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File metadata and controls

302 lines (251 loc) · 8.45 KB


This is a quick introduction to using tea-cup. It shows how to create a simple Counter application, from scratch.


You'll need to setup the project before you get to actual coding.

Create the project

You need a React project in order to start using tea-cup. In order to keep things simple, we'll use the infamous create-react-app :

yarn create react-app my-app --template typescript
cd my-app

Add tea-cup to your dependencies

yarn add -D react-tea-cup tea-cup-core

Run the dev server

We'll start the dev server, and let it recompile everything when we save files :

yarn start

This should also open your default browser to http://localhost:3000 and show you the default generated app.

Implementing the counter

Now let's add our usual TEA ingredients ! Open src/App.tsx in your favourite editor, and replace its contents with this :

import React from 'react';
// bare minimum to use tea-cup
import { Program } from 'react-tea-cup';
import { Cmd, Dispatcher, Sub } from 'tea-cup-core';

// a Model can be anything. Here, it's simply a number...
type Model = number;

// the Messages can be modeled in various ways. Here we choose 
// discriminated union types.
type Msg 
  = { type: "INCREMENT" }
  | { type: "DECREMENT" }

// init is called once, at application startup, and returns the 
// initial model, as well as commands if any.
function init(): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
  return [ 
    0, // initial model
    Cmd.none() // no initial commands

// view function takes the model, and returns a React node (TSX). 
// It also needs the dispatcher function, so that 
// the view can dispatch messages.
function view(dispatch:Dispatcher<Msg>, model: Model) {
  return (
      <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: "DECREMENT"})}>-</button>
      <span>value = {model}</span>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: "INCREMENT"})}>+</button>

// update function : handle the messages and return a [model, cmd] pair
function update(msg: Msg, model: Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
  switch (msg.type) {
    case "INCREMENT": 
      return [ model + 1, Cmd.none() ];
    case "DECREMENT":
      return [ model - 1, Cmd.none() ];

// subs : return the subscriptions for the model, evaluated at every update.
function subscriptions(model: Model): Sub<Msg> {
  return Sub.none(); // no subs in this example

// App is a functional React component that delegates to <Program/>
// Program is where the whole wiring is done.
const App = () => (

export default App;

Save the file, the dev server should recompile and reload the page, where you should now have a working counter app !

The code is intentionally verbose and heavily commented.

Sending HTTP requests

The following example shows how to use Http requests, involving Tasks and Cmds.

Replace the contents of App.tsx with the following, code :

import {Http, Cmd, Task, Result, Dispatcher, Decode, Decoder, Maybe, nothing, Sub, just} from "tea-cup-core";
import {Program} from "react-tea-cup";
import * as React from 'react'

interface Model {
    // name of the repo
    readonly repo: string
    // use Maybe of Result to model state :
    // * nothing : loading commits
    // * just(error) : last fetch has failed, we have the error
    // * just(commit[]) : last fetch succeeded, we havbe the commits
    readonly commits: Maybe<Result<Error,ReadonlyArray<Commit>>>

interface Commit {
    readonly sha: string
    readonly author: string

type Msg
// repo name changed 
    = { type: "repo-changed", value: string }
    // trigger a fetch of commits
    | { type: "fetch" }
    // got fetch response, or an error
    | { type: "got-commits", commits: Result<Error,ReadonlyArray<Commit>> }

function init(repo: string): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    return [
            repo: repo, // store initial repo name
            commits: nothing // initial state is "loading"
        fetchCommits(repo) // initial fetch

function view(dispatch: Dispatcher<Msg>, model: Model) {
    return (
                Fetch data using Http module
                onChange={e => {
                    // update repo name on input change
                    const value = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
                        type: "repo-changed",
                        value: value
                    // disable the button if we are fetching
                    model.commits.type === "Nothing"
                onClick={() =>
                    // fetch commits on click
                    dispatch({ type: "fetch" })
                Fetch commits
                    // commits are present : map the result
                    .map(commitsResult =>
                        // use Result.match to map the result 
                        // depending if it's ok, or an error
                            // all good, we have commits, build the vdom
                            commits =>
                                    { =>
                                        <li key={commit.sha}>
                                            {commit.sha} - {}
                            // in case there's an error, show it
                            error =>
                                <p>Fetch error : {error.message}</p>
                    // commits == nothing, we are currently fetching

function update(msg:Msg, model:Model): [Model, Cmd<Msg>] {
    switch (msg.type) {
        case "repo-changed":
            // just change the repo in Model
            return [
                { ...model, repo: msg.value },
        case "fetch":
            // indicate that we are fetching (set commits to nothing)
            // and trigger thje fetch
            return [
                { ...model, commits: nothing },
        case "got-commits":
            // got the fetch response, assign it to 
            // the Model
            return [
                { ...model, commits: just(msg.commits) },

// no subs in this example
function subscriptions(model:Model): Sub<Msg> {
    return Sub.none()

// create and return a Cmd that fetches commits 
// for the passed repo
function fetchCommits(repo: string): Cmd<Msg> {
    // create a Task that fetches the commits or fails with an Error
    const fetchTask: Task<Error,ReadonlyArray<Commit>> =
            // create a fetch Task
            // decode the response with this decoder

    // Msg creator function
    function gotCommits(r:Result<Error,ReadonlyArray<Commit>>): Msg {
        return {
            type: "got-commits",
            commits: r

    // "perform" the Task, and indicate which message
    // needs to be used for handling the response
    return Task.attempt(fetchTask,gotCommits);

// create a Msg to handle the response of the fetch 

// A decoder for Commit objects
const commitDecoder: Decoder<Commit> =
        (sha:string, author:string) => {
            return {
                sha: sha,
                author: author
        Decode.field("sha", Decode.str),["commit", "author","name"], Decode.str)

// wire the program
const App = () => (
        init={() => init("Microsoft/TypeScript")}

export default App;