Releases: vaadin/testbench
Vaadin TestBench 5.1.1
Changes in TestBench 5.1.1 include:
- #969 - Removed the dependency on
Vaadin Testbench 5.1.0
Main enhancements in 5.1.0
- Selenium version is now 3.4.0
- PhantomJSDriver version is now 1.4.2
- New
helper method added inElement
List of minor bugfixes in each pre-release release notes:
Support for Vaadin 10 and Web Components
has been rewritten to work with Web Components and the DOM
searches for the tag defined inButtonElement
restricts the search to elements with the given idattr(name,value)
restricts the search to elements with the given attribute valuefirst()
fetches the given matching elementonPage()
resets the search context to the root of the page- Other methods previously available in
were removed
New helper methods added to TestBenchElement
fetches the property from the elementsetProperty(name,value)
sets the property on the elementcallFunction(name, parameters)
calls the given function on the element using the given parameters
Support for IE8, IE9, IE10 and PhantomJS was removed. These browsers are not supported by Vaadin 10.
A HasElementQuery
interface was added to make it easier to create helper interfaces using element queries.
Fix issue with latest selenium
TestBench 5.1.0.beta2
includes a fix for:
- #945 Infinite loop with latest Selenium when using WebDriverWait
4.2.1 maintenance release fixing certificate validation and infinite loop under some conditions
The main improvement is:
- #949 Avoid an infinite loop when trying to find the innermost driver
Waiting on a condition
New waitUntil
helper method added in Element
and TestCase
classes, it can be used in the following way:
waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by), 10);
Updated PhantomJSDriver and Selenium versions. Minor bugfixes and improvements included.
Following dependencies have been updated:
- Selenium version is now 3.4.0
- PhantomJSDriver version is now 1.4.2
Also following bugfixes and improvements are included:
- #885 Fix NPE when platform is unknown
- #882 Make it possible to override getDriver()
- #893 Prevent NPE if getCapabilities() is null
- #896 Allow nulling the driver after a test
- #897 Fix invalid main class name in manifest
- #907 Allowing @RunLocally to use Edge and IE
- #909 Allow test to be run in a hub with system property
- #905 License checker should respect log level when printing messages
- #895 Automatically scroll elements into view before interacting with them
- #883 Add helper for executing JavaScript
Vaadin 8 Compatibility and Selenium upgrade
- CheckBoxGroupElement added to test CheckBoxGroup Component
- RadioButtonGroupElement added to test RadioButtonGroup Component
- RetryRule added to re-run randomly failing tests.
- New Selenium version in use (3.0.1)
Vaadin 8 Compatibility and Selenium upgrade
- CheckBoxGroupElement added to test CheckBoxGroup Component
- RadioButtonGroupElement added to test RadioButtonGroup Component
- RetryRule added to re-run randomly failing tests.
- New Selenium version in use (3.0.1)
Changes in vaadin-testbench-core:
- Screen comparison is supported for individual elements through TestBenchElement.compareScreen.
- TestBenchElement can be compared with WebElement using equals().
- State of a checkbox can be checked using CheckBoxElement.isChecked().
- TestBenchElement has getClassNames() and hasClassName(String) for testing class names.
- Removed Vaadin version detection which was broken in Liferay.
- List selects in multiselect mode can be tested with PhantomJS.
- waitForVaadin is executed before each element method, eliminating timing issues in some tests.
- The hub host name can be overridden using -Dcom.vaadin.testbench.Parameters.hubHostname.
- Component Element API changes in vaadin-testbench-api:
The input field for a ComboBox can be retrieved using ComboBoxElement.getInputField().
- GridElement has getRowCount() to get the number of data rows in the grid.
- GridElement has getRows() for iterating over all data rows in the grid
- State of a checkbox can be checked using CheckBoxElement.isChecked()
- Links can be clicked using
- Link caption is correctly returned using LinkElement.getCaption()