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216 lines (170 loc) · 6.81 KB

500 - Deploy with Nx Cloud

To set up deployments with Nx Cloud:

  1. Connect to Nx Cloud (if not already done):
$ cd / # Go to the root of the repository
$ npx nx connect-to-nx-cloud
  1. Enable Distributed Task Execution:
  • Visit
  • Select your workspace
  • Go to "Distributed Task Execution"
  • Enable the feature
  1. Set up Distributed Caching:
$ cd / # Go to the root of the repository
$ nx run-many -t build --parallel -- --mode=production

You will be prompted like below:

   ✔  nx run hatch_project:build (13s)


 NX   Successfully ran target build for project hatch_project (13s)

      With additional flags:

View logs and investigate cache misses at
  1. Configure Deployment Pipeline:
  • If not already existing, create a branch in your GitHub repository called "gh-pages".
  • In the Settings of the GitHub Repository choose Pages.
  • Under Branch, select "gh-pages" and "root". Click Save.
  • Create a new file: .github/workflows/deploy.yml
  • This will handle:
    • Building the application
    • Running tests
    • Deploying to your chosen platform
name: Deploy
      - main
  workflow_dispatch: # Allows manual triggering

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 20
      # Clean up existing workspace
      - run: |
          echo "Cleaning up workspace..."
          rm -rf hatch-project
          rm -rf apps
          rm -f nx.json
          rm -f package.json
          rm -f package-lock.json
      # Create temporary directory for the new workspace
      - run: |
          echo "Creating temporary directory..."
          mkdir -p /tmp/nx-workspace
          cd /tmp/nx-workspace
          echo "Creating new Nx workspace..."
          npx create-nx-workspace@latest . \
            --preset=react-monorepo \
            --appName=hatch_project \
            --style=css \
            --nxCloud=skip \
            --packageManager=npm \
            --no-interactive \
          echo "Workspace contents:"
          ls -la
          echo "Copying workspace files back..."
          cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
          cp -r /tmp/nx-workspace/* .
          cp -r /tmp/nx-workspace/.* . 2>/dev/null || true
      # Configure base URL for GitHub Pages
      - run: |
          echo "Configuring base URL..."
          REPO_NAME=$(echo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" | cut -d'/' -f2)
          echo "Base URL will be: /$REPO_NAME/"
          # Update vite.config.ts
          cat > apps/hatch_project/vite.config.ts << EOF
          /// <reference types='vitest' />
          import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
          import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
          import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin';

          export default defineConfig({
            root: __dirname,
            base: '/$REPO_NAME/',
            cacheDir: '../../node_modules/.vite/hatch_project',

            plugins: [react(), nxViteTsPaths()],

            build: {
              outDir: '../../dist/apps/hatch_project',
              emptyOutDir: true,
              reportCompressedSize: true,
              commonjsOptions: { transformMixedEsModules: true },

            test: {
              globals: true,
              cache: {
                dir: '../../node_modules/.vitest',
              environment: 'jsdom',
              include: ['src/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}'],
      # Build for production
      - run: |
          echo "Running build command..."
          npx nx build hatch_project --configuration=production --verbose
      # Update HTML file with correct base URL
      - run: |
          echo "Updating base URL in index.html..."
          REPO_NAME=$(echo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" | cut -d'/' -f2)
          # Use sed to update the base href and asset paths
          sed -i "s|<base href=\"/\"|<base href=\"/$REPO_NAME/\"|g" dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html
          sed -i "s|src=\"/assets|src=\"/$REPO_NAME/assets|g" dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html
          sed -i "s|href=\"/assets|href=\"/$REPO_NAME/assets|g" dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html
          sed -i "s|href=\"/favicon.ico|href=\"/$REPO_NAME/favicon.ico|g" dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html
          echo "Updated index.html contents:"
          cat dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html
      # Debug: Show build output
      - run: |
          echo "Build output structure:"
          ls -R dist/ || true
          echo "Looking for build files:"
          find . -type f \( \
            -name "*.js" -o \
            -name "*.html" -o \
            -name "*.css" -o \
            -name "*.json" -o \
            -name "*.ico" -o \
            -name "*.png" -o \
            -name "*.svg" \
          \) -not -path "./node_modules/*" -not -path "./.git/*" -not -path "./dist/*"
          echo "Contents of apps/hatch_project:"
          ls -la apps/hatch_project/
          echo "Contents of dist directory (if exists):"
          ls -la dist/ || true
      # Verify build output
      - run: |
          echo "Verifying build output..."
          if [ ! -f "dist/apps/hatch_project/index.html" ]; then
            echo "Error: index.html not found in build output!"
            exit 1
      # Deploy to GitHub Pages
      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./dist/apps/hatch_project
          enable_jekyll: false
          keep_files: false
          force_orphan: true


Your React application should now be deployed and accessible at your GitHub Pages URL.

You can access your GitHub Pages site at:

To find this URL manually:

  1. Go to your repository settings (

  2. Click on "Pages" in the left sidebar

  3. Under "GitHub Pages", you should see your site's URL

Note: It might take a few minutes for the changes to propagate after a deployment. If you see a 404 error, wait a few minutes and try again.
