Untill now we have using Ec2 instance to install and deploy our softwares. While this is easy and fast, it has its own challenges. Consider that you have the requirement into two set of softwares with both needing different version of a dependency say java. This is will lead to conflict. In software speaks it is called dependency matrix.
Another problem encountered in software development is the problem of IT WORKS IN MY COMPUTER . This problem arises from the configuration drift between the developers computer and the testers computer.
All the problem highlighted above is solved by containerization. Container solves this problem by creating an isolated environmentment using Linux features like NAMESPACE and CGROUP for a process.
containers are used to package application code, app configuration, dependencies and runtime environment required for running an application. This garanties to a large extent that the application runs efficiently and predictably on any environment it is deployed provider it has a container runtime.
step 1: Pull MySQL Docker Image from Docker Hub Registry
docker pull mysql/mysql-server:latest
List the images to check that you have downloaded them successfully:
docker image ls
Step 2: Deploy the MySQL Container to your Docker Engine
docker run --name <container_name> -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<my-secret-pw> -d mysql/mysql-server:latest
Then, check to see if the MySQL container is running: Assuming the container name specified is mysql-server
docker ps -a
Connecting directly to the container running the MySQL server:
$ docker exec -it mysql bash
$ docker exec -it mysql mysql -uroot -p
Approach 2:
First, create a network:
docker network create --subnet= tooling_app_network
create an environment variable to store the root password:
export MYSQL_PW=
Then, pull the image and run the container, all in one command like below:
docker run --network tooling_app_network -h mysqlserverhost --name=mysql-server -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_PW -d mysql/mysql-server:latest
Run the MySQL Client Container:
docker run --network tooling_app_network --name mysql-client -it --rm mysql mysql -h mysqlserverhost -u -p
Clone the Tooling-app repository from [here](clone https://github.com/darey-devops/tooling.git)
git clone https://github.com/darey-devops/tooling.git
On your terminal, export the location of the SQL file
export tooling_db_schema=tooling/html/tooling_db_schema.sql
Verify that the path is exported:
echo $tooling_db_schema
Use the SQL script to create the database and prepare the schema. With the docker exec command, you can execute a command in a running container:
docker exec -i mysql-server mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PW < $tooling_db_schema
Update the .env file with connection details to the database:
``` sudo vi .env MYSQL_IP=mysqlserverhost MYSQL_USER=username MYSQL_PASS=client-secrete-password MYSQL_DBNAME=toolingdb ```
Run the Tooling App
Build the image using the Dockerfile in the clonned Repo
docker build -t tooling:0.0.1 .
Run the app with the command below:
docker run --network tooling_app_network -p 8085:80 -it tooling:0.0.1
You should find something like the screenshot below on your browser:
Part 1:
- Write a Dockerfile for the TODO app
- Run both database and app on your laptop Docker Engine
- Access the application from the browser
Part 2:
Create an account in Docker Hub
Create a new Docker Hub repository
Push the docker images from your PC to the repository
docker push <image name>
Part 3:
- Write a Jenkinsfile that will simulate a Docker Build and a Docker Push to the registry
- Connect your repo to Jenkins
- Create a multi-branch pipeline
- Simulate a CI pipeline from a feature and master branch using previously created Jenkinsfile
- Ensure that the tagged images from your Jenkinsfile have a prefix that suggests which branch the image was pushed from. For example, feature-0.0.1.
- Verify that the images pushed from the CI can be found at the registry.
check the Jenkinsfile of my repo here
You can check tooling.yaml in my repo for my docker-compose implementation
The Jenkinsfile in the repo has a successful test stage