daal4py is easily built from sources with the majority of the necessary prerequisites available on conda. The instructions below detail how to gather the prerequisites, set your build environment, and finally build and install the completed package. daal4py can be built for all three major platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS). Multi-node (distributed) and streaming support can be disabled if needed.
The build-process (using setup.py) happens in 3 stages:
- Creating C++ and cython sources from oneDAL C++ headers
- Running cython on generated source
- Compiling and linking
To build with oneAPI support, additional steps are required:
- Point to DPC++ compiler by defining
export DPCPPROOT=/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest
Install Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library with oneAPI support:
- From Conda channel.
- From oneAPI packages repository (pass the path to oneDAL via
export DALROOT=/opt/intel/oneapi/daal/latest
The easiest way to build daal4py is using the conda-build with the provided recipe.
- Python version >= 3.6
- conda-build version >= 3
- C++ compiler with C++11 support
For oneAPI support:
- A DPC++ compiler
- Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library version 2021.1 or later (https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneDAL)
- You can use the pre-built conda package from Intel channel on anaconda.org
Library build command:
cd <checkout-dir>
conda build conda-recipe -c intel -c conda-forge
This will build the conda package and tell you where to find it (.../daal4py*.tar.bz2
conda install <path-to-conda-package-as-built-above>
To actually use your daal4py, dependent packages need to be installed. To ensure, do
Linux and Windows:
conda install -c intel impi_rt daal numpy
conda install -c intel -c conda-forge mpich daal numpy
Without conda-build you have to manually setup your environment before building daal4py.
- Python version >= 3.6
- Jinja2
- Cython
- Numpy
- A C++ compiler with C++11 support
- Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) version 2021.1 or later
- You can use the pre-built conda package from Intel channel on anaconda.org
- You can use the pre-built conda package intel or conda-forge channel on anaconda.org
- Needed for distributed mode. You can disable support for distributed mode by setting NO_DIST to '1' or 'yes' For oneAPI support
- A DPC++ compiler
- Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) version 2021.1 or later
- You can use the pre-built conda package from Intel channel on anaconda.org.
The easiest path for getting cython, oneDAL, MPI etc. is by creating a conda environment and setting environment variables:
conda create -n DAAL4PY python=3.7 impi-devel daal daal-include cython jinja2 numpy clang-tools -c intel -c conda-forge
conda activate DAAL4PY
- DAAL4PY_VERSION: sets package version
- NO_DIST: set to '1', 'yes' or alike to build without support for distributed mode
- NO_STREAM: set to '1', 'yes' or alike to build without support for streaming mode
If building in High Sierra or higher, one may have to run into C++ build errors related to platform targets. Utilize export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.9"
if running into platform target issues.
Requires Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library and Intel(R) MPI Library being properly set up, meaning you have to set DALROOT and MPIROOT variables.
cd <checkout-dir>
python setup.py build_ext
Requires Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library and Intel(R) MPI Library being properly set up, meaning you have to set DALROOT and MPIROOT variables.
cd <checkout-dir>
python setup.py install --single-version-externally-managed --record=record.txt
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- Install daal4py into your python environment
cd doc && make html
- The documentation will be in