This repository is a usable, publicly available tutorial for analyzing differential expression data and creating topological gene networks. All steps have been provided for the UConn CBC Xanadu cluster here with appropriate headers for the Slurm scheduler that can be modified simply to run. Commands should never be executed on the submit nodes of any HPC machine. If working on the Xanadu cluster, you should use sbatch scriptname after modifying the script for each stage. Basic editing of all scripts can be performed on the server with tools such as nano, vim, or emacs. If you are new to Linux, please use this handy guide for the operating system commands. In this guide, you will be working with common bio Informatic file formats, such as FASTA, FASTQ, SAM/BAM, and GFF3/GTF. You can learn even more about each file format here. If you do not have a Xanadu account and are an affiliate of UConn/UCHC, please apply for one here.
- Introduction
- Quality Control
- Assembling the Transcriptome
- Identifying the Coding Regions
- Determining and Removing Redundent Transcripts
- Evaluating Assemblies
- Creating An Index
- Extraction of Read Counts using Kallisto
- Diffferential Expression
a. Gfold
b. NOISeq - EnTAP - Functional Annotation for DE Genes
In this tutorial we will be analyzing RNA-Sequence data from abscission zone tissue (between the needle and the stem) samples from the Eastern larch. The study is designed to examine the process of needle loss in Autumn. This data is not published and therefore can only be accessed through the Xanadu directory in /UCHC/PublicShare/RNASeq_Workshop/Eastern_larch
We will be using the Eastern larch as a non-model organism.
When an organism is called model there is an underlying assumption that very generous amounts of research have been performed on the species resulting in large pools of publicly available data. In biology and bioinformatics this means there are reference transcriptomes, structural annotations, known variant genotypes, and a wealth of other useful information in computational research. By contrast, when an organism is called non-model there is the underlying assumption that the information described prior will have to be generated by the research. This means that after extracting genetic data from a non-model organism, the researcher will then have to assemble the transcriptome, annotate the transcriptome, identify any pertinent genetic relationships, and so on. We can use this to develop a small map of our goals for analyzing our Eastern larch RNA samples. That is:
The data consists of 4 libraries under two different time points (roughly one month apart). This is representing 3 trees for two populations (U and K).
Sample | Location | Time point | Population number |
U32 | UConn | 2 | 3 |
U13 | UConn | 3 | 1 |
K32 | Killingworth | 2 | 2 |
K23 | Killingworth | 3 | 2 |
In this workflow we have seperated each step into folders, where you can find the appropriate scripts in conjunction with each steps. When you clone the git repository, the below directory structure will be cloned into your working directory.
So to follow the steps would be esay once you have cloned this git repository using the clone
git clone < git-repository.git >
Once you clone the repository you can see the following folder structure:
├── Raw_Reads
├── Quality_Control
├── Assembly
├── Coding_Regions
├── Clustering
├── RNAQuast
├── Index
├── Counts
├── Gfold
├── NOISeq
└── EnTAP
The tutorial will be using the SLURM scheduler to submit jobs to the University of Connecticut's Xanadu computer cluster. Each script we will be using will contain a header section which will allocate the resources for the SLURM scheduler. The header section will contain:
#SBATCH --job-name=JOBNAME
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --partition=general
#SBATCH --qos=general
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH -o %x_%j.out
#SBATCH -e %x_%j.err
Before beginning, we need to understand a few aspects of the Xanadu server. When first logging into Xanadu from your local terminal, you will be connected to the submit node. The submit node is the interface with which users on Xanadu may submit their processes to the desired compute nodes, which will run the process. Never, under any circumstance, run processes directly in the submit node. Your process will be killed and all of your work lost! This tutorial will not teach you shell script configuration to submit your tasks on Xanadu. Therefore, before moving on, read and master the topics covered in the Xanadu tutorial.
These data files are only avaliable through Xanadu cluster, as they belong to the Dr. Jill Wegrzyn lab. If you are working in the Xanadu cluster to avoid redundancy in the data files, you can create a simlink to the read files. After creating sym-links you can work your way though the rest of the steps as we have discussed in the tutorial.
So in the Raw_Reads/ folder we have created a script to creat a sym-links for the actual data, which is called, You can run this script using sbatch
Raw_Reads folder will look like:
├── K23
│ ├── K23_R1.fastq
│ └── K23_R2.fastq
├── K32
│ ├── K32_R1.fastq
│ └── K32_R2.fastq
├── U13
│ ├── U13_R1.fastq
│ └── U13_R2.fastq
└── U32
├── U32_R1.fastq
└── U32_R2.fastq
The reads with which we will be working have been sequenced using Illumina. We assume that you are familiar with the sequencing technology. Let's have a look at the content of one of our reads, which are in the "fastq" format:
head -n 4 K32_R1.fastq
which will show the first four lines in the fastq file:
@NS500402:381:HH3NFBGX9:1:11101:2166:1038 1:N:0:CGCTCATT+AGGCTATA
In here we see that first line corrosponds to the sample information followed by the length of the read, and in the second line corrosponds to the nucleotide reads, followed by the "+" sign where if repeats the information in the first line. Then the fourth line corrosponds to the quality score for each nucleotide in the first line.
Step one is to perform quality control on the reads, and we will be using Sickle for the Illumina reads. To start with we have paired-end reads.
module load sickle/1.33
sickle pe -f ../Raw_Reads/U13/U13_R1.fastq \
-r ../Raw_Reads/U13/U13_R2.fastq \
-t sanger \
-o trim_U13_R1.fastq \
-p trim_U13_R2.fastq \
-s singles_U13.fastq \
-q 30 -l 45
sickle pe -f ../Raw_Reads/U32/U32_R1.fastq \
-r ../Raw_Reads/U32/U32_R2.fastq \
-t sanger \
-o trim_U32_R1.fastq \
-p trim_U32_R2.fastq \
-s singles_U32.fastq \
-q 30 -l 45
sickle pe -f ../Raw_Reads/K32/K32_R1.fastq \
-r ../Raw_Reads/K32/K32_R2.fastq \
-t sanger \
-o trim_K32_R1.fastq \
-p trim_K32_R2.fastq \
-s singles_K32.fastq \
-q 30 -l 45
sickle pe -f ../Raw_Reads/K23/K23_R1.fastq \
-r ../Raw_Reads/K23/K23_R2.fastq \
-t sanger \
-o trim_K23_R1.fastq \
-p trim_K23_R2.fastq \
-s singles_K23.fastq \
-q 30 -l 45
The usage information on the sickle program:
Usage: sickle pe [options] -f <paired-end forward fastq file>
-r <paired-end reverse fastq file>
-t <quality type>
-o <trimmed PE forward file>
-p <trimmed PE reverse file>
-s <trimmed singles file>
-f, --pe-file1, Input paired-end forward fastq file
-r, --pe-file2, Input paired-end reverse fastq file
-o, --output-pe1, Output trimmed forward fastq file
-p, --output-pe2, Output trimmed reverse fastq file
-s Singles files
Global options:
-t, --qual-type, Type of quality values
solexa (CASAVA < 1.3)
illumina (CASAVA 1.3 to 1.7)
sanger (which is CASAVA >= 1.8)
-s, --output-single, Output trimmed singles fastq file
-l, --length-threshold, Threshold to keep a read based on length after trimming. Default 20
-q, --qual-threshold, Threshold for trimming based on average quality in a window. Default 20
The quality may be any score from 0 to 40. The default of 20 is much too low for a robust analysis. We want to select only reads with a quality of 30 or better. Additionally, the desired length of each read is 45bp. Lastly, we must know the scoring type. While the quality type is not listed on the SRA pages, most SRA reads use the "sanger" quality type. Unless explicitly stated, try running sickle using the sanger qualities. If an error is returned, try illumina. If another error is returned, lastly try solexa.
The full slurm script which is called is stored in the Quality_Control folder.
At the end of the run, each run will produce 3 files, a trimmed forward read file, trimmed reverse read file and a singles file. Singles file will contain the reads whose pair failed to pass the thresholds set in the sickle step. The following files will be produced at the end of the run:
├── trim_U13_R1.fastq
├── trim_U13_R2.fastq
├── singles_U13.fastq
├── trim_U32_R1.fastq
├── trim_U32_R2.fastq
├── singles_U32.fastq
├── trim_K23_R1.fastq
├── trim_K23_R2.fastq
├── singles_K23.fastq
├── trim_K32_R1.fastq
├── trim_K32_R2.fastq
└── singles_K32.fastq
The summary of the reads will be in the *.out
file, which will give how many reads is kept and how many have been discarded in each run.
Sample | Input records | Paired records kept | single records kept | paired records discarded | single records discarded | Kept (%) |
U13 | 36516384 | 36516384 | 4048114 | 4004868 | 4048114 | 75.1 |
U32 | 46566276 | 35981128 | 3388161 | 3808826 | 3388161 | 77.3 |
K32 | 41656220 | 30657748 | 3646736 | 3705000 | 3646736 | 73.6 |
K23 | 45017196 | 33692758 | 3669578 | 3985282 | 3669578 | 74.2 |
Now that we've performed quality control we are ready to assemble our transcriptome using the RNA-Seq reads. We will be using the software Trinity. Nearly all transcriptome assembly software operates under the same premise. Consider the following:
Suppose we have the following reads:
We notice that the end of each read is the beginning of the next read, so we assemble them as one sequence by matching the overlaps:
Which gives us:
A C G A C G T [T T G A G A] T T A C C T A G
In De novo assembly section, we will be working in the assembly/ directory. In here we will be assembling the trimmed illumina reads separately using the trinity transcriptome assembler. Assembly requires a great deal of memory (RAM) and can take few days if the read set is large. Following is the trinity command that we use to assemble each transcriptome separately.
module load trinity/2.6.6
Trinity --seqType fq \
--left ../Quality_Control/trim_U13_R1.fastq \
--right ../Quality_Control/trim_U13_R2.fastq \
--min_contig_length 300 \
--CPU 36 \
--max_memory 100G \
--output trinity_U13 \
Trinity --seqType fq \
--left ../Quality_Control/trim_U32_R1.fastq \
--right ../Quality_Control/trim_U32_R2.fastq \
--min_contig_length 300 \
--CPU 36 \
--max_memory 100G \
--output trinity_U32 \
Trinity --seqType fq \
--left ../Quality_Control/trim_K32_R1.fastq \
--right ../Quality_Control/trim_K32_R2.fastq \
--min_contig_length 300 \
--CPU 36 \
--max_memory 100G \
--output trinity_K32 \
Trinity --seqType fq \
--left ../Quality_Control/trim_K23_R1.fastq \
--right ../Quality_Control/trim_K23_R2.fastq \
--min_contig_length 300 \
--CPU 36 \
--max_memory 100G \
--output trinity_K23 \
So the usage information for Trinity program we use:
Usage: Trinity [options]
Options (Required):
--seqType <string> : type of reads: ('fa' or 'fq')
--max_memory <string> : max memory to use by Trinity
if unpaired reads
--single <string> : unpaired/single reads, one or more file names can be included
if paired reads
--left <string> :left reads, one or more file names (separated by commas, no spaces)
--right <string> :right reads, one or more file names (separated by commas, no spaces)
Options (optional)
--CPU <int> : number of CPUs to use, default: 2
--min_contig_length <int>: minimum assembled contig length to report (def=200)
--output <string> : directory for output
--full_cleanup : only retain the Trinity fasta file, rename as ${output_dir}.Trinity.fasta
The full slurm script is called, and can be found in the assembly directory.
Trinity combines three independent software modules: Inchworm, Chrysalis, and Butterfly, applied sequentially to process large volumes of RNA-seq reads. Trinity partitions the sequence data into many individual de Bruijn graphs, each representing the transcriptional complexity at a given gene or locus, and then processes each graph independently to extract full-length splicing isoforms and to tease apart transcripts derived from paralogous genes. Briefly, the process works like so:
Inchworm assembles the RNA-seq data into the unique sequences of transcripts, often generating full-length transcripts for a dominant isoform, but then reports just the unique portions of alternatively spliced transcripts.
Chrysalis clusters the Inchworm contigs and constructs complete de Bruijn graphs for each cluster. Each cluster represents the full transcriptional complexity for a given gene (or sets of genes that share sequences in common). Chrysalis then partitions the full read set among these disjoint graphs.
Butterfly then processes the individual graphs in parallel, tracing the paths that reads and pairs of reads take within the graph, ultimately reporting full-length transcripts for alternatively spliced isoforms, and teasing apart transcripts that corresponds to paralogous genes.
During the Trinity run lots of files will be generated. These checkpoint files will help us to restart from that specific point if for some reason the program stops prematurely. Once the program ends successfully all these checkpoint files will be removed since we have requested a full cleanup using the --full_cleanup
command. Clearing the files is very important as it will help us to remove all the unwanted files and also to keep the storage capacity and the number of files to a minimum. So at the end of a successful run we will end up with the following files:
├── trinity_K23.Trinity.fasta
├── trinity_K23.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map
├── trinity_K32.Trinity.fasta
├── trinity_K32.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map
├── trinity_U13.Trinity.fasta
├── trinity_U13.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map
├── trinity_U32.Trinity.fasta
└── trinity_U32.Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map
So we will have three assembly files, one for each condition or time step.
Before looking for the coding regions we will combine all the assemblies together so we can ultimately pick a single best contig to represent each gene we find. Before we can combine these files, we first need to ensure that each sequence has a unique name. Because of Trinity's naming convention, there are likely to be identical sequence names appearing in each assembly. These redundant names would confuse TransDecoder and turn some of its output into nonsense. Worse, this error would occur silently and be propagated to the rest of our analyses. To deal with this, we'll simply add a sample ID prefix to each sequence name using the linux utility sed
sed 's/>/>K23_/g' ../Assembly/trinity_K23.Trinity.fasta > ../Assembly/trinity_prefix_K23.Trinity.fasta
sed 's/>/>K32_/g' ../Assembly/trinity_K32.Trinity.fasta > ../Assembly/trinity_prefix_K32.Trinity.fasta
sed 's/>/>U13_/g' ../Assembly/trinity_U13.Trinity.fasta > ../Assembly/trinity_prefix_U13.Trinity.fasta
sed 's/>/>U32_/g' ../Assembly/trinity_U32.Trinity.fasta > ../Assembly/trinity_prefix_U32.Trinity.fasta
Now we can concatenate the assemblies into a single file:
cat ../Assembly/trinity_prefix_U13.Trinity.fasta \
../Assembly/trinity_prefix_U32.Trinity.fasta \
../Assembly/trinity_prefix_K32.Trinity.fasta \
../Assembly/trinity_prefix_K23.Trinity.fasta >> ../Assembly/trinity_combine.fasta
Now that we have our reads assembled and combined together into the single file, we can use TransDecoder to determine optimal open reading frames from the assembly (ORFs). Assembled RNA-Seq transcripts may have 5′ or 3′ UTR sequence attached and this can make it difficult to determine the coding sequence (CDS) in non-model species. We will not be going into how TransDecoder works. Please follow the link for detials on transdecoder Our first step is to determine all open-reading-frames. We can do this using the 'TransDecoder.LongOrfs' command. This command is quite simple, with one option, '-t', which is simply our centroid fasta! The command is therefore:
module load TransDecoder/5.3.0
TransDecoder.LongOrfs -t ../Assembly/trinity_combine.fasta
The command usage would be:
Transdecoder.LongOrfs [options]
-t <string> transcripts.fasta
By default it will identify ORFs that are at least 100 amino acids long. (you can change this by using -m parameter). It will produce a folder called centroids.fasta.transdecoder_dir
├── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder_dir
│ ├── base_freqs.dat
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds
│ ├── longest_orfs.gff3
│ └── longest_orfs.pep
Next step is to identify ORFs with homology to known proteins via blast or pfam searches. This will maximize the sensitivity for capturing the ORFs that have functional significance. We will be using the Pfam databases. Pfam stands for "Protein families", and is simply an absolutely massive database with mountains of searchable information on, well, you guessed it, protein families. We can scan the Pfam databases using the software hmmer, a database homologous-sequence fetcher. The Pfam databases are much too large to install on a local computer. However, you may find them on Xanadu in the directory '/isg/shared/databases/Pfam/Pfam-A.hmm', which is an hmmer file (must be an hmmer file for hmmer to scan!).
hmmscan --cpu 16 \
--domtblout pfam.domtblout \
/isg/shared/databases/Pfam/Pfam-A.hmm \
Usage of the command:
Usage: hmmscan [-options] <hmmdb> <seqfile>
Options controlling output:
--domtblout <f> : save parseable table of per-domain hits to file <f>
Other expert options:
--cpu <n> : number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreads [2]
It is absolutely vital that you place these arguments in the order in which they appear above. You do not want 'hmmscan' thinking your centroids are your database and your database are your centroids!
Once the run is completed it will create the following files in the directory.
├── pfam.domtblout
Lastly we use the 'TransDecoder.Predict' function to predict the coding regions we should expect in our transcriptome using the output from hmmscan (the pfam.domtblout file).
TransDecoder.Predict -t ../Assembly/trinity_combine.fasta \
--retain_pfam_hits pfam.domtblout \
--cpu 16
Usage of the command:
-t <string> : transcripts.fasta
Common options:
--retain_pfam_hits : domain table output file from running hmmscan to search Pfam (see for info)
This will add output to our trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder_dir
, which now looks like:
├── pfam.domtblout
├── pipeliner.38689.cmds
├── pipeliner.5719.cmds
├── pipeliner.63894.cmds
├── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.bed
├── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.cds
├── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder_dir/
│ ├── base_freqs.dat
│ ├── hexamer.scores
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds.best_candidates.gff3
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds.best_candidates.gff3.revised_starts.gff3
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds.scores
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds.top_500_longest
│ ├── longest_orfs.cds.top_longest_5000
│ ├──
│ ├── longest_orfs.gff3
│ └── longest_orfs.pep
├── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.gff3
└── trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.pep
The full script is called, which is located in the Coding_Regions
In the next step we will be using the trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.cds fasta file for creating consensus sequence.
We independently assembled transcriptome for the 4 samples using trinity. There will be many transcripts that are present in all the 4 assembled sample transcriptomes, and hence will be present multiple times in the trinity_combine.fasta
. In the previous step we used transdecoder
to get rid of spurious transcripts based on the criteria of coding region and pfam matches. However this will not affect the redundency between the transcripts and we still have the issue of multiple represntation of same /similar transcripts. We will be using vsearch to cluster the transcripts with similar sequences (similarity is set by the identity between the sequences --id) and then collapse them in one representative transcript (centroid). A more detailed account of the application can be found at: vsearch.
The threshold for clustering in this example is set to 90% identity. In this step we will be working in the Clustering/ directory:
module load vsearch/2.4.3
vsearch --threads 8 --log LOGFile \
--cluster_fast ../Coding_Regions/trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.cds \
--id 0.90 \
--centroids centroids.fasta \
--uc clusters.uc
Command options in the vsearch program that we used:
Usage: vsearch [OPTIONS]
--threads INT number of threads to use, zero for all cores (0)
--log FILENAME write messages, timing and memory info to file
--cluster_fast FILENAME cluster sequences after sorting by length
--id REAL reject if identity lower, accepted values: 0-1.0
--centroids FILENAME output centroid sequences to FASTA file
--uc FILENAME specify filename for UCLUST-like output
The full script is called, which can be found in the Clustering folder. At the end of the run it will produce the following files:
├── centroids.fasta
├── clusters.uc
├── combine.fasta
└── LOGFile
The centroids.fasta will contain the unique genes from the four assemblies.
Once you have assembled the transcripts quality of your assembled transcriptome can be evaluate and benchmarked against a gene database using rnaQUAST. This will compare the alignments with the gene database and will produce a summary report at the end.
As now we have a assembled transcripts in a centroids file, we will evaluate this using rnaQuast. In this step we will be working in the RNAQuast/ directory.
module load rnaQUAST/1.5.2
module load GeneMarkS-T/5.1 --transcripts ../Clustering/centroids.fasta \
--gene_mark \
--threads 8 \
--output_dir Genemark
Command options we used in the above are:
--transcripts <TRANSCRIPTS, ...> transcripts in FASTA format
--gene_mark Run with GeneMarkS-T gene prediction tool
--threads <INT> Maximum number of threads. Default is min(number of CPUs / 2, 16)
--output_dir <OUTPUT_DIR> Directory to store all results
The full slurm script is called and it can be found in the RNAQuast/ directory.
├── results/
│ ├── centroids_output/
│ │ ├── alignment_metrics.txt
│ │ └── txt_dir/
│ ├── logs/
│ │ └── rnaQUAST.log
│ ├── short_report.pdf
│ ├── short_report.tex
│ ├── short_report.tsv
│ └── short_report.txt
The program will produce various statistics and it will produce a short summary report as well as a long report, where you can look and assess the quality of your assembled transcriptome. Shown below are matrics which is produced in alignment_metrics.txt file.
METRICS | centroids |
Transcripts | 64275 |
Transcripts > 500 bp | 28385 |
Transcripts > 1000 bp | 10593 |
Average length of assembled transcripts | 663.088 |
Longest transcript | 13230 |
Total length | 42619973 |
Transcript N50 | 407 |
Now that we have generated a reference transcriptome with possible transcripts. We will measure the expression of transcripots across the 4 samples. In this tutorial we will be using Kallisto
for quantifying transcripts based on the reads in the fastq files. In order to use kallisto
we have to index our transcriptome, a pre-requisite for using this application. So our next step is indexing our reference transcriptome.
In this step we will be working in the index directory. Before aligning the reads we need to create a index for the created transcoder assembly. We will be using Kallisto to build the index using the following command:
module load kallisto/0.44.0
kallisto index -i Eastern_larch_index ../Clustering/centroids.fasta
Arguments used for creating the index file:
Usage: kallisto index [arguments] FASTA-files
Required argument:
-i, --index=STRING Filename for the kallisto index to be constructed
The full slurm script is called can be found in the Index/ folder. This will create a kallisto index of the centroids.fasta FASTA file, where it will create the following file:
└── Eastern_larch_index
In this step we will be working in Counts/ directory, and will be using the the kallisto quant
command to run the quantification algorithm. Because of time constraints, moving forward we will only do a pairwise comparison between two samples: Killingworth time points 2 and 3.
module load kallisto/0.44.0
kallisto quant -i ../Kallisto_Index/Eastern_larch_index \
-o K23 \
-t 8 \
../Quality_Control/trim_K23_R1.fastq ../Quality_Control/trim_K23_R2.fastq
kallisto quant -i ../Kallisto_Index/Eastern_larch_index \
-o K32 \
-t 8 \
../Quality_Control/trim_K32_R1.fastq ../Quality_Control/trim_K32_R2.fastq
kallisto quant -i ../Index/Eastern_larch_index \
-o U32 \
-t 8 \
../Quality_Control/trim_U32_R1.fastq ../Quality_Control/trim_U32_R2.fastq
kallisto quant -i ../Index/Eastern_larch_index \
-o U13 \
-t 8 \
../Quality_Control/trim_U13_R1.fastq ../Quality_Control/trim_U13_R2.fastq
Usage information of the kallisto quant
Usage: kallisto quant [arguments] FASTQ-files
Required arguments:
-i, --index=STRING Filename for the kallisto index to be used for quantification
-o, --output-dir=STRING Directory to write output to
Optional arguments:
-t, --threads=INT Number of threads to use (default: 1)
kallisto can process either paired-end or single-end reads. The default running mode is paired-end reads and requires a even number of FASTQ files, with pairs given as shown in above example. When running single end reads please check the kallisto manual for correct parameters. The complete slurm script is called which is stored in the Counts/ directory.
The quantification algorithm will produce three output files:
- abundance.h5 : HDF5 binary file
This contains run information, abundance estimates, bootstrap estimates and transcript lenght information - abundance.tsv : plaintext file of the abundance estimates
This contains effective length, estimated counts and TPM values - run_info.json : information on the run
When you run the above kallisto quantification algorithm, it will produce the following output:
├── U13/
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── U32/
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── K23/
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
└── K32/
├── abundance.h5
├── abundance.tsv
└── run_info.json
Now if you look at the first few lines in the abundance.tsv file using the head
command. We can see that, it has five columns which are geneID, gene length, effective gene length, estimated counts and tpm values.
target_id length eff_length est_counts tpm
TRINITY_DN27913_c0_g1_i1.p3 13230 13072.3 172 0.861807
TRINITY_DN27054_c1_g6_i1.p1 11508 11350.3 183.401 1.05834
TRINITY_DN26839_c0_g2_i1.p1 10935 10777.3 16.3293 0.099241
TRINITY_DN21012_c2_g1_i3.p1 10839 10681.3 172 1.05472
In this section we will show you two methods of finding the differentially expressed genes namely Gfold and NOISeq. Where as Gfold and NOISeq both can used to find differentially expressed genes when there are no-replicates as well as replicates avaliable. In this tutorial we will use Gfold, to find DE genes, when you do not have replicates and next we will use the NOISeq, show an example when you have replicates.
Here we are trying to get differentially expressed genes between two conditions with only a single replicate for each condition. In such situations Gfold is very useful. Gfold uses a Bayesian model to rank genes according to estimated fold change in expression in across treatments. The Gfold estimate of fold change balances the size of the fold change against its significance, reducing the noise from genes with low read counts.
In order to get fold change using Gfold program, you need to provide a count file in a particular format. For the Gfold program the count file should contain 5 columns, where it should contain GeneSymbol, GeneName, Read Count, Gene exon length and RPKM. In this input most important columns are Gene Symbol and Read Count information.
We will use the kallisto generated abundance.tsv file and reformat it, so it will contain the fields which Gfold program needs as its input. For reformating you can use any programing language that you like. But in here we will be using awk
to manipulate these columns. AWK is a very powerful language which allows you to get useful information from text files.
awk '{print $1 "\t" $1 "\t" $4 "\t" $2 "\t" $5 }' ../Counts/K23/abundance.tsv > K23.read_cnt
awk '{print $1 "\t" $1 "\t" $4 "\t" $2 "\t" $5 }' ../Counts/K32/abundance.tsv > K32.read_cnt
You can run this command in a interative session or can run the script using shell in a interative session.
This will produce counts files which are in Gfold format.
├── K23.read_cnt
└── K32.read_cnt
Gfold program does not take the header row so either you have to delete the first row or comment out the header before you run the program. Now if you look at any of these files it will now contain five columns as follows:
TRINITY_DN27913_c0_g1_i1.p3 TRINITY_DN27913_c0_g1_i1.p3 3561 13230 12.3338
TRINITY_DN27054_c1_g6_i1.p1 TRINITY_DN27054_c1_g6_i1.p1 3895.81 11508 15.5417
TRINITY_DN26839_c0_g2_i1.p1 TRINITY_DN26839_c0_g2_i1.p1 1220.95 10935 5.12987
TRINITY_DN21012_c2_g1_i3.p1 TRINITY_DN21012_c2_g1_i3.p1 3349 10839 14.1975
TRINITY_DN17708_c0_g1_i3.p1 TRINITY_DN17708_c0_g1_i3.p1 967 9297 4.79158
Now since we have the counts files in the correct format, we will run the Gfold using the following command. We will be using the K23.read_cnt and K32.read_cnt as input files.
module load gfold/1.1.4
gfold diff -s1 K32 -s2 K23 -suf .read_cnt -o K32_vs_K23.diff
Usage information of the gfold:
gfold diff [options]
-s1 sample-1
-s2 sample-2
-o output file name
-suf input files extention
-acc <T/F> When no replicate is available, whether to use accurate method to calculate GFOLD value. T stands for accurate which depends on sequencing depth and slower, F stands for MCMC. Default T. For job diff only.
-sc <num> The significant cutoff for fold change. Default 0.01. For job diff only.
-norm <Count/DESeq/NO> The way to do normalization. 'Count' stands for normalization by total number of mapped reads. 'DESeq' stands for the normalization proposed by DESeq. 'NO' stands for no normalization. You can also specifiy a list of normalization constant separated by commas. E.g. 1.2,2.1,1.0,2.0. Note that the number of constants should be the same as the total number of samples (group1 and group2) and the order should be for -s1 followed by for -s2. GFOLD using normalization constants not by directly multiplication (scaling up) nor division (scaling down). The normalization constants will be built into the model. In the model, division or multiplication has no difference. Default 'DESeq'.
The complete slurm script is called which is stored in the Gfold/ directory. Running Gfold will generate the following files, which contains the fold change value between the two conditions.
├── K32_vs_K23.diff
└── K32_vs_K23.diff.ext
The Gfold value can be considered a log2-fold change value, where positive/negative value will indicate whether a gene is up/down regulated. The first few lines in the K32_vs_K23.diff will be like:
#GeneSymbol GeneName GFOLD(0.01) E-FDR log2fdc 1stRPKM 2ndRPKM
TRINITY_DN27913_c0_g1_i1.p3 TRINITY_DN27913_c0_g1_i1.p3 2.49054 1 2.74244 2.33862 22.549
TRINITY_DN27054_c1_g6_i1.p1 TRINITY_DN27054_c1_g6_i1.p1 2.53847 1 2.78281 2.8605 28.3545
TRINITY_DN26839_c0_g2_i1.p1 TRINITY_DN26839_c0_g2_i1.p1 3.81393 1 4.54498 0.263204 9.34665
TRINITY_DN21012_c2_g1_i3.p1 TRINITY_DN21012_c2_g1_i3.p1 2.4016 1 2.65392 2.8545 25.8846
TRINITY_DN17708_c0_g1_i3.p1 TRINITY_DN17708_c0_g1_i3.p1 2.27485 1 2.74287 0.890033 8.71362
The GFOLD output has 7 coloumns
- GeneSymbol Information on gene symbol.
- GeneName Information on gene name.
- GFOLD column provides fold change values in log2 format and can be used to obtain a biological meaningful ranking of genes. Any gene that passes the significance cutoff (p-value) of 0.01 and shows 2 or more fold change in expression have values indicated against them. Genes not satisfying these 2 criterias have value=0 against them. Values are calculated as log2(s2/s1). The significance cut off can be set by using -sc flag. Since the values are in log2 format, the cut off starts at +1 for upregulated genes and -1 for downregulated genes. Genes with values greater than +1 (1.2435, 2.4982, 3.53474 etc) have 2 fold increase in expression in s2 samples wheres values less than -1 (-1.6584, -2.0078, -4.6768 etc) will have 2 fold lower or lesser expression in s2 compared to s1.
- E-FDR column represents the FDR values calculated to correct for multiple testing. In absence of replicates the value is set to 1 as seen above. This column will have other values if we have replicates in our study.
- log2fc column have log2 fold change obtained from s2/s1 for all genes even for those who doesnot pass the significance cut off and have lower or no change in expression between conditions. These values are slightly different from GFOLD because fold change is based on the sampled expression level from the posterior distribution bt taking in account gene lengths.
- 1-RPKM represent RPKM values for genes in s1 sample.
- 2-RPKM represent RPKM values for genes in s2 sample.
Another program which is useful in finding differentially expressed genes when there are no replicates is the R package NOISeq. It can be used to get exploratory plots to evaluate count distribution, types of detected features, and differential expression between two conditions.
In order to get the expressed genes using NOISeq program, you need to provide the count files as the input. For that we will use the kallisto generated count files which can be found in abundance.tsv files generated for each sample in the indexing step. As the abundance.tsv file will contain GeneSymbol, GeneName, Read Count, Gene exon length and RPKM and we will use a awk command to grab only the GeneSymbol and Read Count from the abundance.tsv file.
awk '{print $1 "\t" $4}' ../Counts/K23/abundance.tsv > K23.counts
awk '{print $1 "\t" $4}' ../Counts/K32/abundance.tsv > K32.counts
awk '{print $1 "\t" $4}' ../Counts/U32/abundance.tsv > U32.counts
awk '{print $1 "\t" $4}' ../Counts/U13/abundance.tsv > U13.counts
We also need the transcript length information, for the NOISeq calculation. It can be gathered from the abundance.tsv file as well, using the following code:
awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' ../Counts/K23/abundance.tsv > length.txt
You can run this command in an interactive session or can run the script using shell in a interactive session.
This will produce counts files with two columns where it will contain the Gene Name and the counts associated with it. Also the length file with two columns which includes the transcript name and transcript length.
├── U13.counts
├── U32.counts
├── K23.counts
├── K32.counts
└── length.txt
This part can be run using the cluster or using your own PC or laptop. We recommend transferring the above counts files and the feature length file to your own computer and using the RStudio package.
To transfer the count files and the transcript feature length file from cluster to your location using a terminal window:
scp <user name><PATH-to-NOISeq-Directory>/Eastern_larch/NOISeq/*.counts .
scp <user name><PATH-to-NOISeq-Directory>/Eastern_larch/NOISeq/length.txt .
Prerequisites: Before using the NOISeq package you need to make sure you have already downloaded the required packages including: NOISeq and dplyr. If not please download the necessary packages which are compatible with your version of R.
When running the R code described below we will assume you have downloaded the count files to your R working directory.
We will load the the dplyr library and will set the paths to the input count files and output files which will be generated during the execution of the program. The following script will write csv files and image files to the current directory, if you would like to direct it to a different location you are welcome to do so be changing the path of the output.
#Set directory paths to working directory
count_dir <- getwd() # or appropriate path to the counts
csv_out <- getwd() # or appropriate path to your output csv files
image_out <- getwd() # or appropriate path to your image out files
Next we will create a dataframe to hold the count files by reading one at a time.
## Read count files AND create a dataframe to hold the count data
#create a empty dataframe called m to merge the data into
m = data.frame()
# using for loop read all the count files in the count_dir path
for (i in list.files(pattern = ".counts")) {
print(paste0("reading file: ", i))
#read file as a data frame
f <- read.table(i, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
#rename the columns
colnames(f) <- c("gene_id", substr(i, 1, nchar(i)-7))
#copy the data to another dataframe called f1
f1 <- subset(f, select= c("gene_id", substr(i, 1, nchar(i)-7)))
#if the m is empty just copy the f to m
if(length(m) == 0){
m = f1
} else
#if the dataframe is not empty then merge the data
m <- merge(m, f1, by.x = "gene_id", by.y = "gene_id")
#grab the rows from the 1st colum and use it as the row-names in the dataframe
rownames(m) <- m[,1]
# remove the column-1 (gene_ids) from the data frame using dplyr::select function
m <- select(m, "K23", "K32", "U13", "U32")
Once the dataframe is created each column is represented by a sample and the rows with feature counts.
Next we will prepare the metadata for the analysis. In here we can include the samples and different conditions we are hoping the evaluate. For this experiment we have two time points of data from a same location we will include that using TimePoint as a condition, which we would like to evaluate.
## MetaData
Sample = c("K32", "K23", "U13", "U32")
Condition = c("Killingworth", "Killingworth", "UConn", "UConn")
TimePoint = c("T2", "T3", "T3", "T2")
myfactors <- data.frame(Sample, Condition, TimePoint)
Once the myfactors dataframe is created it is important to check the columns in the dataframe(m) and mata-data rows are in the the same order.
# first check wheter all the columns in dataframe(m) and myfactor is present
all(colnames(m) %in% myfactors$Sample)
# Then check the order is correct
all(rownames(m) == myfactors$Sample[1])
# Then order them according to the Sample names
m <- m[, myfactors$Sample]
# Now check the order is correct after sorting
all(colnames(m) == myfactors$Sample)
We need to import the length information as a part of our meta data.
# import length information to a dataframe
df_length <- read.table("length.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# create a vector to hold the length information
mylength <- setNames(object = df_length$length, row.names(df_length))
As the next step we will create the NOISeq object using the count dataframe and factors dataframe created above.
## NOISeq
# Creating a NOISeq object
mydata <- readData(data = m, factors = myfactors, length = mylength)
Before proceeding with the analysis of data it is important to see the quality of the experimental data. This includes determining possible biases of the data. In this tutorial we have shown the following plots to identify the quality of our count data.
- Count distribution
- Lengthbiases
- Batch effects
Before generating any type of plots, dat function must be applied on the input data which is the NOISeq object to obtain the data which is needed. This can be passed using the type argument. Once the data is generated to plot, image can be generated using the explo.plot function.
As a part of a quality control step before procedding with the analysis it is important to visualize the possible bias of the sample. As a part of this we can detect the count distribution of samples.
## Count Distribution
countsbio = dat(mydata, factor = NULL, type = "countsbio")
explo.plot(countsbio, toplot = 1, samples = NULL, plottype = "boxplot")
Lengthbias plot will discribe the relation of the feature length towards the expression values. Once caluclated, both model p-value and coefficient of determination (R2) are shown in the plot with the regression curve.
## Length Bias
mylenghtbias = dat(mydata, factor = "TimePoint", type = "lengthbias")
explo.plot(mylenghtbias, samples = NULL, toplot = "global")
Significant p-value with a high R2 value will indicate a expression is dependent on the feature length and the curve shows its dependence.
Principle component analysis (PCA) plots can be used to visualize how the samples are clustered acoording to the experimental design.
## PCA
myPCA = dat(mydata, type = "PCA")
explo.plot(myPCA, factor= "TimePoint")
NOISeq method can be used to compute differential expression on data set with technical replicates (NOISeq-real) or without replicates (NOISeq-sim). Also NOISeq method can be applied when there are biological replicates (NOISeq-bio).
In here we will show you how to calculate the differential expression, when there is biological replicates. We will take into account the TimePoint as our factor where it has biological replicates at T2 and T3.
## Differential Expression
# lc = 1 RPKM values with length correction
# lc = 0 no length correction applied <- noiseqbio(mydata,
factor = "TimePoint",
norm = "rpkm",
random.seed = 12345,
lc = 1)
noiseqbio function can be used to calculate differential expression, which have biological replicates. norm
is the normalization method to be used, which can be rpkm by default, or uqua (upper quartile), tmm (trimmed mean of M) or n which is no normalization. In here lc = 1
is used to calculate the RPKM values with the length correction.
This will produce a noiseq object which contains following elements:
T2_mean T3_mean theta prob log2FC length
TRINITY_DN0_c0_g1_i1.p1 14.014433 10.6701081 0.0880846 0.5045883 0.3933386 883
TRINITY_DN1_c0_g1_i1.p2 9.889114 29.7867351 -0.3592379 0.9703946 -1.5907568 711
TRINITY_DN1000_c0_g1_i1.p1 1.983390 0.9570247 0.1529210 0.6428457 1.0513405 714
TRINITY_DN10000_c0_g1_i2.p1 14.294755 19.6743936 -0.1065910 0.7681836 -0.4608333 1050
TRINITY_DN10001_c0_g1_i1.p2 84.469598 3.6968466 0.9136529 0.9971911 4.5140651 458
TRINITY_DN10001_c0_g1_i2.p1 43.963212 53.6521530 -0.1153515 0.7883396 -0.2873393 1398
The next step would be, how to select the differentially expressed features. This can be done using degenes function and applying a threshold using the q value. With the argument M, we can choose if we want all the differentially expressed genes (NULL), only the differentially expressed features that are more expressed in condition 1 than in condition 2 (M="up") or only the features which are under expressed in condition 1 with regard to condition 2 (M = "down"). = degenes(, q = 0.9 , M= NULL)
[1] "47586 differentially expressed features" = degenes(, q = 0.9 , M= "up")
[1] "23355 differentially expressed features (up in first condition)"
T2_mean T3_mean theta prob log2FC length
TRINITY_DN57434_c1_g3_i1.p1 2899.89293 0.08799537 2.785696 1 15.008213 447
TRINITY_DN58863_c0_g2_i9.p1 24.55380 0.02478509 1.712863 1 9.952258 1587
TRINITY_DN57127_c0_g1_i1.p1 52.09588 0.08043748 1.713380 1 9.339086 489
TRINITY_DN50342_c0_g1_i1.p1 53.81552 0.08404686 1.713626 1 9.322613 468
TRINITY_DN56349_c0_g1_i1.p1 42.69485 0.05853263 1.713635 1 9.510605 672
TRINITY_DN56871_c1_g1_i3.p2 52.80055 0.08143671 1.714048 1 9.340658 483 = degenes(, q = 0.9 , M= "down")
[1] "24231 differentially expressed features (down in first condition)"
T2_mean T3_mean theta prob log2FC length
TRINITY_DN27469_c0_g1_i1.p1 6.879962e+02 1359.342646 -3.810915 1.0000000 -0.9824367 412
TRINITY_DN13350_c0_g2_i1.p1 1.207381e-07 4.437976 -3.351256 1.0000000 -25.1315171 327
TRINITY_DN21734_c1_g1_i5.p1 1.811139e-06 15.734521 -3.223580 1.0000000 -23.0505324 663
TRINITY_DN20971_c0_g1_i26.p1 3.058669e+02 643.731754 -2.358441 1.0000000 -1.0735556 372
TRINITY_DN25591_c0_g1_i1.p1 1.680417e-01 132.087619 -1.809176 0.9997979 -9.6184604 384
TRINITY_DN27792_c0_g1_i23.p1 6.759308e-01 40.725362 -1.798873 0.9987484 -5.9129081 675
These features can be written into a csv file using the following command.
prefix = "T2_T3_noiseq"
write.csv(, file = paste0(csv_out, "/" ,prefix, "_DEgenes_up.csv"))
write.csv(, file = paste0(csv_out, "/", prefix, "_DEgenes_down.csv"))
Once the differentially expressed genes have been identified using the Gfold example, we need to annotate the genes to identify the function. We will take the top 10 upregulated genes from the gfold output and will do a quick annotation. In order to run the EnTAP program, we need to provide a peptide sequence of the genes which we want to do the functional annotation.
Using the python program called we will be extracting the top upregulated genes according to the Gfold output file (K32_vs_K23.diff).
module load python/2.7.14
python ../Gfold/K32_vs_K23.diff ../Coding_Regions/trinity_combine.fasta.transdecoder.pep 10
The slurm script is called can be found in the EnTAP directory. This will create a FASTA file called ExtractedSq.fasta which contains the peptide sequences of the top 10 up regulated genes.
├── ExtractedSq.fasta
In order to run EnTAP you need to have a configuration file set up in your working directory, where it points to the program paths. We have prepared a entap_config.txt file for you and it can be found in the EnTAP/ directory.
├── entap_config.txt
Once we have the fasta file with the protein sequences, and the config file setup, we can run the enTAP program to grab the functional annotations using the following command. The -c
flags will mark sequences that have hits to bacteria and fungi as possible contaminants, while the --taxon
flag will favor annotations coming from congenerics in Larix.
module load EnTAP/0.9.0-beta
module load diamond/0.9.19
EnTAP --runP \
-i ExtractedSq.fasta \
-d /isg/shared/databases/Diamond/RefSeq/plant.protein.faa.97.dmnd \
-d /isg/shared/databases/Diamond/Uniprot/uniprot_sprot.dmnd \
--ontology 0 \
--threads 8 \
-c bacteria \
-c fungi \
--taxon Larix
Usage of the entap program:
Required Flags:
--runP with a protein input, frame selection will not be ran and annotation will be executed with protein sequences (blastp)
-i Path to the transcriptome file (either nucleotide or protein)
-d Specify up to 5 DIAMOND indexed (.dmnd) databases to run similarity search against
-threads Number of threads
--ontology 0 - EggNOG (default)
The full script for slurm scheduler is called can be found in the EnTAP directory. Once the job is done it will create a folder called “outfiles” which will contain the output of the program.
├── entap_config.txt
├── entap_outfiles/
│ ├── debug_2019Y11M15D-14h33m38s.txt
│ ├── log_file_2019Y11M15D-14h33m38s.txt
│ ├── final_results/
| │ ├── final_annotated.faa
│ │ ├── final_annotated.fnn
│ │ ├── final_annotations_contam_lvl0.faa
│ │ ├── final_annotations_contam_lvl0.fnn
│ │ ├── final_annotations_contam_lvl0.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_contam_lvl3.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_contam_lvl4.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_lvl0.faa
│ │ ├── final_annotations_lvl0.fnn
│ │ ├── final_annotations_lvl0.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_lvl3.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_lvl4.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_no_contam_lvl0.faa
│ │ ├── final_annotations_no_contam_lvl0.fnn
│ │ ├── final_annotations_no_contam_lvl0.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_no_contam_lvl3.tsv
│ │ ├── final_annotations_no_contam_lvl4.tsv
│ │ ├── final_unannotated.faa
│ │ └── final_unannotated.fnn
│ ├── ontology/
│ │ └── EggNOG_DMND/
│ ├── similarity_search/
│ │ └── DIAMOND
│ └── transcriptomes/
├── ExtractedSq.fasta
More information on EnTAP can be found in EnTAP documentation, which has a very comprihensive discription.