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ppx_parser is an OCaml ppx extension that lets you write parsers à la Camlp4 stream parser notation. It can be used as a replacement for projects that still use Camlp4 stream parsers. For new projects, it is advised to use lexer and parser generators.


Following Camlp4 stream parser

type tok = Int of int | True | False | If | Then | Else | Let | In | Equal | Ident of string

type expr = IntLit of int | BoolLit of bool | IfThenExpr of expr * expr * expr | LetInExpr of expr * expr

let rec parse_expr = parser
    | [< 'If; i = expr; 'Then; t = expr; 'Else; e = expr >] -> IfThenExpr (i, t, e)
    | [< 'Let; 'Ident x; 'Equal; e = expr; 'In; i = expr >] -> LetInExpr (l, i)
    | [< 'Int i >] -> IntLit i
    | [< 'True >] -> BoolLit true
    | [< 'False >] -> BoolLit false

can be written as

let rec parse_expr = function%parser
    | [ If; expr as i; Then; expr as t; Else; expr as e] -> IfThenExpr (i, t, e)
    | [ Let; Ident x; Equal; expr as e; In; expr as i] -> LetInExpr (l, i)
    | [Int i] -> IntLit i
    | [True] -> BoolLit true
    | [False] -> BoolLit false


ppx_parser can be installed with opam:

$ opam install ppx_parser

Add the following field to your library, executable or test stanza in your dune file:

(preprocess (pps ppx_parser))



The %parser extension can be used to mark a function as a stream parser. Each function case represents a sequence of stream elements that have to be matched in order to produce the result on the right-hand side:

let stupid_int_parser = function%parser
    | [1; 2; 3; 4] -> "1, 2, 3, 4"
    | [3; 2; 1] -> "3, 2, 1"
    | [] -> ""

let stream = Stream.of_list [3; 2; 1]

let result = stupid_int_parser stream
(* "3, 2, 1" *)

It does so by peeking at the first element of the stream. The function case where the first element of the list matches the peeked element is selected ([3; 2; 1] in the example). A Stream.Error "Parse error." is thrown if the remainder of the selected list case does not match the remainder of the stream. Whenever an element is matched, it is removed from the stream.

If no function case is found where the first element of the list matches the first element of the stream, a Stream.Failure is raised.

Empty list []

The empty list can be used to produce a result without removing anything from the stream. This means that the stream can also be empty without raising Stream.Failure because nothing is removed from the stream:

let no_match_parser = function%parser
    | [1; 2; 3] -> "1, 2, 3"
    | [] -> "no match"

let stream = Stream.of_list [5; 6]

let result = no_match_parser stream
(* "no match" *)

(* stream remains [5; 6] because nothing was removed *)

Binding variables

%let or %l

Extension %let (shorthand %l) can be used inside a parser function list case to bind variables:

type tok = Int of int | Add | Sub

let rec parse_op lhs = function%parser
    | [Add; [%let rhs = parse_expr]] -> lhs + rhs
    | [Sub; [%let rhs = parse_expr]] -> lhs - rhs
    | [] -> lhs

and parse_expr = function%parser
    | [Int i; [%let op = parse_op i]] -> op

let stream = Stream.of_list [Int 1; Add; Int 3; Sub; Int 2]

let result = parse_expr stream
(* 2 *)

The left-hand side can be any expression that can be mapped to a pattern:

  • identifier: x
  • constant 1
  • tuple (a, b, ...)
  • construct SomeConstruct (...)
  • record {field_a; field_b; ...}
  • constraint ... : int
  • variant `SomeVariant
  • array {| ... |}
  • lazy lazy ...

let ... in ...

let expressions can be used inside %let extensions:

let rec parse_expr = function%parser
    | [Int i; [%let op =
        let parse_op lhs = function%parser
            | [Add; parse_expr as rhs] -> lhs + rhs
            | [Sub; parse_expr as rhs] -> lhs - rhs
            | [] -> lhs
        parse_op i
    ]] -> op

... as ...

An alias can be used when the right-hand sing of the binding is a simple function name:

let rec parse_op lhs = function%parser
    | [Add; parse_expr as rhs] -> lhs + rhs
    | [Sub; parse_expr as rhs] -> lhs - rhs
    | [] -> lhs

and parse_expr = function%parser
    | [Int i; [%let op = parse_op i]] -> op


Guards can be used as in regular pattern matching. A guard must evaluate to true for a match case to be selected:

let parser i = function%parser
    | [ 1; 2; 3 ] when i = 0 -> -1
    | [ 1; 2; 3 ] when i = 1 -> 0
    | [ 1; 2; 3 ] when i = 2 -> 1

let stream = Stream.of_list [ 1; 2; 3 ]

let result = parser 1 stream
(* 0 *)

Note that a guard of a parser function case is evaluated before matching the first element of that function case with the stream.