title | tags | created | modified | ||||
docs-handsontable |
2019-08-01T16:03:46.386Z |
2020-07-14T10:22:06.873Z |
- Handsontable by default fills its nearest parent element which has a defined
and the CSSoverflow
property set tohidden
.- Having that, you can expand your Handsontable to the window’s dimension and use the native scrollbars to navigate through the grid.
- If you provide height only and decide to leave the width indefinite, then the spreadsheet will expand to the window’s full width (or any parent element with defined dimensions and
overflow: hidden
) - If you set only the table’s width, it won’t render properly until you use the
option.- By setting it to horizontal your spreadsheet will have the width of a parent container and the height of the window.
- Scrollbars will appear if needed.
- Basically, the
option prevents the table from overflowing the parent container in the provided dimension, in this case – horizontal. - If there are no height and width settings passed in the configuration, the table will vertically and horizontally fill the entire window (again, or any parent element with defined dimensions and
overflow: hidden
). - you can change the size dynamically any time after the initialization by using the
code to update the dimensions.
- ref
- Handsontable by default fills its nearest parent element which has a defined
To set up Handsontable DOM structure in your application, you have to define its container as a starting point to initialize component.
- Usually, the
element becomes this container. - This container should have defined dimensions as well as the rest of your layout.
- If container is a block element, then its parent has to have defined height. By default block element is 0px height, so 100% from 0px is still 0px.
- Since v7.0.0, Handsontable supports relative units such as %, rem, em, vh, vw or as exact size in px.
- Usually, the
Handsontable looks for the closest element with
overflow: auto
oroverflow: hidden
to use it as a scrollable container.- If no such element is found, a window will be used.
If you don't define dimensions, Handsontable will generate as many rows and columns to fill available space and will also provide full support for virtual rendering and fixed parts.
Since v7.0.0 we observe window resizing.
- If the window's dimensions have changed, then we check if Handsontable should resize itself too.
- Due to the performance issue, we use debounce method to response on window resize.
Walkontable is the return value of many methods but not mentioned in the docs
- Walkontable is for internal use only.
- It used to be a separate library, but now it is included to HOT repository and it's core functionality is to render HTML table.
- Walkontable table renderer was refactored on 20190705.
- This change introduces new files and code structures, which makes table rendering easier to maintain.
- In this approach, every TABLE element which can hold children is rendered separately by an individual unit called internally
. - A specialized renderer wraps each unit.
- This change helps us to implement an EcoRendering idea
What is eco-rendering
- This issue is about implementing a new feature internally called as
. - The idea of this is to increasing Handsontable performance by re-rendering cells only when their value has changed.
- I assume that after implementing this feature issues related to scroll performance or refresh table lag after cell edit should recede
- ref
- This issue is about implementing a new feature internally called as
Currently the best way to style Handsontable is to use custom renderers.
Links/click events from custom renderers not working
- It uses several dependencies
- Our team follows the "proudly found elsewhere" principle which encourages us to make use of the great work done by other developers.
- numbro.js (handles numeric data)
- Pikaday (displays a date picker)
- moment.js (parses, validates and displays dates)
- json-patch-duplex.js (implementation of JSON-Patch - RFC 6902)
- jStat (statistical library)
- tiny-emitter (a tiny event emitter library)
- github-issues-most-commented
handsontable分离了cell value的显示displaying和修改altering,renderer负责displaying,editor负责altering。
- renderer是function,接受实际值,返回html
- editor较复杂,是class,负责处理输入及数据验证
EditorManager 管理所有的editor,在调用handsontable()构造方法时,EditorManager object会实例化,EditorManager 包含4类task
- 为当前单元格选择合适editor
- 查找当前cell的editor属性,找到editor class并实例化
- 在同一个table中,editor class是单例的
- 调用editor object的prepare()
- 用户每选择一个单元格,prepare()就被调用一次,选择同一单元格可能被调用多次
- displaying editor,即对cell开启编辑
- 触发条件是 ENTER、双击单元格 或 F2
- 实际是调用editor object的beginEditing()
- closing editor,即对cell关闭编辑
- 触发条件是 ENTER、ESC、点击另一个单元格、上下左右箭头、TAB、HOME、END、PAGE_UP/DOWM
- 实际是调用editor object的finishEditing()
- 为当前单元格选择合适editor
BaseEditor 是所有editor的抽象类基类,包含7个公共方法
- prepare(): 设置属性
- beginEditing():
- finishEditing():
- discardEditor(): cell验证结束时调用
- saveValue(): 保存cal作为cell的新值
- isOpened(): Editor is considered to be opened after open() has been called, closed after close() has been called.
- extend():
每一个editor class自己该实现的方法
- init(): 创建editor class实例时调用,每个table最多调用一次,常用于创建html的结构
- getValue():返回当前新值
- setValue():
- open(): Displays the editor.
- close(): Hides the editor after cell value has been changed.
- focus(): This method is called when user wants to close the editor by selecting another cell and the value in editor does not validate (and allowInvalid is false)
- instance:指当前editor所属的handsontable实例,不可变
- row:当前cell的行索引
- col:当前cell的列索引
- prop:当前cell的相关属性名,only when data source is an array of objects
- TD:当前cell的节点对象,类型是HTMLTableCellNode
- cellProperties:代表当前cell所有属性的对象
- PasswordEditor是扩展的TextEditor
- SelectEditor通过继承BaseEditor来创建
- Handsontable.editors.registerEditor()为editor创建别名,重名时后者覆盖前者
每个函数负责不同行为,可以分别定义3个函数,也可以使用cell type一次定义3个
renderer()接受数据值和cell dom node,返回html,内置5个render
- TextRenderer,默认renderer for all cells
- NumericRenderer
- AutocompleteRenderer
- CheckboxRenderer
- PasswordRenderer
推荐使用 handsontable events system,若必须自定义事件,则将cell内容包裹在
中,再给div添加监听器 -
Handsontable renders only the visible part of the table plus a fixed amount of rows and columns.
validator():cell validator既可以是方法,也可以是正则表达式
- Contrary to renderer and editor functions, the validator function doesn't have to be defined for each cell.
- 若validator()未定义,则默认valid
可以使用getCellMeta(row, col) method to get all properties of particular cell and then refer to cell functions
- cellProperties.renderer; // get cell renderer
- cellProperties.editor; // get cell editor
- cellProperties.validator; // get cell validator
当使用cell type定义3个方法时,getCellMeta()取到的3个方法均为undefined,此时可以直接使用
- getCellRenderer(row, col)
- getCellEditor(row, col)
- getCellValidator(row, col)
text for Handsontable.cellTypes.text
numeric for Handsontable.cellTypes.numeric
checkbox for Handsontable.cellTypes.checkbox
date for Handsontable.cellTypes.date
time for Handsontable.cellTypes.time
dropdown/select for Handsontable.cellTypes.dropdown
autocomplete for Handsontable.cellTypes.autocomplete
password for Handsontable.cellTypes.password
handsontable for Handsontable.cellTypes.handsontable
- Handsontable.cellTypes.registerCellType()
cell type name若重复,则后者覆盖前者
- 可以尝试将表格的列宽设置为常量值
- Turn off autoRowSize and/or autoColumnSize
- Define the number of pre-rendered rows and columns,可以显式指定非可见区域的行列
- 不要使用过多的样式,特别是动画、过渡
- always prefer removeNode() over innerHTML = ''
- forEach and filter are MUCH slower than for
- Get first element using DOM
- Create text elements: createTextNode can be many times faster than innerHTML
- Check if element has child nodes: if (DIV.firstChild)
- Change style by caching var style = element.style
var container1 = document.getElementById('example1'),
settings1 = {
data: data1
hot1 = new Handsontable(container1, settings1);
data1[0][1] = 'Ford';
- 数组的数组
- 对象的数组
- 嵌套对象的数组
- 自定义schema
- 自定义schema函数
AJAX is used to load and save grid data
建议使用 persistentState hooks rather than a regular LocalStorage API,便于隔离同一个页面上多个handsontable的数据
Cascading Configuration model is based on prototypal inheritance
- constructor
- columns
- cells
- constructor
Constructor options -> columns -> cells -> cellProperties
handsontable.js 与 handsontable.full.js的区别
- 代码压缩程度不同
- select是dropdown的简化版
- You'll need horizontal scrollbars, so just set a container width and
overflow: hidden
in CSS. - fixed指定前几行前几列,freeze手动指定某一列,且freeze要和context menu一起使用
- 扩大列宽或行宽的方法,拖拽列的右边或行的下边,双击这些地方会自动调整size
- Pre-populating rows 可以为行预定义数据模板
- StretchH可以自动调整列宽
- 列排序插件作为数据源和render之间的代理,并未修改数据源
- 排序3方式:点击header、columnSorting属性、直接调用插件的sort()
- search默认大小写不敏感
- search本质是基于indexOf()
- render前都要validate
- auto fill 向下拖动时默认复制,双击十字图标会自动复制到最长的列
- 可以向4个方向拖动,拖出区域时,会自动添加列/行
- Alignment changes can be tracked using afterSetCellMeta hook callback.
- readonly后可以键盘导航和复制,不能粘贴到cell或编辑cell,拖动不能覆盖
- disallow editing 可以复制粘贴,可以拖动
- cell和header都支持context menu
- 可以通过code选择单元格、增删行列
- copy&paste 暂不支持 样式,只支持字符串
- checkbox copy之后是true
- linux 不能使用ctrl多选
- 7.0.0-20190306
- Starting with version 7.0.0, there is only one Handsontable, as Handsontable Pro has been merged with Handsontable Community Edition.
- Handsontable is now "source-available" instead of "open source".
- The MIT license has been replaced with custom, free for non-commercial license.
- Removed the deprecated selectCellByProp method
- Added the possibility to declare the table’s width/height using relative values (%, vh, vw, rem, em).
- Added the beforeTrimRows and beforeUntrimRows
- Refactored the following classes to ES6
- BaseEditor
- AutocompleteEditor
- HandsontableEditor
- SelectEditor
- TextEditor
- Walkontable -> Event
- EditorManager
- MultiMap
- TableView
- DataMap
- 6.2.2-20181219
- Updated babel to 7.x
- Corrected the CSS property assignment to zero from 0 to '0'
- 6.2.0-20181114
- Added the Korean, Latvian language support
- Updated the TypeScript definition file for ColumnSorting, MultiColumnSorting, beforeColumnMove
- Refactored the columnSorting plugin to be reusable with the multiColumnSorting plugin
- Refactored the multiColumnSorting plugin to use the columnSorting plugin
- 6.1.0-20181017
- Moved the fixedRowsBottom functionality to Handsontable CE
- Introduced a new functionality to the Copy/Paste plugin. From version 6.1.0, it supports the text/html data type alongside text/plain
- 6.0.0-20180927
- This release contains changes to the ColumnSorting plugin exclusively
- refactored and rewrote parts of the ColumnSorting plugin in order for it to work seamlessly with the new MultiColumnSorting plugin
- Added a new plugin - MultiColumnSorting
- Added a possibility to disable the action of sorting by clicking on the headers, using the headerAction option
- 5.0.0-20180711
- Refactored the Custom Borders plugin
- added new methods such as getBorders, setBorders and clearBorders
- Added an ability to disable Byte Order Mark (BOM) while exporting table to the CSV file.
- Refactored the Custom Borders plugin
- 4.0.0-20180613
- Changed the default values for the following configuration options
- autoInsertRow (was: true, is: false)
- autoWrapCol (was: false, is: true)
- autoWrapRow (was: false, is: true)
- Updated our number-handling dependency, Numbro to the latest version
- Changed the default values for the following configuration options
- 3.0.0-20180516
- Column Sorting plugin is over the first stage of refactoring
- 2.0.0-20180411
- Rewritten the Search and Custom Borders plugins to ES6.
- Added the beforeContextMenuShow hook, triggered within the Context Menu plugin
- Added extra parameters for the beforeFilter and afterFilter hooks
- The corresponding Handsontable CE version is 2.0.0.
- 1.18.0-20180314
- Removed the mobile editor from the repository. After this version, a standard editor will be used when using mobile devices
- Added a cellProperties argument for the beforeValueRender hook.
- 1.14.0-20170912
- Since version 1.14.0, it is required to pass a valid Handsontable Pro license key in the settings object under the licenseKey property
- The corresponding Handsontable CE version is 0.34.2.
- 1.11.0-beta1-20170517
- Migration from Traceur to Babel. We're now using Babel to transpile our code.
- 1.0.0-20160120
- Backward incompatible change
- Prevent displaying the dropdown header buttons in higher levels of headers (for example, when using the nested headers plugin).