{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main ( main ) where
Import for the libmpd
library, added as libmpd == 0.10.*
import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
import Network.MPD ( PlaybackState(Stopped, Playing, Paused) )
import Network.MPD.Parse
( getAllTags,
SongCurrentOrNext(..) )
import Network.MPD.JSON ( objectMaybes, jsonSongTags, (.=?) )
import Options
( optsParserInfo, execParser, Opts(..), NextSongFlag(..) )
import Data.Aeson ( object, KeyValue((.=)) )
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
( defConfig, encodePretty', keyOrder, Config(..), Indent(..) )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
{- | Where the program connects to MPD and uses the helper functions to
extract values, organize them into a list of key/value pairs, make
them a 'Data.Aeson.Value' using 'Data.Aeson.object', then encode it to
a conventional JSON @ByteString@ with
'Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty' for the pretty-print version.
main :: IO ()
main = do
Parse the command-line options and bind the result to opts
opts <- execParser optsParserInfo
Connect to MPD using either the provided arguments from the command-line or the default values, as defined in Parser Opts definition.
let withMpdOpts = MPD.withMPDEx (optHost opts) (optPort opts) (optPass opts)
currentSong <- withMpdOpts MPD.currentSong
st <- withMpdOpts MPD.status
let state :: Maybe String
state = playbackStateToString <$> getStatusField st MPD.stState
playbackStateToString Playing = "playing"
playbackStateToString Paused = "paused"
playbackStateToString Stopped = "stopped"
time = getStatusFieldElement st MPD.stTime
elapsed = fst <$> time
duration = snd <$> time
elapsedPercent :: Maybe Double
elapsedPercent = readMaybe percentTwoDecimals
percentTwoDecimals = printf "%.2f" timeToPercent
timeToPercent = uncurry (/) t * 100
t = fromMaybe (0,0) time
volumeSt :: Maybe Int
volumeSt = fromIntegral <$> getStatusFieldElement st MPD.stVolume
repeatSt = getStatusField st MPD.stRepeat
randomSt = getStatusField st MPD.stRandom
singleSt = getStatusField st MPD.stSingle
consumeSt = getStatusField st MPD.stConsume
bitrate = getStatusField st MPD.stBitrate
audioFormat = getStatusField st MPD.stAudio
errorSt = getStatusField st MPD.stError
updatingDbSt :: Maybe Bool
updatingDbSt = (== 1) <$> getStatusFieldElement st MPD.stUpdatingDb
crossfadeSt :: Maybe Int
crossfadeSt = fromIntegral <$> getStatusField st MPD.stXFadeWidth
mixRampDbSt = getStatusField st MPD.stMixRampdB
mixRampDelay = getStatusField st MPD.stMixRampDelay
-- positon is an index starting from 0. Id starts from 1
let pos = getStatusField st MPD.stSongPos
nextPos = getStatusFieldElement st MPD.stNextSongPos
songId = getStatusIdInt MPD.stSongID st
nextId = getStatusIdInt MPD.stNextSongID st
playlistLength = getStatusField st MPD.stPlaylistLength
nextSong <- withMpdOpts $ MPD.playlistInfo nextPos
let filename = maybePathCurrentSong currentSong
filenameNext = maybePathNextPlaylistSong nextSong
-- sgTags
let jsonCurrentSongTags = jsonSongTags $ getAllTags $ Current currentSong
jsonNextSongTags = jsonSongTags $ getAllTags $ Next nextSong
-- status
let jsonStatus = objectMaybes
[ "state" .=? state
, "repeat" .=? repeatSt
, "random" .=? randomSt
, "single" .=? singleSt
, "consume" .=? consumeSt
, "duration" .=? duration
, "elapsed" .=? elapsed
, "elapsed_percent" .=? elapsedPercent
, "volume" .=? volumeSt
, "audio_format" .=? audioFormat
, "bitrate" .=? bitrate
, "crossfade" .=? crossfadeSt
, "mixramp_db" .=? mixRampDbSt
, "mixramp_delay" .=? mixRampDelay
, "updating_db" .=? updatingDbSt
, "error" .=? errorSt
-- let jFilename = objectMaybes [ "file" .=? filename ]
let jsonPlaylist = objectMaybes
[ "position" .=? pos
, "next_position" .=? nextPos
, "id" .=? songId
, "next_id" .=? nextId
, "length" .=? playlistLength
Create nested JSON objects with labels before each of them.
let jsonBaseObject tags = object
$ [ "filename" .= filename
, "next_filename" .= filenameNext
, "playlist" .= jsonPlaylist
, "status" .= jsonStatus
] ++ tags
e.g. so they can be parsed as ”.tags.title
” or
Helper for printing the encoded JSON
let printJson tags = C.putStrLn
$ encodePretty' customEncodeConf
$ jsonBaseObject tags
where customEncodeConf
is an override for the
’s Config data record. This is really
unnecessary but using keyOrder it is possible to customize the order
the encoded JSON bytestring will be displayed as.
By default print the encoded JSON object containing jsonBaseObject
+ a
object for tags about the current song.
- With no
command-line flag provided, assignNoNextSong
to optNext in Opts. - If the
flag is provided to the program, assigningIncludeNextSong
to optNext in Opts, include in its output JSON information about the next song in the playlist. - If the
flag is provided twice either using it’s shorthand e.g.-nn
or even--next --next
, assigningOnlyNextSong
to optNext in Opts replace the"tags"
object with information about the next song instead.
case optNext opts of
NoNextSong -> printJson [ "tags" .= jsonCurrentSongTags ]
OnlyNextSong -> printJson [ "tags" .= jsonNextSongTags ]
IncludeNextSong -> printJson [ "tags" .= jsonCurrentSongTags
, "next" .= object [ "tags" .= jsonNextSongTags ] ]
customEncodeConf :: Config
customEncodeConf = defConfig
{ confCompare =
-- top level labels
[ "filename", "next_filename", "status", "playlist", "tags", "next"
-- tags
, "title", "name"
, "artist", "album_artist", "artist_sort", "album_artist_sort"
, "album", "album_sort"
, "track", "disc"
, "date", "original_date"
, "genre", "composer", "performer", "conductor"
, "work", "grouping", "label"
, "comment"
, "musicbrainz_artistid"
, "musicbrainz_albumid"
, "musicbrainz_albumartistid"
, "musicbrainz_trackid"
, "musicbrainz_releasetrackid"
, "musicbrainz_workid"
-- status
, "state", "repeat", "random", "single", "consume"
, "duration", "elapsed", "elapsed_percent"
, "volume", "audio_format", "bitrate"
, "crossfade", "mixramp_db", "mixramp_delay"
, "updating_db"
, "error"
-- playlist
, "id", "next_id", "position", "next_position"
, "length"
, confIndent = Spaces 2
module Options
( Opts(..)
, NextSongFlag(..)
, execParser
, prefs
, showHelpOnEmpty
, optsParser
, optsParserInfo ) where
import Options.Applicative
( (<**>),
(<|>) )
import Options.Applicative.Extra ( helperWith )
import Version ( versionStr, progName )
import Data.Kind (Type)
data Opts = Opts -- ^ Custom data record for storing 'Options.Applicative.Parser' values
{ optPort :: Integer -- ^ MPD port to connect.
, optHost :: String -- ^ MPD host address to connect.
, optPass :: String -- ^ Plain text password to connect to MPD.
, optNext :: NextSongFlag -- ^ Either include in the json or print it alone.
, optVersion :: Type -> Type -- ^ Print program version.
data NextSongFlag = IncludeNextSong
| OnlyNextSong
| NoNextSong
A Parser a is an option parser returning a value of type a.
Specify how Options.Applicative
should parse arguments. Their returned
values are stored in the custom defined data record Opts
optsParser :: Parser Opts
= Opts
<$> portOptParser
<*> hostOptParser
<*> passOptParser
<*> nextSongOptParser
<*> versionOptParse
nextSongOptParser = nextSongFlagCountOptParser
<|> nextSongOnlyOptParser
portOptParser :: Parser Integer
= option auto
$ long "port"
<> short 'p'
<> metavar "PORTNUM"
<> value 6600
<> help "Port number"
hostOptParser :: Parser String
= strOption
$ metavar "ADDRESS"
<> long "host"
<> short 'h'
<> value "localhost"
<> help "Host address"
passOptParser :: Parser String
= option auto
$ metavar "PASSWORD"
<> long "password"
<> short 'P'
<> value ""
<> help "Password for connecting (will be sent as plain text)"
nextSongFlagCountOptParser :: Parser NextSongFlag
nextSongFlagCountOptParser =
fmap (intToNextSong . length) <$> many
$ flag' ()
$ short 'n'
<> long "next"
<> help ( concat
[ "If used once (e.g. -n), include next song information in the output.\n"
, "If used twice (e.g. -nn) it's an alias for --next-only." ])
nextSongOnlyOptParser :: Parser NextSongFlag
= flag' OnlyNextSong
( long "next-only"
<> help "Only print next song information." )
intToNextSong :: Int -> NextSongFlag
intToNextSong count
| count == 1 = IncludeNextSong
| count > 1 = OnlyNextSong
| otherwise = NoNextSong
versionOptParse :: Parser (a -> a)
versionOptParse =
infoOption versionStr
$ long "version"
<> short 'V'
<> help "Display the version number"
A ParserInfo describes a command line program, used to generate a help screen. — Options.Applicative
Utility function for
’s ”info
” that create aParserInfo
given a Parser and a modifier, where ‘Parser’s are defined using a custom Data record for holding parsed ‘Parser’ values.
optsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Opts
optsParserInfo = info (optsParser <**> helper')
$ fullDesc
<> progDesc "Print currently playing song information as JSON"
<> header (progName ++ " - " ++ "Current MPD song information as JSON")
Like helper, but with a minimal set of modifiers that can be extended as desired.
opts :: ParserInfo Sample opts = info (sample <**> helperWith (mconcat [ long "help", short 'h', help "Show this help text", hidden ])) mempty— source of Options.Applicative#helper
Define a helper command that only accepts long --help
helper' :: Parser (a -> a)
helper' = helperWith
$ long "help"
-- <> help "Show this help text"
<> hidden -- don't show in help messages
module Version ( versionStr,
progName ) where
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_mpd_current_json (version) -- generated by Cabal
progName :: [Char]
progName = "mpd-current-json"
versionStr :: [Char]
versionStr = progName ++ " version " ++ (showVersion version)
to use cabal
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
Parsing functions module for libmpd retrieved data.
module Network.MPD.Parse
( TagField (..)
, ExtractedTags (..)
, getAllTags
, getStatusField
, getStatusFieldElement
, SongCurrentOrNext(..)
, getTag
, songToTagField
, maybePathCurrentSong
, maybePathNextPlaylistSong
, singleValueToString
, multiValueToString
, getStatusIdInt
import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
import Network.MPD
( Metadata(..), Song, PlaybackState(Stopped, Playing, Paused) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, listToMaybe )
Define a data record for storing parsed tags as Maybe String
or Maybe
, this works because even though String
and [String]
different, Data.Aeson.Value support various different types for
encoding them into the different JSON types. The supported types can
be converted into Values
using toJSON
At first TagField
was just an alias for Maybe String
but later adding
support for multi-value tags, to be able to store either of them in
them same data record field custom type representing both was very
This approach greatly improved performance when comparing to doing
everything in a IO
{- | Wrapper for the output of 'getTag', which internally uses
'Network.MPD.sgGetTag' to retrieve @Maybe@ ['Network.MPD.Value'] that
are then converted to @TagField@. This allows handling multi-value
tags like multiple artists.
data TagField = SingleTagField !(Maybe String)
| MultiTagField !(Maybe [String])
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- | Store the parsed output of 'getTag'.
Each field represents a supported MPD tag.
data ExtractedTags = ExtractedTags
{ artist :: !TagField
, artistSort :: !TagField
, album :: !TagField
, albumSort :: !TagField
, albumArtist :: !TagField
, albumArtistSort :: !TagField
, title :: !TagField
, track :: !TagField
, name :: !TagField
, genre :: !TagField
, date :: !TagField
, originalDate :: !TagField
, composer :: !TagField
, performer :: !TagField
, conductor :: !TagField
, work :: !TagField
, grouping :: !TagField
, comment :: !TagField
, disc :: !TagField
, label :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_ArtistId :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_AlbumId :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_AlbumartistId :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_TrackId :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_ReleasetrackId :: !TagField
, musicbrainz_WorkId :: !TagField
The data record Song
from the command currentSong
contains a field
label ”sgTags
” that contains all MPD supported embedded metadata tags
in a fromList [...]
, this helper stores the output from the parser
function calls in the custom data record ExtractedTags
- See the protocol documentation for Tags:
{- | Assign 'getTag' returned values to 'ExtractedTags'.
Takes either a song @Current s@ or @Next s@, because their object
format differs, see 'SongCurrentOrNext'.
getAllTags :: SongCurrentOrNext -> ExtractedTags
getAllTags s = ExtractedTags
{ artist = f Artist s
, artistSort = f ArtistSort s
, album = f Album s
, albumSort = f AlbumSort s
, albumArtist = f AlbumArtist s
, albumArtistSort = f AlbumArtistSort s
, title = f Title s
, track = f Track s
, name = f Name s
, genre = f Genre s
, date = f Date s
, originalDate = f OriginalDate s
, composer = f Composer s
, performer = f Performer s
, conductor = f Conductor s
, work = f Work s
, grouping = f Grouping s
, comment = f Comment s
, disc = f Disc s
, label = f Label s
, musicbrainz_ArtistId = f MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID s
, musicbrainz_AlbumId = f MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID s
, musicbrainz_AlbumartistId = f MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID s
, musicbrainz_TrackId = f MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID s
, musicbrainz_ReleasetrackId = f MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID s
, musicbrainz_WorkId = f MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID s
f = getTag
{- | Extract a field from the returned 'Network.MPD.Status' data record.
Helper to extract a specific field from the 'Network.MPD.Status' data
record by providing the corresponding field label. If the input status
"@st@" is /not/ @Right a@, indicating an error, or the field label
function is not applicable, it returns @Nothing@.
==== __Example__:
ghci> import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
ghci> st <- MPD.withMPD MPD.status
ghci> getStatusField st MPD.stVolume
Just (Just 100)
getStatusField :: MPD.Response MPD.Status -> (MPD.Status -> a) -> Maybe a
getStatusField (Right st) f = Just (f st)
getStatusField _ _ = Nothing
{- | Go a level deeper than `getStatusField'. For nested @Maybe a@
fields from 'Network.MPD.Status'.
==== __Example__:
ghci> import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
ghci> st <- MPD.withMPD MPD.status
ghci> getStatusFieldElement st MPD.stVolume
Just 100
getStatusFieldElement :: MPD.Response MPD.Status -> (MPD.Status -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
getStatusFieldElement status item = fromMaybe Nothing $ getStatusField status item
Instead of parsing using function argument definitions, define a data type that instances the specific response the parsing functions return.
-- | Alias for the output of 'Network.MPD.currentSong'.
type CurrentSong = MPD.Response (Maybe Song)
-- | Alias for the output of 'Network.MPD.playlistInfo'.
type NextSong = MPD.Response [Song]
-- | Wrapper for 'getTag' to expect either @Maybe Song@ or
-- @[Song]@. This simplifies 'getAllTags'.
data SongCurrentOrNext = Current !CurrentSong
| Next !NextSong
-- | Retrieve @tag@, which should be one of 'Network.MPD.Metadata', from
-- 'CurrentSong' or 'NextSong'.
getTag :: Metadata -> SongCurrentOrNext -> TagField
getTag tag (Current song) =
case song of
Left _ -> SingleTagField Nothing
Right (Just s) -> songToTagField tag s
getTag tag (Next song) =
case song of
Right [s] -> songToTagField tag s
Left _ -> SingleTagField Nothing
_any -> SingleTagField Nothing
{- | Extract a @tag@ 'Network.MPD.Value' from 'Network.MPD.Song' using
'Network.MPD.sgGetTag', convert the output to either @Maybe String@ or
@Maybe [String]@ and wrap it in 'TagField'.
Because 'Network.MPD.sgGetTag' returns @Maybe@ ['Network.MPD.Value']
where @Value@ is an instance of @ByteString@ it also offers helper
conversion functions, so convert it to @String@ if the field only
contains a list of one value or convert all ['Network.MPD.Value'] list
items to @String@ and return the list.
songToTagField :: Metadata -> Song -> TagField
songToTagField tag song = tagSingleOrList (MPD.sgGetTag tag song)
tagSingleOrList :: Maybe [MPD.Value] -> TagField
tagSingleOrList val
| fmap length val == Just 1 =
$ singleValueToString
$ listToMaybe
$ fromMaybe [] val
| fmap length val > Just 1 =
MultiTagField $ multiValueToString val
| otherwise = SingleTagField Nothing
{- | Convert 'Network.MPD.Value' to @String@ within a @Maybe@ context.
'MPD.sgGetTag' returns a @Maybe [Value]@. [libmpd](Network.MPD) also
provides 'Network.MPD.toString' that can also, along with @ByteString@
and @Text@, convert a 'Network.MPD.Value' to a @String@.
singleValueToString :: Maybe MPD.Value -> Maybe String
singleValueToString (Just x) = Just (MPD.toString x)
singleValueToString Nothing = Nothing
{- | Same as 'singleValueToString' but converts all @Value@s in the
multi-value-tag list to @String@ and returns the list.
`reverse' is used here because multi-value tags are returned in
reverse order by [libmpd](Network.MPD), e.g. if a song has a
multi-value @artist@ tag that contains "Artist1; Artist2; Artist3",
the returned value of 'Network.MPD.Song.sgTags' from
`Network.MPD.playlistInfo' @-> [Song]@ (which is a way of fetching the
next song) would be @["Artist3", "Artist2", "Artist1"]@.
multiValueToString :: Maybe [MPD.Value] -> Maybe [String]
multiValueToString (Just x) = Just $ reverse $ map MPD.toString x
multiValueToString Nothing = Nothing
{- | Get the current 'Network.MPD.Song' relative path with 'Network.MPD.sgFilePath'
maybePathCurrentSong :: MPD.Response (Maybe Song) -> Maybe String
maybePathCurrentSong cs =
case cs of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right Nothing -> Nothing
Right (Just song) -> Just $ MPD.toString $ MPD.sgFilePath song
{- | Get the next song's relative path in the current playlist.
Using 'Network.MPD.sgFilePath' from the returned 'Network.MPD.Response' @[Song]@.
maybePathNextPlaylistSong :: MPD.Response [Song] -> Maybe String
maybePathNextPlaylistSong (Left _) = Nothing
maybePathNextPlaylistSong (Right []) = Nothing
maybePathNextPlaylistSong (Right (_:_:_)) = Nothing
maybePathNextPlaylistSong (Right [s]) = Just $ MPD.toString $ MPD.sgFilePath s
Get the Int
from MPD.status
’s Either (Status {...})
fields that use
the MPD.Id
wrapper: stSongID
and stNextSongID
. The current song ID is
also available in the response from MPD.currentSong
Either (Maybe (Song {sgId}))
-- | Extracts the 'Int' value from an 'Network.MPD.Id' within
-- 'Network.MPD.Status', if present and the 'Either' value is 'Right'.
getStatusIdInt :: (MPD.Status -> Maybe MPD.Id) -> Either MPD.MPDError MPD.Status -> Maybe Int
getStatusIdInt item status =
case m of
Just (MPD.Id int) -> Just int
Nothing -> Nothing
m = fromMaybe Nothing $ getStatusField status item
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.MPD.JSON
( objectMaybes
, jsonSongTags
, tagFieldToJSON
, (.=?)
import Network.MPD.Parse
( ExtractedTags(..), TagField(..) )
import Data.Aeson
( Value, KeyValue((.=)), ToJSON(toJSON), Key, object )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Aeson.Types ( Pair )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
Filter list of [Maybe Pair]
The object . catMaybes
constructs a JSON object by combining a list of
key/value pairs. The .=?
operator is used to create each key/value
pair. If the value is Just
, the key/value pair is included in the
list; if the value is Nothing
, it is filtered out using catMaybes
prevent generating fields with a value of null
in the final JSON
object. Then, the object
function converts the list of key/value pairs
into a Value
data structure that can be ‘encoded’ using
’s ”encode
” or Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
’s ”encodePretty
{- | Helper function for creating an JSON 'Data.Aeson.object' where
'Data.Maybe.catMaybes' won't include items from the @[Maybe
'Data.Aeson.Types.Pair']@ list that return 'Nothing'.
Meant for using with the '(.=?)' operator to remove JSON values from
the output that would contain @null@ otherwise.
objectMaybes :: [Maybe Pair] -> Value
objectMaybes = object . catMaybes
-- | Create a 'Data.Aeson.Value' that can be encoded into a
-- @ByteString@ of conventional JSON with 'Data.Aeson.encode'.
jsonSongTags :: ExtractedTags -> Value
jsonSongTags song = objectMaybes
[ "artist" .=? tagFieldToJSON (artist song)
, "artist_sort" .=? tagFieldToJSON (artistSort song)
, "album" .=? tagFieldToJSON (album song)
, "album_sort" .=? tagFieldToJSON (albumSort song)
, "album_artist" .=? tagFieldToJSON (albumArtist song)
, "album_artist_sort" .=? tagFieldToJSON (albumArtistSort song)
, "title" .=? tagFieldToJSON (title song)
, "track" .=? tagFieldToJSON (track song)
, "name" .=? tagFieldToJSON (name song)
, "genre" .=? tagFieldToJSON (genre song)
, "date" .=? tagFieldToJSON (date song)
, "original_date" .=? tagFieldToJSON (originalDate song)
, "composer" .=? tagFieldToJSON (composer song)
, "performer" .=? tagFieldToJSON (performer song)
, "conductor" .=? tagFieldToJSON (conductor song)
, "work" .=? tagFieldToJSON (work song)
, "grouping" .=? tagFieldToJSON (grouping song)
, "comment" .=? tagFieldToJSON (comment song)
, "disc" .=? tagFieldToJSON (disc song)
, "label" .=? tagFieldToJSON (label song)
, "musicbrainz_artistid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_ArtistId song)
, "musicbrainz_albumid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_AlbumId song)
, "musicbrainz_albumartistid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_AlbumartistId song)
, "musicbrainz_trackid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_TrackId song)
, "musicbrainz_releasetrackid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_ReleasetrackId song)
, "musicbrainz_workid" .=? tagFieldToJSON (musicbrainz_WorkId song)
-- | Convert constructor arguments of 'TagField', specially @String@
-- or @[String]@ under @Maybe@, into a 'Data.Aeson.Value' supported
-- for encoding. Since 'jsonSongTags' expects @Maybe Value@, extract
-- them from 'TagField'.
tagFieldToJSON :: TagField -> Maybe Value
tagFieldToJSON (SingleTagField ms) = toJSON <$> ms
tagFieldToJSON (MultiTagField ml) = toJSON <$> ml
The .=?
operator is a utility function to define optional fields in
the key-value pairs of a JSON object. It takes a Key
and a Maybe
value v
as input. If the Maybe
value is Just value
, it returns
Just (key .= value)
, where key
is the input key and value
is the
input value. If the Maybe
value is Nothing
, it returns Nothing
This operator helps to conditionally include or exclude fields in
the JSON object based on the presence or absence of values.
{- | Check if @Maybe v@ exists and is of type expected by
'Data.Aeson.object' as defined in 'Data.Aeson.Value', if it is return
both the @key@ and @value@ within the @Maybe@ context tied with
'Data.Aeson..='. This gives support to \'optional\' fields using
'Data.Maybe.catMaybes' that discard @Nothing@ values and is meant to
prevent creating JSON key/value pairs with @null@ values, e.g.:
jsonTags = object . catMaybes $
[ "artist" .=? artist
, "album" .=? album
, "title" .=? title
Where if a value on the right is @Nothing@ that key/value pair will
not be included in 'Data.Aeson.object' because of
(.=?) :: (KeyValue e a, ToJSON v) => Key -> Maybe v -> Maybe a
key .=? Just value = Just (key .= value)
_ .=? Nothing = Nothing
infixr 8 .=?
cabal-version: 3.0
name: mpd-current-json
-- The package version.
-- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards
-- guiding when and how versions should be incremented.
-- https://pvp.haskell.org
-- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes
-- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
-- | | | +--- code changes with no API change
synopsis: Print current MPD song and status as JSON
tested-with: GHC == { 9.10.1, 9.4.8 }
-- A longer description of the package.
description: Print currently playing MPD's song metadata and status as JSON
homepage: https://codeberg.org/useless-utils/mpd-current-json
-- A URL where users can report bugs.
-- bug-reports:
license: Unlicense
license-file: UNLICENSE
author: Lucas G
maintainer: [email protected]
-- A copyright notice.
-- copyright:
category: Network
extra-doc-files: CHANGELOG.md
source-repository head
type: git
location: https://codeberg.org/useless-utils/mpd-current-json
-- exposed: False
exposed-modules: Network.MPD.Parse
build-depends: base >=4.16 && <5
, libmpd == 0.10.*
, aeson == 2.2.*
, aeson-pretty == 0.8.*
, bytestring >=0.11 && <0.13
hs-source-dirs: lib
default-language: Haskell2010
executable mpd-current-json
main-is: Main.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: Options
autogen-modules: Paths_mpd_current_json
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base
, libmpd
, optparse-applicative == 0.18.*
, aeson
, aeson-pretty
, bytestring
, mpd-current-json
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
-- [[https://kowainik.github.io/posts/2019-02-06-style-guide#ghc-options][Haskell Style Guide :: Kowainik]]
ghc-options: -Wall
# v2.1
- Fix multi-value tag arrays being in reverse order.
# v2.0.0.1
- Fix internal use of function unsupported in `base` version <4.19.
- Add `-O2` compilation flag to cabal file that benefits from v2.0 refactor.
# v2.0
- Major code rewrite.
- Add command-line flags:
- `-n`: is an alias for `--next`
- `-nn`: is an alias for `--next-only`
- `--next`: Include information about the next queued song in the
output JSON.
- `--next-only`: Print only the next queued song's information,
replacing the `tags` object.
- Add support for multi-value tags such as multiple artists. If a tag
contains multiple values it should be displayed as an array in the
output json.
- Major performance increase.
# v1.5.0.1
- Fix `next_filename` to display correct filename URI.
- It was using Id instead of Position. Position is a 0-indexed
number, Id is 1-indexed and it was returning one song after the
intended one in the playlist. Oops.
# v1.5
- Add json keys
- `volume`: Integer for volume percentage
- `crossfade`: Integer seconds of crossfase
- `mixramp_db`: Decibels for MixRamp, can use float (decimals) number
- `mixramp_delay`: Seconds of delay for MixRamp, can use float number
- `updating_db`: Returns `true` when updading, not present otherwise
- More code refactoring, prepping for v2 for more abstractions :p
# v1.4.0
- Add "`next_filename`" for getting next song file URI relative to the
music library.
# v1.3.2
- Add "`next_position`", "`id`" and "`next_id`" keys to `playlist`.
# v1.3.1
- Move helper function `objectJson` to lib
# v1.3
- Add `filename` key.
- Add `playlist` key and move existing keys to it.
- Customize ordering of displayed output JSON.
- Add cabal tested-with GHC versions
# v1.2.0.0
- Move literate Org Mode code to LITERATE.org file
- Move functions from executable source Main.hs to their own library
- Bump dependency versions for `aeson` and `bytestring`
- Changed status.state from "play" to "playing" and "pause" to
The reason why it was "play" and "pause" before was because
that was the socket answer string.
# v1.1.0.2
[comment]: # (2023-10-23)
- Fixed cabal `build-depends` version bounds for Arch Linux dynamic
# v1.1.0.1
[comment]: # (2023-10-17)
- Added haddock comments
- Addressed `cabal check` warnings;
- setup for uploading as a Hackage package.
# v1.1.0.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-11)
- Remove `-h` from `--help` and use `-h` for `--host`
- Make `--help` option hidden in the help message
# v1.0.0.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-08)
Initial working version
- Added conditional tags printing, only non-empty values are printed
- Accept host, port and password
- Nested json objects for `status` and `tags`
- Added `elapsed_percent` key shortcut for `elapsed / duration * 100`
# v0.0.1.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-01)
- initial connection and parsing values
- First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.