title | type |
Getting Started
docs |
{{< include file="_partials/what-is/_short.md" >}}
❯ _release/anka-scan --help
A vulnerability scanner for Anka VMs and images.
Supported commands/types:
anka-scan registry_template:uuid[:tag] | Read and scan from registry Anka VM using the UUID and optional tag
- [:tag] defaults to latest tag
anka-scan ank_image:/path/to/image.ank | Read and scan using an Anka VM ank image/file at the specified path
anka-scan dir:/path/to/folder | Scan from the specified path
anka-scan type:source [flags]
anka-scan [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
license License show/activate
version Show the version
-c, --config string application config file
-u, --disable-db-update disable updating scanner DB automatically
-h, --help help for anka-scan
-i, --ignore-system-volume do not scan the system volume (for anka VM)
-l, --license-file string license file path (default "scanner.lic")
--min-score float32 don't show vulnerabilities with lesser score
--min-severity string don't show vulnerabilities with lesser severity
-q, --quiet suppress all console output
-o, --report-file string write report to file
-f, --report-format string report output format, formats=[json table] (default "table")
-p, --show-packages do not scan and only show packages
-s, --storage-dir string the location of the registry storage containing *_dir directories (default "/mnt")
Use "anka-scan [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- 1 CPU (which will be fully used)
- ~4GB of ram
- ~500MBs of space
Execute the license CLI to activate it:
❯ anka-scan license License show/activate Usage: anka-scan license [command] Available Commands: activate Activate the license show Show the license Flags: -h, --help help for license Global Flags: -c, --config string application config file -l, --license-file string license file path (default "scanner.lic") Use "anka-scan license [command] --help" for more information about a command.
❯ anka-scan ank_image:/Users/veertu/Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/img_lib/3f5287822a404b61aaabfc065e0b3141.ank Error: Failed to validate the license 'scanner.lic': No such file or directory ❯ anka-scan license activate XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Activated ❯ anka-scan license show Product: com.veertu.anka.scan Version: 1.0 Expiration Date: 31-mar-2022
{{< hint info >}}
By default the scanner.lic
file is created in the directory where you execute anka-scan license activate
. If you execute anka-scan
in a directory outside of the location with the scanner.lic
, it will not see the file. You can however set the path anka-scan
looks for the license file in by modifying the anka-scan-config.yaml
and it's license-file: 'scanner.lic'
to a different location.
{{< /hint >}}
Currently, we provide a scanner binary for each linux distribution that has been requested by our customers. They are then archived into a tar.gz and available on our site or at https://downloads.veertu.com/#anka-scan/.
- (optional) Install Docker
- ~500MBs of space
- Download the latest Linux package.
FULL_FILE_NAME=$(echo $(curl -Ls -r 0-1 -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://veertu.com/downloads/anka-scan-linux) | cut -d/ -f5) PARTIAL_FILE_NAME=$(echo $FULL_FILE_NAME | awk -F'.tar.gz' '{print $1}') curl -Ls https://veertu.com/downloads/anka-scan-linux -o $FULL_FILE_NAME tar -xzvf $FULL_FILE_NAME rm -f $FULL_FILE_NAME cd $PARTIAL_FILE_NAME
- Place the binary under /usr/local/bin (or just execute with
{{< hint info >}} If you do not see your distro binary, please reach out to [email protected]. {{< /hint >}}
If you decide to use docker, you'll need to build the tag locally using a Dockerfile. It must be built with the configuration included inside to allow mounting of the anka-scan.db file from the host (else, it will download the .db each time you need to run the scan and cause delays/networking costs):
Manually edit the config-example.yaml and change 'db-path: anka-scan.db' to 'db-path: /tmp/anka-scan.db'
You can also modify the anka-scan.log location to /tmp as well
cat << SCRIPT > Dockerfile
FROM debian:stable-slim
ARG license
RUN apt -qq update && apt install --yes ca-certificates
COPY anka-scan_debian_amd64 anka-scan
COPY config-example.yaml anka-scan.yaml
RUN /anka-scan license activate \${license}
ENTRYPOINT ["/anka-scan"]
docker build --force-rm --tag anka-scan:latest --build-arg license=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX .
Once built, you can then run the following to start the scan:
❯ docker run -it --rm -v /Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/registry:/mnt anka-scan:latest registry_template:c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e
✔ Vulnerability DB Update [completed]
✔ Cataloged packages [112 packages]
✔ Indexed Data Volume
✔ Cataloged packages [287 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume
✔ Analyzed packages [8 vulnerabilities]
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4155 3.6 low
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4156 3.6 low
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2015-20107 10.0 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-29921 9.8 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-3737 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-0391 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-26488 7.0 high
python pip 20.2.3 CVE-2021-3572 5.7 medium
There are two different commands/types available in the scanner:
This type will automatically scan the registry storage directory you've mounted and find the proper .ank file to scan. It's essentially anka_image
under the hood.
Let's say I have three tags for an Anka VM Template: vanilla
, vanilla+port-forward-22
, and vanilla+port-forward-22+brew-git
. If I wanted to scan vanilla
, I would run:
export REGISTRY_PATH="/Library/Application Support/Veertu/Anka/registry" # this location is where my macOS registry is running; it may differ if you're running on linux or have configured it differently.
❯ docker run -it --rm -v "${REGISTRY_PATH}:/mnt" anka-scan:latest registry_template:c0847bc9-5d2d-4dbc-ba6a-240f7ff08032
✔ Vulnerability DB Update [completed]
✔ Cataloged packages [125 packages]
✔ Indexed Data Volume
✔ Cataloged packages [287 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume
✔ Analyzed packages [6 vulnerabilities]
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4155 3.6 low
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4156 3.6 low
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2015-20107 10.0 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-29921 9.8 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-3737 7.5 high
python pip 20.2.3 CVE-2021-3572 5.7 medium
Or, write the report to a file:
❯ docker run -it --rm -v "${REGISTRY_PATH}:/mnt" -v "$(pwd):/reports" anka-scan:latest registry_template:c0847bc9-5d2d-4dbc-ba6a-240f7ff08032:v1 --report-file /reports/report-$(date +"%m_%d_%Y_%H:%M")
✔ Vulnerability DB Update [completed]
✔ Cataloged packages [125 packages]
✔ Indexed Data Volume
✔ Cataloged packages [287 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume
✔ Analyzed packages [8 vulnerabilities]
Report written to "/reports/report-05_23_2022_15:57"
❯ cat report-05_23_2022_15:57
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4155 3.6 low
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4156 3.6 low
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2015-20107 10.0 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-29921 9.8 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-3737 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-0391 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-26488 7.0 high
python pip 20.2.3 CVE-2021-3572 5.7 medium
If you're a more advanced user, you can determine the root .ank file inside of the metadata yaml for your VM/Template. This allows you to scan on your registry but also on an Anka host machine as well.
I'm going to track down the hard_drives > controller > file
value first:
❯ cat "$(anka config vm_lib_dir)/ea663a61-0e5c-4419-8194-697104fb693a/ea663a61-0e5c-4419-8194-697104fb693a.yaml" | grep -5 hard_drives
width: 1024
ram: 8G
uuid: ea663a61-0e5c-4419-8194-697104fb693a
creation_date: '2021-10-25T22:21:58.406768Z'
nvram: true
- controller: ablk
file: ce87816df16f4661a1be0684add6ca2f.ank
pci_slot: 4
- mode: shared
❯ docker run -it --rm -v "$(anka config img_lib_dir)/..:/mnt" anka-scan:latest ank_image:/mnt/img_lib/ce87816df16f4661a1be0684add6ca2f.ank
✔ Indexed Data Volume ✔ Cataloged packages [214 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume ✔ Cataloged packages [344 packages]
gem i18n 0.9.5 CVE-2020-7791 7.5 high
gem i18n 1.8.10 CVE-2020-7791 7.5 high
gem parallel 1.21.0 CVE-2015-4156 3.6 low
gem parallel 1.21.0 CVE-2015-4155 3.6 low
gem webrick 1.7.0 CVE-2008-1145 5.0 medium
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-29921 9.8 critical
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2021-23336 5.9 medium
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2019-20907 7.5 high
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2017-18207 6.5 medium
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2015-5652 7.2 high
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2019-9674 7.5 high
macos-app python 2.7.18 CVE-2017-17522 8.8 high
python cryptography 2.9.2 CVE-2020-36242 9.1 critical
python numpy 1.8.0rc1 CVE-2014-1858 5.5 medium
python numpy 1.8.0rc1 CVE-2017-12852 7.5 high
python numpy 1.8.0rc1 CVE-2019-6446 9.8 critical
python numpy 1.8.0rc1 CVE-2014-1859 5.5 medium
By default the human readable table output does not include paths or other information about how the vulnerability was found. Fortunately, we allow you to produce verbose JSON output with that information.
{{< hint info >}}
The use of --quiet
here is important to avoid any output which is not json parsable.
{{< /hint >}}
❯ docker run -it --rm -v "$(anka config img_lib_dir)/..:/mnt" anka-scan:latest ank_image:/mnt/img_lib/c2deedc229ae4e8b967aef0ddf4b2813.ank --report-format json --quiet
"matches": [
"vulnerability": {
"id": "CVE-2020-7791",
"base-score": 7.5,
"severity": "high"
"matchDetails": [
"matched-cpe": "cpe:/a:i18n_project:i18n:::~~~asp.net~~",
"matched-version": "0.9.5",
"matched-constraint": "< 2.1.15",
"match-type": "Semantic"
"artifact": {
"name": "i18n",
"version": "0.9.5",
"type": "gem",
"locations": [
"path": "/usr/local/Homebrew/docs/Gemfile.lock"
"language": "ruby",
"licenses": [],
"cpes": [
"purl": "pkg:gem/[email protected]",
"metadata": null
"vulnerability": {
"id": "CVE-2020-7791",
"base-score": 7.5,
"severity": "high"
"matchDetails": [
"matched-cpe": "cpe:/a:i18n_project:i18n:::~~~asp.net~~",
"matched-version": "0.9.5",
"matched-constraint": "< 2.1.15",
"match-type": "Semantic"
"artifact": {
"name": "i18n",
"version": "0.9.5",
"type": "gem",
"locations": [
"path": "/usr/local/Homebrew/docs/Gemfile.lock"
"language": "ruby",
"licenses": [],
"cpes": [
"purl": "pkg:gem/[email protected]",
"metadata": null
"vulnerability": {
"id": "CVE-2020-7791",
"base-score": 7.5,
"severity": "high"
"matchDetails": [
"matched-cpe": "cpe:/a:i18n_project:i18n:::~~~asp.net~~",
"matched-version": "1.8.11",
"matched-constraint": "< 2.1.15",
"match-type": "Semantic"
"artifact": {
"name": "i18n",
"version": "1.8.11",
"type": "gem",
"locations": [
"path": "/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/Gemfile.lock"
"language": "ruby",
"licenses": [],
"cpes": [
"purl": "pkg:gem/[email protected]",
"metadata": null
. . .
"source": {
"type": "anka image",
"target": "/Users/veertu/Library/Application Support/Veertu/Anka/img_lib/c2deedc229ae4e8b967aef0ddf4b2813.ank"
Using a custom config (--config customConfig.yaml
), you can specify a list of CPEs to ignore.
{{< hint info >}} You need to specify the "matched-cpe" or URI binding representation in the packages to ignore. Wildcards will not work. {{< /hint >}}
❯ cat /tmp/customConfig.yaml
- "cpe:/a:i18n_project:i18n:::~~~asp.net~~"
- "cpe:/a:python:python"
{{< hint info >}}
By default, if you don't specify a custom config, we automatically exclude cpe:/a:apple:icloud:1.0
as there are several hundred vulnerabilities from it. You can use an empty custom config:
- ""
{{< /hint >}}
Or, you can ignore specific CVEs:
❯ cat /tmp/customConfig.yaml
- "CVE-2020-7791"
❯ docker run -it --rm -v "$(anka config img_lib_dir)/..:/mnt" -v "/tmp:/mnt/config" public.ecr.aws/veertu/anka-scan:latest ank_image:/mnt/img_lib/c2deedc229ae4e8b967aef0ddf4b2813.ank --report-format json --config /mnt/config/customConfig.yml --report-file /mnt/config/report_i18n_python.txt
✔ Indexed Data Volume ✔ Cataloged packages [220 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume ✔ Cataloged packages [345 packages]
Report written to "/mnt/config/report_i18n_python.txt"
- ~200MBs of space
- Download the latest macOS package.
FULL_FILE_NAME=$(echo $(curl -Ls -r 0-1 -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://veertu.com/downloads/anka-scan-darwin) | cut -d/ -f5) PARTIAL_FILE_NAME=$(echo $FULL_FILE_NAME | awk -F'.zip' '{print $1}') curl -Ls https://veertu.com/downloads/anka-scan-darwin -o $FULL_FILE_NAME unzip $FULL_FILE_NAME rm -f $FULL_FILE_NAME cd $PARTIAL_FILE_NAME
- Unarchive and place the binary under /usr/local/bin (or just execute with
The instructions for using the macOS package are identical in many ways to Linux/Docker. The major differences are that the default --storage-dir
for the binary is /mnt
and likely not where your registry storage is located on macOS. You also of course do not include docker commands when executing the binary.
❯ ./anka-scan_darwin --storage-dir "/Library/Application Support/Veertu/Anka/registry" registry_template:c0847bc9-5d2d-4dbc-ba6a-240f7ff08032
✔ Vulnerability DB Update [completed]
✔ Cataloged packages [125 packages]
✔ Indexed Data Volume
✔ Cataloged packages [287 packages]
✔ Indexed System Volume
✔ Analyzed packages [10 vulnerabilities]
gem i18n 1.10.0 CVE-2020-7791 7.5 high
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4155 3.6 low
gem parallel 1.22.1 CVE-2015-4156 3.6 low
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2015-20107 10.0 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-29921 9.8 critical
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2021-3737 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-0391 7.5 high
macos-app python 3.8.9 CVE-2022-26488 7.0 high
python pip 20.2.3 CVE-2021-3572 5.7 medium