The goal of the bmm
(Bayesian Measurement Models) package is to make
it easier to estimate common cognitive measurement models for behavioral
research. It achieves this by combining the flexibility of the ‘brms’
package for specifying linear model syntax with custom functions that
translate cognitive measurement model into distributional families that
can be estimated using Bayesian hierarchical estimation. Cognitive
measurement models provide a more refined representation of the
cognitive processes underlying observed behavior, because they decompose
observed behavior into several theoretically meaningful parameters that
each represent distinct cognitive processes.
Currently the bmm package implements mainly models used in the domain of visual working memory research:
Visual working memory
- Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).
- Two-parameter mixture model by Zhang and Luck (2008).
- Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).
- Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)
However, the setup of the bmm package provides the foundation for the implementation of a broad range of cognitive measurement models. In fact, we are already working on implementing additional models, such as:
- Signal-Detection Models
- Evidence Accumulation Models
- Memory Models for categorical response
If you have suggestions for models that should be added to the package, feel free to create an issue. Ideally this should describe the model, point towards literature that gives details on the model, and if possible link to code that has already implemented the model.
Given the dynamic nature the bmm package is currently in, you can always view the latest list of supported models by running:
#> The following models are supported:
#> - IMMabc(non_targets, setsize)
#> - IMMbsc(non_targets, setsize, spaPos)
#> - IMMfull(non_targets, setsize, spaPos)
#> - mixture2p()
#> - mixture3p(non_targets, setsize)
#> - sdmSimple()
#> Type ?modelname to get information about a specific model, e.g. ?IMMfull
Currently, we are working on getting the package ready to be submitted to CRAN. For now, you have to install the development version of bmm from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
All the vignettes are also available on the bmm website.
The package was significantly updated on Feb 03, 2024. If you are following older versions (earlier than Version 6) of the Tutorial preprint, you need to install the 0.0.1 version of the bmm package with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("venpopov/[email protected]")
The main building block of the bmm package is that cognitive measurement models can often be specified as distributional models for which the distributional parameters of the generalized linear mixed model are a function of cognitive measurement model parameters. These functions that translate the cognitive measurement model parameters into distributional parameters is what we implement in the bmm package.
As these function can become complicated and their implementation changes with differences in experimental designs, the bmm package provides general translation functions that eases the use of the cognitive measurement models for end users. This way researchers that face challenges in writing their own STAN code to implement such models themselves can still use these models in almost any experimental design.
The core function of the bmm package is the fit_model
function. This
function takes:
- a linear model formula specifying how parameters of the model should vary as a function of experimental conditions
- data containing the dependent variables, the variables predicting model parameters, and potentially additional variables providing information to identify the model
- the model that should be fit
You can get more detailed information on the models implemented in bmm
by invoking the documentation of each model typing ?bmmmodel
into your
console. For example, calling the information on the full version of the
Interference Measurement Model would look like this: ?IMMfull
The function will then call the appropriate functions for the specified model and will perform several steps:
- Configure the Sample (e.g., set up prallelization)
- Check the information passed to the
function:- if the model is installed and all required arguments were provided
- if a valid formula was passed
- if the data contains all necessary variables
- Configure the called model (including specifying priors were necessary)
- Calling
and passing the specified arguments - Posprocessing the output and passing it to the user
This process is illustrated in the Figure below:
A complete call to fit a model using bmm could look like this. For this
example, we are using the OberauerLin_2017
data that is provided with
the package.
data <- OberauerLin_2017
For this quick example, we will show hot to setup fitting the
Interference Measurement Model to this data. If you want a detailed
description of this model and and in depth explanation of the parameters
estimated in the model, please have a look at vignette("IMM")
model_formula <- brms::bf(dev_rad ~ 1,
c ~ 0 + SetSize,
a ~ 0 + SetSize,
s ~ 0 + SetSize,
kappa ~ 0 + SetSize)
model <- IMMfull(non_targets = paste0("Item",2:8,"_Col"),
spaPos = paste0("Item",2:8,"_Pos"))
fit <- fit_model(
formula = model_formula,
data = data,
model = model
Using this call, the fit
object will save all the information about
the fitted model. As bmm
calls brms
to fit the models, these objects
can be handled the same way a normal brmsfit
object is handled:
# print summary
# plot posterior predicitive plot
You can have a look at examples for how to fit all currently implemented models by reading the vignettes for each model here for the released version of the package or here for the development version.
To aid users in improving their intuition about what different models
predict for observed data given a certain parameter set, the bmm
package also includes density and random generation function for all
implemented models.
These function provide an easy way to see what a model predicts for data
given a certain set of parameters. For example you can easily plot the
probability density function of the data for the Interference
Measurement model using the dIMM
function. In similar fashion the
random generation function included for each model, generates random
data based on a set of data generating parameters. For the IMM, you can
use rIMM
to generate data given a set of parameters. Plotting the
random data against the density illustrates that the data follows the
theoretically implied density.
simData <- data.frame(
x = bmm::rIMM(n = 500,
mu = c(0,-1.5,2.5,1),
dist = c(0, 2, 0.3, 1),
c = 1.5, a = 0.3, b = 0, s = 2, kappa = 10)
ggplot(data = simData, aes(x = x)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(density))) +
geom_function(fun = bmm::dIMM,
args = list(mu = c(0,-1.5,2.5,1),
dist = c(0, 2, 0.3, 1),
c = 1.5, a = 0.3, b = 0, s = 2, kappa = 10)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-pi,pi))
Should be interested in contributing a model to the bmm
package, you
should first look into the Developer
Notes. These
give a more in depth description of the package architecture and the
steps necessary to add your own model to the package.