- catamorphism
- paramorphism
- futumorphism
- mutumorphism
- zygomorphism
- prepromorphism
- generalized anamorphism
- histomorphism
- dynamorphism
- chronomorphism
- synchromorphism (see this paper: https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/imperia/md/content/fakultaetfuermathematikundinformatik/forschung/berichte/bericht_266.pdf)
- anamorphism
- apomorphism
- postpromorphism
- hylomorphism
- monadic versions
- fancy type-level chicanery
- Mu, Nu fix-point functors
- zygomorphism
- elgot algebra
- Collatz sequence?
- hylomorphism
- catamorphism
- cata/ana/hylo laws
- termination proofs?
- make nix expression fetch/install dependencies?
- script to bump dependencies to newest commit & attendant sha hash