See VF-WP Blocks general documentation.
A list of group data resources using the vf-summary--profile
Visual Framework pattern.
ACF / Block data:
field key | field name |
field_vf_data_resources_heading | vf_data_resources_heading |
field_vf_data_resources_limit | vf_data_resources_limit |
field_vf_data_resources_order | vf_data_resources_order |
Block name
: acf/vf-data-resources
See plugin JSON file for source of truth.
post_name | post_type |
vf_data_resources | vf_block |
Default values can be assigned to this post using post meta and the "field name" listed above.
For example in wp_postmeta
meta_key | meta_value |
vf_data_resources_limit | 100 |
_vf_data_resources_limit | field_vf_data_resources_limit |
Key: vf_data_resources_limit
Value: integer (range: 1–100, default: 100)
Maximum number of group data resources (Content Hub API).
Key: vf_data_resources_order
Value: string (default: "DESC")
Order of data resources (Content Hub API).
Key: vf_data_resources_heading
Value: string (default: "Data resources")
option_name | option_value |
options_embl_taxonomy_term_what | [TERM_ID] |
Option provided by the EMBL Taxonomy plugin.
Term name (e.g. "Sharpe Group") used to filter API results.