- use "phpstan/phpdoc-parser" for more phpdocs
- add support for "readonly" properties
- replace deprecated "parts" property from nikic/PHP-Parser
- use "phpstan/phpdoc-parser" as fallback for parameters e.g. for
types - use php types
- add more tests
- try to fix autoload #11
- inheritDoc: use all types (not only from phpdoc) from parent classes & interfaces
- add more tests
- support "::class" from PHP 8
- fix fatal error for non existing classes
- update "phpdocumentor/type-resolver" (with support for int-ranges)
- clean-up some errors reported by phpstan
- quick-fix for missing namespaces in types
- optimize NULL detecting from reflection for types
- "BasePHPClass" -> add more information from reflection
- "PHPConst" -> add "visibility"
- use native php reflection, instead of (slower) better reflection
- remove "react/filesystem" (not working with phar files)
- temporary fix for phpdoc like
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- "PhpCodeParser" -> optimize exception handling of "amphp/parallel" for async code analyse per file
- "PhpCodeParser" -> ignore exceptions from auto loaded external classes
- "PhpCodeParser" -> allow different file extensions
- fix php variable detection
- save the raw phpdoc for "@return" and "@param" v2
- save the raw phpdoc for "@return" and "@param"
- support for modern phpdocs for "@param" and "@return"
- update vendor libs
- PHP 7.2 as minimal requirement
- remove custom PseudoTypes for phpDocumentor (PseudoTypes are now build in into phpDocumentor itself)
- add more tests for "PhpCodeParser->getFunctionsInfo()"
- save special phpdoc @tags and the content of these tags
- optimize performance via static cache
- move "PhpCodeChecker" in a separate repository
- move "PhpCodeDumpApi" in a separate repository
- clean-up vendor dependencies
- "PhpCodeCheckerCommand" -> allow to exclude some files
- optimize parallel execution (cpu cores === max parallel executions)
- update vendor (phpdocumentor & better-reflection)
- "PhpCodeParser" -> add "getFromClassName()"
- "PhpCodeParser" -> fix for inheritdoc comments
- "PHPTrait" -> add support for "Trait"-files
- "PhpCodeParser" -> fix cache key
- "PhpCodeChecker" -> fix the autoloader parameter
- "PHPInterface" -> fix recursion
- "PhpCodeParser" -> analyse only ".php" files in the given path
- "PhpCodeParser" -> ignore errors outside the current file-path-scope
- "PhpCodeParser" -> use more generic autoloader logic
- "PhpCodeChecker" -> fix more inheritdoc errors
- "PhpCodeChecker" -> check wrong phpdocs from class properties
- "PhpCodeParser" -> allow to exclude some files
- replace PhpReflection with BetterReflection v2
- fix bugs reported by PhpStan & PhpCodeCheck
- replace PhpReflection with BetterReflection
- "PhpCodeParser" -> fetch phpdoc-data for @inheritdoc
- "ParserErrorHandler" -> show more parsing errors in the results
- "PHPInterface" -> fix PhpReflection usage
- "PHPDefineConstant" -> fix php warning
- "PhpCodeChecker" -> fix "$skipMixedTypesAsError" usage
- "PHPFunction" -> fix phpdoc parsing error
- add default values for parameter and properties
- add types from default values
- normalize types (e.g. double => float)
- "PHPClass" fix phpdoc
- add "PhpCodeChecker"-class
- fix code issues reported by psalm + phpstan
- use "amphp/parallel" for async code analyse per file
- init (forked from "JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs")
- add "PHPProperties"
- add "PHP Reflection" AND / OR "nikic/PHP-Parser"
- get phpdocs types via phpDocumentor (+ psalm)