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If you only need to run your root macro on top of some prebuild AliPhysics and you do not have access to CVMFS, which remains the preferred, supported and recommended way of getting ALICE software, you can try using the prebuild tarballs which you can find at:<architecture>/dist-runtime/
e.g., for CERN Centos 7:
(other architectures can be found in
If you have a RPM based distribution and you wish to try it out, please have a look at the instructions provided here:
In order to build ALICE packages, you can use the following recipe:
# Clone our build tool
git clone
# Clone our build recipes
git clone
# Optional: clone O2 or any other package you want to develop.
# aliBuild will prefer your copy to the one specified in the
# recipe
git clone -b dev O2
# Start the build
alibuild/aliBuild --debug --jobs NJOBS build O2
the software will be compiled, by default, in the sw
directory. Use
WORK_DIR=$PWD source sw/<architecture>/O2/latest/etc/profile.d/
to have the environment setup. For example on OSX:
WORK_DIR=$PWD source sw/osx_x86-64/O2/latest/etc/profile.d/
If you want to develop, you can change the sources in the O2 folder and then
cd sw/<architecture>/BUILD/O2/latest && make -j 20 install
For more details about alibuild you can look at: