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License: CC0-1.0

In order to understand Verona Interfaces, please go to Verona Interfaces Introduction!

A Verona Player is a Html-file to be loaded into an iframe element of a web application. We call the web application "host". This specification describes the asynchronous communication between a host and the player.

Read the spec here:

The player file must contain of one script tag for metadata as json-ld. The syntax and elements are described here.

release notes


  • change data type of validPages in playerState
  • add vopPlayerConfigChangedNotification
  • add vopRuntimeErrorNotification


  • add buttons mode to player config in start command


  • add print mode to start command


  • the player should send always full payload; in case of performance issues, the player should use strategies like buffer/delay/debounce; furthermore, the host can decide to ignore state messages; therefor, vopGetStateRequest and stateReportPolicy property of playerConfig in vopStartCommand are removed
  • the host should manage any stop request by hiding or unloading the player; to continue, the player can be reloaded with previous responses; therefor, vopStopCommand, vopContinueCommand and the state property of playerState in vopStateChangedNotification are removed


  • added directDownloadUrl in playerConfig to enable download of additional code or data by the player
  • specify metadata as json-ld as described here; changed vopReadyNotification to send this metadata instead of apiVersion, notSupportedApiFeatures, supportedUnitDefinitionTypes and supportedUnitStateDataTypes


  • removed vopGetStateResponse; the player should answer the vopGetStateRequestby sending vopStateChangedNotification with all data parts
  • removed complete-and-valid as responseProgress value; it is assumed that no response will be reported unless it is valid, so complete will do
  • made validPages and currentPage optional in playerState for players w/o paging feature
  • added enabledNavigationTargets in playerConfig in vopStartCommand to let the player know whether navigation targets are enabled or not; values are the same as in vopUnitNavigationRequestedNotification
  • added startPage in playerConfig in vopStartCommand to let the player jump to the previously selected page; this might also be helpful in evaluation use cases where (after the test) the given answers of items at a specific page are expected to be presented
  • added navigationDeniedNotification to let the player know when the navigation failed due to presentationProgress or responseProgress
  • version notation of supported unit definition types and unit state data types changed to semver with a tilde and/or a caret, separated by @.
  • changed in vopUnitNavigationRequestedNotification property name targetRelative to target

For Contributors

This api is written as async api yaml file. After committing to main branch, a GitHub action is triggered to build the html page. Don't forget to update the version and the release notes in Then, create an release.

If you like to check the html page before committing to main branch,

  • have an npm/node.js-environment installed
  • check out the repo
  • run npm install
  • run the generate script in package.json.

After that, you can check docs/index.html in a browser. This file will be ignored by git.