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File metadata and controls

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Examples of Week Track Graph

The following shows how to render charts using dataviewjs

Create a week track graph for a fixed time period

Week track graph for fixed year

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const from = '2022-01-01'
const to = '2022-12-31'
const data = [
		date: '2022-01-01', // yyyy-MM-dd
		value: 1
		date: '2022-02-01', // yyyy-MM-dd
		value: 2
		date: '2022-03-01', // yyyy-MM-dd
		value: 3
		date: '2022-04-01', // yyyy-MM-dd
		value: 4
		date: '2022-05-01', // yyyy-MM-dd
		value: 5

const calendarData = {
    title:  `${from} to ${to}`, // graph title
    data: data, // data
    fromDate: from, // from date, yyyy-MM-dd
    toDate: to // to date, yyyy-MM-dd
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Week track graph for current year

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const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
const from = currentYear + '-01-01'
const to = currentYear + '-12-31'
const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p =>  p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd')) // 
	.map(entry =>{
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length

const calendarData = {
    title:  `${from} to ${to}`,
    data: data,
    fromDate: from,
    toDate: to
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Week track graph for current month

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const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
const month = new Date().getMonth()// 0~11
const nextMonth = month + 1
const lastDayOfCurrentMonth = new Date(currentYear, nextMonth, 0).getDate()
const formattedLastDayOfCurrentMonth = lastDayOfCurrentMonth < 10 ? '0'+lastDayOfCurrentMonth:lastDayOfCurrentMonth
const formattedMonth = month < 9 ? '0' + (month+1): '' + (month+1)
const from = `${currentYear}-${formattedMonth}-01'`
const to = `${currentYear}-${formattedMonth}-${formattedLastDayOfCurrentMonth}'`

const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(entry => {
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length

const calendarData = {
    title:  `${from} to ${to}`,
    data: data,
    fromDate: from,
    toDate: to
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

week track graph for current week

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function formatDateString(date) {
  var year = date.getFullYear();
  var month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
  var day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
  return year + '-' + month + '-' + day;

function getStartAndEndOfWeek() {
  var currentDate = new Date();
  var currentDayOfWeek = currentDate.getDay();
  var diffToStartOfWeek = currentDayOfWeek === 0 ? 6 : currentDayOfWeek - 1;
  var startOfWeek = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() - diffToStartOfWeek);
  var endOfWeek = new Date(startOfWeek.getFullYear(), startOfWeek.getMonth(), startOfWeek.getDate() + 6);
  var formattedStart = formatDateString(startOfWeek);
  var formattedEnd = formatDateString(endOfWeek);
  return {
    start: formattedStart,
    end: formattedEnd

const data = [] // your data here
const weekDate = getStartAndEndOfWeek()
const from = weekDate.start
const to = weekDate.end

const calendarData = {
    title:  `${from} to ${to}`,
    data: data,
    fromDate: from,
    toDate: to
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Create a week track graph at relative time periods

fixed dates, you can also use the days attribute to generate a chart of relative dates

Week track graph in the lastest 365 days

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const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(entry =>{
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length
const calendarData = {
    days: 365,
    title: 'Contributions in the last 365 days ',
    data: data
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Settings for the week track grapg

Begin with Monday

By default, the first row represents Sunday, you can change it by configuring startOfWeek, the allowable values is 0~6

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const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
const from = currentYear + '-01-01'
const to = currentYear + '-12-31'
const data = dv.pages('""')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(p =>  {
		return {
			date: p.key,
			value: p.rows.length

const calendarData = {
    title:  `${from} to ${to}`,
    data: data,
    fromDate: from,
    toDate: to,
    startOfWeek: 1 // set to 1 means start with monday
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Customize cell click event

By configuring the oncellclick attribute, you can set the cell click behavior you want.

The following shows an example of automatically performing a keyword search after clicking on a cell.

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const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(entry =>{
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length
const calendarData = {
    days: 365,
    title: 'Contributions in the last 365 days ',
    data: data,
    onCellClick: (item) => {
	    // generate search key
	    const key = `["tags":project] ["createTime":${}]`
	    // use global-search plugin to search data
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Customize Cells

By configuring the cellStyleRules attribute, you can customize the cell's background color or inner text

if the number of contributions at a specified date is larger or equal to min, less than max, then the rule will be matched

min <= {contributions} < max

name type description
color string hex color
min number the min contribution
max number the max contribution
  • customize background color

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const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.filter(p => p.createTime)
	.groupBy(p => p.createTime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd')) // your shold hava createTime field
	.map(entry =>{
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length
const calendarData = {
    days: 365,
    title: 'Contributions in the last 365 days ',
    data: data,
    onCellClick: (item) => {
	    const key = `["tags":project] ["createTime":${}]`
    cellStyleRules: [
			color: "#f1d0b4",
			min: 1,
			max: 2,
			color: "#e6a875",
			min: 2,
			max: 3,
			color: "#d97d31",
			min: 3,
			max: 4,
			color: "#b75d13",
			min: 4,
			max: 999,
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Customize inner text

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const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(entry =>{
		return {
			date: entry.key,
			value: entry.rows.length
const calendarData = {
    days: 365,
    title: 'Contributions in the last 365 days ',
    data: data,
    onCellClick: (item) => {
	    const key = `["tags":project] ["createTime":${}]`
    cellStyleRules: [
		    min: 1,
		    max: 2,
		    text: '🌲'
		    min: 2,
		    max: 3,
		    text: '😥'
		    min: 3,
		    max: 4,
		    text: '✈'
		    min: 4,
		    max: 99,
		    text: '✈'
renderContributionGraph(this.container, calendarData)

Use Month Track Graph

In addition to the weekly tracking chart (the default), you can also generate a monthly tracking chart.

In a monthly tracking chart, each row represents the date of an entire month, like this

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Configuration is very simple, just set the graphType to month-track and you're good to go!

const from = '2022-01-01'
const to = '2022-12-31'
const data = dv.pages('#project')
	.groupBy(p => p.file.ctime.toFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
	.map(entry => {
		return { date: entry.key, value: entry.rows.length }

const options = {
    title: `Contributions from ${from} to ${to}`,
    data: data,
    days: 365,
    fromDate: from,
    toDate: to,
    graphType: "month-track" // set this field value as 'month-track'
renderContributionGraph(this.container, options)

Use Calendar Graph

Same as the previous example, it's only need to set the graphType to calendar and you will get a calendar graph

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Full Render Configuration

export class ContributionGraphConfig {
	 * the title of the graph
	title = "Contribution Graph";

	 * the style of the titleo
	titleStyle: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {};

	 * recent days to show
	days?: number | undefined;

	 * the start date of the graph,if `days` is set, this value will be ignored
	fromDate?: Date | string | undefined;

	 * the end date of the graph,if `days` is set, this value will be ignored
	toDate?: Date | string | undefined;

	 * the data to show at cell
	data: Contribution[];

	 * the rules to style the cell
	cellStyleRules: CellStyleRule[] = DEFAULT_RULES;

	 * set false to hide rule indicators
	showCellRuleIndicators = true;

	 * `default`: every column is a week day from top to bottom
	 * `month-track`: every row is a month from left to right
	 * default value: `default`
	graphType: "default" | "month-track" | "calendar" = "default";

	 * value range: 0->Sunday, 1->Monday, 2->Tuesday, 3->Wednesday, 4->Thursday, 5->Friday, 6->Saturday
	 * default value: 0
	 * notice: it's not work when `graphType` is `month-track`
	startOfWeek: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 = 0;

	 * callback when cell is clicked
	onCellClick?: (
		cellData: ContributionCellData,
		event: MouseEvent | undefined
	) => void | undefined;

export interface Contribution {
	 * the date of the contribution, format: yyyy-MM-dd
	date: string;
	 * the value of the contribution
	value: number;
	 * the summary of the contribution, will be shown when hover on the cell
	summary: string | undefined;

export interface CellStyleRule {
	// the background color for the cell
	color: string;
	// the text in the cell
	text?: string | undefined;
	// the inlusive min value
	min: number;
	// the exclusive max value
	max: number;