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File metadata and controls

executable file
144 lines (107 loc) · 6.09 KB

Gate Middleware for Swift

A middleware provider for Swift that gives Swift the ability to process forensic data. Swift is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers. Swift is optimized for multi-tenancy and high concurrency. Swift is ideal for backups, web and mobile content, and any other unstructured data that can grow without bound, but with this middleware it is ideal for forensics storage and processing of data.

With Swift REST-based API architecture, and the Gate middleware your forensic environment is accessable through the same API.

The Gate REST-based API fully documented at The Swift REST-based API fully documented at

Development Status

This software is still in planning stage, many things could and will change.

Enable Gate for Swift

  • proxy-server.conf

    [pipeline:main] pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth gatemiddleware proxy-server


    [filter:gatemiddleware] use = egg:gateswift#gatemiddleware amqp_connection = amqp://guest:guest@localhost/

Swift Storage

For the Gate forensic architecture to work correctly meta data is set on containers and objects so that the Gate Forensic Suite knows how to find and process the data.

One container is to be used per case, allowing one or more pieces of evidence to be added and processed for that case. A piece of evidence in a case is just an object inside of the container. Meta data must be set on the container pointing to the evidence, so Gate can find and process the data.

  • X-Gate-Evidence: evidence/1
  • X-Gate-Evidence: evidence/2
  • ...
  • X-Gate-Evidence: evidence/n

The evidence image that is uploaded into the container is either a single file or a manifest file pointing to the segments of the file. If the image file is larger than segment size set on upload then the file is segmented into chunks, with a manifest file pointing to the chunks.

The evidence object can have metadata set for Gate to display and use. Example below is the hashing algorithms that Gate can use to verify the image.

  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-SHA256: FULLSHA256SUMOFEVIDENCE
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-SHA512: FULLSHA512SUMOFEVIDENCE

Gate Engine

Once evidence is uploaded you then want the Gate Engine to take the evidence and process it so the forensic information can be pulled out. For this to be done there is metadata that can be set on the evidence.


Gate can verify that the evidence has not been modified by using the hash values that were set in the metadata. To start the verification process set a comma seperated list of the algorithms to verify for. That algorithm value should exist on the evidence already or it will be skipped.

  • X-Gate-Verify: MD5,SHA1,BLAKE2

Once the verification process has started, or finished, the Gate Engine will set metadata on the evidence object to show that it is done verifing. Metadata will be set giving the calculated hash for the given algorithms.

  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify: MD5,SHA1,BLAKE2
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify-MD5-Status: Verified
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify-MD5: FULLMD5SUMFOREVIDENCE
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify-SHA1-Status: Verified
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify-SHA1: FULLSHA1SUMOFEVIDENCE
  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Verify-BLAKE2-Status: Verified


To start default processing for the evidence add the following metadata to the container. This will instruct Gate Engine to process the evidence with default settings. Other values can be used besides Default but these should corrispond to the name of processing modules set in Gate Engine.

  • X-Gate-Process: Default

Once the procesing has started or has finished then Gate Engine will set metadata on the container to show that it is done processing. Other metadata will be set as well giving information on the result of the processing.

  • X-Container-Meta-Gate-Process: Default
  • X-Container-Meta-Gate-Process-Status: Working | Error | Success
  • X-Container-Meta-Gate-Process-Result: evidence/1/[root]/


Once processing is complete the filesystem(s) structure will be exposed in the Swift structure, allowing individual files, and meta data, to be viewed. The evidence is exposed like it is mounted as a huge disk and each partition is a folder on the disk, located under the [root] folder. Below is examples of different paths to files and folders that could be exposed.

  • evidence/1/[root]/Untitled [NTFS]/Windows/System32/
  • evidence/1/[root]/Untitled [NTFS]/Users/Administrator/AppData/

Each object in the results can have metadata that describes and gives a better understanding of that file when it was in the filesystem. Example below is set on [root] describing if the evidence was GPT, MBR, or no partition table.

  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-Parts-Type: GPT | MBR | None

Now when the metadata comes from the file itself and exists on the filesystem and it was not put there by Gate, then it has a structure like below. {FS} being the type of filesystem the file was on, {Key} being the key used in the filesystem, and {Value} being the actual value from the filesystem.

  • X-Object-Meta-Gate-{FS}-{Key}: {Value}


A summary of the evidence can also be retrieved giving you an overview of what type of information the evidence held. List of all extensions and filetypes that exist, number of items, number of deleted items, number of allocated items, etc. To get this information a GET can be made to the evidence container with summary as the object name.

  • GET: /account/container/summary


Gate also provides the ability to query the case, evidence, or a specfic path in the evidence. To perform this a header is set on the request, giving the query information. X-Gate-Query should be set on the GET request with the query information to perform. Below is an example on how to query the case for all files that have the extension .exe.

  • X-Gate-Query: extension=exe