing KPIsAlthough uptake is a simple and concrete success measure, the real purpose of UNTP is to lift the value of sustainable practices by countering greenwashing. Therefore, UNTP MUST develop a set of greenwashing KPIs that can be tracked to assess whether UNTP is having a material impact.Greenwashing KPIs
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About the UNTP


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.

The United Nations Transparency Protocol (UNTP) aims to support governments and industry with practical measures to counter greenwashing by implementing supply chain traceability and transparency at the scale needed to achieve meaningful impacts on global sustainability outcomes.

Incentives for sustainable supply chains are increasing

Incentives for sustainable supply chains are increasing fast.

  • Regulations such as the European Regulation on Deforestation (EUDR) and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will present market access barriers or increased border tariffs for non-sustainable produce.
  • These regulations impose due diligence obligations on entire supply chains, not just final products. Penalties for repeated non-compliance can be as high as 4% of global revenue.
  • Financial institutions are rapidly moving to ensure that capital is preferentially focussed on ESG assets. According to Bloomberg, within a few years, around $50 Trillion or one third of all global assets under management will be ESG assets.
  • Consumer sentiment is driving purchasing decisions to favour sustainable products. At the same time, consumers are increasingly mistrustful of unverifiable claims and look for third party certification based on trusted standards.

But endemic greenwashing risks devaluing the incentives

Greenwashing is a term used to describe a false, misleading, or untrue action or set of claims made by an organization about the positive impact that a company, product or service has on the environment or on social welfare. Just as the incentives described above provide a strong motivation for genuine sustainability in products, so they also provide stronger motivations for greenwashing.

The evidence from multiple research activities is that greenwashing is already endemic with around 60% of claims being proven to be false or misleading. This presents a significant threat to sustainability outcomes. But there is room for optimism because around 70% of consumers expect higher integrity behaviour and are willing to pay for it. There are two plausible pathways ahead of us.

Greenwashing race to the top or bottom

To win the race to the top, fake claims need to be hard to make. The best way to achieve that is to make supply chains traceable and transparent so that unsustainable practices have nowhere to hide. But, to have any impact, the traceability and transparency measures must be implemented at scale.


The world's supply chains must reach to the point where digital verifiable traceability and transparency information are available to meet regulatory compliance, satisfy investors, and motivate consumers for the majority of products on the market. However, achieving transparency at that scale presents some challenges.

  • Which software to choose? There are many traceability & transparency solutions on the marketplace. Many expect all actors in a given value chain to subscribe to the same platform in order to collect the data for end-to-end traceability. However, just as expecting your customers and suppliers to create accounts at your bank so that you can pay them is not rational or practical (that's why inter-bank payment standards exist), so the adoption of all actors in value chains to one platform is also not feasible or scalable. The UNTP is a standard protocol, not a platform, and assumes that supply chain data remains with each natural owner. So the answer to "which software to choose?" is "pick any, so long as it conforms to the UNTP".
  • Coping with a growing mountain of ESG standards and regulations. The current count of ESG standards and regulations around the world runs into the thousands. Some are specific to particular commodities, jurisdictions, or ESG criteria and some cover multiple dimensions. There is very significant overlap between them and very little formal mutual recognition. The consequence is that it becomes very challenging for supply chain actors that sell to multiple export markets to know which criteria matter and how to demonstrate compliance. There is a risk that too much of the available ESG incentive is spent on demonstrating compliance and too little is left for implementing more sustainable practices. The UNTP does not add to the complexity by defining more ESG standards. Rather it seeks to minimise cost of cost of compliance by making it simpler to test on-site ESG processes and data against multiple ESG criteria. Essentially this is about implementing a sustainable practice once and then re-using it to satisfy multiple overlapping criteria.
  • Protecting confidential information. "Sunlight is the best auditor" and so verifiable transparency is the best greenwashing counter-measure. However, increased supply chain transparency for ESG purposes also risks exposure of commercially sensitive information. A viable transparency protocol must allow supply chain actors to share ESG evidence whilst protecting sensitive information. Rather than dictate what must be shared and what should not, the UNTP includes a suite of confidentiality measures that allow every supply chain actor to choose their own balance between confidentiality and transparency. The basic principle is that actors should be empowered to share only what delivers value.
  • Making a business case for implementation. Each supply chain actor (or their software provider) will need to make a viable business case for implementation of the UNTP. The transparency incentives discussed in this section represent the benefit side of the equation. To keep the cost side as low as practical, UNTP has a strong "keep it simple" focus and offers a suite of implementation tools to further reduce cost. Some sample business case templates are provided to help actors make their case for action.

The United Nations Transparency Protocol (UNTP)

The UNTP provides a solution to the transparency challenges facing the world's supply chains. By implementing a simple protcool that can be supported by existing business systems, stakeholders will realise immediate benefits and will become visible contributors to the sustainability of global supply chains.

Transparency Challenges

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For Industry Associations


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For Industry Associations

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For Software Vendors


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For Software Vendors

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Extensions Methodology


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Extensions Methodology

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Extensions Register


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Extensions Register

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Extensions Register


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Extensions Register

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The architecture is the blueprint for all the components of the specification and how they work together. It defines the design principles which underpin the UNTP and shows the components working together from the perspective of a single actor and across the entire value-chain. The UNTP is a fundamentally decentralised architecture with no central store of data.


Each Actor

Architecture for issuer

Entire Value Chain

Architecture for verifier

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/Confidentiality/index.html b/docs/specification/Confidentiality/index.html index 4ce6181a..d672b45f 100644 --- a/docs/specification/Confidentiality/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/Confidentiality/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Confidentiality | UN Transparency Protocol - +



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There is a balance between the demands of transparency (more supply chain visibility means it's harder to hide greenwshing) and confidentiality (share too much data and you risk expososing commercial secrets). A key UNTP principle is that every supply chain actor should be able to choose their own balance between transparency and confidentiality. To achieve this, UNTP defines six data confidentiality patterns with different degrees of data protection so that they can be appropriately combined to meet the confidentiality goals of each party. This includes the ability to selectively redact data from credentials received from upstream suppliers before passing them on to downstream buyers - without affecting the cryptographic integrity of the data.

Discoverable Public Data

Public Data with GUID key

Encrypted Data with Shared Key

Encrypted Data with Requestable Key

Selective Redaction

Private Data

Usage Patterns

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/ConformityCredential/index.html b/docs/specification/ConformityCredential/index.html index 0a21d6cc..da3acd50 100644 --- a/docs/specification/ConformityCredential/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/ConformityCredential/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Conformity Credential | UN Transparency Protocol - +

Conformity Credential


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Conformity credentials are usually issued by independent third parties and provide a trusted assessment of product ESG performance against credible standards or regulations. As such the credential provides trusted verification of the ESG claims in the passport. Since the passport may make several independent claims (eg emissions intensity, deforestation free, fair work, etc) there may be many linked conformity credentials referenced by one passport. As an additional trust layer, the conformity credential may reference an accreditation credential that attests to the authority of the third party to perform the specific ESG assessments. The conformity credential data model has been developed by a separate UN/CEFACT project on digital conformity that has expert membership from accreditation authorities and conformity assessment bodies.

Data Model

Conformity Credential

Conformity Credential Documentation

JSON Schema

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/Counterfeiting/index.html b/docs/specification/Counterfeiting/index.html index 48043647..18f7c613 100644 --- a/docs/specification/Counterfeiting/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/Counterfeiting/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Anti-Counterfeiting | UN Transparency Protocol - +



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As the value of genuinely sustainable goods increases, so do the incentives to sell fake goods as the real thing. UNTP defines a simple and decentralised anti-counterfeiting protocol that can be implemented by any producer at very low cost. It builds upon the W3C DID standard by issuing a unique DID (and corresponding keypair) for every serialised (individual or batch) product. The DID (and therefore the public key) is discoverable from the product serial number using the standard link resolver protocol. The item/batch level DID is cryptographically linked to the product class level DID The private key is discoverable from a QR code hidden inside the product packaging. Scanning the QR provides the necessary key to update the individual serialised product public status to indicate consumption. Attackers that copy genuine serial numbers will find that their products are quickly identifiable as fakes. Attackers that try to create new serial numbers will not be able to create valid links to the genuine product class. The UNTP anti-counterfeiting protocol provides additional value/incentive for UNTP uptake beyond ESG integrity.

Product Serial DID

Product Serial VC

Brand Trust Root

Public Verification

Private Acquittal

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Data Carriers


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Digital data needs to be linked to the physical product it describes and should be discoverable through the identifiers printed on that product serial or batch number. For high volume goods and easy / reliable discovery, these identifiers are already typically represented as barcodes, matrix codes, QR codes, or RFID encoded data. UNTP supports the use of these existing data carriers. A basic UNTP principle is that if you have a product then you should be able to find ESG data about that product even when the identifier is not a web link. Therefore, the UNTP defines a generalised protocol (based on GS1 digital link) to allow any identifier scheme (GS1 or otherwise) to be consistently resolvable so that product passports and other data can always be accessed from the identifier of the product. The UNTP also defines a specific QR based data carrier format for use on paper/PDF versions of conformity credentials or other trade documents that provides secure access to credentials in a way that is both human and machine readable. This provides a simple but powerful mechanism to facilitate uptake of digital solutions alongside existing paper/PDF based frameworks.

1D Barcodes

2d Matrix Codes

QR Codes

RFID Codes

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/DigitalProductPassport/index.html b/docs/specification/DigitalProductPassport/index.html index 5d664279..89c8d333 100644 --- a/docs/specification/DigitalProductPassport/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/DigitalProductPassport/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Digitial Product Passport | UN Transparency Protocol - +

Digitial Product Passport


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The digital product passport (DPP) is issued by the shipper of goods and is the carrier of product and sustainability information for every serialised product item (or product batch) that is shipped between actors in the value chain. It is deliberately simple and lightweight and is designed to carry the minimum necessary data at the granularity needed by the receiver of goods - such as the scope 3 emissions in a product shipment. The passport contains links to conformity credentials which add trust to the ESG claims in the passport. The passport also contains links to traceability events which provide the "glue" to follow the linked-data trail (subject to confidentiality constraints) from finished product back to raw materials. The UNTP DPP does not conflict with national regulations such as the EU DPP. In fact, it can usefully be conceptualised as the upstream B2B feedstock that provides the data and evidence needed for the issuing of high quality national level product passports.

Data Model & Schema

Digital Product Passport data model

Browsable data model documentation

Browsable API documentation


Sample DPP JSON for a packaged meat product.

"@context": [
"type": [
"issuer": {
"id": "did:web:processor.agtrace.showthething.com"
"credentialSubject": {
"product": {
"productId": "9359502000041",
"productClass": "Beef Silverside",
"weight": "500 grams",
"image": "https://gs1ausaactivateprod1.blob.core.windows.net/935950200000/09359502000041/AgTace-Meats-Silverside.png?sv=2019-07-07&sr=c&si=read&sig=1b9unDt%2FV7M0jCuNIbn47AaES0XK%2FOgL6QbRcuBGPOw%3D",
"description": "Deforestation-free Beef Silverside",
"manufacturer": {
"id": "https://agtraceprocessors.com.au/",
"name": "Pete's Meats"
"batch": {
"batchId": "5698754215",
"manufacturedAt": {
"id": "https://resolver.showthething.com/414/9377779541302",
"name": "name",
"operatedBy": {
"id": "https://agtraceprocessors.com.au/",
"name": "AgTrace Processors"
"manufacturedDate": "Tue Jan 09 2024",
"provenance": [
"country": "AU",
"percentage": 100
"sustainabilityInfo": [
"Topic": "environment.deforestation",
"Criteria": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023R1115",
"Evidence": "https://web.agtrace.showthething.com/verify?q=%7B%22payload%22%3A%20%7B%22uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fagtrace-verifiable-credentials.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com%2Fprocessor-df-cert.json%22%7D%7D",
"metric": [
"Metric": "Canopy cover reduction",
"Unit": "% per km^2",
"Value": 0
"compliance": true
"traceabilityInfo": [
"EventReference": "https://processor.dlr.agtrace.showthething.com/gtin/9359502000041/3101/000001/13/240109/21/12578901?linkType=gs1:epcis",
"EventType": "transformation"
"sustainabilityScore": 65,
"trustScore": 48
"render": [
"template": "<div style='max-width: 400px; padding: 20px; background-color: #913831'> <div style='display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto 20px auto; font-weight: bold;' > <img style='width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 50%; margin-bottom: 20px' src='data:image/jpeg;base64, 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' /> <p style='color: #ffffff'>Pete's Meats</p> </div> <div style=' display: flex; justify-content: space-between; '> <div style=' color: #fff; text-align: center; flex: 1; '> <p style='font-weight: bold;'> {{credentialSubject.sustainabilityScore}}% </p> Sustainability <br /> Score </div> <img src='{{credentialSubject.product.image}}' style=' border-radius: 50%; height: 100px; flex: 1; ' /> <div style=' color: #fff; text-align: center; flex: 1; '> <p style='font-weight: bold;'> {{credentialSubject.trustScore}}% </p> Confidence <br /> Level </div> </div> <div style='background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 16px; margin-top: 32px;' > <div style=' text-align: left; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px;' >Product Information</div> <table style='border-collapse: collapse;'> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Manufacturer</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.product.manufacturer.name}}</td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Type</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.product.productClass}} </td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >GTIN</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180'> {{credentialSubject.product.productId}}</td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Manuf. Date</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.batch.manufacturedDate}}</td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Batch No.</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.batch.batchId}}</td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Weight</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.product.weight}}</td> </tr> <tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #e3eff2;'> <td style='padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; color: #2b2d2e; text-align: start;' >Description</td> <td style='text-align: end; color: #778180' >{{credentialSubject.product.description}}</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style='background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 16px; margin-top: 32px;' > <div style=' text-align: left; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px;' >Origin Information</div> <div style='display: flex; margin-top: 8px; flex-direction: row; '> <div style='flex: 1'> {{#each credentialSubject.batch.provenance}} <div style='display: flex; align-items: center;'> <div style='font-weight: bold; color: #161618' >{{this.country}}</div> <div style='margin-left: 16px;'>{{this.percentage}}%</div> </div> {{/each}} </div> </div> </div> <div style=' background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 16px; margin-top: 32px; ' > <div style=' text-align: left; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; ' > Sustainability Information </div> {{#each credentialSubject.batch.sustainabilityInfo}} <div style='display: flex; margin-top: 8px; flex-direction: row'> <div style='flex: 1'> <div style='display: flex; align-items: center'> <div style='font-weight: bold; color: #161618'>{{this.Topic}}:</div> <div style='margin-left: 16px'> {{this.metric.0.Value}}&nbsp{{this.metric.0.Unit}} </div> </div> <div style='display: flex; align-items: center'> <div style='font-weight: bold; color: #161618'>Evidence:</div> <div style='margin-left: 16px'> <a href='{{this.Evidence}}'>Link</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> {{/each}} </div> <div style=' background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 16px; margin-top: 32px; ' > <div style=' text-align: left; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; ' > Traceability Information </div> {{#each credentialSubject.batch.traceabilityInfo}} <div style='display: flex; margin-top: 8px; flex-direction: row'> <div style='flex: 1'> <div style='display: flex; align-items: center'> <div style='font-weight: bold; color: #161618'>Event:</div> <div style='margin-left: 16px'> <a href='{{this.EventReference}}'>Link</a> </div> </div> <div style='display: flex; align-items: center'> <div style='font-weight: bold; color: #161618'>Event Type:</div> <div style='margin-left: 16px'> {{this.EventType}} </div> </div> </div> </div> {{/each}} </div></div>",
"@type": "WebRenderingTemplate2022"
"credentialStatus": {
"id": "https://api.vckit.showthething.com/credentials/status/revocation-list-2020/did_web_processor.agtrace.showthething.com/66",
"type": "RevocationList2020Status",
"revocationListIndex": 4,
"revocationListCredential": "https://api.vckit.showthething.com/credentials/status/revocation-list-2020/did_web_processor.agtrace.showthething.com/66"
"issuanceDate": "2024-01-09T08:28:37.144Z",
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2024-01-09T08:28:37Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:web:processor.agtrace.showthething.com#7dfafe8a248c42c1eb9f8f549cc85ca24cd1d1764a31cf726504c5667396dba2-key-0",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..ELbpu5IR0zeXdktOSNO8jffdewDRoKPcVcPDtC-c_Scj6uBrUZv-T0VvM1FAtjXs1ClJS5hDpYs9_SrA0Br4CA"
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/GS1Binding/index.html b/docs/specification/GS1Binding/index.html index 86b615b2..68e09c09 100644 --- a/docs/specification/GS1Binding/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/GS1Binding/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ GS1 Binding | UN Transparency Protocol - +

GS1 Binding


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


The UNTP is agnostic of any technology or any identifier system. Nevertheless, GS1 is by far the most widely used scheme for product identification, particularly at the downstream / consumer end of the value chain. Billions of unique product/shipment identifiers have been issued and over 5 billion product barcode scans happen around the world every day. UNTP does not require any actor to adopt GS1 standards and identifiers, but it certainly must facilitate existing GS1 users to adopt the UNTP. To this end, the UNTP defines a specific binding that shows how existing GS1 users can leverage their existing investments when implementing the UNTP.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/Identifiers/index.html b/docs/specification/Identifiers/index.html index ca9ce5df..e16faf29 100644 --- a/docs/specification/Identifiers/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/Identifiers/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Identifiers | UN Transparency Protocol - +



Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


Identifiers of businesses (eg tax registration numbers), of locations (eg google pins or cadastral/lot numbers), and of products (eg GS1 GTINs or other schemes) are ubiquitous throughout supply chains and underpin the integrity of the system. UNTP builds upon existing identifier schemes without precluding the use of new schemes so that existing investments and high integrity registers can be leveraged. UNTP requires four key features of the identifiers and, for those that don't already embody these features, provides a framework to uplift the identifier scheme to meet UNTP requirements. Identifiers used in UNTP implementations should be discoverable (ie easily read by scanning a barcode, QR code, or RFID), globally unique (ie by adding a domain prefix to local schemes), resolvable (ie given an identifier, there is a standard way to find more data about the identified thing), and verifiable (ie ownership of the identifier can be verified so that actors cannot make claims about identifiers they don't own).


Global Uniqueness



- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/MassBalance/index.html b/docs/specification/MassBalance/index.html index 7daa4c97..afb7b500 100644 --- a/docs/specification/MassBalance/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/MassBalance/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Mass Balance | UN Transparency Protocol - +

Mass Balance


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


Mass balance fraud is a particularly challenging greenwashing vector. It happens when a fraudulent actor buys a small quantity of high ESG integrity inputs (eg genuine carbon neutral, organic, deforestation free cotton) and mixes that input with lower quality alternatives and then sells the full volume of manufactures product (eg woven cotton fabric) as sustainable product, re-using the valid credentials from the niche supply. The UNTP solution to this problem involves trusted third parties (certifiers or industry associations) to act as quota managers that issue "guarantee of origin" credentials (a type of conformity credential). In this model, the guarantee of origin certificate for 10 Tons of cotton fabric (for example) can only be issued when the third party has evidence of the purchase of at least 10 Tons sustainable input materials. The third party will also mark the input batch as consumed (in a similar way to the anti-counterfeiting protocol) so that the valid sustainble input cannot be re-presented to a different third party.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/Rules/index.html b/docs/specification/Rules/index.html index 83d3bfed..db89487c 100644 --- a/docs/specification/Rules/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/Rules/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ ESG Rules | UN Transparency Protocol - +

ESG Rules


Please note that this content is under development and is not ready for implementation. This status message will be updated as content development progresses.


Yet another greenwashing attack vector is to deliberately apply incorrect rules to the determination of criteria such as emissions intensity. The verification question in this case is "yes, but how do I know you calculated it right?". The UNTP proposes an independent calculator service offered either by the standards body or regulator that defined the rules or by an accredited service provider. The Supply chain actor presents raw data to the calculator which returns with a signed credential confirming that the rules were correctly applied. This protocol has an additional benefit for legitimate actors if widely adopted by rules authorities - which is to significantly simplify the assessment of compliance against multiple different rules. By separating observed facts from the assessment of those facts against specific rules then it becomes relatively simple to test compliance against multiple standards and regulations.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/specification/TraceabilityEvents/index.html b/docs/specification/TraceabilityEvents/index.html index 8126acfd..8dffa6b0 100644 --- a/docs/specification/TraceabilityEvents/index.html +++ b/docs/specification/TraceabilityEvents/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Traceability Events | UN Transparency Protocol - +

Traceability Events


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Traceability events are very lightweights collections of identifiers that specify the “what, when, where, why and how” of the products and facilities that constitute a value chain. The UNTP is based on the GS1 EPCIS standard for this purpose because it is an existing and proven mechanism for supply chain traceability. Note that UNTP supports but does not require the use of GS1 identifiers. The basic idea behind the traceability event structure is that any supply chain of any complexity can always be accurately modelled using a combination of four basic event types. An object event describes an action on specific product(s) such as an inspection. A transaction event describes the exchange of product(s) between two actors such as sale of goods between seller and buyer. An aggregation event describes that consolidation or de-consolidation of products such as stacking bales of cotton on a pallet for transportation. Finally, a transformation event describes a manufacturing process that consumes input product(s) to create new output product(s). The UNTP uses these events in a decentralised architecture as the means to traverse the linked-data "graph" that represents the entire value-chain.

Data Model

Data Model

Traceability Events Documentation

JSON Schema

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Trust Anchors


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UNTP credentials will include identifiers of products, locations or businesses. UNTP credentials will also include ESG performance claims like emissions intensity values. But how can a verifier of these identifiers or ESG claims be confident that the claims are true and that they are made by the genuine party at a verifiable location? Trust anchors are national or international authorities that typically run existing business or product registration, certification, accreditation, or other high integrity processes. Examples of trust anchors include national regulators that govern things like land ownership or business registrations. Another example are the national accreditation bodies that audit and accredit certifiers to issue third party assessments. UNTP depends on trust anchors to add digital integrity to ESG claims and identities by linking them to the authority under which they are made. In essence, UNTP defines a protocol for existing trust anchors to continue doing what they have always done, but in a digitally verifiable way.

VC Representation

Public Web Representation

Identity Credentials

Accreditation Credentials

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Trust Graphs


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The ESG footprint of a finished product is the aggregation of it's components and processes through the value chain. Verification of ESG claims therefore involves assessing a bundle of linked credentials (aka a "trust graph") drawn from all or part of a value chain. Whilst each credential may be valid in it's own right, one challenge is verifying the context of related credentials. For example, a conformity assessment body that is accredited to test strength of structured steel might not be accredited to issue emissions intensity certificates. A technically valid emissions certificate linked to a technically valid accreditation certificate that has a different scope would be fraudulent. To address this problem, the UNTP defines a simple method to verify the contextual scope of linked credentials. Essentially this provides a mechanism to verify a linked graph of data at a layer above individual credential verification.

Trust Graphs

JSON-LD Representation

SCHACL Graph verification

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Verifiable Credentials


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The World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C) has defined a standard called Verifiable Credentials (VCs). A VC is a portable digital version of everyday credentials like education certificates, permits, licenses, registrations, and so on. VCs are digitally signed by the issuing party and are tamper proof, privacy preserving, revokable, and digitally verifiable. The UN has previously assessed this standard and has recommended it's use for a variety of cross border trade use cases in a recent white paper. VCs are inherently decentralised and so are an excellent fit for UNTP which recommends that passports, credentials, and traceability events are all issued as W3C VCs. A related W3C standard called Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) provides a mechanism to manage the cryptographic keys used by verifiable credentials and also to link multiple credentials into verifiable trust graphs. DIDs are not the same as the business / product / location identifiers maintained by authoritative agencies - but can be linked to them.

W3C VC Interoperability Profile

W3C DID Interoperability Profile

Hyperledger AnonCreds Interoperability Profile

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Web vocabularies are a means to bring consistent understanding of meaning to ESG claims and assessments throughout transparent value chains based on UNTP. There are hundreds of ESG standards and regulations around the world, each with dozens or hundreds of specific conformity criteria. Any given value chain from raw materials to finished product is likely to include dozens of passports and conformity credentials issued against any of thousands of ESG criteria. Without a consistent means to make sense of this data, UNTP would provide a means to discover a lot of data but no easy way to make sense of it. The UNTP defines a standard and extensible topic map (taxonomy) of ESG criteria and provides a mechanism for any standards authority, or national regulator, or industry association to map their specific terminology to the UNTP vocabulary.

UN ESG Topic Map

ESG Standards Criteria

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The specification is the heart of UNTP. It defines the detailed specifications for interoperable implementations. This page provides an outline of the purpose and scope of each component of the specification.


The architecture is the blueprint for all the components of the specification and how they work together. It defines the design principles which underpin the UNTP and shows the components working together from the perspective of a single actor and across the entire value-chain. The UNTP is a fundamentally decentralised architecture with no central store of data.

Digital Product Passport

The digital product passport (DPP) is issued by the shipper of goods and is the carrier of product and sustainability information for every serialised product item (or product batch) that is shipped between actors in the value chain. It is deliberately simple and lightweight and is designed to carry the minimum necessary data at the granularity needed by the receiver of goods - such as the scope 3 emissions in a product shipment. The passport contains links to conformity credentials which add trust to the ESG claims in the passport. The passport also contains links to traceability events which provide the "glue" to follow the linked-data trail (subject to confidentiality constraints) from finished product back to raw materials. The UNTP DPP does not conflict with national regulations such as the EU DPP. In fact, it can usefully be conceptualised as the upstream B2B feedstock that provides the data and evidence needed for the issuing of high quality national level product passports.

Conformity Credential

Conformity credentials are usually issued by independent third parties and provide a trusted assessment of product ESG performance against credible standards or regulations. As such the credential provides trusted verification of the ESG claims in the passport. Since the passport may make several independent claims (eg emissions intensity, deforestation free, fair work, etc) there may be many linked conformity credentials referenced by one passport. As an additional trust layer, the conformity credential may reference an accreditation credential that attests to the authority of the third party to perform the specific ESG assessments. The conformity credential data model has been developed by a separate UN/CEFACT project on digital conformity that has expert membership from accreditation authorities and conformity assessment bodies.

Traceability Events

Traceability events are very lightweights collections of identifiers that specify the “what, when, where, why and how” of the products and facilities that constitute a value chain. The UNTP is based on the GS1 EPCIS standard for this purpose because it is an existing and proven mechanism for supply chain traceability. Note that UNTP supports but does not require the use of GS1 identifiers. The basic idea behind the traceability event structure is that any supply chain of any complexity can always be accurately modelled using a combination of four basic event types. An object event describes an action on specific product(s) such as an inspection. A transaction event describes the exchange of product(s) between two actors such as sale of goods between seller and buyer. An aggregation event describes that consolidation or de-consolidation of products such as stacking bales of cotton on a pallet for transportation. Finally, a transformation event describes a manufacturing process that consumes input product(s) to create new output product(s). The UNTP uses these events in a decentralised architecture as the means to traverse the linked-data "graph" that represents the entire value-chain.


Identifiers of businesses (eg tax registration numbers), of locations (eg google pins or cadastral/lot numbers), and of products (eg GS1 GTINs or other schemes) are ubiquitous throughout supply chains and underpin the integrity of the system. UNTP builds upon existing identifier schemes without precluding the use of new schemes so that existing investments and high integrity registers can be leveraged. UNTP requires four key features of the identifiers and, for those that don't already embody these features, provides a framework to uplift the identifier scheme to meet UNTP requirements. Identifiers used in UNTP implementations should be discoverable (ie easily read by scanning a barcode, QR code, or RFID), globally unique (ie by adding a domain prefix to local schemes), resolvable (ie given an identifier, there is a standard way to find more data about the identified thing), and verifiable (ie ownership of the identifier can be verified so that actors cannot make claims about identifiers they don't own).


Web vocabularies are a means to bring consistent understanding of meaning to ESG claims and assessments throughout transparent value chains based on UNTP. There are hundreds of ESG standards and regulations around the world, each with dozens or hundreds of specific conformity criteria. Any given value chain from raw materials to finished product is likely to include dozens of passports and conformity credentials issued against any of thousands of ESG criteria. Without a consistent means to make sense of this data, UNTP would provide a means to discover a lot of data but no easy way to make sense of it. The UNTP defines a standard and extensible topic map (taxonomy) of ESG criteria and provides a mechanism for any standards authority, or national regulator, or industry association to map their specific terminology to the UNTP vocabulary.

Verifiable Credentials

The World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C) has defined a standard called Verifiable Credentials (VCs). A VC is a portable digital version of everyday credentials like education certificates, permits, licenses, registrations, and so on. VCs are digitally signed by the issuing party and are tamper proof, privacy preserving, revokable, and digitally verifiable. The UN has previously assessed this standard and has recommended it's use for a variety of cross border trade use cases in a recent white paper. VCs are inherently decentralised and so are an excellent fit for UNTP which recommends that passports, credentials, and traceability events are all issued as W3C VCs. A related W3C standard called Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) provides a mechanism to manage the cryptographic keys used by verifiable credentials and also to link multiple credentials into verifiable trust graphs. DIDs are not the same as the business / product / location identifiers maintained by authoritative agencies - but can be linked to them.

Data Carriers

Digital data needs to be linked to the physical product it describes and should be discoverable through the identifiers printed on that product serial or batch number. For high volume goods and easy / reliable discovery, these identifiers are already typically represented as barcodes, matrix codes, QR codes, or RFID encoded data. UNTP supports the use of these existing data carriers. A basic UNTP principle is that if you have a product then you should be able to find ESG data about that product even when the identifier is not a web link. Therefore, the UNTP defines a generalised protocol (based on GS1 digital link) to allow any identifier scheme (GS1 or otherwise) to be consistently resolvable so that product passports and other data can always be accessed from the identifier of the product. The UNTP also defines a specific QR based data carrier format for use on paper/PDF versions of conformity credentials or other trade documents that provides secure access to credentials in a way that is both human and machine readable. This provides a simple but powerful mechanism to facilitate uptake of digital solutions alongside existing paper/PDF based frameworks.

Trust Anchors

UNTP credentials will include identifiers of products, locations or businesses. UNTP credentials will also include ESG performance claims like emissions intensity values. But how can a verifier of these identifiers or ESG claims be confident that the claims are true and that they are made by the genuine party at a verifiable location? Trust anchors are national or international authorities that typically run existing business or product registration, certification, accreditation, or other high integrity processes. Examples of trust anchors include national regulators that govern things like land ownership or business registrations. Another example are the national accreditation bodies that audit and accredit certifiers to issue third party assessments. UNTP depends on trust anchors to add digital integrity to ESG claims and identities by linking them to the authority under which they are made. In essence, UNTP defines a protocol for existing trust anchors to continue doing what they have always done, but in a digitally verifiable way.

Trust Graphs

The ESG footprint of a finished product is the aggregation of it's components and processes through the value chain. Verification of ESG claims therefore involves assessing a bundle of linked credentials (aka a "trust graph") drawn from all or part of a value chain. Whilst each credential may be valid in it's own right, one challenge is verifying the context of related credentials. For example, a conformity assessment body that is accredited to test strength of structured steel might not be accredited to issue emissions intensity certificates. A technically valid emissions certificate linked to a technically valid accreditation certificate that has a different scope would be fraudulent. To address this problem, the UNTP defines a simple method to verify the contextual scope of linked credentials. Essentially this provides a mechanism to verify a linked graph of data at a layer above individual credential verification.


There is a balance between the demands of transparency (more supply chain visibility means it's harder to hide greenwshing) and confidentiality (share too much data and you risk expososing commercial secrets). A key UNTP principle is that every supply chain actor should be able to choose their own balance between transparency and confidentiality. To achieve this, UNTP defines six data confidentiality patterns with different degrees of data protection so that they can be appropriately combined to meet the confidentiality goals of each party. This includes the ability to selectively redact data from credentials received from upstream suppliers before passing them on to downstream buyers - without affecting the cryptographic integrity of the data.


As the value of genuinely sustainable goods increases, so do the incentives to sell fake goods as the real thing. UNTP defines a simple and decentralised anti-counterfeiting protocol that can be implemented by any producer at very low cost. It builds upon the W3C DID standard by issuing a unique DID (and corresponding keypair) for every serialised (individual or batch) product. The DID (and therefore the public key) is discoverable from the product serial number using the standard link resolver protocol. The item/batch level DID is cryptographically linked to the product class level DID The private key is discoverable from a QR code hidden inside the product packaging. Scanning the QR provides the necessary key to update the individual serialised product public status to indicate consumption. Attackers that copy genuine serial numbers will find that their products are quickly identifiable as fakes. Attackers that try to create new serial numbers will not be able to create valid links to the genuine product class. The UNTP anti-counterfeiting protocol provides additional value/incentive for UNTP uptake beyond ESG integrity.

Mass Balance

Mass balance fraud is a particularly challenging greenwashing vector. It happens when a fraudulent actor buys a small quantity of high ESG integrity inputs (eg genuine carbon neutral, organic, deforestation free cotton) and mixes that input with lower quality alternatives and then sells the full volume of manufactures product (eg woven cotton fabric) as sustainable product, re-using the valid credentials from the niche supply. The UNTP solution to this problem involves trusted third parties (certifiers or industry associations) to act as quota managers that issue "guarantee of origin" credentials (a type of conformity credential). In this model, the guarantee of origin certificate for 10 Tons of cotton fabric (for example) can only be issued when the third party has evidence of the purchase of at least 10 Tons sustainable input materials. The third party will also mark the input batch as consumed (in a similar way to the anti-counterfeiting protocol) so that the valid sustainble input cannot be re-presented to a different third party.

ESG Rules

Yet another greenwashing attack vector is to deliberately apply incorrect rules to the determination of criteria such as emissions intensity. The verification question in this case is "yes, but how do I know you calculated it right?". The UNTP proposes an independent calculator service offered either by the standards body or regulator that defined the rules or by an accredited service provider. The Supply chain actor presents raw data to the calculator which returns with a signed credential confirming that the rules were correctly applied. This protocol has an additional benefit for legitimate actors if widely adopted by rules authorities - which is to significantly simplify the assessment of compliance against multiple different rules. By separating observed facts from the assessment of those facts against specific rules then it becomes relatively simple to test compliance against multiple standards and regulations.

GS1 Binding

The UNTP is agnostic of any technology or any identifier system. Nevertheless, GS1 is by far the most widely used scheme for product identification, particularly at the downstream / consumer end of the value chain. Billions of unique product/shipment identifiers have been issued and over 5 billion product barcode scans happen around the world every day. UNTP does not require any actor to adopt GS1 standards and identifiers, but it certainly must facilitate existing GS1 users to adopt the UNTP. To this end, the UNTP defines a specific binding that shows how existing GS1 users can leverage their existing investments when implementing the UNTP.

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Implementation Support

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Test Cases


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Test Cases

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Test Service


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Test Service

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Implementation Tools

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Tools and support


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Tools and support

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UN Transparency Protocol

Supporting governments and industry on practical measures to counter greenwashing by implementing supply chain traceability and transparency at the scale needed to achieve meaningful impacts on global sustainability outcomes.



Combat greenwashing and uplift export market access.



Meet supply chain due dilligence obligations for you and your customers.

Software Providers

Software Providers

Empower your customers to participate in sustainable digitised supply chains.



Provide digitally verifiable trust of ESG compliance.

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