Anyone can start a Hack Session! It's a good idea to have found at least one other interested member before opening an issue. The issue MUST contain:
- 'hack session' in its title
- A host (you?)
- A proposed place.
- A proposed date
- A limit on attendees.
- Some prerequisites such as attendees experience, tools to be installed, tutorials to be followed before the session etc.
- 8 attendees/laptops is good limit to start. Above this limit, you need more advanced organisational level, more strict planning, create groups etc.
- Keep it at least 3-4 hours long, or it may be unproductive.
- At the first session we worked on 7 Digital Ocean VMs and we experienced no network issues.
- Create a Gitter channel and add the participants! You need to share data quickly.
- It helps (a lot) to have a whiteboard and a projector/large screen.
- It helps (a lot) to everybody have done their homework (examples, tutorials etc). Prerequisites are important for the success of the session.