From 5c0b1599a90d8d9657cb1a37feb3d5752fc03a86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tomas Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 23:53:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] working on database changes --- crawler/comments_at_11_13_13_MAY_2014.json | 1 + jCourse/ | 1 + requirements.txt | 1 + 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+) create mode 100644 crawler/comments_at_11_13_13_MAY_2014.json diff --git a/crawler/comments_at_11_13_13_MAY_2014.json b/crawler/comments_at_11_13_13_MAY_2014.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a596e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/crawler/comments_at_11_13_13_MAY_2014.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391026408", "comment": "My favorite course eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391040224", "comment": "Hated it!"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391040273", "comment": "Go to classes! Otherwise, you will get screwed in the final"}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391041485", "comment": "Never took it, but seems boring to me. Why would anyone do that to himself?"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391041522", "comment": "You will fail it! fooo shooooooo"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems Lab", "course_id": "320232", "datetime": "1391041578", "comment": "Last year, it was super boring!"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391041612", "comment": "You get paired with some random dude and you hate him for life."}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1391041654", "comment": "Easy, useful and good for getting a job. Take it!"}, {"course_name": "Applied Differential Equations and Modeling", "course_id": "110262", "datetime": "1391041717", "comment": "Easiest course ever!"}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1391041752", "comment": "The professor will kill you by giving the worst quizzes imaginable."}, {"course_name": "Number Theory", "course_id": "100431", "datetime": "1391041782", "comment": "Maubackhhhhhh"}, {"course_name": "General Physics IIB (Modern Physics)", "course_id": "200103", "datetime": "1391041831", "comment": "Good introductory course for people interesting quantum mechanics/relativity. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391043514", "comment": "One of the best courses from Prof. Bode.. He explains everything very clearly.. Awesome teacher.. and the course material is not that difficult too.. "}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391043666", "comment": "Boring Class.. never wanted to go class except for the quizes.. but you need to have a good understanding of the subject matter as this course is the foundation for DSP and Communication.."}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391043779", "comment": "A good lab course.. get to understand the subject matter from Gen EE ... and Uwe is a good technician.. he explains the experiments but sometimes you get bored because of his continuous talking :)"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391043874", "comment": "Nobody would ever take this course if it was not mandatory.. all because of Bauman... very disorganized grading scheme.. you never get your quizzes back.. a very boring course... "}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391084718", "comment": "Baumann really doesn\'t know how to teach or to conduct a course"}, {"course_name": "Guided Research Computer Science", "course_id": "320342", "datetime": "1391084758", "comment": "Really depends on the research professor you get"}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1391084785", "comment": "I don\'t know this professor but should be easy course"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391084836", "comment": "Classes really helped me get a good grade. "}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1391084907", "comment": "Loved this course. If you like FLL then this course is the best continuation. Learning about the million dollar problem P=NP and other interesting new topics"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391084924", "comment": "good luck guys"}, {"course_name": "Social Influence", "course_id": "730202", "datetime": "1391094213", "comment": "I would like to take this course. Is it hard for a non psychology major?"}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1391094299", "comment": "The course is very interesting, it sparked my interest in economics and politics. The professor is great and he knows how to contribute to the course. The class is basically a discussion on selected topics"}, {"course_name": "USC - Let the Data Speak", "course_id": "020077", "datetime": "1391094332", "comment": "I want to take this course. How is it in terms of workload?"}, {"course_name": "Applied Stochastic Processes", "course_id": "100383", "datetime": "1391094369", "comment": "Is this course hard? I heard Keivan is a good professor"}, {"course_name": "Applied Differential Equations and Modeling", "course_id": "110262", "datetime": "1391094410", "comment": "I took this course last year and it was very easy. It is made for Lafayette people so it very straightforward and easy"}, {"course_name": "Guided Research Computer Science", "course_id": "320342", "datetime": "1391094501", "comment": "Whatever you do, don\'t choose Juergen Schoenwaelder. Please. Just listen to me. Only this one time."}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1391094510", "comment": "the professor goes too much into detail. You should check out the lectures since he will do problems that will be given in the quizes"}, {"course_name": "General Mathematics and Computational Science II", "course_id": "110102", "datetime": "1391094529", "comment": "Cool topics. Much recommend"}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Computer Science II", "course_id": "320112", "datetime": "1391094532", "comment": "Easy, peezy"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391094566", "comment": "Kohlhase is the man"}, {"course_name": "Internet Measurement and Management Lab", "course_id": "320404", "datetime": "1391094585", "comment": "wat is this?"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems Lab", "course_id": "320232", "datetime": "1391094624", "comment": "Goes into too much detail about the kernel. but yeah it is mandatory for CS peeps"}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1391094689", "comment": "If you have never seen a maniac before, take this course. You will see Oswald.\\r\\n\\r\\nIn all seriousness though, I respect that guy."}, {"course_name": "General Physics IIB (Modern Physics)", "course_id": "200103", "datetime": "1391094747", "comment": "Even though im not physics major, I enjoyed the course"}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391094770", "comment": "Can anyone who took this course, tell me how is the workload?"}, {"course_name": "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Applications", "course_id": "110361", "datetime": "1391096223", "comment": "10/10 would take again"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems Lab", "course_id": "320232", "datetime": "1391096375", "comment": "Goes too much into detail?\\r\\nAu contraire I would say that it doesn\'t go much into detail at all. All the concepts studied are fairly simple and easy, the problem is that we work on a really old kernel so googling and finding help online is kinda impossible, and the literature is useless. \\r\\nThe non-kernel stuff is ok though in my opinion, although I\'d like to see more concurrent programming, for the sake of having fun, and actually learning something useful :)"}, {"course_name": "Analysis II", "course_id": "100212", "datetime": "1391096421", "comment": "one of the best professors"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391096617", "comment": "best professor ever, an experience of a life time, thrilling adventure......"}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391097005", "comment": "Amazing class.... lots of hands on activities "}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1391097173", "comment": "The quizzes do not reflect what is taught in class. I found this class damn near impossible, even though I\'m a good student in all the other psychology courses. "}, {"course_name": "ESM 4B - Orthogonal Functions, Transforms, Groups", "course_id": "120212", "datetime": "1391097252", "comment": "Prof. Hartmann is extremely nice outside of the classroom, very helpful and understanding, but her teaching is problematic. Very chaotic, very mathematical and usually the hw needed material that was covered in the lecture only a few weeks after the hw was given. When I took the course, she also hired a TA that was unprepared, so overall it was a horrible course. It\'s a shame prof. Hartmann can\'t teach, otherwise she would be my favorite prof at Jacobs."}, {"course_name": "Attitudes and Social Cognition", "course_id": "730102", "datetime": "1391097458", "comment": "Cohrs likes to tear apart every assignment that you turn in and is pretty unclear about expectations, but if you put in a lot of effort it is possible to do well. "}, {"course_name": "General Physics IIB (Modern Physics)", "course_id": "200103", "datetime": "1391097490", "comment": "Very interesting course, definitely to take as an auditor. If you\'re not a physics student, I would not recommend taking it normally, since the hw is relatively difficult. But on the bright side, prof. Heine usually recycles his exam material, so you might be lucky ;)"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391097534", "comment": "Be prepared to handle 50-75 pages of technical jargon per lecture (literally)....Do you have an Eidetic memory? If not, I\'m sorry for ya guys!"}, {"course_name": "Qualitative Research: Methods and Methodology", "course_id": "990202", "datetime": "1391097681", "comment": "I loved this class. Really fair grading and super nice prof. You have to do a big project but as projects go it\'s not so bad. "}, {"course_name": "Firms and Markets", "course_id": "930312", "datetime": "1391097701", "comment": "In the past years this has been a terrible class... poorly taught and just overall a miserable experience. "}, {"course_name": "German A2.1 (2)", "course_id": "010004", "datetime": "1391097714", "comment": "I hate these german courses. While the teachers are acceptable to a degree, I think what we need is an imersion program"}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1391097789", "comment": "If you suck at math, don\'t take this class. It will be confusing. "}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1391098026", "comment": "I stopped going halfway through and slapped my pass option on this shit. I knew I was doomed from day one. "}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1391098047", "comment": "Bogaards has not taught this class in the last few years."}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1391098377", "comment": "as if that changes the fact that he\'s evil incarnate "}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1391098401", "comment": "Agree! I always thought the P vs NP problem was something abstract and un-interesting, but this course gave me a complete different perspective about CS. It has good philosophy, CS will never be the same for you ;)"}, {"course_name": "Career Orientation (0,2 credits)", "course_id": "APS117", "datetime": "1391098560", "comment": "This was actually a pretty cool APS class"}, {"course_name": "German A2.1 (2)", "course_id": "010004", "datetime": "1391098743", "comment": "Cramer is the best, you\'re probably wasting your time with everyone else. "}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1391099043", "comment": "This was probably the coolest thing that I got to do at jacobs, since I\'m a shitty BA student and we are given no resources. If you have the pre-recs, tag along and see what a real education looks like. "}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1391099755", "comment": "Professor Jaeger is a very interesting and nice person and the course is both intriguing(especially for people who like abstract problems) and not frustrating at all. Homework can be done in 1-2 hours(or more if you like to investigate further) and 3 hours of studying before a quiz should be enough to get a decent grade. Always ask questions during the lecture as the professor has a funny way of answering them."}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391100096", "comment": "Get at least 2 rounds of studying before quizzes and try to get a good start for this course, otherwise frustration will kill your grade. Also, pay a lot of attention to details in the assignments because Mr. Schauer(the TA) is very strict."}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391100223", "comment": "Well structured course, great experience overall!"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391100262", "comment": "I would recommend a DON\'T CARE and a PASS OPTION for this one. Very, very boring and really really hard to get a 1.0 or anything near it. "}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391100387", "comment": "words like \\"Awful\\",\\"horrible\\" would probably be putting it gently!"}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1391100488", "comment": "The professor is cool indeed and always has an answer for your question, no matter how \'hard\'. However, it\'s pretty difficult at a personal level to always go the the class, especially if it\'s your trans option."}, {"course_name": "Social Influence", "course_id": "730202", "datetime": "1391100698", "comment": "It shouldn\'t be, Cohrs taught it last year so it\'s a new prof this time- I don\'t know him though.. There\'s going to be lots of experiments to learn about, and concepts, but it\'s easy "}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391101004", "comment": "Just like GenCS I. I liked the mixed material in it. Advice for midterms and finals: since the exams are so long, write something for every problem and you get partial credit. I would say a MORE vs BETTER is the right strategy for those exams. Good luck"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391101478", "comment": "Oh man, such a bad idea to work on stuff badly written by others. Although you probably get some skill out of it. And I learned more OOP from it than I did from Programming in C++. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391101526", "comment": "If you take it before an internship, you will get less frustrated during the internship"}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Programming in Python II", "course_id": "350112", "datetime": "1391101659", "comment": "nice pic!"}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Programming in Python II", "course_id": "350112", "datetime": "1391101743", "comment": "the script that selected it was written in python..."}, {"course_name": "(Intercultural) Conflict Resolution (0,1 credits)", "course_id": "APS032", "datetime": "1391101905", "comment": "easy but a bit boring, easy credits, take it"}, {"course_name": "General Mathematics and Computational Science II", "course_id": "110102", "datetime": "1391101961", "comment": "I personally didn\'t like the professor too much, but overall the course was ok."}, {"course_name": "Culture and Organizational Behavior/Cross-Cultural Management", "course_id": "701202", "datetime": "1391102062", "comment": "interesting class but song yang is quite boring. take it overall, she\'s a super nice grader too"}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1391102078", "comment": "so boring and stupid i hated it"}, {"course_name": "Civic Networks and Social Capital", "course_id": "930102", "datetime": "1391102127", "comment": "good interesting class, felt like in the end it wasn\'t as satisfying as i wished it was. grading so and so"}, {"course_name": "Comparing Mass Communication Systems", "course_id": "940201", "datetime": "1391102152", "comment": "great class, great professor, nice grading, take it, she will try to scare you off in the beginning but it\'s good :)"}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1391102234", "comment": "it\'s a very boring class but the professor is such a sweet man, it made everything better"}, {"course_name": "Firms and Markets", "course_id": "930312", "datetime": "1391102480", "comment": "i see they\'ve changed the professor now, might get better, but yes - terrible experience in the past years"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391108523", "comment": "quizzes will have questions from the lecture... and specially pay attention to the commands and terms used by the professor"}, {"course_name": "Distributed Systems", "course_id": "320312", "datetime": "1391108784", "comment": "can I get comments on this one?"}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1391108823", "comment": "Do the reading! Seriously, do it! Or else you\'ll totally fail the quizzes, cause they indeed don\'t reflect what\'s taught in class, but they exactly reflect the reading. It\'s still a hard class with a hard exam, so don\'t do it if it\'s not mandatory. There are better and easier courses that review the neuroscience of sensation & perception."}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391108831", "comment": "good luck.. and start reading..."}, {"course_name": "Meta-Analysis", "course_id": "990242", "datetime": "1391109062", "comment": "Great class with a great teacher! Recommended for everyone interested in the topic. Might not be the majority of Jacobs students, though."}, {"course_name": "General Biochemistry and Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520102", "datetime": "1391109203", "comment": "Awesome course. It really is a lot of work, but it\'s definitely worth it! Study everything as detailed as possible and try to deeply understand it. The exams are tough."}, {"course_name": "Civic Networks and Social Capital", "course_id": "930102", "datetime": "1391109483", "comment": "Worth going to class for the sheer interesting discussions. High grades possible... but you have to put in the work... very fair grading."}, {"course_name": "Comparing Mass Communication Systems", "course_id": "940201", "datetime": "1391109546", "comment": "Don\'t let her scare you off... as long as your classmates are decent the class should be really good. Very fair grader."}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1391109700", "comment": "Any class I had with him he was very fair about grading, expectations up-front and if you actually make an effort to get help outside of class he is very willing to help you. Class should be interesting and worth going to to learn something... his normally are. His classes aren\'t a joke though, you actually have to put in the effort to do well."}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1391109794", "comment": "Very dull, but do the work and you should have a good grade. He does notice who comes to class and participates... so ask questions and be engaged. "}, {"course_name": "Social Movements and Political Participation", "course_id": "920112", "datetime": "1391109846", "comment": "She hasn\'t taught this class before... but other classes she has taught have been very disorganized. "}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1391110006", "comment": "Too bad this is such a joke..."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups", "course_id": "990102", "datetime": "1391110099", "comment": "At least Georgi is nice and tries to explain things when Boehnke is unclear (aka pretty much all the time)"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391113736", "comment": "Probably one of the nicest courses.\\r\\nYou learn to work with others, you laern to hate people that can\'t cdoe and shit like that :)\\r\\nIt\'s a TA run Lab, so the prof doesn\'t do much :)"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391116842", "comment": "This one is probably the CS course you will learn most about pretty much everything relevant. Definitively go to lectures and read the suggested book(s) for the quizzes! "}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems Lab", "course_id": "320232", "datetime": "1391117000", "comment": "The non kernel part is lots of fun! You get to work with threads, mutexes, write a client server chat etc. The actual OS part is boring at best, and frustrating otherwise. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391117256", "comment": "The professor does not teach, your partner does not do work, the code you get does not work and the TAs sometimes do mean things with grading. \\r\\nIt will teach you patience and how to not murder people. On the up side it does give some insight at what software engineering looks like, which processes are used and how many things can go wrong. \\r\\nIt would be interesting to see this course use a different model than the now pretty much dead waterfall model!"}, {"course_name": "History of Globalization", "course_id": "850322", "datetime": "1391121986", "comment": "is this a course that i can take for transdisciplinary as an eecs major?"}, {"course_name": "Social Influence", "course_id": "730202", "datetime": "1391214487", "comment": "Great class, very interesting. Professor was so boring and really stubborn last year but the book you read and the material covered is very useful and practical, especially for GEM majors because it\'s all about how to manipulate people basically."}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1391247759", "comment": "How is the professor?"}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1391136791", "comment": "What was taught in the course, what was on the quizzes, what was on the final prep, and what was on the final were (in my year at least) COMPLETELY different things. It felt impossible to prepare for anything because everything always came out of left field. The subject itself is interesting but the course is challenging to say the least. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Lean Methods", "course_id": "050332", "datetime": "1391164927", "comment": "Awesome course, not too hard, but you actually get to learn a lot of important things. Prof. Lutz is the Manager of After Sale from Porsche, so he knows well what he is teaching, and he is always trying to keep the class interesting (well, some things repeat from Distribution Logistics or Logistics I, so it does become a bit boring from time to time). Very useful thing to know about for future jobs as well! "}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391165248", "comment": "If it\'s not really mandatory, don\'t take it. If you want to learn finance, go online and find some courses, read some books on, but don\'t take the course. If you want a professor that knows the maths behind finance, don\'t take it. \\r\\nIf, on the other hand, you want to be busy with things you won\'t learn enough from for the whole semester, feel that you\'re working for one course more than for all your others, waste time not really learning finance but just mere concepts spread around: go ahead, take the course! But better yet, watch some cat videos on youtube, it\'d be more productive. "}, {"course_name": "General Logistics II", "course_id": "050102", "datetime": "1391165358", "comment": "Great course, great professor, you\'ll learn more from this course than from most others. Grades are not hard to get, but understanding the \\"hidden\\" teachings does require some effort. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Let the Data Speak", "course_id": "020077", "datetime": "1391169664", "comment": "Its very nice course.. get to know basic concepts of music and simple data analysis.. the grade is like, an exam, class participation and a final project where you need to do some sonification works."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis", "course_id": "990121", "datetime": "1391169826", "comment": "How is the course? Workloads? Any comment would be greatful... thanks in advance.."}, {"course_name": "Applied Differential Equations and Modeling", "course_id": "110262", "datetime": "1391170445", "comment": "It is relatively straight forward, but I also found that it was made very interesting. It is indeed applied. So if you enjoy applying maths, then this is a good course for you. I particulary liked the project that you do in the end. It allows you to dive in some deeper into some ideas and also forces you to write everything down properly (which is always good to do)."}, {"course_name": "Computational Systems Biology", "course_id": "550321", "datetime": "1391170690", "comment": "I really enjoyed this course. It is very closely related to current research. Various very interesting topics are being covered and you really get an idea about what Computational Systems Biology is about.\\r\\nGrading-wise I felt that it was always fair and you know what you are expected to do. If you know that you\'ll have trouble with something just ask: We asked the dumbest questions and Prof. H\\u00fctt never lost his patience ;)"}, {"course_name": "General Mathematics and Computational Science II", "course_id": "110102", "datetime": "1391170912", "comment": "I can agree with the two comments below. Prof. Oliver seemed a little unorganized at times... but that\'s about the only problem, I think.\\r\\nTopics are pretty nice and interesting (except for the KAC ring, maybe...), if you enjoyed Gen Math I. "}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391185963", "comment": "test"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Physics A + B Lab II", "course_id": "200222", "datetime": "1391187379", "comment": "Awesome lab, especially compared to the first semester one! Bernd is the man!"}, {"course_name": "Industrial Biotechnology", "course_id": "560332", "datetime": "1391187446", "comment": "The final exam is stupidly marked and you end up getting a bad grade. Half of the class suffered from bad grades."}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1391187471", "comment": "Ludes is a sexy mofo"}, {"course_name": "Foundations Mathematics II (FY)", "course_id": "001102", "datetime": "1391187549", "comment": "god bless the teachers with many children"}, {"course_name": "Foundations Mathematics II (FY)", "course_id": "001102", "datetime": "1391187549", "comment": "god bless the teachers with many children"}, {"course_name": "Analysis II", "course_id": "100212", "datetime": "1391190432", "comment": "one of the best"}, {"course_name": "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Applications", "course_id": "110361", "datetime": "1391190714", "comment": "what is the difficulty level of the course?\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Applied Stochastic Processes", "course_id": "100383", "datetime": "1391191882", "comment": "Do I really need Analysis II to take this course? I dont have the prerequisite. "}, {"course_name": "Culture and Organizational Behavior/Cross-Cultural Management", "course_id": "701202", "datetime": "1391193060", "comment": "Very interesting course content but how the sessions are set up is quite repetitive. I would recommend this course as an other or home school elective. "}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391193399", "comment": "The class is super interactive. You learn a lot of practical analytical skills which are valuable across disciplines. I would 100% recommend this course as other school or home school elective"}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1391193496", "comment": "Didn\'t go to class, didn\'t do the hw, tried to read the slides, gave up when i saw there are a few hundreds of them, used common sense on all questions -> got 3.33 -> pass option"}, {"course_name": "Spanish B2.2 (2) - CEFR Proficiency B2", "course_id": "012012", "datetime": "1391193519", "comment": "This class is a great opportunity to keep you Spanish skills alive. I enjoyed the class, it was the first JUB language class with adequate work load i.e. not too much "}, {"course_name": "History of Globalization", "course_id": "850322", "datetime": "1391194042", "comment": "If eecs is a science major, then yes. Sachsenmaier is also the best professor at this university. his enthusiasm is inspiring."}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391194205", "comment": "I totally agree - \\"prof\\" Lattemann epitomizes carelessnes and inability. Do not take the course, otherwise you will get a bad grade (e.g. you will get a one mark deduction if you write \\"Goldman Sachs\\" with capital letters in the beginning, since \\"prof\\" Lattemann, behind his veil of inability, still beliefs that everything is written without capital letters in the english language ;)) "}, {"course_name": "Atlantic History in Comparative Perspective", "course_id": "032301", "datetime": "1391194601", "comment": "I <3 Sachsenmaier!"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391195109", "comment": "He enjoys the presence of \'pretty\' girls...."}, {"course_name": "History of Globalization", "course_id": "850322", "datetime": "1391195764", "comment": "He also says pretty much the same things about china in every class he teaches, regardless of the class title "}, {"course_name": "Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis", "course_id": "990121", "datetime": "1391196495", "comment": "aa"}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391196995", "comment": "First half of the course was awesome!\\r\\nSecond half really really sucked!\\r\\nBest moment of the semester was when he decided to show pictures of his house as part of the lecture"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391197132", "comment": "Let\'s make sure this course stays on the top! :D It clearly deserves it\'s position on the top!"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391197198", "comment": "One of the best classes ever. One of the best professors ever."}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1391197228", "comment": "The professor is from Romania, starting to teach last year. Very nice person and she has office hours."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering Lab Course II (Electronics Lab)", "course_id": "300222", "datetime": "1391199692", "comment": "Eye-opener course :) and good introduction to electronics. It\'s a pity that this university doesn\'t offer more advanced courses in this area :("}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391200627", "comment": "Bode ROCKS! and again, I wish there was a second part to this course."}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Chemistry Research II", "course_id": "400132", "datetime": "1391200683", "comment": "The awesomest class ever. You just pick a research you like and come to the lab whenever you want, getting insides of research in chemistry. If you are Chemistry major, definitely take it both in the first semester and in the second one"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391207508", "comment": "what \\r\\nA COURSE"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391207621", "comment": "Bode is the one of the best professors for ECE. I think he should teach all the ECE courses :D"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391208114", "comment": "Much better than gen cs 1"}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1391208644", "comment": "Stamerjohans! Y U Leave!!!!!!????!!!!???"}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391208723", "comment": "Lab Instructor is too handsy, and Prof Bergholz never comes to class. Other than that, the course is taught quite well!"}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1391214198", "comment": "Im pretty sure the same person wrote all three of these LOL but seriously, this is going to be hell, dont take it if you dont have to."}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1391218694", "comment": "Less interesting for me due to topics shifting from math oriented to more applied ones, like internet"}, {"course_name": "Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis", "course_id": "990121", "datetime": "1391249141", "comment": "Prof. Wilhelm is a really nice guy, and it\'s not a lot of work. I ended up passing although I did not understand ANY of the things I was doing."}, {"course_name": "Environmental and Resource Economics", "course_id": "040122", "datetime": "1391249379", "comment": "He screwed with us on purpose by including an extra economics and no environmental at all in the final. He\'s not as chill as he seems at first."}, {"course_name": "Artistic Avant-Gardes: Transcultural Modernities", "course_id": "640212", "datetime": "1391250529", "comment": "Prof. W\\u00fcnsche is a wonderful professor who knows her material. She has an extensive professional background to back this up. I would highly recommend any of her courses, especially this one. It is a really nice course that introduces art history and would be suitable for any major. I especially enjoy our excursions that she is sure to have in every course. "}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1391251091", "comment": "A waste of time for most SHSS students because we were already aware of most of what was taught. The workshops are helpful, but this class specifically should be eliminated. However, sorry freshies :/ "}, {"course_name": "General Logistics II", "course_id": "050102", "datetime": "1391251107", "comment": "Profesor Hulsmann is a very cool and easy going guy. He is also very funny most of the times. In this class you get to learn very interesting things and having fun at the same time. Although getting a good grade is not that hard in comparison with other courses you still have to work hard and be prepared. "}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1391254563", "comment": "Great course, very interesting material. If you stay on top of the readings and do well in the quizzes the class is enjoyable. The double sessions get kind of tedious but paying attention to Professor Kappas was never hard because he is a very engaging speaker. Now one of his phd people (I believe) is teaching it. He is really nice and helpful but I\'m not sure how engaging he will be or how competent as a professor. I\'m sure he will be fine, but Kappas is what made the class what it is."}, {"course_name": "International Energy and Environmental Politics", "course_id": "040211", "datetime": "1391258487", "comment": "\\"The course is a bit difficult to find on Campusnet and every year students tell me \\u201cI would have taken XY energy course if I had known\\u201d. I will request that the Registrar post the course in both the SES and SHSS course catalogues. Meanwhile, as I did for the Fall Semester energy courses, I am sending you this notification. As the course is an IES course, many of the topics covered are transdisciplinary\\u2014but the course is officially an SHSS course. For SES students, it may provide a relevant and interesting other school elective; for SHSS students, this course could be an opportunity to delve deeper into the social science/political aspects of energy relations and issues.\\""}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1391259463", "comment": "Kuester is a nice guy, but I have no idea about his teaching style/methods since yeah, Kappas taught this class when I had it. Super interesting stuff, especially because Kappas was the best psych prof hands down. "}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1391259827", "comment": "nice try, Bogaards "}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1391261480", "comment": "This class is really irritating for most students - it is just completely unnecessary and can have the same effect if a powerpoint presentation with all the information was created and just sent out."}, {"course_name": "(Intercultural) Conflict Resolution (0,1 credits)", "course_id": "APS032", "datetime": "1391261730", "comment": "Don\'t remember anything from this course - just sit, listen and get your credits."}, {"course_name": "Environmental and Resource Economics", "course_id": "040122", "datetime": "1391272697", "comment": "weird class. but you can actually study for the exam in one day. just he grades presentations weirdly. "}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391272882", "comment": "Some of these reviews are outright hilarious. but I agree, the course assignments were interesting but I didn\'t really understand the math behind it, and neither did the professor. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391281463", "comment": "Hi, this is a comment from an anon user!"}, {"course_name": "Social Structure and Social Processes", "course_id": "930101", "datetime": "1391282228", "comment": "A lot of reading, but otherwise relatively easy and very interesting! (impression from when prof. brockmeyer was still teaching it)"}, {"course_name": "General Earth and Space Sciences II", "course_id": "210102", "datetime": "1391282444", "comment": "nice class."}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences I: Harz Excursion", "course_id": "210111", "datetime": "1391282567", "comment": "Excursions are the perfect electives! this one as well"}, {"course_name": "Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis", "course_id": "990121", "datetime": "1391287408", "comment": "Easiest course to get 1.0 ever!!! Take it. The TA this year is very nice and can def. help you to get an 1.0"}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1391287457", "comment": "take a look at the name of the professor!"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391287785", "comment": "dont take it. A lot of evils inside!"}, {"course_name": "ESM 2A - Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics", "course_id": "120102", "datetime": "1391287874", "comment": "Take it! A nice professor with a nice grading method. I bet that you can easily get a 1.0 for this easy course!"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391291194", "comment": "Agreed with @133. Bode and Antoulas should teach all the EE courses. While Abreu isn\'t the best teacher, he quite recognized in the wireless field."}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1391348642", "comment": "the continuous quizzes and assigments kept me motivated for a long time. I would not agree with @10. The quizzes are not easy, but all questions are rather basic and if you study 2h for them they\'re not gonna be a problem."}, {"course_name": "Environmental and Resource Economics", "course_id": "040122", "datetime": "1391348758", "comment": "This class was boring as hell! I spend most of the time on facebook - but still got a perfect participation grade."}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391348858", "comment": "Best class I\'ver ever taken! "}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391349009", "comment": "to me Prof. Lattemann\'s carelessnes towards after-crisis finance theory is not tolerable. Even though the theory is VERY basic the instructor sometimes really seemed to be confused and skipped slides just because of that. I am sorry to say this, but in my honest opinion it were ignorant people like Lattemann who caused the financial crisis"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391354749", "comment": "find old quizzes/ exams since they will help a lot"}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1391355072", "comment": "get old quizzes since the questions are pretty much the same... You actually do get to learn about numerical methods if you do the hws. Also do the hws before the quizzes since they are also similar"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391355145", "comment": "pass option even if it is a mandatory course"}, {"course_name": "USC - Critical Internet Research and Secret Surveillance", "course_id": "020087", "datetime": "1391359259", "comment": "Does anyone have any idea how this course is, or how the professors are?"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1395835127", "comment": "Alles ist perfekt!"}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391369210", "comment": "Easily the most useless course I have ever taken in my time at Jacobs. Some students even switched majors after taking it. It was a waste of time. I don\'t know what kind of skills people think they got out of it, but I am certain I left that class with nothing more than learning how to prepare a cocktail. The professor is indeed nice, and I\'ve heard that other classes that he teaches are nice but this class was horrible. "}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391386005", "comment": "Do not take the course. You dont learn much since the Prof himself seems confused with the stuff.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391386128", "comment": "In my own opinion this lab is not conducted well. i dont know where he gets his final grades. He does not even allow you to see your paper. "}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391386213", "comment": "this course together with GenEE constitute the worst combination ever. most boring classes I have ever been into.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391424837", "comment": "a very important course utterly destroyed by the extreme lack of expertise of teaching (of the professor)"}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391425080", "comment": "In my opinion this is an independent study course. Be prepared for the professor to teach you nothing."}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing and Communications Lab", "course_id": "300231", "datetime": "1391425219", "comment": "The course introduces students to the practical aspect of EE. The course is entirely run by the TAs, who were quite good when I took the course. The thing that I hated was that the professor downgraded the overall grades classifying the course as too easy."}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1399588311", "comment": "Very good course and very well structured. Definitely recommend it."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering II (Electronics)", "course_id": "300212", "datetime": "1391426311", "comment": "One of the best electrical engineering professors on campus. The course is interesting and highly recommended to all people. Usually the final exams are similar to last year exams so its good to practice them. The final exam from 2013 year was the same as final exam from 2006 so prepare all of them. "}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391426348", "comment": "recommended for SHSS as well"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1391426423", "comment": "Mr.Peter teaches it so obviously its one of the worst courses in CS. "}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering II (Communications)", "course_id": "300202", "datetime": "1391426486", "comment": "The professor teaches really well. "}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1391426570", "comment": "oh man, a very good course but super hard. Work hard or go home. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1391426684", "comment": "The structure of the course is awesome. Like super awesome. \\r\\nOther students were really cooperative and it was fun to work with my fellow CS colleagues. "}, {"course_name": "Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis", "course_id": "990121", "datetime": "1391427197", "comment": "Its a good course. Really liked it. Would recommend it. \\r\\nLoved to see all SHSS kids struggling in working on R software (a joke to the name of programming language).\\r\\nLoved the way how SHSS guys were like \\" Man we are programming\\""}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1391427395", "comment": "I wish Stamerjohans was there. Such an awesome human being. I wish all professors were like him. The way he taught the course, no body can. "}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391427528", "comment": "Yeah the professor is a very nice guy, not a very nice teacher. Teaches you how to solve \\"2+2\\" in class but the exam is like \\"find the mass of sun using fourier transform\\". "}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391427628", "comment": "UWE knows stuff. Quizzes are always the same as last years. \\r\\nNever cite wikipedia as source on your reports. "}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1391430205", "comment": "No Idea what 172 is talking about because they clearly weren\'t paying attention in class or something. This class teaches you process types in which to think... aka something you can actually apply in every day situations in other classes and some days on the job. Many of the types of things we did in this class my internship company even use when they come up with marketing strategies. "}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1396782474", "comment": "The presentations are an exercise in saying what he wants you to say after you bug him to tell you what he wants to hear. \\r\\n\\r\\nHe\'s pretty biased against the US and the Internet, so if you talk about either of those be prepared for him to think you\'re wrong no matter what you think (unless of course you parrot his opinion)\\r\\n\\r\\nHe has no real criteria for grading that he\'s willing to share with the students..."}, {"course_name": "Modern Economic History since the Industrial Revolution", "course_id": "840202", "datetime": "1391430824", "comment": "fair and transparent grading. If you have had some classes in US history you will find this course very repetitve. As the course is designed and if you do the readings you will find class very repetitive and possibly boring (expections are the student presentations and following discussions) A plus is, that you can always ask and critizise the Professors view, which will lead to extensive and inspiring class discussions. With luck you will thereby get around some of the quizzes. "}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1391431251", "comment": "last year the course was tought by Prof. Schoemann. While he is a cool Professor and introduced the different subjects nicely, the course structure got somehow out of hand. \\r\\nSince I only experienced Prof. Bogaards in my first semester I cannot say much. As a Freshi, I had a tough time in his class but if I look back, it might be much easier as a second or third year to cope with his expectations. Do not judge from a single experience. Good luck!"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391437169", "comment": "Dr. Henkel, you should go back to R&D in a company and work in a cubicle. You, sir, clearly aren\'t cut for teaching. \\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing and Communications Lab", "course_id": "300231", "datetime": "1391437738", "comment": "The TAs were super nice last year. The professor didn\'t do anything except for downgrading the grades."}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300112", "datetime": "1391453960", "comment": "Uwe \\"Hands on Girls\\" Pagel."}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1391454087", "comment": "Oswald is cute as a kitten, get on his good side and you might actually understand something out of this lecture."}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391458978", "comment": "Super easy, one very good option for transdisciplinary course!"}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering I (Signals and Systems)", "course_id": "300201", "datetime": "1399641476", "comment": "One of the professors with the world\'s worst attitude"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520212", "datetime": "1391504907", "comment": "Too much workload. wouldn\'t recommend as an elective or other school."}, {"course_name": "USC - Health - An Integrative Perspective on Body, Brain and Psychology", "course_id": "020091", "datetime": "1391507326", "comment": "Can someone please share their insights on this class?"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391510988", "comment": "Went to class today. Well when the professor says that he has been in the stock market for 5 yrs and implies that 75% is psychology and the other 75% is math, you just know that you are not gonna learn shit about finance from a guy who can\'t calculate percentages. No wonder the financial crisis happened. "}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391513321", "comment": "if you thought Bergholz was bad, then prepare yourself for the worst. This prof literally is the worst teacher I have ever encountered!! \\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1391513512", "comment": "He is the master!! A great professor, you are guranteed your mind will be challenged. You learn stuff. if however you are not great at reacting to challenges, you will feel like you have been fucked by a train\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1391513846", "comment": "In my own opinion, this is where most of the Electrical Engineering students lose the battle. This is supposed to be a foundation course , to lay a basis for Bode\'s classes as well as DSP and Sig Syst, but it ends up being a total waste of time. You barely learn much in class. For me this is the reason for the misery of students in more advanced classes\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391514015", "comment": "A terrible professor for a fundamental class. I think he is one of the reasons why our GEM major is so bad\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391514155", "comment": "Better go into the toilet and stare at shit than take this course. Trust me, that will be way more fun, interesting and a better learning experience than taking the this class."}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1391514354", "comment": "Talk about wasting your time\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "ESM 2A - Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics", "course_id": "120102", "datetime": "1391516802", "comment": "Dr. Maubach rules! Love his homework assignments!!! Really useful"}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1391525216", "comment": "One of the most interesting courses in CS. (Definitely the No.1 most interesting one from 1st and 2nd year courses). The professor is also one of the best in CS. \\r\\n\\r\\nIf you\'re into theoretical stuff, this is the course to take for a very good intro to theoretical CS problems. Otherwise, you might get bored or confused or both."}, {"course_name": "Applied Differential Equations and Modeling", "course_id": "110262", "datetime": "1391549464", "comment": "very good course. Keivan\'s teaching style is among the best at Jacobs for Mathematics courses\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Renewable Energy", "course_id": "201231", "datetime": "1391613966", "comment": "Can someone please review this course?"}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1391619736", "comment": "How is this course?? "}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1391619953", "comment": "Some info about the professor please?\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1391624317", "comment": "easiest 1.0 ever"}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1391627751", "comment": "Everything is very easy to understand and the readings are a bit simple. (This is only based off of the first two classes.)"}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1391781763", "comment": "How are the exams for this course??"}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1391788565", "comment": "The exam was fairly easy if you read the lecture notes a couple of times and remember the formulae. Though, there are some questions that are from what he says during the lectures, but not too many. You can get a nice grade even without those. If I remember correctly it was multiple choice questions "}, {"course_name": "General Earth and Space Sciences II", "course_id": "210102", "datetime": "1392255074", "comment": "it\'s a really nice class"}, {"course_name": "German A1.2 - CEFR A1 proficiency", "course_id": "010002", "datetime": "1399649462", "comment": "It is boring and slow. "}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1399845183", "comment": "An essential course"}, {"course_name": "General Earth and Space Sciences II", "course_id": "210102", "datetime": "1392255322", "comment": "I liked it a lot. Prof. Koschinsky\'s part is not that hard, but she often lets her PhDs have a lecture or two, which might at times not be as good. Prof. Unnithan is not really passionate about this part (-though on Helgoland and more advanced courses he is really good-), so you might get bored there. Prof. Thomsen\'s part is - of course - amazing and not that hard either. Non-SES Physics-haters might not enjoy that class that much because Prof. Vogt\'s part can get relatively hard. However, his slides are just incredibly good - he should write a textbook, really - and he is always willing to answer all kinds of questions and to re-explain things. All in all, a must for anyone also even slightly interested in Geosciences. "}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Physics II", "course_id": "200112", "datetime": "1392255445", "comment": "is immensely useful!! Helped me understand Physics so much more than the second-semester lecture did (that was a pain, really). If you are a learning-by-doing person, this is the class for you. Though it might get quite demanding at times...\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences I: Harz Excursion", "course_id": "210111", "datetime": "1392255582", "comment": "L-O-V-E-D it. A must for everyone who took GenESS I. It really brings the lecture into perspective. Take it!"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1392255756", "comment": "Really nice! I personally loved the geological aspect of the excursion most - the cool thing is that you get to see a side of the island that is normally inaccessible (so you should really take the one-time chance to join that trip) and get to learn lots. It\'s not that hard either, but you will probably really have to work together in your groups to be sure that you got everything, because Prof. Unnithan is at times not that organized in his lectures. "}, {"course_name": "General Environmental Science II", "course_id": "040102", "datetime": "1392255915", "comment": "an okay-elective. Prof. Nugent is just amazing and Prof. Meyer-Ortmanns... well... better not expect too much... and save some of your readings for the lecture-time ... ^^"}, {"course_name": "Human-Computer Interaction", "course_id": "080222", "datetime": "1392490523", "comment": "any comments?\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1392668510", "comment": "People need to relaaaaaaaaaaaax! really prof. Lattemann is a great guy and he is super chill about everything. hes one of the most honest and down to earth professors I know! also he tries very hard to make stuff fun . the assignments and interactive learning through the simulations were really nice.\\r\\n\\r\\npeople just like to bitch a lot.\\r\\n\\r\\nIt\'s a nice class. You don\'t need to read the books, the slides and assignments will do for the exam. "}, {"course_name": "Macroeconomics", "course_id": "032102", "datetime": "1392919216", "comment": "This course sucks, don\'t take it. Just kidding..."}, {"course_name": "Social Structure and Social Processes", "course_id": "930101", "datetime": "1392936230", "comment": "It\'s incredibly boring, especially that the professor seems to think he and his class are fun! Never can concentrate in his class due to his problematic way of speaking English."}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1392936350", "comment": "How boring can a class really be? Come to this class and you\'ll find out. Also, the criteria for comment presentation is very unclear and it takes a lot of time to talk to the professor to get things straightened out."}, {"course_name": "General Biochemistry and Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520102", "datetime": "1392999438", "comment": "Great course, the workload is doable, solving open questions in groups and discussing the answers is highly advised.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering II (Communications)", "course_id": "300202", "datetime": "1393335312", "comment": "I failed this course, retake ftw!!"}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1393335400", "comment": "Very nice course but interestingly quite useless in the practical CS world. The professor is really good though but I think the TAs sometimes mess up the tutorials."}, {"course_name": "Programming in C++", "course_id": "320142", "datetime": "1393335462", "comment": "As easy as ABC ..."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science Lab Course II (Software Engineering Lab)", "course_id": "320222", "datetime": "1393335498", "comment": "If don\'t get good partners, you are screwed!!"}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1393335600", "comment": "useless course, its a pity for CS majors that they can\'t graduate without passing this course."}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Computer Science II", "course_id": "320112", "datetime": "1393335657", "comment": "easyy"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1397641029", "comment": "Amazing course... I took it as a home-school elective. As someone who is not ESS/IES, I was a bit concerned that the academic aspect of the course will end up being a too bland and boring for my taste. Not true at all. There was lots to learn. Especially stuff about geology. Marine biology, on the other hand, felt a bit forced. I didn\'t see the connection between the two, and maybe there was none. But that should have been emphasized. What you basically learn is dynamics of earth (stratigraphy etc) and pieces of marine life on Helgoland. \\r\\n\\r\\nAlso, there is this:\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1397645850", "comment": "A really great course for anyone who would be interested in going to Helgoland and seeing it from a geological point of view. In my opinion, most people would enjoy this excursion, not just IES/ESS students! The marine biology part could have been a bit better integrated, but all-in-all the excursion was a fantastic way to learn about marine biology and geology outside of the classroom and is essential for anyone interested in similar subjects. Though the days can be a bit long and the projects a bit chaotic, everyone manages to have a lot of fun and the professors definitely do their best to make the work worthwhile!"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1397649905", "comment": "Probably one of the best excursions. Not only is it a lot of fun but you also get a firsthand knowledge about geology and marine biology that is only possible to get in the field. Lots of hand on stuff, ranging from the figuring out the stratigraphy of rocks and their composition to learning about different marine organisms and their adaptations. Also working in groups on the reports as well as cooking together makes for an unforgettable bonding experience"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1397652574", "comment": "Really nice course. It\'s fun and provides you with a hands-on experience with geology and marine biology. Although my major has nothing to do with this course and I thought I might get bored, this excursion was definitely worth it. "}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences II: Helgoland Excursion", "course_id": "210112", "datetime": "1397653589", "comment": "I feel that the excursion was a great experience for everyone involved. It was a lot of fun and definitely hard work, and the chance to get field training in my first year at Jacobs was amazing. That everyone in ESS and IES got to grow as a team was just an added bonus to this excursion. Professors Rossi and Unnithan made this excursion a much better experience than I expected and I thank them so much for doing such a great job on the excursion!"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science I (Formal Languages and Logic)", "course_id": "320211", "datetime": "1399630070", "comment": "I took this course with Prof. Herbert Jaeger, two years ago. He will offer it again this year. \\r\\nThe course overall provides a great introduction to theoretical computer science. It introduces the building blocks of computation and what does it mean to run a program. It is a prerequisite for Computability and Complexity, which goes into more detail of those topics. Be sure to understand the difference between infinities before taking the CC course. \\r\\nThis course is more mathematical and it is NOT a programming course. Though, the math involved is not very complicated. \\r\\nThe workload is small. You get easy homework each week, and you can find and reference solutions from the web.\\r\\nOverall, I had a nice experience with the course. Jaeger is one of those professors who always tries to make his course better in all aspects. \\r\\nIf you want to take it as home school, this would be the perfect option if you are math inclined."}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering I (Signals and Systems)", "course_id": "300201", "datetime": "1399641822", "comment": "He is teaching at Jacobs in Fall Semesters and at Rice University in Spring. In fall semester, he might just take a flight all of a sudden and fly back to the US. He doesn\'t have any time for students- neither he is interested in them. I think for courses like this the university should select professors who are more available to students than the professors like Antoulas. ECE would be much more attractive at Jacobs without him."}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science I", "course_id": "320101", "datetime": "1399642828", "comment": "Best course, best professor ever!"}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1399658117", "comment": "This class is BS"}, {"course_name": "General Information and Communication Technology I", "course_id": "350101", "datetime": "1399642475", "comment": "Worst \\"professor\\" I have ever seen. He is mostly 10-15 minutes late, never prepared for class, his homework assignments and exams are taken from random websites on the internet, homework is sometimes not even related to the course, and if you ask him a question about it he sends you to the TA. I could list many more things.. this guy is just incredibly bad and not organized at all. \\r\\n\\r\\nThe sad thing is that the course content is actually interesting, but you kind of have to teach it to yourself. "}, {"course_name": "General Information and Communication Technology II", "course_id": "350102", "datetime": "1399642559", "comment": "Just a very bad professor in general, and he makes the course content be very boring. Unless you are forced to take this class, don\'t take it. "}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1399642968", "comment": "M\\u00f6llering is one of the best professors I\'ve ever had. He tries to make the classes very interactive and listens to your questions and concerns. He implements interesting things such as excursions, Marktkauf managers as a guest, and strategic games in his course. \\r\\n\\r\\nThe course content however is really easy and therefore tends to be boring. But it is in general a pretty easy course. \\r\\nThe research project he introduced his year was definitely too much work for 25% of the grade though. "}, {"course_name": "Firms and Markets", "course_id": "930312", "datetime": "1399643116", "comment": "The new professor is not any better. He\'s pretty boring, and doesn\'t seem to have a lot of teaching experience. I get the feeling that everyone gets the same grades in this class and that he doesn\'t really look at the assignments you turn it. I asked for feedback and got just some general bullshit. \\r\\nHowever, if you go to the lectures and actually manage to listen to his boring teaching style, you might learn something, since a lot of the content is very interesting and useful to know for further business classes. "}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1399643244", "comment": "This guy is crazy. The assignments are incredibly difficult, especially for those who don\'t take ESM 1B, but rather ESM 1A, and have to take this class. \\r\\nEven though he is not a bad professor, he already expects you to know a lot of stuff and often forgets to explain the basics. \\r\\nHowever, if you go to his office to ask for advice or hints for a certain homework problem, he is more than willing to help you. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Society and Technology", "course_id": "020089", "datetime": "1399643449", "comment": "The course seemed to be fun in the beginning, but it got more and more boring, and the professors seemed to be less and less organized and prepared as time passed. The course content does not make a lot of sense since the lectures don\'t build up on each other, and it is in general difficult to listen to them for two hours straight. \\r\\nI would not recommend this USC."}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Information Management and Systems", "course_id": "080101", "datetime": "1399643621", "comment": "I really enjoyed the course. The content is very interesting, and the case studies you have to do and present are actually a lot of fun. However, there are way too many readings that you have to do and I never managed to do them all. The unfortunate part is that a part of the final exam is based on these readings. \\r\\nThe course is also very interactive and great for these people who like to discuss a lot and share their ideas. "}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science I", "course_id": "320101", "datetime": "1399644961", "comment": "Challenging course. Nice for developing your thinking skills and exercising your think muscle. Course could\'ve been more broad and included ideas on different programming paradigms. Overall, Challenging but important course."}, {"course_name": "Digital Signal Processing", "course_id": "300302", "datetime": "1399646649", "comment": "The world\'s worst teacher award goes to...Henkel. The worst professor I have seen in my life. He does not give any cracks about teaching. When asked, he refuses to give algebraic examples (in my opinion he cannot come up with one). He can cover a whole book in a lecture by only saying \\"this is easy so I skip.\\""}, {"course_name": "Advanced Electrical Engineering Lab Course II (Electronics Lab)", "course_id": "300222", "datetime": "1399646720", "comment": "There are some professors who make you feel nothing but shit. Knipp is good with doing it."}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1399646914", "comment": "The course is indeed easy and it has the tendency to get boring. More should be done in class in terms of grade. Having a 70% final exam is scary.\\r\\n\\r\\nI found the research project to be actually proportional to the weight it has in terms of grade. "}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering II (Communications)", "course_id": "300202", "datetime": "1399646978", "comment": "One of the best instructors on campus. His only aim in classes is to teach unlike professors who just read out stuff in order to cover the topics for the exam."}, {"course_name": "Environmental and Resource Economics", "course_id": "040122", "datetime": "1399647095", "comment": "This class is horribly designed. It is very easy to get lost. The professor is obviously passionate about his subject but he does not seem to be able to get students interested at all. \\r\\n\\r\\nStill waiting to see how he grades. Haven\'t heard good things about grading."}, {"course_name": "Fundamentals of International Business", "course_id": "032201", "datetime": "1399647564", "comment": "The course was not hard but there was a lot of workload. Professor Latteman seemed to improvize all the time giving the idea he did not really have a clear idea of what he wanted to teach. \\r\\n\\r\\n35% of the grade depends on how good your team members (with which you write the case studies) are. I think this should change. "}, {"course_name": "Microeconomics", "course_id": "032101", "datetime": "1399647680", "comment": "Dittrich is a professor one can learn a lot from if bothered to pay attention. He does challenge one\'s ability to pay attention though. "}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1399648217", "comment": "The class is useful only to those who have never written a referenced paper before. \\r\\n\\r\\nI do like the fact it is integrated with another course though. For me it was integrated with Society and Economy and I thought it helped me in terms of deadline. I had a polished version to submit for Society and Economy. "}, {"course_name": "ESM 2A - Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics", "course_id": "120102", "datetime": "1399648377", "comment": "Maubach is a character. The fact that many non-science related majors take the course forces him to lack rigorousness. \\r\\n\\r\\nGood grading scheme. "}, {"course_name": "General Earth and Space Sciences II", "course_id": "210102", "datetime": "1399648791", "comment": "It\'s an amazing class with amazing Profs. All four of them really know their stuff and could talk about it for hours; mostly even without boring their students. I guess especially Vogt and Thomsen should be pointed out, Vogt for his extremely clear and useful slides and Thomsen for his general teaching style. \\r\\nEven of you\'re not interested in geosciences at all, this class will make you be interested and gives you a nice general knowledge!"}, {"course_name": "Algebra", "course_id": "100421", "datetime": "1399648906", "comment": "Wonderful course, absolutely essential knowledge for math students. Very experienced teacher with engaging teaching style."}, {"course_name": "Seminar in Algebra, Lie Theory and Geometry", "course_id": "100521", "datetime": "1399649234", "comment": "It\'s absolutely enjoyable to sit with experts and learn from their comments. Great place to give talks and learn things that are not emphasized in the books."}, {"course_name": "USC - India - Growth without Development?", "course_id": "020086", "datetime": "1399650650", "comment": "Having many students from India and Pakistan the course was enriched with a great deal of local knowledge. \\r\\n\\r\\nDiscussions were vivid and interesting. The guest speakers should be chosen more carefully. "}, {"course_name": "Analysis I", "course_id": "100211", "datetime": "1399652690", "comment": "This course it worth its 7.5 credits. You homeworks are part of the grade and are not negligible (but doable). \\r\\nHowever, if you do them, you will gain a lot of experience with general problem solving, and will understand the course material much better. In the end, they are also a means to test if Mathematics is really your cup of tea. \\r\\nThe instructor was really great and made the lectures always a fun event. By all means, attend his lectures!"}, {"course_name": "Analysis II", "course_id": "100212", "datetime": "1399652893", "comment": "The course is worth its 7.5 credits; the homework is not negligible (but doable). \\r\\nOn the other hand, doing the homework will make you understand the material fully and is a good preparation to the midterm and final exams. \\r\\nThe general topic is interesting. The fact that you work in multi-dimensional space makes things harder than Analysis I, but now you are prepared to do it. \\r\\nThe professor is good and teaches the stuff well. "}, {"course_name": "Perspectives of Mathematics II", "course_id": "100292", "datetime": "1399653097", "comment": "This is definitely the most fun course I took this semester. A great concept for math classes, a small group and a terrific instructor come together. \\r\\nThis course really gave me feedback on my presentation skills and give insights into interesting mathematical topics I would probably otherwise never hear about. \\r\\nThe instructor is one of best at Jacobs, in a course made for him. A must!\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1399658158", "comment": "Nice prof, course is a bit tricky"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1399664473", "comment": "Not as theoretical as GENCS I, very interesting nonetheless. "}, {"course_name": "Perspectives of Mathematics I", "course_id": "100291", "datetime": "1399653249", "comment": "I really like the course concept. The topics discussed are always interesting and often something you probably not hear of otherwise. Having to give presentations is also good. \\r\\nThis course is cannot compare to the breathtaking Spring 2014 edition, but still is definitely worthwhile. "}, {"course_name": "Linear Algebra I", "course_id": "100221", "datetime": "1399653520", "comment": "The workload is appropriate for its 7.5 credits, i.e. totally not negligible, but you can manage. And solving the homework is actually good for you. "}, {"course_name": "Linear Algebra I", "course_id": "100221", "datetime": "1399653598", "comment": "Unfortunately, this semester the course was not taught well: The instructor was often unprepared and didn\'t structure the class well. A systematic building up of a theory did not happen; hence not really allowing to obtain a better overview of the subject. "}, {"course_name": "Linear Algebra II", "course_id": "100222", "datetime": "1399653742", "comment": "After Linear Algebra I, this course was taught was better. It was more structured, the materials used were significantly easier to understand without sacrificing rigour. \\r\\nStill, the bigger picture did not always come across, and there were moments when I felt lost. May be due to the partially quite abstract topic (tensor products!) though. "}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Social Psychology", "course_id": "730101", "datetime": "1399653843", "comment": "A great and interesting course taught by a great professor giving always fun lectures. Great choice for your transdiscplinary. "}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1399658272", "comment": "I don\'t like the teaching style, but would be a fantastic course if someone like Kohlhase or Schonwalder taught it."}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1399659733", "comment": "+ Awesome course\\r\\n+ Love the content\\r\\n+ Love the Professor\\r\\n- Ridiculously difficult quizzes\\r\\n- Some assignments are really messed up\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II", "course_id": "520202", "datetime": "1399660980", "comment": "This course can be tough as nails and really tests how eager you are to study biochemical pathways. Very fun, challenging and interesting though."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520212", "datetime": "1399661324", "comment": "The course is not terribly difficult but the lectures are not very structured and thus a pain to study.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "General Organic Chemistry II", "course_id": "400103", "datetime": "1399661762", "comment": "Really good course, here Nugent shows his full potential as a lecturer - don\'t be fooled by his performance in General Inorganic.\\r\\nThe course is nicely paced and generally really nice to follow."}, {"course_name": "USC - Chemistry and Psychology of Food", "course_id": "020090", "datetime": "1399662078", "comment": "The course is - as expected for a USC that is offered for the first time - a tad bit unorganized but does have the potential to be offered yearly."}, {"course_name": "Biomedicine", "course_id": "520311", "datetime": "1399662306", "comment": "Again a course that could potentially be nice but since half of the course is on cancer only and as unstructured as cell bio (also has the nickname cell bio III) the course is not amongst my favorites. Illenberger\'s part is very nice and structured though.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Computer Architecture", "course_id": "320241", "datetime": "1399662608", "comment": "Content-wise this course is really interesting as an introduction to Computer Architecture. I would recommend this as a home school elective for people who are really interested in learning the fundamentals of Computer Science. If you don\'t want to go into that much detail, then take the less advanced, General Information and Communication Technology, but in my opinion this course is much better, because It covers all the basics. Dr. Stamerjohanns was one of the most competent CS professors here, but unfortunately he\'s not teaching here anymore. "}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1399662955", "comment": "Very important course for CS students, but wouldn\'t recommend it as an elective (unless you are really interested in CS and already have some background) . Class attendance is very important, as Prof. Schoenwaelder teaches very well. As most of Schoenwaelder\'s classes, it takes some effort, but it\'s very rewarding in the end. Think twice before skipping a class, but if you do go through it, in the end you\'ll really feel that you understand more about how computers work."}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1399663412", "comment": "Absolutely amazing. The course is very nice for people who like abstract problems. One of the most interesting CS classes. The professor is one of the very best we have here at Jacobs, he is competent, reasonable, and he makes the class interesting and gives you the opportunity to play with the homework as much as you feel like it. You can also immediately see his passion about the content. Don\'t underestimate it though: This course will be very easy if you are into theoretical CS and abstract problems (time flies when you study about this course) but do not take it as an elective JUST because the overall workload seems to be so low. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Computer Science I (Formal Languages and Logic)", "course_id": "320211", "datetime": "1399663547", "comment": "Very interesting course for people who want to have a good introduction into theoretical computer science. Might become boring or overwhelming if you\'re not interested into the topics though."}, {"course_name": "Applied Differential Equations and Modeling", "course_id": "110262", "datetime": "1399663667", "comment": "The course is easy, and understandable. It also covers enough to make me satisfied. I didn\'t have any prior knowledge on differential equations, and I feel like I have learned a lot by taking the course, while also having very easy homework. The professor has very good teaching style, he walks you through everything, only expects you to solve problems that prove that you\'ve understood the course material. He does NOT challenge you with problems that are unnecessarily complicated, or the kind that take ages just because of annoying computation complexity and ugly numbers. Take it without thinking twice. "}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Computer Science I (Algorithms and Data Structures)", "course_id": "320201", "datetime": "1399663886", "comment": "If you are a CS student, take this course as seriously as possible. Getting a good grade is not as important as really learning the subject. The content of this course will be the main focus of your internship and job applications and it is important that you understand it well. Last year the course was slightly easier than what it should be (in my opinion), so if you feel that it\'s going slow, ask the professor for extra problems. I remember him gathering some interview questions from 3rd year students last year."}, {"course_name": "General Mathematics and Computational Science I", "course_id": "110101", "datetime": "1399663906", "comment": "Interesting course, lots of material, appropriate workload. One thing I didn\'t like was that the lectures just scratched the surface of some topic and immediately jumped into another completely different area."}, {"course_name": "Guided Research Proposal Computer Science", "course_id": "320371", "datetime": "1399664125", "comment": "I have only 1 thing to say that might apply to everyone: Doing a good job in the proposal will make your life sooo much easier during the thesis. "}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science I", "course_id": "320101", "datetime": "1399664276", "comment": "Probably one of the best introductory courses Jacobs has to offer. The course really \'rewires\' your brain into thinking as a computer scientist. And SML was GREAT ;). \\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Computability and Complexity", "course_id": "320352", "datetime": "1399666333", "comment": "The most interesting course of the 4th semester of CS. Time really flew by during those 75 minutes. The assignments were quite fun to solve and think about. Definitely recommend for people who are into theoretical computer science. "}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1399734860", "comment": "I think the course is mis-titled, should be more like \'Anatomy of the Human Eye and Ear.\' The professors monotone method of lecturing makes it difficult to gain knowledge in class."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups", "course_id": "990102", "datetime": "1399735062", "comment": "The Professor is a terrible educator. What Professor Boehnke confusingly explains in 175 minutes of class equates to what I and several classmates learn in 20 minutes from looking at the slides and using Google. I and many other never go to that class for this reason."}, {"course_name": "French B2.3 (2) - CEFR Proficiency B2", "course_id": "011016", "datetime": "1399749535", "comment": "Awesome French teacher, highly recommendable! :)"}, {"course_name": "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I", "course_id": "400221", "datetime": "1399836986", "comment": "Useless class, waste of time. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II (Coordination Chemistry)", "course_id": "400222", "datetime": "1399837031", "comment": "Nothing interesting taught, just memorizing and no practical application whatsoever. "}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Social Psychology", "course_id": "730101", "datetime": "1399837452", "comment": "Great course with a great professor. Wouldn\'t change it if I could. "}, {"course_name": "Public Management and Public Policy", "course_id": "970202", "datetime": "1399735490", "comment": "PMPP is one of only two first-year IPH classes that is actually about politics, and a great class at that. The Professor is very knowledgeable and this is definitely reflected in his teaching. What we learn in this class is not only very applicable and useful knowledge, but it is also taught to us in a way that makes us retain this knowledge, unlike with most classes. Professor Ney\'s style of lots of class participation and getting students to teach each other by means of long presentations is enjoyable and an effective teaching technique. This class and professor remind me of why I wanted to study IPH originally and have been a big reason for me not leaving Jacobs."}, {"course_name": "Social Entrepreneurship", "course_id": "032112", "datetime": "1399735901", "comment": "Definitely the most useful class I\'ve taken at Jacobs. This course should be taken by anyone looking to found or expand social ventures, businesses, or almost any kind of institution in their lifetime. We learn how to approach problems and situations as entrepreneurs in ways that create the greatest outcomes and benefits. The Professor\'s teaching style and wide-ranging knowledge could not be better suited for this class. This class is an inspiration to myself and others to be entrepreneurs in the future."}, {"course_name": "Civic Networks and Social Capital", "course_id": "930102", "datetime": "1399748660", "comment": "Professor is enthusiastic and knowledgable, very good at moderating discussions. Content of the class is applicable/useful in all kinds of contexts. Readings are well-chosen + interesting. Grading very reasonable. "}, {"course_name": "Social Structure and Social Processes", "course_id": "930101", "datetime": "1399748831", "comment": "Teaching style (not too engaging, same format each lectures) makes it hard to follow class content. Class topic and readings in itself are interesting, but could be taught/communicated in a much more lively way."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups", "course_id": "990102", "datetime": "1399749196", "comment": "Partly disagree with previous comment - in my view, the Professor is very good at putting the lecture content into a social science context, encouraging students to think like researchers, and to not just operate SPSS, but truly understand data / numbers. If you just want to grasp the very basics, his lectures are indeed (unnecessarily) lengthy, but for those who want to gain a deeper understanding, Boehnke makes a very good professor. Georgi also very helpful and friendly. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Health - An Integrative Perspective on Body, Brain and Psychology", "course_id": "020091", "datetime": "1399749456", "comment": "I gained little from this class (in terms of learning outcome) and although the professors are friendly, the grading scheme of the class and their teaching style definitely require modification. Not sure if I would recommend it to anyone."}, {"course_name": "Law and Ethics (TDC)", "course_id": "020088", "datetime": "1399836110", "comment": "Disorganised and nonsensical. The quintessential crap USC course you have to take for the extra credit."}, {"course_name": "Perspectives of Mathematics II", "course_id": "100292", "datetime": "1399836493", "comment": "you get to learn from one of the best mathematicians. I took this course because Schleicher was teaching, and I was extremely happy in the end, to say the least. "}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1399837684", "comment": "The class and content is very much focused on anatomy and physiology and the teaching method could use some improvement. There are always too many slides and the professor should try and explain concepts better. "}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1399837701", "comment": "Here\'s a tip, either go to class, or read the book, never do both. If you go to class, you\'ll get a good grade on the exam and know just about nothing accurate about finance. If you read the book, you\'ll do shit on the exam and know just as much as you should have learned in this course, were it taught well. Do both, and you\'ll come to class confident and leave more confused than ever. Not the best course...has a lot to ask for and lacks organisation and professionalism."}, {"course_name": "Attitudes and Social Cognition", "course_id": "730102", "datetime": "1399837952", "comment": "This is a very interesting class but there are a couple of things that can improve. The requirements of the course portfolio are very vague and therefore it\'s hard to get it right. The method of grading participation in every class makes the discussion a joke because everyone just wants to say something. This is something that HAS to change moving forward. Generally the Professor is ok. "}, {"course_name": "General Physics IIA (Electromagnetism, Optics)", "course_id": "200102", "datetime": "1399838047", "comment": "I took this course this semester,and even though it might seem hard, it is not. Cramming four days before the mid-term was enough to get a 1.33. The course is a very fundamental introduction to the unified theory of Magnetism and Electricity. Prof.Materny takes the optics part which is simple enough at the beginning but gets tricky later on. The only mathematical knowledge for this course is a basic knowledge of differentiation and integration. The E and M part gets harder towards the end when he teaches motional EMF. But consistent studying helps. The workload is not much.Just a homework set every week. It is a good course to take as a home school. Gen Physics 1-A is a requisite though."}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Cognitive Psychology", "course_id": "710111", "datetime": "1399838095", "comment": "Great class and an ever better instructor. She needs a bit more confidence when teaching though, otherwise I enjoyed this class. "}, {"course_name": "Lab Course in Experimental Psychology I", "course_id": "740101", "datetime": "1399838161", "comment": "Not so bad class. I would recommend anyone looking for easy credits to take this one. "}, {"course_name": "Dynamics of Literature II: 19th to 21st Century", "course_id": "640201", "datetime": "1399838290", "comment": "Class started off a drag but the quality of instruction and discussions improved drastically. Keep this one around. "}, {"course_name": "Dynamics of Literature I: Traditional Models", "course_id": "640102", "datetime": "1399838365", "comment": "You will actually get lost in the works you cover for this class, which is a good thing. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Perspectives on Creativity in Nature, Art, and Society", "course_id": "020075", "datetime": "1399838633", "comment": "Considering this is a USC, there is too much emphasis on the art section of the class. That needs to be addressed. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Water II", "course_id": "020072", "datetime": "1399838725", "comment": "Fun and interactive class. "}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups", "course_id": "990102", "datetime": "1399839028", "comment": "Boehnke tries hard to make the class interesting but most times he misses the mark. In terms of explaining stuff he\'s ok but the exam format is ridiculous."}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1399839120", "comment": "The citation style section of the class is the only useful part of this class. Otherwise it is a complete waste of time. "}, {"course_name": "Social Movements and Political Participation", "course_id": "920112", "datetime": "1399839302", "comment": "The class has been somewhat well organized. Not a bore at all. "}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1399839820", "comment": "The class was ok. I had it this time with Dennis and he\'s a nice guy, but he can\'t explain things in an interesting way. It was boring, although the readings tend to be more interesting than the lectures. If you read carefully, you\'ll do fine. "}, {"course_name": "USC - Chemistry and Psychology of Food", "course_id": "020090", "datetime": "1399839998", "comment": "Don\'t take this. It\'s horrible."}, {"course_name": "Social Structure and Social Processes", "course_id": "930101", "datetime": "1399840794", "comment": "Schoemann is likeable, clear, and knows his subject well. The course material is interesting but listening to all the student presentations gets pretty repetitive, most of the readings are far too long, and assignments tend to be a bit confusing."}, {"course_name": "General Information and Communication Technology II", "course_id": "350102", "datetime": "1399841317", "comment": "This class is so bad! The instructor plagiarizes every single word on his slides,hw, quizzes, exams etc. He does not teach anything..."}, {"course_name": "USC - Chemistry and Psychology of Food", "course_id": "020090", "datetime": "1399841916", "comment": "For us (2014 spring) it was quite unorganized with the way they settled things with the presentations/exams/quizzes. Personally, it was a lot of theory than practical studies in the psychology area."}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1399842606", "comment": "I liked the course very much and I think I learnt a lot. Dennis K\\u00fcster was really nice and I think we got all the information. The readings are also really good and informative!"}, {"course_name": "Social Influence", "course_id": "730202", "datetime": "1399843084", "comment": "This year the professor was awful. The class consisted of boring reiterations of the readings, although they were mostly informative. However, not much input otherwise. Sad."}, {"course_name": "Attention", "course_id": "710211", "datetime": "1399843172", "comment": "I love the prof! She is very approachable and the new concept of reading papers and discussing them in groups in class was really interesting and helped me learn."}, {"course_name": "Marketing", "course_id": "930352", "datetime": "1399843761", "comment": "Prof. M\\u00f6llering is one of the best at this university. He really does try to make every class interesting, and you can see that he takes a genuine interest in the students\' development. He is a wonderful instructor. I would recommend everyone to take his courses (though I personally preferred his other course, Organization, content-wise)."}, {"course_name": "Artistic Avant-Gardes: Transcultural Modernities", "course_id": "640212", "datetime": "1399844113", "comment": "I haven\'t taken this particular course, but I HAVE taken a USC (Creativity) with this particular professor. My words of advice: run ... run away (Simba), and never return. \\r\\n\\r\\nShe was boring and so was the topic of art. But maybe you\'re into these things. Probably not though. "}, {"course_name": "Advanced Visualization", "course_id": "320581", "datetime": "1399844916", "comment": "A competent Professor who makes difficult subject easy."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II (Coordination Chemistry)", "course_id": "400222", "datetime": "1399845311", "comment": "Too much irrelevant information and poor teaching."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I", "course_id": "400221", "datetime": "1399845394", "comment": "Some of the worst instructors. Also, quite badly structured course."}, {"course_name": "Graphics and Visualization Lab", "course_id": "320513", "datetime": "1399845502", "comment": "Outstanding Professor"}, {"course_name": "Medical Image Analysis", "course_id": "320351", "datetime": "1399845713", "comment": "Great Teacher with Practical Knowledge"}, {"course_name": "Attitudes and Social Cognition", "course_id": "730102", "datetime": "1399846400", "comment": "The essence of this course is the discussion. Its good to learn the theories by discussing them with peer students. Professor Cohrs is a very nice person. But the requirement of the course portfolio needs to be clarified further."}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1399846602", "comment": "The theories covered are interesting and helpful. The professor looks chill at first sight, but actually she is nice and professional. This course requires much knowledge of maths and deep interest in psychology. Otherwise it will be tough and boring."}, {"course_name": "ESM 2B - Linear Algebra, Fourier Probability", "course_id": "120112", "datetime": "1399878030", "comment": "LOVE Oswald! Crazy class!"}, {"course_name": "ESM 1B - Multivariable Calculus, ODE", "course_id": "120111", "datetime": "1399878151", "comment": "Although having few previous knowledge of calculus, I enjoyed the class. Things were thoroughly explained."}, {"course_name": "Microeconomics", "course_id": "032101", "datetime": "1399890097", "comment": "Dittrich is knowledgeable and nice, open to questions. Unfortunately, he isn\'t very interesting to listen to. I like that I could write a small essay every week on a topic to get an overall grade. "}, {"course_name": "Meta-Analysis", "course_id": "990242", "datetime": "1399890199", "comment": "Dr. De Santis is one of the most dedicated professors at this university. She is always available to answer student\'s questions about the course material or statistical methods in general. She really cares about whether students understand the material and is very good at explaining concepts. Of all methods classes, the ones De Santis teaches are always the most comprehensible and enjoyable ones. "}, {"course_name": "Social Structure and Social Processes", "course_id": "930101", "datetime": "1399890311", "comment": "One of the more interesting courses in the ISS curriculum in semester 2, at least topic-wise. Sch\\u00f6mann is likeable, yet likes to embrace chaos in almost everything he does..."}, {"course_name": "Animal Senses and Behaviour", "course_id": "500202", "datetime": "1399890492", "comment": "Generally, the topics were interesting but too much focus was on the professor\'s own research topic (fish). Grading seems rather arbitrary. However, the professor used the same slides for two different courses that should have dealt with very different topics. "}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1399890493", "comment": "They should limit it to \\"Academic Writing I: Learn how to cite properly\\", then it would make much, much more sense. Instead: English for lower secondary school. Ain\'t nobody got time for that!"}, {"course_name": "Academic skills in a nutshell: an introduction to writing an academic paper", "course_id": "APS000", "datetime": "1399890494", "comment": "They should limit it to \\"Academic Writing I: Learn how to cite properly\\", then it would make much, much more sense. Instead: English for lower secondary school. Ain\'t nobody got time for that!"}, {"course_name": "Lab Course in Experimental Psychology II", "course_id": "740102", "datetime": "1399890689", "comment": "A fun course, great to explore your research interests. The professor is very helpful in choosing the right paradigms and procedures. Count on needing good SPSS skills though and having to spend a lot of time testing people."}, {"course_name": "Emotion and Motivation", "course_id": "720201", "datetime": "1399890819", "comment": "K\\u00fcster is not as engaging as Kappas. The class is still very interesting and uses an integrative teaching style (lots of discussions, fun videos etc.). Readings were a bit too long though but if you keep up with them you\'ll learn a lot."}, {"course_name": "Attention", "course_id": "710211", "datetime": "1399891036", "comment": "Good teaching style with group discussions. It helped learning how to grasp the core messages of papers and how to criticize them properly. The professor is very nice and relaxed and knows a lot about this topic."}, {"course_name": "Systems Neuroscience", "course_id": "500201", "datetime": "1399891136", "comment": "Interesting topics, nice teaching style. The slides are great with very helpful annotations so that the readings are not essential to understand the class. "}, {"course_name": "General Biochemistry and Cell Biology I", "course_id": "520101", "datetime": "1399891255", "comment": "The course is quite demanding but the professor is very enthusiastic and easy to follow. The slides are very helpful."}, {"course_name": "USC - Adapt! - A Lifespan Perspective on Successful Aging", "course_id": "020065", "datetime": "1399891416", "comment": "For a science major this class will be much easier. I liked the general concepts but the teaching style could be better. If you\'re choosing USCs to avoid science, then don\'t take this class."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods I: Exploring Relationships and Comparing Groups", "course_id": "990102", "datetime": "1399891643", "comment": "No matter how much I studied for Boehnke\'s exam part, it still was terrible. He tries hard but it\'s very difficult to follow him. In my opinion, he is not a good teacher.\\r\\nWhen De Santis was teaching the practical part I enjoyed that a lot. She was great at explaining. It was easy to follow and to comprehend. I hope she will be teaching the practical part in the future again. She is really great."}, {"course_name": "Statistical Methods II: Classification, Modelling and Prediction", "course_id": "990201", "datetime": "1399891851", "comment": "Even though these are more advanced tests, De Santis makes it possible to understand them very well. Always enthusiastic about statistics, it is very refreshing to have a teacher like her. She is very approachable and likes to help out students with their stats questions. Her exams might be challenging but if you go to all sessions for the practical part, you\'ll do fine."}, {"course_name": "Sensation and Perception", "course_id": "710101", "datetime": "1399892105", "comment": "Most challenging class I ever took (even more so than any BCCB classes I had). However, if you do the readings and exercises you will learn a lot in this class. I generally found it very interesting but at times became frustrated with the amount of work I had to put in."}, {"course_name": "General Biochemistry and Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520102", "datetime": "1399892615", "comment": "Very helpful course. A lot of work but interesting. Open questions and tutorials were very helpful in understanding the materials."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Cell Biology I", "course_id": "520211", "datetime": "1399892724", "comment": "The course was alright, although I enjoyed BCCB II much more. A lot of it was repetition from that class. Poster sessions and designs were very helpful but the exam was very tough."}, {"course_name": "General Electrical Engineering II", "course_id": "300102", "datetime": "1399895456", "comment": "Bergholz can be summed up in 4 words \'\'Good grandfather-bad teacher\'\'. Dont be fooled by the innocent pictures of his solar panals and vehicles. He WILL WASTE your time by putting your brain into very mild aspects of Gen EE2 like circuit analysis and will cause you to build an easy image of the exam. Now the TAs make the exams and its open season so you better well be damn prepared unless its gonna go very bad"}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Electrical Engineering II (Communications)", "course_id": "300202", "datetime": "1399896167", "comment": "Him and Antoulas are the best professors in the EE department. If the uni could only get other profs with same teaching styles we would be at the top :)"}, {"course_name": "Wireless Communications I", "course_id": "300311", "datetime": "1399896570", "comment": "The course is rather too theoretical, but interesting at times. Unfortunately, the homeworks are more about proving theorems or formulas than applying them, so doing them doesn\'t really give you clear insights about how wireless works, at least not to me."}, {"course_name": "General Biochemistry and Cell Biology II", "course_id": "520102", "datetime": "1399897588", "comment": "Wonderful course. Definitely my most meaningful class this semester. \\r\\n\\r\\nIt is a bit demotivating not to get good grades, compared to people from other courses who get better grades for lesser work, but I would rather have every class be equally difficult than have this one lower its standard. "}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Neuroscience", "course_id": "500122", "datetime": "1399897753", "comment": "The course has no structure. Half of the slides are unhelpful and disorganised. Definitely regret taking this course. "}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1399897909", "comment": "I am happy i passed it.\\r\\n\\r\\np.s. passing this course is an achievement "}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1399897948", "comment": "bc, lun prof. "}, {"course_name": "Comparing Mass Communication Systems", "course_id": "940201", "datetime": "1399997900", "comment": "This class is one of the very few that actually covers the subject on a truly global scale - comparing media systems on all continents! No continent is left out and the professor is very passionate and nice and we usually had very interesting class discussions as well!"}, {"course_name": "Democratic Governance", "course_id": "910202", "datetime": "1399998146", "comment": "I enjoyed this class very much! The discussions were very interesting and the reading load very managable. Bogaards also did a good job and was in my opinion much better to get along with than in my freshman year in CPS - I guess he just doesn\'t like teaching lectures."}, {"course_name": "Mediated Intercultural Communication", "course_id": "701201", "datetime": "1399898907", "comment": "In my opinion, the material of this lecture was already discussed in many other classes such as cross-cultural organization and culture and cognition. Most of the material is just repeating it, but with unnecessary exercises and discussions that do not conclude in something worthy.\\r\\nAlso, the class has too many components, with two different types of presentation and a paper and a report to write. Too many things to do for people that have thesis. It\'s really unnecessary to have so many components.\\r\\nDr. Hanke is interesting and she clearly puts a lot of work to make this class more interesting and entertaining. However, this will not be achieved by adding more things to do. We are clustered as it is already..."}, {"course_name": "Culture and Cognition", "course_id": "720311", "datetime": "1399899038", "comment": "Most interesting class in Social Psychology!\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Neuroscience", "course_id": "500122", "datetime": "1399906538", "comment": "The professor has a tendency to skip many lectures and to use questions in the exam where he mentioned the answers very briefly in class (I guess to check whether people actually attend). His slides are not very well structured and he only includes few topics in the class. Also, topics are not explained well. If you want to learn about neuroscience, take the \\"Systems Neuroscience\\" class. It\'s much better structured and pretty much covers the same topics but with more background information."}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Biology / Neuroscience I", "course_id": "500111", "datetime": "1399906675", "comment": "The instructor had different grating criteria when I took this course so it was rather confusing. I did not enjoy the topics either. It does not have to do a lot with neuroscience."}, {"course_name": "NatSciLab Unit Biology / Neuroscience II", "course_id": "500112", "datetime": "1399906741", "comment": "Not very well structured, no interesting topics, grading of the lab reports is ridiculous."}, {"course_name": "ESM 2A - Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics", "course_id": "120102", "datetime": "1399906860", "comment": "The professor is not very good at explaining and it doesn\'t seem like he cares whether a lot of people fail his class. The TA was also not very useful for helping explaining the concepts. At least in the end grading schemes were adjusted."}, {"course_name": "Contract Logistics", "course_id": "050221", "datetime": "1399919030", "comment": "Great course! We did a lot of interactive stuff not just lectures all day."}, {"course_name": "Culture and Cognition", "course_id": "720311", "datetime": "1399932461", "comment": "Prof. Kuehnen\'s passion for his discipline is contagious. This course was an inspiration for me and many of my classmates, one of the most interesting courses I have taken."}, {"course_name": "Introduction to Social Psychology", "course_id": "730101", "datetime": "1399932558", "comment": "Great for both psychologists and non-psychologists! Easy explanations and interesting studies. Perfect (social) psychology 101 course!"}, {"course_name": "Lab Course in Experimental Psychology I", "course_id": "740101", "datetime": "1399932674", "comment": "I took this course in my first year and it was a great way to APPLY the theoretical knowledge from Empirical Research and Stats. Taught me a lot.\\r\\nProf. Yan is not the most gifted lecturer, but she took the time to help us with our projects. "}, {"course_name": "Communication and Interaction", "course_id": "720301", "datetime": "1399932820", "comment": "Great professor, great course! The discussion proposal are a bit tedious but they teach you a lot."}, {"course_name": "Culture and Organizational Behavior/Cross-Cultural Management", "course_id": "701202", "datetime": "1399933057", "comment": "When I took this course the first time it was offered (2012), half the class was first year GEM students and the other half third year IRB or ISCP students... the mixture wasn\'t ideal. It would be great if it didn\'t try to cater to the needs of two different levels and groups."}, {"course_name": "Qualitative Research: Methods and Methodology", "course_id": "990202", "datetime": "1399933212", "comment": "I learned SO MUCH in this class! Great lecturer, great structure, great projects!!"}, {"course_name": "Search Strategy Clinic (0,15 credits)", "course_id": "APS036", "datetime": "1399933368", "comment": "Really helpful! Lara Christianson is such a nice, helpful lady."}, {"course_name": "The Logic of Comparative Research - Case Studies", "course_id": "990211", "datetime": "1399933451", "comment": "Prof. Schreier is a very talented lecturer, she explains concepts really well. Always enjoyed her classes."}, {"course_name": "Mass Media and Network Communication", "course_id": "940101", "datetime": "1399933765", "comment": "Prof. Ludes has a terrible teaching style... boring and monotonous. \\r\\nHis grading is arbitrary and based on personal preferences. If you don\'t tell him what he wants to hear, he downgrades. Not good to raising critical academics... a thorough disappointment."}, {"course_name": "Comparing Mass Communication Systems", "course_id": "940201", "datetime": "1399933934", "comment": "One of the most motivated professors! She puts a lot of effort into making the class enjoyable and confronting students with recent events and topics. Loved it."}, {"course_name": "Comparing Political Systems", "course_id": "910101", "datetime": "1399934633", "comment": "Prof. Bogaards is a little biased and doesn\'t really like anyone contradicting him and his views. Also, he downgrades you in the paper if you don\'t cite him... ego much?"}, {"course_name": "Systems Neuroscience", "course_id": "500201", "datetime": "1399939182", "comment": "The topics are very interesting and the professor has a very nice teaching style. It doesn\'t go into too much depth, so I recommend it even as an elective. It analyzes the topics in enough detail to help you understand the principles, it also covers some details, but doesn\'t dive too deep into technicalities, so you won\'t get confused even if you don\'t have a lot of background.\\r\\n"}, {"course_name": "Natural Science Lab Unit Earth and Space Sciences I: Harz Excursion", "course_id": "210111", "datetime": "1399969614", "comment": "Great excursion! Taking notes during the day and talking about them in the evening really helped understand everything (the professors helped a lot!). Making the report due before the excursion took off pressure during the excursion. Really great if you took GenESS I or GenES I. Amazing!"}, {"course_name": "USC - Water II", "course_id": "020072", "datetime": "1399970705", "comment": "Great class, am enjoying it very much."}, {"course_name": "Finance", "course_id": "930241", "datetime": "1399970941", "comment": "Useful stuff, even if you only take away definitions from it. I would recommend it for first year acm finance students. ( take it before the derivatives lab)"}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1399971089", "comment": "Lars is not the most interesting guy to listen too, but his slides are quite nice, and you can learn most stuff from them. Get the previous quizzes ASAP, they help a lot."}, {"course_name": "Reductionism in Physics and its Relation to Philosophy (TDC)", "course_id": "200232", "datetime": "1399971623", "comment": "Some interesting material, but is presented in a very dull lecture style way. Has mandatory attendance and participation grade but just a typical lecture."}, {"course_name": "Nonlinear Dynamics Lab", "course_id": "110231", "datetime": "1399972013", "comment": "The profs are rather dull at times. Some interesting content such as daisyworld model. Not quite as useful as derivatives lab. Not well structured, deadlines are unclear and almost always have been given extensions."}, {"course_name": "Analysis I", "course_id": "100211", "datetime": "1399974948", "comment": "The workload is challenging, however after you do the homework by yourself you really start understanding the material. The learning curve is steep throughout the whole course, however the professor has his ways of making the course interesting. Make sure you know at least the basic problem solving techniques(induction) and how to define the natural numbers to start with."}, {"course_name": "Advanced Physics B II (Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics)", "course_id": "200212", "datetime": "1399978005", "comment": "Kleinekathoefer is actually a very nice and helpful guy. The homework can be pretty demanding at some points, but the exams are quite easy (since you\'re not allowed a cheatsheet). Overall a pretty nice course"}, {"course_name": "Reductionism in Physics and its Relation to Philosophy (TDC)", "course_id": "200232", "datetime": "1399978306", "comment": "HMO clearly loves hearing herself talk, even though she is extremely boring. The slides have way too much text and formulas on them (which are anyway irrelevant for the exams, but they are still there). Nevertheless, the topics are extremely interesting, just presented in a boring way. You\'re better off by not going to the course and just reading the slides on your own, it\'s way more interesting."}, {"course_name": "Public Management and Public Policy", "course_id": "970202", "datetime": "1399997453", "comment": "I can only agree with the first comment. Furthermore, his feedback on the two essays is very useful and really helped me to improve my writing skills."}, {"course_name": "Social Movements and Political Participation", "course_id": "920112", "datetime": "1399997685", "comment": "The course is very interesting and I think for ISS as well as IPH and other SHSS students very useful. There were two things I didn\'t like: 1. the reading work load was just way too much and 2. we focused too much on the American Civil Rights Movement. But we also touched upon various other movements and certainly got a profound theoretical basis."}, {"course_name": "International Security", "course_id": "970301", "datetime": "1399998317", "comment": "Very important class for IPH although I don\'t like IR theory that much. But it\'s a necessary evil...\\r\\nVerweij did a good job!"}, {"course_name": "Modern Asian History I", "course_id": "820201", "datetime": "1399998509", "comment": "Unfortunately, this course doesn\'t just focus on one region but on one country - China. While I feel like I know almost any detail about China, I still feel like I lack even very basic historical knowledge about the other countries in Eas Asia..."}, {"course_name": "Disability Studies (TDC)", "course_id": "020076", "datetime": "1399998677", "comment": "Absolutely great course! If it\'s offered next year - take it! You\'re gonna get a lot out of this course, not like in other USCs"}, {"course_name": "General Computer Science II", "course_id": "320102", "datetime": "1400006157", "comment": "The workload is less and easier than GenCS I, and the topics are much more enjoyable :)"}, {"course_name": "Fundamental Computer Science I (Algorithms and Data Structures)", "course_id": "320201", "datetime": "1400006456", "comment": "The level of the course is a bit too easy for CS students, imo. There is more theory than expected, however, it is balanced together with some good coding homework assignments, but definitely not enough for a good CS major. Nevertheless, the professor (Pathak) is awesome, he takes (and even approaches the students himself) feedback throughout the course and applies it asap :)"}, {"course_name": "Operating Systems", "course_id": "320202", "datetime": "1400010854", "comment": "Simply one of the best CS courses here! \\r\\nNotes:\\r\\n- go to classes, as going through the slides is not enough to get a good grade\\r\\n- start doing the hw early\\r\\n- before quizzes always go through the old ones and the respective sections in the old finals, you\'ll be amazed how much the material overlaps and how easy the quizzes will look :)"}, {"course_name": "Meta-Analysis", "course_id": "990242", "datetime": "1400011178", "comment": "Karina is the best! She teaches her classes well and structured and cares if her students understand.\\r\\nHowever: Meta-analysis is nothing for people who are looking for an easy elective or course to finish up the methods courses. It\'s important to know stats and have the ambition to complete more assignments than for most other courses (midterm, presentation, one shorter paper, one longer paper)."}, {"course_name": "Decision Making", "course_id": "710302", "datetime": "1400011319", "comment": "Professor Diederich definitely knows what she is talking about, additionally she makes sure that the workload is not too high. If you are interested in psychology and some (mathematical) models: Take it, you\'ll love it!"}, {"course_name": "Attention", "course_id": "710211", "datetime": "1400011464", "comment": "The new concept (few lectures, then group discussions about papers) is very enjoyable and helps to understand the field very well. Plus, Prof. Olk is amazingly nice and relaxed. She makes sure that people understand, find it interesting, and the workload stays manageable."}, {"course_name": "USC - Chemistry and Psychology of Food", "course_id": "020090", "datetime": "1400011874", "comment": "If you are looking for something easy to slide through and don\'t learn anything, this course is pretty perfect. BUT: be prepared for a lot of confusion with assignments etc.\\r\\nIf you are, however, expecting something from which you can actually learn something about psychology of food: no, then this is not for you. Mostly we learnt how to avoid eating unhealthy stuff by making a plan to eat an apple. Sad."}, {"course_name": "Software Engineering", "course_id": "320212", "datetime": "1400011978", "comment": "The professor is so full of himself... He wants you to do bad in this class. Completely useless and a waste of time for the CS people. If you have the option - avoid any courses with Baumann."}, {"course_name": "ESM 4A - Numerical Methods", "course_id": "120202", "datetime": "1400012200", "comment": "The only relevant ESM class for computer scientists. Topics are interesting and the professor as well, however, having the final without a cheat sheet for all those numerical methods is plain ridiculous."}, {"course_name": "Spanish B1.1 (2)", "course_id": "012006", "datetime": "1400013047", "comment": "Rafael is funny and tries really hard. Still, the course is not particularly interesting or engaging. So only recommended if you are really keen on improving your Spanisch skills."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jCourse/ b/jCourse/ index 5082d52..5ec3813 100644 --- a/jCourse/ +++ b/jCourse/ @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ 'django.contrib.humanize', 'storages', 'app', + 'south', ) # A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index b8d472b..0bbe1b3 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ Django==1.6.1 PIL==1.1.7 +South==0.8.4 argparse==1.2.1 boto==2.23.0 dj-database-url==0.2.2