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Gardener Operator
Understand the component responsible for the garden cluster environment and its various features


The gardener-operator is responsible for the garden cluster environment. Without this component, users must deploy ETCD, the Gardener control plane, etc., manually and with separate mechanisms (not maintained in this repository). This is quite unfortunate since this requires separate tooling, processes, etc. A lot of production- and enterprise-grade features were built into Gardener for managing the seed and shoot clusters, so it makes sense to re-use them as much as possible also for the garden cluster.


There is a Helm chart which can be used to deploy the gardener-operator. Once deployed and ready, you can create a Garden resource. Note that there can only be one Garden resource per system at a time.

ℹ️ Similar to seed clusters, garden runtime clusters require a VPA, see this section. By default, gardener-operator deploys the VPA components. However, when there already is a VPA available, then set .spec.runtimeCluster.settings.verticalPodAutoscaler.enabled=false in the Garden resource.

Garden Resources

Please find an exemplary Garden resource here.

Configuration For Runtime Cluster


The Garden resource offers a few settings that are used to control the behaviour of gardener-operator in the runtime cluster. This section provides an overview over the available settings in .spec.runtimeCluster.settings:

Load Balancer Services

gardener-operator deploys Istio and relevant resources to the runtime cluster in order to expose the virtual-garden-kube-apiserver service (similar to how the kube-apiservers of shoot clusters are exposed). In most cases, the cloud-controller-manager (responsible for managing these load balancers on the respective underlying infrastructure) supports certain customization and settings via annotations. This document provides a good overview and many examples.

By setting the .spec.runtimeCluster.settings.loadBalancerServices.annotations field the Gardener administrator can specify a list of annotations which will be injected into the Services of type LoadBalancer.

Vertical Pod Autoscaler

gardener-operator heavily relies on the Kubernetes vertical-pod-autoscaler component. By default, the Garden controller deploys the VPA components into the garden namespace of the respective runtime cluster. In case you want to manage the VPA deployment on your own or have a custom one, then you might want to disable the automatic deployment of gardener-operator. Otherwise, you might end up with two VPAs which will cause erratic behaviour. By setting the .spec.runtimeCluster.settings.verticalPodAutoscaler.enabled=false you can disable the automatic deployment.

⚠️ In any case, there must be a VPA available for your runtime cluster. Using a runtime cluster without VPA is not supported.

Topology-Aware Traffic Routing

Refer to the Topology-Aware Traffic Routing documentation as this document contains the documentation for the topology-aware routing setting for the garden runtime cluster.


It is possible to define the minimum size for PersistentVolumeClaims in the runtime cluster created by gardener-operator via the .spec.runtimeCluster.volume.minimumSize field. This can be relevant in case the runtime cluster runs on an infrastructure that does only support disks of at least a certain size.


The operator can deploy the Gardener cert-management component optionally. A default issuer has to be specified and will be deployed, too. Please note that the cert-controller-manager is configured to use DNSRecords for ACME DNS challenges on certificate requests. A suitable provider extension must be deployed in this case, e.g. using an operator extension resource. The default issuer must be set at .spec.runtimeCluster.certManagement.defaultIssuer either specifying an ACME or CA issuer.

If the cert-controller-manager should make requests to any ACME servers running with self-signed TLS certificates, the related CA can be provided using a secret with data field bundle.crt referenced with .spec.runtimeCluster.certManagement.config.caCertificatesSecretRef.

Default Issuer using an ACME server

Please provide at least server and e-mail address.

          email: [email protected]
        # secretRef:
        #   name: defaultIssuerPrivateKey
        # precheckNameservers:
        # -
        # -

If needed, an existing ACME account can be specified with the secretRef. The referenced secret must contain a field privateKey. Otherwise, an account is auto-registered if supported by the ACME server. If you are using a private DNS server, you may need to set the precheckNameservers used to check the propagation of the DNS challenges.

Default Issuer using a root or intermediate CA

If you want to use a root or intermediate CA for signing the certificates, provide a TLS secret containing the CA and reference it as shown in the example below.

            name: my-ca-tls-secret

Configuration For Virtual Cluster

ETCD Encryption Config

The spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.encryptionConfig field in the Garden API allows operators to customize encryption configurations for the kube-apiserver of the virtual cluster. It provides options to specify additional resources for encryption. Similarly spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.encryptionConfig field allows operators to customize encryption configurations for the gardener-apiserver.

  • The resources field can be used to specify resources that should be encrypted in addition to secrets. Secrets are always encrypted for the kube-apiserver. For the gardener-apiserver, the following resources are always encrypted:
  • Adding an item to any of the lists will cause patch requests for all the resources of that kind to encrypt them in the etcd. See Encrypting Confidential Data at Rest for more details.
  • Removing an item from any of these lists will cause patch requests for all the resources of that type to decrypt and rewrite the resource as plain text. See Decrypt Confidential Data that is Already Encrypted at Rest for more details.

ℹ️ Note that configuring encryption for a custom resource for the kube-apiserver is only supported for Kubernetes versions >= 1.26.

Extension Resource

A Gardener installation relies on extension controllers to provide support for new cloud providers or to add new capabilities. You can find out more about Gardener's extensions and how they can be used here.

The Extension resource is intended to automate the installation and management of extensions in a Gardener landscape. It contains configuration for the following scenarios:

  • The deployment of ControllerRegistration and ControllerDeployment resources in the (virtual) garden cluster.
  • The deployment of admission controllers in the runtime cluster.

In the near future, the Extension will be used by the gardener-operator to automate the management of the backup bucket for ETCD and DNS records required by the garden cluster. To do that, gardener-operator will leverage extensions that support DNSRecord and BackupBucket resources. As of today, the support for managed DNSRecords and BackupBuckets in the gardener-operator is still being built. However, the Extension's specification already reflects the target picture.

Please find an exemplary Extension resource here.

Extension Deployment

The .spec.deployment specifies how an extension can be installed for a Gardener landscape and consists of the following parts:

  • .spec.deployment.extension contains the deployment specification of an extension controller.
  • .spec.deployment.admission contains the deployment specification of an admission controller.

Each one is described in more details below.

Configuration for Extension Deployment

.spec.deployment.extension contains configuration for the registration of an extension controller in the garden cluster. gardener-operator follows the same principles described by this document:

  • .spec.deployment.extension.helm and .spec.deployment.extension.values are used when creating the ControllerDeployment in the garden cluster.
  • .spec.deployment.extension.policy and .spec.deployment.extension.seedSelector define the extension's installation policy as per the ControllerDeployment's respective fields

The extension controller can also be deployed in the runtime cluster to manage resources required by the Garden resource. Since the environment in the runtime cluster may differ from that of a Seed, the extension is installed in the runtime cluster with a distinct set of Helm chart values specified in .spec.deployment.extension.runtimeValues. This configuration allows for precise control over various extension parameters, such as requested resources, priority classes, and more.

Configuration for Admission Deployment

The .spec.deployment.admission defines how an extension's admission controller may be deployed by the gardener-operator. The deployment of an admission controller is optional and may be omitted. Typically, the admission controllers run in the runtime cluster alongside the virtual cluster deployment. However, to function properly, the admission controllers require access and permissions for the virtual garden cluster in order to watch the Gardener API resources like Shoots. As of today, deployment of admission controllers via .spec.deployment.admission is not yet supported, but it is currently under active development.

Configuration for Extension Resources

The .spec.resources field refers to the extension resources as defined by Gardener in the API. These include both well-known types such as Infrastructure, Worker etc. and generic resources. The field will be used to populate the respective field in the resulting ControllerRegistration in the garden cluster.


The gardener-operator controllers are now described in more detail.

The Garden controller in the operator reconciles Garden objects with the help of the following reconcilers.

The reconciler first generates a general CA certificate which is valid for ~30d and auto-rotated when 80% of its lifetime is reached. Afterwards, it brings up the so-called "garden system components". The gardener-resource-manager is deployed first since its ManagedResource controller will be used to bring up the remainders.

Other system components are:

  • runtime garden system resources (PriorityClasses for the workload resources)
  • virtual garden system resources (RBAC rules)
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler (if enabled via .spec.runtimeCluster.settings.verticalPodAutoscaler.enabled=true in the Garden)
  • HVPA Controller (when HVPA feature gate is enabled)
  • ETCD Druid
  • Istio

As soon as all system components are up, the reconciler deploys the virtual garden cluster. It comprises out of two ETCDs (one "main" etcd, one "events" etcd) which are managed by ETCD Druid via custom resources. The whole management works similar to how it works for Shoots, so you can take a look at this document for more information in general.

The virtual garden control plane components are:

  • virtual-garden-etcd-main
  • virtual-garden-etcd-events
  • virtual-garden-kube-apiserver
  • virtual-garden-kube-controller-manager
  • virtual-garden-gardener-resource-manager

If the .spec.virtualCluster.controlPlane.highAvailability={} is set then these components will be deployed in a "highly available" mode. For ETCD, this means that there will be 3 replicas each. This works similar like for Shoots (see this document) except for the fact that there is no failure tolerance type configurability. The gardener-resource-manager's HighAvailabilityConfig webhook makes sure that all pods with multiple replicas are spread on nodes, and if there are at least two zones in .spec.runtimeCluster.provider.zones then they also get spread across availability zones.

If once set, removing .spec.virtualCluster.controlPlane.highAvailability again is not supported.

The virtual-garden-kube-apiserver Deployment is exposed via Istio, similar to how the kube-apiservers of shoot clusters are exposed.

Similar to the Shoot API, the version of the virtual garden cluster is controlled via .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.version. Likewise, specific configuration for the control plane components can be provided in the same section, e.g. via .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer for the kube-apiserver or .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeControllerManager for the kube-controller-manager.

The kube-controller-manager only runs a few controllers that are necessary in the scenario of the virtual garden. Most prominently, the serviceaccount-token controller is unconditionally disabled. Hence, the usage of static ServiceAccount secrets is not supported generally. Instead, the TokenRequest API should be used. Third-party components that need to communicate with the virtual cluster can leverage the gardener-resource-manager's TokenRequestor controller and the generic kubeconfig, just like it works for Shoots. Please note, that this functionality is restricted to the garden namespace. The current Secret name of the generic kubeconfig can be found in the annotations (key: of the Garden resource.

For the virtual cluster, it is essential to provide at least one DNS domain via The respective DNS records are not managed by gardener-operator and should be created manually. They should point to the load balancer IP of the istio-ingressgateway Service in namespace virtual-garden-istio-ingress. The DNS records must be prefixed with both gardener. and api. for all domains in

The first DNS domain in this list is used for the server in the kubeconfig, and for configuring the --external-hostname flag of the API server.

Apart from the control plane components of the virtual cluster, the reconcile also deploys the control plane components of Gardener. gardener-apiserver reuses the same ETCDs like the virtual-garden-kube-apiserver, so all data related to the "the garden cluster" is stored together and "isolated" from ETCD data related to the runtime cluster. This drastically simplifies backup and restore capabilities (e.g., moving the virtual garden cluster from one runtime cluster to another).

The Gardener control plane components are:

  • gardener-apiserver
  • gardener-admission-controller
  • gardener-controller-manager
  • gardener-scheduler

Besides those, the gardener-operator is able to deploy the following optional components:

  • Gardener Dashboard (and the controller for web terminals) when .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerDashboard (or .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerDashboard.terminal, respectively) is set. You can read more about it and its configuration in this section.
  • Gardener Discovery Server when .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerDiscoveryServer is set. The service account issuer of shoots will be calculated in the format https://discovery.<[0]>/projects/<project-name>/shoots/<shoot-uid>/issuer. This configuration applies for all seeds registered with the Garden cluster. Once set it should not be modified.

The reconciler also manages a few observability-related components (more planned as part of GEP-19):

  • fluent-operator
  • fluent-bit
  • gardener-metrics-exporter
  • kube-state-metrics
  • plutono
  • vali
  • prometheus-operator
  • alertmanager-garden (read more here)
  • prometheus-garden (read more here)
  • prometheus-longterm (read more here)
  • blackbox-exporter

It is also mandatory to provide an IPv4 CIDR for the service network of the virtual cluster via This range is used by the API server to compute the cluster IPs of Services.

The controller maintains the .status.lastOperation which indicates the status of an operation.

.spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerDashboard serves a few configuration options for the dashboard. This section highlights the most prominent fields:

  • oidcConfig: The general OIDC configuration is part of .spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.oidcConfig. This section allows you to define a few specific settings for the dashboard. sessionLifetime is the duration after which a session is terminated (i.e., after which a user is automatically logged out). additionalScopes allows to extend the list of scopes of the JWT token that are to be recognized. You must reference a Secret in the garden namespace containing the client ID/secret for the dashboard:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: gardener-dashboard-oidc
      namespace: garden
    type: Opaque
      client_id: <secret>
      client_secret: <secret>
  • enableTokenLogin: This is enabled by default and allows logging into the dashboard with a JWT token. You can disable it in case you want to only allow OIDC-based login. However, at least one of the both login methods must be enabled.
  • frontendConfigMapRef: Reference a ConfigMap in the garden namespace containing the frontend configuration in the data with key frontend-config.yaml, for example
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gardener-dashboard-frontend
      namespace: garden
      frontend-config.yaml: |
        - title: Homepage
          icon: mdi-file-document
    Please take a look at this file to get an idea of which values are configurable. This configuration can also include branding, themes, and colors. Read more about it here. Assets (logos/icons) are configured in a separate ConfigMap, see below.
  • assetsConfigMapRef: Reference a ConfigMap in the garden namespace containing the assets, for example
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gardener-dashboard-assets
      namespace: garden
      favicon-16x16.png: base64(favicon-16x16.png)
      favicon-32x32.png: base64(favicon-32x32.png)
      favicon-96x96.png: base64(favicon-96x96.png)
      favicon.ico: base64(favicon.ico)
      logo.svg: base64(logo.svg)
    Note that the assets must be provided base64-encoded, hence binaryData (instead of data) must be used. Please take a look at this file to get more information.
  • gitHub: You can connect a GitHub repository that can be used to create issues for shoot clusters in the cluster details page. You have to reference a Secret in the garden namespace that contains the GitHub credentials, for example:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: gardener-dashboard-github
      namespace: garden
    type: Opaque
      # This is for GitHub token authentication:
      authentication.token: <secret>
      # Alternatively, this is for GitHub app authentication:
      authentication.appId: <secret>
      authentication.clientId: <secret>
      authentication.clientSecret: <secret>
      authentication.installationId: <secret>
      authentication.privateKey: <secret>
      # This is the webhook secret, see explanation below
      webhookSecret: <secret>
    Note that you can also set up a GitHub webhook to the dashboard such that it receives updates when somebody changes the GitHub issue. The webhookSecret field is the secret that you enter in GitHub in the webhook configuration. The dashboard uses it to verify that received traffic is indeed originated from GitHub. If you don't want to set up such webhook, or if the dashboard is not reachable by the GitHub webhook (e.g., in restricted environments) you can also configure gitHub.pollInterval. It is the interval of how often the GitHub API is polled for issue updates. This field is used as a fallback mechanism to ensure state synchronization, even when there is a GitHub webhook configuration. If a webhook event is missed or not successfully delivered, the polling will help catch up on any missed updates. If this field is not provided and there is no webhookSecret key in the referenced secret, it will be implicitly defaulted to 15m. The dashboard will use this to regularly poll the GitHub API for updates on issues.
  • terminal: This enables the web terminal feature, read more about it here. When set, the terminal-controller-manager will be deployed to the runtime cluster. The allowedHosts field is explained here. The container section allows you to specify a container image and a description that should be used for the web terminals.
Garden Prometheus

gardener-operator deploys a Prometheus instance in the garden namespace (called "Garden Prometheus") which fetches metrics and data from garden system components, cAdvisors, the virtual cluster control plane, and the Seeds' aggregate Prometheus instances. Its purpose is to provide an entrypoint for operators when debugging issues with components running in the garden cluster. It also serves as the top-level aggregator of metering across a Gardener landscape.

To extend the configuration of the Garden Prometheus, you can create the prometheus-operator's custom resources and label them with prometheus=garden, for example:

kind: ServiceMonitor
    prometheus: garden
  name: garden-my-component
  namespace: garden
      app: my-component
  - metricRelabelings:
    - action: keep
      regex: ^(metric1|metric2|...)$
      - __name__
    port: metrics
Long-Term Prometheus

gardener-operator deploys another Prometheus instance in the garden namespace (called "Long-Term Prometheus") which federates metrics from Garden Prometheus. Its purpose is to store those with a longer retention than Garden Prometheus would. It is not possible to define different retention periods for different metrics in Prometheus, hence, using another Prometheus instance is the only option. This Long-term Prometheus also has an additional Cortex sidecar container for caching some queries to achieve faster processing times.

To extend the configuration of the Long-term Prometheus, you can create the prometheus-operator's custom resources and label them with prometheus=longterm, for example:

kind: ServiceMonitor
    prometheus: longterm
  name: longterm-my-component
  namespace: garden
      app: my-component
  - metricRelabelings:
    - action: keep
      regex: ^(metric1|metric2|...)$
      - __name__
    port: metrics

By default, the alertmanager-garden deployed by gardener-operator does not come with any configuration. It is the responsibility of the human operators to design and provide it. This can be done by creating resources labeled with alertmanager=garden (read more about them here), for example:

kind: AlertmanagerConfig
  name: config
  namespace: garden
    alertmanager: garden
    receiver: dev-null
    - alertname
    - landscape
    - continue: true
      groupWait: 3m
      groupInterval: 5m
      repeatInterval: 12h
      - receiver: ops
        - name: severity
          value: warning
          matchType: =
        - name: topology
          value: garden
          matchType: =
  - name: dev-null
  - name: ops
    - apiURL: https://<slack-api-url>
      channel: <channel-name>
      username: Gardener-Alertmanager
      iconEmoji: ":alert:"
      title: "[{{ .Status | toUpper }}] Gardener Alert(s)"
      text: "{{ range .Alerts }}*{{ .Annotations.summary }} ({{ .Status }})*\n{{ .Annotations.description }}\n\n{{ end }}"
      sendResolved: true

A Plutono instance is deployed by gardener-operator into the garden namespace for visualizing monitoring metrics and logs via dashboards. In order to provide custom dashboards, create a ConfigMap in the garden namespace labelled with that contains the respective JSON documents, for example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  labels: "true"
  name: my-custom-dashboard
  namespace: garden
  my-custom-dashboard.json: <dashboard-JSON-document>

This reconciler performs four "care" actions related to Gardens.

It maintains the following conditions:

  • VirtualGardenAPIServerAvailable: The /healthz endpoint of the garden's virtual-garden-kube-apiserver is called and considered healthy when it responds with 200 OK.
  • RuntimeComponentsHealthy: The conditions of the ManagedResources applied to the runtime cluster are checked (e.g., ResourcesApplied).
  • VirtualComponentsHealthy: The virtual components are considered healthy when the respective Deployments (for example virtual-garden-kube-apiserver,virtual-garden-kube-controller-manager), and Etcds (for example virtual-garden-etcd-main) exist and are healthy. Additionally, the conditions of the ManagedResources applied to the virtual cluster are checked (e.g., ResourcesApplied).
  • ObservabilityComponentsHealthy: This condition is considered healthy when the respective Deployments (for example plutono) and StatefulSets (for example prometheus, vali) exist and are healthy.

If all checks for a certain condition are succeeded, then its status will be set to True. Otherwise, it will be set to False or Progressing.

If at least one check fails and there is threshold configuration for the conditions (in .controllers.gardenCare.conditionThresholds), then the status will be set:

  • to Progressing if it was True before.
  • to Progressing if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition does not exceed the configured threshold duration yet.
  • to False if it was Progressing before and the lastUpdateTime of the condition exceeds the configured threshold duration.

The condition thresholds can be used to prevent reporting issues too early just because there is a rollout or a short disruption. Only if the unhealthiness persists for at least the configured threshold duration, then the issues will be reported (by setting the status to False).

In order to compute the condition statuses, this reconciler considers ManagedResources (in the garden and istio-system namespace) and their status, see this document for more information. The following table explains which ManagedResources are considered for which condition type:

Condition Type ManagedResources are considered when
RuntimeComponentsHealthy .spec.class=seed and label either unset, or set to RuntimeComponentsHealthy
VirtualComponentsHealthy .spec.class unset or label set to VirtualComponentsHealthy
ObservabilityComponentsHealthy label set to ObservabilityComponentsHealthy

Garden objects may specify references to other objects in the Garden cluster which are required for certain features. For example, operators can configure a secret for ETCD backup via or an audit policy ConfigMap via Such objects need a special protection against deletion requests as long as they are still being referenced by the Garden.

Therefore, this reconciler checks Gardens for referenced objects and adds the finalizer to their .metadata.finalizers list. The reconciled Garden also gets this finalizer to enable a proper garbage collection in case the gardener-operator is offline at the moment of an incoming deletion request. When an object is not actively referenced anymore because the Garden specification has changed is in deletion, the controller will remove the added finalizer again so that the object can safely be deleted or garbage collected.

This reconciler inspects the following references:

  • ETCD backup Secrets (.spec.virtualCluster.etcd.main.backup.secretRef)
  • Admission plugin kubeconfig Secrets (.spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.admissionPlugins[].kubeconfigSecretName and .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.admissionPlugins[].kubeconfigSecretName)
  • Authentication webhook kubeconfig Secrets (.spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.authentication.webhook.kubeconfigSecretName)
  • Audit webhook kubeconfig Secrets (.spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.auditWebhook.kubeconfigSecretName and .spec.virtualCluster.gardener.gardenerAPIServer.auditWebhook.kubeconfigSecretName)
  • SNI Secrets (.spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.sni.secretName)
  • Audit policy ConfigMaps ( and

Further checks might be added in the future.

This controller registers controllers, which need to be installed in two contexts. If the Garden cluster is at the same time used as a Seed cluster, the gardener-operator will start these controllers. If the Garden cluster is separate from the Seed cluster, the controllers will be started by gardenlet.

Currently, this applies to two controllers:

The registration happens as soon as the Garden resource is created. It contains the networking information of the garden runtime cluster which is required configuration for the NetworkPolicy controller.

Gardener relies on extensions to provide various capabilities, such as supporting cloud providers. This controller automates the management of extensions by managing all necessary resources in the runtime and virtual garden clusters.

Currently, this controller only supports the reconciliation of ControllerDeployment and ControllerRegistration resources in the virtual garden cluster.

The Gardenlet controller reconciles a resource in case there is no Seed yet with the same name. This is used to allow easy deployments of gardenlets into unmanaged seed clusters. For a general overview, see this document.

On Gardenlet reconciliation, the controller deploys the gardenlet to the cluster (either its own, or the one provided via the .spec.kubeconfigSecretRef) after downloading the Helm chart specified in .spec.deployment.helm.ociRepository and rendering it with the provided values/configuration.

On Gardenlet deletion, nothing happens: gardenlets must always be deleted manually (by deleting the Seed and, once gone, then the gardenlet Deployment).


This controller only takes care of the very first gardenlet deployment (since it only reacts when there is no Seed resource yet). After the gardenlet is running, it uses the self-upgrade mechanism by watching the (see this for more details.)

After a successful Garden reconciliation, gardener-operator also updates the .spec.deployment.helm.ociRepository.ref to its own version in all Gardenlet resources labeled with gardenlets then updates themselves.

⚠️ If you prefer to manage the Gardenlet resources via GitOps, Flux, or similar tools, then you should better manage the .spec.deployment.helm.ociRepository.ref field yourself and not label the resources as mentioned above (to prevent gardener-operator from interfering with your desired state). Make sure to apply your Gardenlet resources (potentially containing a new version) after the Garden resource was successfully reconciled (i.e., after Gardener control plane was successfully rolled out, see this for more information.)


As of today, the gardener-operator only has one webhook handler which is now described in more detail.


This webhook handler validates CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE operations on Garden resources. Simple validation is performed via standard CRD validation. However, more advanced validation is hard to express via these means and is performed by this webhook handler.

Furthermore, for deletion requests, it is validated that the Garden is annotated with a deletion confirmation annotation, namely Only if this annotation is present it allows the DELETE operation to pass. This prevents users from accidental/undesired deletions.

Another validation is to check that there is only one Garden resource at a time. It prevents creating a second Garden when there is already one in the system.


This webhook handler mutates the Garden resource on CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE operations. Simple defaulting is performed via standard CRD defaulting. However, more advanced defaulting is hard to express via these means and is performed by this webhook handler.

Using Garden Runtime Cluster As Seed Cluster

In production scenarios, you probably wouldn't use the Kubernetes cluster running gardener-operator and the Gardener control plane (called "runtime cluster") as seed cluster at the same time. However, such setup is technically possible and might simplify certain situations (e.g., development, evaluation, ...).

If the runtime cluster is a seed cluster at the same time, gardenlet's Seed controller will not manage the components which were already deployed (and reconciled) by gardener-operator. As of today, this applies to:

  • gardener-resource-manager
  • vpa-{admission-controller,recommender,updater}
  • hvpa-controller (when HVPA feature gate is enabled)
  • etcd-druid
  • istio control-plane
  • nginx-ingress-controller

Those components are so-called "seed system components". In addition, there are a few observability components:

  • fluent-operator
  • fluent-bit
  • vali
  • plutono
  • kube-state-metrics
  • prometheus-operator

As all of these components are managed by gardener-operator in this scenario, the gardenlet just skips them.

ℹ️ There is no need to configure anything - the gardenlet will automatically detect when its seed cluster is the garden runtime cluster at the same time.

⚠️ Note that such setup requires that you upgrade the versions of gardener-operator and gardenlet in lock-step. Otherwise, you might experience unexpected behaviour or issues with your seed or shoot clusters.

Credentials Rotation

The credentials rotation works in the same way as it does for Shoot resources, i.e. there are annotation values for starting or completing the rotation procedures.

For certificate authorities, gardener-operator generates one which is automatically rotated roughly each month (ca-garden-runtime) and several CAs which are NOT automatically rotated but only on demand.

🚨 Hence, it is the responsibility of the (human) operator to regularly perform the credentials rotation.

Please refer to this document for more details. As of today, gardener-operator only creates the following types of credentials (i.e., some sections of the document don't apply for Gardens and can be ignored):

  • certificate authorities (and related server and client certificates)
  • ETCD encryption key
  • observability password for Plutono
  • ServiceAccount token signing key

⚠️ Rotation of static ServiceAccount secrets is not supported since the kube-controller-manager does not enable the serviceaccount-token controller.

When the ServiceAccount token signing key rotation is in Preparing phase, then gardener-operator annotates all Seeds with This causes gardenlet to populate new ServiceAccount tokens for the garden cluster to all extensions, which are now signed with the new signing key. Read more about it here.

Similarly, when the CA certificate rotation is in Preparing phase, then gardener-operator annotates all Seeds with This causes gardenlet to request a new client certificate for its garden cluster kubeconfig, which is now signed with the new client CA, and which also contains the new CA bundle for the server certificate verification. Read more about it here.

Migrating an Existing Gardener Landscape to gardener-operator

Since gardener-operator was only developed in 2023, six years after the Gardener project initiation, most users probably already have an existing Gardener landscape. The most prominent installation procedure is garden-setup, however experience shows that most community members have developed their own tooling for managing the garden cluster and the Gardener control plane components.

Consequently, providing a general migration guide is not possible since the detailed steps vary heavily based on how the components were set up previously. As a result, this section can only highlight the most important caveats and things to know, while the concrete migration steps must be figured out individually based on the existing installation.

Please test your migration procedure thoroughly. Note that in some cases it can be easier to set up a fresh landscape with gardener-operator, restore the ETCD data, switch the DNS records, and issue new credentials for all clients.

Please make sure that you configure all your desired fields in the Garden resource.


gardener-operator leverages etcd-druid for managing the virtual-garden-etcd-main and virtual-garden-etcd-events, similar to how shoot cluster control planes are handled. The PersistentVolumeClaim names differ slightly - for virtual-garden-etcd-events it's virtual-garden-etcd-events-virtual-garden-etcd-events-0, while for virtual-garden-etcd-main it's main-virtual-garden-etcd-virtual-garden-etcd-main-0. The easiest approach for the migration is to make your existing ETCD volumes follow the same naming scheme. Alternatively, backup your data, let gardener-operator take over ETCD, and then restore your data to the new volume.

The backup bucket must be created separately, and its name as well as the respective credentials must be provided via the Garden resource in .spec.virtualCluster.etcd.main.backup.

virtual-garden-kube-apiserver Deployment

gardener-operator deploys a virtual-garden-kube-apiserver into the runtime cluster. This virtual-garden-kube-apiserver spans a new cluster, called the virtual cluster. There are a few certificates and other credentials that should not change during the migration. You have to prepare the environment accordingly by leveraging the secret's manager capabilities.

  • The existing Cluster CA Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=ca.
  • The existing Client CA Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=ca-client.
  • The existing Front Proxy CA Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=ca-front-proxy.
  • The existing Service Account Signing Key Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=service-account-key.
  • The existing ETCD Encryption Key Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=kube-apiserver-etcd-encryption-key.

virtual-garden-kube-apiserver Exposure

The virtual-garden-kube-apiserver is exposed via a dedicated istio-ingressgateway deployed to namespace virtual-garden-istio-ingress. The virtual-garden-kube-apiserver Service in the garden namespace is only of type ClusterIP. Consequently, DNS records for this API server must target the load balancer IP of the istio-ingressgateway.

Virtual Garden Kubeconfig

gardener-operator does not generate any static token or likewise for access to the virtual cluster. Ideally, human users access it via OIDC only. Alternatively, you can create an auto-rotated token that you can use for automation like CI/CD pipelines:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: shoot-access-virtual-garden
  namespace: garden
  labels: token-requestor shoot
  annotations: virtual-garden-user kube-system 3h
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: managedresource-virtual-garden-access
  namespace: garden
type: Opaque
stringData: |
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: virtual-garden-user
      namespace: kube-system
kind: ManagedResource
  name: virtual-garden-access
  namespace: garden
  - name: managedresource-virtual-garden-access

The shoot-access-virtual-garden Secret will get a .data.token field which can be used to authenticate against the virtual garden cluster. See also this document for more information about the TokenRequestor.


Similar to the virtual-garden-kube-apiserver, the gardener-apiserver also uses a few certificates and other credentials that should not change during the migration. Again, you have to prepare the environment accordingly by leveraging the secret's manager capabilities.

  • The existing ETCD Encryption Key Secret should be labeled with secrets-manager-use-data-for-name=gardener-apiserver-etcd-encryption-key.

Also note that gardener-operator manages the Service and Endpoints resources for the gardener-apiserver in the virtual cluster within the kube-system namespace (garden-setup uses the garden namespace).

Local Development

The easiest setup is using a local KinD cluster and the Skaffold based approach to deploy and develop the gardener-operator.

Setting Up the KinD Cluster (runtime cluster)

make kind-operator-up

This command sets up a new KinD cluster named gardener-local and stores the kubeconfig in the ./example/gardener-local/kind/operator/kubeconfig file.

It might be helpful to copy this file to $HOME/.kube/config, since you will need to target this KinD cluster multiple times. Alternatively, make sure to set your KUBECONFIG environment variable to ./example/gardener-local/kind/operator/kubeconfig for all future steps via export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/example/gardener-local/kind/operator/kubeconfig.

All the following steps assume that you are using this kubeconfig.

Setting Up Gardener Operator

make operator-up

This will first build the base images (which might take a bit if you do it for the first time). Afterwards, the Gardener Operator resources will be deployed into the cluster.

Developing Gardener Operator (Optional)

make operator-dev

This is similar to make operator-up but additionally starts a skaffold dev loop. After the initial deployment, skaffold starts watching source files. Once it has detected changes, press any key to trigger a new build and deployment of the changed components.

Debugging Gardener Operator (Optional)

make operator-debug

This is similar to make gardener-debug but for Gardener Operator component. Please check Debugging Gardener for details.

Creating a Garden

In order to create a garden, just run:

kubectl apply -f example/operator/20-garden.yaml

You can wait for the Garden to be ready by running:

./hack/usage/ garden local VirtualGardenAPIServerAvailable VirtualComponentsHealthy

Alternatively, you can run kubectl get garden and wait for the RECONCILED status to reach True:

local   Processing       False     False     False        False           1s

(Optional): Instead of creating above Garden resource manually, you could execute the e2e tests by running:

make test-e2e-local-operator

Accessing the Virtual Garden Cluster

⚠️ Please note that in this setup, the virtual garden cluster is not accessible by default when you download the kubeconfig and try to communicate with it. The reason is that your host most probably cannot resolve the DNS name of the cluster. Hence, if you want to access the virtual garden cluster, you have to run the following command which will extend your /etc/hosts file with the required information to make the DNS names resolvable:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

# Manually created to access local Gardener virtual garden cluster.
# TODO: Remove this again when the virtual garden cluster access is no longer required.

To access the virtual garden, you can acquire a kubeconfig by

kubectl -n garden get secret gardener -o jsonpath={.data.kubeconfig} | base64 -d > /tmp/virtual-garden-kubeconfig
kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/virtual-garden-kubeconfig get namespaces

Note that this kubeconfig uses a token that has validity of 12h only, hence it might expire and causing you to re-download the kubeconfig.

Creating Seeds and Shoots

You can also create Seeds and Shoots from your local development setup. Please see here for details.

Deleting the Garden

./hack/usage/delete garden local

Tear Down the Gardener Operator Environment

make operator-down
make kind-operator-down