25/11/2015 21:00 @ Polykentro
- TDD speakers
- Hack Sessions format
- Community open-source projects
- Business meetup
- Coding for youngsters
TDD speakers
Nikolas, Giannis, Giorgos. We need to get in touch with Andy and his coleague Vangelis.
When a meetup gets scheduled (on voting end)
Find speakers
Open gitter pre-meetup channel
Github repo to start committing day one
Create meetup.com event
Create facebook event
Update website
Hack Sessions format
If there are bandwidth issues -> work remotely on DO VMs
Limit the number of the laptops and double the attendees
Structured/unstructured & processes to be followed are up to the host
Docker Hack Session
Dockerization of analytics.devstaff.gr
Community open-source projects
Create a list of the community projects (github main repo/website)
Business meetup
Proposal1: Separation of (tech) business meetups in a new meetup series
Proposal2: Organise a one-day conference on Feb/Mar
Coding for youngsters
School presentations + Digital creativity festival
Interested: Thanassis, Frank, Antonis, Gerasimos
Business abroad
Nice talk for the business meetup. What's the right place depending on your goals.
BeerUp places
We need to find a place that closes not before 01:00, can provide beers and space for 15 ppl, it's quiet enough for us.
Proposed places:
- Avant Garde (Theotokopoulou Park)
- Office_12 (Mesampelies)
- Papaki/Tophost Offices (Viomihaniki)
- Talos (You know)
- Fino Gelatteria (Knossou)
- Kritikos Fournos (Ikarou)
- Favela (Mastampas)
- Polykentro (Androgeo)