- Simple calculations
- Shorthand combinations
- Order of operations
- Number rounding
- Python math library
# ex5.0.1 Simple calculations
# ex5.0.2 Performing simple calculations
x = float(1.2312321)
y = int(1)
z = x + y
check = isinstance(z, float)
# ex5.0.3 Shorthand combinations
# Assignment Operators besides the = operator
x = 1
x += 2
x -= 2
x *= 2
# ex5.0.4 Order of operations
B - Brackets first
O - Orders (i.e. Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
DM - Division or Multiplication (left-to-right)
AS - Addition or Subtraction (left-to-right)
print(1+10*10) # M-A = 101
print(10*1+10) # M-A = 20
print(10*(1+10)) # B-M = 110
print(10/2*(1+10)) # B-D-M = 55
# ex5.0.5 Number rounding
x = 1.45123123
print("Price" + format(x,'.2f')) # Converts to string
# ex5.0.6 Python math library
import math
x = math.pi
x = math.sqrt(4)
Use the previous code examples to help you complete the code challenges
- By default python shows PI to 15 places. Using round print PI to output with only 2 decimal places.
- Create a product sales calculator. The user will input a price of a product and the programme should calculate the price of the product minus the sale discount of 20%.
- If you haven't done so already, using the BODMAS principles create the calculation for the discounted price with one calculation.
- Ask the user to enter the radius of a circle (centre point to the edge). Print out the area of the circle (π*radius2). Round the answer to two decimal places.
- Build a simple calculator that allows user to type in two numbers and the operation that they wish to perform, + - / or *. Perform the calculation and print the result.
# Challenge 1 Solution
import math
x = math.pi
original = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
discount = original / 100 * 10
newprice = format(original - discount, '.2f')
print("£" + str(newprice))
print("£" + newprice)
original = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
discount = original - original / 100 * 10
newprice = format(discount, '.2f')
print("£" + newprice )
import math
radius = int(input("Enter the radius: "))
area1 = round(math.pi*(radius**2), 2)
# or
area2 = format(math.pi*(radius**2), '.2f')
print("The area: " + str(area1))
print("The area: " + str(area2))
print("The area: {}".format(area1))
print('The area: %s %s' % (area1, 'well done'))
x = float(input("Type in a number: "))
y = float(input("Type in another number: "))
z = input("+ - / *: ")
if z == "+":
print(x + y)
elif z == "-":
print(x - y)
elif z == "/":
print(x / y)
elif z == "*":
print(x * y)
print("you did not type in a correct operator")