diff --git a/tests/test_client_errors.py b/tests/test_client_errors.py
index 2706d22..9c6b83a 100644
--- a/tests/test_client_errors.py
+++ b/tests/test_client_errors.py
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 import itertools
+import mmap
+import os
+import random
+import tempfile
+from http.client import CannotSendRequest
 import pytest
@@ -25,23 +30,32 @@ class ATestException(Exception):
 class MockConnection:
-    def __init__(self, fail_request_after=None, fail_getresponse_after=None):
+    def __init__(self, fail_request_after=None, fail_getresponse_after=None, exception_class=ATestException):
         self.times_closed = 0
         self.times_request = 0
         self.times_got_response = 0
         self.fail_request_after = fail_request_after
         self.fail_getresponse_after = fail_getresponse_after
+        self.exception_class = exception_class
     def request(self, method, path, body, headers):
         self.times_request += 1
+        data = b""
+        if hasattr(body, "read"):
+            data = body.read()
         if self.fail_request_after is not None and self.times_request > self.fail_request_after:
-            raise ATestException(f"Failing request number {self.times_request}")
+            raise self.exception_class(f"Failing request number {self.times_request}")
+        if method == "PUT":
+            if not os.path.exists(path):
+                return
+            with open(path, "wb") as file:
+                file.write(data)
     def getresponse(self):
         self.times_got_response += 1
         if self.fail_getresponse_after is not None and self.times_got_response > self.fail_getresponse_after:
-            raise ATestException(f"Failing response number {self.times_got_response}")
+            raise self.exception_class(f"Failing response number {self.times_got_response}")
         return MockResponse()
     def raise_for_status(self, expected_statuses=None):
@@ -52,9 +66,10 @@ def close(self):
 class MockTransport(v3io.dataplane.transport.httpclient.Transport):
-    def __init__(self, *args, connection_options=None, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, *args, connection_options=None, reset_after_create_connections=False, **kwargs):
         self.mock_connections = []
         self.connection_options = connection_options or {}
+        self.reset_after_create_connections = reset_after_create_connections
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def _create_connection(self, host, ssl_context):
@@ -62,6 +77,34 @@ def _create_connection(self, host, ssl_context):
         return conn
+    def _create_connections(self, num_connections, host, ssl_context):
+        super()._create_connections(num_connections=num_connections, host=host, ssl_context=ssl_context)
+        if self.reset_after_create_connections:
+            self.connection_options = {}
+def test_first_connection_failure():
+    connection_options = {"fail_request_after": 0, "exception_class": CannotSendRequest}
+    client = v3io.dataplane.Client()
+    mock_transport = MockTransport(
+        client._logger, connection_options=connection_options, reset_after_create_connections=True
+    )
+    client._transport = mock_transport
+    size = 1024
+    data = random.Random(0).randbytes(size)
+    with mmap.mmap(-1, size) as mmap_obj, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", delete=False) as temp_file:
+        mmap_obj.write(data)
+        mmap_obj.seek(0)
+        components = temp_file.name.split("/")
+        container = components[1]  # Index 0 will be an empty string due to leading '/'
+        path = "/" + "/".join(components[2:])
+        client.put_object(
+            container=container, path=path, body=mmap_obj, raise_for_status=v3io.dataplane.RaiseForStatus.never
+        )
+        temp_file.seek(0)
+        assert temp_file.read() == data, "Binary data read back differs from original data"
 def test_connection_creation_and_close():
     client = v3io.dataplane.Client()
diff --git a/v3io/dataplane/transport/httpclient.py b/v3io/dataplane/transport/httpclient.py
index 4353de7..63924d4 100644
--- a/v3io/dataplane/transport/httpclient.py
+++ b/v3io/dataplane/transport/httpclient.py
@@ -154,7 +154,10 @@ def _send_request_on_connection(self, request, connection):
             "Tx", connection=connection, method=request.method, path=path, headers=request.headers, body=request.body
+        starting_offset = 0
+        is_body_seekable = request.body and hasattr(request.body, "seek") and hasattr(request.body, "tell")
+        if is_body_seekable:
+            starting_offset = request.body.tell()
                 connection.request(request.method, path, request.body, request.headers)
@@ -166,6 +169,11 @@ def _send_request_on_connection(self, request, connection):
+                if is_body_seekable:
+                    # If the first connection fails, the pointer of the body might move at the size
+                    # of the first connection blocksize.
+                    # We need to reset the position of the pointer in order to send the whole file.
+                    request.body.seek(starting_offset)
                 connection = self._create_connection(self._host, self._ssl_context)
                 request.transport.connection_used = connection
                 connection.request(request.method, path, request.body, request.headers)