- All source files are available in openscad format.
- Source files are made with parameters for easy modification.
- If you want make a modification it's better to make them in openscad in order to ba able to share your modified source file.
- The OpenSCAD software available at https://www.openscad.org to open or customize SCAD files
Liste of all Minus 3D files in step format If you use them and make modifications, share your update.
You can discuss about 3D model in our discord : https://discord.gg/3KrMHdp or on the forum : https://www.robot-maker.com/forum/213-vigibot/
- Add non 3D printed files like wheels camera, servomotors ...
- Make a full 3D model assembly ...
- clamp_finger_a.step
- clamp_finger_b.step
- clamp_servo_bracket.step
- clamp_u_bracket.step
- generic_servo_bracket.step
- get_up_servo_bracket_a.step
- get_up_servo_bracket_b.step
- head_pan_servo_bracket.step
- head_servo_camera_bracket_nosmile.step
- head_servo_camera_bracket_smile.step
- head_u_bracket.step
- photoresistor_cap.step
- plate_bottom.step
- plate_middle.step
- plate_middle_big_wheels.step
- plate_top_fan.step
- plate_top_nofan.step
- rear_protection.step
- rear_protection_long.step
- servo_finger_a.step
- servo_finger_b.step
- usb_bracket.step
- n20_motor_holder.step