- issue#37 Update Release Notes for publishing build.
Gradle Plugin Extension param and--releaseNotes
CLI param description.
- issue#39: Java 8 incompatibility
- CheryPick from v1.3.* issue#38: Publishing bug: The package is being compiled, please try again
- issue#36: publishHuaweiAppGallery* task not created for all build types. The plugin create publishing task for debuggable build too.
- issue#38: Publishing bug: "The package is being compiled, please try again". Huawei changed the behavior of current api url for apk build copied it as for aab with waiting for review.
- Support of Detekt.
- Execute GitHub actions to run detekt checks on each push and pull request.
- issue#32: Fix correct finding of aab and apk build files.
- issue#33: Publish task must run after assemble and bundle tasks.
- issue#25: Gradle 7.0 / Android Gradle Plugin 7.0 support
- add unit tests to automated github actions
- Support of Gradle Portal and Gradle DSL..
- Removed
plugin extension params as unsecured way for them setting.
- issue#21: App publication requires additional manual step to be available for users
- If you are using AppBundle the current plugin version supports only Android Gradle Plugin v4.1.* due to AGP Issue. If you are using APK, then AGP version and Plugin version are irrelevant.
- issue#11: Handle Api Error for wrong
values; - issue#16: Plugin incorrectly detect AppBundle file location for AGP v4.1.*;
- Support of release phases
- Rename credentials parameter:
- Replace
plugin option ondeployType
- issue#7: AppBundle publication error: The file is being processed. It may take 2-5 minutes, depending on the size of the software package
- issue#10: Get error "call cds to query app information failed" for publishing with release phase
- Support AppBundle
- Support system proxy
- Add CLI params for dynamically changes the plugin extension params
- Issue#2: Error on upload: 'The language does not exist!'
- Update dependencies: kotlin-1.3.72, gradle-6.6
- Added
param to separate uploading and publishing a build file
- Support different Plugin settings for different buildTypes and flavors
- First release version
First released version. Support:
- Publish APK in Huawei AppGallery and submit it on all users after getting store approve