2.0.0-rc.3 (2017-10-26)
- auth: fix auth service isAuthenticated, onAuthenticationChange not returning a boolean, fix #15 (30a1d47)
- buttons: remove transition from buttons (7e3f56d)
- js-theme: fix defaut font, fix e2e & unit tests (cff8561)
- layout: prevent layout expansion when some child with overflow:hidden has an element with width larger than layout width (82e4dfc)
- user: fix user component context menu showing an icon not correctly, fix #25 (f723e54)
- dependencies: update bootstrap & angular, accompanying fixes (angular cli kept as previous due to build issues) (3660f9a), closes #42
- font: update default font value (5b93759)
- theme: support hidden property (#31) (f26922a)
- dependencies: since bootstrap is updated please look through the bootstrap release notes (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases) for proper steps to update your styles