- core.js - polyfill library to support older browsers
- sanitize.css - css normalization library to set default, cross-browser stylings
- webpack: module and asset bundler
- webpack-cli: command line interface for Webpack
- webpack-merge: simplify development/production configuration
- webpack-node-externals: exclude node modules in Webpack
- style-loader
- mini-css-extract-loader
- css-loader
- postcss-loader
- sass-loader
- html-loader
- babel-loader
- ts-loader
- File Processing
- MiniCssExtractPlugin
- HtmlWebPackPlugin
- PreloadWebpackPlugin
- FaviconsWebpackPlugin
- Minifiers
- TerserPlugin (Comes bundled with Webpack)
- CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin
- ImageminPlugin
- Linters
- ESLintWebpackPlugin
- StylelintWebpackPlugin
- Validators
- HtmlValidateWebpackPlugin
- Miscellaneous
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer
- imagemin-webp - (separately generate webp images)
- Babel: transpile modern JavaScript into browser recognizable JavaScript
- @babel/preset-env: a collection of babel plugins with smart defaults
- @babel/plugin-transform-runtime: enables the re-use of Babel's injected helper code to save on codesize
- @babel/runtime: babel's modular runtime helpers
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties: transforms static class properties
- PostCSS: automate routine CSS operations using JavaScript
- postcss-preset-env: transpile modern CSS into browser recognizable CSS
- postcss-import: consume local files, node modules or web_modules
- Autoprefixer: automatically add vendor prefixes to styles (included with postcss-preset-env)
- Browserlist: share target browsers between different front-end tools
- Express: server framework for Node.js
- serverless-http: allows you to 'wrap' your API for serverless use (used for hosting on Netlify)
- webpack-dev-server: development server that provides live/hot reloading
- Jest - JavaScript testing framework
- babel-jest: Jest plugin to use Babel for transformation
- ts-jest: preprocessor to use TypeScript with Jest
- jest-transform-stub: avoid errors when importing non-JS assets
- Prettier: formatter for scripts and styles
- EditorConfig: general file formatter for your editor/IDE
- ESLint: script linter
- Parsers
- @babel/eslint-parser
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- Plugins
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-import
- Extentions
- eslint:recommended
- eslint-config-airbnb-base
- eslint-config-prettier
- plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended
- eslint-config-airbnb-typescript
- Parsers
- StyleLint: stylesheet linter
- Plugins
- stylelint-order
- stylelint-scss
- stylelint-prettier
- Extentions
- stylelint-config-standard (includes stylelint-config-recommended)
- stylelint-config-recommended-scss
- stylelint-config-sass-guidelines
- stylelint-config-prettier
- Plugins
- HTML-validate: offline HTML5 validator
- Plugins
- html-validate:recommended (includes html-validate:standard, html-validate:a17y)
- Plugins