- Multiple fixes and debugging to try to get the transporter's energy bar to show properly. (VanMuur)
- Updating version numbers for release. (VanMuur)
- Made energy per unit travelled used configurable. Same with matter plasma. Added tooltips for energy and matter available in the trnasporter. Attempted to fix energy displayed bug. (VanMuur)
- Updating version number for release. (VanMuur)
- Fixing matter transporter bugs, and disabled multiple container actions. (VanMuur)
- Fixing version number issue with (VanMuur)
- Updated version number. (VanMuur)
- Fixed the decomposer so it won't display processing if its energy is zero. Matter containers stack split is still bugged. (VanMuur)
- Changed recipe (Gandalf360one)
- Changed recipe (Gandalf360one)
- changed recdipe (Gandalf360one)
- Removed a log file put in the wrong directory. (VanMuur)
- Fixed matter transporters so they didn't teleport to the wrong location. (VanMuur)
- Fixed a small bug where if your inventory was full, it wouldn't dropped a filled matter container properly. (VanMuur)
- Changed to facing for the smoke (Gandalf360one)
- Updated version for bug fixes. (VanMuur)
- Added recipes for the wide and small holo sights. (VanMuur)
- Fixed matter containers to split on a stack being filled. Also added recipes for the holo sights. (VanMuur)
- Removing debugging. (VanMuur)
- Added null pointer exception handling to the container. (VanMuur)
- Fixed a small bug with the transport flash drive. (VanMuur)
- Working matter container operation. (VanMuur)
- Fixing the Holo Sign so that it spans multiple blocks. (VanMuur)
- Updating release to v0.1.6.2. (VanMuur)
- Setting up the holo sign to have text spread across the signs if they're next to each other. (VanMuur)
- fixed fusion reactor controller facing east (Force)
- Updating version for bug fix. (VanMuur)
- Fixing bug when it came to destFilter being null. (VanMuur)
- Initial commit of network flash drives setting destinations. (VanMuur)
- Fixed animated textures for the decomposer and the recycler. (VanMuur)
- Fixing merge problems. (VanMuur)
- Working copy of the animated matter analyzer. (VanMuur)
- Saving state for the matter analyzer before switching branches. (VanMuur)
- Updating version number for release. (VanMuur)
- Fixed the sound muffler's description text, and allowed the sound muffler to be placed in the Dimensional Pylon and Microwave. (VanMuur)
- Updating the gradle wrapper properties file for a new distribution URL. (VanMuur)
- Updated version to 0.1.4 and cleaned up PatternDrive.java file. (VanMuur)
- Fixed pattern drives to show different textures based on how full they are. (VanMuur)
- Saving changes before switching branches. (VanMuur)
- Updated version before pushing for build. (VanMuur)
- Fixed muffler sounds for Analyzer, Replicator and Decomposer. (VanMuur)
- Dyeable crates work. Need to implement modded dyes still. (VanMuur)
- Initial commit for getting dying Tritanium Crates working. (VanMuur)
- Fixing release workflow. (VanMuur)
- Trying to get workflow to kick off again. (VanMuur)
- Fixed a bug in the github workflow file. (VanMuur)
- Fixed a bunch of things with the muffler upgrade. Works in all machines now and has a pattern. (VanMuur)
- Update en_us.lang (Gandalf360one)
- Fixing version number in build. (VanMuur)
- Fixed version number with build. (VanMuur)
- First edition of the sound muffler. (VanMuur)
- Fixing release version number issue. (VanMuur)
- Attempting to fix release number issue. (VanMuur)
- Fixed workflow version number issue. (VanMuur)
- Fixing reversed sights issue. (VanMuur)
- Trying to fix up the gradle.yml file. (VanMuur)
- Trying to fix up the gradle.yml file. (VanMuur)
- Trying to get autobuilds to build on a tag release. (VanMuur)
- Updating workflow to run on push of tag. (VanMuur)
- Changing to only run on new tag create. (VanMuur)
- Holo sights are now renamed properly, and are working in-game. (VanMuur)
- Holosights are now working. Commit before swapping old holo sights and new ones. (VanMuur)
- Updating tag name for the release. (VanMuur)
- Fixing spelling mistake. (VanMuur)
- Trying to get build release to work. (VanMuur)
- Uploading build artifacts on release. (VanMuur)
- Trying to get a build to release. (VanMuur)
- Fixing gradle.yaml file. (VanMuur)
- Fixed issue in gradle.yaml (VanMuur)
- Updated gradle.yaml file to upload artifacts. (VanMuur)
- Created gradle.yaml. (VanMuur)
- Updated to IWeaponModuleTest to figure out how modules work. (VanMuur)
- Attempting to get Holo Sights set up as sub-types. The subtypes are not registering properly, though, in the creative tabs. (VanMuur)
- Fixed Pattern Storage vent particle effects. It was coming out the other side of the block. Now the block is rotated 180 degrees. (VanMuur)
- Fixed the Ion Sniper zoom. (VanMuur)
- Fixed the phaser rifle zoom. (VanMuur)
- Removed everything that dealt with the dual-nature of the Matter Analyzer. It just doesn't scale with the upgrades and other options. (VanMuur)
- Fixed state on the Analyzer. Turns out it was dropping its inventory every time due to the way setBlockState() works. (VanMuur)
- Got the Analyzer's front face properly updating when analyzing starts and stops, but it spits out extra items every time there's a state change. (VanMuur)
- Update en_us.lang (Gandalf360one)
- Update recycler_side_anim.png.mcmeta (Gandalf360one)
- Add files via upload (Gandalf360one)
- Delete recycler_side.png.mcmeta (Gandalf360one)
- Delete recycler_side.png (Gandalf360one)
- Update analyzer_front_anim.png.mcmeta (Gandalf360one)
- Add files via upload (Gandalf360one)
- Delete analyzer_front.png.mcmeta (Gandalf360one)
- Delete analyzer_front.png (Gandalf360one)
- Removed licensing for now in the gradle.build file, as it's complaining about a lot of files and won't let a "./gradlew build" complete. (VanMuur)
- Removed MatterOverdrive-ChangedVersionNumber.zip file. (VanMuur)
- First attempt add adding pattern drive stack config. It's not picknig it up. (VanMuur)
- Updated matter plasma fluid block and molten tritanium fluid blocks to have translation keys. (Old function is setUnlocalizedName). (VanMuur)
- Update en_us.lang (Gandalf360one)
- Fixing the Tritanium Crate to drop items on wrench. Need to have it keep the items with the wrench. (VanMuur)
- Commented out non-working code for now. (VanMuur)
- Still working on the microwave. (VanMuur)
- Created the TileEntity for the Microwave and associated helper classes. (VanMuur)
- Updated README.md with mini-changelog. (VanMuur)
- Updated comments WRT drawScreen in TileEntityRendererPatternMonitor.java. (VanMuur)
- More fixes. (VanMuur)
- Updating pattern monitor to have number of stored patterns displayed. Also updated the network pipes to connect properly. (VanMuur)
- Attempting to update the Pattern Storage to allow connections from any side. (VanMuur)
- Updated hasCapability and getCapability to use an if statement instead of the || construct to see if that fixes sidedness of the energy input. (VanMuur)
- Updated the block state for Pattern Storage to be rotated 180 degrees. (VanMuur)
- Changed the volume level of the decomposer. (VanMuur)
- Updated gradle.build to reflect new versions and dependency locations. (VanMuur)
- (BuildTools)
- renamed/animated/changed texture (BuildTools)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it righte in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it right in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- src/main/resources/assets/matteroverdrive/models/block/pylon_overlay.mtl edited online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- set the modle more into the middle from the block (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- rotated and changed the model to the 1.7.10 version without the animation (Gandalf360one)
- rotated and changed the model to the 1.7.10 version without the animation (Gandalf360one)
- roated to show it righte in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- rotated to show it righte in the inventory (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- unused (Gandalf360one)
- src/main/resources/assets/matteroverdrive/models/block/charging_station.obj edited online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- src/main/resources/assets/matteroverdrive/models/block/charging_station.mtl edited online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- added texture to item (Gandalf360one)
- added texture to item (Gandalf360one)
- added texture to item (Gandalf360one)
- added texture to item (Gandalf360one)
- added texture to item (Gandalf360one)
- remade the plasma shield to make it more transparent (Gandalf360one)
- remade the plasma shield to make it more transparent (Gandalf360one)
- not transparent (Gandalf360one)
- added some missing things to the lang file (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- item.matteroverdrive.transport_flash_drive.xml created online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- undo an error (Gandalf360one)
- renamed again to undo an error (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the pattern drive (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to the datapad (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- src/main/resources/assets/matteroverdrive/info/en_us/item.energy_pack.xml edited online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- renamed (Gandalf360one)
- undo error (Gandalf360one)
- undo my error (Gandalf360one)
- src/main/resources/assets/matteroverdrive/info/en_us/item.contract.xml edited online with Bitbucket (Gandalf360one)
- added missing info to datapad (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- fixed the missing texture (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- added up and down parameter (Gandalf360one)
- reworked blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- added blockstate (Gandalf360one)
- Fix oredict crash (Coded)
- Fix default biome blacklist config (Coded)
- 0.7.0 Update (Coded)
- Move MO Ore dict registration (Coded)
- dont talk to me (Coded)
- Prevent abuse from acceleration devices (Coded)
- Fix build.gradle (Coded)
- Improve jenkinsfile (Coded)
- Formatting (Coded)
- Update licenses (Coded)
- Fix error in BlockDecorative (Coded)
- Fix fusion reactor & stabilizer rotation. Make stabilizer laser act as a warning mechanism for the anomaly. (Coded)
- fix anomalies being assholes (Coded)
- Fix guns not damaging the stubborn ass dragon (Coded)
- Update (Coded)
- Jenkinsfile created online with Bitbucket (Coded)
- Initial Bitbucket Pipelines configuration (Coded)
- Update mappings & fix config (TheCodedOne)
- Optimize Banner (TheCodedOne)
- README.md edited online with Bitbucket (Coded)
- Banner (TheCodedOne)
- README.md edited online with Bitbucket (Coded)
- README.md edited online with Bitbucket (Coded)
- Rename .github/LICENSE.md to LICENSE.md (TheCodedOne)
- Finished Translating (#167) (ETStareak)
- Fixes! (#172) (Buuz135)
- Fix crash, closes #160, closes #154, closes #158 (TheCodedOne)
- Update naming (TheCodedOne)
- Reverts (TheCodedOne)
- [ImgBot] optimizes images (#161) (imgbot[bot])
- Update issue templates (TheCodedOne)
- Update logo (TheCodedOne)
- Update Readme (TheCodedOne)
- fix link (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup workspace (TheCodedOne)
- Update README.md (TheCodedOne)
- Update issue templates (TheCodedOne)
- Revert "Retexture casing" (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture upgrades some more (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture upgrades (TheCodedOne)
- origin unknown (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture crystal (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture casing (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture circuits (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture tritanium tools (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture misc (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture tritanium resources (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture tritanium armor (TheCodedOne)
- Add quantum fold manipulator (TheCodedOne)
- Update issue templates (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup creative tabs (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Texture VENOM module (TheCodedOne)
- Fix module errors (TheCodedOne)
- Fix beams extending passed weapons (TheCodedOne)
- Weapon System Rewrite Part 1: Modules (TheCodedOne)
- Bug fixes (#148) (VolcanoINC)
- Update gradle wrapper (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup the repo (TheCodedOne)
- Some rendering fixes (TheCodedOne)
- Run license format (TheCodedOne)
- Update README.md to move the website (#140) (Dev-Osmium)
- REEEEEEEEndering madness and more (#147) (Buuz135)
- Remove some old code (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Add trilithium and an artifact (TheCodedOne)
- Microwav and things (TheCodedOne)
- Update with things (TheCodedOne)
- Look at the colors! (#146) (Buuz135)
- add COLOUR (TheCodedOne)
- Do things (TheCodedOne)
- We have updated our privacy policy (TheCodedOne)
- Buuz135 fixes (#145) (Buuz135)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Re implement machine shift clicking closes #94 (TheCodedOne)
- Ignore license failure (TheCodedOne)
- Update maven stuff (TheCodedOne)
- Update license headers (TheCodedOne)
- Make MO standalone (TheCodedOne)
- More fixes (#144) (Buuz135)
- Some small fixes (#143) (Buuz135)
- Update issue templates (TheCodedOne)
- add tritanium recipe, closes #134 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix crashes (TheCodedOne)
- Fix serverside crash (TheCodedOne)
- Register matter registry from config, closes #124 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix up some things (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Fix API jar being incomplete (TheCodedOne)
- Implement MultiblockFormEvent (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Fix matter registry command (TheCodedOne)
- Prevent certain items from automatically getting matter (TheCodedOne)
- Fix matter registry (TheCodedOne)
- Missed an error (TheCodedOne)
- Update zh_cn.lang (#100) (ETStarLight)
- Update ru_ru.lang (#103) (krybik)
- Fix guide (TheCodedOne)
- Fix pipe collision and selection boxes (TheCodedOne)
- Fix network pipes not connecting correctly (TheCodedOne)
- Begin trying to fix matter network (TheCodedOne)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (TheCodedOne)
- Create ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (TheCodedOne)
- do a really stupid fix because forge is stupid, closes #117 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix villager profession, closes #112 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix a crash, closes #105 (TheCodedOne)
- Add config for @Vyraal1 related to #102 (TheCodedOne)
- fix a name (TheCodedOne)
- Remove Google Analytics (TheCodedOne)
- Fix config location (TheCodedOne)
- Add a config to disable entities (TheCodedOne)
- Remove legacy starmap things (TheCodedOne)
- Fix colored tritanium crate lang, closes #101 (TheCodedOne)
- Remove useless util method (TheCodedOne)
- Fix fusion reactor checking the state of air, closes #89 (TheCodedOne)
- Update README.md (TheCodedOne)
- Rotate minimap 180 deg to correctly align (#99) (Shadowfacts)
- Fix #97 (TheCodedOne)
- Remove some more legacy resources (TheCodedOne)
- Rename the pattern drive slot, closes #95 (TheCodedOne)
- Move world gen initialization to pre-init (#92) (Shadowfacts)
- Fix solar panels occluding adjacent blocks (#93) (Shadowfacts)
- stop stalebot from stale-ing features (TheCodedOne)
- Remove space-related objects from MO (TheCodedOne)
- fix deobf & api jar (TheCodedOne)
- Make an effort to start cleaning up code but really its a waste of time (TheCodedOne)
- Update MOSounds enum with new sounds (TheCodedOne)
- fine tune stale (TheCodedOne)
- move planet rendering to the sky renderer (TheCodedOne)
- add stale.yml (TheCodedOne)
- Improve space handling a bit (TheCodedOne)
- improve clouds (TheCodedOne)
- Add cloud layer (TheCodedOne)
- Texture the plaent (TheCodedOne)
- fix hwyla crash (TheCodedOne)
- Remove unused items (TheCodedOne)
- Remove curse publish for now (TheCodedOne)
- [curse publish] (TheCodedOne)
- Source not sources, [curse publish] (TheCodedOne)
- add curse building [curse publish] (TheCodedOne)
- Use alternative logo icon (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- make changelog generate a full changelog (TheCodedOne)
- fix hwyla compat (TheCodedOne)
- Implement the space dimension (TheCodedOne)
- Retexture a few blocks (TheCodedOne)
- Update zh_CN.lang (#78) (ETStarLight)
- Compress all the things (Much smaller jar size) (TheCodedOne)
- Disable matter pipe recipes (for now) (TheCodedOne)
- Begin work on new pipe system (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Implement a custom model loader & clean proxies a bit (TheCodedOne)
- Fix omnitool not breaking blocks, closes #44 (TheCodedOne)
- Shrink weapon texture size to improve ram usage (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Make energy weapons not fire in spectator mode, fixes #82 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix up the mad scientist a bit (TheCodedOne)
- Improve android command (TheCodedOne)
- Make boundingbox simulate original block in pickblock (TheCodedOne)
- add coloured tritanium crates (TheCodedOne)
- Improve physbeam texture (TheCodedOne)
- add glass to the lang (TheCodedOne)
- Fix the iscollidable checks (TheCodedOne)
- Reimplement Alien dimension (TheCodedOne)
- Make the teleport biostat disable hotbar items after teleport (TheCodedOne)
- Fix the glow on the teleport biostat (TheCodedOne)
- Remove legacy code (TheCodedOne)
- Formatting (TheCodedOne)
- Disabling shift clicking inside inventories until fixed, cc #73 (TheCodedOne)
- Remove some legacy code (TheCodedOne)
- Fullbright a bunch of models (TheCodedOne)
- add IndustrialGlass (TheCodedOne)
- brighten the crate overlay texture for later usage (TheCodedOne)
- Add CTM (TheCodedOne)
- Dont add to loot table (TheCodedOne)
- Bunch of stuff, read description for actual info (TheCodedOne)
- Reimplement wireless charging, closes #79 (TheCodedOne)
- Finish the version checker update, all is working now (TheCodedOne)
- Update the version handler (TheCodedOne)
- Cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Remove slots from starmap (TheCodedOne)
- remove energy unit config (TheCodedOne)
- Make gravitational anomaly non-collidable (TheCodedOne)
- Fix sonic shockwave ignoring pvp, closes #59 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix inventories doing.. pretty retarded shit (TheCodedOne)
- Fix teleporting into blocks that you shouldn't (TheCodedOne)
- Fix TESRs rendering when they shouldn't, closes #58 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix inscriber TESR (TheCodedOne)
- Fix weapon station not listening to the slot (TheCodedOne)
- add override (TheCodedOne)
- Fix up some null stacks (TheCodedOne)
- Whoops wrong class (TheCodedOne)
- Finish up overclock enchantment a bit (TheCodedOne)
- Fix wrench animation (TheCodedOne)
- Fix weapon reequip animation (TheCodedOne)
- Fix #71 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix some dupe bugs (TheCodedOne)
- Reimplment old inscriber recipes until CLXML is stable (TheCodedOne)
- Fix android hud rendering weirdness (TheCodedOne)
- Fix tritanium armor (TheCodedOne)
- Fix hundreds of anomalies spawning, closes #66 (TheCodedOne)
- fix serverside method (TheCodedOne)
- Fix a few issues (TheCodedOne)
- Fixed WeaponFactory checks (#65) (DBotThePony)
- Correct repository URL in the git clone command (#60) (IncognitoJam)
- Remove inscriber recipes in preparation (TheCodedOne)
- Register MO Enchantments (TheCodedOne)
- Improve some stack & state logic (TheCodedOne)
- Fix android hud up, closes #5 (TheCodedOne)
- General cleanup (TheCodedOne)
- Update zh_cn.lang (#55) (冷风)
- Weird (TheCodedOne)
- Don't rotate HUD if player is sleeping (#54) (DBotThePony)
- Fixed HUD is rendered while in spectator mode (#53) (DBotThePony)
- Fixed energy issues (#50) (DBotThePony)
- Begin planning out new sounds (TheCodedOne)
- Revert "Work on fixing energy items" (TheCodedOne)
- Work on fixing energy items (TheCodedOne)
- some reformatting (TheCodedOne)
- Fix the inscriber up a bit, closes #41 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix level+1 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix some more loottable name stuff (TheCodedOne)
- fix loottable name (TheCodedOne)
- Start attempting to fix World Gen (Dev-Osmium)
- Fix some inscriber things (TheCodedOne)
- Fix syntax in JSON files (Dev-Osmium)
- Fix pill included in dungeon (Dev-Osmium)
- Fix lang closes #39 (TheCodedOne)
- Add Loot Manager and start generating Dungeon Loot (Dev-Osmium)
- Make buildings generate only in dev env for now (TheCodedOne)
- Fix discord invite (TheCodedOne)
- fix biome name stuff (TheCodedOne)
- Fix #36 (TheCodedOne)
- add this to the todo (TheCodedOne)
- whoops turn that down (TheCodedOne)
- partially fix world gen structures THIS IS STILL EXTREMELY BROKEN (TheCodedOne)
- Side only some stuff (TheCodedOne)
- move the transform back it its regular place (TheCodedOne)
- Fix server crash, closes #33 (TheCodedOne)
- fix some food lang (TheCodedOne)
- Fix some lang (TheCodedOne)
- fix mad scientist and village building, closes #31 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix fusion reactor lang once and for all (TheCodedOne)
- Fix furnace recipes, closes #30 (TheCodedOne)
- Update CLib (TheCodedOne)
- Stop assuming EnergyContainer, fixes #26 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix fusion reactor lang (TheCodedOne)
- u better be right this time (TheCodedOne)
- hopefully you my little friend, fix my problems (TheCodedOne)
- expand the built artifacts (TheCodedOne)
- move wrenchable to clib (TheCodedOne)
- fix inscriber recipes (TheCodedOne)
- fix things not actually being included in the ore dict making half the recipes not work AND ANGER ME TO MY VERY CORE (TheCodedOne)
- push some recipe shtuff (TheCodedOne)
- add android names (TheCodedOne)
- just some formatting (TheCodedOne)
- Move the fusion reactor monitor info to lang (TheCodedOne)
- fix changelog printing wrong name (TheCodedOne)
- add changelog plugin (TheCodedOne)
- Clean up a whole lot of TODOs (TheCodedOne)
- add offhand support to the dimensional rift render (TheCodedOne)
- Fix up gravitational anomaly's bounding box (TheCodedOne)
- Add antimatter (TheCodedOne)
- fix build error (TheCodedOne)
- remove forceglass pending a rewrite because it just.. didnt work (TheCodedOne)
- in theory, i now pronounce you, fixed (TheCodedOne)
- add the ability for mods to interact with MO inventories (TheCodedOne)
- fix a weird crash (TheCodedOne)
- little things (TheCodedOne)
- Fix the majority of models (TheCodedOne)
- Random things (TheCodedOne)
- Fix some advanced models (TheCodedOne)
- Fix #12 and fix #8 (TheCodedOne)
- Remove the remains of RF & Tesla (TheCodedOne)
- Turn down the particle amount a tad (TheCodedOne)
- Fix gravitational stabilizer for the most part (TheCodedOne)
- fix weapon module renders, fixes #11 (TheCodedOne)
- Fix up some recipes (TheCodedOne)
- fix #10 (TheCodedOne)
- attempt fix (TheCodedOne)
- add advanced model providers (TheCodedOne)
- Move most recipes to JSON, some are still not there (TheCodedOne)
- Finish readme formatting (TheCodedOne)
- whoops, move branch too (TheCodedOne)
- Edit readme and update to new logo (TheCodedOne)
- Fix some models (TheCodedOne)
- Update mcmod.info (Dev-Osmium)
- Update Build Status from Travis to Jenkins (Dev-Osmium)
- add buildnumber to jenkins build (TheCodedOne)
- add maven configuration (TheCodedOne)
- Add some more android names (TheCodedOne)
- Initial port to 1.12 (TheCodedOne)
- Update README.md (Dev-Osmium)
- Styled Readme (Simeon Radivoev)
- Updated Readme (Simeon Radivoev)
- Updated Readme (Simeon Radivoev)
- Create lol_US.lang (Trent Patterson)
- Update README.md (Dev-Osmium)
- Update contact info (Dev-Osmium)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md (Dev-Osmium)
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md (Dev-Osmium)
- Update dependencies and ShadowMC version (Dev_Osmium)
- Update README.md (Dev-Osmium)
- Update Spelling (Dev-Osmium)
- Updated README Images (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fix weapons rendering incorrectly in GUI (Shadowfacts)
- Fix crash in Mad Scientist dialog (Shadowfacts)
- Always show crosshair Closes #637 (Shadowfacts)
- Add record for transformation music Closes #388 (Shadowfacts)
- Fix potential crash on OmniTool firing Closes #637 (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Gravitation Stabilizer/Reactor Controller placement causing crash Closes #640 (Shadowfacts)
- Update JEI (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed lombok link (Simeon Radivoev)
- Add Lombok Dependency documentation. (#639) (Dev-Osmium)
- Fix NPE in RenderWeaponsBeam Closes #636 (Shadowfacts)
- Redo Matter Container (Shadowfacts)
- Remove BucketHandler Closes #632 (Shadowfacts)
- Update RF API (Shadowfacts)
- First Update zh_CN.lang for 1.10.2 version 0.5.1 (#634) (Joccob)
- Bump version (Shadowfacts)
- Clean up weapon renderer code (Shadowfacts)
- OreDictionary recipes and clean up recipe code (Shadowfacts)
- Fix I18n usage on server Closes #625 (Shadowfacts)
- Fix super hasCapability/getCapability calls (Shadowfacts)
- Clean up IBioticStat attributes (Shadowfacts)
- Fix entity renderers (Shadowfacts)
- Re-add setBoundingBox calls (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Tesla mod ID in dependencies (Shadowfacts)
- Remove duplicates of Lombok methods (Shadowfacts)
- Remove extra files (Shadowfacts)
- Fix errors related to undefined methods (Otmas)
- Add files to be ignored (Dev-Osmium)
- Fix Markdown (#608) (Otmas)
- Another Spelling Fix (#605) (Otmas)
- Random cleanup (Shadowfacts)
- Clean up PacketDigBlock stuff (Shadowfacts)
- Don't use HTTPS for version checking (Shadowfacts)
- Create LICENSE.md (Simeon Radivoev)
- Add .DS_Store to .gitignore (Shadowfacts)
- Fix a spelling error (#577) (Oatmas64134)
- Updated website URL once again (Simeon Radivoev)
- Updated website URL once again (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fix HUD rendering semi-transparent when an Android (Shadowfacts)
- Fix pill item colors (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Mad Scientist spawning (Shadowfacts)
- Added automatic date replacement in Resources.java by gradle build * Fixed client crashing when firing weapons and tag compound is missing * Replaced some NBT tag setting on stack with new shortcut method "setTagInfo" (Simeon Radivoev)
- Update Website URL on Readme (Simeon Radivoev)
- Updated Website URL for Version Checking (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fix Molten Tritanium fluid rendering (Shadowfacts)
- Rejiger some fluid stuff (Shadowfacts)
- Change Molten Tritanium fluid textures (Shadowfacts)
- Tinker's Construct compat (Shadowfacts)
- Fix android capability issue (Shadowfacts)
- Add Mantle/TiCon dependencies (Shadowfacts)
- Remove Ex Nihilo compat module, EN doesn't exist for 1.10.2 (Shadowfacts)
- Fix a bunch of deprecation warnings (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to new default Tesla impls (Shadowfacts)
- Version replacement (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to XML recipe system (Shadowfacts)
- Update ru_RU.lang (xMrVizzy)
- Remove Ex Nihilo compat module, EN doesn't exist for 1.10.2 (Shadowfacts)
- Fix a bunch of deprecation warnings (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to new default Tesla impls (Shadowfacts)
- Version replacement (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to XML recipe system (Shadowfacts)
- Fix crash when Phaser w/ Incendiary Barrel is fired at nothing (Shadowfacts)
- Update Forge (Shadowfacts)
- Forward bounding box stuff to owner block/TE (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Charging Station renderer (Shadowfacts)
- Use the horizontal plane for directions, prevents a bunch of MissingVariantExceptions (Shadowfacts)
- Change bounding box behavior for JEI, Waila, and TOP (Shadowfacts)
- Register the energy pack recipes with RecipeSorter (Shadowfacts)
- Rename worldIn parameter (Shadowfacts)
- Fix placing the charging station (Shadowfacts)
- Fix hand rendering semi-transparent (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Omni Tool not resetting break progress after stop mining (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Dilithium Ore mining level and drop (Shadowfacts)
- Fix handheld wrench model (Shadowfacts)
- Fix block/food item models (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to ShadowMC registration system (Shadowfacts)
- Fix tool models (Shadowfacts)
- Increase Omni Tool mining level (Shadowfacts)
- Add ShadowMC to dep string (Shadowfacts)
- Fix minimap crash on dedicated servers (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Tritanium Plate SAG Mill recipe (Shadowfacts)
- Fix AbstractMethodError with IGridNodes caused by reobfuscation (Shadowfacts)
- Fix EntityDrone crash (Shadowfacts)
- Add Ender IO integration (Shadowfacts)
- Clean up Gradle config (Shadowfacts)
- Reformat Reference (Shadowfacts)
- Update Tesla and add minimum required version (Shadowfacts)
- Add The One Probe integration (Shadowfacts)
- Remove GalactiCraft API (Shadowfacts)
- Add missing localizations for creative tabs (Shadowfacts)
- Fix block bounding boxes (Shadowfacts)
- fix BlockPylon#shouldSideBeRendered (Shadowfacts)
- Remove NEI compat module (Shadowfacts)
- JEI plugin (Shadowfacts)
- Automatically disable analytics in dev-envs (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Inscriber energy indicator texture (Shadowfacts)
- Fix Matter Pipes (Shadowfacts)
- Fix broken network cable inventory model (Shadowfacts)
- Fix decomposer energy indicator (Shadowfacts)
- Fix pipe bounding boxes and rendering (Shadowfacts)
- Fix not registering the Heavy Matter Pipe TE (Shadowfacts)
- Tesla GUI indicators (Shadowfacts)
- Add Tesla support (Shadowfacts)
- Re-add Waila compatibility (Shadowfacts)
- Annotation everything! (Shadowfacts)
- No more ITileEntityProvider (Shadowfacts)
- Fix hotbar rendering bug (Shadowfacts)
- Switch to fluid/matter handler capabilities (Shadowfacts)
- Use proper I18n (Shadowfacts)
- It compiles \o/ (Shadowfacts)
- Update gradle stuff (Shadowfacts)
- Changed to be consistent with the other name changes in the code. (#540) (cloakable)
- I have derped a bit, made my own typo and didn't notice some additional broken bits. (#539) (cloakable)
- Fix typos and broken keys in en_US. (cloakable)
- Initial update to 1.9.4 Everything is probably broken (Shadowfacts)
- Update build.gradle (#519) (Ashlyn)
- Update RF API to official CoFH (Shadowfacts)
- Remove old compat modules (Shadowfacts)
- Move IDismantleable to MO API because it doesn't exist in CoFH for 1.9 - Remove CoFH mod helpers - Remove ThermalExpansion compat module (Shadowfacts)
- Redo entity renderer registration to prevent deprecation warning (Shadowfacts)
- SpaceBody#getName -> getSpaceBodyName (Shadowfacts)
- Figured out how to color items and blocks. (simeonradivoev)
- Optimize imports and reformat (Shadowfacts)
- Update MatterScanner.java to 1.9 format (#511) (Lazarix)
- Removed old comment (Shadowfacts)
- ChatFormatting -> TextFormatting (Shadowfacts)
- Use MC TextFormatting instead of Realms ChatFormatting (Shadowfacts)
- Fix item models (Shadowfacts)
- Add Tritanium Shovel (Shadowfacts)
- Don't generate the sources jar (Shadowfacts)
- Remove methods duplicated by the reformat (Shadowfacts)
- Reformat everything (Shadowfacts)
- Add IDEA formatter (Shadowfacts)
- First 1.9 Commit. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Transformation Effect storing as a integer instead of a short. Fixed Android Station blending issues. Added type checking when updating android effects. (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Oxygen android ability. The Oxygen biotic stat now handles the resetting of oxygen in water. Added Galacticraft integration when the Oxygen ability is active. Closes #455 (simeonradivoev)
- Added clean command to travis (simeonradivoev)
- Moved build command to script in travis. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Client Only on Server. Enabled Explosion barrel to all energy Weapons with new particles. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Google Analytics Source Files (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed missing gradle artifacts. (simeonradivoev)
- Added a custom font to MO GUI's. Made the Android Hud choppy fix on this branch as well. Started integrating TextureMap with MO's particles. New blood and smoke custom animated particles. Fixed Weapon recoil value spillage from previously fired weapon. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed travis install pass from gradle assemble to gradle build. Added build pass indicator in readme and removed deobuf and sources artifact building. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Unused Imports (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Old APIs (simeonradivoev)
- First Minecraft 1.8.9 update (simeonradivoev)
- MFR laser ore registration (Shadowfacts)
- Added IAndroid interface to API. Added cancelable event for Android Transformation. (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Portable Decomposer. Added Guide entries for Contracts and Contract Market as wel las the portable decomposer. (simeonradivoev)
- Shade Google Analytics library from Maven Central (Shadowfacts)
- Moved most Google Analytic calls to client only. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed localized to unlocalized names when sending to Google Analytics. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Tile info interface from Machines. (simeonradivoev)
- Google Analytic now only load on clients not on Dedicated servers. (simeonradivoev)
- Disabling Google Analytics now prevents it from initializing. This should help with people with missing libraries. Fixes #378 (simeonradivoev)
- Added config option to change TConstruct Molten Tritanium ID. Fixes #377 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed crash when spawning item in full inventory (Adaptivity)
- Added Google Analytics to more Quests events. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Google Analytics to Quests events. Changed Google Analytics to send biotic stat unlocalized name instead of display name. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed multi quest clamp. Fixes #375 (simeonradivoev)
- Optimised Google Analytics calls even more. Made calls only handle MO stuff or lower calls for free Google Analytics plan. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Optional to Cofh API interfaces. Optimised Google Analytics calls. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Version of build to 0.4.1 (simeonradivoev)
- Added recipe for Contract Market. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Version to 0.4.1 (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Google Analytics. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Flash Cooling and Shockwave biotic stats. New Android Part Factory for generating legendary android parts. Implemented energy usage android attribute. Added custom stats from NBT on bionic parts. Biotic stats action key event now called on server and client. Added more quests. Data pad can now scan blocks. Added Event on scanned. Moved Weapon Recoil handling to Client Weapon Handler. Added Energy Weapon events. Added config option to disable building generation. Moved Quest Stack to API. Added Multi Quest with multiple Quest logics. Implemented IQuestReward for quest rewards instead of itemstacks. Added recipes for Ion Sniper and Plasma shotgun as well as new weapon part items for them. Implemented security to Holo Signs. Added Transport event. Added adventure mode checking for Omni Tool. Added World Gen commands for building generation. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Image World Generation calling OnGenerated on each layer. Fixes #369 (simeonradivoev)
- Added option to disable the automatic running of the matter calculation thread. This does not disable the thread, only the automatic calling of it. The recalculate command should still work. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #370 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed rotation of base and decorative blocks (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Pattern Storage Matter Network Broadcast on awake. (simeonradivoev)
- Started implementing fluid piping for matter plasma. Removed network switch packets for connections. Added new quest logic for spawning entities. Added flag to machine slots for sending items on description packets, for machines such as replicators and inscribers. Network Packets are now only sent into loaded chunks. Fixed item Patterns not storing damage and count properly. New packet for updating task queues. Fixed Quest rewards not landing in player inventory. Fixed pipe rendering. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Pattern storing tasks goiing all over the place. Added null check for empty pattern when comparing if there is a better storage on the network. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Mod ID prefix to tile entity registration because it deletes NBT data for previous worlds. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Mod ID prefix to tile entity registration. Fixes #362. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Sort of Fixed the rendering of Switches. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed machine client syncing. Added Replicator Container. Implemented Item Pattern instead of NBT. (simeonradivoev)
- BioticStatShield: Prevent NPE when checking active stat Simplify code for checking active stat,
will never benull
(Shadowfacts) - Update Gradle wrapper to 2.10 (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Pattern Storage sending valid pattern when there is no storage. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Planet Sending to client from server. Until Loading/Unloading of planets is implemented. (simeonradivoev)
- Added indication on NBT writing for when sending trough packets or saving to disk. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed GUI Textfield initialization. Fixes client crash on GUIs with text fields. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Android Transformation music. New Quest for Power Generation building and Android Transformation. Added item rewards to some of the quests. Added Depth mask to active quest GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed unnecessary API and removed the Auto generated Copyright. (simeonradivoev)
- Fully Removed CofhLib dependency. Included Cofh API. (simeonradivoev)
- Added random bound checking on Quest Stack initialization. (simeonradivoev)
- The damage of energy weapons now affected by player attack damage attribute. Attack Android Ability now works on energy weapons. (simeonradivoev)
- Started removing dependency on CofhLib (simeonradivoev)
- Started finishing up the Starmap. Planets now have stats and building can affect them. Added population, happiness, energy production and matter production to planets as stats. Added new residential, power generation, matter extractor and ship hangar buildings. Starmap now renders in GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Ion Sniper and Plasma rifle Guide and language entries. (simeonradivoev)
- Android Shield Abiltiy is now on a cooldown. Android abilities not can have Cooldowns. Lowered Phaser Rife Accuracy. Added Rogue Android sounds. Fixed Ranged Rogue Android drops. (simeonradivoev)
- Added config to disable Android HUD movement. Closes #305 (simeonradivoev)
- Made the forcing of item using only on Client. Fixes #356 and Fixes #355 (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Android Spawner block for spawning rogue androids in teams. Added new weapon Ion Sniper. Added new weapon module sniper scope. Implemented custom weapon model metadata for module attachment positions. Implemented proper per tick weapon fire synchronisation. Now phaser bolts get compensated for network lag. Fixed mouse position on GUI element groups. Added zoom modification to weapons. Separated weapon color modules and scopes to own interfaces. Rogue android no can have paths they can follow. Used mainly by Android spawners for PVE minigames. Improved Rogue android AI. Ranged Rogue androids now run away from close compat. Phaser Bolts now hurt only entities not on the same team. Fixed rogue androids not spawning with random armor. Rogue androids now avoid water and can't swim. IWeaponModule now modifies weapon stats directly This allows for advanced stat modification. Plasma Bolt Knockback can now be controlled. Did some rebalancing on energy weapon damage and speed. (simeonradivoev)
- Android minimap now shows entities from the same team as green. (simeonradivoev)
- Added 2 new Quest logics and whole new quests. Quest Logic for Minning and Crafting. (simeonradivoev)
- Gravitational anomalies performance and some rendering improvements. Cached the Vec3 positions by the anomaly for save on GC. (simeonradivoev)
- Made the mutant scientist to ignore other mutants as targets. (simeonradivoev)
- Revert "Revert "Update ru_RU.lang"" (Alex)
- Revert "Update ru_RU.lang" (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- A possible fix for #353 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #352 (simeonradivoev)
- Added Plasma Shotgun. New entity Mutant Scientist. New Image World generation, Crashed Ship, Cargo Ship, Underwater base and Sand pits. New decorative engine exhaust plasma, Tritanium lamp and colored tritanium plates. Fixed GUI group elements tooltips for objects. Implemented Quest XP and Quest rewards. Added API interfaces for Quest implementations. Data Pad now has guide click history. Added more recoil to Phaser Rifle and Omni tool. Added Rotated versions on some Decorative blocks based on their metadata. Added chat command to save world slices to image. Fixed World Gen not saving positions. (simeonradivoev)
- Added more guide entries (simeonradivoev)
- Added individual HUD layouts for different element positions. Added black background for HUD elements. Opacity can be changed in Android HUD config. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed lightmap enabling and disabling. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed encoding to hopefully fix jenkins builds (simeonradivoev)
- Entities now only automatically remapped only when there is no config file. Fixes#348 and Fixes #307 (simeonradivoev)
- Added supported check for OpenGL 20. Fixes #344. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Plasma bolts having infinite life when Y motion is 0 (simeonradivoev)
- Added Ore Dictionary recipes for tritanium crates. Fixes #335. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Recharge amount on respawn for Android players. Fixes #327. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Complete and Abandon quest functionality into datapad GUI. Added onCompleted call method in Quest and Quest logic. Added 2 new Quests. New Quest Logic Collect Item. Added more options to Kill Creature Quest logic. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #336. Fixes #228 (simeonradivoev)
- Bounding block ownership system (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Plasma bolts not updating bounding box on moving. Added try catch around Matter Scanner and Data pad use methods. The Phaser Rifle now zooms in the view and lowers mouse sensitivity. ClientWeaponHandler now handles zooming and the fov changing on zooming. Removed Quest Hud test buttons. Fixed Android Crosshairs blending affecting other Hud elements. (simeonradivoev)
- Image loading now fixed on server by loading resource manually not by Client Resource Manager. Lowered Android House spawn chance. (simeonradivoev)
- Contract now gets title without Player reference. (simeonradivoev)
- Moved Tritanium armor models into Render Handler. This fixes Server Crash. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Mushroom island as default blacklisted biome for Rouge Androids. Rouge Android spawn entry now only added to biomes if weight is higher than 0. Added spawn entries for all rouge android types. Fixes #337. (simeonradivoev)
- New Image Based World Generation. Matter Overdrive World generated position now stored in GetPositionWorldData. Added Base Implementation of Quest system. New Extended properties for Quest Holding and management. New mad scientist mob with dialog quest. Does not yet spawn in world. New Contract Market block for Quest generation. New Dialog factory for easy quest generation and helper functions. New Quest hud. New Active Quest page for datapad. New Quest commands. (simeonradivoev)
- New Ranged Rouge Android Added custom stats to Energy weapons that enable the creation of weapons with custom NBT stats trough console commands. Added Random Energy Weapon generation with random base stats. Rouge androids now have levels. And can be legendary. Plasma bolt hit particles are now color dependent. Rouge androids now have random names. Rouge android name tags now only visible when player is 18 blocks or nearer. Fixes #338. (simeonradivoev)
- New Tritanium Armor Model (simeonradivoev)
- Added recipes for decorative blocks. (simeonradivoev)
- Smallest commit. (Émile Bolduc)
- Corrected typos. (Émile Bolduc)
- Fixes #324 (simeonradivoev)
- Missed some lines. (Émile Bolduc)
- Updated all language files. (Émile Bolduc)
- Updated translations (Émile Bolduc)
- Update fr_FR.lang (Mazdallier)
- Fixed inventory slot validation checking for stack size. Fixes #320. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Inscriber and Tritanium Crate models. Fixes #318. (simeonradivoev)
- Added default GUI config constructor. Fixes #316. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Concurrent hash map on fuel calculation for thread safety. Fixes #187. (simeonradivoev)
- Charging Android while holding batteries now only applies to MO batteries. Fixes #297. (simeonradivoev)
- Cleared non debug messages from Matter Registry. Fixes #290. (simeonradivoev)
- Androids now glitch only if damage dealt is above zero. Fixes #306. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated IMC info. (simeonradivoev)
- Added IMC messages for Inscriber Recipe registration and Matter Registration. (simeonradivoev)
- Energy Weapons can now have different model parts based on applied weapon modules. Added physics and hit direction to Phaser Bolt hit particles. New Omni Tool fire sound. Balanced Phaser damage and power usage. Weapon modules can now be individually supported by energy weapons. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Resources for Inscriber, Tritanium Chest and molten tritanium. (simeonradivoev)
- Added New Inscriber Block. Added New Tritanium Crate Block. Added the Charging station GUI. Fixed some missing default ore Dictionary entries in Matter Registry. Isolinear circuits now can only be crafted in inscriber. Fixed Matter Registry now finding entries with messed up item damage. (simeonradivoev)
- Added more info on Tooltip of energy Weapons. Balanced the power usage and damage of phaser. Phaser Fire now fades until it reaches max distance. Android HUD now displayed on All Overlay type. This fixes Android HUD not shown while ridding a horse. Charging station now has lowered range and accepts Range upgrades. Machine Inventory now does not allow more items then the slot limit. Moved Starmap Gui pages. (simeonradivoev)
- Added config for disabling hurt glitching for androids. (simeonradivoev)
- Replaced Stencil masking on Android minimap with depth masking. Fixed layout of Android stats on HUD when positioned on the bottom. (simeonradivoev)
- Android Player now updates all modifiers from stats and equipment on NBT loading. Fixes #277. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Biotic Stat Night Vision to capital leter (simeonradivoev)
- Renamed biotic stat Night vision to change with capital letter. (simeonradivoev)
- Added missing libraries. New TConstruct and mantle library. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Machine dismantling item duplication for Items that stay in machines. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Tritanium tool and armour graphics. (simeonradivoev)
- Made Omni Tool quieter, fixed blood hits and hitting dying entities. Entities with a death time higher then 0 are skipped on phaser bolt collision. Blood particles now spawn on raycast hit instead of last phaser bold position before hit. IWeapons now provide WeaponsSound instead of string. This allows the volume and pitch controls. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Added TConstruct compatibility. New Molten Tritanium fluid, tritanium armour and tritanium weapons. Increased Dilithium spawn rate and cluster size. Lowered recipe requirements on several items. (simeonradivoev)
- Start reformatting (Shadowfacts)
- Added MultiBlockTile and implemented it into the fusion reactor. Added new block for filling matter and draining energy from reactor. Replaced all matterStorage uses with getMatterStorage method for allowing swapping of matter storages. MachineMatterStorage now handles the updating of Client matter from server. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed recipe for Holo Sign to use blockGlass instead of glass. Fixes #298. Lowered Tritanium Ore hardness for faster minning. Simplified recipe for isolinear circuits making them cheaper. (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Registry keys now derived from register name instead of unlocalized name. The key also contains the meta value if any after the registered name. This will break all new items already registered in the config. Also changed more individual item registration to their ore dictionary counterpart. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Removed mark dirty from machines. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed version to 0.4.0 (simeonradivoev)
- Added Omni tool entry to Guides. Guide category buttons now have name tooltips in the Data pad GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed stencil masking on Data pad GUI and replaced it with Depth masking. This will fix issues with masking on clients that don't have a stencil buffer created. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Added new Omni Tool. IWeapons now has an get accuracy method. Weapons now have decreased accuracy when walking and overheating. Weapon beam procedurally rendered in code, with new texture. Phaser Rifle and Omni tool now fire synced shots with server by passing WeaponShot information that holds shot information. Phaser fire now renamed to Phaser Shot. Added new sounds and new PhaserBoltHit particle effect to phaser shot hit effects. Changed Recipe for forcefield emitter. Updated Phaser model. (simeonradivoev)
- onPlayerTick now made into onAndroidTick and removed unnecessary Android parameter. Fixed weapon switching on weapon use. Weapon flickering and beam not firing in SMP fixed. (simeonradivoev)
- Client Dispatcher now clears queue if there is a bad packet. This should fix the packet casting error showing each tick. (simeonradivoev)
- Task state no longer set to waiting. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated Forge version (simeonradivoev)
- Moved isWeapon and isWeaponModule helper methods from MatterHelper to WeaponHelper. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Analyzer working even when out of power. (simeonradivoev)
- Made Tick Handler iterate over all loaded tile entities twice. Once at start phase and once at end phase. This fixes the Gravitational anomaly not working properly. Might lower performance, but not that much. (simeonradivoev)
- Should probably subtract the energy >.< (Shadowfacts)
- Made the Gravitational Anomaly have a minimal event horizon. This will make it easier to feed it items. (simeonradivoev)
- Made the redstone low setting to index 0. This should fix old machines having high redstone state. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Potential division by 0 on division by distance^2. (simeonradivoev)
- Change to eioLoaded (Shadowfacts)
- Move EIO loaded check to checkEIO method. (Shadowfacts)
- Changed Matter receiving to 0 on the Decomposer. This makes it so that matter doesn't slosh around in neighboring decomposers. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Owner Null check. Fixes #284. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed spelling of Rogue android (simeonradivoev)
- Moved the dropping of items before destroying the tile entity. Fixes #283. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Bionic Part Dupe Glitch on server. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Gravitational Anomaly pull equation to resemble Newton's 2 law. Gravitational anomaly now stores a list of AnomalySuppressors and can be suppress by blocks that are not yet loaded by the world. This fixes the problem when the anomalies destroys blocks on chunk load even if suppressed. (simeonradivoev)
- Remove @Optional.Method from checkEIO (Shadowfacts)
- Replaced the recipe recipe list iterator with CopyOnWriteArrayList in calculation thread to avoid sync problems. (simeonradivoev)
- Recipe Calculation thread now shows Exceptions in debug and skips missing recipe outputs. (simeonradivoev)
- Now storing matter calculation thread and stopping it if old one is running. (simeonradivoev)
- Made more logs affected by the debug enable config option. Added null checks to furnace matter calculation. (simeonradivoev)
- Optimized iteration over loaded tile entities. Left only one loop iteration on each tick at the Start Phase. This will only iterate over the loaded tile entities once each tick, instead of multiple times as before. Made the IMatterNetwork handler extend the IMOTickable with a default implementation. This will optimize the if checking in the loaded tile entity loop. Fixes #272. Fixed replicator GUI crash with null check. (simeonradivoev)
- Added on entity respawn and death events to Android Player. Android Player now respawns with a full battery. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Implemented packet handlers for Matter Network Handlers. Fixed Redstone config property. Removed packet checking for Matter Network Machines. All Matter Network Machines now accept all unfiltered packets. Packet checking done when processing packets. (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Decorative Blocks. BlockDecorative used for all new Decorative Blocks. (simeonradivoev)
- Started the adding of Javadoc documentation on the API. Cleaned the API a bit and added a new IGravitationalAnomaly. Added the bionic part render registry to the API. (simeonradivoev)
- Added zero division check at decomposer speed. Fixes #267. (simeonradivoev)
- Added debug log to Phaser Fire Lag compensation. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed energy watch id now saved and used instead of default. Fixes #224. (simeonradivoev)
- Added IRC info (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fixes #257 Added Android Player config loading function. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Config option for potion removal and death on transformation for androids. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Added new Yellow pill for reseting Android abilities. Android Pill now uses 1 textures and different colors. Fixed Server Double music playing. Android Pill eaten now only called on server. Blue and Yellow pills now have matter values for replication. Replaced direct unlocalized name call with getKey function in Matter Registry. Resetting abilities now returns half of their combined XP. Added Javadoc to IBionicStat. (simeonradivoev)
- Player Android transformation no isn't deadly in hardcore mode. (simeonradivoev)
- Added item tooltip on machines block items when wrenched. Also changed display name on all wrenched machine blocks. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Exception do Matter Entry Getting error. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed ore dictionary item registration. (simeonradivoev)
- Added command for registering and blacklisting items in the matter registry. (simeonradivoev)
- Added null check for weapon modules. Fixes #250. (simeonradivoev)
- Added collapse of Gravitation Anomaly on nether star consumption. Closes #239 temporarily. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Itemstack matter integer overflow, causing the Gravitational Anomaly to turn negative. Fixes #233. Added MOEventGravitationalAnomalyConsume event. (simeonradivoev)
- Disabled energy extraction for Energy Weapons from outside sources. This Fixes #237 and makes it so that Energy Weapons can't be used as batteries. (simeonradivoev)
- Added distance falloff for gravitational anomalies. (simeonradivoev)
- Update zh_CN.lang ---- v0.4.0 RC4 hotfix1 (Joccob)
- Create upgrades.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.tritanium_ore.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.replicator.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.pattern_storage.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.matter_recycler.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.matter_analyzer.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.holo_sign.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.dilithium_ore.xml (Joccob)
- Create tile.decomposer.xml (Joccob)
- Create item.phaser_rifle.xml (Joccob)
- Create item.phaser.xml (Joccob)
- Create android.parts.xml (Joccob)
- Fixed Android Stats being called from client on all players in SMP. Fixes #227. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed use of unlocalized property directly. Changed the Version date. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Block Boundary from creative tab. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Mekanism API (simeonradivoev)
- Changed version to 0.4.0 - RC4. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Rouge Android Parts Rendering in SMP. Added recipe for Data Pad. Added Android Inventory Sync each time equipment changes. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated forge version (simeonradivoev)
- Small Fix (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Added Android Guide Images (simeonradivoev)
- Added Android Parts Guide. Rouge Android Parts now add 1 max health. Fixed Android parts still having effect when player has reverted from android. Tritanium spine now adds 2 health instead of 30%. Fixed phaser and phaser rifle guide styles. (simeonradivoev)
- Some Fix (Alex)
- Fixed guide shortcodes and styling (simeonradivoev)
- Update fr_FR.lang (Mazdallier)
- Update RU! (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- added texture for tritanium nugget. (simeonradivoev)
- Added more info to Fusion Reactor Screen. Rouge android Parts now wearable as Bionic Parts. Closes #160. Added Android Player instead of Entity Player to Bionic Part Renderer. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed double call to player render events. (simeonradivoev)
- Added more info to Fusion Reactor Screen. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Tritanium Nugget Closes #203. Added recipes for Tritanium Nugget. Rouge Android now drops Tritanium Spine. (simeonradivoev)
- Added try catch iteration for Energy Watch ID. This will automatically fix duplicate watch IDs. (simeonradivoev)
- Added minimap ability icon. (simeonradivoev)
- Fix (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Update zh_CN.lang (Joccob)
- Things (Shadowfacts)
- New minimap Ability. Minimap only shows when the minimap ability is unlocked. Moved the registration and creation of Biotic stats to MatterOverdriveBioticStats instead of the Stat Registry. Bionic parts are now hidden when the player is invisible. (simeonradivoev)
- Air is now always reset not just when swimming. Fixes androids needing air in Galacticraft. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed some Server Crashes and fixed Bionic Part rendering for servers. (simeonradivoev)
- Replaced BlockCoord with BlockPosition from cofhlib. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Guide Image files. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Guide info xml files. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Guides with new Data Pad and separated Android HUDs. New Gui screen that shows Configuration options for specific Config Category. Removed Guides from matter scanner into Data Pad. IAndroidHudElement used for Android element rendering. Separated Recipes registration into MatterOverdriveRecipes static class. Matter Analyzer does not reset progress when there is no valid pattern storage space. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented BionicPart rendering and Attribute modifiers as well as a new Minimap. Bionic stats and Bionic Parts now provide Multimap of Attribute Modifiers. Minimap Entity info for sending entity info from server to client. Android Station GUI now rotates player model and calls player render event. Fixed Item Rendering in RenderUtils. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated to new Holo Icons. (simeonradivoev)
- Made Holo Icons store original size. Now even if Holo Icons are re-textured with larger size the original size will remain. (simeonradivoev)
- Fix charging station sending energy even if there's none (Shadowfacts)
- Use bounding blocks for blocks with BBs larger than 1m^3 (Shadowfacts)
- Update EIO, add Immibis Core & MIcroblocks (Shadowfacts)
- Use Vanilla method of rendering player in Android Station GUI (Shadowfacts)
- GameSettings getKeyDisplayString used for getting name of keycodes. Mouse keycodes now work without crashing. Fixes #207. (simeonradivoev)
- Fix StackOverflowError when getting method names (Shadowfacts)
- Added Guide Entry xml for testing purposes. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Patter Monitor Tasks not staying in monitor while being queued (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Nano Armor Damage reduction. Thanks to #201 Closes #201. (simeonradivoev)
- lowercase isolinear circuit names (Shadowfacts)
- Add @Optional.Method to checkEIO (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Energy Pack Recharging from Energy Weapons consuming multiple packs. (simeonradivoev)
- Add missing repos (Shadowfacts)
- Clean up registration code (Shadowfacts)
- Allow Tritanium Glass to connect textures with EIO facades (Shadowfacts)
- Add AE2 compile dep (Shadowfacts)
- Apply nausea to humans for 8 seconds after consuming Romulan Ale (Shadowfacts)
- Don't damage player if server and PvP is disabled (Shadowfacts)
- Update Gradle wrapper to 2.6 (Shadowfacts)
- Organized Entity and Anomaly config options. Rouge Android now has a biome whitelist and dimension whitelist and blacklist. Closes #196. Gravitational Anomaly now has a dimension whitelist. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Config For Gravitational Anomaly Entity Pulling and Block Destruction. Closes #194 (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Registration Thread Sends new Matter Registry to all players when complete. MatterRegistrationHandler now gets called. Fixes Matter Matter not being loaded or Registration not being called on server start. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed duplicate lines from readme (simeonradivoev)
- More info to readme (Simeon Radivoev)
- Implemented Upgrade Handler. Upgrade handler can affect upgrade multiply. All machines have a basic Upgrade handler that limits the minimum multiply value to be 0.05 and 0.1 for speed. Fixes #190 (simeonradivoev)
- Added Matter Storage Upgrade to Replicator (simeonradivoev)
- IMatterNetworkClient now handles Packets from queue. IMatterNetworkClient now requires Packet Queue to store packet that can be handled. IMatterNetworkClient executes packets from that Packet Queue. New utility function for building ResponsePackets to Requests. Switches and Routers don't update chunks and block when they receive packets. Instead they have custom TileEntity Renderer that handles flashes weh a packet i send to Switch or Router. All packet now have a function to be ticked alive (Used mainly in TaskPacket). Network Components are now Machine Components. Added PacketQueue and TaskQueue Count, for multiple Queues. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Try Catch for Block Braking by Anomaly This will Prevent other mod crashes. (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Registration on Thread Pool Matter Registration Thread now runs on a Thread Pool. New Matter Registration Handler. That handles Matter Registry loading and registration. Removed Matter Fuel Calculation. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Permission on Android and Matter Registry Commands (simeonradivoev)
- Removed setting of matter plasma icons on server Fixes #186. (simeonradivoev)
- Added try catch of unlocalized name for mods that have messed up Items Fixes #185 (simeonradivoev)
- Added try catch for unlocalized names for mods that have messed up Items (simeonradivoev)
- Update RU (Alex)
- Config Debug Option and Machine Config fix Added Debug Config Options for Matter Calculation and Registration. Moved ConfigHandler Subscriber initialization on postInit. That fixes machine configs not being created. Added try catch around Machine and Network component update. Added Safe Entity Id registration and saving IDs to config. Fixes #178. (simeonradivoev)
- Turned Debug Off for Recipe Calculation Thread Fixes #181 (simeonradivoev)
- Update! (Alex)
- Matter Plasma Fluid Matter Plasma is now a Forge Fluid. Increased Matter transfer of pipes and Decomposer. Removed Matter for TE Buckets. (simeonradivoev)
- Stopped Matter Registration Debug logging Fixed #175. (simeonradivoev)
- New TileEntityHeavyMatterPipe and BlockHeavyMatterPipe Moved from BlockMatterPipe to it's own class. (simeonradivoev)
- Small fixes (Joccob)
- Update zh_CN.lang (Joccob)
- Update RU (Alex)
- Fixed Transporter handleElementButtonClick (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Version to 0.4.0-RC3 (simeonradivoev)
- Config Option for Android Energy Watch Fixes #113 (simeonradivoev)
- Mod Blacklisting Added Mod Blacklistingto Matter Registry trough API and IMC. Closes #123. Moved ForceGlass to blocks. (simeonradivoev)
- New Tritanium Glass block Closes #132 Decreased fail chance for Decomposer and Replicator. (simeonradivoev)
- Added try catch around JSON update decoding Fixes #172 (simeonradivoev)
- onActionKeyPress event in IBioticStat This allows mouse buttons to be mapped as a key for using Android abilities. Fixes #171 (simeonradivoev)
- Machine Configuration System (simeonradivoev)
- RU Update! (Alex)
- Matter Registry Passes (simeonradivoev)
- Dialog System Implemented Dialog System. Mad Scientist now now interacts with Dialog. Base IDialogMessage for Dialog messages. DialogRegistry holds list of all Messages based on their ID. Each IDialogNpc provides starting IDialogMessage. Each IDialogMessage contains the line and children options of type IDialogMessage and a IDialogMessage parent. Added MOLog class to implement String formatting. Added Commands for forcing Matter Registry recalculation. Closes #106 (simeonradivoev)
- Holographic Sign Added new Holo Sign Block. New Packet for sending Custom NBT Categories from MOTileEntity. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed invisible player when turned into an Android when in Creative. Fixed phaser fire spawned with fire damage by default. Fixed Phaser Rife recoil and fire delay being called from other players. (simeonradivoev)
- added Jenkins link (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fixed Android Commands import (simeonradivoev)
- Replace MOLog with MatterOverdrive.log (Shadowfacts)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Machines now store active state i variable Machines now check each tick if they are active and store the state to send to client. (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Storage and Energy Storage Upgrades * New Matter Storage Upgrades and Implemented Energy Storage Upgrade. * New MachineEnergyStorage that uses the upgrades. * New faster matter pipe, heavy matter pipe. (simeonradivoev)
- Enchantments to Weapons * Added new Overclock Enchantment for increasing weapon damage. * Weapons can now be enchanted. Overclock increases damage and Unbreaking decreases energy use. * Increased the Android Spawn rate a bit. * Entity registration moved to post-init. Allows registration in mod-biomes. (simeonradivoev)
- Added empty string as the default name in ElementItemPattern ElementItemPattern now has a default empy string as a name if item doest not contain a display name. Added null check to ElementGrid when adding elements and when trying to display elements. Fixes #157. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Some Transporter fixes and Gui reworks * Transporter Location now has settable name and position * Transporter now sends changes from Client to Server trough configs. * New Transport Flashdrive for easy setting of Transporter location. Closes #75. * Removed Blending Forcing in Phaser Rifle Renderer. Now renders properly with Weapon Station Holo Shader. * Removed coordinate setting trough text in ElementIntegerField. * Side Panel now always has the open graphic for ease of use. * GUI Transporter now automatically saves when a setting is changed and no longer has save button. Add button moved to main page and renamed as New. * New Item Upgrade Hyper Speed. * Decomposer and Replicator now have larger transfer speed for matter. * Fixed Matter Analyzer GUI not having player slots. * Replicator items can now be extracted from the top. * Increased Matter Pipe Transfer Speed. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Crashing while putting an item itemInventoryWrapper in weapon station Fixed crash for weapons that extend itemInventoryWrapper when put for the first time, without being used to instantiate NBT in Survival. Creates new NBT data if missing. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Ores and Ingots to OreDictionary (simeonradivoev)
- Possibly Fixes #153 (simeonradivoev)
- Planet building and ship NBT and null checks Possibly Fixes #149. (simeonradivoev)
- RU Update! (Alex)
- Weapons Overhaul (simeonradivoev)
- Add maven plugin (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Dimension loading for Rouge Android Now loads the dimension blacklist before the spawnListEntry is added to biomes. Fixes #145 (simeonradivoev)
- Added NBTTag null check for Item containers Fixes #142 (simeonradivoev)
- Update fr_FR.lang (Mazdallier)
- Fixes #140 (simeonradivoev)
- Added clamping on Rouge Android Attributes To make sure that values don't go out of limits if the sharedMonsterAttributes have been modified. (simeonradivoev)
- Added BioticStat Renderers and Starmap Renderers (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Basic Machine Containers (simeonradivoev)
- Added more info on BioticStat (simeonradivoev)
- Made the getHoloIcon on slots Client only (simeonradivoev)
- UpdaTE (Alex)
- Implemented more complex Matter Network Filtering and some GUi fixes (simeonradivoev)
- Increased Replication,Decompose and Recycle speed for items with a lot of matter Used log^2 for speed calculation. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed PatternMonitor Gui stencil size and tooltips (simeonradivoev)
- Added default state for Task or null troubles. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed Open Computer Interfaces on ComponentComputers Open Computer does not like it when an SimpleComponent interface is not used on a TileEntity. (simeonradivoev)
- Check if tile entity is instanceof MOTileEntityMachine (Shadowfacts)
- Moved ComputerCraft and OpenComputers integration into separate Machine Components (simeonradivoev)
- Added Events (simeonradivoev)
- Ru lang Update (Alex)
- Fixed the blacklist IMC handler to use the new MatterRegistry instance (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Machine Components and Started working on the API (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Guided Packets (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed the setting of connections (simeonradivoev)
- Add matter registry blacklist IMC handler (Shadowfacts)
- Spelling, pls (Shadowfacts)
- Refactor isReplicating to isActive (Shadowfacts)
- Added Biostat configs (simeonradivoev)
- More Matter Network Code cleanup (simeonradivoev)
- More Matter Network sorting (simeonradivoev)
- Added MatterNetworkTaskState as enum (simeonradivoev)
- Separated PatternStorage, Router and Switch Matter Network logic (simeonradivoev)
- United Matter Network Queues into Base Class (simeonradivoev)
- Separated Matter Network Logic (Simeon Radivoev)
- Update zh_CN.lang (Joccob)
- Stupid changes to force a push event (Shadowfacts)
- Automatically insert build number into version (Shadowfacts)
- Fix group in build grade properties (Shadowfacts)
- Removed IMatterNetworkConnectionProxy (simeonradivoev)
- Animated the Matter Analyzer and Matter Recycler (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Version Checking (Simeon Radivoev)
- RU Update! (Alex)
- Updated Versions for 0.4.0-RC2 (simeonradivoev)
- Update Ru! (Alex)
- New Barrel and Pills (simeonradivoev)
- Update Ru! (Alex)
- More Abilities and Ability Wheel (simeonradivoev)
- Update zh_CN.lang ---- v0.4.0 RC1 (Joccob)
- Fixed Fusion Controller config option (simeonradivoev)
- Recycler zero matter check (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- More Rendering Optimisations and Ore Dimension Blacklist (simeonradivoev)
- Patter Storage Rendering Optimisation (simeonradivoev)
- Fix WAILA things (Shadowfacts)
- Charging Station Rendering Optimization (simeonradivoev)
- RU Update! (Alex)
- Added the charging station model (Simeon Radivoev)
- New Charging Station (simeonradivoev)
- Remove javadoc jar task (Shadowfacts)
- Add @Optional.Method to CC/OC methods (Shadowfacts)
- Optimize Imports (Shadowfacts)
- CC/OC integration for the Fusion Reactor Controller (Shadowfacts)
- Fix transporter (Shadowfacts)
- Fix WAILA compatibility (Shadowfacts)
- Add API definition for MO API (Shadowfacts)
- Time control for Starmap (simeonradivoev)
- Throw CC LuaException instead of normal, Java one (Shadowfacts)
- ComputerCraft compatibility for the Transporter! (Shadowfacts)
- Add setRedstoneMode method (Shadowfacts)
- Added Galaxy null checks (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Camera flickering on server (simeonradivoev)
- Finish OC support for the Transporter! (Shadowfacts)
- Add getLocation method (Shadowfacts)
- Add more information to getLocations and getSelectedLocations (Shadowfacts)
- OC stuff (Shadowfacts)
- Fix setSelectedLocation (Shadowfacts)
- Document method arguments (Shadowfacts)
- getMethodNames -> genMethodNames (Shadowfacts)
- Add OC interfaces (Shadowfacts)
- RU Update! (Alex)
- Yet More Starmap Shipwork (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru! (Alex)
- Update ru. (Alex)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Add OpenComputers dependency (Shadowfacts)
- Finish up CC (untested) (Shadowfacts)
- Implement setLocation (Shadowfacts)
- Implement setSelectedLocation (Shadowfacts)
- Added config option for Holo Shader (simeonradivoev)
- CC compete work (Shadowfacts)
- Move IMC message names to internal class, in case EIO is missing (Shadowfacts)
- More Galaxy Map Shipwork (simeonradivoev)
- Propper fix to crash w/o ComputerCraft (Shadowfacts)
- Ru Update (Alex)
- Move WAILA compat to client modules (Shadowfacts)
- Changed Starmap Ship Rendering (simeonradivoev)
- Added the api folder to build sources (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed NEI CompatModule Server Crash (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Packet Server Side Crash (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fixed Packet Server Side Crash (simeonradivoev)
- Fix version in Reference.java (Shadowfacts)
- Fix malformed son, sorry @jaredlll08 (Shadowfacts)
- Update Versions.txt (Shadowfacts)
- Bump version (Shadowfacts)
- Add Romulan Ale (#69) (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Matter Scanner null Page (simeonradivoev)
- CC skeleton (Shadowfacts)
- More Star Map Gameplay features (simeonradivoev)
- Update fr_FR.lang (Mazdallier)
- Added Ship and Build types (simeonradivoev)
- Add CC API (Shadowfacts)
- Move phaser & modules to items.weapon package (Shadowfacts)
- Change register methods to begin w/ lowercase 'r' (Shadowfacts)
- Move TransportLocation to API (Shadowfacts)
- Star Map Data Organisation (simeonradivoev)
- Fix phaser death message (Shadowfacts)
- Remove __OBFID (Shadowfacts)
- Implemented dirty state for all galaxy objects. (simeonradivoev)
- Un-ignore gradlew.bat (Shadowfacts)
- Added .bat files to gitignore. (simeonradivoev)
- Add null check for theGalaxy (Shadowfacts)
- Bump Forge version (Shadowfacts)
- Fix typo (Shadowfacts)
- Added icons for all star map entries for easier navigation. Each starmap level shows the selected spaceBody info instead of the level itself. The galaxy updates all planets in the galaxy by calling their update function. TravelEvents are now implemented, and have a visual representation in the Galaxy zoom level. ClientGalaxy is update from the ClientTickEvent. Ships now have owners based on the planet they were build on. TravelEvents base their speed on distance between stars, need to fix for planets in the same system. Ship drawing moved to RenderUtils. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #61 Unlocking takes double the xp. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #61 Unlocking takes double the xp. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #61 Unlocking takes double the xp. (simeonradivoev)
- Fix proxy class names (Shadowfacts)
- Fix static imports (Shadowfacts)
- Remove domain from package (Shadowfacts)
- Added new Attack Android Ability and split the nanobots ability to two branches, attack and defence. Used Java string pattern in BioticStat lang info, instead of custom one. (simeonradivoev)
- Added ForgeMultipart as dependency. (simeonradivoev)
- Added logs folder, wav and mp3 files to gitignore. (simeonradivoev)
- English! (Shadowfacts)
- Modify WeightedDirection to use lambda (Shadowfacts)
- Add run/ to .gitignore (Shadowfacts)
- Change run dir to run (Shadowfacts)
- Add Extra Utilits to Gradle deps (Shadowfacts)
- Stupid broken commit (Shadowfacts)
- Refactor things to be slightly more (Shadowfacts)
- Change method name to make sense (Shadowfacts)
- Use setBlockToAir to prevent deprecation warning (Shadowfacts)
- Fix CCL verison (Shadowfacts)
- Fix another ShadowDerp™ (Shadowfacts)
- Fix ShadowDerp™ (Shadowfacts)
- Fix CoFHCore and add Thermal Dynamics (Shadowfacts)
- Added Matter Waila Tooltips. (simeonradivoev)
- Add Forestry maven (Shadowfacts)
- single quotes and added mc version as a var (simeonradivoev)
- Rouge android spawns in all biomes, except the ones in a blacklist, loaded from the config (simeonradivoev)
- Damn double quotes (Shadowfacts)
- Fingers, pls (Shadowfacts)
- Whoops (Shadowfacts)
- Added more Rouge Android spawn biomes. (simeonradivoev)
- Initial WAILA work (Shadowfacts)
- Fix lang derp (Shadowfacts)
- Add basic NEI compat (Shadowfacts)
- separated the dependencies into separate grade file. Add gradle properties for version management. (simeonradivoev)
- separated the dependencies into separate grade file. Add gradle properties for version management. (simeonradivoev)
- EnderIO compat (Shadowfacts)
- Ex Nihilo compat (Shadowfacts)
- Whoops, add CCL (Shadowfacts)
- Enregy Var Watch Id lowered to 29 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #51 (simeonradivoev)
- Add CCC and NEI as dependencies (Shadowfacts)
- Add more Thermal Expansion compat (Shadowfacts)
- Refactor dilithiumOre to match naming existing naming convention (Shadowfacts)
- Added TravelEvent buffer writing to Galaxy. Swapped System print with MOLog fro Matter Overdrive Compact. (simeonradivoev)
- Added bew Star Map Zoom level, that includes planet stats and planet actions. New Travel Event to save attacks from ships from one destination to another, kept in Galaxy itself. Added custom MOLog for logging. Galactic Position now compares other positions by id not just by hash. (simeonradivoev)
- Create versatile compatibility system (Shadowfacts)
- Add CoFH things to Gradle dependencies (download from Curse) (Shadowfacts)
- Fixed Dismantling and Braking of Owned block by checking the player ID instead of the name (simeonradivoev)
- Set maximum wrench stack size to 1 (simeonradivoev)
- Made README.md more pretty (Simeon Radivoev)
- Add Gradle, Eclipse, and IDEA files to .gitignore (Shadowfacts)
- Added gradle-wrapper.jar (simeonradivoev)
- Removed .jar files from .gitignore (simeonradivoev)
- Added Gradle files Fixes #45 (simeonradivoev)
- Updated Version (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented new Star Map. Implemented Galaxy Generation. Added config for gravitational anomaly dimension spawning Fixes #42. Added check for not supported hologram shader Fixes #34, Fixes #19. Isolinear circuit textures now begin with lowercase Fixes #35. Added new Holo Icons that use minecraft texture stitching. Render Handler now handles all the rendering, instead of the Client Proxy itself. Tile Entity Machines now have an overloadable Inventory. Biostats, Slots and new IconButtons now use icons instead of individual textures. ScaleTexture can now use Icons. Added new group list gui element, that orders elements in a vertical list. SidePanel gui element now can be set to unopenable. The config page handles the redsone mode elements. Gui pages are now overrideable trough a function registerPages. MOTileEntity is now abstract and the interface IMOTileEntity has new onPlaced event. Machine owner now stored by ID not by Name. (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (Alex)
- Fixes #39 changed damage bounds on dropped Android Parts (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #38 Added config option for fluid destruction by gravitational anomalies for troublesome fluids. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #36 added my own implementation of createStackedBlock with null checks (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #37 Spelling of Rogue (simeonradivoev)
- Update ru_RU.lang (TheVizzy)
- Fixes #30 (simeonradivoev)
- Removed missing imports for SlotUpgrade (simeonradivoev)
- Updated version files for 0.3.4 (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented new BioticStat Shield Ability. Android syncs can now affect other players on the client. Added config for Rouge Android spawn rate. Rouge Android doesn't spawn in hell and the end. Added many gui tooltip and button translations. Changed batteries energy and added new High Capacity Battery. New Force field emitter item. Batteries now use a 2 pass renderer for setting color at runtime. Matter Scanner Fixes. Fixes #28. Upgrades now can only be put in machines that accespt them. Container Upgrade Slot replaced with SlotInventory for each tileentity. (simeonradivoev)
- Added config option for Rouge Android spawn rate. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #27 returns a glass bottle each time tea is consumed. (simeonradivoev)
- Increased the creative battery Energy extract and receive to 8192 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #24. Made transformation music client exclusive. (simeonradivoev)
- Create zh_CN.lang (Joccob)
- Update ru_RU.lang (TheVizzy)
- Update ru_RU.lang (TheVizzy)
- Added recipe for Android Station (simeonradivoev)
- Updated version to 0.3.3 (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Packet for unlocking biotic stats (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented AndroidPlayer. Implemented simple Animation System. Implemented BionicParts for changing player stats. Changed The rendering of the Network Pipe to a simpler box. Added new Entities, Rouge Android, Failed Animals and Mad Scientist. New Block AndroidStation for managing Biotic parts. Rendering for Weapon Station and Android Station is mainly handled in TileEntityRendererStation. Inventory no longer requires a Tile Entity. MOAttributeModifier allows dynamic setting of value. AndroidStatRegistry handles the registration of BioticStats. Each Player has an extended property AndroidPlayer and holds android inventory and unlocked stats. new packets for the transport biotic stat, that teleports player/android. (simeonradivoev)
- fixed peek to return the first item in the list (simeonradivoev)
- Changed the mass to a Long to increase capacity. (simeonradivoev)
- used Math.Round to round rotation errors (simeonradivoev)
- converted matter from int ot long in speed calculation, to fix overflow in bigger numbers. Fixes #15 (simeonradivoev)
- changed if item from block is missing, then display block localized name instead. Fixes matter scanner crash. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #14 changed key check to sneak check for server sake. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #13 chancge to Vec3 helper insteand of the lwjgl Vector3f (simeonradivoev)
- Added basic entry count to detect changes between saved and current matter registry (simeonradivoev)
- removed actual damage from electrical items, to fix sync issues (simeonradivoev)
- fixed keybinding of matter scanner GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- Create fr_FR.lang (Yves)
- Changed Version on Reference class (simeonradivoev)
- Changed Versions (simeonradivoev)
- Added Custom Shader for Holographic projections, and used it in weapon station renderer. (simeonradivoev)
- reverted the initialization of the queue on each update, for more natural ordering. (simeonradivoev)
- Changed PriorityQueue initialization to be in constructor and changed the constructor of the queue to one that's in jdk 1.7 (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed anomaly braking blocks that are outside the brake distance. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Gravitational Anomalies. Changed Matter Dust to be refined in a new block Recycler, now each matter dust holds it's representative amount. Added Holographic information when scanning blocks with the Matter Scanner. IScannable is now used do display info on Scanner Hologram. Added Four Way rotation and six way rotation to MOBlock. Added new Block Fusion Reactor Coil for constructing the fusion reactor. Added new Block Fusion Reactor Controller to act as the Multi Block Structure in the fusion reactor. Increased the hardness of all machines. Added new Block Recycler to refine Matter Dusts. Implemented Owners into machines, that check if a player can open dismantle or destroy a owned block. Implemented own onWorldTick handler for all loaded TileEntities that implement IMOTickable. Used for the Gravitational Anomaly and the stabilizers. Changed the render pass of machines with holo screens. Matter can now be provided with new IMatterItem, instead of the Matter Registry. All machines can now be protected, disassembled and rotated. Added own version on the Wrench as Tritanium Wrench. Added new armour for neglecting Gravitation Anomalies. Lowered dungeon spawn change on color modules. (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Registry now saves entries to file, and check if they need to be recalculated when recipe list size changes or eny of the none calculated entries changes. MatterEntry now holds information if it was crafted. (simeonradivoev)
- Added the VersionCheckerHandler as a subscriber to the Config Handler. Now has an option for disabling update checks. Added the NetworkTickHandler as a subscriber to the Config Handler. Fixed a comma in the version's file. (simeonradivoev)
- Added the energy to be represented with the damage of the item, forces update each time it's charge is drained. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Redstone Mode for Machines. Implemented Security for Machines. Machines now store a owner's name, which can be assigned by security protocol item. If the player doesn't have right, check for security protocol of type access with the owner's username. Machines have a high low and disabled redstone mode. Added own class for the Config Page that displays owner's name. Fixed Possible crash for null key in config category. Added new packet for changing redstone mode on server. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated Version download once again (simeonradivoev)
- Updated Version download (simeonradivoev)
- Updated Version File. Added some comments to config options. (simeonradivoev)
- More Config Options, Mod Config Gui, and added a GuiFactory for the Config Gui. Swapped the Main and Mirror Version Checker URLs. Reworked the Automatic Matter Calculation and heavily commented it, as well as adding a config option to disable it, that possible Fixes #10. Added a IConfigSubscriber to receive config changes and load accordingly. Matter Registry now calculated on the Server side and send to the client when registration is complete, or when user logs in. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed crash on Forge Client for Missing Arrays class. Some matter balancing. Added recipe for transporter. Increased matter storage for matter pipes, replicator, and decomposer. (simeonradivoev)
- Updated the version. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Automatic Calculation of Matter from Recipe using a Thread. Config file now has a blacklist of items, new registered items and overriding of existing items, by unlocalized name. Added Version Checking. Added Recipe for Pattern Monitor. (simeonradivoev)
- Added versions file for checking newest versions ingame. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented the Transporter. Added 2 new Upgrade types, Range and PowerStorage. Machines now store upgrades when picked up by a wrench, and drop all items except the upgrades. Fixed Pattern Monitor bounds by changing them every time a collision occurs, and also changing them before rendering in inventory. Added ne integer Gui element, a new Scaled Gui Button and a filtered text field. Text fields now require a ITextHandler for sending events. List elements now require IListHandler for sending events. Moved pages and all handing of them, from Machine MOGuiMachine to MOGuiBase. Matter Scanner now send a PacketGetDatabase to get the item list from the server, even when in unloaded chunks. MachineSound is now now stopped when machine is in unloaded chunk, to top doubling of sounds. (simeonradivoev)
- Sound now stops when tile is in unloaded chunk, to stop sound duplicates. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Gui Handler Crash on server by moving GUI registering to server side only adn container registering to server side (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes Color bleeding from colored blocks and items. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed packaging of CoFHLib (simeonradivoev)
- More Matter Network Changes. Added new Network Switch and moved the basic logic of packet moving to Tile Entity Machine Network Packet Queue. Changed Machine drops to use breakBlock function, and implemented IDismantleable from cofh library, to use the wrench. Changed the Gui Handling to be based on the calling Tile Entity instead of Gui ID. Now Gui's and containers are registered with tile entity class. Added multiple configs to machines such as volume, and animation. Also added the max network broadcast per tick as a config. Fixed page element tooltips by Moved tooltips on ElementBaseGroup to be handled by the draw function instead of the AddTooltip function. Implemented init function in Elements, and moved the adding of elements to the init function instead of the constructor. Added onAwake function on Tile Entities, called only one time. (simeonradivoev)
- Added config option for ore gen Closed #9 (simeonradivoev)
- Added Block Texture and Custom Tile Entity Renderer for the Pattern Monitor. Changed Analyzer icons to new icon Vent2. Fixed Matter Network Pipe checking connection to opposite side. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Own Server Side Network Tick handling. Hooked to world Tick on server as a Tick Handler. Added new block Pattern Monitor. Replicator now works with tasks and not with Matter Scanner. Added GUI Grid Element and Fixed List element and Stencils. New Packets for Pattern Monitor Client Sync. Replication Animation now moved to client, and called with a packet. Packet for removing tasks from the client. openInventory event function on server side tile entity machines. Network Router now handles all types of Packets. Packets need to be registered into Matter Network Registry. Packet path now stored as Path Nodes. Matter Network has 2 main Packets, Task Packet and Request Packet. (simeonradivoev)
- Added new ScaleTexture and GUI Fixes. GUI now require smaller texture for background and all scalable texture. Fixes on the Matter Scanner GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- More Recipe Fiexes (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Solar Panel Recipe and added Pattern Storage Recipe (simeonradivoev)
- Lowered Dungeon Spawn Chance. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #8. (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Drink, Earl Gray Tea. Added earl gray tea and emergency ration to Matter Registry. Fixed Pattern Storage, not storing item patterns. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented and Explosion Barrel Module (simeonradivoev)
- Added new Fire Filter Barrel. Fixed phaser hit particles. Added the player as the source of the Phaser Damage and negated knockback. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #6 and Upgrade stats now visible (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #7 (simeonradivoev)
- Matter Network Rewrite. Rewrote the Matter Network to use Tasks as Packets, and send them trough Network cables, from Dispatchers to Clients. The Network Controller now acts as a router storing the tasks in a TaskPacket as a wrapper, and broadcasting it along cables until it reaches a destination. Added Matter Scanner Chat info, on success or failing. Rewrote the Packet System to use the SimpleNetworkWrapper. Implemented Energy and Matter Packets to sync clients. Moved the checking of item pattern registration to the database itself and not a helper class. Renamed the Network Controller as the Network Router. (simeonradivoev)
- Added a Weapon Station Recipe Updated phaser recipe (simeonradivoev)
- Fixes #1 . Removed method only present in Java 1.8 (simeonradivoev)
- Moved Phaser Sound to Render Handler, to play only when drawing beam. Works with multiple player sounds. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented phaser beam visualisation. Changed Weapon stats to be represented by Integers. Fixed the mod info file. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Matter Scanner Selection, when no item is selected (simeonradivoev)
- Added Tooltip Hook as the Tooltip Handler. Tooltip handler shows matter for all ingame items. Moved static Icon generation to only MatterOverdriveIcons. Added Vent Particles to Replicator and Pattern Storage. Implemented the weapon modules to the phaser. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Weapon Upgrades. Phaser Overhaul. Fixed Client Syncs on Server. Separated all client only functions. Container now only sync data that can be stored in shorts. Moved invetory writing to NBT to be avalible to all Machines. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented the upgrades into all machines. Added Indicator for Machine to show if active. Fixed Shift Transfer of stacks into player inventory. Added RF/t indication on Energy Element. Added the title of each machine in the GUI (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Upgrade System. Added details on MOBlock, and cen be set. Added Solar panel., with new Solar Panel GUI. Changed the pipes to use a function for cheking instead of a class type. (simeonradivoev)
- Added Pages to all Machine GUI's and Implemented Upgrades to all Machines. Changed the container item transfer on shift click. All slost now can be changed dynamically by the GUI. (simeonradivoev)
- Added First Use Of Matter Network, Matter Analyzer Connecting to Network. Cleaned up the IMatterDatabase interface and moved heavy lifting ot MatterDatabaseHelper. Added a initial progress when registering Items in PatternStorage and PatternDatabase (simeonradivoev)
- Added Tooltips to Matter and Energy GUI elements for Extract and Receive amounts. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed the drain of Matter, to not be restricted by the max Matter transfer rate. (simeonradivoev)
- GUI fixes and Container slots added for all Machines. Changed tooltips to display by holding Shift. Changed the display format of Energy And Matter to round and add suffixes. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Replicating into Output with different item. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Machine Rotation when placing, (simeonradivoev)
- Added Shielding Slot To Replicator (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed stack splitting. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Machine Drops, and aded Energy and storage keeping when harvested. Fixed Isoliniar Cuircuit textures Added a new Base Machine Block Class that handles low level stuff. (simeonradivoev)
- Aded slots to Patter Storage GUI (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Guide Page in Matter Scanner and Added Quides on few blocks Also added a few new GUI elements, as well as .txt files for storing descriptions of Guide Entries. Swapped base block texture with scratches texture (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Block Item Rendering, Hardness and Hervest Level. (simeonradivoev)
- Created 1 new Page in Matter Scanner Created a GUI Group Class, for grouping elements, used for Pages. Added more functionality in MOGuiBase for list change handling, and panel handling (simeonradivoev)
- Added the website url (Simeon Radivoev)
- Fixed Matter Scanner Selection, Changed the selection form a String Index to a NBTTagCompound. (simeonradivoev)
- Pages GUI and Scanning behavior change Implemented Pages in the Matter Scanner GUI, Changed the scanning behavior of the matter scanner, to use the eating mechanic. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed Matter Scanner Selection, Changed the selection form a String Index to a NBTTagCompound. (simeonradivoev)
- Removed PSD files (simeonradivoev)
- Create .gitignore (Simeon Radivoev)
- Create .gitignore (Simeon Radivoev)
- Custom Model for Patter Storage Block. With visualisation of drives in inventory. (simeonradivoev)
- Custom Model for Patter Storage Block. With visualisation of drives in inventory. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed pipe updates and changed the pipe connection, to be stored not in an array, but in a integer. (simeonradivoev)
- Fixed pipe updates and changed the pipe connection, to be stored not in an array, but in a integer. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Patter Storage, Changed the Matter Scanner, to link and use pattern storage. (simeonradivoev)
- Implemented Patter Storage, Changed the Matter Scanner, to link and use pattern storage. (simeonradivoev)
- Added the Logo (Simeon Radivoev)
- Added the Logo (Simeon Radivoev)
- Added logo. (simeonradivoev)
- Added logo. (simeonradivoev)
- Create README.md (Simeon Radivoev)
- Create README.md (Simeon Radivoev)
- Initial commit (simeonradivoev)
- Initial commit (simeonradivoev)