- You can continue learning about OWASP top 10 by reading more at OWASP website
- You can watch some YT videos based on the knowledge shared by OWASP if you prefer videos over reading: ENG playlist / PL playlist (incomplete)
There's a Google Gruyere (https://google-gruyere.appspot.com/) project which allows you to challenge yourself and learn more in practice. I highly recommend playing with it. Just follow the instructions. In this platform, there'll be a separate instance of the app created for each of you so you can play with the app in separated environment. Gruyere is written in Python but this shouldn't be a problem. Even without any experience in Python you'll learn a lot because huge part of the challenges don't require looking at the Python code :)
There's a nice game where you can check your knowledge (and you can compete with your friends): http://www.gameofhacks.com/