See VF-WP Blocks general documentation.
A textual introduction aside a group leader using the vf-summary--profile
Visual Framework pattern.
If a header post is not available in the VF Blocks (or is blank), this plugin will try to use the EMBL Who taxonomy term and pull the group description from the ContentHub.
A "read more" to the about page will automatically be appended.
ACF / Block data:
field key | field name |
field_vf_group_header_heading | vf_group_header_heading |
Block name
: acf/vf-group-header
See plugin JSON file for source of truth.
post_name | post_type |
vf_group_header | vf_block |
Default values can be assigned to this post using post meta and the "field name" listed above.
For example in wp_postmeta
meta_key | meta_value |
vf_group_header_heading | "Resources" |
_vf_group_header_heading | field_vf_group_header_heading |
Key: vf_group_header_heading
Value: string (HTML)
A short heading that introduces the group, for example:
<h1>The Sharpe group brings together an interdisciplinary team of biologists, physicists and computer scientists to build multi-scale computer simulations of a paradigm of organogenesis – mammalian limb development.</h1>
option_name | option_value |
options_embl_taxonomy_term_what | [TERM_ID] |
Option provided by the EMBL Taxonomy plugin.
Term name (e.g. "Sharpe Group") used to filter team leader API results.