Functions are blocks of code which perform specific tasks and can be called upon at any time in the program to run that code.
# 10.0.1 Create a function
def print_username():
username = input("Enter your username: ")
# 10.0.2 Run a function
def print_username():
username = input("Enter your username: ")
# 10.0.3 Calling a function from an existing function
def get_username():
username = input("Enter your username: ")
return username
def main():
username = get_username()
# 10.0.4 Function arguments
def name(name):
print(f"Your name is: {name}")
# 10.0.5 Multiple arguments
def name(fname, sname):
print(f"Your name is: {fname} {sname}")
name("Ali", "Ahmed")
name("Sheeba", "James")
# 10.0.6 Function Example
def get_bill_total():
bill_total = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
return bill_total
def main():
total = get_bill_total()
discount = total - total / 100 * 10
final_price = format(discount, '.2f')
print("£" + final_price )
# 10.0.7 Function Example
def calculate_discount(total):
discount = total - total / 100 * 10
return discount
def get_bill_total():
bill_total = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
final_total = format(calculate_discount(bill_total),'.2f')
return final_total
def main():
total = get_bill_total()
print("£" + total )
Use the previous code examples to help you complete the code challenges
Convert the following example we previously built so that the radius calculation is performed in a separate function.
import math
radius = int(input("Enter the radius: "))
area1 = round(math.pi*(radius**2), 2)
We made an example to calculate the total cost of an item once the discount has been applied. See code example below.
- Change amount of discount applied based upon the amount spent. For example if the customer spends 100 or more the discount applied should be 20% if the customer spends less than 100 the discount applied should be 10%
- Use Try/Except to capture if the user accidentally types in the wrong input
# Original Code
def calculate_discount(total):
discount = total - total / 100 * 10
return discount
def get_bill_total():
bill_total = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
final_total = format(calculate_discount(bill_total),'.2f')
return final_total
def main():
total = get_bill_total()
print("£" + total )
# Challenge 2 - Cost Calculation
import sys
def calculate_discount_percentage(total):
if total >= 100:
discount = 20
elif total > 0 and total < 100:
discount = 10
return discount
def calculate_discount(total):
discount_percentage = calculate_discount_percentage(total)
discount = total - total / 100 * discount_percentage
return discount
def get_bill_total():
bill_total = float(input("Enter the amount: "))
except ValueError as e:
print ('Incorrect value entered')
# quit() This function (callable instance objects) should only be used in the interpreter.
# exit()
if bill_total < 1:
print ('Incorrect value entered')
final_total = format(calculate_discount(bill_total),'.2f')
return final_total
def main():
total = get_bill_total()
print("£" + total )