Command line mnemonic password generator. Written in PHP and compiled as PHAR.
Install box :
# Clone this repository
$ composer install
$ box compile
$ chmod +x build/mnemo.phar
On Linux / MINGW / Git Bash / MacOS :
$ mv build/mnemo.phar /usr/local/bin/mnemo
On Windows : move to a suitable folder and add it to your PATH.
$ mnemo # generates 5 random mnemonic passwords
$ mnemo -d (or --no-dashes) # generates 5 random mnemonic passwords without dashes
$ mnemo -s (or --scrambled) # generates 5 random scrambled passwords
$ mnemo -l16 (or --max-length=16) # generates 5 passwords with maximum length of 16 characters
PRs welcome !
1.2.1 - Bugfix for --max-length
1.2.0 - Updated dependencies, added --max-length
1.1.0 - Updated dependencies, added --scrambled
1.0.0 - First release