issues Search Results · repo:vapor/validation language:Swift
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invapor/validation (press backspace or delete to remove)Is it possible to compare two attributes? I have two dates and one of the dates should be before the other. I m going to
do some user-facing validation on the client side but a model validation would be ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 19, 2019
- #32
When a Validatable object at the bottom of a class hierarchy calls try validate() in init(from decoder: ), an infinite
recursion happens. This does not happen to base classes, but only to classes which ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 26, 2018
- #29
When is called, it collects all failures in a ValidationErrors object, which is then thrown as the
final result (unless all validations passed, of course). Unfortunately, ValidationErrors ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 22, 2018
- #26
Upon running validation on a model (aka run(on model: M) function), the validation errors are thrown in form of a
private ValidateErrors struct, which acts as a wrapper around all errors that are being ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 23, 2018
- #23
Currently, ErrorMiddleware treats validation errors as internalServerError due to validation errors only conforming to
Debuggable and not to AbortError.
- 6
- Opened on Apr 19, 2018
- #22
Current email validator only supports 2-3 character long TLDs.
- 6
- Opened on Oct 19, 2017
- #13

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