A proof of principle python script to find duplicated image regions in scientific papers
Developed on Sequoia 15.2
Created with the help of chatGPT 4o mini
Very early beta - still a lot of bugs
Neeeds python 3.8 eg conda activate base38
pip install os sys cv2 sqlite3 numpy fitz sklearn tqdm faiss pytesseract datetime
Needs tesseract brew install tesseract
Terminal python imagedup.py <path_to_directory> <path_to_database>
Utility Functions: log, create_bovw_database, save_bovw_to_database.
Image Extraction: extract_images_from_pdf.
Preprocessing: preprocess_image (handles masking of text and straight lines).
BoVW Functions: build_visual_vocabulary. compute_bovw_histogram. build_and_store_bovw.
LSH Functions: build_lsh_index_from_bovw. find_duplicates_with_lsh.
Main Pipeline: process_directory_of_pdfs.
10 min for 500 PDFs. 1,000,000 keypoint, 1,000 words. TBC